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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Links - 13th November 2022 (2 - MCU: She-Hulk)

She-Hulk's Writers Loved Trolling the Marvel Show's 'Unoriginal' Critics - "Maslany shared that head writer Jessica Gao knew from the outset how a certain sector of Marvel fans would view Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk as a woman supposedly invading the MCU. She also said the cast had a lot of fun reading what trolls were saying online while knowing the show's finale would make fun of some of their remarks verbatim. "Jessica Gao is a genius and knows about the culture we’re living in and her position in it when she’s writing these stories about a woman superhero," Maslany said. "She knows what that response is going to be. As a cast, it was delightful sending each other these troll responses, like 'Oh my god, give them a week and then they’re going to literally see this pop up verbatim in the show and become the villains of the show.' It was thrilling."   Maslany was expecting the unfortunate backlash she received from trolls when she took on the role of She-Hulk. However, she shared she used the vitriol to make a statement about women in superhero media, which is something she loved to do. "Reading the script, it was so true, There’s so much resistance to a woman just existing in that space of superheroes," Maslany said. "There’s always going to be that. I sort of anticipated it. It’s why I also feel it’s important. There’s such an entitlement to space held by certain people, and to even exist as She-Hulk is like a fuck-you, and I love that.""
Create a shit show and think you're very smart for predicting that people wouldn't like a shit show. Genius.

Meme - "Thick headed, incompetent and ignorant She-Hulk fans: You guys just hate phase four women and especially She-Hulk because she's a "powerful" woman and you guys are just very insecure misogynist sexists!!!"
*Monica Rambeau*
*Ms Marvel*
*Scarlet Scarab*
*Sersi, Thena*
*Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Echo*

Meme - "RIP MCU"
"She Hulk Team Explains the Fourth Wall- Breaking Finale and Delivering a 'F- You' to Toxic Marvel Trolls"
"We actually made it steaming pile of garbage on purpose because it would make the trolls seethe" Is a take... Imfao"

She-Hulk has it SO much harder than Bruce Banner... - YouTube - "The audacity of her to talk to Bruce about who has it more difficult."

Meme The Yaboiposting: "Men don't have "walks of shame" unless they bang a fatty. And why are his shoes off? Women only walk home with their shoes off cuz they're usually wearing heels.
They're so bad a subversion"

Meme - "So, you're She-Hulk, a Hulk, that's a she. Fascinating. Tell me more about you."
"Well, I've spent my life controlling my anger because of the problems men cause me. I got my powers from my cousin and was just given a my own law division."
"So everything that makes you special or interesting was given to you by a man, but somehow men are the problem? Curious."

Meme - Dana Schwartz: "Just saw Blade Runner for the first time and it's great but... Harrison Ford is the villain, yeah? Like it's about four slaves who escape and come to earth as fugitives just for the CHANCE to stave off death, and this random hot cop is on their tails murdering them
Why are we supposed to like Harrison ford in this movie aside from the fact he's Harrison ford? I don't get it"
"One of the she-hulk 'writers' after she watched Blade Runner. Doesn't even get the concept protagonists not necessarily being goodie 2 shoes boy scout

Meme - "Guys, I saw some people in this group hating on SheHulk. So without asking them why I said: "Boom, you're an incel!""
"Guys did you not hear me...I said: "Boom, you're an incel!""
So I got them good right?"
"Yes, of course... good... you got them real good...very impressive indeed"
"The praises of your heroism will surely be sung in Valhalla"
"You guys are just a couple of hating incels too!"

Meme - Woman: *farts She-Hulk*
Woman: "You have to like it or you're sexist"

.Meme - "Women written by men *Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff*
Women written by women *She-Hulk twerking*"

“They’re doing the same things they were preaching against”: She-Hulk Latest Episode Draws Controversy As Fans Call it Hypocritical For Having Megan Thee Stallion to Further Sexualize Women

Where are all the people who bitched about how Black Widow showing off her butt in the Avengers poster?

Meme - Topher @tophertownmusic: "Marvel really had #SheHulk go from talking about how bad women have it in society and the lack of respect they receive compared to their male counterparts in the work force to her twerking in a pants suit a couple weeks later to degenerate music."
Plus she was twerking at work

Meme - "When an ugly says you look lovely today"
"That's sexual harassment!"
"When a hot guy tells you you're a sexy piece of ass"

Meme - "It's March 2019. Captain Marvel, the first Female-led MCU project is released. Fans who criticized it are accused of hating women.
It's June 2021, Black Widow, the first Female-led MCU project is -released. Fans who criticized it are accused of hating women.
It's June 2022, Miss Marvel, the first Female-led MCU project is released. Fans who criticized it are accused of hating women.
It's August 2022, She-Hulk, the first Female-led MCU project is released. Fans who criticized it are accused of hating women."

Meme - "Or I might just literally get murdered."
"Jen, men make up almost eighty percent of all homicide victims."

Marvel Fans India - Posts | Facebook - "She Hulk is the latest Disney project to suffer from the trend of review bombing with 31.9% of its reviews being 1-star on IMDb. As of now, She-Hulk holds a higher percentage of 1-star reviews than any other MCU Disney+ series to date. For comparison, here's a look at the percentage of 1-star reviews currently held by previous Marvel Studios Disney+ shows:
WandaVision: 2.2%
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 2.9%
Loki: 1.5%
What If…?: 2.1%
Hawkeye: 1.5%
Moon Knight: 4.1%
Ms. Marvel: 19.9%"
Review bombing is when people dislike a bad woke show and review it badly.

Mainstream Media Outlets Disingenuously Claim ‘She-Hulk’ Review Bombed By Angry Male Fans Despite Series Having More False Positive Reviews Than Negative - "the legacy media has essentially asked readers to believe that while all the negative reviews are unfounded and come from angry fanboys who haven’t yet seen the series, the positive ones are genuine and express the true quality of the Jade Giantess’ MCU debut."

Meme - *Jessica Jones, Agent Carter, WandaVision*
"All these three are female-led marvel shows but you didn't see anyone review-bombing them or anything because they were free of all this cringe in she hulk if i wanted to watch a superhero show all i need is a superhero and a villan and a good story i don't want a woman complaining about getting catcalled in the street. If i wanted a show to tell about women life i would rom-com sitcom or something"

Meme - "The reason SheHulk is always green is that, as a single female lawyer in her 30s, she's by default always angry"

Meme - "She-Hulk"
"Them-Hulk *fat, blue hair, nose ring*"

Meme - "Men written by men *Hulk stopping Chitauri Leviathan*
Men written by women *Hulk unable to stop a jeep*"

Meme - "When you hit your cousin with a Jeep because he doesn't believe that you are better at controlling your anger than him:"

Meme - "Jen: "I hate that men sexualize me all the time!
Also Jen: *Has Captain America's ass as her wallpaper*"


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Series Premiere Discussion : television - "i personally had low expectations but they manage to duck below them.  the protagonist is an insufferable, smug, know it all, self centered, lunatic/bipolar, mary sue that is "apparently" better than bruce banner while the episode underplays his past struggles comparing her daily, oh so horrible, life.  oh i also hate the part where she says "i'm clearly nailing it at all this things", it summarize har character to me. perfect, in control of EVERYTHING and smug right out of the gate.  she gets her cake, eats it and orders another one right after.  also the "comedy" is almost amy schumer level of bad."
"I didn't think the show was bad necessarily, but Jennifer was so damn unlikable the entire show. As Bruce said, he is the one person who knows what she is going through, and she just insults him constantly.  I also found it a bit ridiculous after having powers for like 5 minutes, her and him were evenly matched."
"She is too whiny for a superhero. And worst, she is whining about words and remarks? What."

She-Hulk: "I'm an expert at controlling anger, because I do it infinitely more than you." Btw. she's talking to Buce Banner, the guy who'll destroy an entire city block if he doesn't control his anger and literally tried to kill himself to get rid of this burden : KotakuInAction -
"Seems to me like she's trying to provoke Banner, which is incredibly stupid of her."
"Banner: "i have had enough of your nagging! No more nice guy!" Turns into worldbreaker hulk
Feminists: Look it's incel hulk!
Could actually see that happen"
"Simply existing as a woman causes more stress than being hunted across the world by various governments and militaries for a decade or more. It's so fucked that people see scenes like this and wholeheartedly believe they are the truth of the world."
"Not just hunted, but his situation has driven him to the point of suicide, which he can't even do. He can't ever have a relationship or any sort of life, but her life is just so much harder than his because... reasons."
"All while she gets to have better version of his powers without any of the downsides because she has a special genetic makeup; she is literally lording her privilege over him."
"In the first hulk movie from 2008 he has to call off sex with Betty that she initiated because he's scared the excitement will make him hulk out and kill her.  Bruce can't even have casual sex. She Hulk apparently just doesn't have this problem and can sleep around as much as she wants.  But no, she has it worse."
"There's also the fact he was a prisoner in his own mind during Thor Ragnarok with his only friend was a drunken slaver as he was used for gladiatorial entertainment with no hope of coming back to his senses or even getting home.  but...I guess...catcalling sucks too?"
This was a good example of how unaware and narcissistic these women are - she tried to kill people the second time she transformed outside the bar

Meme - Austin VanderVeer: ""Thor 2 was boring" "Iron Man 3 was terrible" "The first Hulk movie sucked." "Ant-Man is just a worse Iron Man." "Doctor Strange is also just a worse Iron Man." "Captain America 3 has a really dumb premise." "Current Spider-Man is the worst one." All this sexism, I can't believe y'all hate men this much."
Comment: "The biggest issue with shows feature strong female characters is the lazy writing that they entail. Good writers will take a character, give them a struggle, let them overcome it, and use that to explain why the character is strong and able to do what they do. It’s satisfying to the viewer because we feel like the character genuinely earned it. So many writers, when writing a female character, will “skip” the struggle because “she’s a women! And that’s enough of a struggle” which may or may not be valid, im not here to discuss that, I’m just saying that from a story telling perspective, it’s not very engaging. Note- I’m not saying “all strong women are bad.” Or “all female led movies/shows are bad” but simply that WHEN and if they are bad and poorly revived, this is usually the reason why...  there is a plethora of strong female character in anime, and I rarely see any complaints about that despite the fact that weebs are some of the most sexist people on the internet. The Japanese are significantly better at writing strong women because they don’t care as much about social politics, they just want to make a good story."

Meme - "1970's: Sigourney Weaver in Alien
Men: Rad
Women: Meh
1980's-90's Linda Hamilton in Terminator
Men: Rad
Women: Meh
2000's: Uma Thurman in Kill Bill
Men: Rad
Women: Meh
2010's: Brie Larson in Captain Marvel
Men: Meh
Damn toxic manbabies!
Maybe the women cheering Captain Marvel didn't like the previous movies because they involved women characters with flaws and character development, rather than the modern way of writing "strong female characters" as flawless and fully-formed from the start

Meme - "1943:
Steve: I figured I'd wait.
Peggy: For what?
Steve: The right partner.
1943: *Peter Quill's grandmother*
'Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all'"

Meme - "So tell me cousin, have you banged anyone since you became Hulk?"
"No I haven't banged anyone since I became the Hulk, came close with Natasha but nothing happened"
"Really? What about Betty? You and her had a thing, I know you definitely tapped that."
"Who the hell is Betty?"

She-Hulk May Already Be Cancelled - "Well, it looks like all the controversy and backlash surrounding season one of She-Hulk may have finally done a number on the Marvel series. She-Hulk actresses Tatiana Maslany and Jameela Jamil recently addressed whether a season two of She-Hulk was in the cards at Marvel. According to the actresses, it seems unlikely that Jen Walters will return to Disney+."

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season Finale Review: A Disappointing Ending To An Uneven Season - "The She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 finale takes just about the wildest swing you could imagine and winds up with its face in the dirt. But if an August interview is to be believed, you shouldn’t blame showrunner Jessica Gao, lead actress Tatiana Maslany, or anyone else in the cast or crew; the culprit here is Marvel Studios... The problem with this She-Hulk finale isn’t that Season 1 shouldn’t have concluded this way. The wild left-turn is a perfect reflection of John Byrne’s famous comic book run on Sensational She-Hulk, and if the rest of the season justified this ending, it could’ve come off as brilliant. The problem is that if anything has defined this show’s inaugural outing, it’s that it’s stopped short of deciding what kind of show it wants to be.   The title of the She-Hulk Season 1 finale, “Whose Show Is This?”, is more apt than maybe it was intended to be. From the very beginning, the series has been very interested in having Jen Walters (Tatiana Maslany) tell us it’s a legal comedy instead of a superhero show, while remaining skittish about actually showing us that. There were few laughs to be had in the series premiere especially, and at best Jen’s instances of breaking through the Fourth Wall have been sporadic... I have desperately wanted to like She-Hulk more than I do, if for no other reason to not be lumped in with a lot of the haters who go after the show for nothing but pure misogyny, but this finale is indicative of what’s stopped me"
Damn toxic incel misogynist reviewer!
I wonder if highlighting the wokebaiting was deliberate

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