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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Links - 14th October 2021 (2) (General Wokeness)

White Folks “Laugh” Reacting to Black Trauma on Facebook Makes Me Hostile
So much for "white fragility"

Rivqa Rafael on Twitter - "Many of us with "unpronounceable" names can tell when people are trying their best and can't quite manage it, and when they're enacting violence with their words. It's beyond carelessness or rudeness. It's violence."

Biden's inauguration is helping people sleep

Meme - "Cary Bueno, Ph.D @CarycruzBueno Disappointed @airBnb doesn't understand the trauma of TRUMP signs on a @airbnb rental causes Black person
My husband rented a place in Maine and when we arrived in the evening we saw Trump yard signs and other white nationalist symbols. I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety
We left and @Airbnb says they cant do anything. Prime example how white companies make a BLM statement but when Black person tells them they didnt feet safe they do nothing"
Comment: "Not often you get an adult admitting a fear of lawn signs. Even rarer they would admit that online. But that's a liberal for you."

Rashida Tlaib: "Freedom of Speech Doesn't Exist for Muslim Women in Congress" - "Representative Ilhan Omar has a familiar playbook whenever she “says something incendiary and/or idiotic.” It mainly involves smearing her critics and claiming to be the victim of efforts to silence her. Rep. Rashida Tlaib is now picking up the baton after House leadership was finally forced to criticize Omar for her conflation of the U.S., Israel, Hamas, and the Taliban...
'Freedom of speech doesn't exist for Muslim women in Congress. The benefit of the doubt doesn't exist for Muslim women in Congress. House Democratic leadership should be ashamed of its relentless, exclusive tone policing of Congresswomen of color.'
This, of course, is absurd. Omar and Tlaib are free to say whatever they want to and they take advantage of that right frequently. As Israeli civilians were under fire from thousands of rockets recently, the two congresswomen spent weeks parroting out Hamas talking points without consequence. But freedom of speech also means that other people have the freedom to criticize them when they say dumb things. What’s more, statements by Omar and Tlaib have gotten amplified more than those by typical junior members of Congress."
So much for "accountability culture" - that's not for liberals
Comments (elsewhere): "Her and Omar are playing the victims exactly the same way the palpatinians pretend to be the victims when they attack Israel Cope"
"For someone for whom freedom of speech doesn’t exist, she speaks a lot!"
"She supports genocidal chants like "from the river to the sea" and is upset when people call her out on it. When people like her say that they are just "anti-Zionist" while alluding to the genocide of the Jewish people, they can be trusted about as much as the people who claim to be "anti-racist" while weaponizing the immigration system and other systems of government to intentionally marginalize White people."
"The left uses Islamophobia as a boogeyman In the exact same way they claim the right uses anti white racism"

Meme - Myra Alice Weisselstein: Brutal truth relationship advice: "seriously need some advice. I've been dating this really cute and awesome guy for the last few months but, unfortunately he regularly steals from me, like takes money out of my purse without asking, I also saw him swipe the 8 dollar tip I left a waitress when we were leaving a restaurant (I paid), anyway I've tried to talk about it but he just accuses me of being racist. to clarify he is African American and I am Jewish, but I truly care for him and I'm so hurt that he would think I am racist. To make matters worse, after he called me racist the last time this happened. I was super upset and I blurted out something about how everyone that's ever stolen from me has been the same race as he is. I feel horrible for saying that, it is true but the guilt is killing me because I know I have a lot of internalized racism still. I know that he and the other POC who have stolen from me are doing so because of socio economic reasons and systematic oppression, I am as much to blame as they are. How can I address the stealing issue while remaining racially sensitive? So far I've lost over 100 in cash, plus a stolen credit card (although he did put it back after using it for gas), the tip, and my change jar. Leaving him is not an option so if that's your suggestion please save your breath. But I'd really appreciate some sensitive and situation conscious advice especially from my female friends who have dated POC."

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "The most incredible part about Leftism is that when its consequences become clear, Leftists immediately blame the thing they oppose. So, for example, when developers stop building as much thanks to endless eviction moratoria, Leftists will blame capitalism."

Meme - "A tale of two millennials
I am 25 yrs. with a fine arts degree. No job, no insurance, on foodstamps and $20,000 in college debt. I am the 99%
I am 25yrs with a Trade Degree. Great paying job, great insurance, I pay your foodstamps. $0 college debt making $100k+ year. I am the 1%"

Meme - Ghosty: "l once drew a self portrait and posted it and it got 'corrected' by someone. They literally made the drawing of myself morbidly obese and made me black (I'm olive skinned). She also got rid of my Maori tattoos because 'cultural appropriation' but I'm actually Maori. She told me to not be afraid of drawing obese people and to stop being racist. I left the community that day. EDIT: Thank you all for your kind words. I haven't seen them all until now because YouTube notifs are weird. Here to clear some things up. This was back on 2015 Tumblr so in hindsight, this behaviour is not surprising. It also wasn't Zeena- the 'artist' was some random sjw art blog with followers who was known to 'fix' art for smaller artists."

Meme - "Why don't you want to join us??? w-we're fighting for you, t-the working class!!!"
"You're a college student studying journalism"

Meme - 2007: "That's racist!" "Oh, I'm sorry!"
2014: "That's racist!" "No it's not."
2021: "That's racist!" "I don't care."
2028: "That's racist!" "Thanks for noticing!"
Only thing missing: depicting how as the left devalue terms, they keep looking for new and ever more extreme ones

CUNY professors quit union in protest over anti-Israel screed - "At least 50 CUNY professors have resigned in protest from their faculty union after it passed a one-sided resolution condemning Israel for recent attacks on Palestinians and threatening to support the movement to boycott and divest from the Jewish state... The controversial resolution approved by delegates of the union, the Professional Staff Congress, outraged many professors — some of whom are descendants of Holocaust victims and have relatives in Israel.  “With the PSC CUNY resolution you have chosen to support a terrorist organization, Hamas, whose goal (`From the River to the Sea’) is to destroy the state of Israel and kill all my relatives who live there,” seethed Professor Yedidyah Langsam, chairman of Brooklyn’s College’s Computer and Information Science Department and its faculty council, in a letter of resignation to PSC President James Davis... “Your unbalanced motion fails to address the over 4000 rockets fired from Gaza into residential areas.  “You fail to address the apartheid behavior of the Palestinian government (not a single Jew is permitted to be in Gaza) while neglecting to mention that Palestinians are members of the Israeli Knesset and are now part of the ruling coalition.  “You equate the careful bombing by the Israeli Air Force in order to minimize any collateral damage with the actions of the Palestinians who use their own civilian women and children, hospitals, and schools as shields for their launching sites.  “By endorsing this resolution you have made many Jewish faculty and students uncomfortable with being associated with Brooklyn College and CUNY to the point of fearing for our safety. Have you and your colleagues forgotten the exponential increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Jews in the NY City area?”...   The growing exodus will hurt the union’s pocketbook. A professor whose gross pay is $100,000 kicks in $1,050 a year to the PSC, or 1.05 percent of salary."
The left only cares about the "safety" of Jews when they can use it to shit on white people

Portland professor slams university as 'social justice factory' - "A Portland State University professor resigned from his position in a searing open letter Wednesday — blasting the school as a “Social Justice factory” where students are “not being taught to think.”  Peter Boghossian, who taught philosophy at PSU for the past decade, accused the university of kowtowing to woke politics.  “Students at Portland State are not being taught to think. Rather, they are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues”... “Faculty and administrators have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. This has created a culture of offense where students are now afraid to speak openly and honestly.”  The former assistant professor of philosophy said the institution’s left-leaning identity politics has made “intellectual exploration impossible.”  “It has transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a Social Justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender, and victimhood and whose only outputs were grievance and division”...   When he tried to speak out against harmful “illiberalism,” Boghossian claimed he faced intense reprisal.... He alleged he was subject to harassment and false accusations for years — including finding swastikas in the bathroom with his name underneath, having a bag of feces delivered to his office door, and being spat on and threatened when walking to class.Meanwhile, Boghossian said the university remained silent.“When it acted, it was against me, not the perpetrators”"

Student body president of Virginia Commonwealth University has history of violent extremist, racist online posts | The Post Millennial - "A far-left extremist using an online moniker to advocate for targeted killings of law enforcement has been revealed to be the student body president of Virginia Commonwealth University. 20-year-old Taylor Marie Maloney, from Charleston, SC, was championed earlier this month by the ACLU of Virginia for being the "first openly transgender and non-binary person" elected to the position. But social media posts written by the communist activist have since surfaced showing their advocacy for killing cops, rioting, looting, vandalism and hatred of white people... In July 2020, Maloney was arrested at a Black Lives Matter-Antifa riot in Richmond where militants started fires, smashed windows and assaulted responding police officers with rocks. Maloney was arrested alongside communist activist Madeleine "Molly" Conger. However, both their cases were not pursued by the prosecutor."

Matthew Lau: More equal? Or equally poor? - "In last week’s federal budget, the Liberals outlined their ambitions for a “more equal” society. Conservative MP Rachael Harder, displaying more economic perspicacity than is typical of politicians, suggested that, with their unrelenting spending of other people’s money, the Liberals would only make society “more equally poor.”... According to Stanford University historian Walter Scheidel, there are four things that reliably reduce economic inequality: deadly plagues, violent revolutions, existential wars, and state collapse. As Scheidel therefore warned in his 2017 book, The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century, those “who prize greater economic equality would do well to remember that with the rarest of exceptions, it was only ever brought forth in sorrow.”... while afflicting the wealthy is easy, government efforts to redistribute to the poor often go amiss. When some people are given the legal right to spend other people’s money, the beneficiaries of this arrangement are more than likely to be people with political power. This does not increase equality: the politically powerful tend not to be economically or otherwise disadvantaged. As a result, governments are predisposed to redistribute to people who are not poor. That is “Director’s Law of public income redistribution.” Named after its author, Aaron Director, brother of Rose Friedman, Milton’s wife, Director’s Law was most clearly explained over 50 years ago in an article in The Journal of Law and Economics by 1982 economics Nobelist George Stigler. It remains a longstanding indictment of the myth that bigger government helps the poor. The Liberal budget contains several illustrations of Director’s Law. For example, in the name of increasing equality, the government will provide “affordable financing” to women, Black, and Indigenous entrepreneurs, as well as entrepreneurs from other “equity-deserving” groups. Government procurement processes will also be changed to award more contracts to businesses owned by those same “equity-deserving” groups. There is, of course, a troubling implication here: that Canadians who do not make the list of equity-deserving groups are not deserving of equity.  Another problem with these policies is that they would not actually help disadvantaged individuals. Black and Indigenous people, among other demographics, may on average be relatively economically disadvantaged, but those among them who own businesses that can secure government funds and contracts by demonstrating to officials that they are “equity-deserving” are unlikely to be poor. The effect of these policies, therefore, would be to transfer income to people who share characteristics with other people who might be poor, but who are actually not themselves poor. Meanwhile, some of the people from whom that income is transferred could actually be poor — or at least quite a bit poorer than the “equity-deserving” people their income is being transferred to. The Liberal equality plan also intends to benefit members of the public service workforce, an often-tenured demographic not generally known for experiencing widespread poverty or oppression. Nevertheless, the Liberals affirm that many civil servants are in fact oppressed — namely, women and other “underrepresented” groups. Thus they are committed to increasing diversity in government employment by hiring more of these supposedly underrepresented people. But women already outnumber men among public-sector workers by a ratio of 1.7 to 1, so here the Liberals are again redistributing economic benefits to people who do not appear to be in any great need of them. In addition to the equality initiatives, other aspects of the Liberal budget — such as increased spending on climate change — will also deliver disproportionate economic benefits to relatively well-to-do bureaucrats and rent-seekers at the expense of ordinary Canadians"

Five-year-old autistic boy ‘registered as sex offender’ for hugging one classmate and kissing another on the cheek - "A FIVE-YEAR-OLD autistic boy has been branded a "sex offender" for hugging a classmate and kissing another on the cheek.  Nathan's devastated family say a teacher accused him of "sexual activities" at East Ridge Elementary in Tennessee. They claim they were told Nathan has been "labelled a sex predator" and will have it on his record forever.  His guardian, Summery Putnam, said she received a call from the school near the start of September that made her "sick to her stomach"."

Meme - "If you ever feel stupid remember that Crayola had to explain what negro means"
Crayola: "Thanks for sharing your concerns! The word negro appears along with the words black and noir because it is the literal Spanish translation of the word black, just as noir is the word for black in French."
"The people at @Crayola have explaining 2 do"
"Could you please remove the label "negro" from your black crayon? No disrespect to anyone's language, but this has been highly offensive to me, as a child, and 30 plus, odd years later, I'm able to let you, and anyone, that may see this know...it's about that time"
"Why not use the word "oscuro" for the spanish term meaning dark in English. Sounds way more nicer than Negro join the #BLM movement?"
Of course, if you say "dark" is the same as "black", other SJWs will bitch

Students want prof fired for allegedly falling asleep during anti-racism zoom call - "Students are calling for a New York professor to be fired for allegedly falling asleep during an “anti-racist” meeting held on Zoom.  Marymount Manhattan student Caitlin Gagnon started a petition calling for the removal of Theater Arts Associate Professor Patricia Simon after she allegedly fell asleep during a town hall held to discuss the adoption of an “anti-racist” framework.  The petition has so far racked up close to 2,000 signatures calling for Simon to be fired... The petition alleges that Simon’s alleged nap “only capitalized on a pattern of negligence and disrespect,” and that she “has a history of ignoring instances of racism in the form of racial profiling within the program, and enabling the racist and sizeist actions and words of the vocal coaches under her jurisdiction.” But  Simon told Campus Reform that she didn’t even fall asleep"
The Red Guard are mobilised
"Napping while white is the new napping while black"

G. K. Chesterton on Twitter - "We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green."

Meme - "White people have never been oppressed."
"What about the Holocaust?"
"Jews aren't white!"
"If Jews aren't white, that means there's more non-white billionaires, then white ones. Which also means they are overrepresented in media, entertainment, law, business and positions of power."
"... and as you've said, only people with systemic power can be racist, which means white people can't be racist."
*Blue Screen*

Meme - "Yes. The K-word is stronger than the n-word, at least currently. Misogyny and patriarchy has been around longer than slavery. Just don't use either, ok? dear millenials: Stop saying Karen
Karen is a sexist and racist term equivalent to the n-word for white women. Calling a woman Karen is an attempt to get rid of women's right to stand up for themselves."
Intersectionality doesn't always work. Because white people are still despised, after all. Maybe it would've worked better without mention of race

Meme - Salon: "White America Must Answer for the Charleston Church Massacre"
Salon: "Muslims Don't Need to Apologize for the Tsarnaevs"
Zeba Blay: "We Created Dylann Roof"
Zeba Blay: "The Virginia Shooting Has Nothing to Do With #Black LivesMatter"
"Why We Need to Hold Young Men Accountable for Their Sexist Outbursts" - Clementine Ford
"Why Some People's Outrage Over the Cologne Attacks Is Racist" - Clementine Ford
David Marcus: "Any Person Can Be Criticized but Criticizing a Race, Creed or Religious Group en Masse Is Completely Irrational"
David Marcus: "My First Report From the Ground in New Hampshire It Has Local Color. That Color Is White"
Yak: "Using a Terrorist Attack to Further Your Opinion on Political Issues Is Pretty Fucked Up
I'm Getting Downvotes for This Shit? Are You Kidding Me?!?"
"Yeah Like the Democratic Party Did With the Sandy Hook and Charleston Shootings Right?"
Menachem Rosensaft: "White Nationalism: a Scourge That Won't Go Away
Menachem Rosensaft: "Israel's Jewish Essence Is Non-Negotiable: a Response to Mahmoud Abbas"
Jill Filipovic: "Just Got Accosted by Street-Evangelizing Christians WTF? I Live in NY Specifically to Avoid That Shit"
Jill Filipovic: "How Strange and Sad It Must Be to Live in Such Fear of People Who Are Different or Who Come From Places You Don't Understand"
"Happy National Genocide (Thanksgiving) Day"
"This Thanksgiving Remember America's Pilgrims Were Refugees Too"
Emma Watson: #Refugeeswelcome
Emma Watson: #Praying for Paris
If not for double standards, liberals wouldn't have any

Carl Benjamin - Posts | Facebook - "I can never forget 9/11 – it was when life as a Muslim changed forever"
"Ah yes, Muslims, the real victims of 9/11."


Meme - "Cishetero white men doing miscegenation or interracial relationships is still colonization and white supremacy. Now, come and kill me, angry mob."
It's now woke to be against inter-racial dating and inter-racial marriage, apparently
From ☭ Red-Green-Brown Blues ☭ @Rgbblues's Twitter profile, this is not satire or a false flag

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