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Friday, August 12, 2022

Links - 12th August 2022 (1 - Trans Mania)

Government agrees to call pregnant women mothers - "The government has agreed to change its bill allowing ministers to take maternity leave, so that it uses the term "mother" rather than "person".  The Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Bill would ensure up to six months' leave on full pay.  But the House of Lords rejected the use of the word "person" in its text.  The government initially argued this was in line with "drafting convention" but has changed its view, saying use of "mother" is legally "acceptable"."

Meme - "I miss my breasts so much I'm sitting in bed crying because I just miss my breasts so much. I got top surgery when I was 18, I'm 27 now. Even if I get implants they won't actually be mine. I want mine back. Not only were they mine, but they were great looking. I will never have them back. Never. I never ever thought that this would happen to me, I was always 10000000% sure I made the right decision. But the past couple years I've finally realised and it's so fucking hard to comprehend this and accept it. I'm going through a mourning period right now over my old body. I miss it so so much. I look at girls nowadays, any girl at all and I'm completely jealous. At least they still have their natural body. I feel like an imposter, like I can't even claim that I'm actually a girl even though I am. My voice is fucked, I have no boobs, I'm constantly worried about passing as a female even though I fucking am one. I feel so much regret and it's eating me alive."

Tattooed man who wants become a 'black alien' has two FINGERS cut off to turn his hand into a CLAW - "Anthony Loffredo, 33, has already covered his body - including his eyeballs - in tattoos and removed his nose and top lip in his bid to look like a 'black alien'... Despite Loffredo undergoing a number of surgical procedures - not least to split his tongue in half - he revealed that he is still '34 per cent' of the way to his goal of becoming a 'black alien'... One user said: 'This is disturbing and fascinating at the same time. I don't think I could do this, but thumbs up to you for living your dream.'  The latest transformative procedure comes after Loffredo had his nose and top lip removed. He later confessed that he now struggles to speak.   He had his nose removed earlier this year in Spain as the procedure is illegal in France.     Other than piercing and tattooing, body modifications that result in injury are illegal in many European countries... Speaking to French newspaper Midi Libre in 2017, Loffredo said he had been 'passionate about mutations and transformations of the human body' from a young age.   When he was working as a security guard in his twenties, he realised he was not living in the way that he wanted to."
Clearly anyone who disapproves is a bigot and any doctor who doesn't agree with his "needs" needs to have his licence revoked

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "I’m so sick of working class people complaining about not being able to afford anything. Unless you’ve struggled to get a decent haircut, you don’t understand true oppression."
"Haircuts Between The Binary | A Poem By Gray Crosbie"
This is ridiculous. Men go to salons all the time. Mental illness will be mental illness, after all

Meme - "So yesterday at pride a young girl called me a man whos hairline is receding with uneven brows. Even at pride cis "allies" aren't there for us. It was my wifes friends kid. Who did this to me"
Out of the mouths of babes... / The Emperor's New Clothes [Sex/Gender]

Meme - "Help needed
Is there another way I would be able to get pregnant with my trans boyfriend without using donated sperm? I'm a cis female, and he is trans, I want to carry the child. He is currently not on T if that matters.. We're both clueless and don't know a thing about how all of this works...so help would be appreciated. Any explanations and articles are welcome."
Lesbian Meanie With The Memeies - Posts | Facebook - "This makes me sad because young adults are being taught about gender ideology before sex education.  This is our future if this continues."

Meme - "Japan Naoto  from Persona 4 is not transgender. She pretends to be a boy because she believes that will help her succeed in work a male dominated work environment. She also wants to be seen as an adult and taken seriously. Later on in the game, Naoto learns to embrace her more feminine side and learns to be appreciate her natural gender.
Western Twitter

Facebook - "WARNING: You have selected “Trans Mode” as a difficulty setting. This mode offers a more rewarding but challenging gameplay experience. Medicine is harder to find, enemies spawn in previously friendly spaces, merchants may not serve you, and some factions may attack on sight. Carry weight diminishes or raises depending on what hormone path you take, your misgender meter will limit your stamina when full, and some armor may not fit properly, however, you will have increased and funnier dialogue options, a joy meter, and more character design options."
Loyalists of the Galactic Empire: The Imperial Truth - Posts | Facebook - "New Attributes unlocked:
End of the line: you have a 52% (and steadily climbing) chance of inflicting fatal self damage at any point of your gameplay experience
Linguistic horror: forget weapons! Mean words do an additional 33% emotional and mental damage and apply a “frenzy” effect on you
Oppressed oppressor: despite you being one of, if not the most protected class in the Western world. you still unironically believe you are an underdog because some people are allowed to say mean things to you
Grotesque appearance: due to your *ahem* “journey of discovery” your actions have caused you to perform unspeakable acts of mutilation on your body. Opponents will view you with varying degrees of pity to violent disgust, Allies will tolerate you with a smile and a fear of what will happen if they don’t"
There is no narcissism like trans narcissism

Meme - Zoey @FinallyZoe23: "Cis girl whos so hot she passes as trans"
They hate cis women because they know that almost all of them will never be able to compete

Meme - Montana @Montrana_: "I think I understand why my aunt doesn't want me at the wedding. She's afraid I'll be prettier than her daughter. the bride."

Meme - "I Just Want People to Ask to see them
My boobs, I'm talking about my boobs. I want my friends to ask to see them. They make me so happy and I want to share. It seems weird and desperate to offer or to ask to show them. But I want to show everyone. Even though they are small"
"I have a friend who wants to see mine when they come in. But not just mine. He wants to see every woman's boobs. His wife even said to me at one point "you don't have to show him your boobs." And laughed. He's just an odd dude. He came over and was like "oh god, no, you definitely don't have to. Don't feel pressured. I just want to see everyone's boobs." And honestly, I felt kinda validated lol. Idk if I'll show him. We'll see how I'm feeling in the future. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely elated at the idea of having this amazing body somewhere down the line. And I MAY want to show it off. Who knows?"

Meme - "Dylan & Jeffrey Marsh, both biological males, are now sponsored by sanitary products companies @Tampax & @phliuidproject. You literally couldn't make this sh*t up. Two more companies off my list then - two that I would have given money to as I actually HAVE periods FFS."

Meme - "Aspirational quotes of the elites.
1940s: "My son is a colonel."
1960s: "My son is a doctor."
1980s: "My son works on Wall Street."
2000s: "My son started a tech company."
2020s: "My son is a woman.""

BREAKING: Jessica (Yaniv) Simpson found guilty of assaulting conservative journalist - "Alleged transgender sexual predator Jessica (Yaniv) Simpson has been found guilty in Surrey Provincial Court on Wednesday for assaulting former Rebel News journalist Keean Bexte. Yaniv, a biological male who now goes by the name "Jessica Simpson," was charged with assault after he repeatedly punched Bexte in the head with closed fists... Yaniv, who has an extensive history of assaulting journalists, eventually walked away after Bexte questioned if he was going to "plead guilty" in his criminal case... Despite being found guilty of the assault, Judge Mark Jette granted Yaniv a conditional discharge, which means the charges won't appear on Yaniv's criminal record. Judge Jette sentenced Yaniv to counseling and parole... The Canadian transgender activist has an extensive history of controversies which includes sexual assault and harassment, physical assault, possession of illegal weapons, and others. Jessica "Jonathan" Yaniv made headlines for suing multiple beauty salons after female employees refused to wax his male genitalia. He lost the battle in court."

‘Grossly offensive’ Scottish minister compares women’s rights activists to racists and anti-Semites - "Feminists who fear a radical overhaul of transgender laws in Scotland will threaten their rights and safety have been compared to racists and anti-Semites by a minister in Nicola Sturgeon’s government.  Lorna Slater, who was handed a ministerial post last year under the SNP’s coalition pact with the Greens, was accused of making “grossly offensive” remarks as she appeared to demand that media organisations censor critics of the Scottish Government plans...   In a further claim which enraged grassroots groups which have mobilised to fight plans to allow Scots to change their legal sex simply by making a declaration, Ms Slater claimed her opponents were secretly funded by “certain right-wing American groups”.   Asked to provide evidence or specify which groups Ms Slater was referring to, the Scottish Government did not do so.   Susan Smith, a director of the For Women Scotland campaign group, said the “deliberately inflammatory” comments amounted to an open call for the “censorship and suppression of political opponents” from a government minister.  “It is ironic she likens women’s rights activists to anti-Semites, racists and climate change deniers, when some might think her intemperate, incendiary, fact-free rant bears all the hallmarks of extremist bigotry as well as a denial of the fundamentals of biological science”... Ms Slater, who is entitled to a salary of £98,000 in her role as biodiversity minister, said a perceived backlash against the trans community was “hideous” and that she feared for the safety of trans women standing as Green candidates in the council elections.  “These gentle, hardworking women are being portrayed as if they're inherently dangerous,” she said. “It couldn't be further from the truth.”   Only the Scottish Tories officially oppose the reforms at Holyrood, though individual SNP and Labour politicians, including Ms Sturgeon's finance minister, have concerns"

We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology - "There is good evidence that many ancient societies sacrificed children to their gods. Parents in ancient Phoenician colonies in Carthage, Sicily, Sardinia and Malta slew their offspring prior to cremating them, hoping that the gods would hear their voices and bless them...   I saw a video the other day featuring an American surgeon bragging that he had performed more than 3,000 double mastectomies on young women who had paid for gender reassignment, individuals confused – one might say encouraged – by those who profit from it into believing that their adolescent emotional trials can be ‘cured’, and happiness reign forever, if they subject themselves to this brutal practice.   And it is brutal – a process that often includes not only the aforementioned mastectomies but other appalling surgical processes: orchiectomy (that’s castration, in blunter language), the removal of the uterus, the demolition of the musculature of the forearm to make what is not a penis but must be referred to as such – all of that.  For someone purporting to be a physician to perform this on children, to me at least, seems like something worthy of a prison sentence.  Whatever happened to the doctrine expressed by the ancient language as primum non nocere – first, do no harm?   The Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by a delusion: a belief that can be summarised as ‘by blocking the puberty of children, and then surgically altering them, we are only restoring what is theirs by right. A child’s feelings are the final arbiters of their reproductive destiny, and any attempt to contest their gender identity risks increasing their proclivity for suicide’.  Lies. Lies. Lies. Then butchery.   Psychologists – those in my own personal field of medicine – have also surrendered to this groupthink. The American Psychological Association’s ‘Task Force on Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People (TGNC)’ insists that psychologists and other professional counsellors offer “trans-affirmative” care, starting with such niceties as displaying “TGNC-affirmative resources in waiting areas”. Practitioners are also asked to examine “how their language (e.g. use of incorrect pronouns and names) may reinforce the gender binary in overt or subtle and unintentional ways”.  These guidelines first read like a manual of indoctrination written by Marxist ideologues, and second like a document designed to undermine and destroy the practice of therapy itself.   But at an alarming rate these ‘guidelines’ have transformed themselves into punitive laws governing what a psychologist or counsellor may say and think in relation to their clients.  Let me make myself perfectly clear: speaking as a professional, whether in America, Britain, or anywhere, it is not the place of a therapist to “affirm” or, conversely, to deny, the “identity” of anyone whom they take into their care. People come to see a therapist, often after long and painful deliberation, because they are suffering, confused, or both. The job of that therapist is to listen, to question, and proceed with due caution, neither providing cheap advice (and thereby stealing their client’s successes or heaping failure upon them) nor assuming special knowledge of the proper outcome for a given individual...   Psychologists once cared if measurement followed standard practices of validity and reliability. Try reading, for example, a document published by the APA itself in 2014, where you will learn that a psychologist worth their salt is obliged to utilise “constructs” (i.e. terms such as “gender”) in a technically appropriate manner. This means, at the very least, that fundamental attributes must be measurable and measured properly.   But all that goes out the window when we are discussing the magic of “gender” now, which is entirely subjectively defined, even though that insistence indubitably contravenes the earlier standards. But feelings über alles, folks. And it's no joke. Particularly if you’re 15, and have undergone surgery that makes you incapable of reproducing, often to foster someone else’s sense of moral superiority or sense of self-attributed “compassion”– a word that increasingly makes me shudder when I encounter it.   Psychologists are also now adopting the simple-minded and anything-but-revolutionary doctrine of “intersectionality” without question...     “Psychologists understand the need to promote social change that reduces the negative effects of stigma on the health and well-being of TGNC people.”  In summary: if you’re not an activist (and one of our activists) then you better be watching over your shoulder...   I’m increasingly ashamed to be a clinical psychologist given the utter cowardice, spinelessness and apathy that characterises many colleagues and even more so my professional associations. At least in 20 years when we all come to regret this terrible social experiment I will be able to say “I said no when they all came to insist that we participate in the sacrifice of our children.” Other countries, and Britain in particular, must not make the same mistakes as in the US and elsewhere."

Meme - United Airlines: "Fly how you identify. Our new non-binary gender options are now available."
"I identify as a carry on bag. You will now let me fly anywhere for $30."

Our Duty - Posts | Facebook - "Changing your gender can be fun, but daunting! Transitioning for Beginners"
"'This was a slide at an LGBT Police UK conference. We have asked them to supply an email for an FOI as we’d like them to explain how mutilating children and fu**ing with their endocrine system has been risk assessed as ‘fun’.'"

Help a Darwinist Tell Boys from Girls - "P.Z. Myers, author of the atheist blog Pharyngula and a leading (and loud) Darwinist, assures us that he infers nothing about human sexual identity...   It’s risible that Myers — a professor of biology — claims to be unaware of rudimentary facts about the biology of people he meets. He is uncertain whether a woman he meets has female organs or a man has male organs. While it’s possible that we are misled, we can be quite sure about the chromosomes or sexual organs of the vast majority of people with whom we interact. We can be more sure about the biological sexual identity of people we encounter each day than we can be sure, for example, of the number of eyes or legs or lungs or kidneys they have — after all, it is not uncommon that people have prosthetic eyes or limbs or lack a lung or a kidney. Yet nearly all of the men and women we meet have chromosomes and organs to match.   Gender is a matter for linguists or sociologists, not for biologists. It is a fundamental fact of human biology that human sex is binary. There are intersex people — born that way — but intersex is a medical disorder, not an event on a normal spectrum, and “intersex” implies the reality of human sexual binary.   What Myers is doing here is imposing his own ideological bias on biological science. Biology is infested with this abuse: atheists and materialists and leftists impose their ideological presuppositions on the science, misrepresenting science in order to advance a metaphysical or political agenda.

Meme - "There is no medical component to a trans kid transitioning. if a little trans boy comes out to his parents & is like 4 all youd do for his transition is cut his hair, buy a new wardrobe, & switch pronouns & possibly change names. no one is gonna put a little 4 year old on testosterone OR puberty blockers until theyre actually about to start puberty & then they give them a few years to really decide if they want to start hormones. a trans kid existing isnt "child abuse." child abuse is refusing to let your kid live their lives as they truly are & forcing them to present as a gender they arent"
I like how 10 year olds are no longer kids

NHS reinstates word ‘women’ in miscarriage guidance after backlash

Meme - "Ban criticism of me and participate in my autogynephilia fetish or I will kill myself"

Meme - "Having a genderless kid has replaced having an adopted third world kid as the highest form of parental virtue signaling in Hollywood."
"Jennifer Lopez performs duet and introduces child Emme they/them using pronouns"

Kirstie Alley says gender neutral term ‘chestfeeding’ is ‘insanity’ - "Responding to a follower who said “no one asked you to speak for cis women’s breasts or bodies in general”, Alley said : “I don’t need to speak for ‘cis’ women. I am a woman and feel comfortable just calling myself a woman and having a woman’s point of view. I don’t need to be ASKED to speak Deb. We handled that pretty well in 1920.”"

GLAAD’s rainbow-coloured blacklist - "the GLAAD Accountability Project (GAP), is not dissimilar in tone to an edict handed down by a medieval pope. GAP is a ‘continually updated collection’ listing ‘anti-LGBTQ words and actions from politicians, commentators, organisation heads, journalists and other public figures who are often quoted in mainstream media about LGBTQ issues’. This is all intended to ‘help all Americans evaluate whether to vote for them, or quote them, or support their point of view’. GLAAD is apparently the arbiter of what is deemed ‘anti-LGBTQ’. The question of who GLAAD is accountable to remains a moot point.  When GLAAD’s McCarthyite blacklist of the problematic was published, several journalists and authors named on it expressed their displeasure. One was US journalist Jesse Singal, whose crimes include: stating that trauma can exacerbate gender dysphoria; a minor error when reporting on a study (which he sought to correct); and explaining that some parents believe social media has a role in their children’s trans identities.   By UK standards, Singal is a bit wet. He’s a nice guy who ticks all the boxes a liberal journalist ought to; he just happens to politely question some aspects of trans ideology. Singal is reportedly now considering legal action against GLAAD. Interestingly, its GAP now only shows two names, Mike Pence and Donald Trump, though the website promises, ‘No entries are being removed from the project, but additional profiles will be added and an official launch will happen soon’.  As with all the big beasts of the LGBT Plc world, GLAAD is increasingly concerned with those who identify as trans. Its slickly produced 2020 report mentions ‘transgender’ 30 times, ‘bisexual’ nine times, ‘gay’ eight times, and ‘lesbian’ just twice. It seems teaching people to be their ‘true authentic selves’ by injecting hormones and lopping off body parts is just sexier than increasing acceptance of those who are same-sex attracted. GLAAD seems to be benefiting from an uptick in interest in these issues. Its treasurer notes in its most recent report: ‘GLAAD’s robust financial performance over the past few years has been extraordinary. This has allowed us to transform the landscape, confidently marching into the new decade, by achieving our mission of accelerated acceptance of the LGBTQ community.’ It is hard to think of any other ‘civil rights’ movement that has been quite so well funded and supported by the establishment. That GLAAD is unaware of the optics of creating an official list of the damned is telling. Like the Westboro Baptist Church, its absolute and unchecked conviction has made it impervious to the views of the outside world. But with funding from large corporations in the US — from Coca-Cola to Google, from IBM to Netflix — GLAAD doesn’t have to care"

Reluctantcentr3 on Twitter - "Young left - conforming to the increasingly mentally retarded consensus
Young right - realizing that the guardrails against civilizational collapse were non-existent"
Reluctantcentr3 on Twitter - "American progressive culture is so cancerous. There are no limits on the degradation and vice they are willing to tolerate, they just wait until a critical mass of people are apathetic before pushing the next disgusting thing
If I was a normal person in any other country in the world I would be terrified of this moral cancer spreading to the young people in my country."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Is Gender Unique to Humans? - "two criteria substantiate gender: socially determined roles and an internal sense of identity... The evidence accrued from numerous studies, while not decisive, shows that gender might, in fact, exist in other species."
Some believer in tabula rasa claimed that animals can't have gendered toy preferences (weird how animal sex predicts preferences for toys that are gendered in humans, and animal sex and human gender are so highly correlated) because animals don't have gender. But she also claimed that two meta-analyses I posted of toy preference weren't meta-analyses "lmfao"

Meme - Back to the Future Doc: "LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR SON! *Daughter*"

Male blood donor turned away from clinic after he refused to answer whether he was pregnant - "Over nearly 50 years, Leslie Sinclair has given a formidable 125 pints of blood.  But on his last trip he was turned away after refusing to answer a question on whether or not he was pregnant... When he complained that as a man in his 60s this question did not apply and he should not have to answer it, Mr Sinclair said staff at the clinic told him they could not accept his blood. The stand-off took place as NHS England launched a campaign earlier this week to recruit a million more blood donors over the next five years after numbers fell during the pandemic."

Meme - "Saying you're not attracted to transpeople is transphobic
Because there's no way of telling who's trans or not without them telling you
You probably had many crushes on trans people without knowing it"

Meme - "'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex"
"I don't think there will be a return journey, Ms Frodo."

Iain Macwhirter on Twitter - "“Cis” is both a term of abuse and a form of linguistic apartheid. It robs women of their unique sexual identity. Intimidates them into accepting the absurd proposition that any man can become a biological female just by announcing it. “Cis” is the most extreme form of misogyny"

Correction of a Key Study: No Evidence of “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries Improving Mental Health - "When gender dysphoric patients who received surgeries were compared to those who did not have surgeries, there was no statistically significant difference in their mental health utilization... Nine months after the study’s original publication, the AJP stated, “the results [of the reanalysis] demonstrated no advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care visits or prescriptions or hospitalizations following suicide attempts”...   It is SEGM’s view that the data presented in the original study and the subsequent re-analysis do not support the claim of an expected "reduction in mental health treatment as a function of time since completing such treatment”. After the reanalysis of the data, we conclude the following:
The mental health needs of people suffering from gender dysphoria are significantly greater than those of the general population, which confirms previous research
No mental health benefit of hormonal interventions was demonstrated
No mental health benefit of "gender-affirming" surgery was demonstrated
Specific to the question of longitudinal association between time from surgery and mental health outcomes, due to unaddressed study design limitations, no improvement of mental health with time after surgery was demonstrated
Despite the higher rate of suicide attempts requiring hospitalization in the "surgery" group, the study design precludes the assertion that that "gender-affirming" surgery is harmful"
Surgery does not improve trans people's mental health, or reduce their suicide risk - the pre- and post-surgery suicide rates are the same. So much for it being literally life-saving. The cope will be something about surgery reducing under-diagnosis rates, how discrimination means trans people have bad mental health (without answering the question of why there is no effect of surgeries), and how suicide attempts have really fallen - because there is definitely a fall in suicide attempts that do not result in hospitalisation (which conveniently is not tracked), and that the lived experience of trans people "proves" that surgery is "literally life-saving"
Keywords: Surgery does not reduce suicide, post transition suicide, post surgery suicide

Meme - "[Discussion] Effect of HRT No One Talks About (self.MtF)
I'm in a lesbian relationship with another trans girl. We were having our super UwU lesbian sex, when my girlfriend noticed something. I've been on HRT 7 months longer than her, and due to this she found a strange indent where a cis woman's vagina would be on my body that wasn't there before. She revealed it to be my amab body trying to create a vagina where it can't. And she proceeded to umm... prove it's vaginal like qualities to me am not saying HRT will give you a vagina, but that due to the heavy amounts of estrogen your body will try to create one but never be able to finish. You really just gain a new Erogenous zone that slightly resembles a vagina."

Nick Adams on Twitter - "We live in a world where your kid cannot pretend to be an Indian. But a grown man can pretend to be a woman."
Plus the difference is everyone acknowledges that the kid is just pretending to be desi. But we're supposed to pretend the grown man really is a woman

The Lies They Tell on Twitter - "Here are two women (who now identify as male, but previously identified as lesbian) on testosterone, grooming their daughters (likely fathered by donor) to believe they are lesbians. Their signs read 'proud future lesbian'. So much to unpick here."

Town that burned effigies of Kim Jong Un - "Every year, the small Swiss village of Bassersdorf constructs a ‘Böögg,’ a huge doll that is lit on fire for Sechseläuten, an annual springtime event.  Traditionally, the Böögg is shaped like a snowman and is used to mark the end of the winter season – yet Bassersdorf has a penchant for heading in a different route.  In the past, instead of winter, Basserdorf has produced effigies to depict persons they consider to be undesirable, such as tyrants like Kim Jong-Un and Muammar al-Gaddafi. This year, the community made one in the shape of a transgender lady, dubbed ‘Diversity Böögg.’  According to Swedish newspaper Queer.de, the Böögg wore a rainbow skirt, a red tie, and cosmetics, and had visible breasts and a penis.  The effigy aroused outrage, prompting one resident to file a criminal complaint against the municipality. Christian Weiss, the master of ceremonies, emphasized that this was not a personal assault, but rather a message against “rampant narcissistic hypersensitivity and the pathological lack of humor.”  The idea, according to Weiss, was to focus on a current issue, but they believed that anything like the epidemic or the war in Ukraine would be too depressing, and Sechseläuten is supposed to be “happy and entertaining.”  Instead, the ceremony’s organizers chose gender and diversity, burning a transgender woman’s figure.  ‘Many observers grinned when the Böögg’s skirt was blown up by the wind’"

Meme - @_daeshi_: "Someone sent this tweet to my step mom and shes given me a few days to pack my stuff and leave (even tho I rarely hurt my sister), Im literally homeless now. hope you guys are fucking happy."
Gays Posting their L's Online @GBT_Posting:
"Me to my baby sister when she deadnamed me
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Age is not an excuse for bigotry.
Should I just end it all.."
Addendum: TRAs keep claiming they are the victims of violence, yet they are so vicious and violent themselves

Meme - "Schrodingers gender. Innate and immutable, yet also swirls by the minute in some people. Nothing at all to do with sex, right up to the moment that a trans woman wants access to areas or activities categorised by sex, when it becomes exactly the same thing as sex."

Meme - "MISSING SUICIDAL FEMALE The Edison Police Dept seeks your help in finding 18 year non-binary suicidal person Lieba Joran, goes by the name Lee. They have short brown hair, blue eyes , light skinned, 5'3' and 120lbs. Last seen wearing a UMass Tee shirt, shorts , white socks and black Crocs. Destination is unknown. Missing from area of Edison that borders Highland Park. If you have any information please contact the Edison Police Dept at 732-248-7400 opt. 1"
Plus, what's with "light skinned" and "dark complexion" instead of race? It's more important to not offend grievance mongers (who will be offended anyway) than to find people

Meme - "My generation had Wonder Woman. Your generation has, Wonder if it's a Woman."

Meme - "Paige Spiranac named 'Sexiest Woman Alive' on Maxim Hot 100"
"I'm just happy she's actually a woman"

Meme - "that awkward moment when you see annother trans person and you wanna say hi but you also don't want them to feel clocked"
"And they are thinking the exact same thing!"
"ikr. Real game of tans chicken. Who will go first. Hopefully the guy at the bar because I am SHYYYYY."
Weird. I thought trans people are indistinguishable from cis people

NARAL abandons 'mothers' in advance of mothers day (2021) - "NARAL joins other leftist organizations that have been stalwart defenders of women's rights to self-determination who now shame women for taking ownership over their own bodies and the language used to describe them."
At least they were consistent after the Roe v Wade repeal

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