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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Liberal Indulgences / Insulting those you pretend to care for

More blocked by ifunny:

"If you haven't donated to lgbtq charities, you're transph0bic and r@cist lol.
TW: Eyeliner, Septum *something* piercing, sleeces, flashing.
I don't make the rules, transph0be. <3"

Apparently "transphobic" and "racist" get you blocked on TikTok?

"Why don't these inbred, redneck, racist, white trash, Springer and 'rasslin watchin, cousin fucking, trailer trash, illiterate, drunk, meth using, homophobic, backwards, backwoods, neo-nazi, gun toting, bible thumping, blue collar, hillbilly, fox news watching, crazy hicks understand that we democrats are looking out for them? *White lives matter too much*"
(since people will pretend not to understand this:
Arizona 2022 | Local Majority - "Only Democrats are looking out for American workers and families"
Reports from the war rooms | Mountain Xpress - "Democrats are looking out for all Americans, looking out for everybody as far as what our future means"
Democrats are looking out for the middle class
Clinton: Half of Trump supporters 'basket of deplorables' - BBC News)

This didn't even display - maybe it's too small

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