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Monday, May 24, 2021

Links - 24th May 2021 (Big Tech Censorship)

Emil O W Kirkegaard on Twitter - Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Donates $10 Million to Ibram X. Kendi, Who Wants To Make Racism Unconstitutional
"Same people who called themselves "the free speech wing of the free speech party". Never trust your principles to capitalists."
Free speech is not for "bigots" and "white supremacists". This is why liberals love Twitter

Inez Stepman on Twitter - "Twitter CEO donates $10M to a guy who openly argues for an unelected, unaccountable commission that reviews ALL LAWS and ALL PUBLIC OFFICE SEEKERS for compliance with his ideology. Woke Stalinism sounds good to Jack I guess"

Facebook - "Logic, Empathy, Honesty: So you may have noticed it's been several months since I posted anything. a little while back, a page on which I was a moderator, "The Liberalists" was permanently shut down by Facebook for no given reason. We were not cited on a particular post or issue, it was simply taken down with no attempt to appeal. In addition, all of the pages moderators were themselves given a ban. Mine was for 30 days. Again, I had posted nothing that broke any rules, and facebook would not allow me to appeal. My crime, apparently, was simply being associated with a page that allowed both the left and right to talk freely to each other.
This whole episode taught me that Facebook has become too great a threat to the concept of freedom of speech, and I cannot be a part of it's evil empire, or allow myself to be a part of the monopoly it has in public discourse, and in which it exercises arbitrary and absolute power to silence political opinions.
This series of events, coupled with Facebooks requirement of using real names, and more recently, that logging in with a Facebook account is becoming mandatory to access paid content on other platforms it has purchased (Oculus, being a key example), leads me to believe that facebook is the greatest threat to western democracy on the planet today, able to control, punish and track individuals based on what they say, and demonstrating a desire to gradually control more than just discussion forums, but actual content providers, that it can police in the same dystopian way.
As a result, I will soon be deleting my Facebook account, and removing myself from it's grasp entirely.
I want to take a moment to express extreme gratitude for the thousands of you that have followed this page, engaged in the discussion, and helped me to be a better person.
I'm sorry to have to pull the plug, but I simply cannot be an enabler to this corporations plans.
I hope you'll all take from this page the fundamental concepts of free expression and the power of speech into the rest of your lives. That we might reclaim the principles of western civilization and break free of the thought-monopoly of the Silicon valley oligarchy.
With Logic, Empathy and Honesty, I wish you all well.
- Honest Mike."

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "We have truly reached an Orwellian reality.  Well done LinkedIn ! A Lebanese Jew pointing to the tolerated hate against Jews on university campuses is now HATE SPEECH!  It's truly fantastic."
Jews have power so slamming Jews is "punching up", which is good, and criticising those who bash Jews is "punching them", which is hate speech

Black journalist Jason Whitlock locked out of Twitter after criticizing BLM co-founder's mansion purchase - ""BLM is one of Big Tech's sacred cows," said Whitlock. I've been harping on the fraudulence and the financial grift of BLM for years. I think Twitter has been looking for an excuse to de-platform me.""
Silencing black voices is good when they threaten the narrative

Facebook Blocks Stories about Patrisse Khan-Cullors' Luxury Home - "Facebook’s effort to take similar action drew immediate attention from critics. “Facebook censoring the NY Post,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) wrote on Twitter, quoting a message from his press secretary, Abigail Marone, who had attempted to share the story. “Where have I seen this before?”  Hawley was referencing an October story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was originally reported by The Post. Twitter banned the story and suspended The Post’s Twitter account, while Facebook restricted the story’s visibility, arguing the company was unable to verify it."

Twitter refuses to flag Ossoff's tweet falsely accusing Sen. Loeffler of 'campaigning with a klansman' - "Twitter repeatedly censored President Donald Trump's tweets during the 2020 presidential election. As ballot counting continued, Twitter flagged four of the president's tweets in a 24-hour span. The warning labels slapped on his posts read: "Some or all of the content shared in this tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process." Twitter then offered a link to "learn about U.S. 2020 election security efforts."  Twitter also locked the New York Post out of its account for supposedly violating the platform's policy against the "distribution of hacked material" after the right-wing publication dropped its widely-circulated Hunter Biden bombshell.  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, James Woods, and One American News Network's Jack Posobiec were additionally locked out of their Twitter accounts over tweets related to the Biden family scandal. Twitter then censored the story sitewide. Attempts to share the link resulted in an error message, stating: "Your Tweet couldn't be sent because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more.""

Twitter Takes No Action Against Viral Tweet Stating 'Violence IS the Answer' - "Twitter censored tweets from President Donald Trump and the White House, falsely alleging that they “glorified violence.” But it has also allowed a tweet from a user claiming “violence IS the answer” to go viral, accumulating over 60,000 retweets over the course of nearly three days.  The tweet was posted by the Twitter account of Ajia G, who says she creates “black empowered rants, commentary, and conversations” on YouTube."

Zoom Deleted Events Discussing Zoom “Censorship”

Facebook deletes (and then restores) the French town of Bitche's page - "  To avoid risking seeing their own pages deleted, several towns in Pays de Bitche have reluctantly changed their own Facebook names...   Back in 1881, the United States ambassador took offence at the name of the square in Paris where the American embassy was seated: Place de Bitche, named to honour the town of Bitche’s wartime effort. The square was renamed Place des Etats-Unis."

Spotify quietly deletes controversial 'Joe Rogan Experience’ episodes - "  The streaming music service has been quietly removing episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience” from their platform, according to Digital Music News — including as many as 42 interviews featuring a variety of controversial characters, including former Breitbart news editor Milo Yiannopoulos, Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and comedian Chris D’Elia, who was accused of “grooming” underage girls and soliciting pornographic images... Scientifically tenuous content was also subject to removal. For example, Rogan’s talks with Bulletproof Coffee founder Dave Asprey, the self-proclaimed “father of biohacking,” have also disappeared, DMN reports. Asprey has been criticized in the past for touting a high-fat diet regimen without thoroughly researched support from doctors and other health experts...   The news comes in the year following an exclusive deal between Spotify and “The Joe Rogen Experience,” making the streaming service the sole source of Rogan’s content after years of developing an audience of more than 8.4 million via YouTube. The podcaster announced the partnership last year, acknowledging that the contract was contingent on the disappearance of a few choice interviews."

For Political Cartoonists, the Irony Was That Facebook Didn’t Recognize Irony - The New York Times - "While satire and irony are common in everyday speech, the company’s artificial intelligence systems — and even its human moderators — can have difficulty distinguishing them. That’s because such discourse relies on nuance, implication, exaggeration and parody to make a point... Emerson T. Brooking, a resident fellow for the Atlantic Council who studies digital platforms, said Facebook “does not have a good answer for satire because a good answer doesn’t exist.” Satire shows the limits of a content moderation policy and may mean that a social media company needs to become more hands-on to identify that type of speech, he added. Many of the political cartoonists whose commentary was taken down by Facebook were left-leaning, in a sign of how the social network has sometimes clipped liberal voices...  In 2019 and 2020, Facebook often dealt with far-right misinformation sites that used “satire” claims to protect their presence on the platform, Mr. Brooking said. For example, The Babylon Bee, a right-leaning site, sometimes trafficked in misinformation under the guise of satire... When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in 2019 that he would bar two congresswomen — critics of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians — from visiting the country, Mr. Hall drew a cartoon showing a sign affixed to barbed wire that read, in German, “Jews are not welcome here.” He added a line of text addressing Mr. Netanyahu: “Hey Bibi, did you forget something?”Mr. Hall said his intent was to draw an analogy between how Mr. Netanyahu was treating the U.S. representatives and Nazi Germany. Facebook took the cartoon down shortly after it was posted, saying it violated its standards on hate speech... “Those of us speaking truth to power are being caught in the net intended to capture hate speech”"
When you call for censorship and then complain when you get censored
I remember the days when liberals mocked conservatives for thinking The Onion was serious
I like how denying 2 politicians from visiting a country is supposed to be the same as a Nazi concentration camp
It's only "truth" to "power" if it's a liberal saying it to a conservative

BREAKING: Twitter insider leaks video of top execs planning to ban Trump-allied accounts - "Project Veritas dropped its second installment of inside reporting on Twitter on Monday, with recordings of Twitter's Legal, Policy and Trust lead Vijaya Gadde."
One liberal response I've seen to Project Veritas whistleblowing is to lob vague accusations of them being biased. Apparently Project Veritas being biased means that we can pretend that all their leaked documents and videos don't exist

Twitter's policing problem - "After permanently banning then-President Donald Trump from its platform, Twitter took only seconds to delete a defiant tweet from his official government account. Yet it’s not nearly so fleet-footed about child pornography and death threats. So can anyone buy its claims to police without bias?According to a federal lawsuit filed this week in California, Twitter took more than a month, refusing countless pleas along the way, to remove widely viewed images and videos of a teen sex-trafficking victim. The suit, filed by the victim and his mom, accuses Twitter of making money off the child-porn clips, which the victim says traffickers blackmailed him into making when he was 13.One even included a second child, yet when the clips showed up on Twitter in 2019, the company refused to remove them, saying it “didn’t find a violation” of its “policies.”“What do you mean you don’t see a problem? We both are minors right now and were minors at the time these videos were taken,” the victim responded, including a law-enforcement case number. He became suicidal after classmates saw the videos and started harassing him, the lawsuit says. But Twitter did nothing until a federal agent got involved, only then suspending the accounts, which were known hubs for child porn... Twitter took 17 hours to suspend an account under the name of Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, after it tweeted a death threat to Trump. The tweet pictured a likeness of Trump on a golf course and promised “Revenge is inevitable” for the ex-president’s order a year ago to kill Iranian commander and terrorist Qassem Soleimani.Twitter later determined that account was fake, but it has failed to delete countless hateful and violent tweets from the real Khamenei over the years.It also took two days this month to suspend the account of China’s US embassy after it tweeted that it had “emancipated” Uighur women by ensuring they were “no longer baby-making machines” — a chilling spin on Beijing’s concentration camps for Uighers and forced sterilizations.All the evidence suggests Twitter doesn’t police according to any neutral standards, but with an eye on what bothers its woke workforce."

Instagram just pulled one of our posts for "violence and incitement" ... It was a screenshot of Twitter's trending topics. The irony is beautiful. - "the day after permanently banning Trump for "inciting violence," Twitter really did allow "Hang Mike Pence" to trend. Multiple forms of that sentiment, actually.Which happens to be so inappropriate that even posting a screenshot of it to IG gets you censored.But it was allowed to trend on Twitter.So basically, Instagram just accused Twitter of "violence and incitement.""

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Amazon is censoring books which describe transgenderism, including actual gender dysphoria, as a mental illness from their platform. GD is code 302.85 in the DSM-5: you can find it right here...https://t.co/CDG94LdwNr. There is no empirical basis for much of "thuh science.""

When you search Google Images for "white men" it gives you a bunch of photos of black dudes, females, and a few white guys ... But why?

Subtle White People Traits | Facebook - "Here's an interesting Google Image search test.
Google "Black Couple", you find Black couples.
Google "Asian Couple", you find Asian couples.
Google "Mixed Couple", you find Mixed Couples.
Google "Gay Couple", you find gay couples.
Now try googling, "White Couple" and also "Straight Couple".
You will reliably find sprinkled in your Google Image Search Results Black, Asian, Mixed and Gay couples."

People are starting to use Lefties' nonsensical language against them and it’s absolutely beautiful: Meet #SuperStraight and #BlueAnon - "The other term that broke through the cultural barrier was "Blue Anon," playing on the Left's habit of classifying anything they think is a conspiracy under the banner of "QAnon."

Google and Urban Dictionary censor 'Blue Anon' following widespread mockery of left-wing conspiracy theories - "The life of new term "Blue Anon" in the online Urban Dictionary was short-lived. After emerging on social media and landing in a spot in the slang-term glossary on Saturday, it was quickly purged. A Google search brings up nothing on the term other than brand name ski gear.Jack Posobiec pointed out the deletion from Urban Dictionary: "I have never even heard of a word being banned from Urban Dictionary before the banned Blue Anon." A search of the dictionary for the term comes up short... The term "Blue Anon" is a counterpoint to the leftist penchant to classify all conservative conspiracy theories under the heading QAnon, and gives a catch-all to all the wacky leftist theories that float about online... Contained within the Urban Dictionary definition were many of the top conspiracy theories bought into frequently by registered Democrats. Here is a list of them as they appear in the definition:
Russia Hoax
Jussie Smollett hoax
Ukraine hoax
Covington kids hoax
Brett Kavanaugh hoax
The definition of "Blue Anon" read as "a loosely organized network for Democrat voters, politicians and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories."
It went on to say, "Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and "remove" lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the US Capitol.""

The threats and violence Twitter won't police - "Twitter hosts a #KillTrump hashtag. In all of the glorious English language there is no clearer, plainer, or shorter way to call for violence than the word kill followed by someone’s name. But there it is. One of these tweets reads “#ArrestTrump not enough #KillTrump.” And this isn’t new, back in June the hashtag #AssassinateTrump was bouncing around the website with gems like “Someone take this clown out NOW.” That tweet is still up... There is a Twitter account that calls itself “Pigs In A Blanket, Fry Em Like Bacon,” a call to kill police that is also found in myriad tweets. There is currently a tweet up from the day of the Capitol riots that reads “I hope the Trumpers out there all die of Covid. When Congressman elect Luke Letlow did die with Covid there were tweets celebrating or calling it justice. Antifa, which engaged in riots all summer in Portland has several Twitter accounts that they use to organize. In July a left wing Portland journalist tweeted during a riot, “Heads up all, it looks like Andy Ngo is here.” Author and Antifa critic Ngo has been physically assaulted by the group. Clearly she knew she was putting him danger... What is really happening here is that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is cynically taking advantage of the tragic and chaotic events on the Capitol to secure his company’s dominance. It is deeply un-American and they deserve to be called out."

Twitter is now adding a controversial 'hacked materials' warning label to tweets - "The new warning label comes after Twitter's controversial decision to block links to a New York Post story in October 2020, which included material from a laptop belonging to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Twitter was roundly criticized across the political spectrum for the action it took when the story was published and shared on its platform.In response, Twitter updated its policies surrounding “hacked materials” and unblocked links to the story. This new warning label is clearly a new approach to flagging news stories which are based on hacks and leaked documents.It should be stressed again that these warning labels are being added to tweets sharing links to news stories based on hacked materials, not tweets sharing raw leaked or stolen materials themselves.However, some Twitter users have pointed out that the New York Times story on Ted Cruz’s trip to Cancun was based on leaked text messages from the senator’s wife. Yet, they point out, there is no warning label placed on tweets linking to that story even though it appears to fall under Twitter’s own “distribution of hacked materials” policy... some of the most important journalism of just this past decade was done with documents that would fall under Twitter’s “hacked materials” policy.Would the eye-opening “Collateral murder” video that was provided to Wikileaks in 2010 by Chelsea Manning have received a warning label? Would Twitter have warned users before retweeting the many crucial investigative pieces that came out of the NSA spying documents provided to multiple news outlets by Edward Snowden?As Will Menaker of the podcast Chapo Trap House tweeted, these “hacked materials” warning labels may very well be construed by critics as “highlighting journalism that is especially important.”"

zeynep tufekci on Twitter - "I'm looking at the list of things that Facebook says it will take down as "misinformation" and is this retroactive? They'd then have to take down most of public health advice, including from the CDC and the WHO and major newspapers, from the first six months of the pandemic.
Looking at the list, Facebook may have to take down some current real news and public health statements, too. We have ongoing clinical trials with no placebo, for example. (UK heterologous prime boost trial) Also today's reports on ChAdOx1? May need to go under these guidelines.
There are *still* countries where public health authorities do not recommend masks (besides being standard advice from WHO till June 2020). Tons of mainstream media articles from 2020 with claims of masks making you sick/higher risk for infection. What about those?
Yes, yes, yes I'm an early advocate of masks and I think the evidence is strong but we've never had the ideal randomized cluster trial. If there were a chance for a new study, are people not allowed to talk about it on Facebook? Who drew up these @Facebook guidelines?...
Of course there are tests that are not yet approved that can detect COVID-19. Does Facebook think tests collapse into reality from their superimposed state the moment they are approved? If a test fails to detect a new variant for some reason, are we allowed to discuss that?...
As it is worded, Facebook would have to ban all discussions of today's news around the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine and the strain in South Africa. There goes today's WHO presser, I guess!"
I guess Facebook has to ban links to all the peer-reviewed RCTs showing that masks don't prevent the spread of diseases

Survey: Voters would rather see big tech companies face punishment for censorship than see another impeachment - ""sixty percent of battleground voters view Democrats' latest effort to impeach President Donald Trump as another 'waste of time and money' and are seeking an orderly transition of power"... "Seventy-seven percent said Congress should work on the coronavirus response instead. Seventy-four percent said impeachment is politically motivated to prevent the president from running again.""Sixty-five percent said Biden and Pelosi are 'keeping the country divided.'"... The survey also found "massive resentment towards Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms that banned Trump." 74 percent agreed that if they can take away the President's free speech, "they can take away the right to free speech for any American."McLaughlin, who polled for the Trump campaign said, "70 percent believe that technology firms, including Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple, are too powerful and need to be regulated.""

BREAKING: Project Veritas exposes Google manager admitting to election interference - "Google's Cloud Technical Program Manager Ritesh Lakhar said that it is intentional that the Google search results that show scathingly negative content regarding Donald Trump and entirely positive content about Joe Biden... Lakhar said "Because on one side, you have this professional or unprofessional attitude and on the other side, you have this ultra-leftist attitude, and your entire existence is questioned.""

BREAKING: Project Veritas exposes Google executive discussing censorship and election interference - "a Google ad manager says that Google is capable of censoring "right-wing and republicans." The manager said he decided not to go ahead and fulfill a request for pro-Brexit ads through the search engine... Google Trust and Safety team has actively engaged in suppressing and censoring political speech, primarily because those who have that power feel that it is in their purview to do so."

Facebook’s Rittenhouse Mistake - WSJ - "Will Facebook let users share this editorial? We’ll see. The social-media giant seems to have declared Kyle Rittenhouse’s fatal shooting of two people amid riots in Kenosha, Wis., a mass murder. Mr. Rittenhouse’s lawyer says his client was attacked and acted in self-defense, but Facebook has banned any “praise and support” for him on the site, including links to contribute to his legal representation. Searches for his name on the platform also come up empty. This is an alarming resort to censorship on an issue of public concern by a company that has advertised its support for First Amendment values. Even more than most political controls on content, this blackout is troubling because it seems targeted at users’ expectation of freedom of speech and Mr. Rittenhouse’s right to due process.By taking down links to pay Mr. Rittenhouse’s legal fees, the company is interfering with his ability to raise money for his defense in a way other criminal defendants might. The fact that the platform may only be used to declare Mr. Rittenhouse’s guilt, but not his innocence—though lawyers say the self-defense argument is plausible—could prejudice a jury pool in the high-profile case. One of America’s most powerful companies is effectively giving its official imprimatur to Wisconsin prosecutors’ case against a specific defendant... Facebook’s heavy-handed blackout flies in the face of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s commitments last year—which we have defended—that the company would protect free expression and not yield to political demands to suppress speech."

Big Tech Expert: Google Shifted at Least 6 Million Votes - "The Harvard Ph.D. and his 33-member research team watched tech giants Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Bing, and Facebook in three swing states—Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida—during the 2020 election. The former Psychology Today editor said his team “preserved 500,000 ephemeral experiences,” which he says are those short, quick bursts of information or experiences that disappear within seconds... “Google’s search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and democrats. This was not true on Bing or Yahoo. The bias was being shown to pretty much every demographic group we looked at, including conservatives. In fact, conservatives got slightly more liberal bias in their search results than liberals did."... Epstein says this wasn’t unexpected. After all, in a leaked video from a 2018 all-employee meeting following the 2016 election, Google executives bemoaned the election results and vowed to do something about it in Trump’s re-election bid... 'Co-founder Sergey Brin can be heard comparing Trump supporters to fascists and extremists. Brin argues that like other extremists, Trump voters were motivated by “boredom,” which he says in the past led to fascism and communism. The Google co-founder then asks his company to consider what it can do to ensure a “better quality of governance and decision-making.”VP for Global Affairs Kent Walker argues that supporters of populist causes like the Trump campaign are motivated by “fear, xenophobia, hatred, and a desire for answers that may or may not be there.”Later, Walker says that Google should fight to ensure the populist movement – not just in the U.S. but around the world – is merely a “blip” and a “hiccup” in a historical arc that “bends toward progress.”'... After pushing the idea that a couple hundred thousand dollars in Russian Facebook ads, many seen after the election, stole the election for Trump in 2016, Democrats don’t have a leg to stand on if they want to push back on this assessment of Google’s powerful and frightening efforts. In fact, Epstein says Democrats will probably be happy about the results of the tech manipulation – until they’re in the crosshairs."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Almost Half Of Americans Believe Democrats Stole The Election, Rasmussen Reports Says"
"Twitter is putting warning labels on factual polling results."

Correcting Trump’s tweets backfires. - The Washington Post - "corrections to presidential tweets may not work as intended — but instead further polarize Democrats and Republicans."

Rita, 81, is grunted a reprieve over 'hate speech' piggy posts - ""One was on February 1 when a friend in Shrewsbury posted 'white rabbits, white rabbits' as it was the first of the month. And I said 'No, white pigs, white pigs!' Everyone on the knit site and my page knows I am a porcophile. The second time was when I posted a picture and I said 'hi-viz piggy.' "Now I have two strikes against me with no way to appeal. So the bot will watch everything I type now. It is ludicrous. If I ditch Facebook I would lose my great connection with my Shropshire friends."But in a twist to the tale, Facebook says: “Our systems made a mistake here and the comments have now been reinstated. We do sometimes make mistakes when reviewing content, which is why we give people the opportunity to appeal against our decisions.”... She plans to show the five-inch high woollen pigs to raise money for The Smith Family, a charity which helps disadvantaged Australian children to create better futures through education... After her posts were restored by Facebook, she added: "You have made an old lady very happy today. It may seem a small thing to most people, but to someone who had never even had an overdue library book, being charged with using hate speech was frightening.""
Yet some liberals claim that if you censor your words on Facebook you know you are racist etc

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter - "BREAKING: Trump-supporting bar owner who defended his property from BLM rioter has taken his own life."
"Gofundme shut down Jake Gardner’s legal defense fund because he was a Trump supporter. They allow for Antifa militants to host legal defense funds."

The world's biggest gun forum was booted off the Internet because they can be. - "AR15.com is a forum with a robust community that serves as a clearinghouse of sorts for firearm dealers and suppliers... GoDaddy did not give a specific example of how AR15.com violated their terms of service"
They should just create their own internet

The Babylon Bee - Posts | Facebook - "In case you hadn't heard, Twitter suspended our account on Monday. In an email to us, they claimed we violated their rules against "platform manipulation and spam." The email included a warning that if we tried to open another account, that new account would be suspended, too.We published screenshots of the email and our suspended Twitter page, and called on our followers to make some noise. We started trending almost immediately and Twitter responded by reinstating us, saying we'd been suspended "by mistake." So we're back on Twitter, at least for the time being. But we share the concerns of others who've rightly observed that these "mistakes" tend to work in one direction.We're grateful to have followers who aren't afraid to speak up and hold these big tech companies accountable. But there are no guarantees. We couldn't be sure they'd reinstate our account. And we can't know if they will the next time they make a "mistake." But we can do our best to prepare for a worst-case scenario. At least we can if we have your help.When we first launched our subscription service, the primary reason we gave for supporting us was to help us become less dependent on big tech companies"

Farmer Given 3-Day Facebook Ban Over Literal Sheep - ""all except the all-white dude are sheep”. Somewhere deep in the heart of a poorly-written algorithm, Facebook’s most useless of bots instantly detected white dude are sheep — and Goetz was automatically given a three-day ban... There is also no process for correction as far as anyone can tell, so your account will come with a warning with increasingly harsh penalties if it happens again — even if Facebook is squarely at fault. It claims it has an internal “review team” which is clearly a sleight of hand term for “bot” since there was no way to correct it and nobody reached out to Goetz with an apology. A less lazy company could still have the same kind of program, but with built-in fail-safes. Surely, if Facebook is sophisticated enough to scan text, delete the offending comment, and auto-ban the user in one fell swoop, wouldn’t a saner and less punitive way of implementing an otherwise broken tool be to simply auto-delete the comment and have the user try again? Facebook’s idea of Clippy: “Would you like to rewrite this so that it does not violate our community standards?” BOOM. Way better. Pay me, Facebook. The company gets away with it for the same reason it gets away with being dangerous with how false information spreads in a politically contentious era, and for the same reason it gets away with being a subpar product in general: Facebook has very little competition... Even worse, Facebook’s specific List of Things You Can’t Say isn’t published anywhere, so when you receive their nauseatingly paternalistic message that you have violated their “community standards”, you are breaking internal, arbitrary rules that have not been made clear to its users first — all on the adorably simplistic pretense that you ought to just know how we interpret our community standards."
Too bad the author goes on to celebrate anti-white racism and misandry. No surprise that "feminist" is in her bio

Facebook is overhauling its hate speech algorithms - The Washington Post - "Facebook is embarking on a major overhaul of its algorithms that detect hate speech, according to internal documents, reversing years of so-called “race-blind” practices... Tamela J. Gordon, a Miami-based writer who runs a closed group for about 115 Black women, said that after repeated flaggings from Facebook, she and her group members have also started to avoid the word “white,” as well as the word “Black” when capitalized, phrases that pair the words “hate” and “men” or “disgust” and “men,” and most recently the phrase “men are trash.”... They wanted to show Facebook that attempting to treat all users equally was causing problems for its most active and vulnerable users
Liberal gaslighting means that anyone saying this shows bias will be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist
I like how this is a very frank admission that there's a lot of anti-white hatred and misandry on Facebook, and that liberals are upset that they can't spout racist and sexist hate speech
Again this qualifies as bad faith censorship, which is not protected by Section 230 (since Facebook isn't admitting to their sexism and racism in censorship in public)
When equality is considered a bad thing

Is Twitter Going Full Resistance? Here’s the Woman Driving the Change. - "For those who know the inner workings of Twitter, it was another sign of the rising influence of Gadde, the connected, liberal-leaning lawyer who has helped drive the company to more heavily regulate what users can say and post. Twitter’s new rules, from the ad ban to its deletion of controversial Covid-19 tweets, have rippled through Silicon Valley and caused huge blowback in American politics, where many—especially conservatives—now see Twitter as unfriendly territory... Why could users tweet a link to a New York Times story based on Trump’s leaked financial records, but not a New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s emails?"
They're not even bothering to pretend to be neutral. Clear bad faith censorship

Ted Cruz on Twitter - "Jack Dorsey of Twitter just told Senator Cruz that anyone could now share the NY Post’s bombshell stories on Twitter.Dorsey is lying.Twitter is STILL blocking the URL for the NY Post story about the Biden’s foreign corruption & China dealings."
"What @jack told the Senate, under oath, is false. I just tried to tweet the @nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption. Still blocked. 18 USC 1621 makes it a felony to lie under oath to the Senate."

Why some onions were too sexy for Facebook - "There are regular onions, and then there are onions too sexy for Facebook, a Canadian seed and garden supply store recently discovered.The Seed Company by EW Gaze, in St John's, Newfoundland, had wanted to post a seemingly innocent advert for Walla Walla onion seeds on Facebook.But to their surprise, it was rejected for being "overtly sexual"... The Walla Walla onions, "an older onion variety", had recently brought back in stock by customer request, and are now selling fast due to their newfound notoriety, he said."We've sold more in the last three days than in the last five years," said Mr McLean, adding they are also now listed under "sexy onions" on the company website."

I got my account on Facebook suspended for calling someone a silly goose. So I appealed. : facebook

Facebook apologises for flagging Plymouth Hoe as offensive term - "Plymouth Hoe is one of the most well-known sites in the UK’s seafaring history, the spot where Sir Francis Drake reputedly finished a game of bowls before heading out to fight the Spanish Armada.But Facebook has found itself in hot water after challenging some posts from local people who innocently mentioned the Hoe, mistakenly thinking they were using a misogynist term."

Facebook demonetizes Babylon Bee over Mazie Hirono satire - "Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon addressed the demonetization on Twitter Tuesday, saying Facebook claimed that the article “incites violence.”“It’s literally a regurgitated joke from a Monty Python movie!” he stressed.“In what universe does a fictional quote as part of an obvious joke constitute a genuine incitement to violence? How does context not come into play here?” he asked. “They’re asking us to edit the article and not speak publicly about internal content reviews.” Dillon proceeded to accuse Facebook of a double standard, citing the fact that the social media giant did not label a Black Lives Matter leader’s promise to “burn down the system” if the organization’s demands were not met as an attempt to incite violence... The demonetization of The Babylon Bee comes as Facebook and Twitter face harsh criticism from Republicans for their efforts to censor New York Post stories featuring emails from Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, which raise the appearance that he used his father’s position as vice president for personal financial gain for himself and the Biden family... As supporters of President Donald Trump, including White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, began to share the New York Post's investigative reports on social media, they found themselves locked out of their private accounts. In addition, mainstream media journalists who shared the New York Post's reports were locked out of their accounts too.Last week, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, expressed a desire to “know what the hell is going on” and stressed the need for Silicon Valley officials to “come before this committee and the American people to explain why Twitter is abusing their corporate power to silence the press and cover-up allegations of corruption.”Despite attempts by leaders of major social media companies to assure the American public that they remain neutral on political content, it is a well-established fact that Silicon Valley overwhelmingly supports the Democratic Party and progressive political causes."

SJWCentral - Posts | Facebook - "Sorry, we no longer carry pro-Trump content because iti is too offensive. r/StruggleFucking, r/AbuePorn2, r/IncestPorn
Can I interest you in some rape porn?"

Sarah Haider on Twitter - "Spotify Employees Threaten to Strike If Joe Rogan Podcasts Aren’t Edited or Removed"
"Spotify should not have conceded anything. Fire them, move on."
"fuck off"
"You disgusting white bigot how dare you tell a woman of color to fuck off."

Spotify Employees Threaten to Strike If Joe Rogan Podcasts Aren't Edited - "Spotify employees were demanding direct editorial oversight over the recently-acquired Joe Rogan Experience podcast.  That would include the ability to directly edit or remove sections of upcoming interviews, or block the uploading of episodes deemed problematic. The employees also demanded the ability to add trigger warnings, corrections, and references to fact-checked articles on topics discussed by Rogan in the course of his multi-hour discussions. Some of the group’s demands have already been met by Spotify management, though a refusal to allow further changes is stirring talk of a high-profile walkout or strike... For Spotify, the decision to offer some concessions may have only emboldened demands for wide-scale editorial oversight.During the transition of Rogan’s podcast episodes onto the Spotify platform, multiple past episodes were omitted.  Those included interviews with Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, and Alex Jones.  Additionally, Rogan issued a rare public apology and correction over his claim that left-wing anarchists had set fires in Oregon, a point that was made during a recent interview with Douglas Murray.  The apology is now believed to be the result of pressure from Spotify staffers.But those measures apparently don’t go far enough. Rogan’s claim during the Murray podcast is still part of the podcast recording, despite demands that the offending section be removed or directly corrected within the audio itself.  It now appears that Spotify is unwilling to directly edit or otherwise alter any existing episodes, with content alteration considered a bright line that shouldn’t be crossed.Spotify’s management has also refused to remove a more contentious recent episode involving Abigail Shrier. Shrier, a Wall Street Journal writer and author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience in July and has drawn the most protest from the activist Spotify employees... Other corporations have certainly witnessed walkouts and even full-blown strikes by activist employees for a range of grievances.  Those protests have often been met with changes, though the employment landscape has changed dramatically in 2020.  Spotify employees reportedly enjoy comfortable salaries in the $120-$130,000 annual range, with considerable perks and benefits.  These are plum jobs in extremely uncertain economic times, making a strike a risky move.It also appears that Spotify management — including CEO Daniel Ek — has a limited tolerance for the mutiny on deck.  Accordingly, DMN has learned that Spotify clearly shared its decision on the Shrier episode, and has declined continued demands to edit or remove other episodes.The reason for Ek’s pushback is somewhat obvious.  Joe Rogan’s entire identity revolves around unfiltered discussion and opinion, and audiences could abandon the podcast if it becomes censored or controlled.  Earlier this year, Spotify lured Rogan into an exclusive relationship with an estimated $100 million deal."

Top Twitter, Facebook executives donated to Biden campaign - "Federal Election Commission records revealed that tens of thousands of dollars from social media executives were given to Joe Biden's campaign. These donations occurred while the same social media companies were limiting circulation of information on Hunter Biden's business dealings, reports... During Fox News' review of the FEC records, they say that they found no social media executives who donated to the Trump campaign"

Common Sense Extremists: The Fire Rises - Posts | FacebookWe need an internet bill of rights that:
Acknowledges socia social media is the modern public square
Clearly defines reasons you can be banned (pedos, true threats of actual violence)
Bans anti-competitive behavior
Massive fines/damages for violations
No political bias"

YouTube to remove content that claims result-altering fraud in US election

Tim Pool on Twitter - "Welcome To Black Mirror motherfuckers Twitter is now blocking A Government website"

Bret Weinstein on Twitter - "So @Mailchimpis now going to fact-check our emails?What criteria will they base their decisions to dismiss content as misleading or false on?Builders - we need new tech companies committed to a base level of neutrality, openness and with limited purpose."
"Censorship will be shoehorned into every mechanism that can be captured and forced to carry it out—no matter how absurd."

I,Hypocrite on Twitter - Sir Stevo Timothy: "A question for those who proclaim our free speech is under threat. What do you want to say that you fear you won't be able to?"

"So I awoke today to news that Facebook had unpublished my page without warning due to supposed hate speech. I am completely confused and shocked. Six years of my life and work gone. My livelihood gone. Every sketch l have ever made, gone. All the people I made smile. All the times I had talked people out of doing something silly and vice versa, gone. I have openly attacked racism and the rise of the far right in Ireland regularly on my page and will continue to do so. I was given no clue as to which post/ sketch/picture it was that caused this 'offence' so as to give me a chance to delete. Just a notification that my page was unpublished. I am confused and flummoxed. Please please help in any way if you can. Thank you so much."

Melissa Chen - "Trump is set to announce an executive order against social media companies on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters"
"How to get leftists who were cheering for government regulation of Big Tech/social media to reverse course: #4DChess 🧠 "

Escape The Echo Chamber - "If this analysis is correct, the President’s controversial Executive Order calls for transparency and fairness when social media companies choose to censor their customer’s posts. The social media companies are expected to follow their own rules consistently. That’s not out of line with other regulations that require companies to deal with their clients in good faith. As always, it’s all about how the rules are implemented. YouTube, in particular, has been notorious for selective enforcement of its rules and not clearly communicating their decisions to their users."
Alternatively, big tech can admit they run publishers, not platforms, and no longer get exempted from liability

Facebook Suspends Top Photo Colorist For 'Dangerous' WWII Images - "One of the world’s leading colorists of historic photos fears she will be banned permanently from Facebook and Instagram after multiple suspensions of her accounts.Russian photo colorist Olga Shirnina has stunning new work ready to post for her more than 45,000 followers on social media but is unwilling to share three new images on Facebook and Instagram because, as she told RFE/RL, “I would be [suspended] again for sure.”... The situation escalated when Shirnina’s Facebook account was suspended after she posted the image below of two Nazi soldiers during a battle in Ukraine. No Nazi insignia is visible in the photo, suggesting the image may have been flagged by a person rather than through automation. Shirnina was again warned she had broken Facebook rules on dangerous organizations. It would prove the first and last time she says an appeal was successful... Shirnina’s Facebook account was suspended for three days — this time for posting a colorized version of Evgenei Khaldei’s iconic photo of Soviet soldiers raising their flag above the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945. Her appeal against the decision was rejected and she was able to use her account with more than 20,000 followers only after waiting three days, then sending a scan of her driver’s license, which Facebook requested to confirm her identity. Shirnina says she has been “puzzled” by the apparent inconsistency of Facebook’s changing rules and says it remains unclear which images could trigger a permanent ban. “I work with real historical photos and they can’t be corrected!”Several images of Soviet leaders responsible for the deaths of millions of people — as well as photos with Soviet symbols clearly visible — have been published without problem on her pages."
Apparently Facebook thinks "glorifying" Communist killers is okay - just not Nazi ones

Project Veritas Facebook sting: Moderators brag about deleting pro-Trump posts - "The social-media giant said it would review its training and oversight after a Project Veritas sting released Tuesday showed moderators on hidden-camera footage claiming that they delete pro-Trump and conservative posts; that the company harbors an anti-Trump bias, and that Facebook shadow-bans content, despite its claims to the contrary... Several moderators expressed anti-Trump sentiments. “Time to get the Cheetoh out of office,” said one staffer.Another man said that “like half the time when I delete people for pro-Trump sh*t, I’m like, you should be on a watch list, dude,” while a woman said that on her last day with the company, “If someone is wearing a MAGA hat, I am going to delete them for terrorism and just going to like go crazy.”Mr. McElroy pointed to the disparate handling of two politically charged graphics: He said a drawing showing Mr. Trump bleeding from the mouth with a knife to his neck was allowed to remain on the platform, while a cartoon of Elmer Fudd “shooting” Democrat Beto O’Rourke was removed.“There’s no difference between the two,” Mr. McElroy said. “There’s no logical reason why the determined reaction to those two posts would be different. They should be the same.”He said Facebook also made an exception to its policy against accusations of terrorism with a comment by CNN’s Don Lemon, who said in 2018 that white men are “the biggest terrorist threat in this country,” ruling that the remark was newsworthy."

GoFundMe Suspends Funds For Irish Stabbing Victim, Candace Owens - "One of their more heinous acts involved taking down a GoFundMe page for an Irish stabbing victim who was viciously attacked and hospitalized in Carrigaline, Cork County.The event was picked up by local Irish news outlets, who reported that the 17-year-old from Carrigaline was robbed of his belongings by another 17-year-old.In response to the news, Irish YouTuber Gearóid Murphy streamed a fundraiser for the victim on the morning of June 7th, 2020, and did a follow-up video later in the day... radio host PJ Coogan from 96FM claimed that Murphy’s GoFundMe for the 17-year-old stabbing victim was money being raised as a front for a “far-right group”, which led to GoFundMe to deplatforming the fundraiser... they also took down Candace Owens’ GoFundMe for the Parkside Café in Birmingham, Alabama, which couldn’t operate during normal business hours due to the curfews and the riots taking place."

PragerU - Posts - "BREAKING: Facebook is now censoring a PragerU video in which Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr cites a Johns Hopkins University statistic about medical errors, labeling it “False Information.”The “Fact Check” states that because there is no universal standard for medical errors, the Johns Hopkins estimate that may very well be true must still be labeled as unequivocally FALSE.If the fact-checkers can't show that the estimate is wrong, how can they label an entire video "FALSE?""

Sargon of Akkad - Posts - "Google bans two websites from its ad platform over protest articles"
"If you opinion on BLM is not approved google will cut ties with your news site.How is that not a publisher?"

Roo® on Twitter - "My channel Atheism-is-Unstoppable was just terminated. I had zero strikes."

Hillary Clinton: Mark Zuckerberg Is ‘Trumpian’ and ‘Authoritarian’ - The Atlantic - "Facts, Zuckerberg had suggested, are best derived from foraging many opinions, ideally from the billions of humans who use his publishing platform, so that each individual might cherry-pick what to believe. (Cherry-pick is my word, not his.) If journalism’s mantra is “Seek truth and report it,” Facebook’s might be “Seek opinions and react to them.” “It’s not about saying, Here’s one view; here’s the other side,” Zuckerberg had said when I’d asked him to reconcile the apparent contradiction between fact and opinion. “You should decide where you want to be.”... Facebook often defends its equivocations about the truth by claiming that it must protect the “free speech” of its users. “They have, in my view, contorted themselves into making arguments about freedom of speech and censorship,” Clinton said, “which they are hanging on to because it’s in their commercial interests.” Of course, the right to free speech is about protecting citizens from government overreach—and does not concern a person’s use of corporate publishing platforms."
This is hilarious. It is "authoritarian" and "Trumpian" to refuse to engage in censorship. I see others denounce Zuckerberg as totalitarian for refusing to remove "fake" news from Facebook
Unsurprisingly, another liberal who cannot conceive of free speech outside of the First Amendment

YouTube CEO Wojcicki: We've Cut Amount Of Time Americans Watch "Controversial Content" By 70% | Video - "'Lesley Stahl: I also heard that these monitors, reviewers, sometimes, they're beginning to buy the conspiracy theories. Susan Wojcicki: I've definitely heard about that. And we work really hard with all of our reviewers to make sure that, you know, we're providing the right services for them.'"

Facebook wrongly blocked some links, including coronavirus info - "Facebook suffered from a massive bug in its News Feed spam filter, causing URLs to legitimate websites including Medium, Buzzfeed, and USA Today to be blocked from being shared as posts or comments. The issue blocked shares of some but not all coronavirus-related content, while some unrelated links are allowed through and others are not. Facebook has been trying to fight back against misinformation related to the outbreak, but may have gotten overzealous or experienced a technical error."

Comfortably Smug on Twitter - Aaron Sorkin (on Facebook not censoring people): "Facebook isn't defending free speech, it's assaulting truth"
Mark Zuckerberg: ""America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms.  Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free. - Aaron Sorkin, The American President"
"911 I'd like to report a murder"

Yasmine Mohammed - "Twitter has notified me that our #NoHijabDay campaign has been reported. Ppl are upset that we want to share our stories of how difficult it is to get #FreeFromHijab. Not only do they want us to suffer, they want us to suffer in silence. On Feb 1st, please make #NoHijabDay trend"

Twitter censors anti-establishment views - "Twitter censors anyone that challenges the status quo from either side of the political spectrum... Slavoj Zizek, the most prominent leftist philosopher alive today, is one of the fiercest critics of political correctness. He has, in fact, labelled it as one of the “most dangerous forms of authoritarianism.”This form of radical liberalism, according to Zizek, has no real place on the actual left-wing. It is a form of liberal political discourse that is used by the establishment to divide people into competing identity camps... Leftists on the more populist side of the argument, such as Berniecrats and Marxists, have faced explicit censorship and bias on Twitter.Joshua Collins, a socialist candidate running for the Democratic nomination for Congress (WA-10), personally faced the wrath of Twitter’s censorship... Twitter, “seems to make exceptions to their own policy, in opaque and arbitrary ways.”In another instance, many Berniecrats were unable to check replies to a tweet by the Working Families Party. The WFP chose to endorse Warren over Bernie, and Twitter blocked Berniecrats from viewing replies to the tweet (and hence replying), but others were able to freely reply... Joshua Collins was suspended from Twitter for proving that Joey Saladino, a YouTuber running for Congress as a Republican, drank his own piss in a video and used black people as a prop to propagate racist views."

Twitter Bans Users for Transgender Heresies - "When should a person be banned from Twitter? When they breach copyright laws? When they incite violence? How about when they express a view shared by the majority of the American public, according to a 2017 Pew Research poll: that whether or not someone is male or female depends on their sex at birth?... Since October 2018 when, without the 30 days’ notice the company had promised to give, nor indeed any public notice at all, Twitter made sweeping and retroactive policy changes that included a ban on two activist invented offences: “deadnaming” (referring to a transgender person’s birth name) and “misgendering” (referring a transgender person’s birth sex)... After the initial lockout, Murphy later tweeted, “Hi Twitter, I’m a journalist. Am I no longer allowed to report facts on your platform?” By some stretch Twitter claimed this, too, constituted “hateful conduct.”... Twitter claims to offer a platform to every side in a political debate: It’s the “free speech wing of the free speech party,” a sentiment emphasized in the company’s mission statement. Which is why Murphy recently filed a lawsuit for breach of contract... In the age of direct democracy, those who control the debate in underhanded ways can influence political outcomes. In  The Atlantic in 2016, Adam Sharp, Twitter’s head of news, government and public affairs acknowledged that “a [political] candidate without Twitter is a losing candidate.” In a public debate, a side banned from Twitter — in this case, Murphy’s side — is the losing side. Twitter recognizes this power. Which is why Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, swore before Congress last year that their policies and algorithms don’t “consider political viewpoints, perspectives, or party affiliation in any of our policies or enforcement decisions, period.” But Murphy’s lawyers argue that “Twitter banned the accounts of Murphy and hundreds of similarly-situated users as part of a new regime of viewpoint-based censorship that was intended to chill the speech and debate of its users and the public at large on issues of widespread public interest.” Another similarly situated individual is Jamie Shupe — himself a former trans-identifying person... when Shupe was asked directly by another tweeter whether he thought gender dysphoria was a mental illness and replied, “Yes. I consider gender dysphoria as a mental illness. That’s why I don’t support people with GD serving in the military. I also think it can be a learned behavior and can afflict anyone of any age,” Twitter locked him out of his account. This is particularly unfair given that Shupe served in the U.S. military for over 17 years. After his service he was diagnosed with “gender identity disorder,” then later “gender dysphoria,” following the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) name change. So if anyone should be able to claim “lived experience” of trans issues, it’s him.Moreover, Shupe’s medical records show that he received treatment for this at a Veteran’s Administration mental-health clinic. That he can’t say so on Twitter is not just bizarre — it raises serious questions about how big tech might be skewing an important policy debate."

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results - WSJ - "Over time, Google has increasingly re-engineered and interfered with search results to a far greater degree than the company and its executives have acknowledged... Those actions often come in response to pressure from businesses, outside interest groups and governments around the world. They have increased sharply since the 2016 election and the rise of online misinformation... More than 100 interviews and the Journal’s own testing of Google’s search results reveal:
• Google made algorithmic changes to its search results that favor big businesses over smaller ones, and in at least one case made changes on behalf of a major advertiser, eBay Inc., contrary to its public position that it never takes that type of action. The company also boosts some major websites, such as Amazon.com Inc. and Facebook Inc., according to people familiar with the matter.
• Google engineers regularly make behind-the-scenes adjustments to other information the company is increasingly layering on top of its basic search results. These features include auto-complete suggestions, boxes called “knowledge panels” and “featured snippets,” and news results, which aren’t subject to the same company policies limiting what engineers can remove or change.
• Despite publicly denying doing so, Google keeps blacklists to remove certain sites or prevent others from surfacing in certain types of results. These moves are separate from those that block sites as required by U.S. or foreign law, such as those featuring child abuse or with copyright infringement, and from changes designed to demote spam sites, which attempt to game the system to appear higher in results.
• In auto-complete, the feature that predicts search terms as the user types a query, Google’s engineers have created algorithms and blacklists to weed out more-incendiary suggestions for controversial subjects, such as abortion or immigration, in effect filtering out inflammatory results on high-profile topics...
• To evaluate its search results, Google employs thousands of low-paid contractors whose purpose the company says is to assess the quality of the algorithms’ rankings. Even so, contractors said Google gave feedback to these workers to convey what it considered to be the correct ranking of results, and they revised their assessments accordingly, according to contractors interviewed by the Journal. The contractors’ collective evaluations are then used to adjust algorithms.
THE JOURNAL’S FINDINGS undercut one of Google’s core defenses against global regulators worried about how it wields its immense power—that the company doesn’t exert editorial control over what it shows users. Regulators’ areas of concern include anticompetitive practices, political bias and online misinformation...  Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard Law School professor and faculty director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, said Google has poorly defined how often or when it intervenes on search results. The company’s argument that it can’t reveal those details because it is fighting spam “seems nuts,” said Mr. Zittrain.  “That argument may have made sense 10 or 15 years ago but not anymore,” he said. “That’s called ‘security through obscurity’...  People familiar with the matter said Google increasingly will make manual or algorithmic changes that aren’t acknowledged publicly in order to maintain that it isn’t affected by outside pressure.  “It’s very convenient for us to say that the algorithms make all the decisions,” said one former Google executive.  In March 2017, Google updated the guidelines it gives contractors who evaluate search results, instructing them for the first time to give low-quality ratings to sites “created with the sole purpose of promoting hate or violence against a group of people”—something that would help adjust Google algorithms to lower those sites in search.  The next year, the company broadened the guidance to any pages that promote such hate or violence, even if it isn’t the page’s sole purpose and even if it is “expressed in polite or even academic-sounding language.”... The practice of creating blacklists for certain types of sites or searches has fueled cries of political bias from some Google engineers and right-wing publications that said they have viewed portions of the blacklists. Some of the websites Google appears to have targeted in Google News were conservative sites and blogs, according to documents reviewed by the Journal. In one partial blacklist reviewed by the Journal, some conservative and right-wing websites, including The Gateway Pundit and The United West, were included on a list of hundreds of websites that wouldn’t appear in news or featured products, although they could appear in organic search results.  Google has said repeatedly it doesn’t make decisions based on politics... Google’s culture of publicly resisting demands to change results has diminished, current and former employees said. A few years ago, the company dismantled a global team focused on free-speech issues that, among other things, publicized the company’s legal battles to fight changes to search results, in part because Google had lost several of those battles in court, according to a person familiar with the change.  “Free expression was no longer a winner””

Facebook says it's 'hate speech' to refer to Islamic terrorists as 'Muslims' - "we were banned not only for referring to Islamic terrorists as “Muslims”, but also for an article we shared which was critical of Facebook for using ‘hate speech’ violations as a means of censoring unapproved ideas... Branding criticism or critiques of particular ideologies or certain policies as ‘hate speech’ provides a way of silencing political opposition while claiming the moral high ground in doing so."

Tim Pool suspended on Facebook for discussing NYTimes article that essentially outed Erica Ciaramella (called him CIA officer). Pool posts Politico OP-ed discussing NYTimes article -- posts excerpt showing how suppression of news is what happens in authoritarian societies. : conspiracy

Google BANS café owner's advert for traditional faggots after deeming post 'offensive content' - "one day after Ms Evans-Pring posted a picture of faggots with peas and onion gravy on her website, she got an email from Google stating the advert had been removed.In the email, Google cited their content policy explaining not to post anything that could be construed as 'inappropriate and offensive content'.Ms Evans-Pring said that she was 'absolutely startled by what's happened' and claims 'the world's gone totally mad if people are getting worked up over that'.She claimed: 'People need to spend their time dealing with real problems, not things like whether or not the word 'faggots' when selling that meal is hateful... Faggots is a traditional dish, long popular in the English Midlands and South and Mid Wales, made from minced off-cuts and offal.
Cultural imperialism!
Maybe Google will ban material which features the swastika and oppress Buddhists next

Project Veritas Google Whistleblower Was Accosted by Police - "former Google employee Zachary Vorhies went public as the whistleblower who spoke with Project Veritas in June, revealing the political bias in Google's "Machine Learning Fairness" program. He also told the story of police storming his home to perform a "wellness check" after he was outed as a "leaker" and after Google had sent him a demand letter. Project Veritas released its video with Vorhies (whose identity was masked), exposing the bias in the "Machine Learning Fairness" program and its hidden camera interview footage showing a Google executive describing her work on algorithms to prevent "the next Trump situation."... "They got inside the gate, the police, and they started banging on my door… And so the police decided that they were going to call in additional forces. They called in the FBI, they called in the SWAT team. And they called in a bomb squad"... "From what I’ve understood from other attorneys, they are trying to establish that I’ve got some sort of mental problem in order to make their case easier. This is a large way in which they intimidate their employees that go rogue on the company," he explained... the whistleblower said he felt compelled by his conscience to come clean. He said he was receiving a $260,000 annual salary and "had every incentive in the world to just stay at the company and cash the paycheck.""This is an act of atonement to make my conscience clear," he said. "I've been living with this burden for 3 years. I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company. I felt that our entire election system was going to be compromised forever by this company that told the American public that it was not going to do any evil."... Robert Epstein, a Ph.D. psychologist who studies the search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and who concluded that Google bias may explain Hillary Clinton's popular vote margin in 2016, has previously reported on Google's blacklists... Allegations of Google's political bias are nothing new. After the 2016 election, Google's then-head of multicultural marketing bragged about attempting to boost Latino turnout, hoping it would help Hillary Clinton. Last month, a Google engineer said the company's search results are intentionally biased against Trump.When former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee told Tucker Carlson that his former employer will try to prevent President Donald Trump's reelection, he also claimed to have been bullied and fired for his conservative beliefs. Given the story of former Google senior software engineer James Damore, this seems plausible. A survey last year found that conservative employees in Silicon Valley tech companies live in fear that their political beliefs will be found out. James Damore said conservatives at Google are "in the closet" and that Google executives are digging through a secret mailing list in order to out them."

AI Designed To Censor Social Media Finds Minorities To Be Most Racist - "Automated technology for identifying hate speech is not new, nor are universities the only parties developing it. Two years ago, Google unveiled its own system called “Perspective,” designed to rate phrases and sentences based on how “toxic” they might be.Shortly after the release of Perspective, YouTube user Tormental made a video of the program at work, alleging inconsistencies in implementation. According to Tormental, the system rated prejudicial comments against minorities as more “toxic” than equivalent statements against white people.Google’s system showed a similar discrepancy for bigoted comments directed at women versus men."

AI systems to detect 'hate speech' could have 'disproportionate negative impact' on African Americans: Study - ""The results show evidence of systematic racial bias in all datasets, as classifiers trained on them tend to predict that tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates. If these abusive language detection systems are used in the field they will, therefore, have a disproportionate negative impact on African-American social media users," the abstract continues. But Cornell’s machine learning added another variable not used by other universities. Using a combination of census data, tweet location data, and demographic-specific language, they also trained the system to quantify the same “black-aligned” or “white-aligned.” The researchers used five different databases of potential “hate speech” tweets. All five yielded the same results: tweets likely from African American’s were much more likely to be flagged as offensive than those that were likely to be from whites. Along with the possible oversampling of tweets from African Americans, the researchers believe that this type of machine discrimination lies in the human error of those who are doing the original annotating and classification from which the machine learns."
Of course, if white cis men were found to be the offenders, this wouldn't be evidence of bias

Lori Price - "Yahoo:
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Two Google Insiders Expose More Bias Against Conservatives - "Google employees are starting to come forward to expose shenanigans at the company, particularly bias against conservatives. One is Google engineer Greg Coppola... he explained the bias of Google’s algorithms. “They don’t write themselves. We write them to do what we want them to do.” He explained that “you can get the machine learning to come out the way you want it to.” Google executives weren’t telling Congress the truth when they say Google’s search isn’t manipulated. “It’s very politically biased.” Coppola says “we kind of are seeing tech use its power to manipulate people.” He says “we have tech that really, first of all is taking sides in a political contest.” He asks, “are we going to let the big tech companies decide every election from now on?” Coppola is very concerned seeing big tech and the media “merge with a political party, the Democratic Party.”... Zachary Vorhies, who was employed at Google for eight years as a software engineer, anonymously leaked documents from Google to Project Veritas. He leaked them because he “saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company.” He said Google was “tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.” It started in 2016. They wanted to create “their own version of what was objectively true.” The first round of documents he leaked in June. They included evidence of “algorithmic unfairness.”... One of the documents Vorhies leaked is a news blacklist. The websites in the document are prohibited from appearing in news feeds for Google Android products. The list includes both right-leaning and progressive sites, but far more sites are on the right. Some of those are mainstream conservative sites, like the Christian Post and Daily Caller."
Of course, some people believe that despite testimony from 2 individuals in the know, numerous instances of employees proclaiming their political bias and Google having means, motive, and opportunity, that Google isn't biased.

Audit Finds Evidence of Google's Bias Toward These Media Outlets - "AllSides conducted a 39-page Google bias report that found Google News is biased 65% toward Left and Left-leaning news sources. Now, a new audit by the Computational Journalism Lab at Northwestern University bolsters those claims.The audit found that Google’s “Top Stories” section, which often appears at the very top of search results, favors a very small number of media outlets. AllSides placed our Media Bias Ratings next to the top 20 sources that made up the highest percentage of “Top Stories” impressions. The majority have a Lean Left bias, just one has a Lean Right bias, and zero have a Right bias

Audit suggests Google favors a small number of major outlets' - "we looked at the diversity of sources surfaced in Google Top Stories in terms of their ideological lean. More specifically, we used ratings data published in an earlier study which identifies the ideological alignment of the top 500 most-shared news sites on Facebook. The ratings don’t measure the slant of the media outlet per se, but rather reflect the self-reported political affiliation of Facebook users sharing content from those sources. The criteria were published in the peer-reviewed journal Science in June, 2015 by Eytan Bakshy, Solomon Messing, and Lada Adamic from Facebook’s Core Data Science team...   Is there simply more news produced on the left? It appears so. We confirmed this by searching the GDELT database of news articles for the same queries we used to audit Google. In GDELT there were 2.2 times as many articles from left-leaning sources as right-leaning sources. But in Google Top Stories that ratio was 3.2, indicating that the curation algorithm was slightly magnifying the left-leaning skew in comparison to the GDELT baseline... If they are serious about supporting digital-first newsrooms, algorithmic news curators, including Google and others, might be more explicit in articulating the inherent design tradeoffs between the relevance desirable for individuals, the diversity desirable for society or democracy, and the fair competition desirable for news organizations."

Donald Trump is right: Google results are biased against Republicans - "When it’s not manipulating the internet to prevent users from viewing right-wing content, Google is directly attacking that content. A report by The Daily Caller News Foundation revealed that Google’s fact-checking service “fact-checked” only conservative news websites, and that in many cases, these fact-checks were outright wrong. What does it say about the fact-checker when its fact-checking is biased and incorrect?... Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., has a demonstrated track record of combining the role of Democrat activist with his job. WikiLeaks emails revealed that Schmidt worked directly with the Clinton campaign in 2016 and was instrumental in forming “The Groundwork,” an online startup company created to help Clinton win the election. He was also seen wearing a “staff” badge at the Clinton election night party. While President Barack Obama was in office, Google kept a cozy relationship with the White House. Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week during the first seven years of Obama’s presidency, and almost 250 individuals left government service to work for Google or vice versa while Obama was in office. The Obama administration may also have squashed an antitrust investigation into the company."

Alex Lightman - "Alphabet, Google’s parent that get something like 99% of its market value from Google despite having dozens of other subsidiaries, has invested over $400 million in CaLiCo, an anti-aging company. This makes it very weird that two days ago Google banned ads for advanced medical treatments like stem cells, cryotherapy, some supplements."

The Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship - "The death-pit for civil liberties is usually found in a combination of fringe/unpopular people or ideas and a national security emergency.This is where we are with this unsettling new confab of Facebook, Congress and the Trump administration... Many of the banned pages look like parodies of some paranoid bureaucrat’s idea of dangerous speech.  A page called “Black Elevation” shows a picture of Huey Newton and offers readers a job. “Aztlan Warriors” contains a meme celebrating the likes of Geronimo and Zapata, giving thanks for their service in the “the 500 year war against colonialism.” And a banned “Mindful Being” page shared this, which seems culled from Jack Handey’s Deep Thoughts bit:“We must unlearn what we have learned because a conditioned mind cannot comprehend the infinite.”... Facebook was “helped” in its efforts to wipe out these dangerous memes by the Atlantic Council, on whose board you’ll find confidence-inspiring names like Henry Kissinger, former CIA chief Michael Hayden, former acting CIA head Michael Morell and former Bush-era Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff. (The latter is the guy who used to bring you the insane color-coded terror threat level system.)These people now have their hands on what is essentially a direct lever over nationwide news distribution. It’s hard to understate the potential mischief that lurks behind this union of Internet platforms and would-be government censors.As noted in Rolling Stone earlier this year, 70 percent of Americans get their news from just two sources, Facebook and Google. As that number rises, the power of just a few people to decide what information does and does not reach the public will amplify significantly... The pre-Internet system for dealing with defamatory and libelous speech was litigation, which was pretty effective. The standard for punishment was also very high. In the 1964 Supreme Court case New York Times v. Sullivan — the bedrock case for libel law involving a public figure — the court went out of its way to make sure that complainants needed to prove reckless or knowing disregard for fact.Among other things, the court worried that absent such a tough legal standard, outlets would play it too safe with speech, and “make only statements which ‘steer far wider of the unlawful zone.’”This mostly worked. Historically there were few analogs to Infowars that got anything like wide distribution because of the financial threat, which scared publishers most of all... That all changed with digital media. Way back in 1996, when mastodons roamed the earth and people used dial-up to connect to the Internet, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act... Internet providers wouldn’t be treated like news organizations. In the eyes of the law, they were less like CBS or Random House than they were bookstores or newsstands... politicians are more interested in using than curtailing the power of these companies. The platforms, for their part, will cave rather than be regulated. The endgame here couldn’t be clearer. This is how authoritarian marriages begin, and people should be very worried."

Free speech activist Lindsay Shepherd on her Twitter ban: 'Your instincts should not be to celebrate' - "“Because this is a trans individual they are untouchable … they are allowed to mock and taunt me about my biology, they can say whatever crude things they want,” she said. “But when it comes to me wanting to take a shot back at that person and wanting to stand up for myself — or for my womanhood so to speak — I am permanently kicked off.”The decision by Twitter points to deepening anxieties over what some people view as increasing restrictions on their right to voice unpopular or non-politically correct ideas... “There’s always these people who celebrate when someone is banned from a social media platform,” she said. “Your instincts should not be to celebrate when someone you don’t like is vaporized, because now you’re not challenging your own ideas, you’re not facing any opposition, it just turns into an echo chamber.”"

In Amazon’s Bookstore, No Second Chances for the Third Reich - The New York Times - "Amazon is quietly canceling its Nazis.Over the past 18 months, the retailer has removed two books by David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, as well as several titles by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Amazon has also prohibited volumes like “The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power” and “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind.”While few may lament the disappearance of these hate-filled books, the increasing number of banished titles has set off concern among some of the third-party booksellers who stock Amazon’s vast virtual shelves. Amazon, they said, seems to operate under vague or nonexistent rules... Gregory Delzer is a Tennessee bookseller whose Amazon listings account for about a third of his sales. “They don’t tell us the rules and don’t let us have a say,” he said. “But they squeeze us for every penny.”... Amazon is becoming increasingly proactive in removing Nazi material. It even allowed its own Nazi-themed show, “The Man in the High Castle,” to be cleaned up for a tribute book... Some fans of the series said they found reading the book as dystopian as the show itself. “If you can’t even have swastikas shown in a book about Nazis taking over America, please do not make books ever again,” wrote one reviewer. When Amazon drops a book from its store, it is as if it never existed. A recent Google search for David Duke’s “My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding” on Amazon yielded a link to a picture of an Amazon employee’s dog. Amazon sellers call these dead ends “dog pages.”... “If Amazon executives are so proud of their moral high ground, they should issue memos about which books they are banning instead of keeping sellers and readers in the dark”... A bookseller since 2001, Mr. Delzer said he does not condone white supremacist material but believes people should be free to read what they want. The biggest seller in his shop at the moment is by Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist.“Amazon wants its customers to trust Amazon,” he said. “The place that sells books doesn’t want much critical thinking.” In 1998, when Amazon was an ambitious start-up, its founder, Jeff Bezos, said, “We want to make every book available — the good, the bad and the ugly.” Customers reviews, he said, would “let truth loose.”... “I’m not going to argue for the wider distribution of Nazi material,” said Danny Caine of the Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kan., who is the author of a critical pamphlet, “How to Resist Amazon and Why.” “But I still don’t trust Amazon to be the arbiters of free speech. What if Amazon decided to pull books representing a less despicable political viewpoint? Or books critical of Amazon’s practices?”... “The Man in the High Castle” was based on a 1962 novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick, whose stories are often about the slippery nature of reality and how it will be controlled in the future by governments and corporations... There is still an abundance of other Nazi material available on Amazon, much of it with favorable reviews. There is the “SS Leadership Guide,” many editions of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and Joseph Goebbels’s “Nature and Form of National Socialism,” to name just a few.That only underlines how hard it can be to tell exactly what Amazon’s rules are. The confusion is reinforced by AbeBooks, the biggest secondhand book platform outside of Amazon itself.Some of the books dropped from Amazon are available on Abe. Recently, there were 18 copies of Mr. Duke’s books on Abe, at prices up to $150. Amazon, which owns Abe, declined to comment."
First, they came for the "Nazis"...

The Alt-Centrist - Posts - ""Ok dude..." = Hate Speech
Comments: "The person who bragged about reporting Zuby has over 800 of their own tweets where they call both men & women "dude"."
"This. This is why the Republicans will win in a landslide in 2020."

Was Jordan B Peterson right about Disney's Frozen? - "Jordan B Peterson has revealed a series of private messages that seem to confirm his claim that Disney’s Frozen is, in fact, “deeply propagandistic.” Peterson copped criticism earlier this month after bringing the charge against the popular children’s film...
'[Frozen] attempted to write a modern fable that was a counter-narrative to a classic story like, let’s say, Sleeping Beauty – but with no understanding whatsoever of the underlying archetypal dynamics… There was an attempt to craft a moral message and to build the story around that, instead of building the story and letting the moral message emerge. It was the subjugation of art to propaganda, in my estimation.'...
The messages revealed that YouTube were working with Disney because “Disney has developed tools and strategies for re-engineering what women should be interested in…”"

Gad Saad - Posts - "The people at @TeamYouTube have decided that my SAAD TRUTH clip wherein I explain the importance of allowing the free flow of information in a free society has been permanently DEMONETIZED."
Video title: "Should social media companies remove supposed misinformation?"

If your customers are left-leaning, Twitter could be the place for you - "Twitter is left-leaning. How much so? According to the study’s authors, their scoring analysis found that over half (57%) of the users they looked at were what they defined as “center-left” and another 10% were classified as “extreme left”. Only 8% of users were considered to be “center-right” with the remainder being at the extreme right. Not only is Twitter skewed heavily to the left, but that population is also the loudest. The study’s data revealed that the center and extreme left were the most vocal and engaged segments, particularly when it came to current political news. That means that their views tended to be overrepresented. “Most Twitter users, even those with a relatively diverse following, are likely seeing a left-skewed version of politics”... Choosing the wrong audience to sell your products or express your political views to – particularly in these times – could be harmful to your business. On Twitter, that audience is left of center. For your business, that may be a good thing. Or maybe not."

How Twitter Users Compare to the General Public | Pew Research Center - "the 22% of American adults who use Twitter are representative of the broader population in certain ways, but not others. Twitter users are younger, more likely to identify as Democrats, more highly educated and have higher incomes than U.S. adults overall. Twitter users also differ from the broader population on some key social issues. For instance, Twitter users are somewhat more likely to say that immigrants strengthen rather than weaken the country and to see evidence of racial and gender-based inequalities in society. But on other subjects, the views of Twitter users are not dramatically different from those expressed by all U.S. adults... The median user tweets just twice each month, but a small cohort of extremely active Twitter users posts with much greater regularity. As a result, much of the content posted by Americans on Twitter reflects a small number of authors. The 10% of users who are most active in terms of tweeting are responsible for 80% of all tweets created by U.S. users.Individuals who are among the top 10% most active tweeters also differ from those who tweet rarely in ways that go beyond the volume of content they produce. Compared with other U.S. adults on Twitter, they are much more likely to be women and more likely to say they regularly tweet about politics." Dynamics of the Twitter echo chamber

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Facebook must "develop a conscience" - "‘I think that they've ultimately got to develop a conscience and they've got to understand that their business model really needs to evolve. This is not about incremental changes. It's about really looking at how they run their platform. And I think for us, you know, I think it's at least three things. It’s policy changes to stem radicalization, hate, anti semitism and climate denialism that are rampant on the platform. It’s to ensure the accuracy on political and voting matters. And then finally, and really importantly, it's a regular, a commitment to a regular third party independent audit, while committing to transparency, both the process and the results.’
‘It sounds like in essence, you want them to take complete responsibility for everything that appears rather like traditional media would have to.’ ‘Yeah, I think that that's the parallel.’"
When the left institutionalises censorship. First they came for the 'far right'. Then they came for the 'climate deniers'...
If Facebook caves, it's essentially admitting that it's a publisher and not a platform and so is not covered by Section 230's immunity provisions, which would be a lot more lethal to it than losing a few advertisers

Opinion | The corporate boycott of Facebook is illiberal. We need the courage to fight against it. - The Washington Post - "The recent corporate boycott of Facebook must be recognized for what it is: a craven capitulation to a mob that, left unopposed, would destroy free speech. More than 700 companies, including Unilever, Coca-Cola and Starbucks, have joined the #StopHateForProfit movement, led by a group of nonprofits that aims to curtail speech on social media platforms, especially Facebook. The movement calls for suppressing harmful content or hateful activity such as vaccine misinformation, climate denialism, “dehumanizing language” and arguments for voter IDs. Already, Facebook employs thousands of unaccountable flaggers who make subjective, ad hoc decisions on what constitutes acceptable speech... if Facebook caves to this movement’s demands, the company would have to install an Orwellian corporate bureaucracy of censors monitoring many types of speech. Speech is often ugly. But a crown virtue of U.S. society is our commitment to free speech, including what some call hate speech. Social media platforms that aim to encourage speech have a duty to protect it as well.I have plenty of concerns about Facebook, but I firmly support Zuckerberg’s efforts to defend freedom of expression on the platform. Facebook, Twitter and other forums aspire to be, and are, public squares. The cowardice of corporate CEOs who have sacrificed our country’s founding principles to appease an illiberal mob demanding to censor our 21st-century public squares is appalling. Intellectual freedom is part of John Milton’s “known rules of ancient liberty,” which form the basic habitat of Western culture. This principle was beloved by Cicero, John Locke and the American founders. Tolerance of others’ expression — no matter how offensive — is a precondition for democracy. Globally, free speech is in retreat. And censorship — whether by foreign governments or social media platforms — is always political. This is the moment American CEOs should defend the noble institution of free speech with their reputations and treasure. Instead, many business leaders are selling out a sacred American liberty in an effort to signal virtue. The advertisers boycotting Facebook this month, and possibly longer, are no better than the illiberal mob they cower before. Those who believe that speech should be moderated have fundamentally given up on the idea that people can come to the right decisions on their own, or that free speech works anywhere. The fact that people can say whatever they want in public squares and media outlets has, over the long run, helped make our country more open and tolerant, even when partisans used those “platforms” to make arguments as vile as the basest forms of discourse. I’m all for a boycott that fights for justice. But corporations that have temporarily or otherwise recently stopped advertising on Facebook are boycotting because they think the company isn’t censoring its users enough. Their statements imply that Americans are not to be trusted with intellectual freedom. This abandons the principle that a marketplace of ideas gradually tends toward truth and progress.This country has traditionally stood with dissenters and devil’s advocates... Only with courage can we cultivate the other classical virtues of justice, temperance and wisdom. Facing a radical mob takes courage. So does facing an HR department or other corporate officials who have carried the self-sure illiberalism of higher education into the private sector... censorship will never lead our society to justice. John Stuart Mill wrote that “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”"

Dear Medium, Censorship Is Worse Than Conservative Speech - "While I do not always agree with the conservative journalists who were banned, I believe they have an equal right to express their opinions and experiences.
Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can’t vent any anger against them. I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere, in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence. They were only taught to look one way when many ways exist. — Charles Bukowski...
Many people have mistaken me for a conservative because I don’t play by the rules, and value things like liberty, freedom, speech, and privacy... honestly I’d much rather be mistaken for someone on the right for believing in liberty and justice for all than be mistaken for a snowflake or communist on the extreme left who believes in censorship, violence, and safe spaces... The irony of all of this is while Medium bans actual journalists with White House press credentials for being conservative they protect celebrities on the left like Wil Wheaton, even when they make up fake news about me personally... Today Medium came for the conservatives, and I said something while you did nothing, how long before they come after someone like you or me?"

The Disturbing Trend of Feminist Censorship on Medium - "I spoke out against mainstream liberal narratives on sex and gender. I wasn’t the only one. Medium has been quietly disappearing feminists and male allies from their platform... For the most part, Medium’s brand of “feminism” is anything but.“Empowered” women on Medium write about sex... Medium’s “feminist” community is a ground for sexual abuse, grooming, and exploitation. These stories are often promoted by Medium under their Feminism, Sexuality, and Relationships tags.One of the top writers in Feminism for as long as I had been writing there was a man, Joe Duncan. Duncan is a Male Feminist™ who has written excessively pornographic and violent sexual passages about women... Duncan has also written about preferring unprotected sex, shamed women who prefer monogamy as anti-feminist, and is constantly butting in on feminist discussions.He’s not the only one. In fact, two out of the top three writers in Feminism on Medium are currently men.Medium’s brand of feminism is aggressively anti-woman and pro violent and degrading sex... Any writer who questions mainstream liberal feminism is at risk of a ban on Medium, no matter how careful they are to follow the rules.In addition to writing about veganism, relationships, science, and technology—I wrote about gender identity on Medium. I wrote about how the modern gender identity movement is harming women, children, and the LGB community. The last article I published on Medium was an interview with Arielle Scarcella, a lesbian Youtuber who has been canceled for speaking out against trans activist extremism on the left... The only possible violation that my account had made is related to the rule against promotion of “segregation based on protected characteristics”. I have advocated for the protection of female-only spaces as necessary for women’s safety. Since sex is a protected characteristic, technically excluding males from female spaces like safe houses, shelters, prisons, and trauma support groups may be considered a violation of this rule.  However, the US courts have upheld that sex discrimination is lawful when a group is taking “positive action” on behalf of a disadvantaged group.  Since Medium hosts in-house publications like Zora and Level which discriminate based on sex and race to uplift women and men (respectively) of color, we know that they generally recognize the existence of positive action exceptions.  Apparently, however, this does not seem to apply to feminists. I’m not the only one this has happened to... Medium has opted to silence feminist critique in favor of promoting violent anti-woman propaganda which serves the only purpose of sexually grooming women for abuse.In many ways, this is unsurprising. Big Tech has been at the forefront of the modern war on women"

Twitter BANS Clip of Michelle Malkin on Big Tech Censorship After Trump Retweets It - "President Trump retweeted a clip of Michelle Malking speaking out on Big Tech censorship. Twitter subsequently removed it... While Twitter allows celebrities to abuse the President, anyone who shoots back at them is permanently banned.When conservatives criticise leftist pundits, they are punished, but leftists are allowed to spout violence and continue using their platform."

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