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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Links - 31st May 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "I seem to be blanking on the part where Spider-Man tries to gaslight children into believing they have spider powers too, and into taking body-altering drugs which irreversibly alter their development and turn them into horrifically disfigured hybrids. Maybe they retconned that part out."
"You know in comics, when Peter Parker is just minding his own business, but then he sees a bunch of newspapers that say "Spider-Man: Villain or Menace?" Being trans in America is kinda like that"

Meme - Sparrow Knightgale: "Can anyone help me get this post removed???? She put my comment up on a post."
Aleah Mae Bourque: "Transwoman says they're the better version of a woman. Wtf is happening."
Sparrow Knightgale: TerfPrincess keep talking smack and I stg I would literally want you to meet me irl for a one on one. You're outdated anyways. Women like me don't get periods or have to worry about getting pregnant. We're the better version. Loser."
Sparrow Knightgale: "I don't give you permission to post this. Remove it or I will report the post."

Gorlock The Destroyer | Know Your Meme - "Gorlock the Destroyer is a nickname given to blogger Ali C. Lopez after her appearance on the Whatever Podcast next to smaller guests and cohosts in late April 2023. The nickname inspired widespread jokes and memes about her appearance, including videos in which her audio was replaced with the Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt."
She's supposedly trans too, and claims she is a "certified bad bitch"

The first crewed mission to Mars should be all female - "Women are on average smaller than males: women use less oxygen, consume less consumables, produce less carbon dioxide. They have lower mass and take up less volume. The argument for an all-female crew is simple: such a crew would require considerably less support… and allow a smaller spacecraft. This would produce a considerable savings in cost"
Too bad to virtue signal, they'll need to include at least one trans woman, which will mitigate many of these supposed advantages. And if they really think women solve interpersonal problems better (given that they get offended more easily)...

Meme - "Old pussy is better than trans pussy"

Dylan Mulvaney says it should be 'illegal' to use wrong pronouns
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again. What starts off as a voluntary gesture of inclusion becomes a preferred act, then compulsory, then illegal not to do

Oli London on Twitter - "Biological man 🏳️‍⚧️using tampons: “I’m about to insert one…I’m going to lube myself up a little and what I’m using is a little trusty Coconut Oil. I will put a pretty generous amount of it inside me.”"

Gender recognition (accessible) - GOV.UK - "A customer’s gender is known as an acquired gender:    
before the customer receives their Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC)
    if they change their gender identity permanently but do not intend to:
        undergo any medical procedure to change their sex
        get a GRC...
Passport applications provide the customer with the option to select male or female: the customer’s selection will appear as the sex M or F on the personal details page in the passport"
Weird. We keep being told that sex and gender are different, and if you don't know that you're ignorant. Yet TRAs keep demanding their legal sex be changed

Leeds preacher's sentence for trans woman's harassment quashed - "A Christian preacher who was found guilty of harassing a transgender woman by calling her a "man" and "gentleman" has had his conviction quashed.  Farrah Munir said David McConnell, who was preaching in Leeds in June 2021, had left her "emotionally distraught".  Mr McConnell was given a 12-month community order with 80 hours unpaid work in September 2022.  His conviction was overturned at Leeds Magistrates' Court which heard there was no evidence he meant to harass her... Mr McConnell told the court that in his view he was "not misgendering" and was "gendering correctly".  He added: "I knew the person in front of me was a biological male and, therefore, I stayed true to God and true to my beliefs."
Christian Street Preacher's 'Misgendering' Conviction Overturned - "“This case has represented a disturbing trend in our society which is seeing members of the public and professionals being prosecuted and reported as potential terrorists for refusing to celebrate and approve LGBTQ ideology.  “Police forces who fly pride flags from their headquarters are failing to provide Christian preachers with impartial protection. If a person cries ‘offence’ at a street preacher’s words, it’s the street preacher that is punished and taken out. This is deeply illiberal.”...  in addition to being sentenced to a 12-month community order, Mr McConnell was also reportedly referred to the Prevent counter-terrorism programme over the Christian beliefs he preached on the streets, which apparently were deemed radical enough to justify, in the heads of some, reporting him to the programme.  According to McConnell’s former probation officer, the preacher was “viewed to be persistently and illegally espousing an extreme point of view”."

Transgender Activists in Multiple Countries Call For, Launch Organized Violent Uprisings Against Women – IDW 2020 - "2020 has seen a sharp rise in violent public threats from transgender activists aimed at women who advocate for women’s human rights.  In France and Spain, transgender activists have been openly displaying messages calling for the mass murder of “TERFs” and particular groups of feminist activists, at times suggesting specific methods of execution. The threats came to life in Spain when crowds of transgender activists violently attacked women who were peacefully demonstrating during International Women’s Day"

More Than Half of Moms of Boys With Gender Dysphoria Have Their Own Psychological Issues, According to Resurfaced Report - "“mothers of boys with gender identity disorders had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)” than mothers of boys who don’t exhibit issues with their gender identity.  More than half (53 percent) of moms of boys with gender identity disorders had been diagnosed with depression or BPD, compared to just six percent of the control group. Additionally, 44 percent sought psychiatric help for depression at some point in their life.  Researchers found that mothers of sons with gender identity disorders are “extremely dependent on their sons for emotional sustenance,” exhibiting “boundary problems and difficulty separating from their sons.”  “It was also observed that many women had symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder,” the paper states.  The resurfaced paper could reignite debate over the degree to which gender identity disorders among youth are the result of social contagion, or other factors unrelated to a child’s own physiology or psychology, as the U.S. addresses the spike in gender-related psychoses... mothers of sons with gender identity disorders had “longstanding difficulties” with interpersonal relations, including issues with separation, depression, and the management of aggression.  “They describe themselves as compulsively seeking companionship, as prone to intense, emotionally stormy, angry relationships, and as having chronic and intense feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and depression,” researchers noted. “They tend to make excessive demands on people and feel entitled to do so.”  As a result of the findings, researchers called for additional studies to “shed light on the familial contribution” to gender identity disorders."

Transgender cheerleader kicked out of cheer camp for CHOKING female teammate who called her 'a man' - "A transgender cheerleader was kicked out of a Texas college cheer camp after she allegedly attacked a teammate who called her a 'man with a penis'.  Averie Chanel Medlock, 25, was booted from the Ranger College cheerleading camp in Texas, and given a criminal assault by physical contact citation last week. She is accused of choking a 17 year-old teammate, only identified by her first name, Karleigh, who she claimed made transphobic remarks toward her.   The girl and other teammates allegedly locked themselves in a locker room to hide from the raging Medlock, who claimed that she was being targeted for her race and gender... Averie can be heard to say: 'If anyone has a problem, come address it to my face like an adult.' She can be then heard adding that 'I barely touched Karleigh' and that she was 'only joking.'  That appears to contradict a subsequent Facebook claim made by Medlock that no physical contact was made"

Transgender woman 'castrated' after botched surgery on NHS - "A devastated young transgender woman says she has been left 'disfigured and feeling like a freak' following two botched gender reassignment operations.  Kia, 26, from Wales, says she was forced to seek private treatment after the NHS procedures left her in near-constant pain and with her urethra permanently exposed, which she says means she is unable to have sex or urinate properly.  She says doctors also failed to inform her she had effectively been 'castrated' by the operations - as the procedures have left her with limited sensation. The 26-year-old, who is suffering from anxiety, says she is still a virgin, has never had a boyfriend, and is desperate to lead a 'normal life'.  'I feel like a freak. I feel like I have been disfigured,' she told FEMAIL."

Transgender Women Now Issued 'New Vagina Manuals' Following Affirmative Surgery - "“Transgender women” who get medically castrated are now apparently provisioned “new vagina manuals” upon discharge by the surgeons who operated on them in the same way that a manufacturer provides an owner’s manual for a new piece of technological equipment. In this way, the transgenders are one step closer to becoming more machine than man."

Doctors at St Louis transgender clinic told teachers to 'affirm fifth graders' - "Doctors from the St. Louis gender clinic - now under investigation following bombshell whistleblower claims - advised teachers to 'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders, emails have revealed.  The Washington University Transgender Center at the St. Louis Children's Hospital was shamed last week by whistleblower Jamie Reed, a former employee who wrote a bombshell article for The Free Press describing the 'medically and morally appalling' scenario at play... The doctor then suggested that all of the girls were genuinely transgender, and that it simply took their friend to realize it for them to as well... The doctor then compared it to 'fad diets, workout types and marketing plans and even ADHD,' and appeared to admit that it was not always genuine.   'I have seen this happen with mental health diagnoses as well ("You have ADHD? Me too!")"

Canadians who reverse gender transition need better care: advocates - "the allegations levelled in Michelle Zacchigna’s recent lawsuit raise troubling questions about the medical care offered Canadians considering gender transition. She says health professionals ushered her along a transgender path that included removing her breasts and uterus, while giving short shrift to other mental-health issues. Realizing she’d made a terrible mistake, Zacchigna later began detransitioning, reverting to the female sex assigned to her at birth...   “When people say they were harmed, I believe them,” says British Columbia’s Aaron Kimberley, a trans man and former mental-health nurse who founded the group Gender Dysphoria Alliance. “When it comes to medical practices, we can’t sweep any outcomes under the rug and expect harmed people to remain silent for political convenience.” Kinnon MacKinnon, a trans man and social-work professor at York University, has become one of the world’s leading researchers on detransitioning, despite once dismissing it as irrelevant, and facing fierce criticism for highlighting the phenomenon now... Zacchigna alleges in her lawsuit against eight health professionals that her decision to transition was never challenged, nor was she screened for other mental-health issues. Only after her mastectomy did one psychologist diagnose her with a slew of separate problems, from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder to being on the autism spectrum... Studies conducted at a time when mental-health care “gatekeepers” more rigorously screened patients for medical and surgical transition — and before the affirmative approach took hold in the last several years — suggest the proportion who regretted the change was minuscule. That’s echoed in some recent research — including a 2018 Dutch study that found a regret rate of less than one per cent in people who had undergone “gonadectomies” — removal of ovaries or testes — between 1972 and 2015. But at the York symposium, MacKinnon pointed to three more recent British studies he believes have strong methodologies. They found that between seven and 10 per cent of transgender people studied had detransitioned...   Omalley says she’s skeptical about studies that find low rates of regret even among detransitioners. She said her experience with psychotherapy suggests that humans are innately reluctant to admit regret about important life decisions – whether it’s a marriage gone bad or gender transition."

Womb transplants for transgender women will soon be possible: doctors - "Several teams are “actively working” to make uterus transplants for transgender women a reality, according to an article published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility, with the first such procedure likely to happen “within the next few years, if not sooner.”... “If there is no clear purpose or benefit to designating a parent as a mother or a father,” the Temple group wrote, “then why do we need it at all? The ultimate goal should be to provide a child with unconditional love and care from their guardians, regardless of gender or title.”... Bioethicist Gwendolyn Quinn said trans women should deserve equal access to a medical procedure offered to other women. “If this is something that’s available to humans, it should be available to all humans,” said Quinn, a professor at New York University School of Medicine and a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s ethics committee...   Normally, uterus transplants are temporary, the organs removed after a maximum of two children, so that women don’t have to stay on anti-rejection drugs for life. But some trans women, write the authors of the Fertility and Sterility editorial, may wish to keep their transplanted uterus indefinitely for “enhanced gender alignment.” The risk-benefit ratio, they said, “is unclear and potentially worrisome.” One study found that more than 90 per cent of 182 transgender women surveyed felt a uterus transplant would lead to greater happiness, “enhance feelings of femininity and alleviate (gender) dysphoric symptoms.”...   Hamidian Jahromi, of Temple University, said part of feeling feminine for a transgender woman “has been the capability of becoming pregnant, and having their biological child of their own.  “That’s part of what makes a woman a woman, although I appreciate not every cisgender female wants to be pregnant or have a baby. But this is the right they have.”"
Surely this is a good use of the limited number of wombs
I remember when we were told that no one was trying to get rid of the traditional family

Massachusetts Boy Confronts School Board After Allegedly Being Punished for 'There Are Only Two Genders' Shirt: 'Why Do the Rules Apply to One Yet Not Another?' - "A 12-year-old Middleborough, Massachusetts school boy recently defended his First Amendment rights to his school committee after allegedly being sent home from school for making others feel unsafe by wearing a shirt that says, “There are only two genders.”... Liam, a seventh grade student at Nichols Middle School was reportedly taken out of his gym class on March 21 and informed by school personnel complaints had been made about the statement on his shirt that read, “There are only two genders.”  School staff allegedly told Liam his shirt was causing others to feel “unsafe.”...        “What did my shirt say?” Liam addressed the committee. “Five simple words. There. Are. Only. Two. Genders. Nothing harmful, nothing threatening. Just a statement I believe to be a fact.”  “I have been told that my shirt was targeting a protected class,” Liam continued. “Who is this protected class? Are their feelings more important than my rights?”  Liam then schooled the committee on the facts surrounding First Amendment rights:      I don’t complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school. Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs just as I do. No one person, staff, or student told me that they were bothered by what I was wearing. Actually, just the opposite. Several kids told me that they supported my actions. Liam alleged he was told by school staff that his shirt was “a disruption of learning.”  “No one got up and stormed out of class no one burst into tears,” he asserted nevertheless. “I’m sure I would have noticed if they had. I experience disruptions to my learning every day. Kids acting out in class are a disruption, yet nothing is done.”  “Why do the rules apply to one yet not another?” Liam asked the school committee. “I feel like these adults were telling me that it wasn’t okay for me to have an opposing view. Your arguments were weak in my opinion. I didn’t go to school that day to hurt feelings or cause trouble.”"
So much for "white fragility"

Detransitioner: ‘I’m suing the doctors who removed my healthy breasts’ - "Camille Kiefel, 32, had her healthy breasts removed in 2020 to align with her nonbinary gender identity. She says her doctors approved the surgery after two Zoom meetings, breezing past a whole host of mental health issues...   the idea that she might not actually be a woman didn’t occur to Camille until she enrolled at Portland State University, where she minored in gender studies and was introduced to alternative views about sex and gender. By the time she reached her mid-20s, she embraced a nonbinary label and used she/they pronouns. All the while, she was struggling with a slew of mental-health issues, including anxiety disorder, social anxiety, PTSD, major depressive disorder and ADHD... All of a sudden, she said the doctors who approved of her surgery and validated her feelings left her in the lurch. “Doctors took me seriously up until surgery, but after I developed all these complications, I noticed they stopped taking me seriously,” Camille said. “I was on my own at that point.”... “There’s nothing to transition to as nonbinary,” Camille said. “There’s no third sex out there. It’s just based on a feeling that this would be a good fit for you. It’s a designer surgery but I didn’t think of it at the time . . . It’s a weird Frankenstein surgery that they’re doing.”  In retrospect, she noticed just how much her doctors had overlooked when they approved her procedure. She told them about the trauma she experienced when her friend was raped and her emotional struggles. Yet she was still given a green light to remove her breasts... "The doctors are under this gender ideology as well, so there’s this sort of idea that you can have mental illness and be trans,” she explained. “It’s almost like a confirmation bias and they didn’t really look into it.”  Her dating life has also been impacted. Recently, a partner broke up with her when they found out she doesn’t have breasts. And, although Camille would like to have children one day, she will never be able to breastfeed."
Weird. TRAs keep claiming it is very hard to get surgical intervention

Number of transgender children seeking treatment surges in U.S. - "The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021"
TRAs keep lying about surgery on minors. Some, when confronted, do a bait and switch and claim bottom surgery is not done on minors. So much for that lie
Plus this is for insurance claims only

Age Is Just a Number: WPATH-Affiliated Surgeons' Experiences and Attitudes Toward Vaginoplasty in Transgender Females Under 18 Years of Age in the United States - "A rising number of female-affirmed transgender adolescents are being treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and subsequently cross-sex hormones at early or mid-puberty, with vaginoplasty as the presumed final step in their physical transition. But, despite the minimum age of 18 years defining eligibility to undergo this irreversible procedure, anecdotal reports have shown that vaginoplasties are being performed on minors by surgeons in the United States, thereby contravening the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care (SOC)."
Weird. TRAs keep insisting that no minors are having their genitals chopped off
Keywords: chopping off kids' genitals, cutting off kids' genitals

TLC’s Jazz Jennings Sets Gender Confirmation Surgery Date - "Jazz Jennings is set to undergo gender confirmation surgery later this month—and she's not holding anything back.  In a YouTube video posted on June 1, the 17-year-old star of TLC's I Am Jazz and LGBTQ activist reveals that she’s getting the surgery on June 26"
Jazz's birthday is Oct 6. So this is the most famous example of minors having bottom surgery
Addendum: I presented these 3 sources to a liberal, who dismissed them as "anecdotes" so they weren't valid evidence. I said Charlottesville was an anecdote too, and he claimed there was video evidence so it was undeniable. Hilarious

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "Kristy Rialon, the Texas Children's Hospital surgeon who has been secretly performing child sex-change procedures on children as young as 11 years old, has now locked down her social media."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Sex-Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital - "executives at Texas Children’s Hospital announced that they would cease performing transgender medical procedures on children, citing potential legal and criminal liability. The hospital’s chief pediatrician, Catherine Gordon, an advocate for “gender-affirming therapy,” abruptly resigned.  I have obtained exclusive whistleblower documents showing that, despite its public statements, the Houston-based children’s hospital—the largest in the United States—has secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children...   If “gender-affirming care” is truly the gold standard in medicine, TCH should defend it openly, not perform it in secret"

Meme - "*Wolf in sheepskin* Trans sheep are sheep!"

Meme - "What the world says is toxic masculinity *muscular topless man*
ACTUAL toxic masculinity *Dylan Mulvaney, Lia Thomas, Brían Nguyen (trans beauty queen)*"

Meme - "Imagine getting triggered over the fact you forgot to change your name on your Microsoft account."
THEGAMER: ""I Quit The Game Immediately": Trans Players Respond To Forza Horizon 5's Deadnaming
Forza Horizon 5 addresses you by the name on your Microsoft account, but for some trans players, that has unexpected consequences."

Transgender toddlers treated at Duke, UNC, and ECU - "Duke Medicine opened its Gender Clinic in 2015 to offer a wide variety of services under one roof. The clinic treats children as young as two for gender dysphoria... In her expert declaration to a federal district court in North Carolina concerning H.B. 2 Adkins stated, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.”  Adkins argues that gender identity is not only the preferred basis for determining sex, but “the only medically supported determinant of sex.”  Every other method is bad science, she claims... A few miles down the road, at UNC Health, children as young as three can be evaluated for gender dysphoria... Interested parents are assured on UNC's website that a team of psychiatrists, endocrinologists, family doctors, and surgeons will collaborate to "affirm" their child's gender.  How eager is UNC Health to "affirm" gender (i.e chemically sterilize and castrate)?   So eager that its medical school residents offer cross sex hormones for free every third Wednesday.  ECU Heath recently jumped on the bandwagon and opened it's own "Pride Clinic" seeing children of all ages... “The literature tells us that kids can start around age four having their gender identity"... A majority of ECU Health family medicine doctors indicate they are trained and ready to accept an influx of patients on the center's website.  Dendy and her colleagues at ECU published a recent paper calling for doctors and clinics to push puberty blockers and hormones through telemedicine and school awareness programs.  A month after the doctors at the ECU Pride Clinic published the paper, the school announced it received $3.2 M for a telepsychiatry program for school children.   Do you believe in coincidences?... These doctors and clinics know that by catching children and their families at two or three, they can generate enormous amounts of cash because patients will likely rely on a lifetime of medication."
Weird. How come this expert doesn't know that sex and gender are different?

Panic mode: Duke and UNC deny ECU, wrongdoing in treating transgender toddlers - "Duke, ECU, and UNC released separate, but simultaneous statements via social media. Crisis communication teams were apparently told to stop bleeding but were not informed about the institution's actions. This or they are liars as well.   Let's start with Duke. The term "surgery" has been used as a red herring to distract from Duke's Dr. Deanna Adkins' bragging about treating 'transgender 2-year-olds' (yes, plural).  Now Duke's cleanup crew may assert that endocrinologist Dr. Adkins and her team treat intersex toddlers and not gender-confused tots. If this is true, then Duke is violating the American Medical Association's (AMA) hands-off approach to medically intervening in the natural development of toddlers...  Isn't it ironic that the AMA champions intersex minors' "bodily autonomy", while promoting doctors to coerce children into becoming transgender so that they may be experimented on?... A second of Duke's claims, that "therapies are explicitly not provided to children prior to puberty," is also false.  According to Clinicaltrials.gov, Duke is giving transgender and nonbinary cross-sex children hormones to study their sleep patterns. Giving high doses of estrogen or testosterone to transgender pre-teens is troubling. But giving them to non-binary children who don’t identify as male or female seems unethical."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "Popular children's YouTube star Chris Tyson, who recently announced a transition to a female identity, has locked down their Twitter account following the revelation of disturbing tweets. Chris had posted about being sexually aroused by lolicon, a genre of sexual anime featuring young girls/toddlers. In November, Chris posted a photo of his toddler son dressed in high heels. Chris had also posted about climaxing during sex when Hitler was invoked."

FischerKing on Twitter - "Whites are going to be overrepresented in trans b/c it’s one of the only ways to claim minority status and victimhood and get ahead. Being a humdrum white doesn’t help you. They will do it for the same reason Elizabeth Warren claimed she was Native American."

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