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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Links - 16th March 2022 (1 - General Wokeness [including Wokeness as Bigotry/Virtue Signalling)

Kentucky's concealed carry law shows your life doesn't matter to gun-loving Republicans - Quintez Brown
Louisville mayor candidate shot at: Quintez Brown accused of shooting

Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר on Twitter - "Belgians chant “death to Jews” at “pro-Palestinian” protest today."
Just "anti-Zionism"

Quote by Joe Haldeman - "Bad books on writing tell you to "WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW", a solemn and totally false adage that is the reason there exist so many mediocre novels about English professors contemplating adultery"
Too bad nowadays that's "cultural appropriation"

Meme - Philip O'Connor @philipoconnor: "There is nothing more soul- destroying than young religious people. #rtept"
"Muslim sisters outside the GPO serving food to those who need it. On a decisive day for compassion and common sense, Ireland showing some of its best qualities."
Religious = Christian

GameSpot on Twitter - "The Simpsons has recast a gay Cuban character previously voiced by Hank Azaria with an actual gay Cuban-American actor."
How come Bart can be played by a woman?

Facebook - "Cruz Amdt. No 1456: To prohibit Federal funding for any institution of higher education that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions. Amendment Rejected"
"It is a source of constant amazement to me to hear the claim that Democrats and progressive liberals are anti-racism."

How This Teen Is Revolutionizing Social Justice Publishing - "Evelyn Woodsen is one of those enterprising teens. As a 16-year-old in Baltimore, Maryland, Woodsen founded Affinity Magazine, a social justice online magazine written and published by teenagers, for teenagers. Started in 2013, the site reaches an average of 350,050 readers each month in over 200 countries and, in its own words, works to amplify and publish “the voices of teens — regardless of age, gender, race, and sexual orientation.”"
Meme - @evelynvwoodsen: "Black girls with white friends scare me so much, like what do you have in common with the white girls."
The tweet was from June 2021. Social Justice = hating white people

Ellie Kemper Apologizes For Veiled Prophet Ball Participation - "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt actor said she was not aware of the organization's history when she was 19, but added that "ignorance is no excuse.""
She better apologise for living in the USA too, since it has a racist history

Actress Ellie Kemper In Hot Water Again After Photos Emerge Of Her Using Aunt Jemima Syrup | The Babylon Bee - "Actress Ellie Kemper is facing scandal once again after photographs emerged of her using Aunt Jemima maple syrup, a product that has troublesome racist ties... Kemper responded on Twitter with a vague statement denouncing racism in all its forms and promising to "be better.""

Lara Hogan on Twitter - "A teeny-tiny inclusive language thing I've tried to get better at this past year is avoiding northern hemisphere-specific seasonal language. Like instead of "this summer," I say the months I mean, or Q3. Because it might be that season for ME but not that season for everybody!"
Bob Seawright on Twitter - "A teeny-tiny inclusive language thing I've tried to get better at this past year is avoiding time zone-specific language. Like instead of "noon" I say "Greenwich Mean Time - seven." Because it might be noon for ME but not noon for everybody!"
Cam Yzerman (@CamYzerman) - "A teeny-tiny inclusive language thing I've tried to get better at this past year is avoiding heliocentric temporal language. Like instead of "May 29," I say "Stardate 36792.4""

Meme - Thefatsextherapist: ""expecting non violence from those oppressed or colonized is racist" from How Nonviolence Protects the State - Peter Gelderloos."
I guess Hobbes was wrong

Meme - Mike Williams: "As a white man I'm by no means an expert on race or anything I tweet out. I am, however, willing to learn, educate myself, and use what limited platform I have to elevate and amplify black voices, key issues, and hopefully enlighten others living in their privileged bubbles."
Meme - Dominique Samuels (black woman): "I AM NOT A VICTIM. Why is that so hard for people to accept? The race hustlers can go around foreheads with victim tattooed on their foreheads but I'm not. I'm nobody's charity case."
Mike Williams: "Don't you get tired dog whistling to the right? Because it's exhausting to watch."
Only black liberals get their voices elevated and amplified

Meme - "Do I ironically call myself anti-establishment even though I fall for all the corporate bait thrown at me? Or am I an opportunist dirtbag who wants to manipulate emotional people to push my real agenda? Doesn't really matter. I just want to destroy a civilization because I refuse to be held responsible for my own failures."

meme - Leonydus Johnson: "The pattern isn't difficult to spot... Leftists "fight extremism" by being extremists. Feminists "fights sexism" by being sexist. Antifa "fights fascism" by being fascist. Black Lives Matter "fights racism" by being...?"

jenn m. jackson on Twitter - "We have to be more honest about what 9/11 was and what it wasn't. It was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity. It was an attack on the systems many white Americans fight to protect."
Wait till she discovers what happens to women in Muslim countries


Mums furious at Asda education pack that 'normalises paedophilia' - "Mums have taken to the Internet to express their fury and concern at an email received from Asda promoting an education pack they claim is 'normalising paedophilia and child abuse'.  The Safe Schools Alliance, which works with schools to ensure safeguarding, Tweeted to say they'd been contacted by many concerned parents about the email from George at Asda.  Parents are angry that an exercise included in the Primary School learning pack, created by Diversity Role Model, includes the message 'love has no age limit', which they claim could be seen to normalise paedophilia. Another issue comes from one of the recommended reading materials in the Secondary pack, a book called Beyond Magenta. It includes explicit sexual references, including: "From six up I used to kiss guys.... and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral."  It also references perverts touching themselves and saying 'come here, sweetie'."
Homophobia strikes again!

Meme - "Asked my Salvadorian coworker if he ever uses "Latinx" instead of Latino and he called me a pendejx"
The gender neutral version of pendejo

New Gorgeous Disney Belle Breaks All Standards - "Jade Jones stars as “Belle” in a production of “Beauty and the Beast” at the Olney Theatre Center in Maryland."
She is certainly breaking some standards

Meme - "naomi markman stand... May 12, 2016: "happy @Castle_ABC got cancelled, I like the show but don't like the message that you can continue on without your leading ladies"
naomi markman stands...: "my dear troll friends, you do realize that literally hundreds of people lost their jobs today, right? jobs we loved and cared about? we're gonna be emotional. also, most if not all of us found out today, with the public.
just because you don't like the food at a restaurant doesn't mean you would celebrate when it closes down tf. you wouldn't mock the waiters or chefs. I beg of you to touch some grass and give someone you love a hug naomi markman stands...
my entire life was turned upside down less than 12 hours ago along with hundreds of my dearest peers. consider having a god damn ounce of compassion or empathy."
Addendum: On Cowboy Bebop getting cancelled

Meme - "You're BLIND to your own privilege"
"BLIND?! That sounds ABLEIST to me."
"That's... uneducared and ignorant"
"you're in my personal space"
"FAT Shaming."

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "Be sure to put your pronouns in your bio. That way, when you’re calling your opponents evil lowlife scumbags, trying to get them fired, or gloating if they die, everyone will know that you’re actually incredibly compassionate."


Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Calling discrimination “reverse discrimination” doesn’t make sense. I wish writers would stop using that phrase.  This employee was fired from his job due to his race and sex. This was the result of a corporation attempting to quickly change the demographics of its leadership to meet demands of todays woke activists. Efforts to change group representation in an organization necessarily requires discriminating against individuals. This is viewed by many as positive as they believe that discrimination based on race or gender is valid if it’s done for the ‘right’ reasons. This happens.  I have a friend, who will remain anonymous, who worked in the highest levels of a Fortune 500 company’s Human Resources department. Her team had to fill a VP position. They settled on three highly qualified candidates and presented them to the hiring committee. All three were rejected without interviews because they were white males. They were instructed to get new candidates with different physical characteristics. Of course that was highly illegal but it’s an accepted practice today just as it was once acceptable to discriminate against minorities and women in years past. The same sin, different sinners."
White Guy Awarded Millions By Jury In Reverse Discrimination Case After Diversity & Inclusion Team's Misstep - "White guy David Duvall, a former North Carolina hospital marketing executive, has several million dollars in the bank, pending appeal, thanks to a federal jury that decided his firing was a form of reverse discrimination.  The federal jury in Charlotte announced Tuesday that Duvall, who in 2018 was fired from his job at Novant Health where he served as senior vice president of marketing and communications, should be paid $10 million in punitive damages. Duvall’s claim was that he’d been fired as the Novant Health diversity and inclusion team started making itself known within the company.   After being fired in 2018, the company split Duvall’s job between two women — one white and one black. The white woman had served under him in the department while the black woman was moved into the position of Chief Marketing Officer... An attorney for Duvall argued that his client was fired as part of the company’s “five year plan” to show diversity by 2020. The attorney wrote in the lawsuit that Novant had fired other white executives as part of this diversity and inclusion plan, including the Chief Legal Officer, Medical Group President, Chief Information Officer, Patient Experience Officer and President of Haymarket Medical Center. In each of the cases, the attorney says that Novant replaced white men with a black person or a woman... "Mr. Duvall was committed to D&I, sat on a system committee to promote it and his team created marketing materials""
You can try to ride the Diversity tiger, but it will end up eating you
Addendum: Weird. Left wingers keep claiming this never happens

Politicizing Medicine is Dangerous - "Politicizing medicine is dangerous. Tens of thousands of people are dead because vaccines became politicized and people chose political identity over rationality. Yet instead of trying to depoliticize medicine, the AMA has doubled down and is going full woke. The AMA’s Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts is so over the top I thought at first it was satire from the BabylonBee. The guide, for example, recommends that instead of talking about poor health among low-income people that physicians should blame “landowners and large corporations” for “increasingly centralizing political and financial power wielded by a few” and limiting “prospects for good health and well-being for many groups.” Put aside that this is at best tendentious and at worst utterly fallacious and just imagine that you are a landowner or work for a large corporation (that’s most of us!). Would you trust a doctor spouting this rhetoric or might you feel that such a doctor doesn’t have your best interests at heart?"

The AMA Embraces Leftist Language — and Leaves Patients Behind - The Atlantic - "the AMA and AAMC urge physicians and other health-care workers to replace many “commonly used” words, such as vulnerable, with “equity-focused” alternatives, such as oppressed. The document is a classic example of how administrative bureaucracies of all sorts are thinking about social justice in 2021... Medical vulnerability is not synonymous with oppression. Men are more vulnerable to COVID-19 than women, but not because men are more oppressed. My grandmother is far more vulnerable to the disease than a wrongfully incarcerated teenager, yet she is far less oppressed. Meanwhile, a warehouse worker whose boss fails to update workplace-safety protocols might indeed be vulnerable to COVID-19 because of lopsided power relations. But if exposed to a public-health message urging vaccination for “the most oppressed,” he might think, That’s not me, whereas a message informing him that “indoor workers are among the most vulnerable” is far more explicit about whom the advice is for... Advancing Health Equity is rife with specious reasoning, questionable assumptions, and dubious judgments, all presented in an effort to get doctors talking like ideologues of the social-justice left... it calls on doctors to reject individualism, to prefer equity to equality, to overturn “a dominant narrative” that “regards health as a personal responsibility,” and to “expose the political roots underlying apparently ‘natural’ economic arrangements, such as property rights.” No guidance is offered to doctors who agree with any of the dominant narratives in question, or who prefer to separate their clinical interventions from their politics or activism. One supposes, for example, that many AMA members believe that property rights are beneficial to the societies where they are protected, and that probing the political philosophy behind them is far beyond a doctor’s professional expertise. Worse still, the new guide is likelier to hinder equity than to advance it. The most vulnerable Americans suffer disproportionately insofar as the medical system adopts language to advance an ideology rather than to communicate clearly––especially if it leads doctors to use language that is most intelligible to people with degrees from fancy colleges and relatively inaccessible to almost everyone else. Fundamentally, doctors should talk in ways that listeners understand... A new drug that performed as dismally in clinical trials would never reach the public––but the medical profession’s normal standards of rigor seem not to apply to efforts branded as “anti-racism.”... The guide is also politically naive. The AMA and AAMC imagine that if doctors and other health-care professionals adopt the suggested language, they will bring about progressive change by way of the credibility that their words carry. More likely, they will squander that credibility. The medical profession won’t remain more broadly trusted than left-wing activists if the two become indistinguishable. And that’s what will happen if doctors follow the guide’s advice. Instead of saying, “Low-income people have the highest level of coronary artery disease,” it urges health professionals to substitute this doctrinaire sentence: “People underpaid and forced into poverty as a result of banking policies, real estate developers gentrifying neighborhoods, and corporations weakening the power of labor movements, among others, have the highest level of coronary artery disease.”... The guide posits that instead of doctors asking the conventional question, “How can we promote healthy behavior?” they should ask, “How can we democratize land use policies through greater public participation to ensure healthy living conditions?”"
So much for mocking people for realising that teachers, all broadcast media and David Attenborough are Marxist

Opinion | The AMA’s new guide to appropriate language is alarming - The Washington Post - "After Donald Trump took office in 2017, there was a surge of interest among the intellectual left in “1984,” George Orwell’s classic novel about statist repression.  So it’s ironic that, in this first year of the Biden administration, those same leftists are set on coopting the language in a distinctly Orwellian way... Let’s leave aside for the moment the obvious question of why it’s the AMA’s business to lecture anyone about what counts as acceptable language. As far as I know, the folks at Fowler’s Modern English Usage have never issued a guide to performing thyroid surgery. Be that as it may, the country’s most powerful medical associations have decided that the “dominant narratives” of inequality in health care must be “named, disrupted and corrected,” according to an introduction that reads like it came from Mao’s “Little Red Book.”... part of what we learned in the 20th century, during a series of long wars against tyrannical governments and ideologies, is that all repressive movements start by mandating versions of history and their own lists of acceptable terminology.  These medical groups — and, more to the point, the elite academic movement they’re kowtowing to — may believe they’re bringing history and language more in line with the goal of social justice. What they’re actually doing is trying to control what their members are allowed to think and say... the AMA is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington and has long fought a litany of progressive reforms to the health-care system. Only recently did the organization drop its blanket opposition to some very limited kind of “public option,” and only then in an effort to head off proposals such as Medicare-for-all.  So if the medical profession really wants to get on the side of social justice, there are things it can do that would be more meaningful than banning a bunch of words that have nothing to do with medicine... If you want to set the stage for a triumphant Trump return, keep issuing edicts that make it immoral to use terms such as “colorblind” and “tough on crime.”  Finally, while the AMA’s new guidebook may seem trivial compared with pressing issues like climate change or immigration, I’d argue that it’s actually a powerful testament to where we are at the moment — and it should frighten you as much as it does me, even if we’re sympathetic to the underlying cause.  When one of the most elite and powerful industry groups in the society senses so much external pressure that it feels compelled to banish words and institute new, tortured phraseologies, it tells you that no group is immune to what Orwell, in his famous essay on politics and language, called “the worst follies of orthodoxy.”"

Meme - "Zombie apocalypse starts, 14 year old girl: zombies are also humans"

Meme - Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) @JoyAnnReid: "One more note: you want to know how California went from a reliably red state to a solidly blue one? Demographics." "Gotta love how the left openly shows their hand. They know conservatives are too afraid of being called racists to do anything meaningful about it."

Meme - Anonymous dog account: "Hey guess what? If people have been taught from birth to view you as their "oppressor" they're going to be willing to do horrible evil shit to you."

Competitive victimhood as a response to accusations of ingroup harm doing. - "Accusations of unjust harm doing by the ingroup threaten the group's moral identity. One strategy for restoring ingroup moral identity after such a threat is competitive victimhood: claiming the ingroup has suffered compared with the harmed outgroup. Men accused of harming women were more likely to claim that men are discriminated against compared with women (Study 1), and women showed the same effect when accused of discriminating against men (Study 3). Undergraduates engaged in competitive victimhood with university staff after their group was accused of harming staff (Study 2). Study 4 showed that the effect of accusations on competitive victimhood among high-status group members is mediated by perceived stigma reversal: the expectation that one should feel guilty for being in a high-status group. Exposure to a competitive victimhood claim on behalf of one's ingroup reduced stigma reversal and collective guilt after an accusation of ingroup harm doing (Study 5)."
Why intersectionality and victim culture are poisonous

Thread by @JonathanShedler on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Severe personality problems find *camouflage.* No one thinks "I'm a sadist" or "I'm a malignant narcissist."They find a belief system/social group that validates their most hateful, destructive impulses & construes them as virtues.
The most toxic and hateful people in the world are 100% convinced they fight for what is true and right. They find a way to give free rein to their cruelty, to attack, to treat others cruelly and viciously. *And they find allies to cheer them on* who also believe they are on the side of all that is true and good. For colleagues looking for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves. Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed at all cost. If the person who is projected on attempts to protect or defend themselves, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and evil they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it"
Replies: "This is shocking.They beat him for holding a sign that said "Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers!" The "be kind, have empathy" faction at it again...
Considering how the violence has been increasing lately (see also the attacks on feminists in France last weekend), I tend to think that some movements attract a certain kind of personality type."
"I interviewed a psychologist who noted that narcissism is epidemic in the non-profit sector. Who would have thought? LOL"
"So true. The most toxic people I have ever met in my life saw themselves as the victims of others, to whom they responded with disproportionate cruelty"

Moral grandstanding and political polarization: A multi-study consideration - "Americans are increasingly polarized in their political ideology and reactions to political others.
Moral grandstanding is related to endorsing more extreme ideological positions.
Moral grandstanding motivated by a desire to seek prestige is related to ideological extremism.
Prestige motivated grandstaing is related to more polarized emotional reactions to political others."
So virtue signallers are extremists

Shant Mesrobian on Twitter- "The reason why so many extremely woke people turn out to have been bigoted in the past is because bigotry used to be the best way to bully and intimidate people, but now performative anti-bigotry is the best way to bully and intimidate people. An evolving toolset for sociopaths."
Given that anti-racists are the biggest racists...

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities - "We investigate the consequences and predictors of emitting signals of victimhood and virtue. In our first three studies, we show that the virtuous victim signal can facilitate nonreciprocal resource transfer from others to the signaler. Next, we develop and validate a victim signaling scale that we combine with an established measure of virtue signaling to operationalize the virtuous victim construct. We show that individuals with Dark Triad traits-Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy-more frequently signal virtuous victimhood, controlling for demographic and socioeconomic variables that are commonly associated with victimization in Western societies. In Study 5, we show that a specific dimension of Machiavellianism-amoral manipulation-and a form of narcissism that reflects a person's belief in their superior prosociality predict more frequent virtuous victim signaling. Studies 3, 4, and 6 test our hypothesis that the frequency of emitting virtuous victim signal predicts a person's willingness to engage in and endorse ethically questionable behaviors, such as lying to earn a bonus, intention to purchase counterfeit products and moral judgments of counterfeiters, and making exaggerated claims about being harmed in an organizational context"
In other words, woke virtue signalling is a way to enrich yourself and is done by evil people who think they are better than others and who do bad things

A cleansing fire: Moral outrage alleviates guilt and buffers threats to one’s moral identity - "Why do people express moral outrage? While this sentiment often stems from a perceived violation of some moral principle, we test the counter-intuitive possibility that moral outrage at third-party transgressions is sometimes a means of reducing guilt over one’s own moral failings and restoring a moral identity. We tested this guilt-driven account of outrage in five studies examining outrage at corporate labor exploitation and environmental destruction. Study 1 showed that personal guilt uniquely predicted moral outrage at corporate harm-doing and support for retributive punishment. Ingroup (vs. outgroup) wrongdoing elicited outrage at corporations through increased guilt, while the opportunity to express outrage reduced guilt (Study 2) and restored perceived personal morality (Study 3). Study 4 tested whether effects were due merely to downward social comparison and Study 5 showed that guilt-driven outrage was attenuated by an affirmation of moral identity in an unrelated context."
i.e. The lady doth protest too much, methinks, This also explains why virtue signalling is a good sign that the person has some skeletons in his closet, e.g. ""The "male feminist ally turns out to be a creeper/harasser" is the "family values politician turns out to be gay" for millenials."" Like this prominent virtue signalling male liberal I know was terrible towards his ex

Moral outrage porn - "We offer an account of the generic use of the term “porn”, as seen in recent usages such as “food porn” and “real estate porn”. We offer a definition adapted from earlier accounts of sexual pornography. On our account, a representation is used as generic porn when it is engaged with primarily for the sake of a gratifying reaction, freed from the usual costs and consequences of engaging with the represented content. We demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of generic porn by using it to isolate a new type of such porn: moral outrage porn. Moral outrage porn is representations of moral outrage, engaged with primarily for the sake of the resulting gratification, freed from the usual costs and consequences of engaging with morally outrageous content. Moral outrage porn is dangerous because it encourages the instrumentalization of one’s empirical and moral beliefs, manipulating their content for the sake of gratification. Finally, we suggest that when using porn is wrong, it is often wrong because it instrumentalizes what ought not to be instrumentalized."

Hollywood casting light-skinned actors to appeal to China - "The study, “Impacts of Chinese Colorism on Hollywood Castings” published by Johns Hopkins University, looked at 3,000 films between 2009 and 2015 and discovered that the flicks made after 2012 showed an 8 percent increase in the number of light-skinned actors in starring roles.That means that “for 1 of every 3 films in this category, the film went from having 2 out of 3 as very light-skinned actors, to having 3 out of 3 very light-skinned actors,” which the study’s authors termed “light-skin shift.”The shift happened in summer blockbusters and action movies that the Chinese government allows Chinese film-goers to see and that are created by Hollywood with the Chinese market in mind.Other films, like horror and comedy movies — that aren’t produced with the Chinese market’s preferences taken into account –didn’t show the same shift."
So much for all the Hollywood virtue signalling. Indeed, it could be seen as a way to compensate

Bus company apologises after rebranding a 'Pride bus' into an 'NHS bus' - "Plymouth Citybus suffered stinging criticism from the LGBT+ community after it announced last Saturday it both renamed and altered the double-decker bus it featured in Plymouth Pride parades."
When one national religion clashes with another

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