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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Links - 15th August 2021 (2)

Where the STEM Jobs Are (and Where They Aren’t) - The New York Times - "In the decade ending in 2024, 73 percent of STEM job growth will be in computer occupations, but only 3 percent will be in the physical sciences and 3 percent in the life sciences. A working grasp of the principles of science and math should be essential knowledge for all Americans, said Michael S. Teitelbaum, an expert on science education and policy. But he believes that STEM advocates, often executives and lobbyists for technology companies, do a disservice when they raise the alarm that America is facing a worrying shortfall of STEM workers, based on shortages in a relative handful of fast-growing fields like data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and computer security... Unemployment rates for STEM majors may be low, but not all of those with undergraduate degrees end up in their field of study — only 13 percent in life sciences and 17 percent in physical sciences, according to a 2013 National Science Foundation survey. Computer science is the only STEM field where more than half of graduates are employed in their field."
Yet people want to send even more students to do STEM, imagining that this will be a silver bullet

'Dune' Adaptation Accused of Erasing Middle Eastern Actors - "Filmmaker Lexi Alexander dryly tweeted: “A film about Middle East culture, shot in the Middle East, without a single Middle Eastern actor in sight. Can’t wait.”'
Dune isn't even set on earth. When you run out of things to complain about, you just invent new ones. So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

Meme - "Journalist Katie:Friendly reminder to you "gamers' out there. #Feminism #Journalism Dear Gamers: You shouldn't be video games. The chemical that your brain produces when you play video games is the same chemical that your brain produces when you commit murder. (Adrenaline). Gaming is literally condoning violence by programming you to be addicted to the high you get from it & eventually you'll end up committing a crime just to be able to feel that high again."

弌果両汁 memes for 中国の青壮年 - Posts | Facebook - "Fuck the Latin alphabet, all my homies use phonetic approximation with Hanzi"

The Icy Village Where You Must Remove Your Appendix - "There’s a settlement in Antarctica with a school, a post office and a huddle of homes. It’s like other sub-zero villages, except for one thing: families must have surgery to move in... Appendix removal is a necessary precaution for the handful of people who stay longer-term because the nearest major hospital is more than 1,000km (625 miles) away, past the tip of King George Island and on the other side of the Southern Ocean’s icy swell. There are only a few doctors on base, and none are specialist surgeons... Getting pregnant is discouraged – at least in the military – because it’d be too risky."

Berlin terror attack: Man shouting "Allahu akbar!" deliberately mows down motorbikers - "Several crashes that brought a motorway in Berlin to a standstill last night may have been a terror attack, prosecutors in Germany suspect.Six people were injured, three of them seriously, when a 30-year-old motorist drove into a number of vehicles along a stretch of the German capital’s motorway in a black Opel Astra.After running over two motorcyclists at roughly 6.35pm local time the attacker stopped his car, got out and shouted "Allahu akbar"... The attacker is believed to be of Iraqi descent and has been named in German media as Sarmad A... there were also indications that the 30-year-old suspect with an Iraqi citizenship had psychological problems."
I thought liberals tell us only white attackers are said to have mental problems
We may never know why he did it

‘Whatever Happened to the Metric System?’ by John Bemelmans Marciano - The New York Times - "In the 1970s, children across America were learning the metric system at school, gas stations were charging by the liter, freeway signs in some states gave distances in kilometers, and American metrication seemed all but inevitable. But Dean Krakel, director of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma, saw things differently: “Metric is definitely Communist,” he solemnly said. “One monetary system, one language, one weight and measurement system, one world — all Communist.” Bob Greene, syndicated columnist and founder of the WAM! (We Ain’t Metric) organization, agreed. It was all an Arab plot “with some Frenchies and Limeys thrown in,” he wrote... Stewart Brand, publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog, advised that the proper response to the meter was to “bitch, boycott and foment,” and New York’s cultural elite danced at the anti-metric “Foot Ball.” Assailed from both right and left, the United States Metric Board gave up the fight and died a quiet death in 1982... the struggle lasted not a decade but centuries. And in what was to me the book’s greatest revelation, the meter — that alleged vehicle of international Communism — turns out to be American through and through.The father of American metrication was none other than Thomas Jefferson, who in the 1780s turned his attention to replacing the menagerie of doubloons, pistoles and Spanish dollars then in use in the states... the United States became the first country to adopt the decimal system for its currency... As France descended into terror and war, the metric system became entangled in a worldwide struggle over its legacy. To its supporters it stood for reason and democracy; to its detractors, godlessness and the guillotine. It was not until the aftermath of World War II, when new global institutions were established and a host of new nations adopted the meter, that its place as the near-universal measure was secured. In America, however, repeated efforts at metrication, from Jefferson to Jimmy Carter, were scuttled by a formidable combination of hostility and indifference. According to Marciano the debate is now over, since the digital revolution has made conversion instantaneous and a change of system pointless. Still, as his book beautifully shows, clashes over the meter were more often about ideology, not utility"    

Virginia Kindergarteners Will Learn About Slavery Along With Alphabet, Thanks To Curriculum Designed With SPLC - "Virginia kindergarteners and elementary school students in the wealthiest part of the country will be taught about “social justice” alongside their usual curriculum of reading, writing, and basic math starting this upcoming school year.A copy of the new curriculum, obtained by The Washington Free Beacon, will teach children as young as 5 about institutional racism. The curriculum was developed in part by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Teaching Tolerance. The SPLC has a long history of branding non-bigoted groups as hateful based on ideological differences. The organization is also currently grappling with allegations of racism and sexism, which resulted in two of its top leader leaving the center last year... The curriculum also appears designed to turn young children into activists at an early age.“Students should study examples of role models from the past and present, and ask themselves, ‘how can I make a difference?'”...
'A longtime elementary school teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, said that the school system had always taught students about the reality of slavery—lessons that typically begin in the fourth grade. She said the administrative focus to push racial politics on students who do not yet know how to read is motivated by politics, rather than education.'... “What they’re really trying to do is divide people as early as they can, starting now with kindergarteners. They’re really going to be inciting hate,” the teacher said of the new social-justice curriculum. “They’re pointing out that there’s ‘whiteness’ and ‘blackness’ and that’s crazy. We never taught about that in school…. We learn about how to get along with one another and be kind and respect others. But now, with this new curriculum that they’re adding, it’s going to do the total opposite.”"        

Jeremy Roenick Sues NBC Sports, Claims He Was Fired For Being Straight, Supporting Donald Trump - "Roenick alleges that his comments were used as cover and that NBC News really fired him for being a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, according to Fox News. The lawsuit suggests that other NBC commentators have made similar, lewd jokes about coworkers and received a pass from network management.  “The lawsuit says that while Roenick was fired for his comments about Tappen, the network responded differently after NBC figure skating commentators Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir made a comedy promo for the network’s streaming service that referred to a vulgar term for the vagina and other sexual remarks along with footage of Olympic figure skater Bradie Tennell,” Fox reports. He alleges that Lipinksi and Weir frequently made sexually tinged comments about figure skaters when they were covering high profile sporting events for the network but that Weir’s comments were brushed off because he is gay.  Specifically, the lawsuit claims that when Roenick confronted NBC supervisor Sam Flood, that Flood excused Weir’s behavior because he is “gay and can say whatever.” Roenick also says he was denied the opportunity to speak at the 2016 Republican National Convention in support of now-President Donald Trump because NBC frowned on Trump supporters."            

Cafe Owner With History Of Helping Those In Need Now Facing Backlash Just Because He Voted For Trump - "In yet another story highlighting just how intolerant progressives can be, a man who owns and operates a café that hosts drag queens and features Black Lives Matters signs is facing a backlash for saying on MSNBC that he voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 and would do so again.The New York Times published the article, titled, “The Cafe Has Black Lives Matter Signs. The Owner Voted for Trump.” The article outlines throughout all the liberal and good things the owner, Thomas Bosco, has done for the community, yet none of that matters because of who he voted for in 2016"

Facebook - "Yeah so there's a part in Last of us 2 where the directors self-inserted character fucks another man (trans main character in second half of the game) in the ass and it's super graphic lmao"

Sailors told to stop using male-themed Navy terms like 'unmanned' and 'man power' - "The Royal Navy is to ban the use of 'unmanned' and 'manpower' in a bid to fight fears of sexism. First Sea Lord Tony Radakin has called for the changes to be rolled out to avoid female recruits feeling excluded."
If they're turned off by "seaman" how can they withstand the rigor of the armed forces?

Female soldier says she can “whoop any Marine” in Iraq, gets knocked out - "A confident female Soldier who thought she could “whoop any Marine” at her Forward Operating Base in Iraq was given a lesson in what a real boxing match looks like- and was a sore loser afterward.A video shows the female Soldier -who allegedly said she could beat any Marine at the Iraq-based FOB- square up against a male US Marine, who seemed more than comfortable taking her on... In the end, the Soldier was soundly defeated but displayed poor sportsmanship by refusing to shake the Marine’s hand."
Violence against women!

I'm Literally the Guy in the Pic | Know Your Meme - "I'm Literally the Guy in the Pic, also known as Why Can't I Find a Guy Like This?, is a series of photoshopped tweets based off a Twitter exchange between users @reganslatic and @McCartyConnor, in which the latter claims to be a person seen in a photograph posted with the message "Why can't I find a guy like this ugh." On December 21st, 2014, Twitter user @reganslatic tweeted "Why can't I find a guy like this ugh" followed by a photo of a young man with hearts photoshopped by his head. On September 6th, 2016, Twitter user @McCartyConnor[3] replied to the tweet with "hey," @reganslatic replied with "no" and @McCartyConnor responded, "I'm literally the guy in the pic""

Canadian traces origin of AIDS to starving First World War soldier who hunted chimpanzees - "A Canadian professor who has been studying the origin of HIV for decades says he has identified a new “Patient Zero” — a starving First World War soldier stationed in Cameroon who was forced to hunt apes to survive... “My hypothesis is that one of the soldiers got infected while hunting in the forest. A chimpanzee was killed and when cutting the animal to bring it back, there was an injury which got infected with the virus. Eventually, the soldier, after the war, came back all the way to Léopoldville and probably started the very first train of transmission in Léopoldville itself.”... Pepin estimated that HIV initially spread slowly in the city, primarily due to hospitals reusing dirty needles because of shortages, with only about 500 infections by the early 1950s.However, in the 1960s, the population of Léopoldville grew rapidly, the sex trade boomed, and the virus thrived... The virus eventually spread to Haiti, and from there was exported to the United States, and eventually to Western Europe"

Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, And Hollywood Thinks He's Part Of The Resistance | The Babylon Bee

Romans Used to Ward Off Sickness With Flying Penis Amulets - "today, fascina live on in the English language, in the word “fascinate.” If you’re fascinated with something, in other words, you might just be thinking that it looks like a penis"

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