Ketman And The Left's Problem - "Why were the polls so wrong? The answer to that question is also a big part of the answer of why people voted against the Democrats, I believe. Many people are afraid to tell strangers that they support Trump. Why is that? Because they have eyes to see and ears to hear. They get every single day from the media the message that Trump is wicked, and only bad people support Trump. They have seen in their own workplaces, or reported on media (especially social media), how people who get on the wrong side of the Left lose their jobs, or find themselves treated like outcasts. They know that their support for Trump might some day be used against them. I know this because I have talked to these people myself. They also recognize that left-wing identity politics has conquered all the institutions of middle-class professional life. If you want to succeed in the corporate world, academia, media, and the rest, you had better be seen as woke — that is, as a supporter of hardline ID pol ideology. Again, I know this in part because I hear from these people all the time, mostly within academia. They are afraid, and they’re right to be afraid. Donald Trump has not made them afraid — the Left has... They know that wherever Kendi’s formula is adopted, they will face discrimination for the color of their skin. They do not want to live in such a country. They also know that it is impossible on the Left today to object to any of this without risking your job and your reputation... Democratic data professionals, on whose expertise the party’s fortunes depend, exiled anyone who challenged their narrative... This is precisely why people don’t tell pollsters that they’re going to vote for Trump. They don’t trust progressives with this information. And they’re right not to do so. Progressphiles is unknown to all but a small sliver of Americans, but the madness, the denial of reality, that rules in spaces governed by progressive elites is something that many of us can see and feel. If people come to believe that to tell the truth to a pollster, or to anybody in authority over them, could put them in danger, they are going to lie. They are going to practice what Czeslaw Milosz called ketman... Ketman is the strategy that everyone in our society who isn’t a true believer in “social justice” and identity politics has to adopt to stay out of trouble. On Sunday, I heard about a professor in a large state university in a state that yesterday went for Trump, who is filled with constant anxiety. He believes that his interactions with colleagues and students are filled with the potential to destroy his career. Why? Because all it takes is an accusation of racism, sexism, or some other form of bigotry to wreck a lifetime of work. This is the world that the identity politics left has created for us. As long as we have the secret ballot, though, we can register our discontent in the vote without suffering backlash... Look at what happened in California, the wokest state in America. There was a ballot initiative to re-instate affirmative action, and thereby allow racial discrimination to remedy past discrimination. The ballot initiative went down handily, 56 percent to 44 percent... Only in L.A. and the Bay Area did Californians support returning official discrimination to public life. Look at this list of all the elected officials, organizations, and business groups who supported Prop 16 — that is, who wanted to see a return to discrimination for progressive ends. That list includes every single major Democratic official in the state, as well as all the Chambers of Commerce... As it turns out, most Americans want to live in a country where people are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, and their accomplishments. I would wager that most Americans do not want to live in the anti-American fantasy world of The New York Times, whose 1619 Project proclaims that the United States was conceived in iniquity, and dedicated to the proposition that the black man must be kept down at all times. If anybody at the Times — or the Washington Post, or any major American newspaper or broadcast network — had a heretical thought about this racialist narrative, would they have been able to express it?... We are about to see the media progressives double down on the poisonous lies that got them to this point... I believe that the Democratic Party’s elites — including those in the academy and the coastal media epistemic bubbles — are incapable of learning a damn thing from these results. Good. If they can barely beat Donald Trump, for pity’s sake, and cannot flip the Senate after four years of Trump’s chaotic government, and at the height of a pandemic, then that shows that their message remains unpopular. Americans don’t want wokeness. They want old-fashioned American values. They’re tired of living by ketman... A reader sends in Nature magazine’s report on the election results. Why on earth is a leading scientific journal reporting on the US presidential election? The headline and subhed say it all: Scientists aghast as hopes for landslide Biden election victory vanish"
Trump should have lost in a landslide. The fact that he didn’t speaks volumes - "Far from turning Texas blue, Biden appears to have severely underperformed relative to Hillary Clinton in some heavily Hispanic areas. Democrats have not retaken the US Senate and failed to knock out a single Republican in the House of Representatives. Millions more people voted for Trump than in 2016, and it became disturbingly clear that even if Trump himself is booted from office, “Trumpism” is alive and well... Biden didn’t offer a clear and compelling alternative. He was a weak candidate from the start, so much so that even some of his allies were worried what would happen if he won the primary. Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, represented the corporate wing of the Democratic party; he loudly defended the private health insurance industry and the fracking industry from attacks by the left. He ran away from proposals favored by the Democratic base like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. He didn’t show much interest in courting core constituencies like Latino voters (reportedly, the Biden campaign did not consider them part of its “path to victory”, which helps explain the losses in Texas and Florida). Biden didn’t even put much energy into the campaign; at crucial moments when Trump’s team were knocking on a million doors a week, Biden’s was reportedly knocking on zero. His ground game in important swing states like Michigan was “invisible”. To many on the left, then, Biden’s lackluster performance is no surprise. Yes, Trump could have been resoundingly defeated. But 2016 proved once and for all that the Democratic establishment simply doesn’t have a message that can effectively counter Trump. The party leadership ignored the lessons that should have been learned four years ago. Instead, Democratic strategy is the very definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We know how Democrats can win again. Thomas Frank, in his vital book, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?, explains that Democrats need to get back to being a party that offers something meaningful to working people."
Of course, his proposal is veering even more to the left
Ice Cube on Twitter - "Facts: I put out the CWBA. Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA."
Facebook - "BLM and Antifa are toxic organizations. They despise white people. They despise Jews. They despise cops. They despise the United States. And BLM, with its Marxist roots, seeks to upend the nuclear family. These groups are so loathsome that they are actually spreading violence throughout the US during a time of pandemic and deep national insecurity. And, yet, the Democratic Party could not even find it within itself to condemn these atrocities during their national convention."
Sexism Sank Elizabeth Warren
Comment: "A political party that nominated the first viable female candidate for president by a significant margin suddenly wouldn't elevate a female candidate on account of their gender. You know. For no particular reason."
Trump Campaign Leaves Ticket for Tupac at Vice President Debate - "Donald Trump's campaign is taking jabs at Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris just hours before her scheduled debate against current Vice President Mike Pence tonight (Oct. 7). According to a tweet shared today by Amber Athey, the Washington editor for the Spectator, a weekly British conservative magazine, Trump's campaign is planning to leave a ticket for the late Tupac Shakur ahead of the debate following Senator Harris saying that ’Pac is the best rapper alive."
Global Times on Twitter - ".@JoeBiden is smoother to deal with than @realDonaldTrump. This is the consensus of most countries around the world, including China, said experts, after Biden was officially declared the Democratic presidential candidate."
China endorsed Biden
Meme - "Postal workers union endorses Biden, warns 'survival' of USPS at stake"
"On what fucking planet should a union, that can endorse a presidential candidate, be allowed to deliver ballots for a presidential election?"
Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864 - The Washington Post
Millionaires say they'll pick Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020
Richest Americans Face Biden's Tax Hike With Anger, Denial, Grief - Bloomberg
PBS lawyer seen on video calling for children of Republicans to be put in reeducation camps - "“We go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away. … We’ll put them into the reeducation camps,” principal counsel for the Public Broadcasting Service Michael Beller said... “Kids who are growing up, knowing nothing but Trump for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re going to be like. They’ll be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people — horrible kids,” Beller added. Beller also called for people to “go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails” in the event President-elect Joe Biden didn’t win the election in November. He also expressed joy that the coronavirus was spreading in states where the president saw high approval, saying people won’t go to the polls to vote for Trump. “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great. Because either those people won’t come out to vote for Trump, you know the red states, or a lot of them are sick and dying,” Beller said. “Americans are so f---ing dumb. You know, most people are dumb.” PBS confirmed to the Washington Examiner later Tuesday that Beller no longer works for the organization."
Apparently it's not intolerant to put the children of your political enemies in reeducation camps
Addendum: He resigned after this
Meme - "James Woods @RealJamesWoodls And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and "come together as one." Her answer? "Go fuck yourself.""
James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place."
"Biden-Harris backs the enforcement of equality of *outcomes* for everyone in America. What else could this mean?"
"Who had "vice presidential candidate for the Democratic Party explicitly suggests communism in Woke terms right before the election" as their Woke breaking point?"
Opinion | Why Canadians should root for another Trump term - The Washington Post - "In two key policy areas of particular relevance to Canada — the North American economy and border security — a Biden administration might not bring as much to the table as Canadians hope. Trump, on the other hand, has been more successful than most people assume... Trump is a stronger supporter in principle of free markets and private enterprise than Biden. Like most Republicans, he respects the need for tax cuts, economic growth, profitability and ensuring North America remains successful and competitive. With respect to the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has argued was “perhaps the worst trade deal ever made,” critics in all three countries were concerned the president would tear up the whole thing. He didn’t. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement went into effect in July. While it’s not going to make an enormous difference — an International Monetary Fund working paper suggested in 2019 it would have a “negligible” economic impact — it proved that existing trade deals, even ones Trump found distasteful, could be renegotiated and maintained. Consider what Hoover Institution research fellow David R. Henderson wrote last October. In his view, Trump’s tax cuts for personal and corporate rates, increased tax credits and incentives for individuals and families, and ability to reduce and prevent regulation proved that the economic issues on “which Trump has been ‘very good indeed’ seem to have outweighed the policy issues on which he has been ‘horrid.’” Biden is no socialist, despite what his political opponents often suggest. Nevertheless, the large swath of progressives in his party, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and the other “Squad” members in Congress, control his fate when it comes to most political and economic matters... Trump is also a stronger advocate for border safety and security than Biden. Like most Republicans, the sitting president understands that guns, gangs and drugs are major domestic problems faced by both the United States and Canada... [Biden] has already proposed a fluffy “regional resettlement solution” with Canada, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and other Latin American nations, and announced Trump’s H-1B visa freeze “will not be in my administration.”"
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "What I will remember most from this debate is Trump insisting that we need to live our lives and keep society moving while Biden pushed fear, cowardice, and panic. Extremely stark contrast. The big takeaway."
So much for "hope"
Meme - "I'm going to be 100% honest. If it turned out democrats were running a child-sex ring, I'd probably still vote blue, because the harm of Republicans in power is more important than my moral grandstanding."
Juanita Broaddrick on Twitter - Hillary: "Trump’s refusal to commit to the peaceful transfer of power is the behavior of a desperate would-be dictator who’d cling to office even if it meant destroying our democracy. It’s pathetic. But because he is the president, we should take his threat seriously."
"Are you EFFING serious you deranged dingbat!!! You’re the one who told Biden NOT to concede after the election. One day you will rot in hell."
Facebook - "The media doesn’t just lie by publishing falsehoods. Most of the time, they achieve the same effect of subterfuge by omission. It’s popular to lament our fragmented media ecosystem and its reinforcing information silos. But without the so-called “right wing media,” who would interview Tony Bobulinski? Who would be asking salient questions about a presidential candidate two weeks from the election? In the old world of media where people all watched the same few channels, what chance did the truth have of coming out? Corruption should be covered no matter who does it. The real story here is how much the press will bat for one side, while holding the other side’s feet to the fire so close that occasionally it burns up. The other story here is how someone is able to run on a platform of Decency and “Not Trump” but turns out that oops, he’s not that decent (he lied about his knowledge of Hunter’s dealings) after all and is just as corrupt as any 47year beltway insider as you’d expect."
Elections Canada on Twitter - "Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems. We use paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history. #CdnPoli"
Elections Canada on Twitter - "#DYK ? To help keep the vote-by-mail system secure ️, eligible Canadian electors must apply to vote by mail and provide documents proving their identity. We then validate each applicant’s information before accepting – or not – their request."
Damn Canadian "far right" conspiracy theorists!
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "You are being manipulated. With seven weeks left in the campaign partisans and pundits have turned the emotional manipulation techniques up to eleven. Anger is the most powerful emotion for driving action so the media is filled with essays and articles designed to make you rage. Here are some of the headline I’ve seen this morning:
Rolling Stone: How Far Will Trump Go to Win?
Las Vegas Sun: Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to America
American Thinker: Antifa and BLM, the Democrats Stormtroopers
New York Times: When Good People Don’t Act, Evil Reigns
Issues and Insights: Possible Coup if Trump Wins
Axios: All Of America’s Biggest Threats Unrolling Before Our Eyes."
Wale on Twitter - "Y’all well-meaning millennial white folks need to voter suppress your parents. Like, offer to mail in your Trump supporting father’s ballot and don’t. If he’s going in person, offer to drive him and get lost. Gerrymander your parents, fam"
White Nationalist Richard Spencer Votes for Joe Biden: 'To Hell With Libertarian Ideology'
Of course, we are told that not every Trump voter is a racist but all racists voted for Trump. So...
And Biden condemning the support doesn't mean anything,. since Trump repeatedly condemned white supremacy too
Meme - AOC: "KPop allies, we see and appreciate your contributions in the fight for justice too"
"Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez openly admitting that she solicited help from North Korean & South Korean internet trolls to sabotage President Trump’s rally tonight? Should she be investigated for foreign collusion? Is she doing what Trump is accused of by her?"
WTF? Nikole Hannah-Jones and WaPo’s Eugene Scott bond over their mutual racist disgust for conservative minority voters - "These days, I am reminded quite often that you do not have to be white to support white supremacy."
"Also, whiteness is not static and it is expandable when necessary. A lot of folks we don’t think of as white think of themselves as white because the lines have never been entirely clear. That’s the beauty of white supremacy — it is extremely adaptable."...
"Here are two purported journalists openly engaging in some pretty racist talk about minority voters who don’t buy into leftism, and we’re not supposed to even bat an eye.What a time to be alive."
That's the beauty of liberal accusations of white supremacy - they are extremely adaptable
You’re White! And You’re White! And You’re… - Christine Rosen, Commentary Magazine - "It’s unusual to watch the media construct an identity-politics narrative in real time, but it happened on Election Night... According to the media elite, nonwhite voters who cast their ballots for Trump were suddenly no longer Hispanic or Latino, but white... Trump increased his support among black and Latino voters compared with 2016, and captured a third of the Asian vote. He also modestly increased his share in Hispanic and Latino neighborhoods in heavily Democratic cities such as Philadelphia and Milwaukee... the election revealed the dangers to the Democratic Party if it embraces its own enforced cultural amnesia rather than the complicated realities of race. The election threw into high relief the dysfunctional relationship between progressive lawmakers and activists on the one side and the mainstream media that are supposed to hold them accountable on the other. Lawmakers and activists look to the media not only to amplify their message, but to gauge how well that message is playing with regular people. But when the media have themselves become a progressive institution, one that claims to value racial diversity while in practice stoking racial divisions, there is no healthy process for assessing the appeal of your ideas. There is only a feedback loop—one that some voters in this election simply chose to ignore."
Daughter blasted for ‘manipulating dying Republican dad into voting for Biden after intense exchanges on death bed' - "The video, which was uploaded on TikTok by @Erleepen, explains how the woman’s 55-year-old conservative father had never voted for a Democrat in his life. She revealed they had clashed in "intense exchanges" over his decision to vote to Trump - while he was dying of aplastic anemia... The tweet has generated a widespread of backlash online – as many social media users believe the woman manipulated her father and noted the lack of awareness of choosing to argue politics during her father's last moments... Another user voiced their unfavorable opinion saying, “Her father is on his deathbed, and she’s more concerned about him voting. How selfish of her.”Someone else tweeted, “Imagine being the sort of person who spends their last moments with their father arguing about politics? This poor man.”The conservative account, Reagan Battalion, flipped the script and questioned if the outcome would be the same if the woman was a Donald Trump supporter and questioned her father about his plans to vote for Biden... Users also went at the woman for her insistence that Biden is the candidate “who respects women!” and responded with pictures and videos of the Democratic nominee inappropriately touching and kissing women."
Washington Post depicts Republicans as rats in editorial cartoon eerily similar to anti-Semitic Nazi Propaganda - "Before you can turn one set of people against another, to get them to do things to fellow human beings they would normally never consider, you must first dehumanize them."
Kim Iversen - Posts | Facebook - "For those of you who are angry that the GOP is now challenging the election and you feel it's baseless, put yourself in their shoes for a moment.For the past 4 years, many made it their moral imperative to "fight nazis". They believed that their fellow Americans were a bunch of racists and they must do absolutely ANYTHING to defeat them, that they were very much in the moral right. They championed a drawn-out investigation, they cheered on impeachment, it's been non-stop. So why wouldn't our fellow Americans on the one side of the aisle be extremely suspicious?If people think it's their moral imperative to fight nazis why wouldn't they cheat to do it? Of course, they might, and that's their suspicion. I think after these last 4 years it's our obligation to now say, "ok...I hear you and so let's go ahead and check for any inconsistencies or possible fraud". We should be confident it isn't going to change the outcome but we should want our fellow Americans to feel confident in the election process. We can't just tell people to accept it after 4 years of not accepting 2016 and doing anything and everything to rid the White House of Trump.I think there's ALWAYS a possibility of fraud and cheating and we should ALWAYS be open and diligent to investigations to find out if it's happened in this case. I think it's possible and so we should double-check. Why wouldn't we? But keep in mind the antics that were pulled, which I myself engaged in for the first year after Trump's election, have sown division and doubt amongst our fellow Americans."
Cabot Phillips on Twitter - "If you spent the last year calling every Trump supporter a racist, you don’t get to pull this “We’re on one team now” crap. Either they’re legitimately racists and you shouldn’t want them on your team, or you blatantly lied about them and they shouldn’t want to be on yours."
Facebook - "There are two different Americas and two different groups identifying as Americans. In the top image are angry, frustrated and oppressed voters in Arizona. In the bottom image are protesters who claim to be angry, frustrated and oppressed.
One is kneeling in prayerful supplication to Our Lord, and the other is burning civilization to the ground.
One image is reflective of Trump and the other reflective of Biden.
Which America do we want to live in?"
Why Democrats Lost So Many South Texas Latinos—the Economy - WSJ - "Many counties in this stretch of South Texas are more than 90% Hispanic and traditionally the state’s bluest—unlike Florida, where there are many more Republican-leaning Latinos. It is a place that Democrats counted on, and, according to residents here, didn’t understand enough to see what was coming."
Easy. Just claim they internalised white supremacy
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Your kids had to go to school on their computers for a year and your grandfather had to die alone and your neighborhood bar had to go bankrupt because of covid but this is perfectly okay"
The Media Is Now Openly Pushing Secession as the Election Nears - "On the left especially, it seems few can imagine a world where people in Iowa or Indiana are allowed to run their own schools and healthcare systems without meddling from Washington. While conservatives' efforts to force marijuana prohibition on states like Colorado show that the Right is not immune from this impulse, it is abundantly clear that the Left is quite enthusiastic about the idea of sending federal enforcers to ensure the states enact abortion on demand, adopt Obamacare, and enforce drug prohibitions as dictated by Washington.But unless Americans have a change of heart and begin to decentralize the political system, expect a growing unwillingness to accept the outcomes of national elections and growing resistance to the federal government in general. What follows is unlikely to be pleasant."
Rose McGowan on Twitter - "What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherfuckers."
Republicans Who Think Election Recount Is Still Ongoing Found Deep In Jungle | The Babylon Bee
SAVE THE RHINOS 🦏 Phetasy on Twitter - "DNC convention recap: [Night 3] Barack Obama spoke to us about the importance of the constitution and its limits on Presidential powers, Hillary told us how a spouse is a testament to ones character, and Kamala reminded us of how unfair the justice system is to young minorities."
"It breaks my brain to watch the incredibly diverse line-up of accomplished individuals at the DNC tell people of color they are oppressed and there is no opportunity to advance."
Zach Parkinson on Twitter - "Apparently, the DNC couldn't even find 30 people who were excited about Kamala Harris, so they had to duplicate someone's livesteram"
1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "The same people who claimed Russia stole the election with $120k in Facebook ads now say it's impossible to steal an election."
Oregon National Guard Activated Amid Protests Stemming From Uncertain Election - "The Oregon National Guard was activated Wednesday night to assist in quelling violence in Portland, Oregon, after “widespread property destruction and attacks on law enforcement officers” had occurred"
Nov 5 2020. Strange how fast the useful idiots became un-useful
Facebook - "No matter who wins, I think it’s clear now that 2016 wasn’t a fluke. You can’t blame Russia, or anybody else, just the other half of the country that the progressive Left has tried so hard to pretend doesn’t exist.As it turns out, there is a whole half of the country that’s not on board with the agenda, and it’s gaining support from black and Hispanic voters to boot (while admittedly scoring low among the white, suburban, “Karens”). What’s more? This sleeping giant is now wide awake, and I’m guessing it won’t be lulled easily back to sleep. Especially if it suspects some shady, election night antics.So there’s that."
Comment: "I was reading a thread started by a woman with whom I went to high school. The gist of it was an expression of anger and angst at the realisation that half the people in the US are horrible, no good, very bad people and then asking "What are we going to do about them, because it's not okay that they walk amongst us." She a high school teacher and posted on her lunchbreak that she was even more disturbed by her students. She expect to come in today having to console them now that they understand that half the country is evil and she can't believe that most of them are just "Meh" about it."
Yascha Mounk on Twitter - ""Whatever happens, those of us who want to defeat Trumpism for the long haul will need to ask ourselves some very serious questions after tonight. And no, "half of our compatriots are irredeemable bigots" is not going to cut it."
Stacey on Twitter - "If you’re a Trumper I hope the pain and anxiety you feel now is excruciating. You voted against America and for a cult leader who has no redeeming or admirable qualities. He’s a cretin who cares nothing about this country and you don’t either. You deserve all the pain and more."
"The tolerant left, still showing their true colours. Don't think differently to them, if you do you deserve all the pain and more #KindnessMatters "
Facebook - "This was a cut and paste message. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan at all. He is corrupt, a liar, suffering from dementia and in my opinion a pedophile. He has done nothing to improve anything in 47/48 years in politics.I truly believe Biden is just the stepping stone for Kamala Harris to take over the White House. Nancy Pelosi is already trying to put a 25th amendment in place to remove an unfit president. I don’t believe that has a thing to do with Trump having Covid. I think that’s to remove Biden if elected for dementia and Harris to take over.This is my opinion so don’t bother to bash it, I haven’t bashed yours.The clown in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.The clown in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.The buffoon in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.The buffoon in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.The clown in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.The clown in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello!!!!!!!The clown in the White House has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.This same clown in the White House lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400 and caused your stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.The clown in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine - it will be available within weeks - we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.The clown in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.This clown in the White House uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing world wide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.The clown in the White House works for free and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving - and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected.I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus ?????And please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office?I’ll take a ‘clown’ any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. Please let it be known, I am not sure I would want to have a beer with him (if he drank, which he doesn't) or even be his friend. I don’t care if I even like him. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some ass when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure - I already have one. I don’t need a liar - that's what Hollywood and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.I don’t need someone to help me, but I also don’t want an obstacle or a demented, senile washed-up Swamp Monster.God bless Donald Trump - the most unappreciated President in history.Copy & Pass this on."
James Woods on Twitter - "They locked us down, killed grandparents, accused a decent man of being a gang rapist on the word of a crooked lawyer, rioted, looted, burned cities, assassinated peace officers, and now they are threatening to do more, if they don’t get their way. Oh, and they want your vote."
Democrats' post-election 'family meeting' descends into chaos - "Moderate House Democrats lashed out at their liberal colleagues Thursday, using a marathon caucus-wide conference call to bash progressives for advancing an agenda that, the centrists said, cost the party a number of seats in Tuesday’s elections... Heading into the elections, party leaders had predicted they would pick up seats, even in deep red districts won soundly by Trump in 2016. Instead, they saw Republicans knock off at least seven Democratic incumbents, most of them first-term lawmakers who had helped deliver the party’s House majority just two years ago. And as of Thursday afternoon they’d failed to flip even a single seat held by a Republican incumbent — a trend that defied both their internal polls and most conservative expectations... While the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee routinely conducts a post-election analysis, it will take on an outsized prominence this year following a disappointing cycle when the party’s hopes of a blue wave — and a repudiation of Trump — never materialized."
Texas AG Ken Paxton: Trump is right and Twitter ‘fact check’ is wrong – mail-in ballot fraud is a real problem - "As the official now charged with prosecuting election fraud in Texas, I can say unequivocally that the legislator was right: going back more than a decade and continuing through the present day, around two-thirds of election fraud offenses prosecuted by my office have involved some form of mail-ballot fraud... The risk of abuse, which has been documented and explained numerous times, somehow escaped mention in Twitter’s “fact check” of President Trump’s tweets. Perhaps that omission owes less to a lack of “facts” and more to the biases of Twitter’s own fact-checkers.For example, Twitter’s head of site integrity, Yoel Roth, has attacked President Trump and his team as ‘ACTUAL NAZIS” and smeared Trump voters as supporting a “racist tangerine.”"
Pelosi refuses to explain why she rejected larger stimulus package before election - "Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly refused to take questions from CNN's Manu Raju as to why she refused a $1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package for Americans before the election, but accepted a $900 billion stimulus package after the election."
Loot Every Walmart on Twitter - "Liberals celebrating the removal of their competition from ballots while unironically declaring they're "voting out fascism" is the content I've come to expect."
On Democrats suing to kick the Green Party off ballots
Queer men buck voting Democrat as nearly half vow to vote Donald Trump - "Queer men to forgo their morals this November with a thumping 45 per cent vowing to back Donald Trump... apparently launching an array of anti-queer policies and, overall, not caring about queer people is enough to get them to vote for you.... Queer men have always voted reliably Democratic. Until now."
Apparently if you vote for Trump, you're not queer
Together with liberals mocking red state voters as voting againt their own interests, this reveals something interesting about liberal political philosophy - minorities are supposed to vote for someone who will explicitly cater to your special constituency, instead of who they think would be the best for the country (the "powerful" of course are supposed to vote for those who hate them and want to destroy them, or they're racist, sexist etc)
Fletcher Dunn on Twitter - "@KamalaHarris This is a pretty in-your-face endorsement of equality of outcomes as a policy goal. (As opposed to equality of opportunity.) Look, you guys got my vote because I voted against Trump. But this is a really, really bad idea."
"I hate Trump too but I’m really really afraid they are serious about this..."
"I roll my eyes when someone calls the Biden Harris campaign a Marxist movement but like... damn man I really really hope this ad is just a big misunderstanding or something."
"Voting against someone instead of voting for someone will always put you in a bad position."
"This is why many people vote for Trump; it’s not that they like him, its just that they like communism/socialism far less."
"I'm Cuban and I had to ran out from a system that works exactly as your bolchevique video depicts. I expect non bis in idem. Remember Milton Friedman: A society that privileges equality over freedom ends no getting none of two things. Very concerning."
"Just when we thought 2020 couldn't get any worse."
On Kamala Harris's endorsing of equal outcomes, which is a Marxist goal
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Gonna need a fact check on that fact check.":
CNN on Twitter - "President Trump claims Joe Biden called him xenophobic for imposing travel restrictions. Facts First: This is lacking context... It's not clear Biden even knew about Trump's China travel restrictions when he called Trump xenophobic"
Trump: "I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the “borders” from China - against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!"
Joe Biden on Twitter - "Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job."
I guess since Biden is senile, it's true he may not have known about the restrictions despite them being mentioned in the tweet he replied to
Laura Ingraham on Twitter - "The press will rarely, if ever, ask Biden a hard question. The only person who can do that is Trump. And whenever he does, Biden will refuse to answer, and the press will claim that Trump was being rude."
Trump Trails Biden on Most Personal Traits, Major Issues - "About three-quarters of registered voters who support Trump (76%) say they view their presidential ballot primarily as a vote for the president. By comparison, only 33% of Biden voters view their vote more as an expression of support for him; about twice as many (67%) view it as vote against Trump... Fewer voters (28%) say Biden would be a good or great president than say that about Trump as president... Biden has a notable weakness. Just 40% of voters describe him as energetic – his lowest rating among the six traits included on the survey. This is Trump’s most positive attribute in the eyes of voters, with a 56% majority describing him as energetic... About half of voters (51%) say they are very or somewhat confident in Trump to make good decisions about economic policy, including 33% who are very confident. Roughly as many (48%) have confidence in Biden on the economy, though just 13% are very confident... Optimism about life for future generations has increased among Black adults."
Will Ricciardella on Twitter - "If you think the very same media who lied consistently for years about Russian collusion won’t paint a false narrative about COVID to defeat Trump in 2020 then you’re beyond help."
BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, Looking at America - "‘As darkness fell, heavily armed ethnic militia groups fanned out across the struggling provincial city, brandishing weapons. Some fighters wearing tribal markings warned of a bloodbath in the upcoming election, which many here believe could be engulfed by rigging and violence did not go their way. The fighters’ ageing spiritual leader, a former businessman accused of staggering corruption and nepotism, has accused opposition forces of stoking terror and trying to steal the election. Foreign diplomats are privately warning that the increasingly isolated oil rich nation’s fragile institutions may be close to collapse, and so on. Perhaps you can guess the country, not the Central African Republic or South Sudan, but the United States’...
‘In China, there are some strange bedfellows when it comes to who people are backing to win the US election and why. Hong Kong comes into the mix, as does religion and business. What's missing though, is ideology, or much concern about what Donald Trump actually stands for. It's all about self interest... [Anecdotes about Xi and Trump's chumminess] You'll notice that the leaders of the world's two most powerful countries don't criticize each other directly’"
Amazingly one-sided view of the US, with no mention of antifa, Burn Loot & Murder and 4 years of elites trying to delegitimise the previous election and undermine & oust the elected leader, with the help of the Deep State
1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "A text from Hunter Biden says that half his salary went to his dad, Joe Biden. Nobody from the Biden campaign has disputed the veracity of the texts or emails that have come out. No lawyers for the Bidens have sent any cease and desist letters claiming the texts or emails are faked. The Director of National Intelligence said he doesn't believe the laptop is "foreign disinformation". What we have laid out in black and white is a pay to play scam where Hunter Biden used his "salary" as the vehicle to launder bribe money for his father, then vice president of the United States. This is criminal. Literally."
Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Are you having a hard time deciding who to vote for in the upcoming US presidential election? Forget about the two candidates running. They are inconsequential. Examine the issues.
1) Which party proclaims that men too can menstruate?
2) Which party rejects the ethos of meritocracy and abides instead to the DIE religion (worship of immutable traits)?
3) Which party believes that national borders are racist?
4) Which party wants to defund the police?
5) Which party wants to weaken the Second Amendment?
6) Which party wants to weaken the First Amendment?
7) Which party thinks that an "America First" ethos is racist?
8) Which party wants to engage in orgiastic self-flagellation as a way of extirpating their civilizational self-loathing?
9) Which party is associated with the idea pathogens that are promulgated in academia?
10) Which party has a stronger anti-Semitic branch?
11) Which party has a virulent socialist wing?
12) Which party is more likely to read White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo?
13) Which party believes in Dermatological Original Sin?
I could go on but you get the point. Neither party is perfect and both possess blind spots. That said, think about the values that you love about the United States (and the West) and accordingly decide which party is a stronger proponent of these values. Cheers everyone."
Biden Climate Plan Risks Putting China And BlackRock Before The American People - "Under ESG criteria, nuclear energy should rank highest, since nuclear plants require just one-quarter of one percent of the land as industrial solar and wind projects, and produce next to no air and water pollution.By contrast, solar and wind projects should rank very low on ESG criteria. The large land use requirements of solar and wind projects are triggering grassroots resistance around the world, from Mayan Indians in Mexico to birders in Taiwan to conservationists in India.A human rights group last June documented 197 allegations of human-rights violations, including killings, by renewable energy developers. In 2019 there were at least 47 attacks, violent and legal, against individuals who raised concerns about human rights violations by the renewable energy industry.As for public subsidies for energy efficiency, a study by an Obama administration economist found that they cost twice as much as they returned in energy savings"
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms - "Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost beginning in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased on the open market from troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found."
It's only wrong when the "Russians" do it, and when it hurts liberals
Donald J. Trump - Posts | Facebook - "Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities. The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities. I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!"
Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter - "I don’t think VP Pence’s mansplaining and over-talking is doing a lot to narrow the gender gap, unless it is also turning off more men as well."
""Mansplaining" sounds an awful lot like a cope for losing a debate."
Once again, "mansplaining" is when a man says something that makes a woman look bad or that she disagrees with
Facebook - "Just going over it all in my head. The way Mike Pence constantly interrupted and spoke over @KamalaHarris was the prime example of white male supremacy and its common dismissal and disrespect for black woman."
"Who didn’t see this coming Funnily enough I can’t remember Jeremy Corbyn being accused of mansplaining for shouting over Theresa May or saying she isn’t fit to lead the country. It only seems appropriate to use when it’s left wing female politicians."
Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "I can’t wait for Amy Coney Barrett hearings when interrupting a female nominee will no longer be mansplaining and sexist."
Facebook - "Opinion: America hates to let Black women speak"
"This is why Oprah’s career never really took off.And why Oprah’s book club has like, no power whatsoever to make or break new releases."
"By CNN’s count, Harris and Pence had the same amount of time to speak.I don’t know how WaPo could publish such drivel."
"Harris interrupts witnesses during every hearing she was part of. Which is more rude than in a political debate."
"This is ridiculous beyond belief. So women are strong 🏼 but they’re too soft to take it when a man interrupts? If you ask me, she interrupted him way more, was way more condescending and this whole mansplaining thing is idiotic. Gosh. I’m so sorry Kamala, that a man had the audacity to debate you... at a debate. Men have to speak too."
"In 2016, Mike Pence interrupted Tim Kaine 40 times. This took me about 5 seconds of a Google search with the simple question in mind: Was Mike Pence treating Kamala Harris differently than past opponents? Answer: No."
"They can never admit of any past progress. Because if progress has been made, they have nothing left to sell you."
Comment (elsewhere): "If you think men talk to one another politely and let the other person speak finish first before they go, you probably haven't seen men talk to one another."
Democratic Debates: The Candidates Interrupted Each Other A Lot - "The debates were, at times, chaotic. The candidates interrupted each other 71 times over the course of both evenings, and ignored the moderators’ time limits 47 times."
It's only wrong when a "minority" is interrupted
First night of GOP convention delivers nearly six times more views than start of Democrats' event on C-SPAN livestream
Together with the congressional results (when a new President comes in, his party usually makes gains in Congress) this points to the lack of enthusiasm for Biden and the Democrats
Don Lemon: Trump Supporters Need To Be "Deprogrammed" Before They Can Be Allowed To Vote | Video
PBS attorney fired after video shows him pushing for 're-education camps' for Trump voters - "An attorney for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) resigned Wednesday after a Project Veritas undercover video shows the man expressing support for re-education camps for the children of President Donald Trump's supporters and likening the president to Adolf Hitler"
Buck Sexton on Twitter - "If men in MAGA hats were burning down buildings, looting stores and engaging in mob violence against strangers, Democrats who are currently shrugging their shoulders about riots would be calling for the national guard to start firing live rounds into crowds. Remember that"
RNC 2020: President Trump accepts Republican nomination; Jacob Blake mentioned by name on closing night of GOP convention - ""If the Democrat Party wants to stand with anarchists, agitators, rioters, looters and flag-burners, that is up to them," Trump said. "But I, as your president, will not be a part of it. The Republican Party will remain the voice of the patriotic heroes who keep America safe and salute the American flag." That drew a standing ovation. The President also singled out Chicago for what he called "left wing mayhem and anarchy" while saying bad police officers need to be held accountable."
Daniel Garza on Twitter - "Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday"
Presumably they're stupid and suffer from false consciousness
Michael Tracey on Twitter - "It's going to be really interesting to see how liberals respond to Biden immigration policy if he's in office. Will ICE detainers at jails -- a hallmark of the Obama years that fueled deportations -- still be considered "fascist?""
"Calling everything associated with the federal government "fascism" under Trump has been a highly successful disciplining and conformity-enforcing tactic across the left/liberal spectrum. That was the real purpose: not accurately describing reality"
Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Even with Trump gone, Dems and their media outlets are going to keep centering/inflating the threat of Fascism and Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism because that's what keeps everyone in line behind the Dems: we can't fight neoliberalism or imperialism until we've vanquished fascism!
The Democratic Party and its media outlets - MSNBC, CNN, WPost/NYT - are drowning in cash. The key is to keep fear levels high: they keep everyone scared about a fascist takeover & present themselves as the only protectors. It's a model of profit and power that is not going away.
Huge swaths of US liberalism & even the left got convinced over 4 years that institutions like CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. - and neocons/right-wing operatives like David Frum, Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson - might not be perfect but they at least oppose fascism & care about democracy (lol).
This has been a huge propaganda coup for security state agencies and their life-long loyalists. They are no longer seen even on the left as what they are -- the greatest threats to democratic, liberals values & the greatest source of disinformation -- but are rather now beloved.
If Biden wins, that's going to be the power structure: a Democratic Party fully united with neocons, Bush/Cheney operatives, CIA/FBI/NSA, Wall St & Silicon Valley: presenting itself as the only protection against fascism. And much of the left will continue marching behind it."
Texas Supreme Court Weighing Whether To Throw Out More Than 100,000 Drive-Thru Votes
A TDS sufferer claimed that this was "voter suppression". Strange how letting a court decide questions of law is somehow a bad thing. Rule of law is meaningless when it comes to promoting Democratic ends
Biden campaign cancels Texas event after Trump supporters surround bus on interstate - "
The TDS sufferer even more ludicrously called this voter suppression - when this wasn't even about voting. "Peaceful protest" is only good when liberals agree with it
James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "EXCLUSIVE: Celeb-packed apartments to be protected by armed guards on Election Day""Seems like a healthy thing to have going on in an advanced democracy where people haven't completely lost the plot of their society.Also, these people will keep their armed protection when their cutesy agitations to defund the police take hold, but we won't."
One "upside" of virtue signalling - the bullshit you push will hurt others while you are insulated from the consequences. So you get ahead while others (often those you are pretending to care about) suffer
Frederick Joseph on Twitter - "Step 1: Get Trump out of office.
Step 2: Use every resource we have to push the Biden administration as far left as possible."
James Lindsay - "Consider the possibility that the main reason they're so insane about Trump is that they can't push him in any direction, least of all as far left as possible. Maybe he's a stumbling block in their long march through the institutions."
The man and the record | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - "We too prefer the first-class temperament and demeanor of a Winston Churchill, a Dwight Eisenhower, a Franklin Roosevelt, a Ronald Reagan, or a Barack Obama (whom this newspaper enthusiastically supported in 2008 and 2012). None of them are on the ballot this year.Let’s look at the Trump record:Under Donald Trump the economy, pre-COVID, boomed, like no time since the 1950s. Look at your 401(k) over the past three years.Unemployment for Black Americans is lower than it has ever been, under any president of either party.Under Mr. Trump, our trade relationships have vastly improved and our trade deals have been rewritten. Thanks to him, middle America is on the map again and the Appalachian and hourly worker has some hope.Has Mr. Trump done enough for these struggling fellow citizens? No. But he recognized them. Maybe he was not articulate, but he recognized their pain.No one ever asked the American people, or the people in “flyover,” country, if they wanted to send their jobs abroad — until Mr. Trump. He has moved the debate, in both parties, from free trade, totally unfettered, to managed, or fair, trade. He has put America first, just as he said he would.He also kept his promise to appoint originalists to the Supreme Court of the United States. His third appointment, Amy Coney Barrett, is the best of all — a jurist whose mind and character and scholarship ARE first class. We hope she stands against both judicial and executive excess.Finally, let’s talk about one of the most important concerns in this region — energy. Under Mr. Trump the United States achieved energy independence for the first time in the lifetimes of most of us. Where would Western Pennsylvania be without the Shell Petrochemical Complex (the “cracker plant”)?Donald Trump is not Churchill, to be sure, but he gets things done.He is not a unifier. He often acts like the president of his base, not the whole country. He has done nothing to lessen our divisions and has, in fact, often deepened them. The convictions and intellect of all Americans should be respected by ALL Americans, especially the president.Has Mr. Trump handled the pandemic perfectly? No. But no one masters a pandemic. And the president was and is right that we must not cower before the disease and we have to keep America open and working.He has not listened well to people who could have helped him. He has not learned government, or shown interest in doing so.But the Biden-Harris ticket offers us higher taxes and a nanny state that will bow to the bullies and the woke who would tear down history rather than learning from history and building up the country.It offers an end to fracking and other Cuckoo California dreams that will cost the economy and the people who most need work right now. “Good-paying green jobs” are probably not jobs for Pittsburgh, or Cleveland, or Toledo, or Youngstown.It offers softness on China, which Mr. Trump understands is our enemy.Mr. Biden is too old for the job, and fragile. There is a very real chance he will not make it through the term. Mr. Trump is also too old but seemingly robust. But in Mike Pence, Mr. Trump has a vice president ready to take over, if need be. He is a safe pair of hands. Sen. Kamala Harris gives no evidence of being ready to be president.This newspaper has not supported a Republican for president since 1972. But we believe Mr. Trump, for all his faults, is the better choice this year"
BULLETIN: Supreme Court Rules in Opitz v Wrzesnewskyj, No Byelection in Etobicoke-Centre - "Wrzesnewskyj and his lawyers were able to convince Justice Lederer of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice that, as a result of irregularities at a number of polling stations, at least 79 votes had been compromised. In some cases, individuals were able to vote without properly registering; in others, individuals were able to vote without being properly vouched for. Perhaps most troublingly, it appears that at least five individuals voted twice. As the number of impugned votes (79) exceeded the margin of victory (26), Justice Lederer applied the ‘magic number test’ and ruled that the results of the election were null and void and ordered a byelection be called."
I was told that the US was the only democratic country where there were lawsuits about whether votes should count
Morgan v Simpson: CA 1974 - "Voting papers that were invalid as a result of minor administrative errors by officials (and not the voters). Counting the invalid votes would have affected the election outcome.
Held: The election was declared void."
Voting Computers Spark Controversy in German State Election - "one voter in Hesse has taken the lead, along with members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), and filed an injunction with the Hesse State Supreme Court against the use of voting computers in the forthcoming election... Should the Hesse State Supreme Court allow the use of the machines for this election, the prosecuting counsel for CCC said there were "dozens of volunteers who would raise objections against the ballot after the election.""
Serious “still work to do” Black on Twitter - "So, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent +/- $9mil on re-election in her D+29 District but got 5,000 less votes than 2018 and her R opponent gained 10%. AOC would’ve been slaughtered in an average district but wants to give @TheDemocrats tips on how to win. 🤦🏾♀️"
It's amazing - Twitter native search couldn't find this, but Google could
Jennifer 'Prosecute Incitement and Sedition' Rubin on Twitter - "Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into "polite" society. We have a list."
"Not a fan of black lists. But by your standards, Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton should be on it, no?... Clinton still claims elections stolen from her. As far as I know, Abrams has never conceded. Even a year after election, she said concession would be “complicity” with unfair process. She simply agreed to acquiesce to a bad process."
"So in other words, "we spent the last 4 years calling everyone else fascists but now that we hold the power let's load 'em on the boxcars"! If civil war happens it'll be squarely on the Left."
"Republicans should be made to work in communal camps, installing solar cells and wind farms. They need to learn the value of compassion and tolerance through hard work."
WATCH: Joe Biden states that Kamala Harris is the President-elect - "This isn't the first time that members of the Biden Harris team have been confused about which one of the two is to be the next American president. At a campaign stop in Fort Worth, Texas on Oct. 30, Kamala Harris was introduced as the "next president of the United States.""
Evil Fascist Dictator Censored And Voted Out Of Office | The Babylon Bee - "The dangerous, evil, all-powerful, fascist, Nazi dictator Donald Trump has been voted out of office and censored, as is tradition for evil dictators... “We are living through scary times indeed under the rule of this fascistic tyrant,” said worried CNN reporter Zeeke Chambers at a time when zero journalists or dissenters have been silenced, jailed, or executed by this administration... According to sources, the dangerous Nazi will be peacefully retiring to Florida and holding the occasional rally, as dictators love to do. The peaceful Democrats in power have vowed to pursue Trump, his family, and his friends to the ends of the earth and destroy their lives forever, as Democrats love to do.At publishing time, Apple, Twitter, and Facebook were praised for their sweeping power grabs and unprecedented suppression of freedom in a coordinated effort against Trump and all of his supporters."
Khalid Jabari on Twitter - "I posted this a lot early on but it warrants repeating. #Republicans are not our countrymen. They are terrorists and must be treated as such."
"It is no longer tenable to recognize Republicans as a political party. Much in the same way that we fight to be anti-racist, we must fight to make this country anti—Republican. The word Republican should give everyone the same gut reaction as words like "rapist" or "murderer". Disgust, revulsion, and horror. Republicans have forfeited their right to be your countrymen. They no longer serve the American people, instead choosing to strip them of all their rights, and torture them. We must make this country actively hostile to Republicans and conservatives, the same way they've made this country inhospitable to everyone else. When Republicans have been shamed out of society, America will find peace."
The party of love, unity and healing!
Meme - "Remember that decency is on the ballot. Also remember to board up your stores in case the party of decency doesn't get their way."
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Trying to remember if any business owner anywhere in the country had to board up their windows in 2008 or 2012 for fear that Republicans would be upset about an Obama victory?"
New York Times deletes tweet after claiming 'role of declaring the winner' falls on the media - "The New York Times was forced to correct a tweet on Tuesday after the paper initially claimed that “the role of declaring the winner” in the presidential election "falls to the news media."“The role of declaring the winner of a presidential election in the U.S. falls to the news media. The broadcast networks and cable news outlets have vowed to be prudent. He’s how it will work,” The Times’ verified account tweeted to accompany a link to an article about how the media will report election results."
Thread by @nhannahjones on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " One day after this election is over I am going to write a piece about how Latino is a contrived ethnic category that artificially lumps white Cubans with Black Puerto Ricans and Indigenous Guatemalans and helps explains why Latinos support Trump at the second highest rate.People are consistently surprised by how Latinos trail only white voters in their support for Trump, but this is simply an unsophisticated understanding of the Latino as a category created by white po. Do white Cubans as a group identify naturally identify w Mexicans in camps?I’ve studied and traveled to Cuba, the DR and Brazil, and trust me, all these former slave societies suffer racial divisions and racial hierarchies based on whiteness but when they come to the US we suddenly tell them they are all part of a single “minority” group. Nope."
Facebook - "The denialism of Joe Biden‘s victory is pretty astonishing at this point, but it’s not all the fault of Republicans.Four years ago there were Democrats as well urging the electors not to certify the will of the people, absolutely certain that some kind of Russian hacking was responsible for the outcome, not simply that the will of the voters wasn’t to their taste this time around. I’m starting to get nervous that this is going to be a new tradition anytime someone new wins, trying to invalidate the candidate’s victory and flirting with (seriously or unseriously) using undemocratic means to usurp the voice of the people."
Thread by @DrewHolden360 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "With Biden having been declared the winner (for now) by major media outlets, I figured it would be a good time to share some of the people who’ve threatened retribution against Trump supporters.
The list is a lot longer than I had anticipated it would be It wouldn’t be right to start with anyone but @RBReich, who I will remind you was **Secretary of Labor** under Bill Clinton and is here calling for the extralegal prosecution of his political opponents as part of a truth and reconciliation commission.
You would think such an idea was roundly refuted, just one blue check going off the reservation.
You would be wrong. Here’s @MSNBC’s @chrislhayes, one of the key voices on one of the largest networks, echoing the same sentiment. The list goes on... The latest suggestion was the keeping of lists for anyone who supported the president.A sitting member of Congress, @AOC, demanded one.Full Bolshevik. And she wasn’t alone in her demands... Thankfully for all of them, there is already one in the works! We had the “Trump Accountability Project” led by @HariSevugan.Nothing says “healthy democracy” like “now that we’ve won, who has the list of our enemies handy?” right, Hari?... We are not some post-genocide society. The suggestion that we need a Rwandan-styled Truth and Reconciliation Commission is preposterous. And free societies don’t develop political hit lists.This champagne fascism from the Left needs to stop. Now would be a good time... you don’t need to be excited or celebratory about an electoral victory for someone whose supporters want to punish you for thoughtcrimes.This is eventually just going to be a thread of @chrislhayes saying that we need to catalogue and punish Republicans... Nothing says unity like treating the other party like an “active threat to democracy” to hear @WajahatAli tell it.
Step 1: ID your enemies
Step 2: put them in a handy list; distribute list to allies
Step 3: punish people for crimes real and (more likely) imagined...
I wish I was surprised that this thread needs to keep growing but it’s inescapable when you consider that lots of people like @DavidOAtkins think that people who don’t support his preferred candidate need to be “deprogrammed” "
Of course, those people who point to the multitude of evidence that many liberals aren't interested in "unity" are just "trolls"
AOC wants to cancel those who worked for Trump. Good luck with that, they say. - "“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” she wrote. “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”A group calling itself the Trump Accountability Project sprung up to heed AOC’s call.“Remember what they did,” the group’s sparse website declares. “We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience: Those who elected him. Those who staffed his government. Those who funded him.”Rarely a healthy sign in any democracy, the enemies lists started to freak out some normally unflappable Trump officials in the White House... Many top Trump advisers now say they’re not worried, and they point to the aftermaths of similarly controversial administrations as reassurance. They argue that if the Bush-era politicians and staffers who led the country to war in Iraq survived without being purged from politics, media and corporate America, then Trump’s advisers won’t either... The close Trump adviser did allow that some staffers could have trouble in pockets of corporate America or Hollywood but the adviser isn’t personally concerned about finding work. “For somebody like me, I'm writing a book, I'm going to write a sequel,” the close Trump adviser said. “I get paid handsomely to give speeches. I have my corporate consulting. Maybe that’s not everyone else. But I can’t imagine I’m alone in that way. Are people going to say, ‘Oh shit, Mike Pompeo, you’re not secretary of State anymore so we can’t talk to you!’ Even the younger staffers — people still want people who worked in the White House. You have breathed rarefied air.”... “There were a lot of Trump people who were afraid of this,” said an administration official. “If there was a massive defeat and we lost the Senate and he lost in a landslide, there would be this purge, both by the establishment Republicans and the Democrats. An employment and maybe even a legal purge against people who worked for the president. Obviously they can’t do that now.”He added, “I think there’s a sense of relief that because the election was so close and win or lose, it clearly was not a repudiation of the president, so I think that gives people a lot of comfort.” Despite the comparisons on the left of the jubilant celebrations Saturday in American cities across the country looking like the toppling of a dictator in a foreign land, this person insisted that Trump’s loss was no different than that of previous incumbents who lost.Most Trump officials viewed the lack of a massive repudiation as a powerful rejoinder to any arguments from Never Trumpers that they should be banned from GOP politics or corporate America... at the height of the Iraq War, many anti-war liberals swore that they would make sure those responsible for that quagmire never worked in politics again. Not only have most of them thrived, many of them became the left’s best allies in their fight against Trumpism... "The Democrats will face significant backlash for this and as per usual, they’ve gone way too far,” said a former senior administration official. “Making a list of your political enemies and promising that they will get payback and people will go after them because they worked for a different political party is literally fascism.”"
AOC, other progressives have a new goal: Silence the press - "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a wellspring of truly terrible ideas for years, but her new one might be her worst on yet: A Ministry of Truth... The socialist congresswoman replied that, yes, indeed, she and some of her colleagues have been exploring media literacy initiatives to help “rein in” the press and combat misinformation... “It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false,” Ocasio-Cortez added. “So that’s something that we’re looking into.”... Here, the Constitution “reins in” Congress from intruding on the speech of citizens, journalists, or any private institutions, not the other way around.As a practical matter, we can already envision from “lived experienced” — as a progressive might say — how sanctioning the state to adjudicate the veracity of journalism can be abused.We need only point to our media “factcheckers,” journalists with political and ideological biases who have regularly, and arbitrarily, labeled completely debatable contentions as falsehoods, while either ignoring or justifying scores of other unsettled contentions. Are these the arbiters of facts who will be manning the government commission appointed by those storied truthtellers in congress? Only this fall, the traditional news media teamed up with Big Tech platforms to censor inconvenient reporting by The New York Post, which had uncovered the shady business dealings of the president-elect’s son, Hunter Biden. The pretext for this concerted and blatant attack on open discourse and journalism was the alleged need to uphold accuracy and standards.As some of us suspected, and we all soon learned, the entire act was put on to shield the preferred candidate of elites. The Post’s reporting was accurate, which is not something anyone can say about the four years of endless conspiracy theorizing by major media outlets regarding Trump’s alleged criminal collusion and Russia’s alleged theft of American democracy.Has anyone ever proposed a truth commission to heal the nation from those wounds?... For those unaware, the “truth and reconciliation commission” the AOC fan asked about was most famously used in South Africa after the fall of apartheid as means of “restorative justice.” The insinuation by those who use this phrase is that 74 million Americans who voted for the Republican presidential candidate are racist thugs in need for similar programs. It’s a disgusting smear, and speaks to the dangerous and illiberal inclination of progressives.As for AOC’s ideas: It’s just creepy, not to mention wholly un-American, for an elected official to advocate the state as adjudicator of veracity of our political speech.It’s also crassly hypocritical. If anyone could use a truth commission, it’s Congress."
No, AOC, It’s Not the Government’s Job to ‘Rein in Our Media’ - "The First Amendment explicitly bars Congress from infringing on freedom of the press or freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court has recognized no exceptions for disinformation. If the government could ban disinformation, after all, it could use that as a cover for banning speech that is not actually false but merely critical of the government, or of specific politicians. Recall that Democrats swiftly denounced The New York Post's report on Hunter Biden's foreign connections as "disinformation," even though many underlying aspects of the story have since been confirmed... In suggesting a role for the government to regulate the media's speech, AOC is echoing comments made by numerous right-wing figures—most notably President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly called for changing libel laws to make it easier for maligned officials to sue the press. Trump has also made threats against newspapers for covering his presidency negatively."
Of course it was bad when Trump talked about libel suits, but it's good when AOC wants a Ministry of Truth
'Republicans Are No Longer Entitled to Exist': Leftists Call for Purge, Prof. Wants Trump Voters Punished Like Nazis - "several media elites including Katie Couric have called for Trump supporters to be subjected to "deprogramming" even though newly-inaugurated President Joe Biden has promised to "heal" and "unite" the American people as he governs for the next four years.As CBN News reported, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson during an appearance on MSNBC said that there are "millions of Americans — almost all white, almost all Republicans — who somehow need to be deprogrammed."... The term "deprogramming" that's being used by American liberals is raising eyebrows because it has also been used to describe the way communist China has rounded-up millions of Muslim Uyghurs, putting them into "re-education" concentration camps with forced labor.Now, Georgetown University Law Professor Jonathan Turley is calling out a Smith College professor who has gone beyond calls for "deprogramming" and instead likened Trump supporters and Republicans to Nazis. She says, like the Nazis, they should be dealt with harshly, including Nuremberg-like trials and the complete eradication of the Republican Party. Instead of embracing President Biden's calls for unity, Turley noted in his blog that Loretta Ross, a professor who teaches women's and gender studies at the school, wants retaliatory action against Trump supporters in Congress, universities, and even those with "regular jobs."In an article posted on the website CounterPunch, Ross advocates that there should be no offer of unity to Trump supporters and the Republican Party should not continue to exist. It should also be noted that the drawing accompanying the article appears to show Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) in a suit with a red tie giving a Nazi "Heil Hitler" salute... Turley warns that such views can be seen almost daily on social media and have become common at universities across the country."What is unnerving is that such views are now common on the Internet and increasingly common at universities. Many professors who send me such columns admit that they are afraid to speak out. There is a rising level of intolerance at universities. In over 30 years of teaching, I have never witnessed the level of intimidation at colleges and universities that we have today. Indeed, these columns are meant to normalize such calls for curtailing free speech and academic freedom"... "What is particularly chilling is her use of a statement from philosopher Karl Popper: 'In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.' Thus, intolerance of opposing viewpoints is now tolerance. It is that easy""
Dear Mr. President: You inspired us — but "unity" with Republicans and Trumpists is a trap | - "Donald Trump — now the former president of the United States — was and is many things. An authoritarian and fascist and a demagogue. An abusive parent or spouse, on a societal scale, who delights in tormenting the American people. A destroyer. A person who encourages the worst of human behavior. Pathological. An apparent sociopath or psychopath. Evil, corrupt and enraptured with violence. A white supremacist. The worst president in American history. A traitor... If Donald Trump had won a second term, American democracy would have suffered an extinction-level event... Trump's followers and other Republicans, a group of people who have repeatedly shown that they reject multiracial democracy and embrace authoritarianism and fascism. In essence, Biden is asking his voters and other supporters to do the emotional, moral and physical labor of reaching out to the worst elements of America, those who have exiled themselves into the alternate reality of TrumpWorld and the broader right-wing echo chamber. Biden's approach rewards bad behavior and does not force a new maturity or wisdom onto Trumpists, Republicans and other unrepentant elements of the right. Ultimately, such an approach all but ensures that the White Right will become even more radical and dangerous... A new Pew Research poll shows that Republican voters want their leaders to obstruct the Democratic Party's policies."
The TDS is strong with this one. But even other people with TDS presumably cannot deny that this is not "unity"
Strange how we were told even one term would be an extinction-level event
Given how the Democrats were obsessed with obstructing Trump, this is hilarious
ABC News Political Director Rick Klein calls for "cleansing" of Trump movement and I know I've heard that kind of talk somewhere I just can't put my finger on it - "Here's just one quote from your favorite guy Adolf Hitler which puts Rick Klein's deleted tweet about cleansing the Trump movement right in line with fascism:
"The application of force alone, without support based on a spiritual concept, can never bring about the destruction of an idea or arrest the propagation of it, unless one is ready and able to ruthlessly to exterminate the last upholders of that idea even to a man, and also wipe out any tradition which it may tend to leave behind.""
National Democratic Party official suggests re-education for Trump supporters: 'How do you deprogram 75 million people?' - "David Atkins, a newly elected California member of the Democratic National Committee, declared recently that Democrats and liberals should "start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan" in order to "deprogram 75 million people... Conservative activist Jack Posobiec tweeted Atkins' remarks, captioning them, "A Democrat Party official in California is calling for national re-education camps for families who voted for Trump. This is not OK.""
Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "We should keep and publish a list of everyone who assists Trump’s frivolous and dangerous attacks on the election. Name and shame forever."
So much for due process. And of course those who spent 4 years gaslighting everyone about Russiagate get away
Nobody Called Obama and Hillary Seditious When They Demanded Electoral College Results Be Overturned - "in 2016 the Hollywood Left, a redundancy to be sure, called for Republicans to dump the duly elected Donald Trump in the Electoral College not because of the U.S. Constitution, but because they didn’t like him.As I reported, it wasn’t considered “treasonous,” “traitorous” or ignoble to do so.The Hollywood actors promised they would be Republicans’ best friends if electors would just dump the president and change the election... Democrat politicians cheered on overturning the election because … Resist! Resist! Resist! Which shape-shifted into Russia, Russia, Russia!Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut fumed on MSNBC, “We’ve got an electoral system out there that doesn’t work. We spend more on prison food than we do on elections!” Congressman John Conyers said there was “massive disenfranchisement.”... But sure, only President Trump is a weirdo for wanting a clean election.Rewind the tape again. Remember the hanging chad election of 2000, when Democrat Al Gore wanted to keep counting until he won? All the Democrats were squarely behind the efforts to contest the election and it went on for nearly 40 days. Then the Clinton White House apparatchiks, who are now the big network “news” readers, took off the “W’s” from the keyboards in the West Wing. And they call President Trump immature. Senators Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Edward Markey, Barbara Boxer and others joined Representatives Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Mad Max Waters, Alcee Hastings, and Barbara Lee, among others, called for voting against certifying the 2004 election. See the video below if you doubt. Of course, the Democrats were cheered on by the now-deposed High Priest of the Church of Perpetual Outrage, Keith Olbermann, who called their objections “important.”Thanks to the Media Research Center, there’s video proof... The Washington Post didn’t call for the Democrats’ removal. Harvard didn’t call and want its honorary degrees back. Democrats weren’t tossed out of boardrooms, commissions or polite society because they contested the election.Democrats keep overplaying their hand and their fauxrage is tedious... Democrats are upset because President Trump questioned the election results, something only they may do."
Al Gore only conceded after 36 days of legal battles, but Trump was bashed from the start
Amazon requests unionizing vote to be held in person despite COVID-19 - "Amazon is asking the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to direct warehouse workers to cast unionizing votes in-person, rather than by mail... "We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person, making it easy for associates to verify and cast their vote in close proximity to their workplace"... "Amazon provided the NLRB with a safe, confidential and convenient proposal for associates to vote onsite, which is in the best interest of all parties – associate convenience, vote fidelity, and timeliness of vote count. We will continue to insist on measures for a fair election, and we want everyone to vote, so our focus is ensuring that’s possible""
You're only a conspiracy theorist if you think postal voting is inecure and/or has other issues for a political election
NJ NAACP Leader Calls For Paterson Mail-In Vote to Be Canceled Amid Corruption Claims - "A Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations.“These kinds of acts make people not want to vote anymore. They feel disenfranchised, disconnected that their votes don’t count, and that is not fair to people""
Is voter fraud still a myth if the NAACP says it is real?
James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "If you live in Florida & believe your absentee ballot has been lost in the mail or it seems late arriving, YOU CAN STILL VOTE IN PERSON 1) at an early vote station this weekend 2) on Election Day Your AB will be auto-canceled if it arrives after you vote in person"
"I'd say the mail-in ballot thing was a terrible idea, but it was an intentional terrible idea. Our democracy is being subverted, and people refuse to see it."
Who believes the AB auto-cancellation is a sure thing?
Facebook - "I've never seen something declared a 'coup' that involved rich people filing frivolous lawsuits, all of which were rejected by the judges that the person themselves appointed.It is possible to think this a pointless exercise by a very bad soon-to-be ex-President and still use accurate language"
Good reminder that even before the Capitol Riot, hysterical liberals were alleging a "coup". Clearly they were working backwards from a pre-determined conclusion
Election results: White people make up the majority of Trump voters in 2020 - "According to the exit poll, Trump did better in 2020 with every race and gender except white men."
Of course, this is proof that white men are "the problem"