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Saturday, April 08, 2023

Links - 8th April 2023 (2 - Women)

ENTRY $10 B4 11PM
19910 HOOVER ST, DETROIT, MI 48205

Meme - "Beautiful face doesn't matter all that matters is big heart *busty woman*"

Meme - kelly @kelllicopter: "Hate when guys say "omg you're so funny i love your jokes you're so interesting blah blah blah" like ugh you only like me for my personality what about my giant tits"

Meme - "Woman: I came in 2 minutes! *women celebrating*
Man: I came in 2 minutes! *men comforting him*"

Meme - Male Horse to Female Horse in bed: "WELL, AT THE TRACK I GET CHEERED FoR FINISHING FIRST.""

Some People Flip Real Estate. I Flip Men. - The New York Times - "I am a man flipper. I meet a man, fix him up and flip him to someone else. Unlike people who flip real estate — buying houses, renovating them and selling them for a tidy profit — I see no gain from this arrangement, only loss.  I don’t want to be doing this, but something attracts me to men who are emotionally withdrawn, and I have a talent for drawing them out. For their future wives and girlfriends, apparently."

Mohanad - Union Hall NY 3/12 on Twitter - "Dane Cook: I'm dating a 23 year old
Leonardo DiCaprio: hold my beer
Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend: I can't"

Meme - "Leonardo DiCaprio, 48, was spotted with 19-year-old Israeli Model Eden Polani in LosAngeles"
"Madonna, 64, 'Casually Dating' Andrew Darnell, 23: She Doesn't 'Let Age Affect Her Decisions'"
"Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture."
"They're the same picture."

Facebook - "The same women complaining about Leonard DiCaprio's 19 year old girlfriend were pretty quiet when that 80 year old woman and her 19 year old boyfriend went viral last week."
Teen, 19, with pensioner girlfriend, 76, proposes as trolls criticise age gap - "A teen with a pensioner girlfriend has proposed to his older woman, as trolls criticise the age gap between the pair.  Giuseppe D'Anna, 19, has taken the internet by storm after posting a video to TikTok showing his proposal to his girlfriend, who is 76."
So are those who criticise Leonardo diCaprio trolls?

Peter Lloyd on Twitter - "Leonardo DiCaprio getting slut-shamed by Ulrika Jonsson - the woman nicknamed 4x4 because she has four kids by four different men - is absolutely incredible! 😂"

Ulrika Jonsson says she enjoys having sex with toyboys - "Ulrika Jonsson has explained she likes dating and sleeping with younger men as her sex drive is higher than ever.  The TV personality, 55, insisted that she wasn't 'ageist' but confessed she had been 'dating younger'... The Swedish TV star began by explaining that while her three ex-husbands were her age, her recent dates have been up to 28 years her junior, the youngest admirer only 26."

Meme - "Bloated
'Bloated' Leo DiCaprio is slammed for 'ageing worse than Madonna'
Body positivity is only for women. Men deserve to be body shamed

Meme - "If DiCaprio, 50, dating a super model, 19, is gross then so is grooming 18-19yo into SW
Until we meet again"
5 year olds can declare that they are the other sex, but 19 year olds cannot date older men (but they can go on OnlyFans at 18 and if you disagree you're a SWERF)

Meme - Leonardo: "I CONSENT."
Smoking 19 year old model: "I CONSENT."

Meme - "48 year old Leonardo DiCaprio having a good time with his hot 19 year old legal adult girlfriend"
"35 year old single women on twitter who will never find a partner"

The People Who Criticize Leonardo DiCaprio For Dating A 19-Year-Old Are Totally Fine With Women Selling Their Bodies Online To Strangers - "His latest girlfriend is reportedly a 19-year-old Israeli model Eden Polani. They apparently were seen getting cozy at an LA release party for Ebony Riley's new EP. Eden is a drop-dead gorgeous young woman with long auburn hair, green eyes, and freckles. People have called Leo a predator, a creep, and an egomaniac because of his dating choices. The outrage continues to grow online and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. But what are people really upset about? Isn't a younger woman dating an older, richer, and more powerful man just a tale as old as time? Plus, the very people who claim that they're grossed out by Leo dating a 19-year-old model are the same ones who are completely fine with that same 19-year-old selling her body to total strangers online—because "empowerment."... At face value it's easy to write it off as a horny man completing a sexual conquest with a woman who is in her physical prime. Even if that is part of the equation, what's so wrong with a rich, successful man wanting a young, beautiful woman on his arm? One of the greatest general differences between men and women is that men provide steadiness and protection to the world and women provide beauty and nurturing. Of course a man wants to be with a beautiful woman just like a woman wants to be with a powerful, successful man. These are simple biological differences that can't be denied, no matter how much progressives attempt to tear down the relationship between masculinity and femininity. From everything we know as bystanders, Leonardo DiCaprio is clear about his intentions with women. He has never been married and it doesn't look like he has any interest in marrying in the future. He may not be the best role model for young men as he's not interested in becoming a father and husband in order to create a strong family unit that will create a better society eventually, but just because he isn't the most virtuous man when it comes to relationships doesn't automatically make him a predatory creep. Besides, why isn't anyone considering the woman's role in the relationship?... Everyone is acting like Leo is forcing these young women to date him, but let's be real for a second: just about any 20-year-old woman would take their shot at dating a successful, wealthy guy like Leo (his net worth is reportedly $300 million) if they had the chance. Especially when you consider the fact that he seems to take care of these women pretty well. He takes on them on expensive trips, probably gives them beautiful gifts, and spoils them beyond anything they've probably experienced before... They're acting like she's being forced into this relationship, without ever considering the fact that she has just as much to gain from dating Leo—if not more. She is propelled into the next level of stardom, she gets to be spoiled and taken on extravagant trips around the world, and she gets connected with some of the most powerful people in the world of fashion and Hollywood. She knows exactly what she's doing and she is probably fully aware of the fact that Leo isn't interested in marrying her... One thing that particularly stands out is, the very same people who heavily criticize Leo and Eden for their alleged relationship are the ones who support sex work, prostitution, and OnlyFans. They're totally okay with women selling their bodies online to total strangers who objectify them and pay exorbitant amounts of money to see them perform sex acts. They say as long as it's consenting between both parties, it's completely fine. And yet they turn around and say that a consenting 20-something model shouldn't date Leo because he's a creep. @plzbepatient tweeted, "50 year old guy paying to bang a 19 year old escort by the hour: cool and good. 50 year old guy paying all the expenses of a 19 year old girl for a few years in exchange for sex and companionship: evil and bad." Not to mention the rampant pedophilia and sex abuse that happens in Hollywood—all the people who chastise Leo for dating younger women remain pretty silent about the countless stories of sex abuse that come from the celebrity world on a regular basis. There's no problem with young girls being used as props in a Balenciaga photo shoot featuring teddy bears in bondage and court documents about child pornography, but heaven forbid Leo dates a young model"
Of course, these are the same people who proclaim "love is love" and insist that what consenting adults do (nowadays not even in private, ergo Pride) is no one's business

Fit gran, 64, who 'only dates younger guys' hints she's off singles market - "Personal trainer Lesley Maxwell, 64, has hinted she may be in a relationship. The gran is known for dating younger guys, with lads as young as 18-years-old hitting on her"

Older Men Dating Younger Women: What Real Data Reveals - "According to a 2014 Current Population Survey, the average age difference in heterosexual couples is 2.3 years, with the man being older than the woman. But recent data has shown that as our ideas about men, women, and relationships evolve daters’ views on age are changing as well.  The online dating site and app Zoosk found that in 2017, online daters were 9% more likely to like, message, or have a conversation with someone who was ten years older or younger than them than they were in 2016... 60% of men are attracted to younger women.  And of that 60%, the vast majority (51%) like women who are 1 to 4 years younger than them, 27% like women who are 5 to 9 years younger than them, and 22% like women who are more than 10 years younger than them. That means 13% of all men dating online are looking for women who are more than 10 years younger than they are... the numbers of women who like older men almost mirrored that of men who like  younger women. 56% of younger women prefer dating older men. And of that 56%, the majority (56%) like men who are 1 to 4 years older than them. 30% like men who are 5 to 9 years older than them, and 14% like men who are more than 10 years older than them. Typically, men match with women between 1 to 3 years younger... The older men get, the younger the women they match with are... When it comes to messaging, men who like older woman have a slight advantage... men who message women 10+ years younger have a slight disadvantage."

Dr. Taylor Burrowes 🎯 VETTING SPECIALIST on Twitter - "Preferring a younger, prettier, less complicated woman doesn’t make a man a predator, though it may make him shallow. The same way a woman wanting a tall, rich, attractive man with high status doesn’t make her a prostitute, though it may make her shallow."

Meme - "***, 33
50 miles away
Looking for Long-term partner
About Me: Legit looking for a husband & male role model for my 3 kids. They all have different dads, t'm twice divorced, temporarily have an OF, no, I don't want to make content w/you. I'm blunt, forthcoming & only available every other weekend for now. I regularly workout & get tattoos, Medicated for my alphabet of mental health shit, thank God. 5'7" must be 6ft min to get on this ride. I'm here for a long time, not a good time. If all of that's cool, swipe. If not, for the love of GOD swipe left"

Woman who married a rag doll claims he 'cheated' - "Meirivone Rocha Moraes, 37, from Brazil, hit headlines earlier this year after revealing she had met the 'love of her life' - a rag doll named Marcelo.  She has since admitted their relationship is 'hanging on by a thread' after claiming he has 'cheated' on her... she's claimed he 'went to a motel with another woman', and even says she 'found texts on his phone'. After a whirlwind romance, she claimed to have fallen 'pregnant' and as she didn't want to have the baby out of wedlock, the duo decided to get hitched in a ceremony attended by 250 people.  Soon, she 'gave birth' in only 35 minutes while at home, with a doctor and nurse on site, and live-streamed the ordeal to an audience of 200 people... After a whirlwind romance, she claimed to have fallen 'pregnant' and as she didn't want to have the baby out of wedlock, the duo decided to get hitched in a ceremony attended by 250 people.  Soon, she 'gave birth' in only 35 minutes while at home, with a doctor and nurse on site, and live-streamed the ordeal to an audience of 200 people."

Meme - coatisabrownishcolor: "Yep, same. I'm overweight and have a super thin really hot friend. We would go out and she would always get guys coming around trying to get her attention. I felt so invisible. Sometimes one of the wingmen would talk to me out of pity but I never once got hit on or even complemented. It stung so badly. She hated it because she felt uncomfortable and just wanted to hang out without having to constantly be telling guys to leave her alone. I hated it because I felt so ugly in comparison. Sucked. So I dyed my hair blue and got some bitchin tattoos. I get complements on both all the time. I'm 300lbs but I have cool glasses, blue curly hair, tattoos, and a big smile. So what if conventional dudes aren't into it. I get comments on what I'm proud of and it makes me happy."

Guy 2: "OH SHOOT.. I DROPPED MY POPCORN!" *bends down*
Guy 2: *purple thong with mole*

Meme - Georgia @_georgiawilcock: "I still scream at the fact I did a full body shave at the age of 13 to go see one direction as if I was gonna get railed backstage"

Meme - "When you get together with the girls and summon the dark pumpkin spice lord *pentagram formed from bodies of 3 white women*"

Woman calls out expat man for only dating Southeast Asian women, says they 'could do so much better' - "When she asked him what it was like dating as an expat man in Singapore, the man allegedly told her that he "exclusively dates Singaporeans or other Southeast Asian nationalities". Candilicious went on to add, with an incredulous snicker, that the man also told her: "Back home he rates himself a 7.5, and in Singapore he rates himself a nine."   "I don't know what you Singaporean ladies are doing, but you could do so much better," she remarked before ending the video... Candilicious posted another video sharing a pet peeve she has when it comes to dating expat men — finding out that many of them are attached...   Some Japanese women have said that local men make good husbands because they're kind, gentle and treat women equally.   In 2019, AsiaOne spoke to Destini IS, an agency that specialised in pairing Singapore men with Japanese women.  One of the interviewees, Aya Oshima, an entrepreneur in her late 30s, told AsiaOne then that she prefers local men as they don't mind their wives having a career of their own.   Aya also shared that on the flip side, Japanese men tend to have more traditional mindsets — expecting their wives to be homemakers."
Men are not allowed to have preferences, especially white men

Meme - RORI @rorirainn: "I don't think I'm going to meet my future husband until I quit onlyfans honestly. Cause it's so hard to find guys that are okay with it. And the ones that are I am not interested in.. lol it sucks. I just wanna be in love."

Meme - Gabriella Flores: "Calling someone ugly while hiding yourself behind makeup is just crazy."
Elizabeth Xochitl: "You have the nerve to make posts about women hiding behind makeup, but you hide behind a computer screen and keyboard. Talk about being a coward. At least when women hide behind makeup, they are trying to make themselves more appealing. What about you?"
Jeff Slater: "Well, you blocked me immediately after typing that so I cannot directly respond to this and you probably won't see it. But I never said anything about women."

Meme - "Laurine, 19
I'm the one with tits. Don't worry."

Meme - "Why is it hard for men to forgive their cheating partner?"
"Because a man can't get no pussy unless the woman agrees to it. If she cheated, it was her idea not his."

Meme - "He didn't even try to look at the camera *toddler staring at waitress's breasts*"

Meme - "Let's think about this,.we meet up and have a great time,.we date for a year then get married,.have 2 kids then 5 years down the road we start fighting.Both turn to alcohol,.get a divorce and the kids are unhappy.Or we meet up and have a good time,.hook up,.you pull out and I do the walk of shame and never see you again. Just think of the kids. Oh and I need a date to my sister's wedding.."

Sincerely, Fathers Everywhere"

'Peeping at my wife in the shower – this is what my sex life has become' - "I’m a 67-year-old man and my sex life with my wife is non-existent and has been for several years.  I do find my wife attractive, but we have come to the point where we can’t even discuss such topics.  I sometimes spy on her showering and she caught me once, but didn’t say anything and pretended she hadn’t seen me.  I sometimes pleasure myself when my wife’s asleep next to me – is that normal? Or sometimes I use porn when I’m alone. I’m at my wits’ end.  Is there anything we can do to get the spark back in our 25-year marriage? My wife is 72."

Meme - "It's like I always say; real women have curves!"
"Hi there! Patriarchy Patrick here, with another episode of... Excuse-Busters!"
"Less Woman *fat woman with 3 curves*
MORE WOMAN!! *thin woman with 7 curves*
The Math Shows It, Folks! More Curves = More Woman!"

OnlyFans 'goddess' flees to Switzerland to avoid paying tax on her raunchy adult content - "A top OnlyFans star has revealed she has moved to Switzerland – to avoid paying taxes on money earned with her racy adult content.  Mady Gio, 27, had previously lived in Italy, which is where she filmed her adult content.  The Italian-Romanian, whose real name is Madalina Ioana Filip, had previously showed off her huge cards, including a Lamborghini, on social media – an indication of how much she earns.   It was thought that in August 2022, she earned a whopping £140k.  And the influx of cash has seen her flee Italy and head for a less tax-heavy lifestyle in Switzerland, as Italy charges an eye-watering 27.9%. In Switzerland, however, charges start as low as 0.77%. Savings that the star says have helped her buy a new villa and high-end sports car."
The people who hate both taxes and sex work were conflicted over this

Meme - Tori Stover: "What you crave in your relationships is what you lacked in your childhood"
Kayla J Mills: "I don't remember craving anal in my childhood but ok"

Meme - "Why Are Guitars Shaped... this way, not this way
That's Why *breasts*"

LSU Gymnast Olivia Dunne Shuts Down Critics Who Say Content Encourages Creepy Fans: “You’re Not Responsible For How A Man Looks At You”
Comment: "If I take my D out in public in front of a group of women. It’s their fault if they are offended. They are the creeps if they look. Basically it’s the same logic. Cleary the actions of an individual have consequences. If you dress for attention don’t be upset if you get it, both good and bad."

Paige Spiranac is 'so sick' of criticism of LSU gymnast Olivia Dunne, slams 'belittling' of women - "Former golf professional Paige Spiranac stuck up for 'badass' LSU gymnast Olivia Dunne after she was slammed by a prominent women's basketball coach for upholding sexism in sports.  Dunne, 20, is among several female athletes joining the rank of millionaires through name, image and likeness (NIL) deals.   After college athletes were allowed to enter such deals last years, there has been an upward trend of female athletes showing off candid and flirty posts to secure millions of social media followers that boosts endorsement deals. Dunne has earned almost $2million-a-year from sponsors and photos on social media. However, Stanford University's Tara VanDerveer, the most successful coach in women's college basketball, told the New York Times that the athlete's earnings are upholding sexism.   Spiranac, 29, who was voted World's Sexiest Woman by Maxim magazine this year, hit back at the criticism, slamming others for 'belittling' women's accomplishments."
Women can never be criticised

Meme - "Friday: Sigh! I'll always be single. I'll never find a decent guy!
Nice Guy: Hey there, you seem nice. Can I...
Girl: Sorry, I'm... taken!
Bad Boy: Yo sexy! Alone tonight? Want some action?
Girl: Yeah!
Saturday: Sigh! I'll always be single. I'll never find a decent guy!"

Female carpenter works in bikini with no safety gear to 'p*ss off old men' - "she hit back by dressing up in minuscule swimsuit and sawing building materials in full confidence.  "Sawing brass in a bikini to p*ss off the old male carpenters on here," she captioned.  In the video, she is seen holding a small piece of brass without wearing any cut resistant gloves."
When she gets hurt, it'll be the fault of the patriarchy

Meme - FairyGbemie @Reddishwine3: "I went on a date with this guy and he paid for himself alone because brought two of my friends. Omoh some men are heartless
All of u blaming me it is unfair na , a gentle man would have paid the bills and tell me politely after the date. That's the best thing to do nd not to just act so immature. Some men love dates with friends and some don't. So next time i will always ask before taking my friends
Men do u like date with friends?
YES 6%
NO 94%"

Meme - "POV: You better find the clit *knife and Islamic flag*"

𝑫. on Twitter - "You're weak af if you leave your girl just because she stabbed you ONE time."

Meme - "She came looking for love. Instead, Accountability came looking for her.
A woman just wants to be held. Unless it's accountable.

Meme - "Tell me the truth. I'm ready to hear it."
"We all know where the clit is, we just don't care if you cum."

No men are coming to help: Gym harassment accusations lead to dangerous situations - "Gym-going women -who previously made a trend out of shaming men for looking at them while they work out- are now hoping that men will pay attention to them when they have gym mishaps- be they staged or real.  In what has become another chapter in The Saga of the social media clout-chasing women dubbed “gym thots,” yet another woman has filmed herself biting off more than she can chew when it comes to the weight bench... The woman experiences great difficulty and finds she is unable to lift the weighted bar.  Despite her struggling, no one comes to help her. Another viral video has shown a woman attempting to squat a much heavier load, screaming out for help but being ignored for quite sometime before somebody came to her aid.  According to some netizens, the act of faking muscle failure and asking for help is the new way for gym-going e-girls to chase attention.   “Trying not to end up on TikTok for ‘hitting on her’ in a gym,” wrote Sonny Mullins. “We’ve been taught to mind our business.”  In early 2023, a trend of making men look bad by filming them watching women work out began to take off, only to backfire spectacularly after Twitch streamer Jessica Fernandez was forced to apologize to a man she publicly shamed on the internet.  The man reportedly came to her aid after she appeared to be struggling, sparking a rash of backlash towards “gym thots” and the act of filming one’s self in the gym for social media... Evita Duffy-Alfonso published the Federalist article, “Stop Recording Yourself In The Gym.”  “Self-absorbed gym girls pretending to be harassed in the gym is an entire genre on TikTok. Women will record their workouts and point out a man benignly glancing in their direction, and then proceed to post a video shaming that man for being a ‘creep,'” she wrote. “There are also women whose gym attire can be described as nothing other than underwear, and yet they record and vilify men who stare at them.”  “There’s a disturbing level of narcissism and entitlement that comes from gym influencers,” she added. “There are dozens of videos showing influencers actually getting angry at people for accidentally walking through their shots or using equipment that they want.”  Now, it appears that being starved of attention has led to the possibility of some “gym thots” feigning dangerous situations for personal gain and notoriety- so much so, that parody videos on the topic have been posted by men."

Blind Man Explains to Woman at Gym He Wasn’t Staring at Her, She Calls Manager Anyway - "a woman who was working out that the gym accused him of staring at her. This is impossible, again, because Pete is blind and physically incapable of seeing. Something that he says he expressed to the woman in his viral video, however, it didn't seem to help... He says he told the woman, "'Ohh I'm sorry I'm blind!' I say to her. Her response? 'I don't care! Stop staring at me!' She storms off and comes back with the manager a couple minutes later. I reach into my wallet and pull out an ID card from the Massachussetts Commission for the Blind. At this point in the video Pete shows his ID, with certain identifiers redacted, stating that he, "Explained to this guy as well, 'I'm blind. I wasn't staring at anybody.' He says, 'OK but you still can't make other gym members uncomfortable by looking at them."  Pet just laughs at the absurdity of the gym manager's statement"
Weird. Feminists keep claiming that only creeps have anything to fear, and that if you didn't do anything wrong you're safe

It's not just the gym now: Braless woman says only women can look at her when she's out - "A woman with a TikTok account is complaining on the internet again, this time because men can’t help but stare at her chest when she decides to leave the house with a tight shirt and no bra.  Mariane Lairwin, who has 40,400 followers on the platform, posted a video of herself in her living room, wearing a skin-tight shirt made of a spandex-like material...   Lairwin, who reportedly refuses to wear a bra, abhors attention from males due to her choice of attire- despite having an entire social media platform dedicated to getting attention."

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