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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Links - 13th August 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - Jackie Sue: "My son, 21, recently had his name and gender legally changed. Today, he received a letter from the Selective Service System. This is a consequence that I wasn't expecting. It was never on my radar."

Woke biology class: Intersex people are about as common as redheads - "we saw this lesson plan from a biology class that informed us that intersex people represent about 2 percent of the population — comparable to those born with red hair. There’s also a slide of non-human examples of variation: the common reed frog apparently changes sex after mating. Plants too change their sex."
"They beef up the 2% number by using common conditions such as pcos as being intersex. It's a slight hormone imbalance most women never know they have."
"The 2% is Anne Fausto-Sterling's estimate of 1.7% rounded up. Her estimate includes people who have no idea they're in the population and who have unambiguous genitalia. This estimate is used in most of the activism, but people don't question it."
"Intersex folks getting drafted for front-line infantry duty in the gender revolution."
"Notice all of their examples of animals who change sexes during their lives are 1) Not mammals, and 2) Anomalies even within their classes"
"Not to mention the animals listed lay eggs, and as a result have significantly less complex reproductive systems...  Also they don't need surgeries to do something approximating but not really changing sex."
"Humans are not the same as clownfish. Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites. They transition from male to female to ensure the survival of the species. They don't do it because they're confused about their identity. These people have no idea what they're talking about."
On Needham High School in Massachusetts

Junk Science Week: This just in: Biological sex is a myth! - "Truly Changing Sex Is Possible, Says Berkeley Trans Scholar Grace Lavery. As Berkeley News emphasizes, Lavery is no slouch, being a member of the university’s chancellor’s advisory committee on LGBTQ issues, not to mention “one of the most followed trans scholars in the world.”  “Research is me-search,” Lavery told writer Anne Brice. “What my research has come to demonstrate is that for the past 150 years or so, roughly since the time that people started performing transition or transitioning or whatever you want to call it, there has been this enormous public effort or attempt to produce a cast-iron reason why it doesn’t work or why it is suspicious. There is a kind of conservative feminist position that argues that sex is set in stone, is assigned at birth. And I don’t agree with that. Most scientists I’ve spoken to seem pretty comfortable with the idea that sex, like any other biological category, is not a cast-iron law, but rather a sort of set of contingencies that can be played.”... In 2019, Scientific American ran an article titled, Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia: Actual Research Shows That Sex Is Anything But Binary, in which a doctoral candidate at New York University’s Neuroscience Institute claimed that organizing society according to a male-female typology was at odds with genetics, neurobiology and endocrinology. “The popular belief that your sex arises only from your chromosomal makeup is wrong,” the author argued. “The truth is, your biological sex isn’t carved in stone, but a living system with the potential for change.” Remember, this is Scientific American, not Teen Vogue or the Toronto Star. Indeed, many of the articles you see in this area refer back to a widely circulated 2017 Scientific American article titled, Visualizing Sex as a Spectrum, which armed readers with a complicated diagram purporting to set out “the idea of biological sex as a non-binary attribute” in an authoritatively scientific way.  Two years ago, a University of Colorado molecular biologist named Liza Brusman demanded national legislation “that considers sex as a spectrum with unlimited options.” In the New York Times, a biology professor not only claimed that the sex binary is imaginary, but that our insistence on a binary typology hearkens back to the days of murderous Roman despots: “If not killing people who do not fit into one of two sex-labelled bins, (our governments are) at least trying to deny their existence.”  Earlier this year, biochemist Cade Hildreth also argued for the “spectrum” hypothesis, dismissing naysayers as peddlers of false “binarism.” In a Forbes article titled, The Myth Of Biological Sex, writer Kim Elesser quoted clinical psychologist Aileen Schast to the effect that “there is such a continuum from the male to the female, and it’s really hard to draw a line somewhere neatly in the middle.” And last summer, the editors of Nature — one of the two most prestigious scientific publications in the world — informed us en passant that their publication “recognizes that sex and gender are not the same, and are neither fixed nor binary.“... humans produce exactly two types of gametes — small gametes (sperm) and large gametes (ova). There is no “spectrum” of gametes. There are just those two, and you can’t swap out the one you get. That’s why biological sex is binary, and why sexual dimorphism lies at the basis of human reproduction. When you read the junk-science literature claiming that sex isn’t binary, you’ll typically see two broad categories of supporting claims. First, that many men act in stereotypically female ways, or have stereotypically female physiques; and vice versa. And second, that there are some people born with intersex conditions — which is to say, they have intermediate or indeterminate sex characteristics.  The first set of claims is both completely true and completely irrelevant. If you’re a man who wants to act like a (stereotypical) woman, or a woman who wants to act like a (stereotypical) man, hey, feel free. But that doesn’t have anything to do with your biology... As for the second set of claims, concerning intersex people, they don’t undermine the binary nature of sex either, since disorders of sex development (as intersex conditions are more formally known) don’t affect the binary breakdown between sperm and ova: they just make it harder to tell which one your body is programmed to generate.  In fact, one of the most unfortunate aspects of the campaign to pretend away biology has been the co-option of intersex individuals as activist props. In the process, would-be demolishers of the sex binary have tended to vastly overstate the appearance of true intersex conditions in the population. (The actual figure, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2002, is about 0.018 per cent, insofar as we’re talking about people who appear sexually ambiguous or have a mismatch between their biological sex and their bodies.) In any case, such numbers would only matter if intersex conditions were associated with the emergence of new mixed forms of gametes — which they’re not. Instead, these conditions manifest in regard to what biologists call secondary sex organs (i.e., the stuff we have sex with), as opposed to one’s actual gonads; and in secondary characteristics such as voice pitch, height, hip geometry and so forth. In everyday life, those characteristics are important elements of human function and appearance, but they have nothing to do with whether you’re a male or a female in a biological sense.  It’s possible that someday, we really will figure out a way to literally change our biological sex, like clownfish and moray eels. But regardless of how much “me-search” Lavery and others may like to perform, that day hasn’t yet arrived."
Not too long ago, some people insisted to me that scientists weren't saying that biological sex was a myth. So much for that
More on gender ideologues conflating sex and gender when convenient

These L.A. parents don't want to assign a gender to their baby, so the government did it for them - Los Angeles Times - "When Azul Ruelas-Brissette was born in the summer of 2018, the baby’s parents were resolute: They did not want “male” or “female” spelled out on their child’s birth certificate.  Jay Brissette and Miguel Ruelas had weighed their decision carefully. They are part of a small but burgeoning cohort of parents who are raising their children in what they call a “gender creative” or “gender expansive” way... Azul’s birth certificate, which shows two dashes where gender is typically indicated. In January 2018, the state of California began issuing birth certificates that mark a gender of female, male, non-binary (those whose gender identities fall outside the categories of male or female) or nothing at all. At least 10 other states allow gender-neutral markers on identity documents.  But Brissette and Ruelas soon learned that federal agencies still adhere to traditional ways of designating gender... At least 15 states require proof of gender confirmation surgery in order to amend gender markers on birth certificates, while Tennessee, Kansas and Ohio do not allow such changes to be made at all... In 2015, Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit against the State Department for denying intersex and non-binary activist Dana Zzyym a passport that accurately reflected their gender. The federal agency argued that they could not provide Zzyym with a passport labeling their gender as “X” because integrating such a change into its software system would “take approximately 24 months and cost $11 million.”  Nine states, including California, countered in an amicus brief that adding an “X” marker to driver’s licenses and other documents has “proven neither complex or disruptive.”... Campbell Leaper, a psychology professor at UC Santa Cruz who studies childhood gender development, said that gender stereotypes limit kids early and enduringly... Ruelas, a transgender man who began to transition from female to male when he was 20, was profoundly affected by traditional gender roles growing up. Beyond the painful process of grappling with his gender identity as a teen, his father didn’t support him going to college because he was a girl"
Weird. We keep being told that sex and gender are different.
How do you know if a newborn baby is "non-binary" (or indeed what "gender" it is)? If sex and gender are really different, how can you alter a birth certificate?
Narcissism means people keep coming up with new nonsense. So governments need to waste endless amounts of money and time amending their systems

Science Museum bows to woke pressure after complaints Boy or Girl? display excludes transgender people - "The Science Museum is set to alter its Boy or Girl? display following complaints over a “lack of mention of transgender”. Curators will make changes to a gallery covering human biology in order to “update (the) non-inclusive narrative”... Internal documents state that there was “action to consult the Museum of Transology” - which bills itself as the largest collection of transgender’s people’s artefacts - in relation to the Boy or Girl? exhibit. The display highlighted for its lack of transgender coverage, and earmarked for alterations, already makes mention of topical issues relating to gender, including feelings of being “born in the wrong body” and how these are addressed. The Boy or Girl? cabinet currently holds a fake penis to be worn under clothing as a “packer” to provide a male appearance, as well as a compression vest to flatten the chest. Testosterone patches worn to include bodily changes are also displayed... Maya Forstater, executive director of campaign group Sex Matters and winner of a prominent employment tribunal relating to her “gender-critical” views, said: "The Science Museum should reflect biology.” She added: “Sexual reproduction evolved over one billion years ago and it has not changed in recent years. “It is the reproductive strategy of all higher animals and plants, including humans. “Helping visitors of all ages to understand this is core to what the Science Museum should be doing.” “It is concerning that a place dedicated to science is being swayed by cultural trends in this way." Boy or Girl? had previously been altered to remove a sign which stated “your X and Y chromosomes define your biological sex” following complaints in 2016."
Weird. I thought we were told that sex and gender were different things. Of course, when it suits liberals they are different and when it suits them for them to be the same, gender and sex are the same

Gender activists push to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’ - "It is possible to determine whether a skeleton is from a biological male or female using objective observations based on the size and shape of the bones. Criminal forensic detectives, for example, do it frequently in their line of work.  But gender activists argue scientists cannot know how an ancient individual identified themselves.  “You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” tweeted Canadian Master’s degree candidate Emma Palladino... Gender activists have formed a group called the Trans Doe Task Force to “explore ways in which current standards in forensic human identification do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.”... University of Kansas Associate Professor Jennifer Raff published “Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas,” in which she argued that there are “no neat divisions between physically or genetically ‘male’ or ‘female’ individuals.”... Some archaeologists push back at the effort to de-gender human remains.  San Jose State archaeology Professor Elizabeth Weiss told The Fix that eliminating gender classifications amounts to “ideologically-motivated fudging.” Weiss said there is a move among academics “toward getting all of the academy’s favored shibboleths to accord with one another.”  Weiss said the recent explosion in the number of people identifying as transgender suggests that trend is “social and not biological,” so “retroactively de-sexing obscures this obvious fact.”  She noted that applying biological sex to remains often helps dispel myths detrimental to women.  “Some early anthropologists sometimes mistook some robust female skeletons as male skeletons, particularly in the Aleut and Inuit collections; this reinforced false stereotypes that females were not as hard working as males,” she said. “Over time, biological anthropologists and archaeologists worked hard to determine which traits are determined by sex, regardless of time and culture. This new policy of erasing this progress is a step back for science and women.”   “Sexing skeletal remains is a critical skill in forensics and any diminishing of this skill will negatively impact criminal investigations, denying the victims and their families justice,” she said... University of Cambridge scholar Jennifer Chisolm, who has argued analyses that posit transgender individuals played a large part in Indigenous populations are often ahistorical, and can even distract “from the contemporary discrimination [such individuals] face within their own communities.”   Gender politics are not the only ideology to work its way into anthropology and archaeology. Some activists have called for scientists to cease classifying remains by race, as well.  “Forensic anthropologists have not fully considered the racist context of the criminal justice system in the United States related to the treatment of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; nor have we considered that ancestry estimation might actually hinder identification efforts because of entrenched racial biases,” Elizabeth DiGangi of Binghamton University and Jonathan Bethard of the University of South Florida wrote... “Ancestry estimation contributes to white supremacy,” DiGangi and Bethard wrote, labeling the practice “dangerous.”  Others have called for changing primate names that were derived from white white men from the northern hemisphere. The activists argue that continuing to use the current names is “perpetuating colonialism and white supremacy.”  “This is just another attempt to insert a current woke ideology where it doesn’t belong”"
How come gender activists are so ignorant that they don't know that gender and sex are not the same thing?

Don't give skeletons a gender or categorise their race, woke activists demand - "Traditionally, when human remains are excavated, archaeologists determine traits such as age, gender and race using proven scientific methods such as bone structure and DNA analysis. This allows anthropologists and historians to learn more about the person and expand academic research... The Black Trowel Collective of American ‘anarchist archaeologists’, says ‘archaeologists must centre the fluidity of gender in their archaeological practice’.  The group’s manifesto on ‘trans liberation’ states: ‘It is clear from archaeological, historical, and ethnographic accounts that human gender is highly variable and that human beings have historically been comfortable with a range of genders beyond modern “masculine” and “feminine” binaries.’  But Jeremy Black, emeritus professor of history at the University of Exeter, said: ‘It is an absurd proposition, as the difference between genders, just as the difference between religious, social and national groups, are key motors in history.’ He added: ‘This very ideological approach to knowledge means that we’re in danger of making knowledge itself simply a matter of political preference.’... European researchers suggested last year that 1,000-year-old remains found in Finland belonged to a non-binary person because items around the bones, such as a sword, suggested the person was male, while jewellery suggested the remains were female. Frank Furedi, emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent, warned that historical fact was becoming the latest ‘frontier’ for advocates of radical gender ideology, adding: ‘If you look at history, one of the foundations of civilisation is the distinction between man and woman, whether it be in the Bible or yin and yang in Chinese philosophy, so when you distort that you get a completely different version of what has happened. ‘Should this dangerous dogma be accepted, it means that when children learn about Greek, Roman or other ancient civilisations they get a falsified picture.  'You have to fight back against this because if it is accepted then the whole academic enterprise turns into an empty pursuit of ideological objectives.’"

There’s no such thing as a nonbinary skeleton - "they are trying to erase the reality of biological sex in the present by erasing it in the past. They want to make it look as if the natural human condition is nonbinary.  Anthropologists, such as Chelsea Blackmore at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have admitted as much. Blackmore argues that ‘queer archaeology’ ideas are ‘powerful tools for changing the past and the present’. This is reminiscent of the party slogan in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: ‘Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.’ This is a very new development within archaeology and anthropology. As recently as 2019, a female Viking warrior was discovered, which the media heralded as evidence that male and female roles vary from one culture to another. Some outlets even claimed it raised questions about how Vikings understood their ‘gender identity’. But Neil Price, an archaeology professor at the University of Uppsala, urged caution. He argued that we should refrain from thinking of skeletal remains in terms of gender identity. ‘This is a modern, politicised, intellectual and Western term’, he wrote, ‘and, as such, it is problematic (some would say impossible) to apply to people of the more remote past’... Raff also claims that binary sex division is a ‘duality imposed by Christian colonisers’. This touches on one of the most important aspects of the trans agenda in archaeology. This movement to retroactively de-sex skeletons is in fact part of a larger attack, within anthropology, on Western civilisation. For instance, James Aimers, a professor of anthropology at State University of New York, wrote in 2016 that: ‘Our tendency to impose unexamined Euro-American ideas about sex and sexuality on the past has the potential to represent ancient people in normative ways that may not be reflective of their experiences.’...   It is important that anthropologists stand up to the demands of trans activists. The practice of categorising human remains in terms of sex is hugely important, including outside of academia. For instance, forensic anthropologists who help identify crime victims are often trained by archaeologists. Many forensic anthropologists get their first hands-on experience in sex identification in archaeology classes and field schools. By abandoning skeletal sex identification, we potentially do crime victims and their families a disservice.  The presence of the trans agenda in anthropology and archaeology is part of the broader anti-Westernism pervasive in academia today. This academic anti-Westernism may present itself as ‘progressive’, elevating the values and worldviews of other societies and peoples above those of the West. But it has also led to widespread sex discrimination in archaeological facilities around the world. For instance, anthropologists are willing to bar females from handling warrior remains if an ‘indigenous’ tribe requests it. And in field schools run by anthropologists at ‘progressive’ places, such as the University of Washington, collaboration with Native American tribes has led to rules that include excluding menstruating women, who are viewed as unclean by some Native Americans. At San José State University, where I work, protocols were put into place by archaeologists, after consultations with Native American tribes, barring ‘menstruating personnel’ from handling skeletal remains. This rule was removed when my lawyers and I pointed out that this is clearly sex discrimination... The prevalence of trans ideology and anti-Westernism in archaeology and anthropology does not just affect a small number of undergraduates. Archaeology and anthropology classes are taken by almost all American students. This shows the potential reach of this insidious woke ideology, and the influence it could be having.  Woke ideologues seem intent on realising a brave new world, based on a nonbinary past that never existed. They need to be challenged."

‘I’m getting seizures just from looking at it’: Pride flag gets yet another update to include intersex people - "It was only recently that we learned that there’s more than one Pride flag, though. The traditional one simply shows the rainbow colors and represents the LGBTQ community. However, to be more inclusive, the Pride Progress flag was created, adding the colors of the transexual flag as well as black and brown triangles to represent marginalized communities of color... Intersex people are now represented by a yellow triangle with a purple circle in the middle. Pink News UK reports that “it intentionally stays away from traditionally gendered colours of blue and pink to celebrate the intersex community.” “The circle is unbroken and un-ornamented, symbolising wholeness and completeness, and our potentialities.”"
The flag is going to become unrecognisable soon

Meme - "... I mean. Trans people are equal to others"
"So comedians can make fun of them like other people?"
"Congratulations, you won the Oscar for best Homophobe 2022. Naturally no! You can't make fun of trans people!"
"So you are saying trans people are not equal to others?"

Facebook - "Trans women who take hormones DO get periods. The entire cycle lasts up to 21-40 days and actually bleeding is only a like a week of that time normally. Periods are not just bleeding lmao. studies show that trans women on hormones can experience pms/pmdd symptoms the same time every month. That’s a period y’all."

Meme - Timmie @haytimmie: "Advantages trans women have over cis folks:
Access to large network of thirsty lesbians (Twitter)
Confidence forged in the fires of bigotry
Huge catalogue of trans specific jokes
Laser eyes
Freshly grown boobs at any age
Extensive trivia knowledge
BLÅHAJ is the Ikea shark, which is somehow a trans icon
They really hate cis women / are jealous of real women so much

Meme - "A girl without a dick is like an angel without wings"
"The shirt's cute too"
"in desperate need of this top"

National Theatre bar calls police on group of 'gender critical' Lesbian activists - "Gay group wearing 'lesbians are women' t-shirts are removed by police from the National Theatre bar after a transgender staff member was offended by their views... 'The upshot was that the police were called to remove a bunch of sober, peaceful women, mostly lesbians for no reason other than responding to a question from a member of staff with an answer that did not align with her political beliefs, or indeed with facts, such as the fact that women don't have penises.'... It is alleged that the women refused to put placards with controversial slogans out of sight, with messages such as 'Lesbian visibility', 'Children need therapy not puberty blockers hormones and therapy' and 'Transing children is abuse.'... Natasha Read said that her group weren't disruptive and that the bar even served a man who was with them, but refused the women. He appeared in her live Facebook video and was not wearing the 'lesbian' t-shirt"
TRAs hate freedom of speech. Because their ideology cannot be questioned

Jimmy Failla on Twitter - "Apple’s Pregnant Man Emoji is officially available today in every skin color. This way people of all races can show the world they failed biology."

Association of COVID-19 and Endemic Systemic Racism With Postpartum Anxiety and Depression Among Black Birthing Individuals
It was only a matter of time before it showed up in research papers

Melbourne schools urged to stop saying 'MUM or dad' in a push to be more 'gender inclusive' - "Unisex bathrooms, non-gendered sporting teams and the flying of rainbow flags to are also recommended to improve inclusivity.   Some schools are even being encouraged to stop teachers and pupils from using words including mum, dad and boyfriend in a controversial bid to banish gendered words... The suggestions come as the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network launched its #SpeakingUpSpeaksVolumes campaign to support LGBTQI+ students in schools"

Unisex toilets banned at new schools, shops and hospitals - "Ms Badenoch claimed last week that some pupils are avoiding going to the toilet during school hours because they only have access to gender-neutral lavatories. She insists it is important to provide single-sex spaces after revelations that women were finding it hard to locate single-sex facilities.  The plans are seen as a “common sense” way of putting a halt to gender-neutral toilets being installed as the default option.  Parents were furious in April when a £7million children’s play area in Brentwood, Essex, was fitted with such facilities... The National Trust was also accused of pursuing a woke agenda after introducing gender-neutral toilets at Tredegar House in Newport, South Wales, when a woman saw a man urinating with the door open... It has been reported that NHS hospitals have spent more than £800,000 on gender-neutral toilets in the past four years."
This TRA tried to spread fake news, claiming the UK had banned gender-neutral bathrooms. But since the media is also spreading fake news...

All public buildings to have separate male and female toilets - GOV.UK - "Separate unisex (or universal) toilets should be provided if there is space, but should not come at the expense of female toilets... Disabled toilet provision will not be affected by the changes...   The proposed measures will apply to new public buildings over a certain size. This size will be determined during the consultation process."

Council to change unisex toilet signs because they are 'offensive' - "Hawkesbury City Council, in Sydney's north-west, is changing four signs after meeting two gay and transgender rights groups.  The 'unisex' signs will be replaced with 'toilet all gender'."

One of the most popular subs, r/AskReddit silenced discussion on trans. All the top answers were provoking, interesting and unbiased. : WatchRedditDie

Meme - Hijabibarbie: "I always accepted the notion that someone who was trans had the mind of say a female but the body of a male and they wanted to change their outside to match their inside. That changed when I was on a placement at a GP. There was a male patient who had transitioned into a female in his 30's with his wife's support . Now, they were 80 and had dementia and his wife came in very distressed because he would wake up in the mornings and scream stuff like 'what have you done to my body and wouldn't let doctors near him because he thought we had experimented on him. He cut his long hair, threw out all his female clothes and (When he was super upset) had tried to cut of his breasts. The wife had him placed inn a home and he needed security. The issue we had was that the wife wanted to know if he could de transition but because of his dementia he didn't have the capacity to consent. The entire time we were dealing with this I thought that if he truly had a female mind why was he so distressed by his female body? Yes, dementia makes you forget so many things but I've never seen a patient with dementia forget their gender I'm scared that this is going to become more common as this generation ages"
Comment: "the trans cope for that would be he was damaged by toxic masculinity while socially conditioned to be male when young and he reverted to that conditioning, so if anything this means even more radical trans ideology is needed to gender-neutralise kids"

Germany plans to ease rules for legal changes of gender - "The German government on Thursday presented plans to make it easier for transgender people to legally change their name and gender, ending decades-old rules that require them to get expert assessments and a court’s authorization.  Under the planned “self-determination law,” adults would be able to change their first name and legal gender at registry offices without further formalities.  The existing “transsexual law,” which took effect in 1981, currently requires individuals to obtain assessments from two experts whose training and experience makes them “sufficiently familiar with the particular problems of transsexualism” and then a court decision to change the gender on official documents. Over the years, Germany’s top court has struck down other provisions that required transgender people to get divorced and sterilized, and to undergo gender-transition surgery.  The existing law “breathes the spirit of the ’70s,” Germany’s minister for families, Lisa Paus, said. “At the time, the state wanted to help people who were considered psychologically ill, and it set high hurdles for this.”... The proposed new rules provide for minors ages 14 and older to change their name and legal gender with approval from their parents or guardians; if they don’t agree, teenagers could ask a family court to overrule them... Paus said that after a formal change of name and gender is registered, no further changes would be allowed for a year, a provision intended to “ensure the seriousness of the desire to change.”"
Not just Anglo madness
Of course if someone changes name and gender every year, that won't prove anything

Testosterone Effects on the Brain in Transgender Men - "Testosterone treatment resulted in increased Cth in the insular cortex, changes in cortico-cortical thickness covariation between mPFC and occipital cortex, increased FA in the fronto-occipital tract connecting these regions, and increased functional connectivity between mPFC and temporo-parietal junction, compared with controls. Concluding, in trans men testosterone treatment resulted in functional and structural changes in self-referential and own body perception areas."
Clear proof that trans people exist and are valid, and that supposed brain differences between trans and cis people are not due to hormones (much less sexual orientation)

Effects of sex hormones on brain GABA and glutamate levels in a cis- and transgender cohort - "Our study demonstrates GHT treatment-induced GABA+/tCr reductions in the hippocampus, indicating hormone receptor activation on GABAergic cells and testosterone-induced neuroplastic processes within the hippocampus."

Meme - "maybe not because I'm sure you understand the biomechanics behind this
I'm pretty sure what I'm having are menstrual cramps, or like I don't know what to call them when it's literally the same thing, but without a uterus
I started having an estrogen spike when Roe got overturned and after the protest when I went to work started cramping on the sides of my abdomen, in the same places where those would be, got a headache, had cravings, gotta shit
Like I've had stomach cramps before this ain't it
So right now we're at, the point where everything that happened during puberty that I thought was weird makes total sense now
Because I did not have a fully male puberty and my body was confused as fuck on what to do. My brain clearly had a plan but my body received different instructions earlier
Like I'm not even on E but clearly am y'know, having something related to hormones going on right now as a result of the decision"

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