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Friday, June 16, 2023

Links - 16th June 2023 (General Wokeness)

Political correctness was never about good manners - "Most of you who are over 30 will remember the previous culture wars of the 1990s, which largely revolved around the topic of ‘political correctness’. This was the doctrine that we shouldn’t say pejorative things about marginalised people, and instead say nice things... and that society should become more aware of its institutional and linguistic prejudices... In their defence, those who promoted political correctness, or ‘PC’ as it was known, said they were merely defending the vulnerable and marginalised. Political correctness was not a left-wing conspiracy, or an ideology, they protested. It was just a modern form of good manners, of trying to say nice things about people and to avoid hurting their feelings. PC was about not being offensive.  The doctrine of avoiding offence has since become a monster – under a different name. We no longer talk about ‘political correctness’, but instead refer to its even more terrible child, the church of ‘woke’, which is the same thing, but more intense, intolerant and dogmatic. As with fashion, all ideologies will tend to the extreme...   Those who conspicuously disagree with modern-day politically correct ‘wokeness’ are publicly shamed, ‘called out’, ‘cancelled’, smeared as a ‘phobe’, shut out of social media altogether, fined for offensive utterances, sacked from their jobs, and ultimately have their lives ruined. Those who live in fear of this ideological jackboot will parrot the mantras of woke ideology. Many will not speak out against woke doctrine for fear of the consequences. Self-censorship is the sign of a sick society, and it’s one of the hallmarks of ours.  Woke ideology is merely the viral mutation of political correctness, as both have their foundational creed of not giving offence. Ironically, those who demand respect and that their feelings aren’t hurt are usually the ones who end up being the most genuinely offensive, belligerent and intolerant. ‘If you hurt my delicate feelings I will fuck you up.’"

'All schools must comply' – schools get heavy-handed against Pride backlash - "The somewhat heavy-handed statements seem to be a response to an emerging backlash against in-school Pride commemorations... the Toronto-area York Catholic District School Board narrowly voted down a proposal to fly the Pride flag at its Catholic Education Centre during the month of June.  This year has also seen a phenomenon of mysterious mass-absences from Canadian schools in what is believed to be a silent protest against LGBT content in the curriculum.  Last month, nearly one-third of the entire student population of London, Ont.’s largest elementary school was counted absent during a district-wide commemoration of International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. Sources speaking to Postmedia said that Muslim families seemed to constitute the majority of the absences...   Only five to 10 years ago, Pride Month celebrations within the Canadian K-12 school system were relatively muted, if they existed at all.  As recently as 2018, even the Toronto District School Board marked Pride Month with little more than a flag-raising and a contingent of teachers and staff in the official Toronto PRIDE parade.   Now, in school districts across the country, Pride Month will routinely include assemblies, craft projects, guest speakers, “spirit” days in which children are encouraged to wear rainbow clothing to class, and school-wide Pride décor. This week, a particularly extravagant pride celebration at a Newfoundland elementary school went viral on social media. A short video posted by St. Matthew’s School in the provincial capital of St. John’s showed children being greeted at the door by a teacher in a unicorn costume, before being ushered through hallways lined with teachers waving Pride Progress flags and blasting dance music"
Clearly oppressed when schools are forced to celebrate them in an ever-increasing way

End Wokeness on Twitter - "Call of Duty removes popular content creator for tweeting “leave little children alone”"
Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "In the total state every corporation knows it’s their job to silence opposition to the regime’s new Ramadan"
If every instance of disagreement is proof that Pride is needed, then Christians are persecuted since their beliefs get criticised

SICK: Christian American Arrested For Reading Bible At Pennsylvania 'Pride' Event - "Damon Atkins, a Christian, was arrested this past weekend during a ‘Pride‘ event in Reading, Pennsylvania, for reading the Bible aloud, causing significant controversy over First Amendment rights.  Atkins, who was standing on the outskirts of the Pride event, was reading from 1 Corinthians 14:33, a verse that speaks of peace, when law enforcement intervened and arrested him. “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints,” the verse reads.  In under a minute of standing on the sidewalk, Atkins found himself in handcuffs."
Silly man. Doesn't he know that only liberal protests are allowed?

Meme - "Get it, funny cuz gay"
Netflix is a Joke.: "I'm gonna make you, a roomful of relative strangers, feel good together. My hands where you can see them. Yeah? Eh? Little lesbian joke just sprinkled in there."
"A feel-good comedy special. Hannah Gadsby: Something Special only on Netflix"
I thought she wasn't supposed to reveal the lesbian domestic violence figures

Meme - Emil O W Kirkegaard @kirkegaardEmil: "Egalitarians are pretty good with paperwork attacks on papers. Take this 2020 retracted study showing that one can predict criminality from faces. Why was it retracted? Error in the data? Faulty method? Hidden confounder? No, some lame ethics approval paperwork was missing."
"Criminal tendency detection from facial images and the gender bias effect"
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania: "Write a paper for your Substack, you don't need an "ethics committee," and there's no one to complain to in order to get the paper retracted. Post your politically incorrect findings on Twitter, you might get boosted by Elon Musk. No reason to bother with scientific journals."

Meme - "A kindhearted Redditor tried to help a fellow student with their hygiene issues. Her college accused her of being a "White Savior" So she went to Reddit for advice. Despite overwhelming support from the Subreddit, the mods deleted her post."
"College called me a "white savior"
So we have had a student with a hygiene issue for several months now. A couple people have talked to him and he was always yeah yeah I'l take a bath. Well, yesterday it was so bad that the entire hallway smelled and students refused to stay in the same class with him. So I pulled him aside and really talked to him and found out that he is homeless so he couldn't take a shower. I found out we have a shower in our gym so I went to the office and got permission for him to come in before school today and whenever he needs to to take a shower. He mentioned he might need soap "or stuff". So this morning before school I went to Walmart and got him some stuff, I got him every personal care item he might need. Iam white and don't know anything about caring for black hair so I had a lady at Walmart help me pick out what products he might need for his hair type. I also got him a couple shirts so he wouldn't have to put a dirty shirt back on after showering. I told him to write down his sizes and I would get him what I could. Y'all.the offense my co-worker took to this...she said that I wasn't right in helping this kid. And did I think I was some sort of "white savior" or something. She asked if I was going to do this for all of the students or just this "poor little black boy to make you feel better about yourself". I can't help every kid..but I can help this one..and this one needed my help. I wasn't trying to come in and assert my privilege I just genuinely know what it's like to be the "stinky kid" and wanted to help. Y'al..kids were THROWING UP yesterday he stunk so bad. I can not IMAGINE how much that shit hurt his psychie to have happen. I honestly don't know how to respond to this..."

Collin Pittmann on Twitter: "Why straight people don't need #StraightPrideParade
Your sexuality isn't criminalized in 72 countries
Your sexuality isn't punishable by death in 8 countries
You've never had to fight for the right to marry
You've never been (legally) fired or evicted for your sexuality
Muddy on Twitter - "You celebrate your pride where you're protected. You're not oppressed in America but still bitch when you meet opposite opinions. And instead of using the money you do or possibly could gain from such an event to actually help one of those 72 countries. You use Twitter."
So basically you only need gay pride in countries where it's illegal to be gay. How Islamophobic.

What's wrong with being straight? - "Today, though, heterosexuals are an endangered species. A recent survey uncovered that 21% of young adults (born between 1997 and 2003) in America identify as “LGBTQ+”. It also reported the frankly incredible stat that the number of self-identifying non-heterosexuals in the American population as a whole has doubled since 2012, from 3.5% to 7.1%.  It is, of course, vanishingly unlikely that a fifth of a population has turned spontaneously away from heterosexuality overnight. The rise of the insubstantial concepts of TQ+, which have little to do with sexual orientation but have been bolted on to LGB for some reason, obviously accounts for some of this. “Queer” is a particularly slippery category; it now seems to include anything from straight chaps wearing eyeliner to straight girls dyeing their hair shocking pink. Thus, it has elevated attendees of a Rocky Horror night or a Depeche Mode concert to the status of a persecuted minority.  But still, the survey finds that 57% of the respondees (of all ages) claiming to be non-hetero say they are bisexual. So, either this was always the case, but people concealed their sexuality due to social stigma. Or — and this is the far more likely scenario, in my opinion — heterosexuals are becoming socially embarrassed by their heterosexuality and trying not to be déclassé.   The reason I believe this is the more likely scenario is that heterosexuality, among the great and the good, now seems more fraught than being bisexual did a decade ago. The grim academic neologism “heteronormativity”, thanks to Tumblr and Twitter, is everywhere. The last few days are representative: Trisha Greenhalgh, a Professor of Primary Care and a member of independent SAGE, exhorting her followers to avoid “preaching heteronormativity”; an Indonesian magazine telling its readers that heteronormativity was the creation of Dutch colonialism; and Dr Nick Gah of Harvard stating that history isn’t called “herstory” because — well, you’ve guessed it. (This will come as a surprise to anybody who knows the Greek word histor meaning witness).   The powerful organs of the LGBTQ+ movement have spent the last decade saying, “let’s end stigma, break taboos, and stop judging”. What this actually means is “let’s move stigma, place taboos around other things, and carry on judging people but for different reasons”.  Who would want to be “normative”, when you can catch a little of the glamour previously hoarded by the gays? A “normative” identity is increasingly seen as ethically dubious in the West; to be socially acceptable, to gain cachet and status, people have to identify as some kind of minority. Race is increasingly rigidly policed and culturally segregated, with white people cast as original sinners because of what they look like. But fear not! Anybody can identify into some spicy high-status oppression at the drop of a rainbow-striped Stetson by claiming to be non-heterosexual, no questions asked.  At the further end of the culture, prominent heterosexuals such as Laurie Penny, Jameela Jamil and Demi Lovato now all claim to be “queer”. Heterosexuality now carries such low status, in their bananas world, that they’ve felt the need to disavow it. There are further incentives for people to identify as non-hetero in Hollywood, the arbiter of our culture. Take the bizarre new “representation” quota for eligibility at the Oscars — where at least 30% of characters in a film must come from “underrepresented minority groups” or a main storyline must revolve around such groups or it won’t even be considered for an award. It would strike dead most of human culture accrued over millennia, but actors and writers must now obey this peculiar edict or lose their careers. It’s all deeply patronising, and borderline homophobic. There is a kind of fetishisation of non-hetero relationships going on here, an element of voyeurism not much different from straight girls who kiss each other at parties to get the boys’ attention. It is also artistically crass. It means that unalloyed heterosexuality can never be depicted, and has a trickle-down effect of making it culturally unacceptable.   It’s no coincidence that all this is happening where #MeToo came to a head — making heterosexuality seem not only embarrassing but frankly dangerous. But Hollywood is also representative of a wider social movement.  Beneficial changes in material conditions in the West have led, paradoxically, to increased angst and the sexes being increasingly wary of each other. So #MeToo plus the atomisation of social life, plus the grim commodification of reproduction and romantic love, plus the problematisation of male sexual desire for women and its expression have made heterosexuals of both sexes neurotic, jumpy and hyper-vigilant. It could be another factor in the so-called Sex Recession among Gen Z... let us have more heteronormativity and end the stigma. Take it from a homosexual, you’re just fine as you are."
Liberals tell us that straight pride is not needed because no one says "that's so straight" as an insult, but heterophobia is commonplace and accepted

NYT Book Review: Heterosexual Coupling ‘Can Hurt The Very Individuals Who Cling To It Most’ - "The New York Times Book Review, in yet another review of a book attacking heterosexuality, writes, “In examining the pressure to partner with the opposite gender we find the extortions of capitalism, the misogyny of violence against women, the racist and xenophobic erasure of nonwhite families, and the homophobic hatreds that pervade so much of everyday life.” Writer Haley Mlotek, reviewing, “The Tragedy of Heterosexuality,” authored by Jane Ward, asserts, “’The Tragedy of Heterosexuality’ wastes absolutely no time getting to the point, but while many of the sentences (including the title) made me laugh out loud, it is at heart a somber, urgent academic examination of the many ways in which opposite-sex coupling can hurt the very individuals who cling to it most.”... Mlotek states that Ward believes that a queer theory … “might be just the thing to rescue heterosexuality from its unearned hegemony in our shared cultural imagination.” In 2012, The New York Times Book Review took the time to review a book titled, “Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality.” Reviewer Abigail Zuger wrote of the author, Hanne Blank, that she got a “pat on the back for dispatching the equally murky entity of heterosexuality …”... Zuger breathed, “Ms. Blank offers the provocative solution that soon we will move on from our present fixation on the binary to a more fluid understanding. ‘If male and female are two of a variety of sexes, and masculine and feminine two of a variety of genders, then heterosexual and homosexual are two of a variety of ways to combine them,’ she notes.”"
Wait till they discover the lesbian domestic violence statistics. But of course that's the fault of patriarchy and heteronormativity
Weird. We are told that bisexuality doesn't disprove there being more than two genders, because bisexuality just means liking both your own and other genders

Why Heterosexual Relationships Are Bad for Us: Sex Researcher - "Through her research, Ward found that the concepts of heterosexuality and homosexuality came into existence in the 19th century. Before then, people didn't consider the gender or sex of the person they were having sex with as way to label themselves.  "Before then, people engaged in homosexual sex acts but it was just considered an act, not a type of person," that you had to label, Ward said. When a person had sex with the opposite sex it was for reproductive purposes, for example, while sex with the same sex was pleasure-based and not for reproduction.  But everything changed when Hungarian journalist Karl Maria Kertbeny coined the terms "heterosexual" and "homosexual" in the 1860s. Psychotherapists began to suggest heterosexuality was a superior "type" because it allowed for procreation, while homosexuality didn't have the same utility, BBC previously reported.  Thus a romanticized narrative of the gender binary, or idea that there are two genders of man and woman, was born. This story taught people that opposite-sex attraction, love, and family planning was the most natural way to do things, and it endures to this day in the form of straight rituals like the gender reveal party and lavish wedding ceremonies."
Amazing. Before the 1860s, the only sort of fun sex was gay sex, parents didn't care about the gender of their babies and there weren't lavish weddings. What revolutionary herstory!

Tragic Heterosexuality and Toxic Masculinity - "Ward’s book has been praised by The New York Times Book Review (naturally) and by something called Bitch magazine, which referred to the book as “a loving lesbian intervention.” She interviewed almost 100 men, women, and “non-binary” people of various sexual orientations about their thoughts on heterosexuality, and concluded that “from an LGBT perspective,” being straight “looks actually very tragic.” It’s unclear if Ward interviewed anyone about non-binary relationships and whether they look tragic from a heterosexual perspective...   “Straight culture is based in a presumption that men and women are really different kinds of people, that they want different things, that they have different interests, and that they are sort of opposite,” Ward claims. “And they come together sexually and romantically because opposites attract.” No, they come together sexually and romantically because they are biologically and emotionally complementary, not opposites. In any case, Ward’s view is that heterosexuality is not just tragic but also a danger to society, since “binary” traditions such as gender-reveal parties and large weddings have resulted in wildfires and coronavirus deaths...   In other toxic masculinity news: unconflictedly straight, unapologetically masculine actor Gerard Butler (Olympus Has Fallen, Machine Gun Preacher, 300) has found himself embroiled in controversy over a South African TV commercial he starred in for Windhoek beer. The ad has been banned by the country’s Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) for promoting – gasp – “gender stereotyping.”... Dangerous. This ad depicting normal male behavior as, well, normal is dangerous. So it has been banned, because wherever wokeness rules, normality and masculinity are crimes against gender justice.   While all of the above may seem easy to dismiss as absurd, what underlies it is the very serious cultural Marxist imperative to dismantle the norms of the capitalist West – first and foremost the biological norms of heterosexuality and the nuclear family, the latter of which Karl Marx openly stated must be abolished in order for people to be free of the “serfdom” of bourgeois values. To accomplish this, the radical left has spent over a half century denigrating stay-at-home moms, smearing masculinity as poisonous, delegitimizing traditional marriage while suing into poverty anyone who doesn’t publicly celebrate same-sex marriage, inventing what even the White House now asserts is an “infinite” number of genders, and warping schoolkids about their sexual identity before they’re even old enough to realize they have one. And this agenda is spreading successfully throughout the Western world."
Presumably gay sex parties didn't lead to covid deaths and anyone who suggests that is a homophobic bigot

The invention of the heterosexual
A lot of this is just word games. And when they talk about disrupting and destabilising heterosexuality, yet insist that they are not heterophobic...

Michael Shellenberger on Twitter - "Stanford wants to "govern" how we get information in order to save democracy. Naturally, they're calling their new censorship initiative, "Project Liberty.""

Quintuple Oscar-winning movie "The French Connection" censored by Disney : KotakuInAction - "You wouldn't remove the racial slurs in a film like The Color Purple would you? Because they are important for the context of the story, characterization etc. Just because a character uses an offensive word doesn't mean the whole piece supports use of the word.  It's so frustrating being surrounded by a world of idiots."

Today I asked my what he wants to be when he grows up. His answer? want to be an Ally confused. Maybe he learned about the Axis and Allies in school? So ked him: You mean you want to be, like, a soldie He looked at me with a pitying smile - what a silly mom I was - and said: No, Mom. I want to be an Ally, to the African-Americans, the Latinx, the ant to be an to slanders, and the LGBTQ2+ community all disadv unconditional suppor ntaged minorities and marginalized communities that need somebody to stand by them. That's wh be when I grow up. en told me this. But I know kids can choking back tears of pride be fickle, last year he'd wanted to be an astro ut. So I asked him why He schooled me good: don't want to be an astronaut; how can I be so selfish as to want to leave earth when it's in such horrible state? I don't want to be a doctor; how can I keep healing bodie thar hen it's society I don't want to be a lawyer; how can I strive for justice through a judici system that is inherently racist and oppressive? No mom, what I want to do for a living is a whole different matter. What I need to be, is an Ally Kids: all you can do is teach them the best you can. Because before you know it, they're the ones teaching you!"

Meme - Samantha D. @Prolife_Sam: "This is what I mean when I say we're getting way too inclusive. "Mothers are women who have never been and aren't currently mothers too!" LOL no. You're not a mother to a pet or plant. Period."
*Woman with cat, woman with kid, woman with plant*
"motherhood comes in many forms!
happy mother's day"
Probably defining anything as family is the left's way of undermining it

Meme - "List of sins
Pride *Pride celebration*
Google did an oopsie"

Pride Toronto apologizes after review finds it wasn't transparent with $1.8M in grants - "Pride Toronto is apologizing after an accounting firm it hired found that the organization could not prove that it completed several projects despite receiving $1.85 million in federal grant money... It received $600,000 from the Department of Canadian Heritage in 2019 to organize an exhibition of Indigenous two-spirit artwork and $1 million from Public Safety Canada in 2018 to develop community safety strategies for LGBTQ+ communities. The organization also received $250,000 from the Department of Canadian Heritage in 2018 to develop bilingual tools to tell the story of the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada.  "A key condition of the grants was that Pride Toronto should use the funding to deliver certain outputs and reporting to the funders," KMPG said. "Pride Toronto could not provide some evidence to show that they had completed several of the proposed deliverables," the review reads... KPMG said Pride Toronto failed to provide documentation to show that 10 out of 12 promised activities with its Two Spirit Tales grant actually happened. The organization said it is also apologizing to individuals and organizations who it "wrongly, and without their permission or approval, made false representations claiming their support for Pride Toronto's grant applications.""
Homophobia! Clearly this persecution is proof that Pride is needed

Feds to provide emergency funding to Pride festivals as Toronto event struggles to keep up with increased security costs - "The federal government will be providing $1.5 million to Pride organizations to help offset additional security costs, with the news coming less than two weeks after Toronto Pride said that it was considering cutting some of its programming amid a cash crunch."
State funding is only problematic when liberals disagree with the cause

The Gay/Trans Panic Defense: What It is, and How to End It - "The gay/trans panic legal defense legitimizes and excuses violent and lethal behavior against members of the LGBTQ+ community. The defense is defined by the LGBT Bar as "a legal strategy which asks a jury to find that a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant's violent reaction, including murder."  This legally sanctioned discrimination against one's sexual orientation and gender identity must cease."
Of course, to liberals, stealthing is rape because the person has changed the terms under which you agreed to have sex and your consent is now being violated, and if you're being raped, self-defence is justified

2019 Jersey City shooting - Wikipedia - "On December 10, 2019, a shooting took place at a kosher grocery store in the Greenville section of Jersey City, New Jersey. Three people were killed at the store by two assailants, David N. Anderson and Francine Graham. The assailants also wounded one customer and two police officers before being killed by police during an ensuing shootout. A Jersey City Police Department detective had also been shot and killed by the assailants at a nearby cemetery just before the grocery store attack. Anderson, who had connections to extremist groups, had a history of posting antisemitic and anti-law enforcement messages on social media; New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal stated that evidence indicated that the attacks were acts of hate and domestic terrorism which were fueled by antisemitism and anti-police sentiment. Authorities believe that a much larger attack had been planned, but it was thwarted by the police detective's intervention at the cemetery. The shooting was part of a wave of violent attacks against Jews in the United States"
Damn black white supremacists!

George Soros decries Hungary's Orban for anti-Semitic attacks - "Soros, whose political views are in stark contrast to Budapest’s ruling Fidesz party, said Monday he had been targeted by an administration “stoking anti-Muslim sentiment and employing anti-Semitic tropes reminiscent of the 1930s.”... Critics of Orban’s drive to condemn the 87-year-old investor said posters were not dissimilar to the anti-Semitic imagery of the 1930s, which portrayed Jews as political manipulators."
Criticising George Soros makes you an anti-Semite even though the Open Society Foundations boast that they exist to "provide a creative and dynamic link between the governing and the governed" and "counter the narrow pursuit of political self-interest and short-term opportunism—in pursuit of a sustainable future for people and planet that leaves no one behind" (i.e. influence aka manipulate politics)

Orban: Israel and Hungary have 'great results' in 'building conservative community'
Liberal Jews are the only Jews who count as Jews. If you support conservative Jews, they are not Jews, and you can still be anti-Semitic if you support Jews who happen to be conservative, but oppose Jews who happen to be liberal

How the antisemitic far right fell for Israel - "For Jelena Subotić, a political scientist who also works in memory studies, the Israeli right’s embrace of Orbán’s message — which has included chummy meetings with ex-Israeli prime ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett — is not as baffling as it may seem. Rather, Subotić explains, it is a function of how “far-right populist international networks are changing our traditional understanding of antisemitism, in that they’re decoupling from attitudes toward and relations with Israel.”... the direct threat [Soros] represents, and why a lot of the ire is specifically addressed against him, is that he’s a progressive... Soros has written books and spoken very publicly about what he wants to do. He has pledged to pay however many millions of dollars to get guns out of schools...   There’s still a lack of understanding, among a lot of the public, that diaspora Jews are not the same as Israel. If you criticize Israel, you’re not antisemitic... Theresa May, [then-] prime minister of the U.K., gave a pro-Brexit speech where she said that people who are anti-Brexit want to be “citizens of nowhere.” [May’s full quote was, “if you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere. You don’t understand what the very word ‘citizenship’ means.” – NRR.] To me, that read as antisemitic."
You can be anti-Semitic and support the world's only Jewish state (which liberals often condemn for prioritising Jews over other races)
Ironically, she admits that people oppose Soros because he's progressive, even as she insists that criticising Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism. She's so close to getting it... But of course she bizzarely claims May said something anti-Semitic - looks like opposing the liberal agenda is anti-Semitic
Of course, saying you're pledging as much money as needed to get guns out of schools is not saying you're trying to manipulate politics, because the liberal agenda is non-political

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