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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Links - 25th February 2021 (1) (Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP)

I probably have more in my pocket about it, but my draft was getting too long

Protesters Hold Dance Party Without Masks On (Protests 2020) - YouTube - "With the exception of a few people in the back of the crowd of this video, the rest are not wearing masks as they hold an obnoxious dance party in the street. Whatever happened to wearing masks? Social distancing?"

1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "Ancoms took over 6 blocks in Seattle. Result: Utopia > food shortages > warlord takes over > new police force patrolling the streets and beating people... All in 3 days."

Peter J. Hasson on Twitter - "Trying to imagine what the media coverage would look like if right-wing extremists had commandeered six blocks of a major American city"

cookie on Twitter - "The Seattle Autonomous Zone is the funniest shit I've seen in years. Its just a straight up Fallout raider camp. I'm genuinely convinced the feds are just letting them fuck around for shits and giggles because HOLY SHIT its too fucking funny
-Out of food in 2 days
-Turned a baseball field into a "relaxation and therapy zone"
-Turned a coffee shop into a "public stage"
-Community speech area (because apparently they need 2 stages)
-"Commune food stations"
-Leader got ousted for sexual harassment not even 6 hours in"

Chris Hardman đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ„š on Twitter - "The far-left took control of six blocks of Seattle, declared it separate from the United States, and the first thing they do is create strict borders to keep specific people out."

Christopher F. Rufo - Posts | Facebook - "Antifa activists created a six-block barricade in Capitol Hill and declared themselves independent from the City of Seattle. In this "autonomous zone," cars are banned and armed guards stand watch at the barricades.These activist groups are not legitimate authorities and they've effectively taken businesses and residents in the neighborhood hostage—and their threats make people too afraid to speak out.This is what happens when you "defund the police": paramilitary gangs seize control and impose their ideology outside the bounds of the democratic process."
The same people who raged at the DC Capitol riot for supposedly trying to overthrow democracy and condemned the Confederacy for being traitors are okay with attempted secession by a small group of activists (with questionable, if any, democratic legitimacy even in their area

Dank Detective Memes - Posts - "Seattle antifa set up an “autonomous zone" and within 24 hours its tranny leader has already stepped down after accusations of sexual abuse and is now threatening suicide."

Benjamin Loughnane on Twitter - "Notably the first thing the left-wing Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone have done is establish strong borders to monitor and restrict entry according to their values."

Justin Moldow on Twitter - "When the Bundy family occupied an empty wildlife refuge building in Oregon in 2016, hundreds of police officers and FBI agents swarmed onto the scene and shot one man dead. When Antifa and BLM terrorists occupy 6 blocks of a major American city, law enforcement does nothing."

Mason + ‍♂✂ on Twitter - "Can't get over the fact that Seattle PD's experiment in just *handing over* a few blocks to protesters has resulted in a "community" that's 90% white people standing around, looking confused, and itermittently complaining about the black guy who seems to have an awful lot of guns"

Seattle Erects Permanent Concrete Borders Around CHOP Autonomous Zone At Taxpayer Expense - "The Seattle Department of Transportation has erected concrete barriers around the Seattle Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, formerly known as CHAZ, signifying that it recognizes the autonomous zone as a permanent fixture of the downtown area... In the autonomous zone, the streets are apparently currently controlled by a hip hop artist-turned-warlord by the name of Raz Simone, who has established an armed private police force that does not hesitate to dole out beatings to communal miscreants. Video footage shows Raz and Co. confronting a man for making unauthorized graffiti on Raz’s turf, which results in the “police” stealing the man’s phone, breaking his glasses, and reportedly repeatedly kicking him in the head. “We are the police of this community here now,” the man is told before the beating.The vandal is then ordered to hand over his phone as tribute to Raz, under the threat of more violence. “You just broke my glasses! I’m blind! You just broke my glasses and stole my phone!” the man pleads, before being told, “Yeah, we should have broken your face.” “Don’t be making no threats n*gga, I’ll blow your brains out,” Raz says.A Reddit thread remains sharply divided over whether Simone’s transition to anarcho-capitalist warlord is morally defensible or not, given that he is a black man and most of his detractors within the autonomous zone and on Reddit are white."

Mile High Mike on Twitter - "1. Antifa take over an area of Seattle.
2. No police presence.
3. Within 24 hours, a man called Raz Simone declares himself "The Police".
4. Raz is now armed, with a gang and goes about beating up Antifa and BLM.
5. Antifa don't know what to do. Un-fucking-believable."

Armed People at Seattle Autonomous Zone Checking IDs, Extorting Businesses: Police - "People with guns are checking the identification of individuals trying to enter an area in Seattle run by far-left activists and groups such as Antifa... The takeover of the area was completed after police officers abandoned the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after threats that it would be burned down.Because the building is connected to apartment buildings and businesses, officials made the choice to board it up and secure it before relocating officers. Groups who have self-identified as being part of the takeover include the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America and Antifa, a far-left group that espouses violence.The group has a lengthy list of demands, including abolishing the Seattle Police Department, reparations for “victims of policy brutality,” and a retrial of all minorities currently in prison for violent crimes.Barricades viewed by a reporter with NTD Television, an affiliate of The Epoch Times, included the phrase, “Public safety means no cops on our streets.” Another slogan called for defunding the police.

1 teen dead, 1 wounded in shooting at Seattle's CHOP - "According to Marty Jackson, a volunteer medic in the CHOP, he heard gunshots while he was in his tent early Monday morning. He initially thought the sounds were fireworks, but soon concluded that something else was going on. He left the tent and eventually witnessed a white SUV driving extremely fast through Cal Anderson Park. The vehicle did not hit anyone.After the car drove out-of-sight, Jackson said he heard more gunshots near the East Precinct at 12th and Pine. The sounds were followed by calls for medics. When he arrived on scene,he found two gunshot victims. Others were tending to a person with wounds; it appeared to him that person was going to be OK. But the other person was shot in the head, he says... Jackson said that, in his perspective, people should stop coming to the CHOP."Because now it's like pretty much an active war zone. Now you have security and medical always looking around waiting to see the next .... I don't think we're gonna stop here. Like tonight, we may have another one. Because for some reason, the first night (we had a shooting), we had two shot and then the following night, one person got shot. So I feel like it's probably going to be a pattern.""If we continue to stay here, we continue making ourselves a target and it makes medical and security harder, the more people come out here, you know, the more we have to watch after ... you know, we've been having fights, you know, we've been having, you know, weapons, strong gun shots." Monday's incident is at least the fourth shooting in or near CHOP since Saturday, June 20. Saying "enough is enough," Chief Best argued Monday morning that if people care about others, and for safety, they should leave the CHOP.“It is very unfortunate that we have yet another murder at this area identified as the CHOP,” Best said. “Two African American men, dead, at a place where they claim to be working for Black Lives Matter. But they are gone. They are dead now. And we have had multiple other incidents – assaults, rape, robbery, and shootings."... it is taking police about 3.5 times longer to respond to calls in the area around the CHOP, and that a fire station located two blocks away cannot get into the area."
Some communists/anarchists were saying that you can only trust what people on the ground say about CHOP/CHAZ. Of course, if people on the ground say it's a bad thing, they are then automatically untrustworthy sources

Seattle will move to dismantle 'CHOP' zone following shootings - ""The cumulative impacts of the gatherings and protests and the nighttime atmosphere and violence has led to increasingly difficult circumstances for our businesses and residents"... The mayor’s announcement came after the cop-free “CHOP zone” descended into chaos over the weekend.A 19-year-old man was killed in a shooting inside the blocks-long span Saturday night. And a 17-year-old was struck in the arm during another shooting Sunday.Durkan said the violence is distracting from the work of thousands of peaceful protesters seeking to address racial inequality and police brutality."
And since they refuse to leave, Seattle can't use the police. Win.

16 Year Old Dead, 14 Year Old Critical After Shootings In Seattle Autonomous Zone - "Seattle police announced that the two victims shot early Monday morning in the city’s cop-free autonomous zone were 14 and 16 years old, and that it was the 16-year-old boy who had died"

Patrick Harris on Twitter - "Gotta hand it to the CHAZ/CHOP, they have proven that mutual aid and voluntary community action can fill the roles we have previously relied on the state for, like shooting black teenagers."

Father of 19-year-old killed in CHOP says he got condolence call from President Trump, but not Seattle's mayor - "The father of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. told us, he still hasn’t received a call about his son’s death from the Mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan, but he got a condolence call this morning from President Trump."

Father Of Black Teen Killed In CHOP: It’s Time To Bring In The National Guard

After Weekend Of Shootings, Seattle Says They'll Dismantle Autonomous Zone - "Seattle leaders announced Monday that they would be dismantling the city’s “autonomous zone” after at least three people were shot in the area over the weekend.However, actually accomplishing this may be difficult after the city banned police officers from possessing crowd-control weapons... One person was fatally shot and another was critically wounded on Saturday night inside the CHAZ/CHOP.  Seattle Police Department released bodycam video that showed a mob of people blocking officers who responded to that shooting... The suspect or suspects escaped after the shooting.There is no description of the shooter(s) and people in the CHOP are not cooperating with authorities. Raz Simone, who has stood out as a leader in the CHOP, posted a video to Facebook after the incident.“Medics refused to help even after my people in the CHOP begged. They let a man bleed out for 30 minutes till he died. [F–k] politics. [F–k] your corrupt system,” Simone captioned with the video.Simone made his video as officers were actively being blocked by the people in the CHOP.The Seattle Fire Department said that medics and officers arrived to enter the CHOP within eight minutes, but medics were prevented from responding due to the hostile mob.Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has repeatedly defended the CHOP as a peaceful protest and said that it could continue indefinitely and be the “summer of love.”But Durkan walked back those comments in an interview on Thursday, before the gun violence began in the police-free zone... Seattle Police Officers Guild Michael Solan told FOX News that it appeared to be more like the “summer of chaos... “It can’t stand in America, and this is a direct result of city leadership, elected officials failing the reasonable community of Seattle to enforce the rule of law. And, this just isn’t the area occupied in a six-block zone where police are still forbidden and still don’t have their East precinct. This is now impacting our entire city”"
Blaming others for problems you yourself caused: classic leftist gaslighting

Seattle mayor turns to Supreme Court to stop ouster over protests - "The mayor of Seattle is facing a legal battle to get her kicked out of office over her role in the city’s violent protests — and is fighting it through the state’s highest court... The “Fire the Mayor” campaign accuses her of “abuses of power, lack of foresight and failure to protect the public.”"

Man Shot In Seattle Autonomous Zone Blames Police For Not Responding - "A 33-year-old man who was shot in the occupied zone around the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct on Saturday has claimed his shooting was a racial attack and police left him to die... protesters had begun moving concrete barriers place around the East Precinct by the Seattle Department of Transportation and used them to block additional streets, effectively annexing more territory for the cop-free, autonomous zone."

Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of 'CHOP' zone - ""This lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of Plaintiffs—businesses, employees, and residents in and around CHOP—which have been overrun by the City of Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services, and inaccessible to the public at large. The City’s decision has subjected businesses, employees, and residents of that neighborhood to extensive property damage, public safety dangers, and an inability to use and access their properties"... protesters, who have taken up residence at the CHOP for several weeks, threatened business owners with retaliation if those businesses painted over their graffiti.

Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not Seattle.’ - "Authorities in Oklahoma announced late last week that they were charging alleged rioters with terrorism and assault, saying that they would not put up with “this lawlessness here.”Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater reportedly made the decision to get tough on the rioters in an effort to curb any future potential riots... The ACLU criticized the use of the “harshest possible charges” against the alleged rioters. Prater defended the charges on Sunday, saying, “When you act like a terrorist, you will be treated like a terrorist.”“The terrorism charges involved the burning of an Oklahoma County sheriff’s van and the damage done to an Oklahoma City bail bonds business”... “Several people were carrying flags that were identified as belonging to the following groups: Antifa, Soviet Union, American Indian Movement, Anarcho-Communism (solid red) and the original Oklahoma flag 
 currently adopted by Oklahoma Socialists,” police reported, according to The Oklahoman. “Several known supporters of anti-establishment organizations were present in the crowd.” Attorney General William Barr announced late last week that he had created a task force to go after the anti-government extremists who had been causing a lot of the problems across the U.S... Barr specifically mentioned Antifa and other groups and ideologies in his memo, and noted that “some of these violent extremists, moreover, may be fortified by foreign entities seeking to sow chaos and disorder in our country.”"

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "2 guys in a stolen SUV shot up #CHOP tonight. They came through and fired ~15 shots, then maybe 15 mins later, drove across Cal Anderson field and opened fire again...and got fucking MURKED by security on the ground.This is the SUV they were driving. Beautiful shot placement."
"In the first armed conflict between the fascists and the people, the people won.Two Fascists attacked #CHOP with gunfire.They fucked around.Local communists organizing self defense shot them both to pieces.The fascists found out."
"Seattle CHOP zone armed 'security' killed black teen driver, 16, and wound 14-year-old passenger when they opened fire on their Jeep as it approached barricades at 3am - but protesters inside cop-free area claim they acted in self-defense" Naturally this tweet doesn't exist anymore. It was also triumphantly posted to reddit's r/socialism, but it got wiped because it's inconvenient

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "A few key demands by the CHAZ organizers:
1. Elimination of the police department and court system.
3. No more jail for juveniles.
7. Retrial for all people of color in jail for violent crimes, with a race based jury.
13. The abolition of prisons.
14. Replace the criminal justice system with a restorative accountability program.
15. Allow ‘the people’ to create their own local anti-crime system.
19. Money spent on police be diverted to free housing, because it is a right.
Economic demands
1. White people move out of historically minority neighborhoods.
Health and human service demands
1. Race based health care. Only black nurses and doctors for black patients."

The Yaboiposting - Posts - "My CHAZ correspondent checked in today. He said that it's devolved into a mini—race war of its own. Blacks making fun of whites for virtue signaling while demanding stuff from them, while the whites try to convince the blacks that they'll eventually need them when the Nazis come."
"This is one of the best scientific experiments on anthropology ever conducted in the modern era"

Meme - "Farming done by "dumb, uneducated, redneck, inbred, hillbilly hicks"
"Farming done by "intelligent, well-educated, progressive liberals"

Meme - "A little back story: This person left their tent to go for a walk around the beautiful nation of CHAZ. When they returned their laptop was stolen, $400, food and supplies. What follows is priceless:"
"I appreciate the kind gesture this community has given Me. But I'm afraid I don't have much supplies/ necessities to last the week. I might be packing up to leave soon"
"Please don't leave. We are stronger together. You don't exactly know what happened to your belongings (only that they vanished), so to say it is theft is not entirely fair. It could be that a disadvantaged resident was in greater need of the items than you, and that's what we are about as a community. I know it is hard to hear this, but treat it as an unplanned donation. You did good today. I'm proud of you."
"I like your logic. Your valuables get stolen and you should see it as an unplanned donation. You people are so fucking insane"

Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure - The New York Times - "Faizel Khan was being told by the news media and his own mayor that the protests in his hometown were peaceful, with “a block party atmosphere.”But that was not what he saw through the windows of his Seattle coffee shop. He saw encampments overtaking the sidewalks. He saw roving bands of masked protesters smashing windows and looting.Young white men wielding guns would harangue customers as well as Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out. To get into his coffee shop, he sometimes had to seek the permission of self-appointed armed guards to cross a border they had erected... Some even call for “abolishing the police” altogether and closing down precincts, which is what happened in Seattle.That has left small-business owners as lonely voices in progressive areas, arguing that police officers are necessary and that cities cannot function without a robust public safety presence. In Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland, Ore., many of those business owners consider themselves progressive, and in interviews they express support for the Black Lives Matter movement. But they also worry that their businesses, already debilitated by the coronavirus pandemic, will struggle to survive if police departments and city governments cannot protect them. On Capitol Hill, business crashed as the Seattle police refused to respond to calls to the area. Officers did not retake the region until July 1, after four shootings, including two fatal ones. Now a group of local businesses owners — including a locksmith, the owner of a tattoo parlor, a mechanic, the owners of a Mexican restaurant and Mr. Khan — is suing the city. The lawsuit claims that “Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services, and inaccessible to the public” resulted in enormous property damage and lost revenue... Can businesses still rely on local governments, which are now rethinking the role of the police, to keep them safe? The issue is especially tense in Seattle, where the city government not only permitted the establishment of a police-free zone, but provided infrastructure like concrete barriers and portable toilets to sustain it.The economic losses that businesses suffered during the recent tumult are significant: One community relief fund in Minneapolis, where early protests included vandalism and arson, has raised $9 million for businesses along the Lake Street corridor, a largely Latino and East African business district. “We asked the small businesses what they needed to cover the damage that insurance wasn’t paying, and the gap was around $200 million... Even weeks after the protests, blocks of his previously bustling neighborhood remained boarded up and covered in shattered glass. Many business owners are scared to speak out, Mr. Khan said, because of worries that they would be targeted further... He blamed the destruction and looting on “opportunists,” but also said that much of the damage on Capitol Hill came from a distinct contingent of violent, armed white activists. “It’s antifa,” he said. “They don’t want to see the progress we’ve made. They want chaos.” Many of the business owners on Capitol Hill agreed: Much of the violence they saw and the intimidation of their patrons came from a group these business owners identified as antifa, which they distinguished from the Black Lives Matter movement. “The idea of taking up the Black movement and turning it into a white occupation, it’s white privilege in its finest definition,” Mr. Khan said. “And that’s what they did.”... When the occupation in Seattle started in early June, Mayor Jenny Durkan seemed almost amused. “We could have the Summer of Love,” she said.After President Trump took aim at the governor of Washington State and Seattle’s mayor on June 11, Ms. Durkan defended the occupation on Twitter as “a peaceful expression of our community’s collective grief and their desire to build a better world,” she wrote, pointing to the “food trucks, spaghetti potlucks, teach-ins, and movies.” The lawsuit by the small-business owners, filed by the firm Calfo Eakes on June 24, seizes on such language, pointing out that the city knew what was happening and provided material support for the occupation. Matthew Ploszaj, a Capitol Hill resident, is one of the complainants. He said his apartment building, blocks from Mr. Khan’s shop, was broken into four times during the occupation. The Seattle Police were called each time and never came to his apartment... The employees of Bergman’s Lock and Key say they were followed by demonstrators with baseball bats. Cure Cocktail, a local bar and charcuterie, said its workers were asked by protesters to pledge loyalty to the movement: “Are you for the CHOP or are you for the police?”... The business owners also found that trying to get help from the Seattle Police, who declined to comment for this article, made them targets of activists... A man who was inside the shop, Mr. McDermott said, had emptied the cash drawer and was in the midst of setting the building on fire. Mr. McDermott said he and his son wrestled the man down and planned to hold him until the police arrived. But officers never showed up. A group of several hundred protesters did, according to Mr. McDermott, breaking down the chain-link fence around his shop and claiming that Mr. McDermott had kidnapped the man... Later, Mr. McDermott’s photo and shop address appeared on a website called Cop Blaster, whose stated aim is to track police brutality but also has galleries of what it calls “Snitches” and “Cop Callers.” The McDermotts were categorized as both of those things on the website, which warned they should “keep their mouths shut.”... The experience of the small-business owners seems a universe away from the rhetoric of Seattle’s politicians. As the violence turned deadly, Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who represents Capitol Hill, defended the protesters’ use of their own armed guards instead of the police... She has called for the local police precinct to be permanently placed under “community control.” When the mayor did send in police officers to end the occupation after the shootings, Ms. Sawant wrote on Twitter, “Shame on Mayor Jenny Durkan for deploying Seattle police yesterday in a brutal attack against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters & homeless neighbors at the Capitol Hill Organized Protest.””
Lived experience is invalid when it contradicts liberal theology

Godmother of shooting victim demands accountability from 'CHOP' protesters - "A corner of the Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone in Seattle is now a makeshift memorial site -- covered in flowers, pictures and candles for Lorenzo Anderson... Stacy said she wants accountability for Anderson’s death. Specifically, she wants to know why the protesters didn’t let 911 medical help arrive sooner to her godson, and if the CHOP “medics” have legitimate credentials to give medical aid and make decisions on how the teen was treated and cared for following the shooting... Seattle Police said officers attempted to locate the shooting victims but were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims."

CHAZ/CHOP Creates Conflict Resolution Council, and the Rules Are SPECTACULAR - "NOTE: It remains unclear at the time of this writing whether this is real or just an expertly executed troll job. It’s sort of like the Babylon Bee, if it is a troll job. It’s impossible to tell. Real or not, it’s glorious."

CHAZ Shouts Down Black Women Frustrated They Hijacked Black Lives Matter Movement

VIDEO: CHAZ Tells White People to Pay Black People $10 Each

Seattle Gave Soundcloud Rapper Turned CHOP Warlord Raz Simone $80,000 to Build Recording Studio in 2019 - "The infamous 21st century warlord reportedly owns prime real estate and rental properties as well as having received an $83,250 grant from the city of Seattle to open a studio in a building he acquired via a third party loan."

Due to Seattle's unrest, billion-dollar investment firm moving to Phoenix

Something else the taxpayers will get saddled with - Michael Bartlett - "Chaz zone after the rioters got moved out. Disguting. Destructive. Disheartening."

Father of teen killed near protest zone files $3B claims - "The father of a 19-year-old Seattle man shot and killed in the Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone has filed wrongful death claims totaling $3 billion, seeking $1 billion each from the city of Seattle, King County and the state of Washington.“We don’t exactly know where blame lies so we’re putting all the entities on notice and will begin the discovery process and flush out justice,” attorney Evan M. Oshan, who is representing Horace Anderson, told The Seattle Times about the claims filed Wednesday.Horace Anderson is the father of Lorenzo Anderson, who was shot June 20 and transported by volunteer medics to Harborview Medical Center, where he died, according to the Seattle Fire Department... Lorenzo Anderson’s mother, Donnitta Sinclair Martin, filed a claim against the city, alleging officials created a dangerous environment by allowing protesters to occupy six city blocks and that police and fire officials failed to protect or medically assist her son. Her attorneys, who did not specify a dollar amount, say they plan to file a federal wrongful-death suit."
Storming the Capitol for a few hours = "insurrection" Seceding from the country for a few weeks = "summer of love"

WA Governor who refused National Guard for Seattle's 'autonomous zone' calls up Guard to protect Governor's Mansion - "Washington State Democrat Governor Jay Inslee called up National Guard troops to protect the state Capitol campus in Olympia, including the Governor's mansion,  when the Legislature goes into session on Monday.This comes in response to a pro-Trump rally in front of the state Capitol building... This is the same Governor Inslee who claimed he did not know about an armed occupation in the state's largest city"

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