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Friday, July 17, 2020

Links - 17th July 2020 (2) (Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegations)

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on ‘Believing All Women’ - "In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist... What a difference the partisan affiliation of the accused makes!Milano also explained that she would be remaining quiet about the accusation in part because "the mainstream media would be jumping all over this…if they found more evidence." The implication being that the failure of mainstream media to do reporting on the Reade allegation means that it ought to be doubted and dismissed.This speaks to the power of silence: The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and other media outlets generally trusted by moderates and liberals have all refused to cover Reade's story. Indeed, thus far they have essentially pretended that it does not exist, declining to acknowledge Reade in the most basic way and refusing to question Biden about it, even in interviews with the candidate. This mainstream media blackout has evidently provided cover to people like Milano, allowing them to ignore an inconvenient political development. Yet it's difficult to see the media's treatment of this story as anything other than blatant hypocrisy because there's nothing novel about the Biden accusation when compared to the Kavanaugh accusation. At the time of Milano's tweet in support of Ford, there was no evidence of Kavanaugh's guilt beyond what Ford had claimed in her statements (and little corroborating evidence of Ford's claims ever materialized, given how long ago the incident had unfolded). The Reade allegation is at exactly the same stage: She is speaking up about what happened to her, and asking to be believed. But this time, Milano—who attended an anti-Kavanaugh rally while draped in a banner that read, quite literally, "believe women"—thinks it's not enough... aside from the hypocrisy, the disparate treatment of Reade really shows that popular variations of the #MeToo catchphrase—believe all women, believe all victims, etc.—are incoherent. Journalists, policymakers, and an informed public cannot simply default to automatically believing every person who claims to be a victim. De facto presumptions of belief are constantly weaponized by liars and frauds against a gullible populace. Those who work in the business of telling other people's stories—be they reporters or activists—must be skeptical and discerning. They must gather facts and contextualize allegations. They must operate within the broad framework of generally assuming innocence until guilt is proven. Believing everything they hear is a recipe for disaster—it's religion, not journalism. Ironically, Milano's impulse to protect her preferred candidate may have inadvertently helped her arrive at the correct default."I sent the #MeToo tweet two years ago, and I never thought it would be something that would destroy innocent men," she said in the Cohen interview. "So we have to find this balance in the 'believe women' movement, and also giving men their due process and realizing that we are destroying lives if we don't go through the right steps."If that's actually her standard, then good. But I suppose we won't know for sure until another high profile Republican is accused of wrongdoing."

'Due process': Alyssa Milano uses conservative argument from Kavanaugh hearings to defend Joe Biden - "According to Reade, Biden ran his hand underneath her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers... Fellow #MeToo activist Rose McGowan slammed Milano, tweeting, "You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME." Some supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders also asserted that Milano's position was hypocritical, while others called it "disqualifying.""Which is more sexist: people calling out media bias, or throwing the #metoo under the bus the moment it’s politically inconvenient?" tweeted Sanders campaign spokeswoman Briahna Joy Gray."

Madelyn on Twitter - "@PatTheBerner @Alyssa_Milano @JoeBiden She explains her silence on the allegations against Joe Biden? “You can’t pretend to be the party of the American people and then not support a woman who comes forward with her #MeToo story.” I guess you CAN pretend? 🤷🏻‍♀️"

Imm⊕r†αレZεη on Twitter - "“You can’t pretend to be the party of the American people and then not support a woman who comes forward with her #MeToo story,” @Alyssa_Milano previously remarked. Alyssa even removed her #MeToo Hash from her profile. So much for that."

Biden Says We Must ‘Believe All Women’ – Except The Woman Who Accused Him - "The response from the Biden campaign is a clear contrast to the statements Biden has made over the past few decades, in which he insists women making sexual misconduct allegations must be believed. In 2018, for example, Biden was asked about whether he believed Anita Hill’s claims in the 90s that her then-boss Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her. Biden said he thought Hill “was telling the truth at the beginning.” He then spoke generally about women’s allegations.“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time"... What Biden’s communications director said is true, media outlets do need to “rigorously vet those claims,” however, Biden has never made such an insistence until the allegations were made against him. When dubious allegations were made against political rivals, powerful businessmen and celebrities, or male college students, Biden sings a different tune"

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Do you think people won't notice that liberal institutions and media outlets spent months maligning Brett Kavanaugh's defenders as misogynistic rape apologists, only to now invoke all their arguments to defend Joe Biden & demean Tara Reade? Do you think people are that dumb?"

Robby Soave on Twitter - "NYT columnist on Kavanaugh accuser: Hero
NYT columnist on Biden accuser: What to do with this inconvenience"
Yup, it's the same columnist

New York Times deletes tweet about Biden sexual assault allegation - "No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable"

Addendum: Weird how narrowly sexual misconduct is defined here
New York Times Editor Excuses Paper’s Slow Tara Reade Coverage: ‘Kavanaugh Was a Running, Hot Story’ - "New York Times media columnist Ben Smith asked his boss—Executive Editor Dean Baquet—to explain why it took the paper 19 days to acknowledge Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden.Smith should be commended for raising tough questions about why Reade was handled so differently than Brett Kavanaugh's accusers. Baquet's defense of this disparate treatment collapses under the most basic scrutiny... Simply noting that Reade, a former Biden staffer, has claimed that he sexually assaulted her in 1993, was less important than getting the story "as close to right as we could."That's all well and good, though, as I have noted several times, this was not the approach the Times took with Kavanaugh's accusers, whose allegations were publicized by the paper as they came to light, generally without additional or original reporting... The accusations against Kavanaugh were a "running, hot story" in part because the media covered them aggressively from the outset. Reade's story might well be running and hot if the Times treated her as it treated Christine Blasey Ford.Case in point: In the midst of the Kavanaugh cycle, Times columnist Michelle Goldberg thanked Ford for her heroism... Goldberg has now weighed in on Reade's allegation. The words "hero" and "sacrifice" do not appear in this column, which is titled "What To Do With Tara Reade's Allegation Against Joe Biden?" The tone makes clear that Goldberg views Reade as an inconvenience who must be dealt with. And the villain of this story is not Biden but "those using this strange, sad story to hector feminists into pretending to a certainty they have no reason to feel." Goldberg asserts that they are "trolling the #MeToo movement" and acting in bad faith.I'm not so sure. Is it trolling to hold feminist activists, for whom "believe all women" is an important slogan, to their convictions? Perhaps feminist organizations—recall that Planned Parenthood and NARAL both tweeted "We still believe Julie Swetnick #BelieveSurvivors" weeks after her allegation fell apart—should have anticipated being called out for this obvious double standard... Goldberg comes off as quite skeptical of Reade, in large part because Reade previously expressed kooky pro-Russia views... no one has articulated a particularly compelling case for why Reade's political views are relevant to her accusation about Biden...
Related: This is hardly the first time Baquet has failed to acquit himself well in a question of double standards. Read Matt Welch on the Times' handling of images that are offensive to Muslims vs. images that are offensive to Christians."
Trolling is when you tell a liberal he's wrong

Reminder: 'Groping' And 'Unwanted Kissing' Is Definitely Sexual Assault | HuffPost Canada
From 2016, when it was Trump being accused. Plus they outright lie - if women let you grab them by the pussy, that's consent. So much for consent being sexy

Why has the media ignored sexual assault allegations against Biden? - "You know who has talked publicly about the importance of taking women seriously? Biden. During the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, Biden stood up for Dr Christine Blasey Ford, noting: “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real.”Does this presumption not apply when the guy being accused is a Democrat running for president? It would seem that way. In January, according to reporting from the Intercept, Reade asked for help from the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, which has supported accusers of high-profile people like Weinstein. Reade was reportedly told by the National Women’s Law Center, the organization within which the Time’s Up fund is housed, that it couldn’t assist with accusations against a presidential candidate because it would jeopardize their non-profit status. The Intercept further notes that “the public relations firm that works on behalf of the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund is SKDKnickerbocker, whose managing director, Anita Dunn, is the top adviser to Biden’s presidential campaign”."

Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade says mother called into 'Larry King Live' after alleged sexual assault - "Newly surfaced video from 1993 appears to feature the mother of Tara Reade, a woman who accused presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of sexual assault, calling into a cable TV show to seek advice around the time of the alleged assault... Last year, multiple women publicly came forward to say that Biden had made them feel uncomfortable in the way that he physically interacted with them... several of them said they believed Reade's new allegation."

on Twitter - "Upvoted ️: CNN removed the August 11th, 1993 Larry King Episode from Google Play, the episode featuring a call from Tara Reade's mother. CNN is actively colluding with the Biden campaign to cover up evidence of Biden's sexual assault"

Joe Biden’s Female VP Pick Is Already Caught in a Trap - "Biden, who has long been dogged by criticism on feminist grounds (stemming from his history of bad stances on abortion, his having permitted the ill treatment of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings, and allegations that he has spent a career touching women in ways that have made them feel uncomfortable), has promised that his running mate will be a woman. (Will she be short or tall, big or small, black or white, left or center? Who is to say, really. She will be A Woman™.)... audio emerged of Reade’s late mother, whom she says she told about the assault, calling in to Larry King’s television show in 1993 to complain about how her daughter had a problem with a prominent politician’s staff but was rebuffed when she complained, strongly corroborating the claim that Reade expressed dissatisfaction and suffered professional consequences, an allegation supported by the New York Times, which reported that two former interns recalled Reade abruptly ceasing to supervise them. On Monday, Lynda LaCasse, Reade’s former neighbor and a Biden supporter, told Rich McHugh, Ronan Farrow’s former producer, that Reade had confided to her in detail about having been assaulted by Biden, while another former colleague confirmed to McHugh that Reade had told her she’d complained of harassment and been fired by a prominent politician

Common Sense Extremists - Posts - "I would vote for Biden if he raped 100 women at gun point. The stakes are high in this election."

Common Sense Extremists - Posts - "Xeni Jardin: "Believe women.""
Xeni Jardin on Twitter - "I don’t buy the Tara Reade shit. I’m not here to defend any man whose shortcomings and past dumb moves are widely known. I’m here to karate-chop disinfo and dirty tricks in an election year."

#FireChrisHayes trends after MSNBC host covers Biden sexual assault allegations - "MSNBC host Chris Hayes sparked backlash from the left when he became the first prime-time host on the network to cover a former aide's sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, with the hashtag "FireChrisHayes" trending on Twitter."

Eva Murry Says Joe Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14 - "Biden complimented her on the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in 2008, a long-running roast of and party for politicians... One friend and her sister said that Murry told her details of the alleged incident more or less immediately after it happened. Four other friends of Murry’s said they were told about the incident, with the same details, between two and three years after it originally occurred... Anstey, 25, describes herself as a feminist, animal lover and a Democrat. She confirmed that Murry told her about the comments in 2008 when they were both teens. Anstey said Murry identified the man as Biden and said that hearing about the incident left her feeling angry... Eva Murry’s older sister, Jenna Murry, also says she was told about the alleged incident “within a week or so of the dinner.”... Murry also noted that she encountered Biden “about three times after that” at similar such events and that “his eyes never were on my face.”"

Lisa Bloom on Twitter - "I believe you, Tara Reade. You have people who remember you told them about this decades ago. We know he is "handsy." You're not asking for $. You've obviously struggled mightily with this. I still have to fight Trump, so I will still support Joe. But I believe you. And I'm sorry"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "The New York Times Editorial Board has bravely gone on record saying that the Tara Reade accusations are too important to be investigated by the press but, instead, must be investigated by the Democratic National Committee.I don’t believe they’ve ever made that argument before; that it’s better for a political party to investigate their own than have the press do it."

Maria Cardona on Twitter - "My new column @thehill. Investigate fully or withdraw Kavanaugh’s name- NOW."
Maria Cardona on Twitter - "My new column @TheHillOpinion - Republicans' dangerous weaponization of Tara Reade's allegation against Joe Biden"
Replies to the latter: "Is this you? *4 tweets bashing Kavanaugh*"
"Are you sure this isn't for @TheOnion?"
"It’s amazing how Democrats always spin bad news about them into an attack on Republicans."
"Kavanaugh warned you that you're weaponization would have consequences.Welcome to that moment."
"Believe all women (but only if they’re accusing Republicans)"

Document says Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office - "A court document from 1996 shows former Senate staffer Tara Reade told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed while working for Joe Biden in 1993."

Siraj Hashmi on Twitter - "Tara Reade now has corroboration from 6 people (her mother, brother, former neighbor, former coworker, and two of her close friends) in addition to court documentation. And yet, all the Democrats who sought to bring down Kavanaugh only had Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012/13."
A more credible accusation, with more corroboration, means nothing in liberal land

Christine Blasey Ford’s Credibility Under New Attack by Senate Republicans - The New York Times - "The former boyfriend told the Judiciary Committee that he witnessed Dr. Blasey helping a friend prepare for a possible polygraph examination, contradicting her testimony under oath. Dr. Blasey, a psychology professor from California who also goes by her married name Ford, was asked during the hearing whether she had “ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test.” She answered, “Never.”... Mr. Merrick took issue with Dr. Blasey’s professed fear of flying and of confined spaces, noting that they once traveled around the Hawaiian islands in a propeller plane. “Dr. Ford never indicated a fear of flying,” he wrote. “To the best of my recollection Dr. Ford never expressed a fear of closed quarters, tight spaces, or places with only one exit.”While she testified that she once insisted on building a second front door in her house because of the trauma of her encounter with Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Merrick said he helped her find a place to live in California “in a very small, 500 sq. ft. house with one door.” He also wrote that they broke up “once I discovered that Dr. Ford was unfaithful” and that she continued to use a credit card they shared nearly a year before he took her off the account. “When confronted, Dr. Ford said she did not use the card, but later admitted to the use after I threatened to involve fraud protection”"
Establishing alleged victims as unreliable character witnesses is "victim blaming" - unless it helps liberal political causes

Letter: The problem with Tara Reade - "Neither Claire Noble, nor I, for that matter, know the truth behind Tara Reade’s allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted Ms. Reade when she worked for then-Sen. Biden in the early 1990s.What I do know, for a fact, is that neither Justice Kavanaugh nor President Trump has the slightest thing to do with the validity of Reade’s claim against the Democrats’ likely presidential nominee. Yet, Claire Noble introduces both of these men into her judgment of Reade’s allegation and Biden’s defense as if the Kavanaugh/Trump situations somehow exonerate Biden. Even more deserving of disbelief is her speculation that Reade might be “a Russian orchestrated attempt to take out Biden.” I fear Noble has been listening to too much of Adam Schiff.To demean Reade’s veracity, Noble asserts that she has spoken favorably of Vladimir Putin and, purportedly, “has a history of financial difficulties.” Neither of these accusations remotely foreclose the possibility that Tara Reade was, indeed, grossly assaulted by Joe Biden. They are offered, instead, merely to sully Reade’s reputation."
Irrelevant claims and poisoning the well are not "victim blaming" when it helps liberal political causes. Then again, calling Reade a Putin stooge rallies the liberal base and makes them less inclined to believe her, so I can see the logic behind that

Tara Reade Has a High-Profile New Lawyer - "Douglas Wigdor, whose law firm represented several victims of Harvey Weinstein, told members of the press on Thursday that he now represents Tara Reade... Wigdor has a long career representing victims of sexual harassment and assault in high-profile cases. He prominently defended the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings. He represented Nafissatou Diallo, a former Sofitel hotel maid, in her case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2011, and later represented several victims of Harvey Weinstein. He is also known for going after Fox News"

Andrew Sullivan: By Biden’s Own Standards, He Is Guilty - "Some trust for all women is vital.But just as vital in a liberal society is verification. I believe strongly in due process, especially with grave allegations of sexual assault... The problem with defending due process in a case like Biden’s with respect to Tara Reade is that Biden himself, when it comes to allegations of sexual abuse and harassment, doesn’t believe in it. Perhaps in part to atone for his shabby treatment of Anita Hill, Biden was especially prominent in the Obama administration’s overhaul of Title IX treatment of claims of sexual discrimination and harassment on campus. You can listen to Biden’s strident speeches and rhetoric on this question and find not a single smidgen of concern with the rights of the accused. Men in college were to be regarded as guilty before being proven innocent, and stripped of basic rights in their self-defense. Harvard Law professor Jeannie Suk Gersen noted the consequences of Biden’s crusade in The New Yorker last year. “In recent years,” she wrote, “it has become commonplace to deny accused students access to the complaint, the evidence, the identities of witnesses, or the investigative report, and to forbid them from questioning complainants or witnesses … According to K.C. Johnson, a professor at Brooklyn College and an expert on Title IX lawsuits, more than four hundred students accused of sexual misconduct since 2011 have sued their schools under federal or state laws — in many cases, for sex discrimination under Title IX. While many of the lawsuits are still ongoing, nearly half of the students who have sued have won favorable court rulings or have settled with the schools.” On Friday’s Morning Joe, Biden laid out a simple process for judging him: Listen respectfully to Tara Reade, and then check for facts that prove or disprove her specific claim. The objective truth, Biden argued, is what matters. I agree with him. But this was emphatically not the standard Biden favored when judging men in college. If Biden were a student, under Biden rules, Reade could file a claim of assault, and Biden would have no right to know the specifics, the evidence provided, who was charging him, who was a witness, and no right to question the accuser. Apply the Biden standard for Biden, have woke college administrators decide the issue in private, and he’s toast. Under Biden, Title IX actually became a force for sex discrimination — as long as it was against men. Emily Yoffe has done extraordinary work exposing the injustices of the Obama-Biden sexual-harassment regime on campus, which have mercifully been pared back since. But she has also highlighted Biden’s own zeal in the cause. He brushed aside most legal defenses against sexual harassment. In a speech at the University of Pittsburgh in 2016, for example, Biden righteously claimed that it was an outrage that any woman claiming sexual assault should have to answer questions like “Were you drinking?” or “What did you say?” “These are questions that angered me then and anger me now.” He went on: “No one, particularly a court of law, has a right to ask any of those questions.” Particularly a court of law? A court cannot even inquire what a woman said in a disputed sexual encounter? Couldn’t that be extremely relevant to the question of consent? Or ask if she were drinking? It may be extremely salient that she had been drinking — because it could prove rape, if she were incapacitated and unable to consent and sex took place... In 2014, the Obama administration issued another guidance for colleges which expanded what “sexual violence” could include, citing “a range of behaviors that are unwanted by the recipient and include remarks about physical appearance; persistent sexual advances that are undesired by the recipient; unwanted touching; and unwanted oral, anal, or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration.” By that standard, ignoring the Reade allegation entirely, Joe Biden has been practicing “sexual violence” for decades: constantly touching women without their prior consent, ruffling and smelling their hair, making comments about their attractiveness, coming up from behind to touch their back or neck. You can see him do it on tape, on countless occasions. He did not stop in 2014, to abide by the standards he was all too willing to impose on college kids. A vice-president could do these things with impunity; a college sophomore could have his life ruined for an inept remark... As Ezra Klein, a thoroughly mainstream liberal, has explained, the broader fact of sexual abuse on campus required a few broken eggs to make the liberated omelette. In discussing a new “affirmative consent model” in California, Ezra famously wrote:
Critics worry that colleges will fill with cases in which campus boards convict young men (and, occasionally, young women) of sexual assault for genuinely ambiguous situations. Sadly, that’s necessary for the law’s success. It’s those cases — particularly the ones that feel genuinely unclear and maybe even unfair, the ones that become lore in frats and cautionary tales that fathers e-mail to their sons — that will convince men that they better Be Pretty Damn Sure."

beth, murder hornet enthusiast on Twitter - ""he pointed his finger in my face and told me I was nothing.." Given what we've seen from Biden publicly, these words ring true. There's dozens of pictures of him touching women inappropriately, and putting his finger in people's faces bullying them. I'm not voting for this."

Biden says he'll reverse DeVos rule bolstering protections for those accused of campus sexual assault - "The Trump campaign gathered a roundup of criticism of Biden’s support for strengthening Title IX regulations in favor of survivors from prominent public intellectuals, such as Andrew Sullivan, Emily Yoffe and Bret Stephens."
Due process is only for Democratic politicians

Biden, in resurfaced 'View' video, said no need to prove case against Kavanaugh beyond 'reasonable doubt' - "The Washington Free Beacon released a montage of prominent Democrats who all argued that the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 was a "job interview" instead of a trial, suggesting that the presumption of innocence did not apply to him when he fought allegations of sexual misconduct.Included in that montage was Biden... "A Supreme Court hearing is not a trial. It's a job interview. It's a job interview," Biden said. "And, you don't have to prove a reasonable doubt anything as to why you shouldn't put so and so on the court."... remarks he made during a February primary debate resurfaced when he slammed former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for not releasing female ex-employees from non-disclosure agreements."

Jill Filipovic on Twitter - "This from Susan Faludi is so important. Feminists never said "believe all women" - the right inserted the "all." Feminists said "believe women": that is, start with the assumption that women are telling the truth instead of reflexively doubting them." - May 18, 2020
NPR on Twitter - ""Believe all women" has been the rallying cry of the #MeToo movement - a mantra embraced by some but dismissed by others as naive. The tension over the credibility of women is nothing new, especially in rape investigations." - Feb 7, 2018

Opinion | ‘Believe All Women’ Is a Right-Wing Trap - The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Sexual Assault Page Edited to Remove 'Right to be Believed'? - ""To every survivor of sexual assault...You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you." —Hillary... Cached versions of Hillary Clinton’s campaign site from 29 January 2016 display the following quote... But by 4 February 2016 that page had been revised, and in the process the quote attributed to Clinton was altered, retaining “you have the right to be heard” portion but eliding “you have the right to be believed, and we’re with you” tag"
Turns out the liberal obsession with "gaslighting" is Freudian projection. But since to them presenting facts, data and statistics they don't like is gaslighting, this is just reflective of their view of reality as socially constructed (which explains their obsession with controlling language too)

Biden: Presume the 'essence' of sexual assault accusations are 'real' - "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real"

The Nation Columnist Defends Joe Biden From Tara Reade: ‘I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them’ - "Columnist Katha Pollitt would vote for Joe Biden even if she believed Reade’s allegations of sexual assault, she wrote in her Wednesday column. “Fortunately, I don’t have to sacrifice morality to political necessity”... "Four more years of Trump will replace what remains of our democracy with unchecked rule by kleptocrats, fascists, religious fanatics, gun nuts, and know-nothings""
Strange how we were told that if Trump won, the US would have unchecked rule by kleptocrats, fascists, religious fanatics, gun nuts, and know-nothings. Naturally, this time it's different
Presumably having the US ruled by baby eaters would be better than having it ruled by kleptocrats etc

TW: rape, CSA #VoteBlueNoMatterWho - "Joe Biden could rape ME in the middle of Fifth Avenue and I would still vote for him before I would vote for Trump or Sanders.”
"@JoeBiden could rape someone on camera & still get my vote"
"Biden could rape, pillage, plunger, murder, basically anything! Even if he dies before the election, we are voting for him!"
"If Biden had raped my child, yes I'd still prefer him over trump as POTUS"

Shaun King on Twitter - "As a rule, be so consistent that a sexual assault allegation about a Democrat bothers you just as much as one about a Republican."
"Joe Biden could rape me right now and he will still get my vote. Fuck Trump and anyone who aides this existential threat to humanity."
When liberals expose their hypocrisy for all to see

Peter Wright - "The new #MeToo movement:
"I support Joe Biden"
"Me too x4""

Gad Saad on Twitter - "NYT not only deleted the tweet but stealth edited their piece to remove their own findings about Biden & other women. They also suggest an alleged victim may be breaking the law by making a police report. Toxic clusterfuck.
The #MeToomovement & “believe all women” was never about ALL women.There’s no evidence that Christine Blasey Ford ever met Kavanugh but she was celebrated as a heroine. Former staffer accuses Biden & she’s attacked/ignored by the same media. Toxic."
"Well the "believe all women" only applies if the alleged perpetrator is despised. If the alleged perpetrator is part of the woke in-group then suppress the story. This is literally social JUSTICE."
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