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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Links - 14th August 2021 (3)

WATCH: Tucker Carlson slams hypocrite Eric Swalwell - "Eric Swalwell, who has a seat on the House Intelligence Committee and currently represents California's 15th congressional district, is alleged to have had sexual relations with a Chinese intelligence operative, named Christine Fang... Swalwell, who has recurrently accused President Donald Trump of having been involved with Russian interference in United States government, has found himself the center of another scandal involving a hostile foreign power... The Chinese operative, Christine Fang, allegedly targeted prominent politicians in the California region as a part of a "honeytrap" scheme—enticing high-profile targets with the offer of sexual favors... The irony is that Swalwell was one of those who accused General Michael Flynn of having been entrapped in a "honeypot" scheme regarding an alleged Russian agent. Flynn has been exonerated, and the alleged "honeypot," a graduate student in England at the time, has maintained her innocence from the very start."

Caleb Hull (I'm With the CCP Don't Ban Me) on Twitter - "Chinese spies while the entire Democrat Party freaks out over Russian memes"

Ari Fleischer on Twitter - "Bias is often found in stories the press does NOT cover. Another day another lack of the NYT telling its readers about a D Congressman, who sits on the Intelligence Committee, who briefly ran for POTUS, who was caught in a prior relationship w a Chinese spy. But it’s not news"

NYT has not covered the Swalwell Chinese spy honeytrap scandal a single time - "Why is this not "fit to print"?  One reason: Swalwell's a Democrat. Period, end of story."

Chinese spies specifically focus on US politicians like Eric Swalwell: experts - "xperts familiar with Chinese espionage say that the case of Chinese spy Christine Fang is far from being isolated. In fact, that is the common MO of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)... Once a victim is compromised, generally more and more sensitive information is forthcoming in exchange for the silence of the CCP on his or her wrongdoings. Sometimes even girls who are still minors are used for this purpose. "

School Board Won’t Reverse Fourth-Grader’s Suspension for BB Gun Incident During Virtual School - "he allowed a BB gun to briefly appear on his screen during virtual Zoom school"

The Hotdog Laserhouse - "Kaiserneko of Team Four Star once met Jeff Goode, the creator of Jake Long. According to the conversation they had, Disney specifically prepares their creators for the possibility of pornography being drawn of their characters...
'Disney has this weird rule in their artist contracts- everything you create while in their employ is THEIRS. Even in the off time. Its one of the reasons they are reviled in the industry. But the rule was set in place to basically steal good ideas from their staff or force them to ONLY work on Disney ip’s while employed.The jokes on them though. They didn’t count on most artists being giant perverts (this story is also why i laugh when people tell me drawing smut will ‘ruin your art career’)So! Disney being bastards ended up earning them smut of everything they’ve ever created.  And also per their policies they had to keep it. Every artist knew about the smut vault and our buddy here had photocopied a chunk of it. Yes… 2-3 feet of smut was just a chunk of it.'"

Impossible Burger vs. beef: Which is better for the environment? - "There's currently no black-and-white answer to this question, and based on research articles and interviews with experts, it seems like there might not be a real answer for a while."What's better for the environment is such a loaded question because 'environment' doesn't just mean climate change," Dr. Frank Mitloehner, an environmental expert and professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis told CNET. He points out that we also have to think about the impact on air and water quality when evaluating whether plant-based or animal meat is better for the environment.Considering all of the factors, Mitloehner says there's just no simple way to determine whether plant-based foods or animal-sourced foods are objectively better for the environment... One study even suggests that lab-grown meat could actually be worse for the environment over time... every food -- whether sourced from animals or plants -- has a unique impact on the environment, Mitloehner says."If we compare gallon to gallon the consumption of real milk from a cow and almond milk, then the real milk will have a carbon footprint 10 times higher than the almond milk," Mitloehner says. "But the almond milk has 17 times the water footprint -- you need 17 times more water to make the equivalent amount of almond [milk] to real milk."... Mitloehner's biggest piece of advice is to simply plan your meals properly to avoid waste, regardless of whether you eat animal products or not... About 20% of all animal-sourced foods are wasted and about 50% of all plant foods are wasted"

Barbershop owner sues Colorado governor over COVID-19 relief earmarked for minority-owned businesses - "The white owner of a Colorado Springs barbershop sued Gov. Jared Polis on Tuesday over newly-passed coronavirus relief designated for minority-owned small businesses, claiming the relief is unconstitutional.Etienne Hardre, owner of Locals Barbershop, claimed in the lawsuit — which also names the state’s Minority Business Office and its director as defendants — that the $4 million in aid earmarked for businesses that are at least 51% minority-owned is unconstitutional because access to the aid is based entirely on race, and the state failed to show how the aid remedies discrimination or racism. “The Supreme Court has held that if you are going to do race-conscious measures, you are required to specify the past or present discrimination you are remedying,” attorney Michael Kuhn said. “And societal, so-called systemic racism isn’t sufficient.”"
White privilege is getting excluded from programs due to your race

He Designed A Smartwatch App To Help Stop His Dad's PTSD Nightmares - "he put together a team to program a smartwatch to detect the onset of night terrors based on the wearer's heart rate and movement. The idea, Tyler says, was to use technology to imitate something service dogs were already doing — recognizing a traumatic nightmare and then nudging or licking the person to disrupt the bad dream. He thought the smartwatch could do this with a gentle vibration.The tricky part was to provide "just enough stimulus to pull them out of the deep REM cycle and allow the sleep to continue unaffected"... More people will soon be able to benefit from Tyler's invention. An investor purchased the rights to the app and started a company called NightWare.Last month, the Food and Drug Administration approved the app, which works with an Apple Watch, to treat PTSD-related nightmare disorders. It will soon be available by prescription through the VA."

Vice TV host asks Jake Paul 'Was it racist to knock a black man out?' - "Vice TV's Cari Champion and sports commentator Jemele Hill asked YouTuber Jake Paul it it was racist to knock out NBA star Nate Robinson, who is a black man, in their viral boxing match... Reporters Champion and Hill interviewed Paul on Vice TV in a video released December 3rd, pressing the young YouTuber on the racial implications of his knockout victory against the ex-basketball player."
If you refuse to fight a black man, you're racist too. So the only solution is to agree to "fight" him but throw the match

Thread by @QueerlyAutistic on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Honestly, I never even watched Game of Thrones, but I could happily read a thousands books analysing how quickly it just fucking vanished from the cultural zeitgeist after being such a fundamental part of it for a decade, because that shit is SO fascinating to me.
Like, there's 'fucking up the ending' and then there's 'systematically destroying something that was a fundamental part of contemporary popular culture to the point where it ceased to be in any way relevant to popular culture at all'.
I could watch years worth of video essays and read thousands and thousands of papers just exploring how it happened because it only ended a year and a bit ago but it's like GOT never existed in popular culture at all.
'The Art Of Fucking Up More Catastrophically Than Anyone Could Ever Imagine' - I would buy it."

St. Anthony residents receive anonymous letter, shaming them for their Christmas displays - ""We kind of decided because of the letter that it was just finally time to put up our lights," said St. Anthony Village resident Rachel Blodgett.At least four of her neighbors received an anonymous letter shaming them for the Christmas decorations.In the letter, the anonymous sender addresses the Christmas light displays in each yard, stating in part: "The idea of twinkling, colorful lights are a reminder of divisions in our society and systemic biases against neighbors who don't celebrate Christmas, or who can't afford to, during these unprecedented times.""
Harrison Bergeron when?

Ami, the tiny cube on wheels that French 14-year-olds can drive - "Citroën’s ‘urban mobility object’ is classed as a light quadricyle and can be driven without a full licence... It can be recharged from a standard home socket in three hours and, in its basic grey-and-orange edition, costs €6,000 (£5,550) to buy outright, or, with €100 down, €78 a month – roughly what most Parisians pay for an all-zone metro and suburban rail pass... There’s a rudimentary heater, and if the idea of letting a 14-year-old loose on it seems unnerving, Krygier points out that unlike with a scooter – the most likely alternative for many of the Ami’s younger potential customers – you get the stability of four wheels on a proper chassis, and are safely enclosed in a solid tubular steel frame.The Ami hits 45km/h pretty quickly and can go no faster, but in habitually gridlocked Paris – where speed limits vary from 20km/h to a theoretical 50km/h – that is neither necessary nor, most of the time, even possible (the Ami is not allowed on expressways). The brakes are reassuringly efficient, and a standard parking bay fits two Amis."

Meme - "Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe tells white farmers 'to go'"
"Mugabe is asking back the white farmers he chased away"
"Zimbabwe Begs White Farmers To Return As Country Plunges Into Famine"
"Zimbabwe to start paying white farmers compensation after April"

Unmarried Ontario couple had no children and no house but man must still pay support, appeal court rules - "A wealthy businessman will have to pay more than $50,000 a month in spousal support for 10 years to a woman with whom he had a long-term romantic relationship even though they kept separate homes and had no children together... Under Ontario law, an unmarried couple are considered common-law spouses if they have cohabited — lived together in a conjugal relationship — continuously for at least three years. But that doesn’t necessarily mean living in the same home... he insisted she sign a marriage contract and came up with several drafts. She refused. Throughout their relationship, the two kept separate bank accounts and never owned property in common"
Since women go for richer men...

Spirit passenger removed from plane after bizarre tirade - "A passenger was removed from a Spirit flight for being a royal pain — after claiming she is a queen from California during a tirade about white privilege and a trip to the toilet... “Don’t push me,” she says. “Did you see what she did? She put her hands at me. She wants me to go to jail, y’all. See how she’s antagonizing me?”The woman, whose mask hangs below her chin, then tells the crew member that she has “white privilege.”“It’s over with — it’s 2020. Wake up, you got a mask on. So you’re under the government, too. You’re confined and you don’t have white privilege anymore,” she says.“I’m a queen … California,” she continues. “She was from a black queen.”The woman then directs her ire at a fellow passenger, who tells her to just go to the bathroom.“You go to the bathroom!” she responds. “You shut up and stay in your lane! You got nothing to do with this, little girl. I’m not talking to you. Listen to your mama.”She then turns back to the flight attendant.“You don’t run America. You run yourself,” she says."

Can Putting a Frog in Milk Keep It Fresh? - "Of the 76 peptides identified in secretions of common frogs (Rana temporaria), many have antibacterial properties... Preserving food in the pre-refrigeration era was tough. Cellars and salting helped, but even in Russia’s cold climate, fresh milk proved tricky. The longer milk stays unrefrigerated, the more bacteria will grow, making milk sour and sometimes dangerous to drink.

Professional Privilege Checkers Inc. - Posts | Facebook - "Remember in 2015 when we said gay marriage is a slippery slope and now we have pedophilia on Netflix? Better yet remember when we said in the 60s that artificial birth control would be a slippery slope and now we live in the most sexually degenerate society of all time?"

Meme - "I'm a graduate in Medieval Studies, and when I try to explain some myths about it, people look at me as if I was insane. The Enlightenment propaganda is so strong, that telling the truth about Medieval era sounds like a crazy right- wing conspiracy theory.
And this is a serious problem. Many school textbooks, media, etc. promote most of these myths, which are inherently biased and dangerous, because they distort the truth.
The Enlightenment historiography is still the most successful propaganda ever made; it refused to die, because the [anti- Christian] sentiment which these thinkers had promoted seems to be popular ever since.
Demonizing the Other is the best way to begin a fight, because it gives you the feeling of the moral superiority. In our case, this has been done by distorting and misinterpreting historical facts, and inventing myths and false villains and heroes.
This genius propaganda has affected and influenced most of us, therefore it's not surprising how our imagination has been constructed. For example, when we think or talk about [the] historical horrors, the vast majority will think of the those 'dark' Middle Ages.
lronically, we rarely realize that the most morbid and inhumane crimes were committed during the Enlightenment and Modern era. Concentration camps, gulag, genocides, eugenics, racism, reign of terror, totalitarianism, etc. The aforementioned catastrophes are a result of the ideology which promoted the cult of progress, reason and science, which ended becoming the cult of irrationality, regress and crimes.
But of course, rarely will we hear that being denounced, because we still live in that era, where one of the most criminal and bloody act of history [the French Revolution] is presented as 'glorious' and 'good'.
The Enlightenment way of thinking may have 'freed' people of believing in God, but at the very moment when this philosophy rose, ideologies were born.
So, today, many don't believe in religion because they consider it dogmatic, but unconsciously and dogmatically believe in this ideology: Enlightenment.
Full post on my blog... Reading suggestions: The Civilization of the Middle Ages - Norman Cantor Religion and the Rise of Western Culture & Understanding Europe -Christopher Dawson Medieval civilization - Jacques Le Goff The Birth of Europe - Roberto S. Lopez God's Philosophers by @DrJamesHannam"

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