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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Links - 17th June 2023 (1 - Diversity)

Meme - Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack: "Diversity Hires are now describing THEMSELVES as "checkmarks"."
Preston Mitchum @PrestonMitchum: "It's May 23rd. If these companies haven't started contacting you about #PrideMonth events by now, I have two suggestions: 1/ Reject them when they do; or 2/ Double your ask. Triple if you're Black or brown, disabled, etc. You're their checkmark. Get paid for it."

Meme - "Disney remakes! original cartoon, live action remake
Go on Disney, I dare you make a movie about a black man living in the jungle and raised by apes."

Meme - "Disney presents Snow White *Black woman*"

Meme - "Social justice warriors trying to write fiction:
Whoops! Looks like I don't know how to write story, character or plot! Guess I'll have to use something else.

Eric Lander Is Not the Ideal Choice for Presidential Science Adviser - Scientific American - "Despite this slate of diverse leadership, we can’t help but notice that the recently announced nomination of presidential science adviser Eric Lander fails to meet the moment... There was certainly no shortage of options, with a deep bench of qualified women and Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) whose expertise and experience can transform the place of science as a tool for justice."
Liberals still pretend that white and male privilege means that white men get a leg up, when they actually get one deprioritised

Kumail Nanjiani: Studios Refuse to Cast Non-White Actors as Bad Guys - "Kumail Nanjiani says Hollywood is still limiting the kinds of roles that actors of color can play.  The Eternals, Big Sick and Silicon Valley actor, who is promoting his recent Hulu limited series Welcome to Chippendales, said in a new interview that decision-makers are reluctant to cast nonwhite actors in villain roles... “And that’s just as limiting as anything else,” Nanjiani said. “I want to play more bad guys.” He pointed to actor Sebastian Stan, who plays Marvel superhero the Winter Solider as well as a cannibal in the 2022 movie Fresh. “He does these big Marvel movies, and then he’ll play a psychopath,” he says. “I was told that’s going to be hard because people don’t want to cast nonwhite people as bad guys.”   In Welcome to Chippendales, Nanjiani plays the iconic strip club’s Indian founder, Somen “Steve” Banerjee, as he goes from an up-and-coming businessman in the 1980s to a vilified accessory to murder in the early ’90s. Nanjiani added that he suspects such a role would have gone to a white actor if the project wasn’t based on a true story."
Diversity means only white people can be evil

Russell T Davies lambasts diversity fixation of ‘rubbish’ new TV writers - "Doctor Who’s showrunner has criticised a new wave of “rubbish” TV screenwriters who are more interested in diversity than television.  Russell T Davies, the award-winning writer who is overseeing future episodes of the long-running sci-fi favourite planned by the BBC, has decried the quality of emerging creatives.  Many script writers are in the television industry to “increase representation”, Davies has claimed, and their work is “rubbish”.  He said: “I do a lot of mentoring, and there are voices wanting to be heard – of any gender or ethnicity – who consider themselves invisible.  “They hate the media that ignores them, and they’re trapped into wanting a job in that medium purely to increase representation. I read their scripts and they’re rubbish.  “They don’t actually love television, so they don’t know how to write for it.” Doctor Who has itself been criticised for pushing a perceived political agenda with its recent storylines, which have included a time-travelling episode taking in the bus protest of  Rosa Parks, and moves to make the main cast more diverse.  Davies, who revived the series in 2005, has returned as showrunner to oversee future episodes after the most recent run suffered a mixed reception, with a new series set to launch in 2023.  Fellow creative Mark Gatiss, speaking to The Sunday Times, also shared his concern about the quality of emerging TV creatives, saying: “Sometimes I think I’m like Pollyanna because I’ve met so many people over the years who hate making television.
Why so much Western media is shit now
We'll still be told that those who think the media has an agenda are paranoid far right conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation

Mental health consequences of minority political positions: The case of brexit - "The group density effect, where a group member's psychiatric risk is associated with the proportion of the local population their group comprises, demonstrates the importance of minority group status to mental health. Previous research, focusing on ethnicity, has been correlational, but newly-formed identities provide opportunities for natural experiments, with greater scope for causal inference. This study examines whether such a group density effect can be found for the novel Brexit identities of ‘leaver’ and ‘remainer’ following the UK's divisive 2016 referendum on EU membership. Mixed effects models were fitted to the Understanding Society panel survey series (N = 25,555, 19,767 for analyses controlling for pre-referendum mental health data), predicting mental health as a function of individual opinion on EU membership and local referendum results. These interacted such that those holding the local majority opinion had better mental health (Odds ratio (OR):875 [0.766- 0.9995]), compared to those in the minority. This result survived adjustment for individual and area-level economic circumstances (OR:866 [0.758-0.989]), and, strikingly, pre-referendum mental health (OR: 0.841 [0.709-0.998]), as well as a number of other potential confounding variables. The results provide evidence for rapidly forming group density effects based on de novo identities, and suggest that identity may be a causal mechanism for group density effects more broadly. They also speak to the extent of polarisation in the Brexit-era UK, and its public health consequences"
The original research on race suggests that diversity is bad for "minorities"

Valve's unusual corporate structure causes its problems, report suggests - "It's well-known that Valve doesn't work like other game studios. Valve's flat corporate structure means that, as its own New Employee Handbook (opens in new tab) reads, "we don’t have any management, and nobody 'reports to' anybody else. We do have a founder/president, but even he isn't your manager." The symbol of this freedom is the office's wheeled desks, which allow employees to form ad hoc teams by moving together when someone—anyone—proposes a project that interests others, then wheeling away once they decide to move on... Another effect was to reinforce Valve's lack of diversity. More than one interviewee highlighted that, even compared to the rest of the videogame industry, Valve is an extremely white and male company. While at other studios a diverse-hiring initiative would come from management, at Valve it had to come from the employees themselves... Another occasion when Valve's flat structure seems to have affected decision-making was its response to indie developers pulling their games from Steam as a criticism of Valve's silence on Black Lives Matter"
When you need to shove diversity and social justice into everything and the ground does not support it
When liberals hate democracy and egalitarianism because it means they can't push their agenda

Meme - Adaoma Okonkwo: "Portsmouth is miles better now, the more racial diversity in a society or municipality,the better, no matter what the brexit gammon might tell you. Frankly, Portsmouth in the 1930s was hideously white"
We are still told liberals don't hate white people. Imagine saying hideously (any other race)
If non-white countries don't have racial diversity, does that mean they are shitholes?

Idris Elba says he no longer calls himself a Black actor because it puts him in a ‘box’ - "Idris Elba has said he no longer calls himself a “Black actor” because the label puts him in a “box”. The Luther star said that “as humans, we are obsessed with race” and that the “obsession can really hinder people’s aspirations” and “growth”... “As you get up the ladder, you get asked what it’s like to be the first Black to do this or that,” he said. “Well it’s the same as it would be if I were white. It’s the first time for me. I don’t want to be the first Black. I’m the first Idris.” Elba said that he is aware that in “many cases, I might be the first to look like me to do a certain thing. And that’s good, to leave as part of my legacy”. He continued: “So that other people, Black kids, but also white kids growing up in circumstances I grew up in, are able to see there was a kid who came from Canning Town who ended up doing what I do. It can be done.”"

Meme - Chelsea Klukas: "A woman at another big tech company (that I won't name) told me a male leader responded to a question on diversity goals with "diversity is a luxury, right now we need to focus on people who can do the job" A lot to unpack there, & an unsurprising view we knew many had all along."
Male leaders are so evil that they don't prioritise diversity even though everyone knows it leads to better outcomes
When times are tough, the truth comes out

Cambridge planned to block white students from applying for course - "The university’s School of Arts and Humanities internally promoted “an exciting new widening participation project” that will “give an opportunity for students from under-represented groups to experience postgraduate research at Cambridge”... It said the new scheme was needed because the school “has had massive offer gaps between Oxbridge pathway and others – and most of our under-represented groups apply from outside Oxbridge”. This would “encourage more applications from candidates outside of its traditional recruitment pathways”... in the “call for supervisors” on Feb 6, lecturers were told: “The programme will be advertised for second or third year UG [undergraduate] students from Black, British Black, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or British-Pakistani, British Bangladeshi students studying at traditional research-intensive universities, who are planning to continue their studies in 2024.”... the initial plan to exclude of white working-class students has sparked concern about Cambridge’s diversity priorities. Prof David Abulafia, a leading historian at Gonville and Caius College, told The Telegraph: “It’s good that the programme has been recalibrated so that the criterion is disadvantage rather than race. The racial criterion seemed to assume non-white students are automatically disadvantaged. Isn’t that a little bit racist?”... One source claimed the original plan represented “race-based social engineering”, while another source described the broad-brush description of black and black-British people in the internal memo as a “racial stereotype”."
White privilege strikes again. It's okay, though this was pulled, they can just reject all the white people who apply so they can game diversity metrics
How are you going to distinguish Pakistanis from Indians?

CBC staff discover confidential diversity responses in online HR files - "Some CBC employees say they felt “surprised” and “betrayed” after sensitive private information, including their sexual orientation, gender identity and religion, suddenly appeared in their online human resources profiles last week after they had provided it in a “confidential” diversity survey... the Crown corporation insisted the information employees were providing was “completely confidential.” One email from Radio-Canada assured staff that the data would be used for “statistical analysis of its workforce” and as a tool to “identify involuntary systemic obstacles” in order to remove them... Nowhere in the “cultural census” emails seen by the Post was it mentioned that the data would be linked to individual employees and placed in their HR file... those explanations do not cut it for privacy and information management expert Rick Klumpenhouwer. He said there is no scenario where a specific employee’s sexual orientation or religion needs to be stored on an HR platform, namely because it’s irrelevant to their work... For one Radio-Canada employee, the employer’s “misuse” of workers’ data is “sadly ironic” at a time when the broadcaster is constantly airing stories about privacy issues and the importance of protecting personal information... Employees are also concerned that data is being stored on external Microsoft servers and not within internal CBC/Radio-Canada data centres."
If you work for a liberal organisation, don't be surprised if they practise affirmative action

set in 1800s Scotland
Students of every race sprinkled around the school!
Arab Professor, Trans Innkeeper, Ugandan Professor, Chinese Professor, Indian Professor, Korean Groundskeeper, Japanese Professor
Hogwarts after Dumbledore became Headmaster
*mostly white staff*
Harry did i ever explain to you why the white race is......"

Financial reporting quality effects of imposing (gender) quotas on boards of directors - "We analyze whether the passage of a Norwegian law requiring a minimum of a 40 percent of women on the boards of public firms affected financial reporting quality. Our results are consistent with a decrease in financial reporting quality for the firms that were most affected by the passage of the law, and with the effects being relatively short-lived. We also find evidence that board members characteristics, beyond gender, changed due to this law. These changes can partially explain our findings. Overall, our results show that mandating large changes to board composition over a relatively small period of time negatively affects financial reporting."

A Female Style in Corporate Leadership? Evidence from Quotas - "This paper studies the impact of gender quotas for corporate board seats on corporate decisions. We examine the introduction of Norway's 2006 quota, comparing affected firms to other Nordic companies, public and private, that are unaffected by the rule. We find that affected firms undertake fewer workforce reductions than comparison firms, increasing relative labor costs and employment levels and reducing short-term profits. The effects are strongest among firms without female board members beforehand and are present even for boards with older and more experienced members afterward. The boards appear to be affecting corporate strategy in part by selecting like-minded executives."

Do board gender quotas affect firm value? Evidence from California Senate Bill No. 826 - "We examine stock market reactions, direct costs of compliance, and board adjustments to California Senate Bill No. 826 (SB 826), the first mandated board gender diversity quota in the United States. Announcement returns average −1.2% and are robust to the use of multiple methodologies. Returns are more negative when the gap between the mandated number and the pre-SB 826 number of female directors is larger. These negative effects are less severe for firms with a greater supply of female candidates, and for those that can more easily replace male directors or attract female directors. For small firms, the annual direct cost of compliance through board expansion is non-trivial, representing 0.76% of market value. Following SB 826, firms significantly increase female board representation, and the increase is greater for firms in California than control firms in other states."

Health Secretary wants NHS quangos to consider removing diversity officers - "Steve Barclay has written to the heads of NHS quangos insisting they review membership of charities, including Stonewall, and consider removing diversity officers. The Health Secretary said bodies including NHS England should report on whether inclusion schemes were value for money, and stop employing full-time diversity and inclusion officers... “In these times of financial pressures, and wider societal concern about these issues, I would ask that you, as a member of the wider health family, now review whether your organisation is getting value for money from your diversity and inclusion memberships and, if not, consider any steps that you could take to address that, such as following the Department’s example and allowing any association/subscriptions that you have to lapse or be cancelled”... The letter comes after new guidelines were issued to NHS staff, asking them to treat all patients as gender-neutral until they have confirmed how they identify. The guidance was produced by researchers who received a £164,964 government grant from the National Institute for Health and Care Research."
Damn Tories underfunding health!

Lara Logan on Twitter - "It really is quite staggering that Elon Musk could fire all those people from Twitter & it made no difference whatsoever. What did they do all day?"
Wilfred X. Reilly, Californian on Twitter - "Nothing. It's not staggering at all, to me: the majority of middle-management and DEI/SEL/ESG/HR-style jobs contribute literally 0 to ROI (HBR, 2016). I think of many of them as a sort of upper-middle class welfare program or even daycare system."

Quinta Brunson's Solution to Increasing On-Screen Diversity Is Simple - ""The key to more diversity in television is not just sticking characters into a white world," the Abbott Elementary creator recently told Entertainment Weekly, "but actually green-lighting the stories that naturally bring those people to the forefront." With her ABC sitcom, Quinta and the writers never set out to cast more people of color, adding, "We were worried about being funny.""

Meme - "Next lets have a look at how our Tar-Miriel will look."
"Is this really faithful to how Tolkien described her?"
"Who's Tolkien?"

Facebook - "In recent years there been a trend in the entertainment industry, where established white characters are remade to be non-white. In Tolkien's universe we've seen this in Rings Of Power with Queen Tar-Míriel, and in the Tales of Middle-earth card game with Aragorn. But this is not something unique for LotR, but something that appears across a great number of different franchises. The argument for this is "representation", the idea that people cannot enjoy a piece of culture if there aren't people in it with the same skin color as themselves. This idea is nonsense. Not only because we're all more than our skin color, and can identify with other traits of a character, not only because it's impossible to have every ethnic group represented in every piece of culture, but also because of the fact that many of the supposed underrepresented peoples have no interest in this idea. Three examples of this within the Tolkien fandom is Fatal Jay (https://www.youtube.com/c/fataljay), Just Some Guy (https://www.youtube.com/@JustSomeGuy) and Young Rippa (https://www.youtube.com/@youngrippa59). Three black men who all love Tolkien, and who all have spoken out against the race swapping being done to his world by modern activists. On the other side, there are of course other people of color who strongly support the ideas of representation and race swapping. But they do not represent their respective ethnic group. They represent an idea and an ideology, which they share with other people, regardless of race. The same goes for white people calling for representation. These people like to present themselves as champions of justice, standing up for poor, oppressed minorities. This is of course a false narrative, because they care little when people from these groups disagree with their agenda. The truth is that they don't fight for anyone other than themselves. They fight for their own agendas and ideals, not anything else. This is not a conflict between non-whites and whites. It's a conflict between activists who want to force their politics on Tolkien's (or any other author's) work, and fans who want respect for the source material. If you don't like the original work, go create your own franchise, with it's own stories, that better fits your ideology. But leave Tolkien's world alone."
Ironically, the woke keep claiming that wokeness is about empathy, but they have no empathy for characters who are different from them, and think no one else does either (which is why they keep banging on about "representation")

Mickey Mouse:

Work, Food and Weird: It's literally 1987 by George Doorbell - FML - "Today, I took some leftover Indian food to work, and commented to a coworker that I loved to cook recipes from other cultures. Later, I got a hearing with HR about cultural appropriation. The HR rep said, "Stick to plain chicken and boiled potatoes." FML"
Woke foodies lose their minds over ‘cultural appropriation’
On Facebook some people were calling the FML post fake

The craft beer industry has a diversity problem - The Boston Globe - "It can be jaw-dropping to see how monochromatic its consumers are: Of craft beer and hard cider drinkers, whites account for 77 percent of the market, while Hispanics are 10.6 percent, blacks constitute 5.4 percent, and Asians are 5.1 percent... Consider this 2019 survey from Kantar, a research group: Of weekly craft beer drinkers, about 79 percent of black and Hispanic consumers agree with the statement “I am frustrated by brands that treat people like me as an afterthought.” About 73 percent of Asians also agree with that notion. Meanwhile, only 55 percent of white drinkers feel frustrated.
64% of the population accounting for 77% of the market is a huge problem, apparently
Clearly race is the only relevant demographic for a beer drinker and the majority of white drinkers feeling frustrated is evidence of pro-white racism

Sandra Bullock Gets Real About Raising Black Children: Why Being ‘Woke’ Isn’t Enough - "Bullock shared an anecdote about her daughter feeling downcast after accidentally catching a glimpse of the South Korean Netflix show, “Squid Game,” while her partner, Bryan Randall, was watching it. When Bullock inquired about her daughter’s distress over the show, she presumed it was due to the violent content. However, Bullock was taken aback by her daughter’s reply: “I don’t want Dad to watch that… because there are no Black people in it.” Bullock expressed delight in her daughter’s fervent reaction, stating, “The fact that she felt so strongly about it gave me immense joy, as it demonstrated that she was already able to voice her opinion.” She further added that she allows her children to educate her by informing her of what they need to know. Bullock admitted that despite believing she was knowledgeable and conscious, she still had much to learn... Bullock emphasized that the best way to take care of her son and daughter is by not shielding them from the harsh realities of being Black, including exposing them to everything on television and allowing them to process it."
Sandra Bullock Admits She Isn't As "Educated And Woke" As Her Daughter, Wishes Her Skin Matched The Colour Of Her Black Children - "“As a white parent who loves her children more than life itself, I’m scared of everything,” Bullock revealed. “I know I’m laying all kinds of existential anxiety on them. I have to think about what they’re going to experience leaving the home.” The Gravity actress then pondered, “They’re going to have my fear, but how can I make sure that my anxiety is accurate, protective?”... “I let them teach me and tell me what they need to know,” explained the actress regarding her children, adding, “I thought I was educated and woke. I thought I had it all, and guess what? I wasn’t.” “To say that I wish our skins matched… sometimes I do,” said Bullock, adding, “because then it would be easier on how people approach us. It’s our anxiety, it’s our fear, it’s our cross to bear the minute you become a mum.” “And I have the same feelings as a woman with brown skin and it being her babies. Or a white woman with, you know, white babies,” she explained."
Demanding black people everywhere - even in a country where they have a negligible presence - shows how mature you are, apparently
Making your children grievance mongers is the best way to take care of them. Apparently watching TV gives you an accurate view of the world
Should people only adopt children of the same race?

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