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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Links - 28th May 2023 (1 [including the Muslim Veil])

Meme - Hassan Khan: "No compromise
My Wife, if she Refused to wear Hijab *beheaded*"

‘Death threat’ for wife refusing to wear hijab - "Ms Tajmir-Riahi, of Castle Hill, does not follow Islam. But, when she married Abdelamir, she agreed to try wearing a hijab. “I did try and I couldn’t,” she told the court. Ms Tajmir-Riahi told the court her husband told her she was an embarrassment to him and that she could not “be a good mother” if she refused to wear a hijab. She  said  he’d told her there was no  point  in  having a wife without (a) hijab. Finally, she told her husband “from this time on, I am not going to wear (a) hijab” and “I don’t believe in Islam”."

"Hijab" ≠ Head Covering - by Asra Q. Nomani - "The edict by Muslim clerics that women cover their hair hinges on a lie.  It depends on Qur’anic misinterpretations of the word hijab and its variations.  The word hijab, or a derivative, appears nine times in the Qur’an.  None of those times means a head covering. None. Zero. Zilch...
1. “Wall of separation” — Al-A'raf (7:46)
This verse speaks of an “obstacle” or “wall of separation” between those in heaven and those in hell...
2. “Barrier” and “concealed partition”— Surah Al Isra (17:45)
3. “Screen,” “seclusion” — Sūrah Maryam (19:17)
4. “Prohibiting partition,” Al-Furqaan (25:53)
5. “Partition” or “curtain” (33:53).
6. “Hidden” or “darkness” (38:32) — Surat Şād (The Letter)
7. “Partition” (41:5)
8. “Wall of separation” — Sarah ash-Shura (42:52)
9. “Barred” or “denied access” from God (83:15)
+1 Verse: Sūrat-ul-aḥzāb (The Combined Forces) — Mistranslation (33:59)
    The most cited verse to defend the headscarf (33:59) states:      “Oh, Prophet tell thy wives and thy daughters and the believer women to draw their jilbab close around them; this will be better so that they be recognized and not harmed and God is the most forgiving, most merciful.”
According to Arabic dictionaries, jilbab means “long, overflowing gown,” the traditional dress at the time...
+1 Verse: Mistranslation — Sūrat-ul-Nūr (The Light) (24:31)
Another verse (24:31) is also widely used to justify a headscarf, stating:
“… and tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and do not reveal their adornment except what is already shown; and draw their khemar over their neck. . . .”
In old Arabic poetry, the khemar was a fancy silk scarf worn by affluent women, not a head scarf."
She didn't think this through. Does she really want to say Islam says women need to be kept behind a curtain/screen?
I think most Muslim women would prefer to always wear a hijab when outside rather than a jilbab

Asra Q. Nomani #FreeFromHijab 🐾 on Twitter - "2016, I debated “hijab fashion blogger” Hoda Katebi. I argued “hijab” is a fetish of clerics to control women. It is NOT required in Islam (see link below). Her go-to excuse for women as 2nd class citizens in Iran? Wait for it…. “Western imperialism.” #mahsaamini #freefromhijab"

5 Muslim Scholars On The Permissibility Of Not Wearing The Headscarf - "the case for obligation is predominately made by male scholars and by male chauvinists who promote inane memes comparing women without headscarves to uncovered lollipops.  Projecting themselves as custodians of Islamic values, they often sideline contrarian positions as stemming from secular or feminist values.  However, it is illustrative to highlight the voices of the few Muslim male scholars who support the permissibility of not wearing the headscarf on the basis of Islamic hermeneutics. This showcases diversity of Muslim thought and offers a richer gamut of choice in Islam.  The theological arguments of five high profile Muslim scholars are highlighted below.
1. Khaled Abou El-Fadl
2. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
3. Abdullah bin Bayyah
4. Ahmad Ghabel
5. Nasr Abu Zayd...
Like these five scholars, others like Abdullah al-Judai, the late Zaki Badawi, the late Gamal al-Banna, Khalid Zaheer and Shehzad Saleem amongst others have also adopted positions in stark contrast to the current mainstream position."
An admission that the mainstream Muslim view is that women need to wear the hijab

After the Niqab: What Life is Like for French Women who Remove the Veil - "Once ardent defenders of the right to wear the niqab, both women have now completely abandoned it. But the transition took place gradually and was accompanied by a growing distance from extreme Salafist ideology... As she came out of the dressing room, Alexia gauged herself in front of the mirror: “It’s really me, I finally feel like myself again after years of being locked up.”...   In hindsight, neither Alexia nor Hanane spoke of their “exit” from the niqab as a liberation. Instead, the experience has left them with a bitter taste. They say they were convinced at some point in their lives of the importance of wearing a full-length veil: Alexia believed that she was achieving Muslim perfection and giving meaning to her life – she imagined meeting the pious and virtuous man who would save her from her life as a single mother. For Hanane, the goal was to heal the wounds of an adolescence torn apart by family trauma and foster care.  Alexia now feels that this period cost her years of her life and expresses anger at the propaganda coming from Saudi Arabia. She blames the entire system that indoctrinated her, even though she acknowledges it was, in a sense, voluntary. According to her, the Islamic State benefits from the naivety of those who believe they are committed to Salafism for legitimate reasons.  Even if they’ve both renounced the niqab, neither Hanane nor Alexia support the 2010 ban. Hanane told me recently: “The law is counterproductive. The only way out is by yourself. The ban will never convince any woman to take it off.” Alexia has the same reaction, saying that the law that has led some women to cut themselves off from society and that some might adopt it as a rebellious gesture."

Sweden's Muslim minister turns on veil | The Sunday Times - "Nyamko Sabuni, 37, has caused a storm as Sweden’s new integration and equality minister by arguing that all girls should be checked for evidence of female circumcision; arranged marriages should be criminalised; religious schools should receive no state funding; and immigrants should learn Swedish and find a job. Supporters of the centre-right government that came to power last month believe that her bold rejection of cultural diversity may make her a force for change across Europe. Her critics are calling her a hardliner and even an Islamophobe. “I am neither,” she said in an interview. “My aim is to integrate immigrants. One is to ensure they grow up just as any other child in Sweden would.” Sabuni believes all immigrants must try to become proficient in Swedish — just as she did when she arrived from Africa aged 12 — rather than alienating locals. “Language and jobs are the two most crucial things for integration,” she said. “If you want to become a Swedish citizen, we think you should have some basic knowledge of Swedish.” An elegant, vivacious woman who uses subtle make-up and wears soft clothes in pastel shades and tight woollen sweaters, she argues for a total ban on veils being worn by girls under the age of consent, which is 15 in Sweden. “Nowhere in the Koran does it state that a child should wear a veil; it stops them being children. By putting a veil on a girl you are immediately saying to the outside world that she is sexually mature and has to be covered. It’s wrong”... According to Sabuni, many politicians have shied away from talking about the need for assimilation rather than multi-culturalism: “I am one of the few who dares to speak out. Sadly, some members of the Muslim community feel picked on.” Muslim groups in Sweden are already organising a petition to have her removed from government. “I regret that Muslims feel I am a threat to them,” she said. “Everybody has a right to practise their religion, but I will never accept religious oppression. And I represent the whole of society, not just the Muslims.”"
From 2006. Apparently she's non-religious though

White House U-Haul suspect Sai Kandula jailed - "The alleged neo-Nazi accused of ramming a rented U-Haul truck into White House security barriers will be held in federal jail pending a detention hearing next week, according to reports.  Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, appeared in a Washington, DC, federal court...   Kandula, from Missouri, slammed the box truck into barriers along Lafayette Square just steps from the White House late Monday, US Park Police officials said.  He had allegedly planned the attack for six months, with his goal to “get to the White House, seize power, and be put in charge of the nation,” records show.  Kandula was accused of threatening to “Kill the President If that’s what I have to do,” and praised Nazism and Hitler.  He was originally charged with threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a president, vice president or family member, as well as assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, trespassing and destruction of federal property, US Park Police said.  His federal charges have since been downgraded to a single count of depredation of property of the United States in excess of $1,000. Prosecutors told the court Kandula is not a US citizen"
Weird. I guess domestic terrorism is only taken seriously when cis white straight men do it
When the news first came out a lot of people (who didn't read the story and see his name) were going on about white supremacists, Nazis, MAGA etc

Meme - "Malaysia Property News is with Patrick Ebong and 13 others.
My agent told me 1 bedroom with attached bathroom *bunk bed with bathtub below*"

Meme - "But they were all of them deceived. For they were actually wedding rings, and they were now married to each other. *9 Kings of men*"

B.C. park site of Chinese style matchmaking, as parents seek wedded bliss for kids - "Groups of middle-aged and elderly Chinese Canadians pass around their smartphones or photos plucked from wallets, smiling and nodding their greetings before getting down to business.  Do you have a daughter or a son? How old are they? Where did they go to university? Where do they work? And perhaps most importantly —why are they still single?  Central Park in Burnaby has become a matchmaking corner for parents, replicating a phenomenon seen in some cities in China... "In my research, many Chinese immigrants in Vancouver found the place to be isolated and difficult to even find a friend,'' said Qian.  Compared with western society, which values "individuality,'' Qian said Chinese or Asian culture can be more "family-oriented'' and under such settings, getting married or not isn't just an issue for the children but also their parents.  "Some of the studies suggest that for children who haven't got married at a certain age, their parents in China are more likely to have depression and low mental health""

'Suspicious' man who offered chocolates to boy was actually participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day: Ont. police - "Police in Hanover, Ont. have ended their investigation into a man who tried to give a young person a box of chocolates after determining he was participating in Random Acts of Kindness Day.  In a media release issued on Friday, Hanover police said they were investigating a “suspicious older male” who reportedly pulled over and approached a youth walking home from school"
No good deed goes unpunished

Meme - "So, a friend of mine reposted an idea. What if kingdom hearts is just Goofy trying to impress max's gf with stories of his old DnD campaigns!?!?"

Meme - "Peter, tonight I want you to tie me up and do whatever vou want"
"Wait peter what the hell?"
"Harry and I are getting pizza, see you in a few hours"


Thread by @JonHaidt on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " 1. In the debate over whether social media caused the teen mental illness epidemic, the loudest voice is the complete absence of Gen Zers saying “no.”  I have spoken at many high schools. Not once did a student say that social media was on the whole good for them.  
2. Sure, some teens will point to some benefit of social media. Not all are harmed, and some say that on the whole they enjoy it. But all see the massive waste of time and the devastation it causes to many of their friends, and to their generation.
3. More typical is this Gen Z TikToker, @Benspaloss, with 55k followers, who pleads: “Ban TikTok Now”...
4. It is time that we listen to Gen Z, and to the experimental studies, which now show clear evidence that social media is a cause, not just a correlate of mental illness...
5. Congress will have to raise the age of "internet adulthood" someday; 13 is way too low.  In the meantime, every state should follow Utah: require parental consent for minors to open accounts. We parents of teens are all struggling. Help us out."

I'm covered in tattoos & regret it - it’s like wearing the same shirt for life & I should have listened to the warnings - "Sara revealed she first started getting tattoos when she was in her twenties and loved them at the time – but now she likened it to wearing the same shirt every day and wished she’d thought twice... The social media user continued that when she was in her twenties, her body art went well with personality, as she described herself as “dark, spooky and moody.”  However, she said it was the total opposite of her “more femme, girly” vibe now and wears “a lot of white and ruffles” that she feels doesn’t match her heavily tattooed look."

Answer to What don't most liberals realize? - Quora - "How did an area of LaFollette progressive farmers barely 100 years ago become what it is today?  Progressivism started failing them. Them, specifically.  And this is largely what I think liberals have tended to fail to consider...
1. It’s not about ideology or even partisanship, it’s about the “rural consciousness.”... Cramer discovered that rural people very much have their own social identity, and they feel that it is both under attack and worthy of preservation... They have lower tax bases and lower economies of scale because of the lack of population density. Progressive policies often fail to take that into account, and raise revenue by raising statewide property taxes. This massively disproportionately hits rural people, who tend to be land rich and money poor. Land is a great asset, but it’s not a liquid one. So, when we’re barely breaking even most years and two shitty seasons away from complete insolvency and China and California and giant agricorps are dumping cheap milk and pork into the system, we’re kind of fucked when you start demanding another thousand bucks a year from us...
2. You can be pretentious AF at times... Look at what you see on TV representing my people. The positive end of that stick is the naivety of Parks and Rec. What do we more commonly see ourselves portrayed as? Called on national television?  Rednecks. Inbred hicks. Toothless hillbillies. Racists and homophobes clinging to guns and Bibles...
3. Marketing Matters...
4. Your bitching about conservatives not playing in good faith is a waste of time... You know what wasn’t fair? Decades of getting kicked in the teeth as global trade and automation and debt traps pounded rural economies based on agriculture and manufacturing while progressive policies promised help that never came...
5. Not everything unjust is racist and not everything that is racist is intentionally racist...   I tried to tell liberals this when they compared Mitt Romney to Hitler and Mussolini. I was told to go away.  And here we are: my people won’t listen to you anymore because everything is racist. Everything is over the top, or at least so they feel...
6. People do switch sides if they have a good reason, so quit writing off my people as a lost cause."

Meme - Then: "I need to sneak out of home to go to the party!"
Now: "I need to sneak out of this party to go home!"

Meme - "Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) *furry*
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) *kid putting pencil on face*"

Meme - "Born too late to own property
Born too soon to be a TikTok star
Born just in time to have paid $0.99 for a ringtone"

Meme - "First-mate prance @bocxtop: Condoms are not biodegradable
Condoms are not biodegradable
Condoms are not biodegradable
Condoms are not biodegradable
Condoms are not biodegradable
if you care about the planet have unprotected sex!"
rosanna alvarez @rosm4d: "stds and babies are also not biodegradable lol"
"Babies are absolutely biodegradable"

S'pore the top guzzler of bottled water, says report - "People in Singapore consume the most bottled water and spend the most on it per capita, far more than any other country... each person in Singapore spent US$1,348 (S$1,800) on bottled water and consumed 1,129 litres of bottled water in 2021, compared with second-placed Australians, who spent US$386 and consumed 504 litres a person.  The United States, Indonesia and Malaysia ranked significantly lower in both per capita bottled water consumption and revenue compared with Singapore.  National water agency PUB said that tap water here is "perfectly safe to drink and entirely wholesome straight from the tap"."
Despite having such clean water. A clear indication that perception and reality are very different

Meme - "*Destruction*
'Fighting Dinosaurs'"

Police travel 500 miles to seize girl's pet goat before 'giving it to BBQ' - "Jessica Long bought her family’s pet goat named Ceder for her daughter back in April 2022, before she put the animal up for auction at the Shasta District Fair in Anderson, California. But before the goat was taken, Long had a change of heart because her daughter had cared for the "beloved" goat. “It was heartbreaking. The barn was mostly empty and at the last minute I decided to break the rules and take the goat that night and deal with the consequences later," she explained in an email sent to the Shasta District Fair on June 27. “I knew when I took it that my next steps were to make it right with the buyer and the fairgrounds. I will pay you back for the goat and any other expenses I caused. I would like to ask for your support in finding a solution.”  Local officials then sent sheriffs with a search warrant on a 500-mile round trip to take the pet back out of her hands again. After seizing the animal, authorities then drove it back and are thought to have handed it to individuals who slaughtered the goat, cooked it and served it at a community barbecue.  The family is furious with the Shasta District Fair, accusing it of an "abuse of power"."

Sex doll firm sells out of 'particularly lifelike' model for bizarre non-sexual reason - "In Australia, some highway lanes can only be used by vehicles with more than one person inside, but now quick-thinking drivers have discovered the Donna sex doll can fool enforcement cameras."

Meme - "I have the best Physics Textbook *Batman swinging down from window to attack the Joker*"

Skull Museum Amagasaki | Japan Experience - "Unique skull shaped building houses the Skull Museum in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture. The museum, possibly unique in the world, is dedicated purely to the human skull"

$1.6B Of Bank Bailout Went To Execs
From 2008

The alien shrub that can't be stopped - "Japanese knotweed evolved in one of the harshest environments on Earth – now scientists are desperately trying to find a way to destroy it."

Meme - Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Describes a significant portion of this platform"
"I can't wait for society to collapse, so *my* ideology can rise triumphant from the ashes" - 5 people on subway thinking the same thing

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, Afrikaans: The Language Which Still Divides - "[On covid restrictions] ‘What you probably would not expect is a general knowledge test and yet that's what Ryanair has been giving its South African passengers. They face questions like what is South Africa's telephone dialing code and who is the country's current president? The reason Ryanair said is that people have been traveling on fake South African passports so they want to save genuine citizens from the fraudsters, but they've been conducting the test in the Afrikaans language and that's really outraged some South Africans’"

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, More Killing in Kashmir - "'Authorities have canceled two of [Mem] Ararat’s concerts since December including one last month citing a risk to public safety. At least 10 other events by performers as diverse as the Korean boy band Murray [sp?], the Turkish rocker Niyazi Koinja and the Spanish violinist Ara Malikian were all called off in the month of May alone, the start of the country's busiest concert season. Music has become the latest flashpoint of the culture wars in Turkey. Ahead of a general election next year the country's conservative leader since 2003, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has criticized what he sees as indecent behavior on several fronts. He complained that onerous taxes have failed to wean drinkers off alcohol and he's demanded regulators ensure TV programs do not convey foreign values that harm Turkish morality. Musicians see the government's heavy-handedness on stage as another attempt to impose its conservative values on society'"
Mild Islamism strikes again

Final Fantasy VII Tifa Pornography Interrupts Italian Senate Meeting
video-flash! - durante un evento organizzato da mario turco e' partito un pornazzo hentai
Italian version with the video

Meme - "AI for Artificial Intelligence. ai for Amazing Invention."

CAF Investigates Gabon Player Born In 1990 But His Mother Died In 1985 - "Guelor Kanga said he was born in 1990 but it has emerged that his mother reportedly died in 1985 thereby throwing his age claim in doubt."

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