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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Links - 25th May 2022 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License agreement. In the end you have to ignore everything and click agree"

Meme - "When your friends about to rip her cunt in half pushing out some little bastard & You're happy as fuck because you took it in the ass."
Original was "took the morning after pill"

Kristen Lanae on Twitter - "WELL LIKE, ZOINKS SCOOB!!! The mystery of what’s under Velmas sweater has been solved 🥵🥵🥵"

Meme - "E-Thot: I know what I'm worth and expect a man to realize that!
Man: According to the link in your bio, you're worth $5.99 a month."

The Samantha MACK on Twitter - "All the strongest most influential men I know have had end our friendship to appease a “normal” girl. I’ve been in situations like this a million times before. My integrity means nothing. You don’t have tits like this, without being told that your mere presence is a threat."
Must be the fault of "patriarchy"!

I told a man he needed therapy last night. : FemaleDatingStrategy - "I went on a second date last night. There were no red flags on the first date and we actually had a good time most of this date too. Until, unprompted, he mentioned that he likes to take things emotionally slow because he “went through a traumatic relationship 3 years ago.”  Let me tell you how his jaw dropped when I said “and you didn’t seek therapy or do something to work on that? Instead you are here on a second date telling me about all the ways you’ll compare me to an ex who “traumatized” you? You shouldn’t be dating at all.”  I cut the date short, he tried to walk me to my car but I insisted on going myself and then he texted me asking me to verify when I made it home before I blocked him."
He dodged a bullet

Meme - "Every time we fight, I come to have snack at her job. cause here I'm a customer and the customer is always right."

Baby daddy: Nigerian playboy attends wedding with six women he impregnated - "The socialite and club owner, who is known as Pretty Mike, was attending the nuptials of actor Williams Uchemba... Pretty Mike raised eyebrows by saying that a beautiful woman is not meant for just one man.  “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but a beautiful lady isn’t meant for only one man, so to keep one to yourself in this Lagos (Nigeria’s largest city), you must be capable of doing what 11 men can do,” he said."

Meme - "*Bronze Medal meme*: On Father's Day
1st: Actual Fathers
2nd: Step Fathers
3rd: Single Moms"

Escort, 23, forced teenager to have sex with '17 men a day' - "An escort has walked free from court after allegedly arranging for a teenager to have sex with 17 men a day to repay a £100 debt.  Tyler-Jo Walker, aged 23, was the escort who made the 16 year old girl feel like she could "not say no" to having sex with multiple men for the money."

Meme - "We'll be having sex with robots in the next 10 years"
"that robot looks already fed up with her shit"

Meme - Google: "my wife yells at me"
"First off, try talking with her about her yelling and how it makes you feel. Be sure to listen to her part of the story too. If that doesn't have much effect, but your spouse is more or less cooperative, try marriage counseling. Perhaps a professional might be able to help to fix the situation."
Google: "my husband yells at me"
"Getting help for domestic violence and abuse - NHS
Domestic violence, also called domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members..."

Meme - MaMyirha @khikhi_Bae: "Don't lose a loyal woman, just because she cheated once"

Corrections officer who cut a hole in her pants for 'depraved' sex sentenced to seven months in jail - "A corrections officer from California who had sex with a prisoner in full view of 11 other inmates has been jailed for seven months.  Fresno County correctional officer Tina Gonzalez, 27, cut a hole in her uniform in order to make sex with the inmate at the jail easier... Taleisnik stressed how Gonzalez took responsibility for her actions. He also explained that the end of her own marriage had made her 'vulnerable.'"

Meme - "Are you looking for love, or hookups?"
"Lmao I have no fucking idea at this point"
"Right now I'm just looking for D&D"
"Dungeons and dragons?"
"Lmaooo Dick and dinner"
"Ohhh okay yah that makes a lot more sense"

Khloe Kardashian fans shocked by her 'creepy' long, pale hands in new photo & accuse her of 'bad' photoshop - "Khloe Kardashian’s hands look like the hands of what I imagine lives under my bed and grabs my ankles in my sleep"

Meme - "Having a vibrator die on you while you're masturbating is like having sex with a man"
"Yup, even a machine gets tired of you just lying there"

Meme - "Nobody:
Girls desperate for onlyfans subscribers: "MY ASS IS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE $2"

Meme - "Drug dealers really be putting their freedom on the line so other people can get high. That's why I have sex with them."

Meme - "Day 122 without any D: someone at the dog park said "whos a good girl" and i said "me daddy""

Japanese Schools Ban Ponytails On Female Students Because They Could Arouse Boys - "From the colour of their undergarments to the length of their socks, schools in Japan are notorious for having strict rules imposed on their students' dressing... Vice World News published a feature article about the harsh regulations known as buraku kosoku (black rules) in Japanese schools, which has since been widely reported by many international media.  Speaking to former middle school teacher Motoki Sugiyama on the topic, he revealed that he was once told by school administrators that female students cannot wear ponytails because exposing the nape of their necks could "sexually excite" male students.   "They're worried boys will look at girls, which is similar to the reasoning behind upholding a white-only underwear colour rule"...  The former teacher with 11 years of teaching experience explained that the purpose of the rule on white-only undergarments is to prevent them from being shown through their uniforms...   While there are no nationwide statistics on how many schools still impose a no-ponytails rule, a 2020 survey found that about 10% of schools in the southern prefecture of Fukuoka prohibited the hairstyle  Sugiyama said all five different schools he has taught in the Shizuoka prefecture, which is about 144km southwest of Tokyo, have a ponytails ban...   The history of buraku kosoku dates back to the 1870s when the Japanese government established its first systematic regulation of education. Around the 1970s and 1980s, the rules became stricter in an attempt to reduce bullying and violence in schools.  Meiji University's associate professor of sociology Asao Naito told Vice World News that what gets banned differs from school to school and generation to generation. However, the intended effect to make students not stand out remains the same...   Other than ponytails and undergarments, the rules also dictate that students' hair must be black and straight  In 2017, a student in Osaka sued her school for forcing her to dye her hair black even though brown was her natural colour.  Students, whose hair is not black and straight, are told to provide photographic proof of their natural hair colour.  Additionally, Vice World News also mentioned that some of the rules contradict one another. For example, schools allow bob hairstyles even though they show students' napes as much as ponytails do.   Following the viral report, the Tokyo metropolitan government said that they will be scrapping hairstyle and undergarment rules  The report by The Guardian published yesterday, 14 March, noted that the move will make about 200 schools in the capital city drop five bans, one of which includes the black hair-only rule.  Yuto Kitamura, a member of the Tokyo metropolitan board of education, said the decision to scrap the most egregious regulations was a "major step forward"."
When Japan is less old fashioned than Singapore

Tokyo schools cut controversial rules governing hairstyles and underwear - "a survey carried out last year of 240 schools in the capital found that 216 retained regulations that an increasing number of people in education – including the children themselves – say are outdated. Some of the rules will stay in certain schools, however. While some will abolish a requirement for students to show proof that their hair is naturally curly or a colour other than black, some will keep the regulation, reportedly at the request of students and parents."

Japanese schools ban ponytails fearing they 'sexually excite' men - "Schools enforce further restrictions such as the color of children’s socks, skirt length and even the shape of their eyebrows."

Japanese Schools Are Still Banning Ponytails Because They Could ‘Sexually Excite’ Men - "The undercut, a hairstyle that shaves the sides but leaves the top long, is similarly prohibited.  “Because if the two-block (undercut) is OK, then some students might start saying the mohawk should be OK”... Naito recalled his days in elementary and middle school some 40 years ago, when long skirts were worn by sukeban (delinquent girls). “For that reason, long skirts were banned and made shorter,” he told VICE World News. “But now, schools don’t allow short skirts and are lengthening them.”... A spokesperson for Hosoyamada Junior High School, in the southern prefecture of Kagoshima, told VICE World News it changed its rules on pupils’ clothing last year after students complained.  Ponytails and pigtails are still prohibited, but their underwear doesn’t have to be white anymore. It can be gray, black, or navy blue."

Japanese Companies Anger Netizens With Policy That Bans Women From Wearing Glasses At Work - "a domestic airline reportedly has a no-glasses rule for flight attendants due to safety concerns, while a cosmetic company said it was difficult to see an employee's make-up behind their glasses.   Some retail chains reportedly said glasses-wearing receptionists gave a "cold impression" while some restaurants said glasses didn't go well with their waitresses' kimonos.  In an interview with Business Insider, a Japanese woman also said that her boss had told her that glasses are prohibited because she "needed to look feminine", also adding "that looking intelligent" can be a setback at work...   In March this year, according to Fortune, women railed against the common requirement by employers that they have to wear make-up at work.  Also earlier this year, actor and writer Yumi Ishikawa sparked a Twitter movement with the hashtag 'KuToo' to criticise rules that require women to wear high heels to work.  The hashtag plays on the Japanese words for shoe, or kutsu, and pain, kutsuu."

I fantasise about group sex with old, obese men - "I'm a slim, 31-year-old woman attracted to older, obese men – the uglier the better. I fantasise about being passed around by several of them. The thing that really turns me on is the idea of having to lift their stomachs and search for their penises, which are always difficult to find and a bit on the soft side. I haven't mentioned this to my fiance, because I think he would be horrified. Our sex life is fine, but I use the fantasy to help me climax. I feel guilty – what made me so sick?"

Why I refused to make friends with my vagina

Meme - "When u thought he got u cupcakes, but he ends up proposing instead"

The Bachelor is a show about a guy dating multiple women at once, and is mostly watched by women who hate guys that date multiple women at once.

Meme - "When you're the only one who takes it in the ass"

Meme - Lui: "on a plus de lubrifiant, flemme de faire l'amour"
Moi: "l'huile de coco"
"ma salive"
"le beurre de mamie"
"l'huile de vidange"
"l'apres shamping de ma soeur"
"l'huile de cuisson des frites de dimanche midi"

Meme - *Kim Jong Un on bed surrounded by 15 women in black*

Meme - "How do you understand this picture?" *Weighing scale balanced between 5 naked women and 1 clothed woman with a heart*
"You need to have a wife and hoes for you to have a good balance in life."

Scotty | FKM on Twitter - "yo @TwitchSupport I need ur help on a purchase I made the girl I donated $13,000 to, spent countless hours moderating her chat and keeping creepers away, and spent time being there for on an emotional level on ur website is actually married and I want a refund"

Man admits to posing as Caucasian on dating app to get nude pictures before extorting victims for sex - "Posing as a Caucasian called Jake on dating platform Tinder, a man duped multiple women into sending him their nude pictures.  Ong Chun Siang threatened to expose the images when they ignored him or rejected his requests for sexual favours...   The woman alerted the police and officers decided to ambush Ong. She duped him into thinking that they would be having sex and the pair met near a Middle Road hotel on Feb 8, 2019.  Police officers in the vicinity arrested Ong."
Literally AMDK

Meme - "if youre cheating n he catches you, break up w him, cause he dnt trust you n thats toxic. you deserve better"

Jodi Rose, Australian Artist, Marries 600-Year-Old French Bridge Le Pont du Diable - "Jodi Rose, an Australian artist who travels the world recording the vibrations of bridge cables for her “Singing Bridges” music project, knew it was true love the first time she laid eyes on Le Pont du Diable, a 600-year-old bridge in Southern France... Le Pont du Diable, also known as “The Devil’s Bridge,” was first erected by Benedictine Monks in the 11th century and has shown resilience in the face of harsh times over the Hérault river gorge, according to Geekosystem.  "[He] is everything I could desire in a husband - sturdy, trustworthy, sensual, kind and handsome," Rose wrote. "There is longevity in the arch of his back, he has stood for 600 years and he will stand for 600 more.""

Meme - "I'm too young to be faithful if i see a guy that look better than mine, on me im cheating

prod.by loverboy 💘 on Twitter - "y’all ever notice the relationship is at stake only when the female is unhappy? y’all not ready for that talk thou"

Meme - "i just wanted to apologize for saying i was pansexual with a preference. i now know that pansexuals do not have a preference. i am now sapphic with a male preference... i hope everyone can forgive me! #apology #sexualities #alt #emo #outside"

Meme - "When i was little, I was obsessed with elephants. They seemed so cool because they are huge and slow and control their trunks like arms, but I've never had a chance to see one, even at a zoo. Its always been a secret dream of mine to sit on top of one someday, even those little baby ones. And in my whole life I've never wanted to ride anything more until I matched with you."
"I hate this app."


Meme - "the internet has made average looking women think they're super models"
"Did he seriously just say mid Imao"

Woman dies after crack pipe removed from her vagina - "A woman, 31, has died a week after she was taken to hospital to have a glass pipe and a bottle of crack cocaine removed from her vagina.  April Rollison, 31, of the city of Sebring, Florida, was arrested with three men on drug charges in the nearby suburb of Babson Park...   Polk County Shefiff’s office believe that Rollison removed the prescription bottle of crack cocaine and cocaine from her vagina and consumed part of the contents. The deputy and a nurse found the bottle and a white substance, later identified as cocaine, on the floor."

Meme - "Even potatoes look beautiful with make-up"hate

Meme - Cis Women: "You always act like you're better than me"
Me: "l am better than you!"
Trans women hate cis women so much. There is a deep current of misogyny in trans mania

Meme - Grace Collins they/them: "If you're not trans, your privilege is you can safely order pizza without knowing what the pizza shop's "politics" on gender are."
Pizza chef: "mamma mia le womenna no havea the penni"

Meme - Moderately Supreme @RobCo_Seductron: "Getting misgendered all day and finally getting affirmation when your friend says "Your opinion doesn't count because you're a woman""

Meme - astro bully angie @teaxtarot: "I still can't believe I fucked a guy who made me drink water out of a Tupperware container"
Steph Lorenzo: "I fucked a guy with actual shit on his floor. We all make mistakes."

Meme - Kim Ji-yoo: "Took my daughter out to play tennis today. Yesterday I discussed getting her on birth control with her father. He was angry and started yelling at her. Called her a slut, said she was grounded and can never leave the house. Well Do- Yun... If you are reading this.. she is out of the house, with me... Having a nice little girls day. Also if I didn't tell you, we are getting a divorce."

Meme - "I Think I'm Pretty Awesome, But I Seem To Scare Guys Away By Amy Horton
And Here are some other articles written by Amy Horton
I Don't Need Your Money I Can Spoil Myself By Amy Horton
I'm Done Dating Broke Guys, But That Doesn't Make Me A Gold Digger By Amy Horton
I Haven't Had Sex In A Year & I'm Getting Desperate By Amy Horton
I Contracted Genital Warts - Why I'm Not Ashamed By Amy Horton
I'm A Strong, Independent Woman - But I Still Want The Guy To Make The First Move By Amy Horton
I'm Tired Of Teaching Guys How To Be Good Boyfriends & Then Getting Dumped - WTF? By Amy Horton
I'm A Major Catch, But Only If You're Ready For A Real Relationship By Amy Horton
Why I Cheated After Swearing I Never Would By Amy Horton
Seriously, Why Can't I Find A Decent Man?"

I married my nanny who's 20 years my junior - "In 2014, divorced Long Island business owner Ben Romano hired then-23-year-old Krystle to look after his three children. The mother of one was not exactly a domestic goddess...   ‘We hired Krystle and she was honestly the worst nanny we had ever had! Her cooking was terrible, her cleaning of the house was terrible and she was terrible at laundry.”  He spoke to his daughter Francesca about Krystle’s lackluster performance and decided she needed to go.  “But Francesca cried and begged me not to fire her. She said that Krystle was really nice and she was making her feel like a little girl again. That definitely caught my attention. Krystle wasn’t a good domestic caretaker but I loved that she was making my kids happy,” he said of his offspring, Frankie, 22, Julianna, 19, and Sal, 17.   Instead of giving her the boot, he eventually gave her a ring. The pair fell in love and married in 2017, despite the fact that Krystle is 20 years his junior and only has seven years on his eldest... The pair went on a date but kept it from the kids, who eventually saw them hold hands and screamed with excitement...   According to Ben, social-media commentators accuse his younger spouse of being a gold digger but he sees her as integral to his success.  “I didn’t have much money when I met her. I call Krystle my lucky charm because my business only really took off when we started dating,” said Ben, adding that he likes to party and Krystle is more of a homebody."

Alexander Pope declared his love to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1852
She laughed at him. Brutal subject for an oil painting

Meme - "Supermarket: Cat Food
Cat toys
Meals for one"

I’ve got big boobs and I’m so jealous of girls with ‘cute little’ ones - "the size of her bust means she’ll never be able to get nipple piercings.  Carly Rivlin took to TikTok to rant about her breasts, and told her followers that she desperately wants to get some intimate piercings herself, but admitted it’s “not on the cards” for her.  “Another reason I’m jealous of the girls with the cute little boobs – nipple piercings,” she began.  “Nipple piercings sadly are not on the cards for me.  “I have to wear a bra and if I didn’t wear a bra, my nipple piercings would be confused for belly button piercings.”  Carly added that she’s desperate to wear a “white tank top” that the “jewellery shows through” a little.  “I want that so bad,” she concluded."
The most amusing part of this is that the NY Post has a "boobs" tag

Meme - Chad Bog @BogPrime: "Funny story: there's a subreddit called that went private because their users were receiving too many PMs from men who wanted to date them. of Literally this fucking meme"
"I'm so lonely. *woman slamming door shut while many men try to get in*"
Addendum: This explains "femcels"

Sexy cop shows why she’s among New York’s finest - "Since The Post revealed Long Island police officer Samantha Sepulveda’s side job as a swimsuit and lingerie model last Sunday, the 32-year-old beauty has shot to stardom. She has gained more than 90,000 followers on her @sammysep Instagram page (bumping the count past 200K), been offered modeling gigs, and appeared on numerous television and radio shows."

dxn on Twitter - "If you really loved her you wouldn’t take it personal and y’all would still be together. My current girl had like 3 diff trains ran on her while we are dating, I never took it personal bc we’re young n experiencing life… not sure if you’re cryin for attention or what. Man up"
Of course, if a man cheats on a woman...

Woman gets £7,000 breast reduction but is stunned after they grow back - "With size E cup breasts, Bethanie Lyon, 24, from Los Angeles, California, had the surgery in July 2019 after years of struggling with back pain, unwanted attention and clothes not fitting correctly... Nine months after the operation, Bethanie was back to almost the same size she was before."

Intimacy, Sex, Cheating and Love: Betrayal! - FML - "Today, my best friend of 10 years told me she had slept with a man who had a girlfriend. I told her that it wasn't that bad. She then informed me that it was my boyfriend. FML"

Meme - "E-Girls love Harley Quin because her idea of a "redemption arc" is breaking up with a shitty boyfriend, Lezzing out with her best friend, and showing absolutely no remorse for all the lives she's ruined because of her past crimes"

爱讲话 Gong Wu Gong Bo - Posts | Facebook - "当奶茶被男朋友一口喝掉一半。。。"
Chinese woman hysterical over her boyfriend drinking her bubble tea

w⚓️ on Twitter - "This woman is deadlifting very very badly and I want to advise her on her form. But she’s recording her session. I’m not tryna end up on a tiktok"
Why risk getting accused of mansplaining?

Sydney Sweeney's grandparents think she "has the best tits in Hollywood"

Meme - "as a man, why are you even okay with ordering a fruity or mixed drink ?"
"Because fruit is tasty... If I wanted salty or bitter I'd just have a conversation with you."

socs🧦🌈 on Twitter - "Years ago, a guy I was seeing made me a playlist on Spotify and it was really good. We obviously stopped seeing each other but I still had the playlist liked and I would notice him changing the name of it to different girls names bahahah"

Meme - "we broke up literally a year ago
can you please stop playing chess with my dad on messenger ?
it's disgusting"
"just because i lost the queen doesn't mean i give up the king"

Adult star on being fired as masseuse after boss' discovery - "An adult star has revealed how she was fired from her job as a masseuse when her boss found out that she had started offering additional services to her clients.  Nicole Doshi moved from China to the US, and tried her hand at a variety of careers including estate agency and working as a masseuse before finding success as an adult model.  Speaking recently on the No Jumper podcast, Nicole told viewers that she had been banned from OnlyFans after offering a “sex raffle” for subscribers...   “When I got hired it was a facial place, so basically a beauty salon. The boss hired me as a masseuse, just giving out massages for women.”  But, when her female clients failed to tip her well for her work, Nicole came up with an idea to make more money out of her job as a masseuse."

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