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Thursday, July 08, 2021

Links - 8th July 2021 (2)

Ben Shapiro - Posts | Facebook - "The systematic destruction of American values, history, and institutions have been under siege by the hard Left for quite some time and they are gaining ground. The hard Left pushes where it meets least resistance. So they promulgated hate speech policies on college campuses, where the administration was sure to cave; they moved on to newsrooms, where editors were sure to cave. Now they're targeting corporate boardrooms, where risk aversion dominates, and seeking to weaponize corporate risk aversion to take down social media platforms. The result: a closed system in which only approved opinions are allowed."

Malaysia: Permanent Ethnic Malay Polity

Artificial intelligence makes blurry faces look more than 60 times sharper - "The system cannot be used to identify people, the researchers say: It won't turn an out-of-focus, unrecognizable photo from a security camera into a crystal clear image of a real person. Rather, it is capable of generating new faces that don't exist, but look plausibly real."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "One of the most striking features from my insane email space right now is just how many academics are writing to me in shock that Wokeness is making it into THEIR department, which they had believed would be impossible until it hit them."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Weird, actually sick, stuff going on in California education.This is child abuse, as with so much in Woke education and parenting. It will also be attached to "systemic racism" by teaching that the sex binary is "racist."Fisting, blood play, golden showers... sex ed?The Woke campaign to destroy the innocence of children (a hegemonic narrative) and to bring them into queer Theory, mental illness, and some Neo-Marxist hate for society, needs to be stopped. This is horrifying."

Here Are The Details On California’s Sex Education - "California parent John Andrews of the Murrieta School District said that schools in his district are using Positive Prevention Plus Sex Ed Curriculum, a curriculum that contains explicit photos and drawings of sexual activity.“They talk about anal and oral sex as an alternative to regular sex because you can’t get pregnant”... “They talk about mutual masturbation,” he added.“They discuss gender roles, the gender spectrum, and in the support materials … they take it even further. They discuss everything, topics like roleplaying for different genders, blood play, dental dams … fisting is mentioned. I mean, they mention it all.” “If I were to show that material to a child, I would be brought up on charges,” Andrew said. “But somehow our public schools are allowed to teach this to junior high and high school kids.”... The video depicts ACLU staff attorney Ruth Dawson instructing teachers on how to help students obtain abortions without parental knowledge or consent... “Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late” author, attorney, and director of the Catholic Women’s Forum Mary Rice Hasson believes that most parents do not understand what their children are being exposed to — and often being exposed to without parental permission.“The California sex and gender “health” curriculum shows kids explicit images, normalizes kinky and perverse sexual activity, and teaches kids that their basic identity — as male or female — is something fluid or changeable,” Hasson told the DCNF, saying that schools see parents as “obstacles or barriers to their efforts to indoctrinate an entire generation.” “Parents — especially religious parents — are portrayed as ignorant or untrustworthy when it comes to issues of sexual identity or activity — as if only the schools can be trusted to ‘protect’ kids and teach them all about”"

Motion for anti-corruption committee voted down 181 to 143 - "The motion for a special committee on anti-corruption was voted down today, to a final vote of 181 against, and 143 in favour. All Members of Parliament voted within their party's position.Opposition Leader Erin O'Toole said that the special committee would have investigate "WE Charity and the Liberal government and their families, the lobbying efforts for amendments to the income tax act in respect to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program, the acquisition, purchase, and approval of Baylis Medical Company ventilators, and topics other house committees related to" the Liberal Party's actions."

Pelsjas on Twitter - "Woah this just fukkin hit me hard: "Why has sex positivity turned into a competition between girls on who can withstand the most sexual violence from men veiled as kink.""

Judge overturns decision and finds woman defamed doctor in making sexual allegations, but says doctor has 'no moral victory' - "Justice See said Ms Tiong failed to prove her defence of justification, as she did not prove that the two doctors colluded to take sexual advantage of more than one "vulnerable woman patient".For a defence of justification to stand in defamation, the person making the allegedly defamatory remarks must prove that what they said was true.Even though the judge found that a woman named only as K was indeed a target and a vulnerable patient, no other such patients were named. The judge also rejected Ms Tiong's claim to be one of the vulnerable patients, as there was no proof of when she became Dr Chan's patient, and she had been having an affair with him years before taking any medicine from him.Even if Ms Tiong was Dr Chan's patient all along, she had never complained at any time of being vulnerable or taken advantage of, until she found Dr Chan's "surreptitious" messages in April 2018 and realised she was not Dr Chan's exclusive lover.There was no evidence that more than one woman, who was a vulnerable patient of either of the doctors, was targeted, said the judge."It is not open to the court to speculate that because one patient was targeted, there must be others in the past or that there will be others in the future."... Lewd messages exchanged between Dr Ong and Dr Chan, in which they discussed sexual conquests with women, using terms such as "sluts" to label them, were shown in court and reported about.WhatsApp messages between the two doctors include texts where Dr Ong told Dr Chan to "feel free to play your game" and made a reference to anal sex with the patient. He also shared a patient's contact with Dr Chan and egged him on to meet her."No doubt, the messages (were) in exchange between friends ... but it is often only in private messages, when (one's) guard is down, that true colours reveal themselves," said the judge.To protect his reputation, Dr Ong had "been forced to come clean" on repeatedly cheating on his spouse, he added, while Dr Chan admitted making inappropriate touches in the past.The two doctors' "smug boasts" of their trysts with women speak to their true character, said Justice See."They may be competent doctors and their sex lives are of course private matters, but their blatant treatment of women as sex objects sullies whatever professional reputations they have built up for themselves.""

Professor ripped for 'multiracial whiteness' claim - "A New York University professor has come under fire for writing a Washington Post opinion piece that claimed some black and Hispanic voters in the United States supported Donald Trump because of something called ‘multiracial whiteness.’ Cristina Beltran wrote that it was unsettling to see “a quarter to a third of Latino voters voted to re-elect Trump.” She was also surprised to see many Latino and black people among the group storming the U.S. Capitol recently.Her theory was that they had “multiracial whiteness,” contending that being white is more than a race or racial identity."
War is Peace

Thai Airways earning over S$431,700 a month from selling fried dough sticks - "the airline's branch at Silom has also launched a cafeteria selling food inspired by in-flight meals"

LeBron James, who claims to be persecuted, just bought a $37 million Hollywood mansion - ""We're literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes!" LeBron says (which is a weird thing for one of the most rich, famous, respected athletes on the planet to say)... Who even knows how many houses this guy has now. All this oppression sure is paying off for him!"

I,Hypocrite - Posts | Facebook - "when i say men deserve nothing this doesn't apply to men who subscribe to my onlyfans, so subscribe to deserve something"
Comment: "When you bash the male gender to get some retweets but by accident you alienate your simps"

The Austrian castle where Nazis lost to German-US force - "In early May 1945, American and German soldiers fought together against the Nazi SS to free prominent French prisoners of war. It is believed to be the only battle in the war in which Americans and Germans fought as allies.Hans Fuchs remembers how Itter Castle was converted into a prison by the Nazis in 1943."

Owner of Viet Restaurant in Canada Gets Death Threats Over Insulting Dish Names - "A restaurant serving Vietnamese cuisine in Montreal, Canada has come under fire for using puns to name a number of items in its menu.Pho King Bon, which recently opened in Rosemère, wanted customers to mispronounce names of traditional Vietnamese food, resulting in crass and sexually-explicit wordplay... Pho King Bon called Bún Thịt Nướng, a classic dish of cold rice-vermicelli noodles, “Bonne Tite Noune,” a slang for “good little p***y.” Another item, “Lichi Mwa Lku,” misspelled the French phrase for “lick my a**.” The restaurant also offered items with the names “Pho Kyu,” “Pho Kme,” “Pho Kit” and “Pho Koff,” which can easily be heard as swear words in English. Inside the establishment, staff also reportedly wore masks that read “Pho King COVID.” One particular item that angered critics was a drink called “Viet Kong,” which referenced the pro-communist Việt Cộng from the Vietnam War. The organization reportedly killed thousands of innocent civilians.“Pho King Bon Restaurant claims to be an homage to Vietnamese culture, but uses vulgar and degrading puns in its name and menu,” wrote Kim Nguyen, who started the petition. She added, “I ask that the restaurant removes these insulting and disrespectful names, in addition to formally apologizing to the Vietnamese community.”... Boutin received death threats, with people even threatening to burn down the restaurant"
Apparently death threats are an appropriate response to "racism"

ACLU employee publicizes where Covington teen Nick Sandmann is attending college, calls him 'dangerous' - "An American Civil Liberties Union staff member alerted the public to which university Covington Catholic graduate Nick Sandmann is attending as an incoming freshman, suggesting that the college should have barred the young conservative's admission.Samuel Crankshaw, a communications associate at the ACLU's Kentucky arm, targeted Transylvania University for admitting the first-year student and expressed outrage that the liberal school would accept an undergraduate with opposing views held by approximately half of the country... The ACLU staffer then cited the QAnon conspiracy theory movement for "literally" being the "direct cause of multiple instances of violence," while ignoring the 100-plus days of Portland riots incited by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists. Crankshaw also faulted Sandmann for "proudly defending" vilified 17-year-old Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse, "who murdered two people for exercising political speech." But Crankshaw also failed to mention glorified Antifa shooter Michael Reinoehl who admittedly murdered a Trump supporter in Portland last Saturday... "[I]t is far more alarming to see an ACLU official rallying people against a young man whose chief offense appears to be that he is publicly (and unapologetically) conservative and pro-life, reported Jonathan Turley, an attorney and professor at the George Washington University Law School.Turley pointed out that Crankshaw's reference to the “both sides” defense used to be the devil's advocate position of the ACLU in fighting for all sides to be given equal opportunities and protections... Turley noted as a "long supporter" of the ACLU that he previously wrote about his "concern over how the venerable group has changed under its current leadership, including a departure from its long robust defense of free speech.""Recently, the ACLU has abandoned its famed neutrality and has not supported some on the right while supporting those on the left," Turley stated... As Cranshaw agreed with Tompkins and together ganged up on the teen, he told her that "people like you are why it's such a great place to learn."... Turley, a self-described defender of liberal academics attacking a wide array of conservative causes, called the scenario "deeply problematic.""That fact that figures in the ACLU and academia would publicly espouse such views of intolerance is a chilling example of how our faith in free speech has eroded in the recent years""

Schools in England told not to use material from anti-capitalist groups - "The government has ordered schools in England not to use resources from organisations which have expressed a desire to end capitalism.Department for Education (DfE) guidance issued on Thursday for school leaders and teachers involved in setting the relationship, sex and health curriculum categorised anti-capitalism as an “extreme political stance” and equated it with opposition to freedom of speech, antisemitism and endorsement of illegal activity. Former shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the measures effectively outlawed reference in schools to key events in British history, and that it symbolised growing “authoritarianism” within the governing Conservative party... It listed examples of what were described as “extreme political stances”, such as “a publicly stated desire to abolish or overthrow democracy, capitalism, or to end free and fair elections”; opposition to freedom of speech; the use of racist, including antisemitic, language; the endorsement of illegal activity; and a failure to condemn illegal activities done in support of their cause.McDonnell said: “On this basis it will be illegal to refer to large tracts of British history and politics including the history of British socialism, the Labour Party and trade unionism, all of which have at different times advocated the abolition of capitalism... Tariq Ali, the writer and activist, said although the new guidance was a sign of “moral and political bankruptcy”, the advent of the internet meant such measures were futile.“Leaving aside the stupidity, these things don’t work,” he said. “People will read what they want to read. Trying to enhance a version of the Prevent strategy, which is already in place, is quite scandalous and shocking... It is understood that the DfE is clear that schools should not work with agencies that take extreme positions, including promoting non-democratic political systems, and that teachers should be politically impartial."
All the leftists (wilfully?) misunderstanding the rule. Given their logic, there shouldn't be any guidance on schools not using anti-Semitic material, since many figures in British history were anti-Semitic, and since students can easily access anti-Semitic material online

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