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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Links - 12th August 2021 (2)

Alec Baldwin's wife Hilaria gets exposed for faking Spanish accent, blames media. - "Below is a video of Hilaria on Good Morning America speaking with a Spanish accent… and pretending to not know how to pronounce "cucumber" in English."

Alec Baldwin makes fun of immigrant for calling Hilaria out on accent - "Alec Baldwin mocked a Venezuelan immigrant who called his wife's hypocrisy and fake accent out on Twitter."

Facebook - "The unique thing about America is that no other nation in history is so thoroughly despised by its own elite class."
There's also the UK and Germany

Teaching a 2-year-old to be anti-racist - "My 2-Year-Old Doesn’t Seem to Care About Being Anti-Racist. Have we screwed up somehow?"
The same people complain about religion as child indoctrination and child abuse

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "What if I believe I'm invalid as s person because I am not lgbt+ or poc?"
"Please do not blame minority communities for your suicidal thoughts. When you talk like this, you come across as trying to pass off your privilege as the fault of the oppressed."
"This is the effect wokeism has on vulnerable people.First screenshot: Blue is an autistic white man who has attempted suicide due to being taught he is a monster due to his skin color. Later in the thread, he filmed himself in some kind of meltdown over it, hitting himself in the head. He believes he doesn’t deserve to live.The second screenshot is how an admin responded.When someone is constantly told that they are inherently harmful and oppressive and complicit in horrible things for simply being born, it can warp one’s self-worth. Throw autism into the mix and you’ve got this situation. I truly hope he gets help and reverses the brainwashing."

National child abuse inquiry refused to probe sex-grooming scandals over fears of looking racist - "The national inquiry into child abuse was 'scared of being called racist' and refused to investigate some of Britain's most notorious sex-grooming scandals... Key witnesses were also barred from giving evidence"

Why do liberals have such low expectations for black people like me, asks BIM AFOLAMI MP - "I found myself described as a 'black boy' who, because I went to Oxford (a 'posh uni'), and 'live in an expensive village', was somebody whose 'life bears no bloody resemblance to black kids growing up in the inner city'.My comments on racial issues were dismissed because I lack the 'self-awareness to see he is being used'. I am described as 'a traitor to his race and to his colour' because I am a Conservative MP.You might think that this patronising and racist nonsense might had been written by the English Defence League, or perhaps by fragments of the hard Left. Yet these comments came from a local Liberal Democrat activist in my constituency. According to Facebook, her post was seen by at least half a dozen current or former Lib Dem councillors and candidates in the area, including their Hitchin and Harpenden parliamentary spokesman. None of them objected or criticised what she had to say.And since then, she has been described by the Lib Dem party's parliamentary spokesman as someone who finds 'racism utterly abhorrent in all its forms'. Hmmm.Politicians such as myself have thick skins and we take the rough with the smooth. However, others not in the public eye must also deal with this patronising nonsense disguised as liberalism. Are black men not supposed to be allowed to attend top schools, live in nice villages, or support whatever political party they wish? Or is the only way of being authentically black to live in the 'inner city'?It is such regressive attitudes, notably prevalent among sections of the 'progressive' Left, which is one of the principal racist barriers holding back so many black people in this country. The sad truth is that black people will not be able to fully thrive until conceited liberals of this sort stop trying to keep us in 'our place'... Many on the Left proclaim racial equality in public and virtue-signal for Black Lives Matter, yet actually do not seem to want individual black people to have the right to choose their own destiny.And, of course, when minorities do talk about their experience of racism, they must ensure it fits the agenda of this band of anti-racists. During the summer, we had the shameless spectacle of 32 Labour MPs dismissing Home Secretary Priti Patel's experience of racism as 'gaslighting' – discounting her evidence as manipulative and dishonest. When people of colour do not toe the line the Left wants them to take, they face racist condemnation...  you have politicians such as Lib Dem MP Wera Hobhouse effectively telling people from minority backgrounds they will only be able to enter Parliament if we have all-BAME shortlists.Quotas and shortlists say to young people of colour that they cannot succeed unless white candidates are taken out of the way. They allow everybody else to look at successful BAME politicians and say: 'You are only there because of your race.'"
As Biden said, 'Poor Kids Are Just as Bright' as White Kids

Meme - "Some parents are proud of their boys for wearing makeup and girls clothes because they're "expressing themselves". My son wore this shirt to school. He was told to take it off or get a suspension. I'm proud of my boy for standing his ground and serving his suspension."
"Don't ***k with me *snake*"

Toilet only for disabled elderly pregnant children : CrappyDesign

Family Reheats Last Meal Cooked By Mum Before Death, Reminds Us To Cherish Our Loved Ones - "When our loved ones pass away, it’s only natural for us to hold on to things that remind us of them.For one family in Japan who lost their mum, that ‘item’ was a meal she had cooked before suffering a fatal stroke. After her passing, the family decided to place the meal in the freezer to preserve it. In 2018, 5 years after her passing, the family decided to reheat the meal she cooked prior to her demise... The food was sent to a lab to certify it was indeed safe for consumption. Fortunately, it was — provided the meat was cooked above 100°C and eaten in small portions. A chef was subsequently engaged to ‘restore’ the food while preserving its original flavours. Given the long period that had passed, the dish was rock-solid when removed from the freezer. But with the chef’s skills, the food was successfully ‘revived’ and presented like a restaurant-quality dish, with green garnish on the side."

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Transcript of my latest SAAD TRUTH clip.
Critical thinking in 2020:
You question the idea that men can menstruate: Transphobe.
You question the idea that open borders are a good idea: Racist.
You question the idea of defunding the police: Racist.
You question the idea that women could have nine-inch penises: Transphobe.
You question the idea that there are no evolved sex differences between the sexes: Sexist & transphobe.
You question the idea that all religions are equally violent: Islamophobe.
You question the idea that all cultures are equal: Racist.
You question the idea that all Trump voters are racist: Racist.
You question the idea that the world will end next Tuesday because of climate change: Science-denier and possibly White nationalist.
You question the idea that the lockdown is necessary but mass protests do not spread the COVID virus: Racist and science-denier.
You question the idea of equality of outcomes: White supremacist.
You question the DIE religion (diversity, equity, and inclusion): White nationalist.
[In today's free society, we tell you what to think.  Failure to abide implies that you are a sexist, racist, transphobic, Islamophobic, white supremacist science-denier.  Don't be that person.  Obey.]"

Swiss police investigate boy, 8, over toy banknotes - "Swiss police have investigated an eight-year-old boy after he allegedly asked whether he could use a toy banknote in a village shop.The fake euro note was Chinese joss paper “spirit money” – used as symbolic burnt offerings at funerals to ensure the dead have a happy afterlife... The unnamed boy was not charged with any offence but his name will reportedly be on police records until May 2032... Even though the note was clearly identified as pretend money, shop staff felt obliged to call the police. “It is our policy; we were instructed to do so by the headquarters in Winterthur”... The brothers had mug shots taken, said the BaZ.And their house was searched for further toy money: three 50-euro notes, two 20-euro notes, five 10-euro notes and three five-euro notes were seized on the grounds of preventing crime"

Philosopher Kings in Blue? - "While once upon a time (say two centuries ago) the U.S. system looked more like a minimal state, today it looks more like a police state. Maybe not as bad a police state as the old Soviet Union, but still, a police state. This transformation is detailed in William Stuntz’ excellent book The Collapse of American Criminal Justice. Some key changes:
    We’ve added a lot more laws, so many that we don’t understand most, and regularly violate many.
    We’ve cut the use of juries and also many legal defenses, which previously helped evade guilty verdicts.
    Rise of big cities means county-set laws are set by folks different from those suffer, cause most crime.
    States, who set prison budgets but don’t control conviction rates, greatly increased prison budgets.
    Legal trial complexity & cost has risen greatly, and is now beyond what most can afford.
    Plea bargaining is now allowed, which strongly pushes people to plead guilty, even when they aren’t.
    The new doctrine of qualified immunity protects government officials from many lawsuits.
    Most complaints about police have long been investigated by the same agency that employs them.
    The rise in civil servant unions, especially police unions.
    Surveillance, tracking, and info collection has in many ways become much cheaper.
(Some of these changes resulted from courts seeking to encourage big moral movements, such as those against slavery, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, polygamy, and gambling.)
The net effect of all this is that police can, if they so choose, target most anyone for punishment. That is, for most any target, police can relatively cheaply find a rule the target violated, pressure others to testify against the target, and then finally pressure the target to plead guilty. And police collectively have a lot of discretion in how they use this power. (The rich and politically well-connected may of course be able to discourage such use of power against themselves)... This is the context in which I’d like you to consider current complaints about police mistreatment of detainees. Police must make difficult and context-dependent tradeoffs between how carefully to avoid hurting detainees, and how aggressively to discourage them from defiance or escape."

come for the monsters, stay for the cannibalism - "The least realistic thing about the Lord of the Rings is that a team got together for a group project, decided everything in one meeting, and their plan worked."
"The group abandoned the original plan halfway up Caradhras, split up several times, some group members started looking into different projects, found new partners and ended up doing something else, the original plan was abandoned early on, and the project was salvaged at the last moment by the one group member that didn’t get sidetracked. Sounds like a pretty astute description of teamwork to me"

Kendall Jenner faces accusations of cultural appropriation after announcing tequila brand - "Kendall Jenner is being accused of cultural appropriation and “exploiting Mexican culture” after she unveiled her new tequila brand, 818 Tequila."
Only Mexicans are allowed to sell tequila Lottie אדירה on Twitter - "Racists are mad about a Queen of England being portrayed by a beautiful, talented Black actor in a historical drama. Why is whiteness so fragile?"
"You're good with a black actor playing Anne Frank, right? How about a remake of Schindler's List that features exclusively black actors?"
"Why don't you just go ahead and write "I hate Jews" instead, it's a lot quicker"
But since liberals consider Jews to be white, this makes perfet sense

Guy Debord Funk❍ pøP ️⃤ on Twitter - "Instead of critically examining the way categories are constructed historically, seeking to abolish them-- intersectionality is a heuristic that reifies, conflates difference all along a flat plane, where you are to be quantified, measured, & indexed by worth of your standpoint.
Blackness isn't even existent here, it's physical melanin measured in relation to whiteness and everyone in between black and whiteness is just "different shades"
Sorry gay men, the asexuals have pushed you aside...
This ideology is not a tool to help understand how various forms of oppression "intersect" but actually seeks to make them collide at an intersection rather than moving forward together."

Right-wing authoritarians aren't very funny: RWA, personality, and creative humor production
This study didn't bother to see whether it was due to being right wing, authoritarian or something else. For all we know, left wing libertarians aren't funny either

Paul Embery on Twitter - "I'm as 'political' as they come. But when you try to politicise every occasion and event - football matches, New Year fireworks, BBC sitcoms - with the same messages, you will test the patience of the people you are trying to win over. People don't like protracted moral lectures."

Elizabeth Olsen isn't happy her boobs are on show in Avengers costume - "'you look at where it started in the comic books and it was a leotard and a headband so…oh, it’s horrible, it’s so horrible,’ she added. ‘So at least they know that’s not cool. But then they made Wonder Woman, you know? And that’s what she’s in."
Ironically she insisted on the original costume being in Wandavision

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