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Friday, May 12, 2023

Links - 12th May 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - 147 Alchemy @FooliBudhana: "This little girl just said thank you for your service to mall security i fucking hate white people"
nobody @clear_uncertain: ""those darn white people and their..." *shuffles deck* *picks card* "children's politeness""
These people just hate white people, period

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, Remembering Fukushima - "‘Freudian analysis still very popular in France, where contemporary sexual culture has its roots in a fusion of 1960 sexual freedom and Freudian theory, such as children naturally harboring desires for their parents. In 1977, many of the country's leading intellectuals including John Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Roland Barthes signed a petition to the French parliament, demanding the legalization of sex between adults and minors, arguing that it was an expression of free love, and part of children's quote, right to pleasure. Several other high profile figures have been forced to resign in the past few weeks over alleged incest and sexual abuse… new draft legislation to reform laws surrounding rape and child abuse and to set for the first time in French history, a legal age of consent is rapidly moving through the Senate. But it's fraught with contention. Many favor fixing the age of consent at 13, which would make it not only the lowest in Europe, but amongst the lowest in the world, and incest likely to remain legal between consenting adults’"
Damn far right conspiracy theories!

Bo Winegard on Twitter - "How quickly would people on the left become science “deniers” if prestigious science journals endorsed DeSantis for president?"
Should Nature endorse political candidates? Yes — when the occasion demands it
The Aging ‘Horn on Twitter - "What if a candidate embraced and endorsed the very well-replicated science regarding the reality and importance of IQ?"
Dennis Wingo on Twitter - "Eisenhower warned of the danger of the "scientific-technological-elite" just as stridently as he did the "military-industrial-complex". Those fears were and are, well founded."
Nene P. Goose on Twitter - "That’s a given. The bigger issue is that these prestigious science journals are already science deniers. E.g., They would never support a DeSantis, who would argue that there are only two sexes, even if science makes this clear."
Political endorsements can affect scientific credibility - "In 2020, Nature endorsed Joe Biden in the US presidential election. A survey finds that viewing the endorsement did not change people’s views of the candidates, but caused some to lose confidence in Nature and in US scientists generally. "
How dare Science Deniers not Trust the Science?!

Bruce Pardy: Human rights tribunal says the quiet part out loud - "an Ontario high school student tried to sign up for a summer program. He was rejected because he was white. The “SummerUp” program, sponsored by the Ontario government, was open only to Black students. His father filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal alleging racial discrimination. Last November, the Tribunal dismissed the complaint, saying the quiet part out loud. White people, wrote the Tribunal, cannot claim discrimination. The law appears to say otherwise. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment without discrimination. The Code, however, has a loophole. “Special programs” are exempt. Special programs give special treatment. They discriminate “to assist disadvantaged persons or groups to achieve or attempt to achieve equal opportunity.” A government, company or organization like a school board can apply to designate a discriminatory program as a special program. The SummerUp program had not been designated as a special program. But the Tribunal determined it met the requirements anyway, which the Code empowers it to do. If a program discriminates against the “correct” groups, it will fit within the exemption as a matter of course. The Tribunal wrote, “an allegation of racial discrimination or discrimination on the grounds of colour is not one that can be or has been successfully claimed by persons who are white and non-racialized.” The statute that purports to prohibit discrimination authorizes it instead. It’s not just the Human Rights Tribunal. For almost 40 years, the Supreme Court of Canada has eviscerated legal equality. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. But the Court has given it the opposite meaning. Like the Human Rights Code, the Charter has an equity exception, and like the Tribunal, the Court has made the exception into the rule. The Charter, the Court insists, requires not equal treatment between individuals but equal or comparable outcomes between identity groups. The Charter does not merely allow discrimination against certain groups, the Court has said, but sometimes requires it. For instance, in 2020 the Court declared unconstitutional a RCMP job-sharing scheme that enabled employees to work part-time if they wished. The voluntary program was open to men and women. Since part-time employees worked fewer hours, they earned lower pension entitlements. More women than men chose to enrol, and as a result more women than men ended up with lower pensions. The program was unconstitutional because the rules of the program were the same for men and women. Other courts, of course, have followed suit. In December 2022, the Ontario Divisional Court declared a standardized math test for teacher candidates unconstitutional. East and Southeast Asian and white candidates passed the test more frequently than Black and Indigenous test-takers. Therefore, the Court concluded, the test was discriminatory, “which occurs when neutral laws have a disproportionate impact on members of enumerated or analogous groups.” The Court did not care why different groups passed the test at different rates. The fact of disparate success was enough to bring use of the test to an end... Unlike Canadians, Americans have a right to equal treatment, at least in principle. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 require it. The American legal system still contains within it, albeit imperfectly, the essence of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of a society in which people are judged by the content of their character (as evidenced in their actions) rather than the colour of their skin... In Canada, legislatures, courts, and tribunals have rejected equal protection, but they are not the only ones. Professional regulators, universities, and other public institutions have piled on, too. The Law Society of Ontario insists that in the practice of law there are too many of certain kinds of people and not enough of others. It aims to socially engineer the profession’s demographic makeup and to require lawyers and firms to comport with mandatory “equity, diversity and inclusion” measures. Universities offer admission processes, support programs, and faculty positions for which only certain races are eligible. Government agencies offer grants and other benefits to specific identity groups."

Governor Katie Hobbs on Twitter - "Today, I signed an Executive Order prohibiting race-based hair discrimination for state employees and contractors. Black women, men, and children should be able to wear their natural hair with pride and without the fear of discrimination. #ArizonaForEveryone #Hobbs100"

Meme - "Worships a European god.
Straightens hair into European hairstyles.
Claims credit for dishes created by European colonists.
Refuses to speak any other language but a European one.
Wears only European style clothing.
Refuses to leave European countries and colonies.
'Samples' European American music and claims it as original innovation.
Thinks America is made of mid 19th century cotton.
Hand claps and head wags when reminded that basketball and cheap cognac were invented by white men.
8 generations deep of being fed and housed by European American taxpayers.
"Wypipo ain't gots no culture" *Black woman*"

Meme - "1945 Cartoon Character
*Pepé Le Pew*
Damaging to our Children
2021 Grammy Awards
*Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B in provocative position*
Wholesome Family Entertainment"

Far-left student protestors chant ‘f*ck off nazis’ in reaction to Michael Knowles speaking event at Purdue University - "Far-left protesters at Purdue University chanted “f*ck off nazis” while lining the hallway outside of the ballroom where the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles delivered an address... Purdue’s Graduate Student Government passed a resolution stating that by allowing Knowles to speak on campus, the university was "providing a platform for Knowles to continue to verbally attack and call for violence against transgender and gender nonconforming students."... the university’s Faculty Senate passed a similar resolution calling for support of LGBTQ students, claiming that "the proposed invited campus speaker incites existential harm toward Boilermakers and Indiana citizens.""

Meme - pantsukampiwagen @kitsunetickl...: "every smug european take down of america is actually a take down of blacks"
@vikare06: "Hey Americans, wtf are you drinking man? "Blue Raspberry Drink. Contains 0% Fruit Juice""
Telling either way. Just like when they claim saying obesity is bad is anti-blackness

Wilfred X. Reilly, Californian on Twitter - "One of the weirdest arguments in the game is that people oppose affirmative action because whites/men/Asians are now "being treated equally" or "just without privilege." No: per every study, folks object to large empirically measurable group advantages like these...
Medical School Acceptance Rates by MCAT Score, GPA, and Race/Ethnicity
*Blacks consistently have the highest acceptance rates for each MCAT and GPA score, followed by Hispanics, with Whites distinctly further behind and Asians at the bottom*"
They get around that by saying it's not equity so whites/men/Asians still have privilege

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - ""It's just a few college students" British army, nothing the Conservative party should care about."
"Setting the agenda for Defence and the strategic direction for Britain's armed forces...
Korn Ferry on why Race Matters;
Hear me: Black voices on their pain and anger
In my shoes: addressing systemic racism through structural inclusion
Stand by me: How whites can become authentic allies
Don't talk do: creating a racially equitable future as inclusive leaders
Power in the board room: what board directors can do to eradicate racism in the corporate world
Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World by Layla Saad and Robin DiAngelo
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging by Afua Misch
Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Why I am no longer talling to white people about race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
Videos to watch...
Everyday Racism: What should We do? Akala"
What happens when you have no wars to fight

Meme - "WARNING: This is an inclusive society and if we feel you are talking, thinking, or behaving in a non-inclusive way you will be EXCLUDED"

Xi Van Fleet on Twitter - "Niu Youlan, a wealthy landlord in Shanxi Province. He received good ed in Beijing where he was exposed to new progressive ideas. He became a CCP summarizer & helped CCP financially. He also sent his son to Tsinghua Univ. (China’s MIT) where he joined the CCP. Everything seemed fine until CCP’s Land Reform campaign after it took power in 1949. Now Niu became the enemy of the state for simply being a landowner. All his pro-CCP good deeds were forgotten. His property was confiscated & redistributed to poor peasants. He was denounced in a struggle session (public trial), presided over by no other than his own son, now a prominent CCP official. The family name Niu in Chinese character means ox. A metal wire was pulled through Niu’s nose by the angry mass. He was paraded through the village w/ his son pulling the rope attached to the wire. The father died a few days later. Too many lessons to be learned from this story. Make your own conclusion."

Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " When you talk to conservatives you can mostly jus say what you mean. When you talk to progressives you have to bracket everything with a million “to be clear” and “of course that’s not anybody fault” and “I wish this weren’t true, but…” and “look, nobody likes this, but…” Whenever I talk to progressives I am in the mindset of managing their emotions. I know there are things I will say that will upset them, so like I’m talking to a toddler, I change my approach to manage their feelings. What’s wild, though, is this actually does work. Progressives actually are more receptive if you just add a whole bunch of meaningless, pointless hedges that act like scaffolding around your core claim. It somehow signals for them that you take the emotional content of your claims seriously. Like, if I were talking about the failures of educational interventions to a conservative I would just state plainly that most of what we have tried simply doesn’t work. With a progressive you have to add a lot of that, “this isn’t anybody’s fault” asides for them to hear you. A lot of this is about signaling humility and deference and kindness. “This is just my opinion, and to be clear we might not have designed the intervention properly, and maybe there’s data I am unfamiliar” etc etc. They’ll hear you if you add all that stuff. Probably because I’m like 15% autistic or something these hedging statements appear to me to be entirely meaningless. I want to have conversations with people where we can just assume good faith and skip those pleasantries in service of pursuing what’s true. By the way, I think this ties in neatly with the way that progressives constantly accuse conservatives in policy debates of just simply not caring about the poor. This is why signaling that that doesn’t apply to you gives you permission to talk about uncomfortable facts. Progressives are constantly trying to figure out if you’re one of the good guys and if you’re not, then they know they have permission to ignore you. But if you can demonstrate that you are sufficiently compassionate, then you can make the same claim you were going to make anyway Discussing politics with a progressive is like arguing with your partner. “I hear what you’re saying and I acknowledge it. Your feelings are valid.” Only after that’s established can you cite the data that makes your point either way. See also the demand in some spaces for a long preamble full of disclaimers like, “first of all, I acknowledge that I am a privileged straight white cis man” before you’re allowed to make a claim. This is sometimes interpreted as a way to disqualify people… … but there’s an aspect of it that’s not so different from what I’m talking about in this thread. You gain credibility by acknowledging that you understand the relevant questions about privilege. In these circles, an understanding of relative privilege on the dimensions of sex, gender, race, and class is table stakes for having an informed opinion. So you’re performing a sort of ritual that demonstrates that you get it."

Norm Macdonald on Twitter - "What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans. Imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?"

Stanford University deems 'American' harmful language - "An internal guide for eliminating " harmful language " at Stanford University included "American" and "survivor" as terms that should be avoided within the institution's IT department. The guide is part of the Stanford IT department's " Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative " and contains a list of "potentially harmful terms used in the United States, starting with a list of everyday language and terminology."... Many of the terms listed are words used in everyday discussion, including "American," "user," "uppity," "survivor," and "rule of thumb."... The term "American" should be avoided because it "insinuat[es] that the US is the most important country in the Americas." The phrase "rule of thumb" should be avoided because it is "attributed to an old British law that allowed men to beat their wives with sticks no wider than their thumb." The description also adds that "no written record exists" of that law... Stanford is not the only California university offering language guides. According to the Washington Free Beacon, a training at California Polytechnic State University offered a guide to avoiding "ableist" language."
Imagine believing in urban legends. But wokeness isn't based on reality anyway

Can you really be radicalised by Great British Railway Journeys? | The Spectator - "The late Robert Conquest adumbrated three rules of politics. Perhaps the most famous (also known as O’Sullivan’s law) is that ‘Any organisation not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing’. I would like to add a fourth law: ‘Any programme set up by government will inevitably metastasise unless consciously cut back by observant officials.’ Anyone in search of a textbook example need look no further than the government’s Prevent programme, into which the government’s official review was finally published last week. William Shawcross’s excellent comprehensive report contains many things worth lingering over. But one of the most interesting is what he uncovered about Prevent’s saunter into ‘right-wing extremism’... the programme’s attempts to address right-wing extremism were even more inept than some of its attempts to address Islamist extremism. In part this is because the Prevent programme was advised by left-wing activist groups like Hope not Hate. Such groups have long believed that the definition of far-right should encompass, for instance, many people who supported Brexit. From campaigning against the National Front and the BNP, such groups ended up campaigning against Ukip. In other words, they ended up trying to stigmatise opinions that were in many cases (such as on Brexit and immigration) shared by a majority of the British people. Quite the hustle, that. Last weekend the press reported on an analysis done by Prevent’s ‘Research Information and Communications Unit’ (RICU) in 2019. This analysis looked into social media users described as ‘actively patriotic and proud’. Oh no – anything but actively patriotic and proud! Anyhow, according to RICU there were warning signs if people absorbed information or opinions from ‘pro-Brexit and centre-right commentators’. These included Jacob Rees-Mogg, Melanie Phillips, Rod Liddle and yours truly. So everybody reading this column is at as much risk of being ‘radicalised’ as some young Muslim settling down with a tape recording of Ayman al-Zawahiri or Osama bin Laden, and Rees-Mogg becomes the equivalent of a finger–waving imam sending the young off to become martyrs in the cause of Allah. Which is strange because he never came across that way to me when we crossed paths at Conservative Philosophy Group meetings. I have since been able to look over some of this pathetic material provided at public expense and can confirm that it gets worse. In one RICU document a number of books are singled out, the possession or reading of which could point to severe wrongthink and therefore potential radicalisation. These include a book on the Rotherham rape gangs, books by Peter Hitchens, Melanie Phillips and – once again – me. Without wanting to beat my own drum, the book of mine that is singled out for this sinister treatment is my 2017 work The Strange Death of Europe. This book spent almost 20 weeks in the Sunday Times bestseller lists, has been translated into dozens of languages and was for some time the bestselling non-fiction book in the UK. So that is an awful lot of potential radicals just there... these same taxpayer-funded fools provide lists of other books shared by people who have sympathies with the ‘far-right and Brexit’. Key signs that people have fallen into this abyss include watching the Kenneth Clark TV series Civilisation, The Thick of It and Great British Railway Journeys. I need to stress again that I am not making this up. This has all been done on your dime and mine in order to stop ‘extremism’ in these islands. There is also a reading list of historical texts which produce red flags to RICU. These include Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government and Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, as well as works by Thomas Carlyle and Adam Smith. Elsewhere RICU warns that radicalisation could occur from books by authors including C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Aldous Huxley and Joseph Conrad. I kid you not, though it seems that all satire is dead, but the list of suspect books also includes 1984 by George Orwell. So in general, I begin to feel in good company. If government agencies are going to compile lists of suspect books, then I am very happy to stand condemned alongside these fine people, both living and dead. But what does it say about our country that we could ever have got here? Prevent was meant to protect people. It evolved, in time, into something committed to going against almost everything about our country, including its people."
We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

Meme - Michael Clary: "My daughter's scholarship application. Could they make their agenda more obvious?"
Sexual Identity: "LGBT, LBGT Ally, Other, Prefer not to answer"

Meme - Ari @arimalakh: "White fragility? Tell you what. We each get to say one word, and then we'll determine which of us is fragile."

The 1958 ‘Psychological Warfare’ Plan Playing Out Before Us - "I recently wrote about an old 1984 interview with former communist Yuri Bezmenov, who described the “ideological subversion” which could eventually take down America. It sounds like the stuff of conspiracy theories – until one realizes that his predictions of “demoralization,” “destabilization,” and “crisis” are all unfolding before our eyes. Pondering his prophetic words, I hunted up an old book a friend mentioned to me years ago: The Naked Communist. The title, I admit, is chuckle-worthy, but the words inside are no laughing matter, particularly when one reads the section titled “Importance of the Psychological War.” Written in 1958, some of the “current strategy goals which the Communists and their fellow travelers are seeking to achieve” seem dated and read like a history book from the past. But then one comes to item number 17:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”...
Haven’t Americans been suspicious for years that public school curriculum has been dumbed down? Prominent public figures have certainly made this claim, while a comparison of middle school reading lists from today’s schools and those of 100 years ago provides further evidence. Things take a step closer to home by encouraging the use of “student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.” We’ve had not a little experience with riots and protests lately, many of which have been heavily attended by young people. Are they mere tools in the hands of an ideology we don’t realize is pulling the strings? Even more terrifying, the list progresses from student riots to the cancel culture and statue bashing we are also currently experiencing. “Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression,” item number 22 commands, while number 31 calls for Communists to “[b]elittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history….” The document also suggests discrediting both the Constitution and Founding Fathers. Of the latter it says, “[p]resent them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the ‘common man.’” Sounds similar to the “slave-holding racists” that the Founders are now portrayed as, does it not? The list is extensive and many of the items listed as eventual goals are now accepted parts of our culture. There is one more, though, that deserves a closer look: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ‘united force’ to solve economic, political or social problems. Since the death of George Floyd, protests and violence have become commonplace."

The 10 Whitest Things About the Woman Who Flushed Her Emotional-Support Hamster Down the Toilet at the Airport - "Belen Aldecosea—the Florida woman who, when allegedly told that she wasn’t allowed to bring her emotional-support hamster on a plane, allegedly flushed said hamster down the toilet—the levels of whiteness converge to form a whiteness soufflé. A whiteness manicotti. A whiteness Thai fried rice."
They hate white people so much. Imagine saying this about another group of people (maybe Asians are okay because this comes from blacks)

ESPN’s ‘The Undefeated’ Slams NFL As Racist, Ignores That The Four Highest-Paid Quarterbacks Are Black

Meme - "*making fire with sticks* This could have been us.... But white people ruined it. *rich rappers*"

The Case for a 100% Tax on White People’s Inheritance - "Rereading “White Debt,” I decided it might be time to try a new approach to reparations. If white people don’t want to settle their debt by paying out of pocket, perhaps we shouldn’t force them. They’ve made clear that they don’t feel responsible, so they don’t feel that they should be punished. I say we stop trying to convince them otherwise. That said, if we don’t hold white people responsible for their ancestors’ liabilities, they shouldn’t get to inherit their assets, either. As long as reparations are not in effect, I propose instituting a 100% tax on all estates inherited by any white person, not Hispanic or Latino. This is, of course, only fair. You can’t choose to inherit the good and leave out the bad — yet this is exactly what white people want to do with the legacy of slavery. They wish to preserve their economic status, built entirely on a heinously criminal enterprise, without making a compensatory apology for their cruelty and thievery (I include the crime of theft because labor absolutely has value, can very much be stolen, and thus, will need to be repaid). But we white people haven’t made a single payment on our stolen house, mortgaged on 400 years of chattel slavery. And that can no longer stand. If we insist on locking away our checkbooks, then it’s time for our house to be foreclosed."
When you just hate white people. Clearly inheriting something directly is exactly the same as collective responsibility just because of your race, even if your ancestors were not involved

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