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Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Links - 1st June 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "When you haven't told anyone you're trans in 5 minutes *veins on forehead popping*"

Helen Staniland on Twitter - "Men who get angry over perceived 'transphobia' often have no problems at all with overt sexual misogyny."
Meme - "stay mad terfs I'm drinking champagne at a big gay wedding and the sun came out, suck my dick x"

Schools politicising lessons on gender, says Ofsted - "Schools are using “overtly political materials” to teach children about gender issues, Ofsted has warned, despite the statutory requirement for neutrality... Chris Jones, Ofsted’s director of corporate strategy, said that when the Equalities Act was introduced in 2010, it was “contentious from the outset”, particularly in relation to characteristics relating to sex, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.  “The increasing political sensitivities in these areas have made it harder for schools to handle equalities well”...   Earlier this year, reports emerged of schools sanctioning the use of male names for girls as young as 13 without the consent of their parents... Dr Susan Matthews, an honorary senior research fellow in creative writing at Roehampton University, analysed a series of books that are being circulated in British schools.  She concluded that children were being put at risk by transgender books in primary schools that “misrepresent” medical knowledge on puberty blockers.   Her critique of children's literature was published in the 2019 book Inventing Transgender Children and Young People.  Books and lesson plans that were designed educate pupils about transgender issues “fail child safeguarding and conflict with the law”, she said.  Dr Matthews found that much of the information given about medical transition was “inaccurate”, adding that “potential harms are ignored, glossed over or falsified”."

The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Camden trans walkway: New zebra crossing causes chaos for guide dog and police horse - "a coalition of groups representing millions of disabled people wrote to Mr Khan warning him the colourful crossings were dangerous.  The collective – made up of organisations including the Royal National Institute for the Blind, Guide Dogs and Scope – said they hurt some people.  Their open letter to the Mayor revealed some visually impaired people with light sensitivity found the extremely bright artwork 'painful to look at'.  It added those with learning disabilities were likely to find it difficult to interpret abstract artwork as a crossing.  Mr Khan responded quickly announcing he had moved to 'introduce a temporary pause on the installation of any new colourful crossing on its network'."
Met Police Training Horses to Cross Rainbow Road Crossings - "Now it seems the Met have had enough of the institutional equine homophobia from their mounted division and sent them on an LGBTQ+ crossing awareness course."

Meme - "Puberty blockers are a human right"
Imagine pushing child abuse this hard. And this was shared by Trans Army

Kelley Paul on Twitter - "Chinese third graders are learning multi-variable calculus. Our third graders are being taught that “men can have babies.” This will not end well."

JON MILLER 🇷🇺 on Twitter - "Why is pedophilia a stretch? Some are old enough to remember 2011 when the whole gay marriage thing was being thrown around, we said “jeez what’s next, normalizing transgenders?” They said “That’s ridiculous! That would NEVER happen. C’mon. You’re just being extreme for shock.”"

Erin, Trail Mom on Twitter - "Trans people owe nobody disclosure. Nobody. The idea that trans women have to tell people they sleep with that they are trans is transphobic as hell. If anything, people who don't believe trans women are women should have to disclose that to potential partners."
Is it sexual assault if a "AFAB" has sex with a lesbian without telling her that he "identifies as male"?

Beehive Groyper 🇷🇺 on Twitter - "75-90% of children who experience gender dysphoria grow out of it (https://t.co/Xc8OhfCSNd) while Post sex reassignment surgery people are 19 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population (https://t.co/YRPxLzIjkE). You’re the one messing with trans kids."

Meme - Christian Youtuber @ErenRespecter: "Can we reflect on how sick and twisted the pro-transgender suicide argument is? They basically tell us "Play pretend with us or we'll commit suicide. And it'll be YOUR fault." No. We are not responsible for the fact that you cannot accept reality.
One minute these guys are saying "What others do has no effect on you sweaty", then the next minute are threatening to off themselves because someone didn't use a pronoun they want"

Meme - "Personally I don't care what consenting adults do, but this is kind of hilarious that at least 3 of the 4 have happened since and the one is on the brink."
"r/lgbt. 11 yr. ago:
"What will happen if gay marriage is legalized.
What will happen if gay marriage is legalized?
Gay people will get married - 100%
A third World War will break out - 0%
Various plagues - locusts, frogs, etc. will erupt - 0%
Schools will begin teaching kids how to have gay sex - 0 %
The terrorists will win - 0%""

Leaked documents show how teachers recruit students, form gay and transgender clubs in schools - "Imagine a scenario in which your child comes home from school and tells you that they now identify as “pansexual.” Or, while telling you about the school day, your child mentions that he or she was told he or she was gay based on a test a teacher gave them. Or you discover he or she was recruited by a teacher to lead a gay and transgender student club but was instructed not to tell any parents because “what happens in the student club, stays in the club.” These are the alarming contents of a packet distributed by the California Teachers Association regarding the formation of gay and transgender clubs in schools.  The packet acts as an instructional guide on propagandizing students with gay and transgender information. One of the most disturbing parts is the recommendation for these clubs in elementary schools, where children are 10 years old or younger. Another concerning section focuses on teachers proactively recruiting students to be leaders of these clubs. It provides a section for teachers to list the names of the students they think would be interested. This particular packet was from a previous California Teachers Association LGBTQ+ Issues Conference. The packet also asks teachers to list supporters and enemies of these clubs... one of the recommended activities is for teachers to ask students their Kinsey Scale rating... the Kinsey Scale analyzes sexual perversions and other mature, if not odd, content. It emphasizes that “sexuality is fluid” and that human sexuality does not fit into “two strict categories.” Moreover, it asks participants to describe their emotions behind having sexual intercourse with people of the same sex and other sexual fantasies. It’s a completely inappropriate activity for teachers to do with students, regardless of age... Other perverted indoctrination activities include a recommended videos list. The packet suggests the First Person YouTube channel. It provides 52 videos on various topics such as “Drag as a Tool for Self-Advocacy,” “Queer Black Cosplay,” “Growing Up Intersex,” “Asexuality,” and “The Importance of Being Cliterate,” among many others. Additionally, other suggested videos are “Coming out GAY to my 5 year old brother” and the animated music video “Everyone is Gay.” The clubs are supposed to be “student-led.” Yet the packet reveals that teachers are partially funding these clubs. A section asks how much of their money teachers are “willing to put into this project.” As such, it is obvious that teachers are the true leaders of these clubs, not students. Instead, teachers recruit students to be figureheads and then use them as pawns to spread this propaganda. They are using students to brainwash other students into thinking a certain way. “I think it’s wrong what is going on. A child’s innocence is being taken away,” said a California Teachers Association member who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity. “Children are being indoctrinated. Teachers are trying to encourage different sexualities among students. It’s disturbing, and it’s violating young and innocent minds.”   The packet also encourages discretion with these clubs. A sample ground rule states, “What is said here, stays here.” This encourages students not to be honest with their parents about what is happening at school. This type of deception is similar to other recent accounts of teachers who organized gay and transgender clubs to indoctrinate students. It’s indicative of the great lengths teachers will go to brainwash students with this propaganda. “When teachers unions and their affiliate organizations strategize, create, train, fund, and then target students for a sexual identity exploration club that hides content from parents while showing potentially explicit content, we have a serious issue,” said Kelly Schenkoske, a mother of two in California and the host of A Time to Stand.   It is one thing to want to create a space for any gay or transgender student who may feel alone or scared while at school. It is entirely another to be feeding children propaganda to influence their sexuality or gender identity."

Why a Virginia Middle School Is Removing Urinals from the Boys’ Bathrooms - "It’s bad enough that a middle school in Loudon County, VA, has decided to remove “male” and “female” signs from its bathrooms.  But in an even more extreme nod to social insanity, this same school is removing the urinals from the boys’ bathrooms. Why? It’s because a number of biological females, who identify as males, are offended by the presence of urinals... the perceived needs of roughly 0.3 percent of the population, now turn the world upside down for the other 99.7 percent... in 2011 in the context of the trajectory of LGBTQ activism, I asked, “How far have we already deviated from the path? Where will this current trajectory take us? If our college kids can describe themselves as ‘genderqueer dykes’ and ‘transgender gay males,’ what is coming next? How about the ‘trans child’? How about ‘queer in the crib?’”"

School System Deflects Cover-Up Charges in Girl's Rape by ‘Gender-Fluid’ Boy - "  Loudoun County Public Schools in Northern Virginia is being accused of covering up allegations that a boy in late May sexually assaulted a ninth grade girl in her school’s restroom—the nightmare scenario so often described by opponents of radical transgender school policies.   The school system allegedly covered up the incident by transferring the male student to a neighboring school where police said he was arrested after sexually assaulting another student... the statement notably did not express sympathy toward or compassion for crime victims or their families... Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler may have lied when he said at the June 22 school board meeting that “the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist,” adding: “We don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.”   Prior, the parent activist who leads Fight for Schools, emphasized to The Daily Signal that if Ziegler “knew and lied, he should be immediately terminated.”   “If he didn’t know, he is an incompetent fool and should be immediately terminated”"

Teacher cries as she quits in front of Virginia school board considering more inclusive transgender policy - "One of the speakers, Laura Morris, said she had been a teacher for 10 years, five of those in Loudoun County, and quit her job in front of the school board ahead of the vote on the new transgender policy... “School board, I quit. I quit your policies, I quit your trainings, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicised agendas on our most vulnerable constituents – the children. I will find employment elsewhere. I encourage all parents and staff in this county to flood the private schools”... School Board Chair Brenda Sheridan said on 22 June: “We will not back down from fighting for the rights of our students and continuing our focus on equity.”"

Mother of Convicted Loudoun County School Sex Offender Blames the Victim - "The mother of the skirt-wearing teen who was found guilty of “forcible sodomy” in a girls’ bathroom sexual assault in Loudoun County, Virginia, blamed her son’s victim for the crime. According to the criminal’s mother, he is just “a 15-year-old boy that wanted to have sex in the bathroom,” and the victim didn’t do enough to fight back. She said, “You’re 15. You can reasonably defend yourself. You’re not just going to sit there and take it.”...   The mother went on to say that her son depicted the rape as an accident, telling her that he didn’t mean to insert his genitalia inside the girl’s anus, and that he was surprised when it caused her pain...   The mother, however, insists that her son is “not transgender,” adding that he wasn’t wearing a skirt in order to slip into the girls’ bathroom, but rather, because he is still “trying to find himself.”  “He is not transgender,” the mother told Daily Mail. “He would wear a skirt one day and then the next day, he would wear jeans and a t-shirt, a Polo or hoodie.” “He was trying to find himself and that involved all kinds of styles,” she added. “I believe he was doing it because it gave him attention he desperately needed and sought.”  The school’s principal, however, apparently had no idea that the teen suspect identified as male...   The mother also blamed the victim’s father, Scott Smith, for being “all riled up” over his daughter’s sexual assault, which caused news of the incident to “spread like wildfire.”...   The son also reportedly identifies as “pansexual” — a term referring to when someone is romantically attracted to anyone, regardless of whether they are a man, a woman, a man who identifies as a woman, or a woman who identifies as a man."
Victim blaming is good when it protects "minorities"
Weird. I thought this never happens and that talk of increased attacks in toilets is right wing fearmongering

Loudoun County and the cruelty of trans ideology - "Scott Smith is the father of a 15-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a boy who was allegedly wearing a skirt. For speaking out and defending his daughter, Smith has been vilified by woke zealots who care more about pushing pro-transgender policies than the safety of children...  the major media have largely ignored the story, hoping no one will notice, because it raises serious questions about the trans ideology that is being forced on kids through their schools.   Back in June, Smith, a plumber, attended a school-board meeting in Loudoun County, an affluent suburb of Washington DC. The area is well known for its progressive political views. On the agenda was the board’s proposal to allow students to use the bathroom of either sex, according to their self-declared gender identity. In response to objections raised by parents, school-district superintendent Scott Ziegler claimed that ‘We don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our bathrooms’. Parents opposed to the radical policy were fighting phantoms, apparently. ‘The predator transgender student or person simply does not exist’, Ziegler said. Smith went to the meeting to express his anger about the assault of his daughter that had occurred just weeks before, and to protest the policy. Shamefully, Smith was taunted by activists and he got into a shouting match with a woman who said she didn’t believe the rape happened. Police intervened and arrested him. A video of Smith being tackled by the police, floundering on the floor as his t-shirt was ripped open, went viral. The Twitterati mocked and fat-shamed him.   Smith was then charged with two misdemeanors. The prosecutor, Buta Biberaj, pressed to have him jailed. Ms Biberaj is known for her woke politics and for supporting the ‘decarceration’ of criminals. But she was willing to make an exception to put this father behind bars. Thankfully she failed to do so and Smith was released. Three months later, in late September, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) worked behind the scenes with White House officials to craft a letter to President Biden, which it released on 29 September. The letter implored the president and federal law enforcement to crack down on ‘threats of violence’ against school-board members. It likened protesting parents to ‘domestic terrorists’ and suggested that counter-terror measures in the Patriot Act should be deployed against them. What evidence was there of this violence against school-board members? One of the examples cited in the letter was the arrest of Smith at the Loudoun school-board meeting. The rest of the evidence for this apparently growing threat was similarly weak. Nevertheless, two days later attorney general Merrick Garland directed the FBI to address ‘a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff’.   At this point, Smith, whose daughter was the victim of a horrific sexual assault, was shown zero sympathy by an array of elites. Instead he was ridiculed by trans activists, brushed off and silenced by the school board, arrested by the police and used as fodder by the White House and Department of Justice to justify an unprecedented clampdown on parents... the Loudoun school superintendent had lied in June when he told parents opposed to the transgender bathroom policy that no sexual assaults had occurred in school bathrooms across the county. According to a disclosed email, Ziegler had notified the school board of Smith’s daughter’s sexual assault the day it happened in May. It was also revealed that the board was aware the attacker had been transferred to another school in the county, Broad Run High School, where he proceeded to sexually assault another girl according to recent charges. This is such an outrage. The superintendent and board members knew about the attack on Smith’s daughter the day it happened. And then, at a public meeting, they denied knowledge of it, had the police arrest Smith, said not a peep as Smith’s reputation was dragged through the gutter, and covered all of it up for months. Why? Because the board members could not let anything stand in the way of imposing their transgender policy...   Many parents in Loudoun are livid and are demanding the school board’s resignation... even though attorney general Garland relied on the now-discredited NSBA letter and its flimsy evidence, he has not called off the FBI from targeting parents."

Loudoun County judge finds boy 'in a skirt' GUILTY of sexually assaulting female student

'Tennis club goes woke': Trans row after upmarket club dumps female membership option - "Julia Stephenson was renewing her £300-per-year fees at Putney Lawn Tennis Club when she spotted the "female" option was no longer valid when it came to selecting members gender.  Taking to Twitter the enraged fitness goer share a picture of the options writing: "I am renewing my tennis club membership but am confused that my gender, 'female' is 'no longer valid'.  In the picture, the drop down menu can be seen with options for members' sex with the first option being 'Female (including trans woman)', there is also an option for 'Male (including trans man)', 'Non-binary' and 'Other', the final option is 'Female (no longer valid)'... a spokesperson for Putney Lawns Tennis Club said: "It has been brought to our attention that there was a glitch in the third-party digital platform (Member Mojo) we use for our annual membership renewals.  "This happened after we made some recent minor amendments to our membership wording TRIANGLE to align with NHS guidelines, and we were unaware that the platform was also showing Female and Male categories as being invalid — something which is clearly untrue."

Neither marginalised, abused nor vulnerable - "you will inevitably hear the following sentence with minimal variation.  “What we must remember is that the trans community is one of the most marginalised, abused and vulnerable in society.”...   Let’s begin with the clearest indicator of the extent to which a community is “marginalised and abused”: the murder rate of those within it. Because there is no stable definition of what constitutes a “trans person”, there is no standardised method for recording the deaths of trans people across the UK. However, we know that there have been just eight reported murders of people who defined themselves as transgender, transsexual or cross-dressers in the UK since reporting began in 2008. Even trans organisation Transrespect, which includes people who have committed suicide and people whose death was originally and erroneously treated as suspicious in their numbers for “murdered” victims, says the number from 2008 to 2020 is eleven.   Note that the UK is not a European anomaly — in Germany there hasn’t been a murder of a trans person since 2008, while 26 countries in Europe have reported no murders of trans people for the entire period. Even though we’ve seen a sharp rise in the number of people who identify as transgender in the last few years, a trans person hasn’t been murdered in the UK for nearly three years and there are, for example, no reports ever of a trans person in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland being murdered.  Moreover, not one of even the eleven people Transrespect says were murdered, were killed due to “transphobia”. The victim in each case was typically murdered by a male sexual partner due to drugs or money issues. None were killed by a woman — and one was killed by a man who identifies as a woman. According to this fact check, the average adult in England and Wales has a one-in-100,000 chance of being murdered in a given year whereas the average trans person has a one-in-200,000 to one-in-500,000 chance of being murdered in the UK over the course of a year... a trans person is less likely to be murdered than the average person. In fact, a trans person is less likely to be murdered than just about any other accepted category or identity. Perhaps we can look at the number of hate crimes committed against this vague category of person. Doing so also suggests the trans “community” is far from abused... The hate crime rises that many politicians refer to when talking about the trans issue, is due to new College of Policing guidance that arrived in in 2014, which states that the “defining factor” in whether something is measured as a hate crime is “the perception of the victim, or any other person”. Many of these seem to be so subjective that they’re absurd, such as someone beeping their horn at a fellow motorist — who reported it to the police as a racist attack, and at least one force has admitted it has included, in its hate crime statistics, incidents in which no crime had actually taken place.  Another report revealed that police officers are victims of hate crime incidents in almost half of all hate crime prosecutions. This presumably includes the young man with autism who made the mistake of asking a trans-identified female police officer, “Are you a boy or a girl?” He was convicted. Perhaps it’s time to retry the 2003 case of the teenager who asked a mounted policeman, “Is your horse gay?” Despite all this nonsense, of the five monitored strands that the police record as hate crimes, the transgender category has, every year, and by some distance, seen the least number of “hate crimes” against it. In fact, religion — the next-lowest — saw nearly three times as many incidents in the last recording year. Trans rights activists are acutely aware of the lack of hate crime statistics to back up these repeated claims. Here, the Scottish Transgender Alliance Manager at the Equality Network, James Morton, asks a trans person to report their claim of victimhood to the police — for the simple reason that “we need the stats”. Another statistic that is commonly used to show trans vulnerability are suicide rates. In particular, one line often trotted out is that “41, or even 48, per cent of young transgender people have attempted suicide”.  The 41 per cent study’s authors have admitted their research was flawed, while the 48 per cent study comes from a survey by mental health charity PACE that has also been widely debunked. In fact, its sample size alone, of just 27 self-selected people, meant that the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) issued a statement that journalists who repeat the statistic are misrepresenting the truth as it “highlights potential editorial standards issues relating [to] accuracy”. The NHS’s Tavistock GIDS has suggested that suicidality amongst those who are referred to the service is “extremely rare” and a study by Professor Biggs found that children with autism, depression or anorexia are many times more likely to take their life than a child with gender identity issues. A US study in 2018 found that LGBT children experience a higher rate of suicides from the very low base of heterosexual boys, but the biggest issue was whether they were female or not: transgender, lesbian and bisexual females all saw a similar rate.   The motives of trans rights activists in convincing the general public that transgender people are the most vulnerable demographic, against all available evidence, are manifold.  Parents of unhappy or mentally unwell children who express questions about their gender identity will naturally take extreme measures and support flawed policies which they believe will prevent their child from taking his or her life.  Opportunists like Owen Hurcum and Morgane Oger can bamboozle the public into thinking that privileged white men are worthy of your sympathy and support.  Students can pretend that women like Kathleen Stock are monsters, thereby excusing their own monstrous behaviour as they harass and terrorise them.  As for politicians, it’s a bluff. An easy way of pretending they have a grasp of a stance that not even its proponents understand. But its usefulness may be coming to an end, because even if journalists continue to let them get away with it, an increasingly better-informed public certainly will not."
Grievance mongers love "hate crime" statistics, since they are easily inflated

Richard Dawkins: ‘Race is a spectrum. Sex is pretty damn binary’ | Times2 | The Sunday Times - "There’s not much that frightens Richard Dawkins. He shrugs off his regular hate mail from angry evangelicals, occasionally taking to YouTube to read it aloud. He has never backed down from his withering criticisms of Islamic fundamentalism, despite the potential for blowback. He’s happy to pick intellectual fights with eminent fellow scientists and has even been known to find fault (hard to imagine, I realise) with the odd journalist or two. But Dawkins tells me there are two things he does fear: one is being cancelled by the left. The other is hang-gliding... His considerable reputation as an evolutionary biologist, atheist and intellectual was forged in the hot cauldron of public debate. With forceful clarity and occasional rattiness, he has for decades gone about slaughtering sacred cows like a bloodthirsty butcher. So if Dawkins is now afraid to speak his mind, I’m not sure where that leaves the rest of us. “I self-censor,” he admits. “More so in recent years.” Why? “It’s not a thing I’ve done throughout my life, I’ve always spoken my mind openly. But we’re now in a time when if you do speak your mind openly, you are at risk of being picked up and condemned.”... He recalls reading the historian Jan Morris’s 1974 book Conundrum on transitioning to become a woman. “She felt herself to be a woman trapped in a man’s body,” Dawkins says. “I think that’s a real phenomenon. I have sympathy. But when trans people insist that you say she is a woman, you redefine something. If you define a woman as a human with an XX karyotype, then she’s not a woman. If you define a woman as someone who identifies as a woman, feels they are a woman and has maybe had an operation, then by that definition she is a woman. From a scientific point of view, she’s not a woman. From a personal point of view, she is.” As a matter of “personal politeness” then, he’s happy to use whatever pronouns people ask him to use. “But I don’t like the idea that people can pillory someone like Jordan Peterson for refusing to be compelled to change his language,” he says. In this Dawkins senses something he doesn’t like: a quasi-religious faith that cannot be opposed. Or as he puts it: “Denying reality and it’s a heresy to do anything other than that.”... The strike against Dawkins has long been that his atheism can be too militant. The “new atheist” movement that came to prominence in the mid-Noughties poured scorn on faith of all stripes. It was led by the “four horsemen”: Dawkins alongside the philosophers Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett and the journalist Christopher Hitchens. But should they have offered more carrot with their stick? Was the militancy critique fair? “Yes, I think it probably was,” he says. “I’m not much of a politician. It might have been more politic to seduce the reader rather than attempt to persuade. To meet them halfway and say, ‘I understand where you’re coming from.’ I suppose that hasn’t been my way.” People, he reflects, “don’t wish to be told they’re an idiot”. He ponders for a moment. “But I think I don’t mind being told I’m an idiot, if I am.”"

'Too Fat to Transition' Recap: Seven Heartbreaking Moments - "While it’s impossible to ever be too “anything” to transition from one gender to another, Too Fat to Transition pulled at heartstrings as it told the medical journeys of two inspiring transgender individuals who were both tasked with losing weight before their procedures."
Of course, leftists mock people who are denied organ transplants for being unvaccinated, even though the underlying logic is supposedly similar (according to covid hystericists)

The Left used to champion women – now they appear to have abandoned them - "One of the hallmarks of contemporary Leftist thinking is what the poncy (hands up) call “defamiliarisation”: taking something that is instinctively obvious and flipping it. Winston Churchill a hero? Wrong: he’s a racist. 9/11 was a hideous and uncalled for act of war? Wrong: it was America’s fault. Britain is one of the most diverse and least racist countries on Earth? Wrong: it’s a systemically racist backwater still in thrall to its genocidal imperial past. The latest and most shocking case of this mischief is the pretence that “woman” is not actually what you thought it was, but is rather whatever you want it to be, or nothing at all... it is the very parties who used to champion women – Labour in Britain, the Democrats in the US – that have now abandoned them.  This, at least, is the implication of the way “woman” has become a slur, avoided everywhere from courts to medical school classrooms...it was nothing short of bizarre to watch Blackburn, an anti-abortion Republican, spelling out the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late liberal Supreme Court justice, that “physical differences between men and women are enduring. The two sexes are not fungible. A community made up exclusively of one sex is different from a community composed of both.” Jackson looked blank: she didn’t know the quote...   It can be hard to remember that until very recently most people didn’t have to think too hard about what women were. They were people first and foremost, but people with key differences from men that required recognition in medicine, sport, prison, social work, the law, and anywhere where violence against women is taken seriously. By the 2000s, this was utterly basic, widespread knowledge, and the interesting stuff was always to do with how far biology dictated women’s lives, and the battle to promote and sustain fair treatment and freedom from the most egregious forms of discrimination and assault. Nobody remotely sane had the time, or felt the need, to begin to hash out – as if women were some kind of new species – what women were. And yet there we are, forced by the woke Left to reinvent the wheel, all while pretending there is no wheel. It has been disappointing that women have been abandoned by the Left, but not all that surprising. After all, the Left has a long history of misogyny: in 1970 the women’s liberation movement burst out of the frustration of socialist women tired of being treated as third-class citizens, there mainly to serve tea, provide sexual favours and have their ideas pinched by their beardy comrades.  History doesn’t repeat, but it sure does echo, and the Left’s new obsession with defending the rights of biological men over those of women is an all too familiar reverberation."

Transgender father-of-two, 47, awaiting gender reassignment surgery is jailed for three years - "A transgender father of two awaiting gender reassignment surgery has been jailed in a male prison for three years after being exposed as a paedophile. Britnee Aitken, 47, will have her treatment delayed after two girls said she molested them ten years ago when she identified as a truck recovery driver called Marcus."

School nurse suspended for revealing student, 11, is on puberty blockers - "A Connecticut school nurse has been suspended over a Facebook post revealing that an 11 year-old at the school where she worked was on puberty blockers.  Kathleen Cataford, who worked at the Richard J Kinsella Magnet School in Hartford, was axed from her role Monday over the post, which was branded transphobic.  Writing on a local mom's group in response to a request for local school recommendations, the 77 year-old said: 'Investigate the school system curriculum...CT is a very socially liberal, gender confused state'... 'As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration.   'Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught.' Cataford went on to claim that 'children are introduced to this confusion in kindergarten.'... Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez issued a statement condemning Cataford's remarks, but did not name the nurse, citing privacy concerns."
Weird. I thought this never happens.
More whistleblowers the left hates

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