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Friday, December 23, 2022

Links - 23rd December 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest: McCloskeys in St Louis etc)

Facebook - "⁉️ Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Gate to Community- Was It Legal? Peaceful protest or not, the protesters were trespassing.  In Missouri, Unlawfully entering someone's property or staying on their property without their permission, means you've committed the offense of trespass if the Property owners gives you notice that you can't come onto the property... As for the husband and wife, the husbands gun handling in this situation was recklessly atrocious, but he still had every right to do what he did.  Missouri is an open-carry state and he was on his property, so if he wanted to carry his rifle while standing on his property with no shoes on and a pink polo as a precaution to the protest, have at it chief, because that’s his constitutional right whether you like it or not.  His wife, however, is a different story.  There is a huge difference between carrying a firearm and pointing a firearm.  Someone in the crowd may have directly threatened her life and if you take their word for it that’s what they said happened. But it’s he said she said at this point.  Just understand, if you’re going to point your gun at someone you better be doing it because your life is in immediate danger and not just to scare and intimidate because that my friends is an assault.  Not to mention how incredibly dangerous it is to point a gun at someone while your finger is on the trigger... 500 protesters storming your gated community after seeing how fast some of these protests, not all but some can devolve into pure chaos is scary as hell."

Armed St. Louis couple who defended their home from angry mob speaks out | The Post Millennial - "Mark McCloskey said he and his family were eating dinner as the protestors passed through an iron gate that said “Private Street” and “No Trespassing.”... "This is all private property. There are no public sidewalks or public streets. We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob." Many mainstream media reports about the incident painted the couple in a negative light and failed to disclose that the mob were uttering violent threats and trespassing on private property."

Shaun King - "I’ve seen those eyes before. That evil has been around for generations. Centuries. Those eyes were on plantations. Those eyes lied on Emmett Till. Those eyes watched lynchings. Those eyes. Patricia McCloskey and are her husband Mark McCloskey, attorneys in St. Louis, lost their damn minds."
White people have no right to self defence

Meme - "Kenidra4Humanity ~ KHHL ~: Here are two cowards, Patricia And Mark Mccloskey as they point guns AT protestors on Portland Place in St.Louis, MO. They are both supposedly attorneys at McCloskey Law Center
Kenidra4Humanity ~ KHHL ~: Y'all do y'all understand how dangerous doxxing someone can b? A mayor, @LydaKrewson doxxed protestors in St. Louis, MO - she put out their full names & addresses. Do y'all understand that this could cost someone's life? Apparently, she does not or is just choosing to b reckless."

Protesters Return To St. Louis Home Where Owners Drew Guns, Heckle Couple From Outside Gates - "Hundreds of protesters again gathered outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis, Missouri, on Friday, taunting the pair of homeowners, who last week tried to defend their property from a demonstration that had broken through the gates of their private community by brandishing a pair of firearms... Mark McCloskey detailed his interaction with “peaceful” demonstrators.“A guy stands in front of me, pulls out two loaded pistol magazines, snaps them in front of my face, and says, ‘You’re next.’ If you were there, Chris, I think you’d feel like you had a right to defend yourself, as well,” McCloskey told host Chris Cuomo."

Prosecutor Had Crime Lab Fix Inoperable Prop Pistol Before Charging St. Louis Woman - "The gun that a St. Louis woman waved at protesters who stormed her neighborhood was an inoperable prop from a court case until prosecutors reassembled it and charged her with a crime.St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s staff ordered the crime lab to disassemble and reassemble the handgun Patricia McCloskey had voluntarily surrendered to police via an attorney... in order to charge Patricia McCloskey under Missouri law, the gun had to be “readily” capable of lethal use... there no was no reference to the fact the gun didn’t work in the charging documents against Patricia McCloskey that were written by Hinkley... some of the protesters stayed in front of the McCloskeys home antagonizing and challenging them, yelling obscenities and threats"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The St. Louis prosecutor who charged the McCloskeys for standing on their property while holding firearms as a trespassing mob walked by, has been removed from the husband’s case because she was using the incident to fundraise for her campaign, even before charges were filed...
“Circuit Judge Thomas Clark II on Thursday dismissed Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and her entire staff, saying campaign fundraising emails Gardner sent to constituents that alluded to Mark and Patricia McCloskey's case "raise the appearance of impropriety and jeopardize the defendant's right to a fair trial""

Law professor: CWE couple who pointed guns didn't break law - "The couple who pointed guns at protesters outside their mansion in the Central West End didn’t break the law, according to a constitutional law professor.  Anders Walker, a professor of constitutional and criminal law at Saint Louis University, said there are two prongs to his reasoning: Missouri’s Castle Doctrine and the uniquely private street where the encounter occurred...   Walker said in this case, it appears it’s the protesters who broke the law.  “The protesters themselves are trespassing”"

The Vindictive Spirit of St. Louis - WSJ - "By now all America knows Mark and Patricia McCloskey from the video showing the St. Louis couple holding legal firearms as they defended themselves and their home from a crowd of protesters trespassing on their property. A politically motivated prosecutor on Monday charged the couple with unlawful use of a weapon.  The felony count is because they pointed their weapons at protesters. Mr. McCloskey said he did so because he was “scared for my life,” and that of his wife. No shots were fired. Yet now prosecutor Kim Gardner is charging them on grounds they made the trespassers fear for their safety. The good news is that there’s been plenty of official blowback. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson... has promised a pardon if they’re convicted. Attorney General Eric Schmitt is working to get the case dismissed, noting that, in addition to the U.S. and Missouri constitutions, Missouri law recognizes the “castle doctrine.” This allows residents to use force against intruders, including deadly force, based on self-defense and the notion that your home is your castle... again we have a public official responsible for upholding law and order wink at a mob while treating law-abiding citizens as criminals. If police cannot be counted on to deal with mobs, it’s even more vital that law-abiding Americans are free to exercise their Second Amendment right to protect themselves."

High court won’t hear appeal over McCloskeys’ law licenses | The Star - "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the husband-and-wife attorneys whose law licenses were placed on probation for pointing guns at racial injustice protesters outside their St. Louis mansion in 2020... The Missouri Supreme Court in February placed the couple's licenses on probation for one year, allowing them to continue to practice law. They must also provide 100 hours of free legal service... They pleaded guilty to misdemeanors for the gun-waving incident and were fined. Republican Gov. Mike Parsons pardoned them"

McCloskeys say they support BLM and fight for civil rights, but were ‘victim of a mob’ - "Mark and Patricia McCloskey have fought for the civil rights of clients for decades and support the Black Lives Matter movement... Protest organizers admitted they want to be disruptive and say trespassing is part of their civil disobedience."

VIDEO: Police Drag Away Man Attacked By BLM Mob, Take Orders From Protesters Via Megaphone - "Video footage reportedly captured in the town of Stillwater, Minnesota shows a man being detained in his own neighborhood by police after he was attacked by a mob of Black Lives Matter protesters. Protest march leaders later bragged via megaphone that police had detained the man and forced him move his vehicle to accommodate the demands of the angry mob"

White Thomson Reuters data scientist said he was FIRED by woke BLM bullies at the newswire - "A former director of data science at Thomson Reuters said he was fired for sharing research on the company's internal social media platform that showed police killed more unarmed white people than black people and that the Black Lives Matter movement allegedly caused the deaths of thousands.   Zac Kriegman, who worked at Thomson Reuters for six years before being fired last summer, claimed he was let go from his $350,000 job because he stood against the company's reporting conventions on BLM in order to dispel what the 'false narrative' that black people were the largest victim of police violence... Kriegman said the rhetoric was incomplete and when he tried proving it, he said he received backlash from fellow white co-workers.   'I was publicly derided as a 'troll,' 'confused,' 'laughable,' and 'not worth engaging with or even attempting to have an intelligent conversation' with'... Kriegman had argued that rather at looking at the population as a whole to see who was truly more impacted by police violence, reporters needed to instead take into account what racial groups police felt more threatened from.   To this end, Kriegman cited the FBI's research into the racial demographics of those who had killed or assault police officers.   The FBI's data, which records violence against officers from 2010 to 2019, found that there were 199 instances of black people attacking officers but 537 cases of where white people were the offenders.   He said these instances better aligned with the Washington Posts findings, concluding that unarmed black people are not disproportionately affected by the police killings. Kriegman added that the rhetoric that they were only fueled anti-police sentiments, which he claimed has led to the uptick in crime nationwide, specifically in predominantly black neighborhoods.   He cited the Ferguson Effect... Kriegman said he wanted his research to open up conversations into how they could better report the issue and 'accurately' depict the reality of police shootings.   Instead, he saw his post get taken down because it was allegedly 'antagonistic' and 'provocative'.  He claimed one colleague at Thomson Reuters had told him: 'I do not believe that there is any point in trying to engage in a blow-by-blow refutation of your argument, and I will not do so.  'My unwillingness to do so doesn't signal the strength of your argument. If someone says, 'The KKK did lots of good things for the community—prove me wrong,' I'm not obligated to do so.' Kriegman claimed his bosses at Thomson Reuters stayed quiet while he endured the criticism, and when he emailed HR about the alleged attacks, he was told he would be fired if he discussed his experience on the company's internal channels... Kriegman filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination in July for being allegedly 'fired in retaliation for complaining about a racially hostile work environment'.   The case is the latest instance of a professional in journalism claiming they received backlash for failing to conform to a woke mob.   Former New York Times columnist Bari Weiss quit her job at the paper in 2020 with a resignation letter that went viral where she railed against the liberal newspaper's alleged bias and said it no longer served journalism.  Weiss claimed that the papers private Slack channel was filled with bullying and harassment against those who failed to conform to woke ideology and said the editors 'live in total fear of internet mobs.'... Weiss' wife, Nellie Bowles, a former tech reporter at the Times, said she too was bullied out last November by colleagues who allegedly leaked stories to embarrass her.   She claimed she began at the paper as a 'very happy, lauded bulldog liberal of a writer' but that the outlet and the culture in general shifted toward a 'charismatic new ideology' that she felt pressured to 'cheer on or otherwise carefully ignore.'   'When I didn't, I became suspect,' she wrote. 'My colleagues started leaking stories to other publications to embarrass me.'... Conservative talk show host Amber Athey also slammed woke culture after she was fired from her Washington D.C. radio station for making fun of Vice President Kamala Harris' clothes in March... These clashes against woke culture were not secluded to only America, as Canadian Broadcasting Corporation journalist Tara Henley made the stunning claim that she quit the company in January due to 'woke' policies implemented by senior staffers that hindered her ability to do her job."
A troll is anyone who disagrees with a liberal

Professor Fired Over Tweets Questioning BLM Movement Gets Reinstated, Awarded Back Pay After Arbitrator Finds In His Favor - "An arbitrator has ruled that a University of Central Florida professor, Charles Negy, has to be reinstated and given back pay after the University fired the professor for being publicly skeptical of the BLM narrative... Negy tweeted out some controversial but legitimate questions in regards to BLM.
'One deleted tweet from Negy in the summer of 2020, shortly after Minneapolis resident George Floyd was killed by police and riots erupted across the country, asked: "If Afr. Americans as a group, had the same behavioral profile as Asian Americans (on average, performing the best academically, having the highest income, committing the lowest crime, etc.), would we still be proclaiming ‘systematic racism' exists?"  In another deleted tweet, Negy said: "Black privilege is real: Besides affirm. action, special scholarships and other set asides, being shielded from legitimate criticism is a privilege. But as a group, they're missing out on much needed feedback."'...
This professor's actions were "unacceptable" and "dangerous." Just because he asked whether or not BLM could back up their systemic racism claims.  Yes, asking for evidence is BEYOND THE PALE for UNIVERSITIES now."

Brett Favre criticizes kneeling athletes, politics in sports - "Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre says he believes athletes who kneel during the national anthem have "created more turmoil than good."... "I know when I turn on a game, I want to watch a game. I want to watch players play and teams win, lose, come from behind," Favre told Klavan, per USA Today. "I want to watch all the important parts of the game, not what's going on outside of the game, and I think the general fan feels the same way.  "I can't tell you how many people have said to me, 'I don't watch anymore; it's not about the game anymore.' And I tend to agree.""

Former Hillary campaigner accused of hitting cop in the face with baton at Columbus, Ohio BLM protest - "An Ohio State University student who volunteered for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign was arrested at a violent Black Lives Matter protest in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday night. Police say Hunter Martin was part of a mob that forced their way into the police headquarters using bolt cutters, and that he assaulted an officer on the face and chest with a wooden baton"

White lecturer tells students she's 'sick' of talking about BLM - "A white lecturer at a college in upstate New York is under probe by the school — because she told students she was “sick” of talking about the Black Lives Matter movement.  A video posted to Instagram on Monday was recorded in the fall during a video conference call for a writing course at SUNY Buffalo State College, the Buffalo News reported Tuesday.  “This is me, but speaking honestly, and you guys have to respond honestly with what you think, with what you feel about this,” said the part-time lecturer, identified by a student as Erica Cope... Student Jahnay Morehead told the newspaper she recorded Cope’s comments during a writing course in the fourth week of the fall semester. She said she contacted the college’s diversity committee weeks later, but didn’t take part in a subsequent Zoom call to address the matter...   The remark to a class of predominantly black students was “insensitive” and came as an example of an opinion that would lead Cope to get “canceled”...   “She asked us to share an opinion that might be considered controversial and I guess that was her example”...   The full 26-minute video, however, made clear that Cope was saying she was “tired of having superficial conversations” about the social movement...   The attorney accused the college of being misguided in condemning Cope’s comments, saying an investigation into the video would have a “chilling effect” on future class discussions about BLM."
Ironic. Guess she proved her point

Space Colonization Racism - Do Black Lives Matter in Outer Space? - "Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, is ramping up its efforts to inhabit Mars, raising crucial questions about who gets left out of fantasies of space colonization."
Weird how we're told that all decent people support Black Lives Matter. But somehow that means that you need affirmative action in spaceships

Feds Bust Black Lives Matter Organizer for Blackmailing Local Businesses - " The riot in Madison was inspired by the arrest of organizer Devonere Johnson for 'organizing' in a restaurant. The resulting violence saw statues toppled and a Democrat state senator beaten.  Now the Feds have busted Johnson for blackmailing businesses."

Black Lives Matter Storm Target: We Will Shut Your Business Down

VIDEO: Elementary School Administrator Boots Police Officer Off Campus - "A South Bend police officer conducting a routine walk-through at a local elementary school was told by a school administrator to leave campus because his presence could make people uncomfortable...   South Bend Police Officer James Sweeney was conducting a routine unannounced walk-through at Coquillard Elementary School when he was confronted by South Bend Empowerment Zone CEO Cheryl Camacho"
So much for "community policing"

Is BLM Based On a Conspiracy Theory? - "Liberation—black or otherwise—is a neo-Marxist concept based loosely upon Marx’s notion of the “emancipated man” who has been freed from the oppressive system of capitalism as it naturally evolves into communism. “Liberation” specifically refers to the liberation from systemic oppression, to frame it as the neo-Marxists would, which is to say liberation from the liberal order and Enlightenment rationalism, if we translate it into plainspeak.  “Freedom is liberation, a specific historical process in theory and practice, and as such it has its right and wrong, its truth and falsehood,” wrote neo-Marxist Herbert Marcuse in his famous 1965 essay, “Repressive Tolerance.” And what does it require? Suppression and the revocation of the civil rights of those in “power”...   So, black liberationism is the effort to free black people from every conceivable form of systemic oppression as analyzed by a Marxian conspiracy theory about how capitalism and the related liberal order allegedly intrinsically oppress them through tools like “equal opportunity,” “justice,” “social equality,” and, we could add, Enlightenment rationality, equality theory, and neutral principles of constitutional law (which Critical Race Theory explicitly and cynically calls into question). I don’t think this is what a lot of people think the otherwise pleasant-sounding term “black liberation” really refers to. Why not? For the simplest of reasons—who could be against liberation?  When people think of Black Lives Matter, as a decentralized confederacy of co-belligerent movements operating effectively under one umbrella, they may not realize that what they’re actually observing is a re-assertion of the Black Liberation Movement of some fifty years ago, which is in turn based literally upon a neo-Marxist conspiracy theory about free (liberal) capitalist societies. Perhaps this change of name by BLM UK will help them understand that."

On Confrontations Between Blacks And The Police: “They Knew the Risk When They Took the Job” Shows How Out of Touch These Radicals Are - "The people who make the excuse for the violence against the police by stating that “They Knew the Risk When They Took the Job” shows how out of touch these radicals are in their disdain for law and order and the police.  The poster that refers to this statement is as follows: “When police are killed in the line of duty, you always hear the same sentiment from the left: “They knew the risk when they took the job”. How come we can’t apply this same logic when they knew the risk when criminals are killed during arrests? “They knew the risk when they did the crime”. It seems most all confrontations between blacks and the police are a result of a reported crime being committed and the non-compliance of the suspected criminal to the orders of the police. Even before all the facts of a case comes out, the radical mobs have turned these criminals into martyrs and an excuse to cause mayhem and havoc in the areas where these confrontations took place. The groups that have used these instances of police confrontations to perpetrate violence and destruction of property are BLM (Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA. The overwhelming truth, in most all these confrontations, is that the black person (mostly black males) being confronted or arrested resists arrest, sometimes with a weapon or a facsimile... When a perpetrator or an alleged perpetrator violently resists or attacks the police officer, bad things tend to happen, sometimes leading to the death of the resister"

Arlington, Va. man who torched Pennsylvania state police car during Philly’s racial injustice protests sentenced - "The first protester to face sentencing for setting police cars ablaze during the 2020 racial injustice protests in Philadelphia received a 364-day federal prison term on Monday — nearly nine months less than the time he’s already spent behind bars since his 2020 arrest.  Ayoub Tabri, 25, of Arlington, Va., has been incarcerated since he confessed to FBI investigators that he threw a lit road flare into a Pennsylvania State Police car during the demonstrations that erupted in Center City"
Iowa man sentenced to 15 years after burning church's LGBTQ flag - "Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, was sentenced Wednesday to 15 years for the hate crime of arson and given a year for reckless use of explosives or fire and 30 days for harassment"

BLM issues demands: convict Trump, investigate conservative troops, don’t compare Jan 6 to summer of ‘peaceful’ riots - "Convict and ban Trump from future political office:
Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack
Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military
Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms
Defund the police
Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement
Pass the BREATHE Act"

BLM’s Problems Are Bigger Than the Grift - WSJ - "Jason Riley is right that Black Lives Matter’s popularity has declined since its 2020 peak and that news “about the organization’s spending habits” will make things worse... The IRS doesn’t know where millions raised in 2020 have gone. California and Washington, no bastions of conservatism, have suspended fundraising by the group’s flagship, the BLM Global Network Foundation, because it is delinquent on its 2020 financial reports.  But the foundation’s biggest problem has never been the grift. Nor has it been that its self-avowed Marxist founders have gone on a mansion-buying spree with money well-intentioned Americans and craven corporations donated.   The worst is that organizations founded by leftist revolutionaries have so profoundly transformed America already. In my book “BLM,” I detail how Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Melina Abdullah, BLM’s founders, are Marxists with an abiding hatred of the American way of life.  Ms. Cullors and Ms. Garza were trained by theoreticians steeped in cultural Marxism, or the idea that to dismantle society you must first infiltrate the culture and indoctrinate Americans. Ms. Tometi is a devotee of Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro, while Ms. Abdullah says, “In order to eliminate police violence, and the killings of our people at their hands, we must also target the economic systems that built it and rely on it.” It is because of them, and the havoc they’ve visited on America since 2013, that we’re having to fight culture wars in classrooms, offices, churches and army barracks.   Grifters will always be with us. What we never had was Marxist ideologues changing America."

Red Bull Fires ‘Woke’ Diversity Directors Who Tried to Push For BLM Support - "Red Bull has fired two ‘diversity directors’ who tried to force the company into virtue signaling about Black Lives Matter while also dissolving several ‘culture teams’ who were pressuring Red Bull to take a more aggressive ‘woke’ political stance.  Stefan Kozak, its North America chief executive, and Amy Taylor, its North America president and chief marketing officer, have both left the Austrian drinks company after they tried to create a schism within the business about its supposed “inaction on the Black Lives Matter movement.”"

De Blasio: Street in each New York borough will be renamed ‘Black Lives Matter’ - "a street at a “crucial” location in each of the city’s five borough’s will be renamed “Black Lives Matter.”...   The move follows a similar initiative by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D)."

WATCH: White woman in Black Lives Matter shirt attacks black Trump supporter and her young children

Meme - Stevie Joe Payne @StevijoPayne: "My hardware is male, 1944 model, minimal pigment. My software is that was raised in small town Pawhuska, Oklahoma in the 1950's. My software has been updated numerous times. Recent software update reflected in attached image. *Black Lives Matter*"

College students confront White peers with 'Police Lives Matter' sticker: 'You are racist' - "Two white students appearing to be on Arizona State University’s campus were confronted over a "racist" sticker on a computer reading "Police Lives Matter" and were told to leave the area, according to a viral video of the incident... The other students respond that the sticker is making them "uncomfortable."  "You're white, do you understand what a multicultural space is? It means you're not being centered," the students filming tell the white students.  "White’s not a culture?" the student in the anti-Biden shirt says.    "White is not a culture, say it again to the camera, you think whiteness is a culture."  "This is the violence that ASU does and this is the type of people that they protect. Okay, this white man thinks he can take up our space. And this is why we need a multicultural space, because they think they can get away with this s--t," the student continues, appearing to refer to Arizona State University."
If you don't think the police should be killed, you're racist

Police allow pro-lifers to paint 'black preborn lives matter' outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood - "“You must allow SFLA and FDF to paint its BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER message. Your original decision to paint 'Black Lives Matter' on the street may very well be government speech. However, your decision to allow private citizens to paint additional messages such as 'Defund the Police' and 'Black Trans Lives Matter' and to intervene on behalf of a public display of another’s speech indicates that public areas are now an open forum for free speech. You are not permitted to discriminate on the basis of viewpoint in making determinations relating to public assemblies in public fora. The message of the preborn will not be silenced.”... “Though only 13 percent of the female population, African American women make up 38 percent of all reported abortions. Perhaps that is because 4 out of 5 Planned Parenthood vendors are within walking distance of minority-dense neighborhoods, according to a Supreme Court amicus brief.”"
Since we are told disparate impact is proof of racism...

Abilene black man claims he was beaten for wearing 'white lives matter too' t-shirt - "Abilene resident Niko Nance, who is black, claims he was beaten for wearing a t-shirt that said "white lives matter too."  Nance posted a picture of himself wearing the shirt on Facebook.  A few hours later, he claims he was beaten by several black men in the parking lot of a local bar... Nance said he had the t-shirt made to spread the message that we are all equal.  "I wanted to show my support for other cultures also that are supporting us because that's the way to be a union," said Nance.  Nance -- who supports the Black Lives Matter movement -- said the recent riots and violent protests have had a negative effect on him.  "The violence right now is not the dream Martin Luther King had," said Nance.  We asked him if he would wear the t-shirt again.  "Definitely, because I stand for something bigger""

A New Radical Centrism on Twitter - Pramila Jayapal @PramilaJayapal: "Today marks eight years since Michael Brown was murdered by police in Ferguson, MO.  We need to honor Michael’s life with action. Let’s keep fighting to dismantle white supremacy, so we can ensure racial justice for all."
"Ms. Jayapal, If we "dismantle white supremacy" will your ethnic group still have a median annual household income that's $55,000 more than that of white Americans?"
i/o on Twitter - "Here's the Gentle Giant having a friendly exchange with a local business owner a few minutes before he lunged at a cop. Sweet guy, much missed. A Rosa Parks for this generation. Hands up, don't shoot!"
The H2 on Twitter - "He wasn’t murdered. But you know that."
Peter Moskos on Twitter - "If you repeat the lie enough, that Brown was murdered, you might get more people to believe it. But that doesn't make it true. Stop repeating lies. Democrats should do better."
Chris Armiger on Twitter - "You know this is a lie and yet you tweet it anyway? You do know there was a very thorough investigation and the killing was justified. Why would you tweet something so dishonest?"
Jorden Collins on Twitter - "Michael Brown was a hideous criminal. Who attacked an old man while he stole a box of cigars from his store. Prove me wrong."
Mark Naughton on Twitter - "Mike Brown reached into Officer Wilson’s patrol vehicle, struck Ofc Wilson and also pulled at his weapon even getting it out from the holster and he only let go when a round was fired through the vehicle’s door. Just some DNA👇facts"

Tom Elliott on Twitter - "SUERCUT! Media: Yes, violence is the answer"

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