When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, November 05, 2022

Links - 5th November 2022 (1)

Holloways: Roads Tunneled Into the Earth by Time - "Appearing like trenches dragged into the earth, sunken lanes, also called hollow-ways or holloways, are centuries-old thoroughfares worn down by the traffic of time. They’re one of the few examples of human-made infrastructure still serving its original purpose, although many who walk through holloways don’t realize they’re retracing ancient steps  The name “holloway” is derived from “hola weg,” meaning sunken road in Old English. You’re most likely to discover a holloway where the ground and the stone below are soft, such as places rich in sandstone or chalk. No one ever engineered a holloway — erosion by human feet, and horses or cattle driven alongside, combined with water then flowing through the embankments like a gully, molded the land into a tunneled road."

Opinion: Free interprovincial trade once and for all - "it made sense for the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) to see the light of day in 2017 in order to encourage trade between the provinces. After all, Canada itself was founded in good part because of the need to create an internal market to protect us from American protectionism. The CFTA was necessary because of the numerous trade barriers erected between the different provinces. Statistics Canada has estimated that in 2017, these barriers represented the equivalent of a 6.9 per cent customs tariff. Unfortunately, few provinces have taken the opportunity to improve their practices. Alberta and Manitoba have made substantial efforts to encourage interprovincial trade, but most of the other provinces have not followed suit. Worse yet, British Columbia has actually added obstacles to interprovincial trade. What is a trade barrier? It can simply be a matter of standards that differ from one province to the next regarding, for example, the tires that can be used on transport trucks. Indeed, certain high-performance tires that reduce gas consumption are not permitted in all provinces, which forces truckers to change tires mid-journey. This can seem trivial, but it increases the prices of goods.  According to in-depth economic studies, especially a 2019 IMF working paper by Jorge Alvarez and Ivo Krznar of the IMF and Trevor Tombe of the University of Alberta, it would be possible to increase Canada’s GDP per capita by 3.8 per cent simply by removing barriers to interprovincial trade. This is even truer for Atlantic Canada. Indeed, according to our own calculations, the elimination of trade barriers would go a long way toward bridging the economic gap that separates the Atlantic provinces from the rest of the country. For example, New Brunswick would see its GDP per capita increase by six per cent, Newfoundland and Labrador by 13 per cent, and Prince Edward Island by fully 16 per cent. In fact, if trade barriers had been abolished in 2000, a province like Manitoba would have caught up to Ontario by 2013 in terms of GDP per capita. This shows just how powerful a tool eliminating trade barriers is for improving the well-being of the population."

Provinces should remove trade barriers to accelerate economic recovery - "research estimates that interprovincial trade barriers add between 7.8 per cent and 14.5 per cent to the prices of goods and services Canadians purchase. Put differently, these barriers add more to your shopping bill than the GST."

TOWARDS A MORE PRODUCTIVE AND UNITED CANADA. The Case for Liberalizing Interprovincial Trade - "In Manitoba, to highlight a particularly stark example, one cannot offer legal services without maintaining a physical office in the province. Hiring an out-of-province lawyer—even if they are better suited, higher quality, or lower cost—is therefore made more difficult. Financial and securities rules also vary across provinces. Even French language laws represent a barrier.Making matters worse, such restrictions can also hinder worker mobility. If credentials from one region are not recognized by another, then Canadians will face costs of retraining or recertifying if they move from one province to another. Denturists are not free to move into Quebec without recertifying, for example, nor are podiatrists into Alberta, dental hygienists into Newfoundland & Labrador, social workers to Ontario, and so on. Fewer people will therefore relocate, even if expected wages are higher...  the gold standard to liberalize trade involves provinces moving unilaterally. Alberta, for example, moved in summer of 2019 to drop many of its self-imposed exemptions under the CFTA. It did this in exchange for nothing from any other government. It recognized the need for leader-ship, but it also recognized that most of the gains from internal trade come from making imports cheaper rather than expanding exports. I estimate that roughly two-thirds of the gains from lower internal trade costs for Alberta can be achieved by unilaterally eliminating barriers. Provinces can go further and recognize all standards, certifications, regulations, and so on, issued by any other province as automatically valid in lieu of its own. This would restrict each government’s individual power but ease internal trade substantially (and do so quickly)"

Top paid LA lifeguards earn up to $392,000 annually - "The investigation also found that high earnings weren’t necessarily linked to the most heroic employees. Many of the lifeguards who won the Medal of Valor for exhibiting bravery and saving lives were not among the county’s highest-paid...   In total, California public employees cost taxpayers $45 billion a year, according to the report."

Explaining public support for space exploration funding in America: A multivariate analysis - "Recent studies have identified the need to understand what shapes public attitudes toward space policy. I address this gap in the literature by developing a multivariate regression model explaining why many Americans support government spending on space exploration. Using pooled data from the 2006 and 2008 General Social Surveys, the study reveals that spending preferences on space exploration are largely apolitical and associated instead with knowledge and opinions about science. In particular, the odds of wanting to increase funding for space exploration are significantly higher for white, male Babyboomers with a higher socio-economic status, a fondness for organized science, and a post-secondary science education. As such, I argue that public support for NASA's spending epitomizes what Launius termed “Apollo Nostalgia” in American culture. That is, Americans benefitting most from the old social order of the 1960s developed a greater fondness for science that makes them more likely to lament the glory days of space exploration. The article concludes with suggestions for how to elaborate on these findings in future studies."

Anarchist theme backfires for Hilton hotel café | News | The Times - "Now-deleted promotional material described the bar as a “gathering place for writers, radicals, entrepreneurs and artists”. At the time Hilton said: “Freedom Café, named after Freedom Press Publishing House in Whitechapel High Street, provides the perfect place to relax, work or socialise over a craft coffee or East End-inspired cocktail at the heart of the hotel. “Guests can also enjoy daily tastings at Freedom Café, featuring appetisers and drinks from local distilleries, craft brewers and wineries.” Its menu was fashioned to resemble the Freedom journal — first published in 1886 — with the headline: “Anarchy, coffee, drinks and comfort food.” The menu cover featured a photograph of the journal’s former editor Alfred Marsh, alongside an image of the publisher’s bookshop, which is less than half a mile from the hotel. Inside the brochure, guests were offered cocktails, including the £14 “Freedom” made from tequila infused with citrus, sake and amaro. Another cocktail called “Memoirs of a revolutionist” is dedicated to the Freedom founder Peter Kropotkin, the Russian aristocrat who became a renowned anarchist theorist in exile. Those seeking a non-alcoholic drink were offered the £11 “Why work?”, named after a collection of essays looking at “the possibilities for an alternative society producing for our needs, rather than mere avarice”. When Freedom Press was made aware of the cafe’s existence on April 1, it assumed that it was the subject of an April fools’ joke. It has now accused the hotel of refusing to seek permission for the use of its name, using a post on its website to say the hotel was designed for “suited goons and coddled tourists”... Freedom Press is the oldest anarchist publishing house in the UK. Its bookshop, in an alley off Whitechapel High Street, is emblazoned with slogans including “Don’t vote it only encourages them” and “Visualise insurrection”."

Who is Cyanide Mohan? The full story - "Mohan Kumar, a former primary school teacher from Dakshina Kannada whose transformation into Karnataka’s dreaded serial killer has baffled many for years. On October 21, 2009, Kumar was arrested by the police from a village on the outskirts of Mangaluru and, during interrogation, he admitted to killing Anitha and at least 19 other women between 2004 and 2009 by poisoning them with cyanide. He also confessed to befriending them with the offer of marriage and then stealing their jewellery after killing them...   To Anitha Mulya, he was Sudhakar Kulal. To Sunanda Poojary, he was Shashidhar Poojary. To Kaveri, he was Sudhakar Acharya.  According to detailed case files accessed by indianexpress.com and accounts of investigative officers, Kumar seldom used his real name while approaching women. He would loiter mainly around bus stands and other public places, keeping an eye out for women he could befriend.   “He targeted unmarried women who belonged to poor and destitute families, especially those who looked past the age of marriage. He would introduce himself mostly as a government officer and strike conversations with them. If he got a positive response, he would move on to exchanging phone numbers and building a relationship,” said Sanjeev Purusha, an officer who was part of the probe team that arrested Kumar in 2009.  Among the things that Kumar kept in mind while approaching his victims was their caste. During initial conversations, he would enquire about their caste and then claim to be from the same himself. If the victim was an Idiga woman, he was one too. If she belonged to the Poojary community, he was too.   If the women he wooed responded positively to his romantic overtures, Kumar would then propose eloping to get married at a temple or a registration office. He would ask them to carry their finest gold jewellery and clothes for the wedding. However, he would clarify that he didn’t want dowry of any kind. He maintained very little contact with the families of the women he befriended and forbade from informing their relatives about their marriage plans... Once the date for ‘marriage’ was set, Kumar and the victim would set off on a bus from her hometown to distant cities like Mysuru, Bengaluru, Hassan and Madikeri. They would check into a lodge, always close to the main bus stand, where Kumar would enter fake names and addresses in the visitors’ register. He would then engage in sexual intercourse with the victim at night. He was so meticulous that he would even outline their fertility cycles to ensure she was ovulating at the time.  Before leaving for the temple the next day, Kumar would tell his victims to leave the gold jewellery in the lodge room. En route to the temple, officials said Kumar would stop by the ladies’ toilet at the bus stand and offer the victims a cyanide pill repackaged as a contraceptive. His justification for taking the pill inside the toilet was that the woman would feel the need to urinate immediately after consuming it. Once they collapsed inside the toilet after consuming the cyanide, Kumar would bolt for the lodge room, pick up the jewellery and leave the town immediately. On some occasions, a few days after the murder, Kumar would phone the victims’ families and assure them that they had gotten married. They were living a comfortable life and they needn’t worry about their daughters, he would say... Kumar’s overtures to women from socially and financially disempowered communities also pointed to their standing in rural Karnataka’s vicious caste realities, an officer concurred. When a man with a stable government job proposes marriage to them and declines to take dowry, that is an offer difficult to say no to... Police officials said Kumar got bolder and arrogant after each killing when he noticed that the investigations into the murders reached nowhere. When each of his victims were found in bus-stand toilets, the local police invariably would file a case of unidentified death (UDR), wait for identification by the families and then perform an autopsy. In almost all cases, they were not identified initially and the bodies promptly cremated. Similarly, photographs of the victims were always published in local dailies but not largely circulated outside district limits. Since the victims were always found far away from their hometowns, the families failed to notice such ads... After each killing, Kumar, said Jnanasekhar, would spend time between his second wife Manjula and third wife Sridevi who stayed in Kasaragod and Deralakatte, respectively. From both wives, he has two children each. He would pawn the jewellery of his victims in gold finance companies in Mangaluru and use the money to take care of his families. Until his arrest in 2009, neither wife knew about the other’s existence, or their husband’s exploits."

Fifteen-year-old girl caught teaching father how to drive - "By law learner drivers must be supervised by somebody aged at least 21 who has held a full driver's licence for at least three years."

Sex-ed teacher out at Dalton after 'masturbation' lesson for first graders - "A teacher who taught controversial sex-education classes that included cartoon videos on masturbation for first graders at the posh Dalton School has resigned...   Justine Ang Fonte, who also taught a one-day workshop on “porn literacy” to juniors at Columbia Grammar & Prep School last month that angered some parents, will not return to the school next year, according to an email Dalton’s head of school, Jim Best, sen to parents Friday. Best also will not be returning to Dalton next year... Fonte is the third high-profile Dalton staffer to leave the school this year as the school struggles with a simmering conflict between the faculty and parents over its progressive agenda.  Domonic Rollins, the school’s director of DEI, (“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”) left in February to “pursue other opportunities,” the school said at the time.   Best, Dalton’s headmaster for the past 3 years who has been with the school a total of 16 years, announced in April he was resigning to pursue “other exciting and inspiring opportunities.”  One parent said Friday she was not impressed with the school’s statement about Fonte. “This inability to admit a mistake or acknowledge misstep is strange,” she said. “It shows a real lack of emotional intelligence and self awareness on behalf of the leadership team.”  Last fall, Dalton parents, who fork over $55,000 per year for their kids’ tuition, learned that their first-graders were being taught sex-ed lessons that included cartoons showing little kids talking about “touching themselves” for pleasure.   “Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air?” asks the little boy in the cartoon, leading to an explanation of what an “erection” is.  The boy nods and says, “Sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good.”  Then the little girl character chimes in: “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.” The parents were initially told they had “misinterpreted” the content of the classwork.  Fonte had reassured parents that she does not use the word “masturbation” in class, and that her lessons teach kids not to touch themselves in public.  Fonte also angered parents of juniors at another elite NYC private school, Columbia Grammar & Prep, with a workshop she gave May 5.  The often-explicit slide presentation and lecture by Fonte to the 120 boys and girls included lessons on how porn takes care of “three big male vulnerabilities”; statistics on the “orgasm gap” showing straight women have far fewer orgasms with their partners than gay men or women; and photos of partially-nude women, some in bondage, to analyze “what is porn and what is art.” Fonte’s presentation, some of which was seen by The Post, included a list of the most searched pornographic terms of 2019, including “creampie,” “anal,” “gangbang,” “stepmom” and more.  One slide cited various porn genres such as “incest-themed,” consensual or “vanilla,” “barely legal,” and “kink and BDSM” (which included “waterboard electro” torture porn as an example).  One part of the porn presentation involved something called the “marketability of Only Fans,” the hot new app used mostly for sex work. One slide included a photo of a pretty young woman who appeared to be promoting OnlyFans-type work."
There is no proof that teachers are trying to sexualise and/or groom kids

Meme - "Every adult in this video should be sentenced to forced labor for the rest of their lives"
Memology 101: "Teaching them to twerk young. 'We all need this confidence'"
The cope is that twerking isn't sexual

Meme - Karlyn Borysenko, LPNH Nominee @DrKarlynB: "Conservatives are going to try to ban kids watching R rated movies in their own house, I'm calling it now."
Karlyn Borysenko's Brain Stem P... @KarlynBrainStem: "in some cultures, this practice is known as "parenting.""
Why do liberals love to expose kids to sex and other age-inappropriate material?

Meme - " Remember when the Justin Janet Jackson boob thing was a shocker? Now Christina Aguilera is on stage jerking off an enormous strap-on in front of kids and no one cares. wild"
"It was advertised as an "all-ages" event. . ."

Fury as theatre company stages naked show exploring 'sexuality, sexual pleasure and queerness' - "A theatre company has sparked fury by staging a show featuring naked bodies that explores 'love, sexuality and sexual pleasure' aimed at children as young as five. The Family Sex Show's producers boast it's a performance for families about sex and relationships - with parents encouraged to bring their children along."

Ever Given and Suez: Why Ships Keep Crashing - The Atlantic - "When a big jet airplane crashes, it almost always makes headlines around the world, and for good reason: Fatal passenger accidents are extremely rare. Right now, though, the eyes of the world are on the Ever Given, the massive container ship still stubbornly lodged between the banks of the Suez Canal.  The Ever Given’s predicament is both highly unusual and typical: Seldom does a ship get stuck in the Suez (though it does happen every few years), and seldom does a maritime disaster attract such attention. But even though the world is incredibly dependent on ships like Ever Given—a reality that pandemic-related disruptions have suddenly made visible—major maritime incidents are surprisingly common. According to the insurer Allianz, 41 large ships were lost in 2019, and 46 in 2018. Over the past decade, about 100 big vessels have been lost annually. Why does this keep happening? Every maritime accident, like every plane crash, has its own unique failures. But one key to the improvement in aviation safety was the advent of a radical new approach to safety and training, known as cockpit resource management or crew resource management. Airplane failures still occur, but they rarely become fatal catastrophes. The shipping industry has tried to learn from aviation’s success, dubbing its equivalent “bridge resource management,” but the implementation and modernization of the approach have largely failed."

Golden Dawn - "With this omnipotent wisdom our government requires that restaurants reprint their menus and post the following shocking information: "Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especiallsy if you have certain medical conditions." Also be warned that poking yourself in the eye with a fork may impair your vision and drinking steaming liquids could burn your tongue."

Meme - ">june 17th
>juneteenth eve
>leave tray of fried chicken and watermelon slices out for the ghost of harriet tubman
>wake up the next morning
>"Dad where did my bike go?"
>mfw its a Juneteenth miracle"

Fina on Twitter - "I called my job from jail to tell them that I wouldn't be in , and those fuckers bailed me out and made me come to work 😏😏🥺 . it's a Monday the hustle continues 💪💪"

The Myth of the Damsel on the Railroad Tracks - "Correct or not, the image of the damsel on the tracks seems like it’s here to stay, and in Kramer’s experience people don’t want to know the truth. “A pretty decent chunk of the population is convinced that screaming damsels were constantly lashed to tracks by mustachioed villains,” she says. “The fact that this trope was incredibly rare even in serials does not dissuade them.”"

Coronavirus: How NHS Nightingale was built in just nine days - "In nine days, the 87,328 square metres of double exhibition halls have been fitted out with the framework for about 80 wards, each with 42 beds. Some 500 fully-equipped beds, with oxygen and ventilators, are already in place and there is space for another 3,500."
China shills will pretend that The West is incapable of doing what China does

Barack, Bill and Dubya: How Democrats came to embrace George W Bush - "Keeping quiet on politics, combined with nostalgia viewed through Trump-coloured glasses, has reformed Mr Bush's image... While rare among American leaders today, the tradition of presidents not criticizing successors was the standard before Mr Clinton and Mr Obama left office only to sink deeper into the Democratic establishment as the party's kingmakers and most effective campaigners. When they double-downed on Mr Trump in 2020, the president tweeted "Barack Hussain Obama is the first Ex-President to ever speak against his successor, which was long tradition of decorum and decency. Should anyone really be surprised?" In the past year, Mr Bush released statements to lament the death of George Floyd and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, congratulate Mr Biden on his win and Mr Trump on his campaign, and denounce the riots at the US Capitol riots. In each case, he made no overt political manoeuvre to put points on the board for his own team... From 2000 to 2009, the presidency of "Dubya" was the left-wing's mixtape of the right-wing's most egregious failures... He was the Democrats’ big bad before their idea of bad got bigger... While Mr Trump may have been the best thing to happen to Mr Bush's legacy, the heavy lifting was done by the Obamas... Time, Trump and temperament helped. Mr Farner, however, says the simple absence from participation in policy setting or discourse is enough to heal all wounds"
Or: the demonisation is a cynical game to distract the populace

Meme - Matthew @MatthewJohn666: "Democratic Party voter outreach strategy: Gaslight people who point out that their party never improves our lives, shame anyone who even considers voting for a different party, and fearmonger about your opponent being the most dangerous person in history."

8 Strategies For Exiting The Biden Years Stronger Than The Right Went In - "1. Recognizing Corporate Media as a Propaganda Machine  
2. Crystal Clarity About the Left’s Real Goals
 3. Separation of the GOP from Big Business
4. Accelerating the Corruption Cycle
5. Targeting the Close and Local
6. Forced Deep Thinking on First Principles
7. Engage in More Conversations, Not Less
8. Persecution Purifies and Creates Solidarity"

How a simple tummy-rub can change babies' lives - "Saxena’s experience is backed by a growing body of evidence on the surprising benefits of South Asian baby massage, including for premature babies. Studies have shown that these oil massages, when done properly, can boost babies’ weight gain prevent bacterial infections, and cut infant mortality by up to 50%"

Why children with smartphones are grounding flights - "The pilot conducted the final checks, and then a number of passengers felt a light vibration in their pockets. An AirDrop request. The file came through as a preview, meaning the recipients did not have to click ‘accept’ to catch a glimpse of the content: explicit photographs of plane disasters.   One passenger had a panic attack, another fainted, and an atmosphere of unrest broke out on the plane. After the crew was informed of the situation they relayed the message to the pilot, who made the decision to return to the gate.   Police came on board the flight and arrested nine passengers, all in their late teens, who were quickly identified as the culprits. They had sent the photographs to their fellow passengers using the iPhone AirDrop function, which allows you to send files to phones in close proximity. Thankfully for the police, it also lets you track where they have come from...   It is an unsettling scenario, and a trend that appears to be on the rise. Last summer, a United Airlines plane was evacuated at San Francisco International Airport after a number of passengers received a photograph of a gun on their iPhones via AirDrop. As it turned out, the culprit was a teenager, and the image was in fact an Airsoft toy gun which shoots nonlethal plastic pellets.  In another incident in March this year, a passenger on board an Alaska Airlines flight which had just landed at Orlando International Airport received a threatening message via AirDrop, threatening to hijack the plane... In 2018, a 15-year-old girl accidentally sent out a photograph of a mock crime scene featuring a bean bag mannequin, face down on the floor. A number of passengers received the photo and perceived it to be threatening, so they alerted the flight crew who notified the pilot, who returned the aircraft to the gate. The teenager and her family were removed from the flight and re-booked onto a later service, red-faced but facing no further criminal investigation.  The problem might be more widespread than we think. This month alone there are dozens of examples of people Tweeting about sending or receiving photos via AirDrop on planes... One Twitter user, Brittney Raines, said that her flight was delayed because somebody was trying to send nudes to fellow passengers on board. This could have deeper intentions. An air steward for United Airlines told the Live and Let’s Fly blog: “I was commuting on Southwest, and a young lady was AirDropping photos to the entire plane. But she was proud of it and stood up telling the plane that they should join her Only Fans account.”...
Technology on planes: the risks and the myths
‘5G can interfere with airline safety systems’
Verdict? No known examples, despite FAA warnings...
‘Phones left off flight mode can down a plane’
Verdict? False, but interference can be a distraction for pilots"

'We Would Have Lost': Did U.S. Lend-Lease Aid Tip The Balance In Soviet Fight Against Nazi Germany? - "Soviet dictator Josef Stalin raised a toast to the Lend-Lease program at the November 1943 Tehran conference with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt.  "I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."  Nikita Khrushchev offered the same opinion.  "If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," he wrote in his memoirs. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me."... the real significance of Lend-Lease for the Soviet war effort was that it covered the "sensitive points" of Soviet production -- gasoline, explosives, aluminum, nonferrous metals, radio communications, and so on, says historian Boris Sokolov... Under Lend-Lease, the United States provided more than one-third of all the explosives used by the Soviet Union during the war. The United States and the British Commonwealth provided 55 percent of all the aluminum the Soviet Union used during the war and more than 80 percent of the copper.  Lend-Lease also sent aviation fuel equivalent to 57 percent of what the Soviet Union itself produced. Much of the American fuel was added to lower-grade Soviet fuel to produce the high-octane fuel needed by modern military aircraft. The Lend-Lease program also provided more than 35,000 radio sets and 32,000 motorcycles. When the war ended, almost 33 percent of all the Red Army's vehicles had been provided through Lend-Lease. More than 20,000 Katyusha mobile multiple-rocket launchers were mounted on the chassis of American Studebaker trucks.   In addition, the Lend-Lease program propped up the Soviet railway system, which played a fundamental role in moving and supplying troops. The program sent nearly 2,000 locomotives and innumerable boxcars to the Soviet Union. In addition, almost half of all the rails used by the Soviet Union during the war came through Lend-Lease...   "In order to really assess the significance of Lend-Lease for the Soviet victory, you only have to imagine how the Soviet Union would have had to fight if there had been no Lend-Lease aid," Sokolov wrote. "Without Lend-Lease, the Red Army would not have had about one-third of its ammunition, half of its aircraft, or half of its tanks. In addition, there would have been constant shortages of transportation and fuel. The railroads would have periodically come to a halt. And Soviet forces would have been much more poorly coordinated with a constant lack of radio equipment. And they would have been perpetually hungry without American canned meat and fats."  In 1963, KGB monitoring recorded Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov saying: "People say that the allies didn't help us. But it cannot be denied that the Americans sent us materiel without which we could not have formed our reserves or continued the war. The Americans provided vital explosives and gunpowder. And how much steel! Could we really have set up the production of our tanks without American steel? And now they are saying that we had plenty of everything on our own.""
Too bad for the tankies who claim the USSR won WWII on its own

F. D. C. Willard - Wikipedia - "A colleague, to whom he had given his paper for review, pointed out that Hetherington had used the first person plural in his text, and that the journal would reject this form on submissions with a sole author. Rather than take the time to retype the article to use the singular form, or to bring in a co-author, Hetherington decided to invent one. Hetherington had a Siamese cat named Chester, who had been sired by a Siamese named Willard. Fearing that colleagues might recognize his pet's name, he thought it better to use the pet's initial. Aware that most Americans have at least two given names, he invented two more given names based on the scientific name for a house cat, Felis domesticus, and abbreviated them accordingly as F. D. C. His article, entitled "Two-, Three-, and Four-Atom Exchange Effects in bcc ³He" and written by J. H. Hetherington and F. D. C. Willard, was accepted by the Physical Review and published in number 35 (November 1975). At the 15th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics in 1978 in Grenoble, Hetherington's co-author was exposed: Hetherington had sent some signed copies of his article to friends and colleagues and included the "signature" (paw prints) of his co-author in them. Later, another essay appeared, this time solely authored by F. D. C. Willard, entitled "L'hélium 3 solide. Un antiferromagnétique nucléaire", published (in French) in September 1980 in the French popular science magazine La Recherche"

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