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Saturday, November 05, 2022

Links - 5th November 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

The ‘non-binary homosexuality’ trend erases gay people - "I began to notice an alarming trend of people describing themselves as “non-binary lesbians” and “non-binary gays.” Sadly, most onlookers are too afraid of facing charges of bigotry and the potential wrath of a Twitter mob to point out the absurdity of such claims, but as a gay man myself I’m happy to say it: You can’t be a non-binary homosexual. The very essence of such an identity is contradictory, and it erases the actual experience of gay people, which is rooted in a binary, biological understanding of sex. While this “non-binary lesbian” phenomenon certainly isn’t mainstream, at least not yet, it does exist outside the bubble of woke Twitter. For instance, the British LGBT media outlet Pink News, which claims to be the “world’s most read and watched LGBT+ digital media publisher,” put out an explainer video to educate us backwards bigots about the fact that you can indeed, be a non-binary lesbian, if you so please... in the ultimate bit of irony, the individuals profiled in the video complain that lesbians don’t want to date them"
Of course, we are told that homosexuals only like their own gender (which is why bisexuals don't reinforce the gender binary since heterosexuals supposedly only like other genders). But by that logic, you can't be a non-binary gay or lesbian. And non-binary homosexuals can only go for other non-binary people, and non-binary heterosexuals cannot go for other non-binary people. If the cope is that non-binary people don't have a gender, then they cannot be homosexual or heterosexual - they can't even be bisexual since they don't have a gender. So they can only be pansexual


2 Medal-Winning Chinese Female Athletes Are Accused Of Actually Being Men - "Liao Mengxue and Tong Zhenhuan are part of the Hunan women tracking team that recently competed at the 2019 IAAF World Relays in Yokohoma, Japan... Interestingly, it was the Chinese media that initially questioned the genders of the two athletes. Chinese netizens pointed out that Liao and Tong look like men who decided to compete as females. Others also wondered if the two were taking performance-enhancing drugs that may have led to their masculine features like strong jawlines and underarm hair.  People pointed out that Liao didn’t even bother to shave her armpits."  
Clearly "transphobic"

Meme - "my bi boyfriend just came out as gay. i asked him about our relationship and he said it "won't change a thing'. i'm a trans woman."

Meme - "1980: I bet there will be flying cars in the future

Meme - "When a man speaks *angry*
When a man pretending to be a woman steals a woman's place in society *placid*"

Meme - "Straight men are too predatory and weird to be gynecologists idgaf pick something else"
"what about trans men? would this also be an issue? /srs"
"I say this respectfully, I feel like im not qualified to answer that. I should've said straight cis men in my tweet."

Meme - "Dane Riley
Lives in Coldstream, British Columbia
I just wish I knew your real name so that when you get beat to death by trans peeps, I get to hear about it. You think we don't have lists? Be seeing you Nazi. On a post of 100 people responding to you, all you had to say was, "ok groomer". You are very dumb no? I almost feel bad for you then I remember how good it feels to shove my thumbs all the way into fascist eye sockets."
They're always so violent.

Meme - Transrightsarebased Ace ally | I come bring..: "As an Anarchist, I advise beating Transphobes to death with a copper pipe"
Beelzebub1331: "why copper? use a less valuable metal, maybe a wooden bat? don't those hurt more then metal bats"
Transrightsarebased: "It lasts longer. You can straighten out a copper pipe a bit easier than, say, lead or steel. You can use it on more transphobes."
Beelzebub1331: "but if I break my steel pipe I now have a second steel to give to a friend (they hate transphobes too)"
Transrightsarebased: "yes, but now the two pieces are too. short to be used effectively as bludgeons. Simply take the TERF's femur and give it to your friend to use instead."

Colin Wright on Twitter - "I know many of you can't handle hearing this, but genital preferences are transphobic."
"I know many of you gender cultists can't handle hearing this, but dismissing genital preferences is deeply homophobic."

Meme - Margaret E. Atwood: "Why can't we say 'woman' anymore?"
"handmaid's tale show was mostly good but the thing that skeeved me out to the point of stopping watching, as a trans woman, is how much it was centered around this woman's biological motherhood and birthright being the most important sacrosanct part of her identity at all costs"

Meme - *Girldick - Pizza* *Me - green-haired girl opening mouth*
"I hate this shit. Not to kink shame, but it's triggering to some. Considering I'm literally about to unalive myself because can't get the funds I need for bottom surgery. Some of us have legit gender dysphoria, and it sucks. Sorry if I'm being a bitch, but I say what feel."

Meme - "I'm trying to get swoll. Give me some testosterone."
"No. It's illegal if you use testosterone to induce physical changes to your body."
"I feel like a boy this week."
"Here's your testosterone oh wise one."

Oklahoma public schools now require student athletes to submit ‘biological sex affidavit' - "  News of the affidavits made national headlines after a photo of one of the documents was added to the athletic policy of Woodall Public Schools in eastern Oklahoma and shared on Twitter by Erin Matson, executive director Reproaction, an abortion rights group.  “This has nothing to do with encouraging girls to be athletes,” Matson wrote. “This is totalitarianism. It is the white nationalist agenda. The anti-LGBTQ agenda. The anti-abortion agenda. It is all the same agenda.”... “any change in the status of the biological sex of the student” should be reported to the school within 30 days...   This year alone, 10 states have enacted legislation that would prevent transgender athletes from competing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. Nineteen states since 2020 have passed similar measures."
How do you change your biological sex?
I like how this is somehow linked to white nationalism and abortion. Of course it cannot be a moral panic, since that is only something the "right" does

Meme - "Nice girl bike!
Nice girl hair!
Nice girl hormone supplements!
Nice grave! *RIP Jeff. He will be missed*"

Meme - "Nice girl bike!
Nice girl hair!
Nice girl hormone supplements!
*imagination of very obvious MTF*

Meme - Friendly Transfemme Enby: "Seems like the influx of bigots have reached me. Multiple laugh reacts on my pinned intro made it easy to swing the ban hammer."
So much for being friendly

Meme - Lucy Keogh is in Spokane, Washington.: "Yay!!! I got my psych evaluation report back today. and ya girls got Autism, ADHD, Severe Depression, PTSD, DID and Anxiety Disorder!! While it may seem to some upsetting, I am beyond giddy about this, I finally have a better bases to progress with my therapy and be medicated more accurately for my symptom's!! One step closer to organizing and managing my life properly plus my psychologist was so sweet and affirming and supportive it was such a great session!! #autism #adhd #did #ptsd #anxiety #depression #managing #symptoms #progress #growing #blooming #flourishing #loving #learning #happy"
When you have such obvious malpractice...

Meme - "Get dysphoria by having to shave your face"
"get dysphoria by not shaving your face and getting a 5 o'clock shadow"

Meme - "OH MY GOD!!! THIS IS LITERALLY ME!!! *anime girls*
"..." *anime trans women*

Meme - "How do you know you are a woman?"
"Because I like traditionally feminine things like makeup, dresses, soap operas, shoe shopping, sewing, gossiping, brunch with my besties..."
"Cool. I like women that want to have babies and stay home to raise them while taking care of the house and cooking dinner for me when I get home from work."

Meme - James Esses @JamesEsses: "Gender dysphoria remains the only mental health condition I'm aware of, in which the proposed treatment is to affirm the distressing thoughts inside one's head and physically modify one's body. We don't treat anorexia with liposuction. We must safeguard children from harm."

Meme - Assigned Fabulous At Birth @HushingGyal_: "You all act like centering cisheterowomanhood is the quintessential hermeneutic for making sense of how Western class society imposes labor divisions wrt the body, reproductive potentialities, etc. When really what you need is a Transfeminist Materialism to expose that process."

Meme - "Saying "womanhood isn't a competition" tells me just how little you actually know about women."
"Womanhood isn't a competition. There isn't one woman who's more woman than another. Real women have penises, vulvas, and a whole array of parts. One woman's identity can't cancel out another's."

Meme - Keffals: "apparently j.k. rowling is tweeting about the horrors of vaginoplasty and want her to see this tweet and know that i like to get railed and i cum hard. no regrets you failed to consider that people can slam their penis into my prostate through my pussy and that my surgeon literally surpassed god's own design"
Absolutely not a fetish

'So bloody angry': J.K. Rowling criticizes gender-focused 'policies that endanger extremely vulnerable girls' - "The "Harry Potter" author earlier this week highlighted a blog post authored by the unnamed parents of a learning-disabled girl who attends a special-needs school that apparently implemented "cross-gender intimate care" instead of "same-sex intimate care."... "I know from long experience how vulnerable children are in institutions. The statistics on predation are appalling. Disabled women and children are many times more likely to be abused," she tweeted. "Predators go where there is access. Predators love victims who can't fight back or speak out. Successive studies show that 98-99% of sexual abusers are male. This validation of male feelings over disabled girls' protection is abhorrent."... In 2020, Rowling made headlines when she tweeted: "If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.""

Harry Potter star Tom Felton praises JK Rowling - "His comments come following a wave of backlash towards the writer following her controversial comments on transgender people - with the 35-year-old actor sharing that he 'doesn't pick sides'... JK Rowling's public feud with Nicola Sturgeon over trans rights escalated today as the Harry Potter author sarcastically branded the SNP leader the 'First Feminist' – as it emerged that the party's equalities officer threatened to 'beat the f*** out of terfs'.  In a string of now deleted vile tweets, Cameron Downing, 22, threatened violence against women and using the derogatory term Terf [trans-exclusionary radical feminist] declared: 'I f****** hate terfs and transphobes with such a passion they make me want to SCREAM!'  Aspiring actor Mr Downing has been an equalities officer for the SNP's London branch since August and previously worked in the same role last year. He also worked as a contact tracer at NHS Lothian.   On Saturday Downing said in a statement he would be stepping back from his position for his mental wellbeing in the wake of the backlash.   When confronted about the Twitter posts, he said: 'I apologise for these tweets and for any offence caused to the LGBTQ+ community and have long since deleted them.' The outburst has sparked a public backlash, with Scottish Conservative MSP Rachael Hamilton thundering: 'This is abhorrent language for someone in such a position to be using in relation to this debate. Given the sensitive nature of the subject, there is an onus on everyone involved to discuss it in a respectful and civilised way – not least an equalities officer for the SNP.'  Pressure group For Women Scotland added: 'The SNP seem to actively want mindless thugs in their ranks – as long as it is only women they want to hurt.'  Miss Rowling, 57, who has faced death threats from trans activists, waded into the row today and chose to resume her ongoing war of words with Miss Sturgeon by sharing the story on Twitter and writing: 'Nicola Sturgeon's Scotland: A place where an equalities officer feels free to declare in public how much he wants to beat up non-compliant women.'"

'I read my royalty cheques' JK Rowling hits back at question asking how she sleeps at night - "“How do you sleep at night knowing you’ve lost a whole audience from buying your books?”  Rowling quickly retorted: “I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.”"

Queen LizzieLuck on Twitter - "listen, it’s not just about putting money in JK Rowling’s pocket. it’s not even about the further proliferation of her online presence and platform. if you still carry a flag for HP, wear the merch, talk about “your house” or whatever, i just don’t feel safe around you."
So much for "white fragility"

Meme - "Real women don't have to dilate to keep their hole from closing."

Meme - "Naan Binaari Beauty School Dropout: Terfs are just jealous because I get sexualize and objectify more than they do."

Meme - "Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used predominantly by non-Black people to portray a caricature of a Black person which late 19th century
Womanface is a form of makeup used predominantly by non-women to portray a caricature of a woman which became popular in the early 21st century."

Meme - "I can't live like this anymore but don't want my mom to suffer even more
Im a 17 year old girl with a flat chest, a deep voice, a visible Adam's apple and some facial hair. There's no reason for me to continue to live. I destroyed my life and I feel like all hope I have is stupid for me to have. I don't think any person will ever wanna date me. Before all this people were into me but I destroyed that. Now no one is ever gonna like me. There's nothing I can really do without getting reminded of my past and how much I miss it. I feel ashamed of what I did. I'm scared people will never let me do decisions on my own anymore. I was just a kid and would have needed someone to help me accept myself but my therapist didn't question my ,,transness". I can't stop thinking about the life I could have had. I also think other people will now believe that they are something better then me. I love my mom. She is an amazing mom. She stopped me the first time from transitioning but the second time she was also brainwashed and sadly thought that when all these professionals say it's the right thing to let your kid transition then it must be the right thing. She thinks it's all her fault but it isn't. I wanna kill myself but then she will feel even more miserable. How can I kill myself and let her know that I want her to be happy. Im 17 why do have to think about ending my life. It's too much for me to handle. There's no joy in my life anymore."

Meme - "How to accept that mistakes were made?
How can I learn to accept that I can't go back in time and undo my transition? How can I accept the fact that I made a mistake when I was 14? How can I stop being angry at the so called "professionals" that allowed me to go on hormones and have top surgery this young? I have way too many emotions in me and I can't deal with them anymore. Every time I see an item that I have used or seen before my transition or at least before my top surgery I get depressed. I remember those times and I grief what I lost. I can't go to to places I have been before transition without feeling pain. My remorse is tremendous. I can't deal with it. I can't imagine that I will ever be happy again. Any positive stories of detrans people in this sub who are able to be happy again? I don't want to always have to explain myself to people. I just want to live my life as a normal girl. I'm 17. I can't go to school as I'm mentally not able to. I miss my old voice and my old body. I see girls my age and I can't put in words how extremely jealous I am that they can just be happy in their body. Why did I have to do this mistake? I need hope. I need to hear success stories. Any detrans people here that can give me hope that one day I can be happy again?"

Meme - "1. In a sexual species, there are two sexes, MALE and FEMALE.
2. 99.93% of humans have XX or XY sex chromosomes (rest is mutation).
3. Being one sex but thinking you're the other is a psychological disorder.
4. Mandating a widespread enabling of a psychological disorder is sociopathy."

Meme - "What a cute dog!"
"Thanks, he's a rescue. Although, I'd like to think he rescued me"
"She has a dick."
"Rescued again!"

Nick Adams on Twitter - "If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, I assume those other “genders” were pulled out of Uranus."

Meme - "I've been told by some I pass pretty well"
"Looks like an overweight man with long hair to me. Wearing a bra"
"This is how my mom treats me"
"mom is a big meanie"
"Oh what."

Meme - "I wish I was a girl"
"I can just be a girl"
"I always was a girl"
"Destroy Capitalism"
Mental illness comes together after all

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