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Thursday, April 06, 2023

Links - 6th April 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "A Supergirl for every generation!
*Helen Slater*, *Laura Vandervoort*, *Melissa Benoist*, *Sasha Calle, mid*"

Meme - Toon Hall of Fame @ToonHalloffame: "RIP Anne Heche."
@splash Lights Photos (Back in the Game For Now) @Two Cams25: "Why was she playing people of color?"

Meme - Kylie Alred: "I'm not entirely (thank God for my Native genes)but on behalf of the white part of me I am asking for POC to please adopt me because I can't"
Brit Tany: "as a POC who appears to be Yt, I feel you Imao""
White people are so privileged, so many people are desperate not to be white

The real conversation on racism is much more difficult but necessary - "The Food and Drug Administration and consumer advocates have studied how the saturation using product warnings has caused consumers to ignore stated risks. It becomes a kind of background noise tuned out by commercials. Racial justice should not fall victim to the same claims. Companies have been fast to create public displays of their “wokeness” in campaigns. But will such messages really resonate with people when they become pervasive and uniform?...   Such campaigns have become a kind of certification, where denouncing oneself is the new standard. I have been deluged by relatives and friends blasting out social media confessions of being racists. Several professors have read or signed statements declaring themselves racists... There is a sense for urgency among some faculty not to be the last to condemn themselves. As Begala has shown, “crickets” invite criticism... this social catharsis comes across with all such spontaneity of a recitation at a retraining camp. It is difficult to see how it assists the cause of racial justice for everyone to dutifully call themselves racists or tools of white supremacy. But an emerging view is that all white people are racist or at least presumptively racist. Angela Bell, an assistant professor at Lafayette College, said, “If you have to ask if you are a racist, you are, and if you are not asking if you are a racist, you are.” If everyone is a racist, then this becomes a common rather than a singular distinction. It makes it easy for everyone to declare themselves recovering racists, then tackling real racism becomes more instead of less difficult to address...   What we need is what few are willing to tolerate, which is a real discussion on race. There are many who believe racism is a scourge but disagree with the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. Others disagree that police killings of African Americans are under the systemic problem of racism, as opposed to a systemic problem with use of lethal force. When academics have published some studies on such issues, they have been denounced as racists or subjected to firing campaigns. Few minds will be changed in this heated environment, and that is sadly a loss for society.  Public confessions or corporate slogans will not change many minds... For most of us, there may not be different sides but rather different views of the causes and solutions, which is a much more difficult conversation to have than painting a slogan or leading a condemnation. If we lack this, then from gridirons to colleges to runways, such campaigns against racism will simply turn into a cost of doing business."

Sadiq Khan condemns ULEZ protesters as far right - "Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has described protesters rallying against the ultra-low emission zone expansion as far right, Covid deniers and Tories.  He was holding a People's Question Time event at Ealing Town Hall on Thursday where demonstrators gathered outside... Currently motorists who use the most polluting cars have to pay £12.50 a day if they drive in London's congestion zone, which is within the capital's North and South Circular Roads.  The expansion, set to happen in August, will mean that the whole of the capital is within the ULEZ area... As the mayor said this, an audience member called out: "We are not the far right, normal people are not the far right."... One audience member challenged Mr Khan over the fact that the ULEZ expansion was not included in his 2021 election manifesto, while other questions were concerned with how much evidence there was to support the claim that the scheme would reduce pollution... The expansion plan has been met with opposition from councils in outer London and the home counties. It has been argued that as there is a cost-of-living crisis, the timing is not ideal - a view put forward by consumer finance expert Martin Lewis at an event last month where he and Mr Khan clashed...
Some will see that as the mayor trying to shut down legitimate debate from those who are concerned about ULEZ expansion for all sorts of reasons, from the financial impact, to the shortage of public transport links in outer London compared with inner London.  Others will point to the uncomfortable reality for the mayor of London that there is a growing swell of opposition to the ULEZ coming from some on his own side.  Some Labour MPs in outer boroughs have already spoken out against it. Some Labour councils in London have expressed concern; even a trade union recently warned about the impact on low-paid Heathrow workers of introducing the £12.50 a day charge for older, more polluting vehicles.  Some Liberal Democrats have also said the project needs a better scrappage scheme and better transport links before it's rolled out in August. None of those critics could be described as "right wing".  By bunching London's Conservatives in with the "far right" and "conspiracy theorists", Sadiq Khan is unlikely to improve his already-strained relationship with several Conservative-run London boroughs."
Anyone against the far left agenda is "far right"

Sadiq is turning London into a nanny state - "Censoring what Londoners and visitors to London can see on trains and buses is not new territory for Khan. As he himself says, he has form in this area. Shortly after his election in 2016, he banned ‘Beach Body Ready’ adverts. Two years ago he banned junk-food adverts. He stands accused of hypocrisy in his attitude to ads – he bans some adverts for being ‘harmful’ but then he awards prizes to others that are not that different. For example, last year he awarded £500,000 worth of free advertising on the London Underground to the hosiery brand Nubian Skin.  Now, at a time when the national government is already looking into banning gambling adverts as part of its review of the 2005 Gambling Act, Khan has announced that whatever happens with that review, he will make sure that Londoners are protected from seeing Ray Winstone urging them to have a punt. Khan’s move will go down well with those who think we all need to be protected from ‘dangerous’ images and ideas... Given that his junk-food advertising ban led to an organic-food company having to remove images of bacon from its adverts, it seems pretty clear that lots of signs and ads could be swept up in his planned extension of his censorship on London transport.   You do have to ask what all the fuss is about, and why Khan has listed tackling gambling adverts as one of his key pledges for London. There is no clear evidence that gambling ads are in any way damaging. As one advertising expert has pointed out: ‘Advertising plays neither a significant or even a casual role in problem gambling or harm in general.’ What is clear is that, if Khan wins and implements this ban, there will be an impact on TfL’s revenue. The junk-food advertising ban costs TFL £13million a year, according to the Financial Times. This week City AM said, ‘The decision to ban gambling ads comes as TfL faces a dire financial situation thanks to Covid-19 wiping out a large portion of passenger revenue’. It pointed out that, ‘Gambling ads could contribute millions of pounds towards this’.   But the financial impact of the ban is just part of the story. The bigger question is what kind of politicians we want. When you start thinking that your role as mayor of London is to control what Londoners can see, then that is not going to help build a better, freer capital"
When liberals go on about "harm", they usually have moral purity concerns
They just need to raise taxes to make up for lost revenue

London Overground lines to be renamed to reflect capital’s diversity - "His election manifesto includes a pledge to give each route its “own identity” as part of the wider aims of his diversity commission to move away from Victorian times... Proposals for the Overground lines will be “rigorously assessed to ensure they only serve to enhance the passenger experience”."
What's in a name? A name apparently enhances the passenger experience

Sadiq Khan is no feminist - "Khan announced his latest plans to improve the lives of female Londoners. More frequent night buses? Cheaper Tube fares? More affordable childcare? No. A menopause policy... he called for misogyny to be recognised as a hate crime... Calling for misogyny to be made a hate crime sends a message that women are victims and men are predatory: the exact opposite of feeling safe. Khan is asking for women to be seen as a protected group, vulnerable and in need of special treatment. If Khan gets his way, women and men will no longer be equal before the law. Instead, sexual inequality will be enshrined in legislation.  And let’s not forget that one of Khan’s first moves when elected mayor was to ban from London’s transport network ‘adverts that could cause body-confidence issues’... most of us are more than capable of looking at a picture of a skinny model and: a) working out that it’s probably photoshopped, or b) thinking ‘she looks good’, before shrugging and opening a packet of crisps. In Khan’s fevered imagination women are pathetic automatons who – clearly, unlike men – see an attractive image, have an emotional meltdown and develop an eating disorder. All of this assumes, of course, that Khan actually knows what a woman is. Unfortunately, the evidence does not look good. Khan has reiterated the mantra that ‘trans women are women’, much to the applause of transgender activists. Exactly how Khan thinks the menopause occurs if biology is an irrelevance is anyone’s guess. Perhaps men in need of a quiet place to have a sob, or just a shower, can simply identify as women for the afternoon.   One thing is for sure. With ‘proud feminists’ like Khan on their side, women do not need enemies"
Feminists think women are quivering wrecks in need of protection, so

Meme - Father Nathan Monk: "As of this morning I've removed 200+ people. That's 1000+ in the last few days. That amounts to about sixteen hours just removing hateful comments. Yes, I am removing malicious laugh reactors. However, be aware that blocking them does not make the laugh react go away from a post. I can remove them so it doesn't happen again but sadly it doesn't undo the damage on that particular comment." Father Nathan Monk: "none of these comments could have reasonably deserved a laugh react."
Liberals do not tolerate dissent or humour

Meme - "Expecting people to pay you for creating an echo chamber on a public Facebook page that you CHOSE to create and run, is yet another example of the (train)s' self-absorbed entitlement."
Father Nathan Monk: "Just had to remove 32 people from this post alone. I'm staying on top of it all as best I can y'all. I'm gonna keep sweeping.

School board votes to stop hiring from Christian college, says beliefs make people unsafe - "A school board member in Arizona insisted she "could not be safe" in a district that has a contract with a Christian college to bring in new teachers, citing their religious beliefs and arguing they are not inclusive enough...  the Washington Elementary School District (WESD) outside of Glendale, Arizona, decided unanimously earlier this week to dissolve its contract with Arizona Christian University (ACU), which had been feeding the district teacher recruits for 11 years... WESD board president Nikkie Gomez-Whaley, who voted with the other board members to dissolve the district's contract with ACU, insisted to TND that while it respects the right for individuals to practice their own faith "public schools are secular institutions.""
Liberals keep going on about white fragility and male fragility, when they are unable to deal with ideas and people they disagree with, and which make them "unsafe". Safe spaces are safe from disagreement and your liberal gospel being challenged
Good luck if you discriminate against any other religion
Christians are not allowed to participate in public life, because this violates the First Amendment

Lord of the Rings fan breaks down in tears after seeing Black version of Aragorn - "Tabletop card game Magic of the Gathering has released a new Lord of the Rings set in which Aragorn is depicted as a Black man for the first time ever; as well as Galadriel and Eowyn who have also been redesigned as Black characters."

MTG Fans Counter Racist Response to LotR Set's Aragorn With Lusty Reactions - "Magic: The Gathering's new Lord of the Rings set garnered racist backlash over its depiction of Aragorn as a Black man, and some fans countered it with lustful remarks... Aragorn isn't the only character in MTG's Tales of Middle-earth set to be depicted as a POC, something unheard of in the famous films of the early 2000s. The racist backlash extended to WotC's designs for Galadriel and Eowyn, who are also Black"
Of course, if you disagree with whitewashing you are antiracist, but if you don't support blackwashing you are racist

Josh Kraushaar on Twitter - "Pete Buttigieg starts to rethink how he does his job in wake of East Palestine train disaster"
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Only 2 1/2 years in."
Trunk Munkey on Twitter - "Cargo ships stacked at ports…supply line problems…infrastructure problems…massive airline problems…. All while he’s going after roads which might have racially insensitive names. Stunning and brave to tack now."

Meme - SusanZ: "Gay kids read thousands of books about straight characters, yet they still grow up gay. But y'all are worried if your son, Billy, reads just one book where a penguin has two dads, he is going to wake up the next day and ask Brad to prom."
Clearly giving kids gay porn is the same as giving them books with gay penguins

Latino-Owned Colorado Restaurant Plans to Hold 'White Appreciation Day' - ""On June 11th, what we plan on doing is 'White Appreciation Day.' And basically on that day, all white people would get 10 percent off," Edgar Antillon, owner of Rubbin' Buttz BBQ and Country Cafe in Milliken, Colorado, told NBC affiliate KUSA.  The idea for "White Appreciation Day" was originally a joke, but Antillon decided to turn it into a real deal, hanging up a sign at Rubbin Buttz that reads "White Appreciation Day! June 11th. Because all Americans should be celebrated." "We have a whole month for Black History Month. We have a whole month for Hispanic Heritage Month. So we figured the least we could do is offer one day to appreciate white Americans," Antillon said.  Critics called the plan absurd. "It's wrong. If you're going to give a discount, give it to the whole community," Ricardo Romero, a civil rights activist in northern Colorado, told KUSA."
From 2015. You're not allowed to praise white people

Black queer Milwaukeeans on Netflix's Jeffrey Dahmer series: 'How dare you?' - "Now, 30 years later, Wynn and other Black queer people who are from or lived in Milwaukee before Dahmer’s arrest in July 1991 say they are reliving painful experiences due to a new dramatized Netflix show about the murders. “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story,” which debuted on Sept. 21, is part of the streaming giant’s Halloween offerings. Some described the series as too personally difficult to watch, while Wynn said he believes the director, Ryan Murphy — who is gay and nearly always includes queer representation in his projects — owes the LGBTQ community and the victims’ families an apology. “Ryan Murphy has just been so amazing for the community,” Wynn said, adding that he’s a big fan of another show Murphy directed called “Pose,” which is about New York City’s ballroom scene, a subculture created by queer and trans people of color in the late 1960s. “And then to turn around and just slap us like this for profit and sensationalism — I was so disappointed.”... The conversation surrounding the controversial aspects of Netflix’s Dahmer series was ignited after Rita Isbell, whose brother Errol Lindsay was killed by Dahmer, criticized the series in an interview published by Insider on Sept. 26. Isbell said Netflix did not contact her to tell her they would be recreating the emotional victim’s impact statement she gave in court in 1992.  “When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said,” Isbell told Insider. “I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should’ve asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it.” She added, “It’s sad that they’re just making money off of this tragedy.”  Eric Perry, a cousin of Isbell and Lindsay, said on social media that the series is “retraumatizing over and over again, and for what? How many movies/shows/documentaries do we need?”... Some Black queer Milwaukeeans say the series has been similarly retraumatizing for them — both because they or their families knew the victims and because of the culture of fear that Dahmer’s murders created for queer people of color in the city... critics of the show said it portrays Dahmer sympathetically and appears to blame his murders in part on his difficult childhood."
This is not satire
Clearly we shouldn't make art involving LGBTQ characters which will make the community look bad. So either don't make it, or falsify history
Weird. Liberals like to claim that crime is caused by poverty and childhood trauma. Maybe only for certain minorities

Op-Ed: I Know I'm On The Right Side Of History Because Every Corporation In America Agrees With Me | Babylon Bee - "In every sci-fi movie of the past 50 years, do you know who the good guys are? The corporations. They are on the right side of history in these prophetic films because they eliminate all the competition and then get to write the history themselves."

Lies the Debunkers Told Me: How Bad History Books Win Us Over - The Atlantic - "What exactly is it about Barton's and Zinn's versions of history that inspire such uncompromising, take-no-prisoners fervor? And how do they manage to wield so much influence, given the widespread skepticism about their accuracy? Partisanship is the first answer that comes to mind. Barton and Zinn have served as eloquent and vocal supporters of right- and left-wing causes respectively, and both have reworked the past for transparently political purposes. Each has offered conclusions that resonate with his audiences' beliefs. Whatever the validity of their claims, in other words, many readers apparently think they should be true. (It's also likely that partisanship accounts for some proportion of votes against Barton and Zinn's credibility.) But that's only part of the explanation. There's a more insidious mechanism that helps explain both the passionate support these authors inspire and the well-founded suspicion that they are fudging the record. In short, Barton and Zinn have each crafted a sort of Da Vinci Code history... Adapting this gripping storytelling approach, Barton and Zinn offer audiences the illusion that they have been hoodwinked by undisclosed authorities -- Ivy League academics, textbook authors, the New York Times, eighth-grade social studies teachers, parents. They give readers the intellectual self-assurance that accompanies expertise without the slog of unglamorous study required to attain it. The message is that you, dear reader, know something that the vast majority of unenlightened chumps do not... Barton's hyper-patriotic Christian founding narrative and Zinn's unmasking of elite white male criminality offer the dual satisfaction of solving a mystery and showing up a teacher... The trick works partly because of how little credit Barton and Zinn give their fellow historians, even those who have some affinity with their own conclusions. To acknowledge their full debts to other scholars (and how selectively they've drawn from them) would complicate their black-and-white narratives, diminish their implicit claims to originality, and undercut their self-aggrandizing roles as historical redeemers. Barton's strategy is to trumpet his allegedly unique, unmediated study of historical documents; Zinn's was to apply a subversive and allegedly populist lens to every significant episode in American history. The effect, however, is largely the same. All of this is worth remedying because a well-functioning democracy requires at least a minimal threshold of public trust and a modest baseline of historical agreement"
From 2012

Goosebumps author removes references to weight, mental health and ethnicity - "When children of the Nineties were not clutching wands outside bookshops at midnight in anticipation of the latest Harry Potter, they were terrified by R.L. Stine’s tales of disappearing campers, cursed cameras or haunted theme parks.  Now, one of the world’s most successful children’s authors after JK Rowling is reported to have edited many of his titles to remove references to weight, mental health or ethnicity... One character is described as “cheerful” in the new series, as opposed to “plump”, while another character who had “six chins” is now described as “at least six feet six”... Other references to violence or the attractiveness of female characters are also said to have been sanitised. In a reissued version of Bride of the Living Dummy, a ventriloquist dummy come to life no longer knocks a girl unconscious with a “love tap”, using a “magic spell” instead.  Other edits are said to include a character’s African American heritage no longer being mentioned in one of the titles and a description of a group as “very overweight” supplemented with “huge”. In The Curse of Camp Cold Lake, meanwhile, a reference to one of the boys wolf-whistling at the camp leader has been changed to he “whistled loudly”.  Several mentions of the word “crazy” have reportedly been removed across the series, and a character wondering if a monster intends to keep him as a “slave” has also been altered."

R.L. Stine was not told about 'woke' edits to 'Goosebumps' - "Scholastic confirmed to The Post on Wednesday that it had made changes to the series that “has brought millions of kids to reading through humour with just the right amount of scary.”  “Scholastic takes its responsibility seriously to continue bringing this classic adolescent brand to each new generation,” a rep said.  “Scholastic reviewed the text to keep the language current and avoid imagery that could negatively impact a young person’s view of themselves today, with a particular focus on mental health.”"
Clearly kids nowadays are a lot more fragile. I wonder why

The censorship and re-writing of dead authors’ books in our Newspeak era… - "Apparently Roald Dahl, when alive, threatened to never write another word if his publishers ever changed his language. The Guardian reported that, in comments made 40 years ago, he promised to send his “enormous crocodile” – the character in his eponymous novel – to gobble them up if they did so.  Now he is dead, of course, his work can be shat upon willy-nilly...   Presumably there will also be revisions to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four with ‘Big Brother’ being changed to ‘Brother’ or, as someone else suggested to me, to the more acceptable, less sexist and more Newspeak-friendly ‘Sibling’."

Meme - Marc Andreessen @pmarca: "Buy physical copies of any book you plan to read in the future. Do it now."
saccades.life @saccades_life: "It's no coincidence that the Amazon devices are called Kindle and Fire."

The Roald Dahl censorship news is a reminder your eBooks aren't safe from the sensitivity police - "Updating newly printed editions of the Roald Dahl books, and removing “problematic” phrases and terms like “fat” or “ugly” is one thing. But automatically updating the eBook versions of these books that people might have purchased in expectation of getting the classic, original edition of Dahl’s tomes?  George Orwell had no idea how right he was. This is as good a time as any, by the way, to offer a reminder that tends to keep escaping people — it’s that buying an eBook from a digital retailer like Amazon does not mean you are buying a book that you now own entirely yourself. You are buying, instead, the privilege of licensing a digital version of that book — it is in no way similar to that stack of novels on the nightstand by your bed...   Art is not supposed to appeal to everyone or make everyone feel good. Change it so that it does appeal to everyone’s taste, and at that point it’s not art anymore. It’s just candy."
The left see 1984 as an instruction manual

Ricky Gervais on Twitter - "This is me pondering whether they'll change any of the words I've used in my work after I'm dead, to spare those who are fragile and easily offended. Words like 'fat' and 'ugly'. And 'cunt' and 'fuck'. And 'fat, ugly, greedy, pathetic little stupid fucking cunt'. Stuff like that."

Agatha Christie classics latest to be rewritten for modern sensitivities - "Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries have had original passages reworked or removed in new editions published by HarperCollins.  The character of a British tourist venting her frustration at a group of children has been purged from a recent reissue, while a number of references to people smiling and comments on their teeth and physiques, have also been erased... Digital versions of new editions seen by The Telegraph include scores of changes to texts written from 1920 to 1976, stripping them of numerous passages containing descriptions, insults or references to ethnicity, particularly for characters Christie’s protagonists encounter outside the UK.  The author’s own narration, often through the inner monologue of Miss Jane Marple or Hercule Poirot, has been altered in many instances. Sections of dialogue uttered by often unsympathetic characters within the mysteries have also been cut... In a new edition of the 1964 Miss Marple novel A Caribbean Mystery, the amateur detective’s musing that a West Indian hotel worker smiling at her has “such lovely white teeth” has been removed, with similar references to “beautiful teeth” also taken out.  The same book described a prominent female character as having “a torso of black marble such as a sculptor would have enjoyed”, a description absent from the edited version.  References to the Nubian people – an ethnic group that has lived in Egypt for millennia – have been removed from Death on the Nile in many instances, resulting in “the Nubian boatman” becoming simply “the boatman”."
First, they came for Roald Dahl. Then, they came for Ian Fleming

ZUBY: on Twitter - "'Woke' people make up less than 10% of the population but lack of courage and boldness amongst the remaining 90% has allowed them to set the rules for 100% Their goal is not tolerance, but inversion and conquest. It's ideological. You have to push back."
Michael Ruiz on Twitter - "As soon as people start speaking up against it, and unapologetically defend their values without backing down, that is when the tide shifts. We may be seeing that phase happening right now."
ZUBY: on Twitter - "It's the exact same thing that needed to be done to kill off the Covid mania and mandates. Courage. Not crazy levels. Just basic levels, but widespread."

Meme - "*anybody talks about making a more fair and equal society*
Weird Dudes On The Internet: *Pedro Pascal in The Last of Us clutching heart*"
So true. When you talk about ending affirmative action, having race-blind policies and paying people who do more work more money, liberal men get very upset

DeSantis plays graphic video of ‘pornographic’ books found in Florida schools - "Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis began a press conference on Wednesday by playing a shocking video showing sexually explicit content from books found in the Sunshine State’s public schools — forcing at least one local news channel to cut away due to the graphic material.  The books featured in the five-minute-long video included depictions of minors engaging in interactions so graphic that Twitter briefly slapped a sensitive content label on clips making the rounds on the social media platform. Tampa-based WFLA-TV also dropped its live feed of the presser, with reporter Mahsa Saeidi explaining on Twitter: “I don’t show sexually explicit content.”  DeSantis held the presser — which he dubbed “Exposing the Book Ban Hoax” — to highlight tomes that the governor says violate Florida’s curriculum standards, as well as counter claims that his restrictions were unjustified... One of the books in the video was “Gender Queer,” a memoir by Maia Kobabe that contains illustrations of masturbation and encourages gender-affirming surgeries such as double mastectomies.   Also featured was “Let’s Talk About It,” by Erika Moen, a book with drawings and descriptions of masturbation, instructions for anal sex, and a guide on how to send sexually explicit text messages and images to others – with tips that include hiding birthmarks, piercings and other identifiable features.   In “Flamer,” by Mike Curato, underage boys are depicted performing sex acts with each other at a summer camp. Several books by author Rupi Kaur were also shown, including one that was singled out for having poetry referencing sex acts.   “This is porn,” text accompanying the video stated. “These books violate Florida standards and curriculum. The hoax from the left is that these books were never in Florida schools.”  According to DeSantis, there have been 23 school districts in the Sunshine State found to have books that violated state standards,” mostly involving pornographic material.”...   DeSantis also pointed out that taxpayer money was being used to place the books on school library shelves."
This is why the left hate him so much. When you expose grooming, groomers get very upset. But of course they'll try to gaslight everyone that "book bans" are about censorship (though a few bite the bullet and admit that they're okay with showing kids pornography in school)

Meme - Ty's Tough Talk @toughtalkty: "Nikki Fried admitted out loud that the books in Florida schools are in fact PORN. DeSantis is doing the right thing by exposing what is happening in schools. Nikki and the Florida Democrats can't cope. #flapol"
Nikki Fried @NikkiFried: "Ron posting butt plug porn to own the libs."
We're reaching levels of doublethink that shouldn't even be possible

Angela Bassett's Reaction To Losing The Oscar To Jamie Lee Curtis - "she made history for her performance earlier this year after becoming the very first actor from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to not only receive a Golden Globe acting nomination for a Marvel film, but also the first to win altogether, taking home the accolade for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture. What’s more, Angela was the first person to be nominated for a performance in a Marvel film at the Oscars. The Academy typically doesn't regard Marvel movies in the same vein as other films; no other actor has ever been nominated for a role in a Marvel film, and the original Black Panther was the first and only Marvel movie to receive a nomination for Best Picture... As the crowd erupted into applause for Jamie Lee, Angela remained sitting and didn’t immediately smile or clap... many others said that Angela’s disappointment was totally justified — not just because of the fact that she delivered such an emotionally challenging performance, but also because of the notorious lack of diversity among Oscar winners... Angela was praised by fans for refusing to hide her devastation. “Angela Bassett's reaction was perfect. ZN Hurston wrote ‘if you're silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.’ Angela was snubbed. Again. Black women are regularly overworked, underpaid, devalued, disrespected & Ignored. Tonight that pain was palpable”... “Angela Bassett should’ve won #Oscars I’m glad she didn’t fake a reaction to entertain idiots telling us how a Black woman should handle Hollywood once again throwing awards at White women. I like Jamie Lee Curtis but she didn’t outperform Angela Basset or Stephanie Hsu”"
If you criticise a Black Woman for being a sore loser even after winning a different award, you're racist and sexist Diversity means you need quotas for winners

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