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Friday, October 15, 2021

Links - 15th October 2021 (2) (Feminism)

Are Women "Less Ambitious" Than Men? Yes, and Here's Why. - "In a recent study conducted at the Harvard Business School, men and women were shown a ladder with rungs numbered from 1 to 10 and were asked to choose a rung for their ideal position. When thinking about what they wanted, women chose lower rungs on the ladder.  The researchers, and the media, concluded women are less “ambitious” and in many ways, that’s true. Compared to men, women in the study listed life goals that see the whole picture, not just work. They also associate having power with more conflict and negative consequences (which is real, since we still live in patriarchy)... women want to study engineering when they feel it can make a meaningful difference and impact in other people’s lives"
Clearly we must force women to be 50% of leaders - even if they don't want to be leaders

The Yaboiposting - Posts | Facebook - "Actresses are funny. Lately, they all want their movie roles to lack any femininity, sexuality, and personality. Yet they seem to love showing off their goods at awards shows and unfunny late night shows. *Brie Larson on Jimmy Kimmel*"

Modern Video Games Are Giving Kids Unrealistic Standards For How Many Swords They Can Carry At One Time - "out in the real world, I’m worried that they’ll be in for a rude awakening. I shudder to think of my kids grown up and staggering around with half a dozen swords strapped to their back and several on each hip, or worse, armfuls of unsheathed blades. How will they open doors? How can they possibly go up or down stairs? How many childhood gamers need to throw out their backs before we finally tackle this issue head-on?  When a generation that grew up thinking it can strap on nearly unlimited katanas, claymores, falchions, and gladiuses finally comes face to face with reality, it’s going to be ugly.  I’d love to be able to write these games off as harmless wish fulfillment, but what’s “harmless” about literally rewiring children’s brains to see effortlessly toting five swords, two axes, a dozen potions, and a hundred hobgoblin skulls as normal? Nothing."

'Upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating into the sky' – do cities have to be so sexist? | Architecture | The Guardian - "As far back as 1977, an American poet and professor of architecture named Dolores Hayden wrote an article with the explosive headline “Skyscraper seduction, skyscraper rape”. Hayden tore into the male power fantasies embodied in this celebrated urban form. The office tower, she wrote, is one more addition “to the procession of phallic monuments in history – including poles, obelisks, spires, columns and watchtowers”, where architects un-ironically use the language of “base, shaft and tip” while drawing upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating light into the night sky."
"Remember when people were mad about the first hoax paper Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay published on the Conceptual Penis?"

The Transformed Wife 🦋 on Twitter - "Women are repulsed by the idea of serving their husbands yet a “borrower is servant to the lender” (Pr 22:7). Women owe two-thirds of the $1.3 trillion student loan debt. Women willingly serve their lenders (having to get jobs to pay back their loans) rather than their husbands."

Gender enrolment trends in Australian universities - "Females accounted for 58 percent of all domestic students enrolled in Australia Universities in 2016. The ratio is 100 females to only 72 males. This proportion is above the Australian demographic distribution where 49.5 percent of females are in the age group 15 to 39 years and 55 percent are in the age range 15 to 59 years. The proportion of female postgraduates is higher than for undergraduates, accentuating the imbalance. Of the 42 universities in Australia 35 have more female than male students with two having more than70% females. The gender gap is a worldwide phenomenon with the OECD reporting that women now account for 56 percent of students enrolled in higher education... The male participation gender imbalance has consequences for Australian society, including cultural and wealth distribution changes"
Clearly we cannot rest until women are at least 50% of each individual STEM field. It doesn't matter how underepresented men are

Female teacher who had sex with pupil, 16, sobs as she's spared jail - "Parsons pleaded guilty to abuse of a position of trust by causing or inciting sexual activity with a child.However she sobbed in the dock as Judge Philip Statman said exceptional circumstances, including her previous good character, genuine remorse, the impact of custody on her young daughter, and the extensive delay in court proceedings, enabled him to impose a sentence of 12 months' imprisonment suspended for two years. But he told her that although she and the boy had had consensual sex, her behaviour had involved 'significant planning and an element of grooming'."
The 'patriarchy' strikes again

Woman asks if she's 'an a**hole' for wanting to dump her boyfriend because of his rape. She got answers. - "I completely understand that its horrible being a rape victim but honestly i dont know if i could see him the same way again. I had this image of him that's completely shattered and honestly everytime i see him text me I just feel weird now.My best friend thinks i should try to keep dating him for a bit but im really not attracted to him like i was before. We're not broken up yet but im considering it kinda. AITA?"
Of course, feminists will continue to mock men for not showing their emotions

Meme - "It's so attractive when a guy isn't afraid to open up and be emotional. Takes maturity to do this though (imo)"
"The last time a guy cried over me I literally had to force myself to think sad thoughts to stop myself from laughing in his face."
What women say they want, what women think they want and what women really want aren't always the same. Alternatively this can be seen as a test to dupe weak men, just like feminism (since even feminist women prefer sexist men)

‘Ruined’ lives: Mediated white male victimhood - "When the hashtag #metoo began to circulate in digital and social media, it challenged a familiar interpretation of those who are raped or sexually harassed as victims, positioning women as embodied agents. Yet, almost exactly a year after the #metoo movement shot to visible prominence, a different, though eerily similar, story began to circulate on the same multi-media platforms as #metoo: a story about white male victimhood. Powerful men in positions of privilege (almost always white) began to take up the mantle of victimhood as their own, often claiming to be victims of false accusations of sexual harassment and assault by women. Through the analysis of five public statements by highly visible, powerful men who have been accused of sexual violence, I argue that the discourse of victimhood is appropriated not by those who have historically suffered but by those in positions of patriarchal power. Almost all of the statements contain some sentiment about how the accusation (occasionally acknowledging the actual violence) ‘ruined their life’, and all of the statements analyzed here center the author, the accused white man, as the key subject in peril and the authors position themselves as truth-tellers about the incidents. These statements underscore certain shifts in the public perception of sexual violence; the very success of the #metoo movement in shifting the narrative has meant that men have had to defend themselves more explicitly in public. In order to wrestle back a hegemonic gender stability, these men take on the mantle of victimhood themselves."
Great logic. White men cannot be victims because historically "white men" were not victims

"I need feminism because No means No, but sometimes Yes doesn't mean Yes." /r/TumblrinAction takes a light-hearted stab at meaningful/drunk consent : SubredditDrama
"I need feminism because I have no agency and don't want to take responsibility for my life choices" Allie Beth Stuckey on Twitter - "I’m just confused by the women who confidently assert men/the patriarchy have held them back. How? All the people who have given me opportunities & pushed me forward in my career have been men. The most “repression” I’ve suffered has been at the hands of gossipy, petty women."

Princess Power: Longitudinal Associations Between Engagement With Princess Culture in Preschool and Gender Stereotypical Behavior, Body Esteem, and Hegemonic Masculinity in Early Adolescence - "Princess culture is criticized for contributing to gender stereotypes and poor body esteem, however, there is little longitudinal research examining these claims. This study examines associations between engagement with princess culture during early childhood and gender stereotypes, body esteem, and adherence to hegemonic masculinity in early adolescence. Participants included 307 children (51% female, Mage = 4.83 years, 87% White) who completed questionnaires at two time points, 5 years apart. The results indicated that early engagement with princess culture was not associated with later adherence to female gender stereotypes. However, princess engagement was associated with lower adherence to norms of hegemonic masculinity and higher body esteem. Socioeconomic status and gender moderated the results. Effect sizes were small to moderate. The changing nature of Disney princesses is discussed in the context of gender development across childhood."
Another feminist myth destroyed.
Some feminists might claim that modern princesses are different but older ones are "harmful", but even though modern Disney has overhauled their message, they still are not (yet) glorifying obesity. So the fact that body esteem increases with engagement is telling. Furthermore, they did ask about kids' favourite princess, and 5 trained coders assessed princesses' femininity. High femininity princesses included Snow White, Aurora and Cinderella. Low femininity princesses included Merida, Elsa and Moana. Yet, favourite princess was not related to female gender stereotypical behavior, body esteem, attitudes to women or masculine ideology.

The army says you should die for them. Women say you should look after them. People tell men: "Do what's right" People tell women: "Do what's right for you" If you're a man, you need to learn to be selfish and look out for yourself. Put yourself first. Let them cry. : LifeMathMoney

Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men - "Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.  Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men — the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall — in addition to being better for a man’s health by more effectively emptying one’s bladder...   A representative from the party said he hopes to move toward sitting only bathrooms."

Commentary: Is drinking the problem in cases of sexual assault? - "There is indeed a plethora of evidence showing that alcohol often leads to bad decisions and actions. But we don’t typically use alcohol to excuse perpetrators of any other crime. When a drunk driver crashes his car, nobody balks at penalising him for his decision to drink and drive."
/Ironic. If someone said a drunk woman who got "raped" was responsible, good luck to him...

Facebook - "When a man drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of himself posted online, we place the fault on him for getting drunk. When a man drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of himself posted online, and gets robbed, we place the fault on him for getting drunk, AND on the robber for robbing him. When a man drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of himself posted online, and gets robbed, and gets beaten badly, we place the fault on him for getting drunk, AND on the robber for robbing him AND on the person who beat him up. Now flip the gender. When a woman drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of herself posted online, we place the fault on her for getting drunk. When a woman drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of herself posted online, and gets robbed, we place the fault on her for getting drunk, AND on the robber for robbing her. Yet... When a woman drinks excessively and gets embarrassing photos of herself posted online, and gets robbed, and gets raped, she is suddenly absolutely free from blame? Doesn't compute. Sympathy for the victim, and need for punishment for the rapist, doesn't mean the victim gets complete freedom from taking personal responsibility for making bad decisions."
No one thinks women are as helpless and have as little agency as feminists

Meme - "Look at how Feminism has 'helped' women turn from classy, intelligent, strong women, into braindead, aggressive, misandrists. Replacing dignity with depravity., Education for ignorance, Self respect for self loathing. Feminism destroys women."

Where have all the good men gone? - "I'm not going to cook or make sandwiches"
"I don't want kids and I won't do any chores"
"I won't hang out with your jerk friends"
"I'm not going to try to match society's sexist beauty standards"
"Where have all the good men gone?"

Meme - New York Times Books: "Valerie Solanas is best known as the woman who shot Andy Warhol. But to focus on the shooting is to ignore her contributions to the feminist movement, including her seminal text, "SCUM Manifesto."
Overlooked No More: Valerie Solanas, Radical Feminist Who Shot Andy Warhol
She made daring arguments in "SCUM Manifesto," her case for a world without men. But her legacy as a writer and thinker was overshadowed by one violent act."
"Fidel Castro is best know as a brutal dictator who murdered 11,000 Cubans. But to focus on the murders is to ignore his contributions to the education policies, including his seminal “massive literacy program.”"

I Am a Grooming Gang Survivor: My Story - YouTube
"Video is demonetised, the survivor's account is suspended due to mass reporting by the woke left. Think about what that means.‬"
Feminists only care about sexual assault when it can be ued to shit on men (as a whole)

Colleges, universities seem to hate men. Can Title IX complaints fix? - "Higher education has a gender problem: With a surplus of women and a shortage of male students, colleges are becoming more and more gender unbalanced. The more farsighted among university administrators are starting to worry that this will turn universities into a pink-collar ghetto, places that the public thinks of as finishing schools for girls rather than gateways to middle-class stability.  Part of the problem, of course, is that our K-12 system, staffed overwhelmingly by women whom research shows tend to favor girls, leaves a lot of boys demoralized and uninterested in further education. But another big part of the problem is that college has become an anti-male space.  At today’s universities, masculinity is almost never discussed except in negative terms, usually with the word “toxic” attached. When girls and women are discussed, the question is always about how to help them do better. When boys and men are mentioned, it’s almost always as some sort of a problem. The anti-sex-discrimination education law, Title IX, is supposed to promote sexual equality, but in fact it has been turned into a club with which to beat male students. Universities treat accusations of sexual misconduct against male students (disproportionately, though they don’t like to admit it, minority male students) as presumptively true. The accuser is given all sorts of help and deference, the accused is treated as a criminal from day one, and often not allowed to call witnesses, cross examine his accuser, or otherwise enjoy the sort of due process that, say, a university administrator would demand if accused of a crime. (For instance, Yale student Saifullah Khan was acquitted of rape, based on hard evidence, but still expelled by Yale.) Now people are starting to fight back... Cornell has immense resources dedicated to female students, ranging from a Women’s Health Center (but nothing for men), a Women’s Resource Center (but no Men’s Center) and a total of 390 scholarships available only to women, with no scholarships dedicated to men... Pekgoz has also filed a complaint against Harvard University, based on its partnership with the American Psychological Association, which recently issued guidelines calling “traditional masculinity” harmful. And Harvard is also being sued for discrimination by fraternities and sororities over its ban on single-sex organizations... The irony is that these complaints and lawsuits might have the effect of saving higher education from itself. If college stops being an anti-male space, perhaps more men will want to attend, and save higher education from its ongoing self-marginalization."

Jessica Ellis on Twitter - "Teen stabbed with scissors after pulling student's dress up at Memphis school, police say"
"That's a weird way to say "Sexual assault victim uses self-defense to escape her attacker"
Looks like feminists don't believe in the principle of proportionality
Comment (elsewhere): "Someone flips a girls dress. Most likely as a prank. Retarded simps in the comments freak out and claim it's sexual assault. Jesus Christ the smoothbrains. This shit is on the level of pantsing someone. Its not like he groped her and rubbed up against her. These dumbasses are acting like they've never been to high school before. For fucks sake I've seen women do this to other women back in high school. The absolute state of the neets in this group."

Feminism's Dependency Trap - "The unintended and painful irony of recent feminism’s preoccupation with overcoming male oppression has been to place men at the centre of female identity...   We hear a lot about “male privilege” but historically it has been the “privilege” of men to make their way in the hard world in order to first win a woman’s affections, and then support the family structure financially. We might call this “patriarchy,” but this term isn’t the synonym for misogyny that contemporary progressive political culture seems to think it is. (One has to appreciate the misplaced sincerity of many of my university students who roundly condemn The Patriarchy, while driving their father’s Toyota to campus every day, and using his savings to pay for their tuition. Not infrequently it occurs to me that the people who are most vocal against The Patriarchy are those who have benefited from it the most.)   A further concern I have with the message and tone of contemporary feminism is that women have evidently forgotten that we have power over men as a result of the fact that we’re women—men adore us, and almost all their efforts at work or at home or in social settings, are made to win our approval, if not our admiration. In short, I am bewildered by the fact that in a culture in which The Patriarchy has never had less power over women, women seem to want to attribute to it a greater power than men in fact have, thereby confining women to a position of victimhood and powerlessness.   Victim status holds its own form of power, of course, but this nurtures resentment which is always utterly joyless. Curiously, mainstream feminism seems designed to perpetuate the story of male power and oppression: feminists seem to need it as an antagonist against which to define themselves...   I take a particularly keen interest in telling an alternative story of women because I see my university students anxious and angry about female identity generally. And, as a single mother to two young daughters, I have my own personal stake in the game. Questioning a culture that seems to tacitly naturalize female weakness is more than an academic concern for me... We’re teaching young women to embrace resentment dressed up as liberation and agency. This is a counsel of despair... we need men in order to prove to ourselves that we don’t. I don’t need to sleep with a stuffed animal at night, but were I to insist on mentioning this at every opportunity, it would become abundantly clear that the idea dominated me...   If feminism is, in part, about women being seen as independent and free sexual agents—adults, in other words—then why is it so frightening to them when a man treats them as just that? If women want to be seen as sexual free agents then we should stop acting like scared and helpless children when men treat us as such."

Dave Vescio on Twitter - "Why does every woman know another woman that was raped but no man knows a rapist?"
Responses (elsewhere): "Because we don't hang out with rapist 🤷"
"I dunno. Maybe I don’t hang out with scumbags?"
"Obv bc men arent going to fucking out themselves as rapists like what"
"Why does every guy know a crazy girl, but no girl knows a crazy girl?"

Feminism and mate preference: A study on relational cognitive dissonance - "Evolution proposes differences in mate preferences between the two sexes. Females prefer mates who can invest in them and their offspring. In the contemporary era, gender ideologies are not always in line with these premises, but desires still could be. The conflict between ideology and desire could trigger cognitive dissonance in contemporary feminist women. We recruited 246 women online to investigate the occurrence of dissonance based on feminist attitudes, and whether dissonance reduction strategies (i.e., behavior change, cognition change) differed based on their preference for consistency. Results showed that highly feminist women who desire sexist men experienced more cognitive dissonance (operationalized as negative affect) than women lower in feminist attitudes. Preference for consistency moderated cognitive dissonance's association with behavior, but not cognition change."

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