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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Links - 13th May 2023 (1 - George Floyd Unrest: Antifa)

Thread by @MrAndyNgo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Earlier today, a crowd of far-left militant trans protesters surrounded women in Hyde Park, London at a #LetWomenSpeak event. Police and volunteers had to form a human wall to keep them from becoming violent to the women, who they call “fascists.” Masked #Antifa protesters scream & shout to try & shut down a women’s rights #LetWomenSpeak event in Hyde Park, London today. They call the women “fascists” for not accepting that males can identify as female. The #Antifa & #trans protesters who had to be held back by police in their direct action to shut down a #LetWomenSpeak event in Hyde Park, London repeatedly chanted that the women are “fascists” for not submitting to their demands & ideology."

Anti-Islam march by Gays Against Sharia called off due to millions of snowflakes in Bristol - "A counter-demonstration was organised outside the police’s ring of steel by a group of LGBT activists from Bristol, and a larger group from Bristol Antifa were kettled by Avon and Somerset police in Castle Park."
Since antifa and their supporters claim that if you oppose antifa, you are pro-fascism since they are anti-fascism, they must be pro-sharia

Elon Musk calls out Washington Post writer as 'contemptible liar' for misleading report about a banned violent extremist account - "Following a report by Joseph Menn for the Washington Post on Wednesday, the journalist is being called out for excluding information regarding Antifa member Chad Loder and the violence he incited on Twitter.  The report, titled "Twitter whistleblower Zatko lands new job at a security consulting firm," centered around former Twitter security chief Peiter Zatko joining the security company Rapid7, co-founded by Loder... "why didn't you mention in your WaPo reporting that Antifa member Chad Loder incited violence, including deadly violence? He also celebrated violent crimes when he praised Antifa 'martyrs,' including domestic terrorist Willem van Spronsen & gunman Michael Reinoehl."  In some of his tweets, Loder recommended that "Molotovs should be thrown under vehicles," made a racist post against a black conservative activist saying he does a "buck dance for nazis," and falsely claimed that the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa "attempted mass murder by arson attack against an apartment building." Twitter owner Elon Musk responded to the post and Menn’s article, writing, "Joseph Menn is a contemptible liar. Twitter policy has always been to suspend accounts that clearly & repeatedly incite violence."... Loder has also been accused of preying on women, with Twitter user "@sladeofyaupon" posting screenshots in August of 2020 of a direct message from Loder where he sent her an unsolicited shirtless photo of himself next to a young child. She wrote: "Women should be able to participate in activist communities without dealing with creepy dudes. I only followed @/chadloder because I thought he would be a useful comrade. I'm angry."  In May 2021, a second woman posted screenshots of a direct message from Loder making comments on her appearance. "Y'all don't have to boost this but I just want everyone to be aware this dude hopped in my DMs hitting on me," she wrote.  In an August 2021 tweet, Loder mocked the homicide of a woman using sexual innuendo, posting a photograph of Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed inside of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, with the text: "Click here to meet local girls who take hot loads to the chest.""
If the liberal media continue pretending antifa is not violent, liberals can continue calling evidence that they are fake news

Antifa 'terrorist', 22, is son of millionaire Maine SURGEON and grew up in $2million mansion - "Francis ‘Frankie’ Carroll, 22, was one of five people arrested on Tuesday at the autonomous zone at the site of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Centre... Carroll is the son of surgeon Dr Mike Carroll and grew up in a $2million five-bedroom and four-bathroom mansion in Kennebunkport – as well as enjoying time on his parents’ yacht... Since June 2021 far-left extremists have traveled to the location to prevent what they call a ‘cop city’ – with Carroll traveling more than 1,3000 miles to get to the violent zone. Law enforcement say they were assaulted with rocks and bottles by militants occupying makeshift treehouses and have been accused of terrorizing nearby residents.  Carroll, who wiped his social media shortly before his arrest, has been charged with criminal trespass, domestic terrorism, aggravated assault, felony obstruction, interference with government property, and possession of tools for the commission of the crime... eight militants were arrested after police patrolling the land were assaulted and pelted with rocks and Molotov cocktails.  Left-wing groups used Twitter to fundraise bail for suspects after another six were arrested in August – charged with various crimes from burglary to criminal damage.  Members of the group tried to burn a man to death after he drove into the area, and he was forced to run for his life after they torched it with him still in it. After their members were arrested the Defend the Atlanta Forest group held a protest outside of Dekalb County Jail – where the five are being held without bail – and let off explosive fireworks.  The Atlanta Jail Support, a project of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, also issued calls to fundraise bail money for the terror suspects using Twitter.  Convictions of domestic terrorism carry with it sentences of anywhere between five and 35 years in prison"
The power of an "idea"!
Damn Kyle Rittenhouse crossing state lines!

NYT journalist calls for censorship of Andy Ngo - "The New York Times journalist Sarah Jeong took to Twitter on Friday to call for fellow journalist Andy Ngo to be censored by the platform... Jeong, arguing for Ngo to be banned, cited another journalist name Donovan Farley. Farley claimed without evidence that Ngo targets journalists and Antifa rioters for harassment, "willfully deceives his followers," and is "the type of propagandist responsible for [Wednesday's] insurrection."  Ngo, the editor-at-large of The Post Millennial, publishes information exposing Antifa rioters and activists who have been arrested or committed violence, with particular focus on the northwestern states of Washington and Oregon... In approving Farley's message, Jeong was joined by notorious Antifa activist Christian Exoo, who goes by the screen name AntiFash Gordon on Twitter, accusing Andy Ngo of "disinformation and incitement to fascist violence." Exoo has a history of targeting journalists for harassment which has led to violence. In 2020, a former journalist at New York Daily News filed a lawsuit against Exoo after he coordinated a mass online and telephone campaign to get him fired from his position with the newspaper. The journalist ended up having his tires slashed and car keyed as a result of Exoo's harassment campaign."

Thread by @MrAndyNgo on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "5 arrested at the #Antifa autonomous zone in south Atlanta hit w/domestic terrorism charges. Police found a cache of explosives. Leading up to the raid, militants tried to burn a man to death in a car. Their group is using Twitter to raise cash... The group the domestic terrorist suspects belong to have an organizing and fundraising presence on Twitter: @defendatlforest, @jail_support & @atlsolfund. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation launched a raid following escalating violent attacks by members of the autonomous zone. Far-left domestic terrorism suspect Serena Abby Hertel, who has addresses in Los Angeles & Boise, was previously photographed for a Soros' Open Society-sponsored puff piece in The Guardian... Most of the domestic terrorist suspects arrested at the Atlanta autonomous zone are from out-of-state. Nicholas Dean Olson comes from Bennington, Neb. He too was photographed for the Open Society Foundations-sponsored puff piece in The Guardian... Domestic terrorist suspect Leonard Voiselle, of Macon, GA, is the only one who didn't scrub his social media in time before I saw it. He follows the accounts mentioned above in this thread, in addition to the Atlanta cell of Antifa & other extremist groups. The shocking events at the far-left autonomous zone south of Atlanta have been developing since last year & escalated recently into a number of serious arson attacks. The story has been ignored by national & international press, though the Georgia governor did comment briefly.
Breaking update: All five domestic terrorist suspects were denied bail at their bond hearing today.
Francis M. Carroll, 22, came all way from Kennebunkport, Maine, to allegedly commit domestic terrorist acts at the autonomous zone in south Atlanta. Domestic terrorism suspect Arieon Robinson came from Milwaukee, Wisc. to join the far-left autonomous zone in south Atlanta. Similar to Seattle's CHAZ in 2020, the Atlanta autonomous zone has a sign reading, "You are now leaving the USA." Far-left account Atlanta Jail Support is raising funds to help the domestic terrorist suspects in addition to other violent suspects. It is part of the far-left ecosystem that uses Twitter to promote cash campaigns for violent suspects. It ends up incentivizing criminality. Before the raid on Tuesday leading to the finding of explosives, the members of the autonomous zone had been terrorizing the community. A man who drove into the area thinking there was free junk was nearly killed when they set his car on fire w/him in it. And last weekend, two under-construction homes next to the autonomous zone were burnt to the ground. In the months leading up to the anti-terrorism raid by the GBI on Tuesday, militants part of the @defendATLforest autonomous zone had been carrying out a campaign of terror. They committed assaults, arson attacks, property destruction & even a carjacking."
Damn far right!

Meme - "Wants to Punch people in the face. Can't even make a proper fist"

How the Left Turned Words Into 'Violence,' and Violence Into 'Justice' - "Responding to news that journalist Andy Ngo had been beaten by antifa protestors in Portland last month, a woman named Charlotte Clymer tweeted that “Ngo intentionally provokes people on the left to drive his content. Being attacked today on video taken by an actual journalist (because Ngo is definitely not) is the greatest thing that could have happened to his career. You know it. I know it. He knows it. We all know it. Violence is completely wrong, and I find it sad and weak to allow a sniveling weasel like Andy Ngo to get under one’s skin like this, but I’m also not going to pretend this wasn’t Ngo’s goal from the start. I mean, let’s cut the shit here. This is what they do.”  Who is Charlotte Clymer? She is an activist who works at the Human Rights Campaign, America’s “largest LGBTQ civil rights organization,” which supposedly “envision[s] a world where LGBTQ people are ensured equality at home, at work [and] in every community.” Andy Ngo, who has written for Quillette, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and other publications, happens to be gay. So this is where we are right now: A staffer for a human-rights organization dedicated to helping gay people is publicly cheering the beating of a gay man. This should raise an eyebrow. The idea that one’s disagreement with Ngo’s point of view disqualifies him from the physical protection granted to other ordinary citizens proved to be quite common in the aftermath of Ngo’s beating... While this odd and unsettling reaction to Ngo’s beating may be dismissed by some as a passing reflex among radicalized culture warriors, it is actually well rooted in leftist academic social theory, which has blurred the distinction between word and action for decades. Under a prevalent view that has emerged from universities in recent years, a wrong opinion is seen as tantamount to a thrown punch or even an indication of a willingness to genocide—which invites the idea that an offended party who throws a real punch (or worse) is simply acting in self-defense. This idea has become so pervasive and is so taken-for-granted at this point that even workaday journalists now pay homage to this academic conceit in their work... Yes, Ngo got beaten. But c’mon—the guy had it coming.  In a recent episode of the podcast Other Life, an antifa member who is critical of the contemporary movement, Justin Murphy, noted that the blurring of the line between words and deeds is accomplished, to some extent, by creating a daisy chain of linkages, so that a person can be seen as an acceptable target merely because he is associated, in some way, with supposed “fascists.” (Though Murphy is highly critical of antifa’s methods, he still considers himself an antifa supporter, in the sense that he supports the idea of organizing against actual fascism.)... These ideas aren’t new. In his influential 1961 book, The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon insisted that enemies of colonialism should resort to physical violence against their colonizers, both to effect political liberation and to improve their own mental health. Given the various forms of violence inherent to colonialism, this argument cannot be dismissed out of hand. But Fanon went further: He also wrote of the violence supposedly done by the words of colonizing elites as a spark for revolutionary activity. This concept creep has been a mainstay of activist manuals ever since... Since “objects are transformed through their relationship to other objects” by means of deeds, words and thoughts alike, everything—or at least everything the radical left milieu rejects—is violence... These ideas have proven to be so elastic that even the voicing of opposition to antifa itself can somehow be lumped in under the category of violence. As Murphy, the aforementioned antifa supporter, explains: “Any kind of cultural outlet that emerges in critical opposition to…the left-wing orthodoxy—well, the only reason they possibly could be doing that is because they want that left-wing orthodoxy to fail because they have ulterior motives of actually boosting and amplifying fascism, which they define as just whatever’s not the left-wing orthodoxy. So in this twisted worldview, someone like Andy Ngo is a genuine kind of accessory to fascism—even if you can’t find anything on record of him ever saying anything fascist.”... queer and trans activists now routinely claim that misgendering is inherently violent... Much of this can be connected to the fixation on power relationships that infused many of the influential French thinkers of the Cold War period... Comb the literature, and you can find all sorts of adjectives tacked on to the word “violence.” This includes something called “discursive violence”... Using such infinitely labile typology, all words can be theorized into violence so long as they have something to do with enforcing “domination” and “oppression,” so all real violence taken up in response to such words is self-defense. Finally, we get to “epistemic violence,” the brain-child of postmodern Theorist Michel Foucault, who contended that violence is done by asserting power by creating, maintaining and participating in oppressive discourses... both the barbarism in the streets observed in recently in Portland, and the shocking apologism that followed it, are the predictable result of decades of self-righteous political activism that became reinvented as supposedly legitimate forms of scholarship."
Which is how we come to the point where anyone right of Stalin is "far right", "fascist " and deserves to be punched

Antifa Threatens Andy Ngo, Portland Police Won't Follow Up - "the Post Millennial Editor-at-Large Andy Ngo and author Douglas Murray posed in front of a large graffiti death threat in Portland reading, “Kill Andy Ngo.” Ngo claimed he has reported many death threats to the Portland Police Bureau, but the police have yet to follow up with him on these threats. “One of many such signs in Downtown Portland. There is nothing normal about this. It is a call for the murder of a journalist in an American city. Shame on the Portland authorities for tolerating it,” Murray tweeted.  “All death threats and incitements to violence against me have been reported to [the Portland Police] since last year. I have not been followed-up with once,” Ngo added... Tragically, police in Portland have often gone soft on antifa rioters as they vandalize, loot, and burn in the Rose City. During the nightly riots this past summer, many Portland Police reports ended by stating that police did not use tear gas or other crowd control measures despite hours of violent rioting.  The city’s Democratic mayor, Ted Wheeler, also serves as the police commissioner, so it is likely the police’s soft hand on antifa traces back to him. Wheeler joined the riots in person and witnessed rioters launching commercial-grade fireworks at law enforcement, and he even insisted that the use of tear gas in such a situation was unprovoked"

Meme - Antifa: "I'm an anarchist"
Wojak: "Cool, I'm also interested in anarchist ideas. What do you hope to achieve under anarchy?"
Antifa: "We need to establish a government UBI for all, as well as free healthcare and housing. We also need the government to... etc."
Wojak: Welp

Antifa fascists in panic after Facebook decides to cooperate with the FBI - "According to one of the extremist nutjobs Alissa Azar, Facebook is reportedly cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation by providing personal messages and emails from the fascist antifascists currently under scrutiny.  Andy Ngo, editor-at-large of the Post Millennial tells us that Azar, currently facing felony riot and assault charges, told her fellow fascist pals to change discussions to in-person... It is refreshing to know that the FBI has made the time to go after real terrorists instead of targeting illegal Capitol trespassers and school parents speaking out at board of education meetings.  After all, this is what the FBI is supposed to be doing...   In June 2021, Azar committed a violent assault using bear spray at a park in Oregon City against a group of right-leaning protesters. As a result of that incident, she is facing felony assault charges, with a trial date of December 13, 2022, scheduled in Clackamas County."

GoFundMe deletes black free speech activist's medical fundraiser at the behest of BLM mob - "A GoFundMe for a black conservative—whose teeth were knocked out by a Black Lives Matter activist at a free speech rally—has been taken down following complaints by the leftist Twitter mob. Team Save America free speech leader Philip Anderson was punched in the face by a masked male assailant wearing tactical gloves last weekend in San Francisco. Antifa counter-protesters accused his free speech rally of fascism. Anderson was called a racial slur, lost two teeth, and left bloodied. The alleged attacker has since been arrested and charged with a hate crime-related assault... "Big Tech is America's #1 enemy. They belong behind bars for what they're doing to me. They banned me instead of the person and group that attacked me. And they also won't allow me to fix my teeth. Black Lives DO NOT Matter to Democrats!""

"Antifa" Magazine Shuts Down After Editor Accused of Being A Rapist - "Commune Magazine, a flashy and professional looking "antifa" publication that sought to provide intellectual direction to the anarchist movement, announced yesterday that it would discontinue its operations and refund all its subscribers.  The catalyst for this decision were allegations that an unnamed editor had raped another left-wing activist. A source familiar with the matter has confirmed to National Justice that the alleged rapist is Shyam P. Khanna, a 31-year-old anarchist organizer based in Brooklyn. According to a March 28 Medium post by Jessica "Leila" Raven, Khanna had been abusing her and then committed a rape against her. Raven then confronted him, demanded an apology and asked him to read four feminist essays. After Khanna agreed to read the articles, he raped her again"

Nolte: BLM, Antifa Checkmate Democrat-Run Cities into Committing Suicide - "If a Democrat-run city polices crime, BLM and Antifa will destroy the city via non-stop rioting and anarchy.  If a Democrat-run city backs away from policing crime, the city is doomed to a future of urban blight, one where everyone who can gets the hell out, while the poorest of the poor and those who prey on the poorest of the poor remain.  Basically, we are looking at a future with a whole bunch of Detroits... unlike previous race riots, which raged for a few days before being put down by law enforcement and the National Guard, this new wave of rioting is something entirely different. The riots in the 60s and the L.A. riot in the early 90s were organic. People got fed up. What we’re seeing today is something very different. Instead of organic, this wave of rioting is part of an organized, far-left political movement, and the organizers include elected Democrats as high up as Her Vice Fraudulency Kamala Harris, the corporate media, Big Tech, and Academia...   Look at what’s already happened… One Democrat-governed city after another is announcing disastrous policies to appease these terrorists. Violent criminals are being released. Police budgets are being cut. All kinds of crimes will no longer be prosecuted. What this change boils down to is one thing: the deliberate destruction of the quality of life."
It's amazing what political will to crack down on rioters now that Biden is in has done - though it is also coupled with soft on crime policies, which may or may not have appeased antifa (for now)

BREAKING: Antifa, BLM clash with police in NYC - "BLM, Antifa and transgender activists brawled with New York City Police officers and vandalized the USS Maine National Monument... The activists marched to different points in mid town Manhattan including the New York Times headquarters where they chanted “F*** The New York Times.” The activists marched to the USS Maine National Monument at Columbus Circle, near the entrance to Central Park, where they vandalized the statue while raising trans rights flags... Activists also hurled misogynistic insults at a female NYPD officer"

'No moral compass': Leaked internal DC police training on Antifa details group's violence against civilians - ""This group by far is the most violent we have dealt with over the years," the MPD maintained. "As you all are aware during the Inauguration of President Trump this was the group that destroyed property, assaulted any Trump supporter they ran into includ[ing] the elderly. They have no moral compass on who they go after." At the 2017 riot on the inauguration of former President Donald Trump, a limousine was lit ablaze, multiple vehicles were also set on fire, and black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators clashed with law enforcement several blocks away from the White House. Rocks and bottles were launched at cops dressed in riot gear, in which six local officers were reported injured by rioters. Rioters dragged garbage cans into the streets near Pennsylvania Avenue which also became sites of arson. Numerous storefronts were defaced, causing tens of thousands of dollars in property damage.  Agitators used chunks of pavement and baseball bats to shatter the glass windows of several businesses downtown, including one of the Bank of America branches and one of the McDonald's locations—all symbols of American capitalism.  The key conclusion made by the internal MPD training material on Antifa points out that if you do not believe in what Antifa believes in, you are nothing more than "a target of violence" to the violent extremist organization."
Liberals will just claim that this proves that the police have been captured by white supremacists

Paw Patrol Replaces Chase The Cop With Karl The Antifa Rioter | The Babylon Bee - "Beloved kids' show Paw Patrol has come under fire for daring to have a police officer who is not scum, Chase the German Shepherd. Amid the controversy, production company Spin Master has agreed to remove Chase and replace him with a new pup: Karl the Antifa Rioter"

The Protests Come for 'Paw Patrol' and Other 'Good Cops' in Media - The New York Times

CNN host celebrates Antifa violence, says those who oppose them are on the same side as Hitler - "Host of CNN's "United Shades of America," W. Kamau Bell, praised far-left extremist group Antifa in his latest segment and said those that are against the violent group are on the same side as Hitler and Mussolini... Despite Antifa's long history of using fascist tactics to silence their opposition, Bell spewed a popular left-wing talking point echoing that, "Antifa is short for Anti-fascist."... In addition to violent physical encounters, the members of Portland Antifa told Bell that they dox people who they consider to be "violent, racist, disgusting things" while "hoping they get fired, or have to find a new job.""

Stop crying foul over fascism - "In the announcement video that formally kicked off his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden paid homage to what he called the “courageous group of Americans” who descended upon Charlottesville, VA in August 2017 to confront an assembly of Right-wing rally-goers. Among that “courageous group” were Left-wing activist factions broadly classified under the banner of “antifa”.  For Biden, what transpired in Charlottesville was a “defining moment,” and formed the basis for his decision to launch a third campaign for the presidency at age 76... he also affirmed a core tenet of the “antifa” worldview: the notion that a uniquely pressing fascistic threat has gripped the country, and crushing this threat is a matter of unparalleled world-historic urgency. Certainly, if you picked any “antifa” member at random, there’d be an almost 0% chance that they would express any kind of personal enthusiasm for Joe Biden. But there’d be a virtually 100% chance that they’d express a great deal of enthusiasm for the theory that “fascism” is an accurate characterisation of America’s current state of governance. Biden would be similarly enthused to present a variation of this analysis, albeit from a slightly different ideological angle. He typically intones things like, “This is not who we are”, rather than “All Cops Are Bastards”.  Still, where Biden is united with “antifa” is in assigning such outsized importance to the role of small-time “fascist” agitators like the ones who gathered that weekend three years ago in Charlottesville (despite ultimately being outnumbered by Left-wing activists) on account of the validation they are purported to have received from Donald Trump. For both Biden and “antifa,” this dynamic constitutes the chief prism through which contemporary American political affairs must be viewed.  And for both Biden and “antifa,” this mode of analysis has been hugely successful. “Antifa” has succeeded in stoking nationwide insurrectionary fervour on a scale unseen in decades. Given their opposition to Trump as the alleged fascist-in-chief, as well as their appropriation of the “Black Lives Matter” protest mantle, they’ve received an extraordinary amount of mainstream liberal legitimation.  Democratic Party operatives have even gone so far as to exalt “antifa” activists as the modern-day equivalents of US soldiers fighting in World War II — while apparently exhibiting no embarrassment for invoking this comparison.   Another clear beneficiary of the “fascism” panic, somewhat paradoxically, has been Biden. A supreme irony of the outsized role that “anti-fascism” has played in post-2016 US political discourse — as popularised by both liberals and leftists, who often claim to be at odds with each other but nonetheless overwhelmingly agree on the underlying “fascism” prognosis — is that it has ultimately limited the possibility of actual Left-wing policy reform.  Democratic presidential primary voters had been traumatised by the non-stop barrage of Trump-related hysteria churned out each and every day by profit-driven corporate media outlets, and laboured under the sincere belief that Trump’s America bears some bonafide relation to Weimar Germany. As such, a plurality were understandably uninterested in foundational reform to the Democratic Party.  That was bad news for socialist Bernie Sanders, who ended up losing handily in the 2020 primaries to a former Vice President whose entire campaign was predicated on little more than restoring the pre-2016 Democratic Party to power. And in a way, you can’t particularly blame those Biden voters. Because if your main sources of information tell you for years on end that the reins of state have been seized by an out-and-out fascist, who is fuelling a siege of “Nazi” street agitators, whatever deficiencies the Democratic Party might have at the moment are of little or no concern. Now even Sanders himself has called for a “united front” against Trump ahead of the election, seeming to suggest that the precedent of Francisco Franco is historically apt. Wasn’t the whole problem with Franco that he couldn’t be voted out?  Never mind that Trump would have to be quite a feckless fascist to allow himself to be constantly maligned in the country’s major media, plotted against by his own administration underlings, and impeached. The decidedly unsexy reality is that Trump has been a fairly weak executive, at least relative to his predecessors in the postwar era... for all the warnings of a Reichstag Fire moment always supposedly being around the corner, the past six months of Covid and riots were a missed opportunity for any genuine fascist seeking to consolidate power. Trump appears largely content with issuing inflammatory tweets... most journalists desperately don’t want to see Trump win in November.  But thanks to the prevailing “fascism” framework, their opposition to Trump isn’t just a matter of ordinary election-year preference. It’s imbued with existential, civilisation-altering significance. How could anyone in their right mind not do everything within their capacity to ensure the defeat of fascism? Once you accept the premise that fascism does in fact accurately describe the current state of American governance, all bets are off — journalistically and otherwise. So even if the “anti-fascists” in the equation are burning down cities, they will still never exist on the same moral plane as the actual “fascists” whose champion occupies the White House. Hence, riots which result in the destruction of huge swaths of Kenosha, WI magically become a “mostly peaceful” affair according to CNN and the New York Times.   Yes, journalists also presumptively ascribe a certain virtue to any protests that occur with the imprimatur of “Black Lives Matter”. But racial disparities have been a fact of American life since the dawn of the republic. The unavoidable explanation for why they’ve taken on such frantic energy in the past several months is the alleged spectre of fascism, namely Trump... For all the talk about dismantling systems of oppression, those who actually wield power in 2020 America seem to view the “fascism vs. antifascism” dichotomy as awfully convenient to their own self-preserving interests."

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