Thursday, June 25, 2020
Links - 25th June 2020 (1) (Trans Mania)
What are your preferred genital nouns? - "The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, America’s largest LGBT lobbying group, has produced a guide called Safer Sex for Trans Bodies. And it contains some truly remarkable distortions of everyday language. One section of the guide redefines the terms we use for genitals, apparently to make them more ‘inclusive’. To the uninitiated, ‘dick’ means penis, the male member. But according to the guide, ‘dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders’.Female anatomy is much more complicated, apparently. The word ‘vagina’ is used not to refer to a woman’s genitals, but to a post-op trans woman’s genitals: ‘We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.’A woman’s vagina is instead referred to as a ‘front hole’, the guide goes on. ‘We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina’, it says. This neat distinction leads to some truly bizarre sentences, such as, ‘Surgically-created vaginas are also not as stretchy as front holes’. Much like previous attempts to erase the word ‘woman’ by instead referring to uterus bearers, non-prostate owners or womxn, there is more than a whiff of misogyny to the term ‘front holes’. These new definitions might be confusing, but that’s just the beginning. You might have heard of preferred pronouns, but the guide introduces us to what we might call preferred genital nouns: ‘In most cases, the best thing you can do is ask which words a person uses to describe their body. Remember: our bodies are our own to name and use.’We have reached peak trans-Orwellianism."
Elton John calls gender-neutral Sam Smith 'he' and all hell breaks loose: 'It's not f**king optional' - "Grammy-winning singer Smith had come out as non-binary back in September 2019, announcing that they have changed their pronouns to gender-neutral ones: they/them/their... While some fans are ready to give John the benefit of the doubt, others have taken a far more aggressive stance, or as pop culture loves to call it: cancel him."
When you ride a tiger...
What a Chinese Idiom Tells Us About Gender Identity Ideology - "There is a Chinese idiom known as “calling a deer a horse” which means to deliberately misrepresent reality for the purposes of manipulation. It makes an apt analogy for gender identity ideology, in particular for the phrase “trans women are women” and for how that phrase is meant, by many, to be taken nowadays. The story goes that, during the reign of Emperor Qin Er Shi (221 to 206 BC), there was a politician named Zhao Gao who was attempting to stage a coup. To figure out who in the court would go along with his plans, he brought a deer before the Emperor and said it was a horse. The Emperor laughed and said Zhao Gao was mistaken — it was clearly a deer. So Zhao Gao asked the other members of the court what they thought. Those who were on Zhao Gao’s side or who were fearful of him agreed that it was a horse, while others said it was a deer. With one simple test, Zhao Gao immediately knew who did and did not support him. Whether or not you accept the statement that “trans women are women” is now being used as a similar kind of test... If you aren’t willing to say that a male can be a female, if you raise any objections at all, no matter how carefully and sensitively worded, you’ve identified yourself as the enemy. You are now fair game for bullying and harassment, you can be called a Nazi and a white supremacist with impunity, you can be prevented from gathering in public places, and you can be shouted at in the streets."
Virtue signalling and preference falsification!
Facebook Community Standards Allow The Promotion Of Violence Against Women, Shocker. - "It’s perfectly OK, according to Facebook Community Standards, to post about punching women. Punching women in the throat seems to be particularly popular.There is a catch, of course. You can’t just post about punching any woman, or all woman. You do have to make sure your posts only involve encouraging violence about women who have wrong opinions about gender ideology... On Facebook, you can post about punching (or “throatpunching”) women to your heart’s content.You just have to make sure to call these women “TERFs” first. “TERF” was an acronym for “trans exclusive radical feminist” — but you don’t have to be “trans exclusive” or a “radical feminist” to be a “TERF”. All you need is a slightly different opinion to the person calling you a TERF.Do you think that there should be a discussion on when biological males who identify as women should be able too access women’s sports and prisons? You are a TERF.Do you think that trans women deserve love and respect but that they aren’t in all cases actual women? You are a TERF.Do you think everyone should be able to dress and express themselves however they want, but that no-one else should be forced to think or pretend that they have actually changed sex? You are a TERF.Are you a trans person like Debbie Hayton, frustrated at intolerant, hyperbolic trans activism? You are a no better than a Nazi collaborator. And it’s OK to hate and promote violence against TERFs. Facebook’s Community Standards say so.But wait, you say: Facebook doesn’t allow the promotion of violence against women per se — it’s just women with wrong opinions.These women have it coming to them. As ever, they just won’t listen."
Satiria - Posts - "Stop Domestic Violence. Unless you call the woman a “TERF". Then you can promote violence against her, according to Facebook Community Guidelines. #FreePoster #TERFlove"
"This has a good example: a Communist Facebook page showing a meme of a transwoman stabbing a "TERF" who's held in place by a leftist
The Honey Badger Radio official Facebook group - "Okay, let me get this straight: Aerith in the FF7 remake...
-Is sarcastic
-Cracks dad jokes
-Constantly thinks about food
-Wears a choker
Ya'll... I legit think Aerith is trans."
"This is why people dislike you.
The only similarity she has to a trans is how early she dies."
Don't you dare ask my pronouns - "Corbyn hadn’t want to miss an opportunity to virtue signal — on International Pronoun Day, no less. He has impeccable trans-inclusive politics, even supporting the inclusion of men who identify as women on all-female shortlists. Corbyn’s self-appointed advisor on all things trans, Owen Jones, has made it clear to the Labour leader that in order to be on the “right side of history” one must put male-bodied trans women before actual women... Most of my friends and colleagues block the extremely trans-woke Pink News site from their social media feeds because of the toxic levels of misogyny on its pages. But Corbyn’s words did make it through to the mainstream... this obsession with pronouns is extremely worrying. Especially now the police have joined in. The same week that government statistics were released showing rape convictions down to a shocking 1.4% of those reported, Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke of Cheshire Police found the time to make a video to mark IPD, telling us that for many people, “Being misgendered can have a huge impact on somebody and their personal wellbeing.” So can being raped, but let’s get our priorities right, shall we? For all those lesbians who are constantly told we “look like men” because we refuse to wear make-up, high heels and corsets, and dress for the benefit of men, it is offensive and deeply anti-lesbian to now get asked “what are your pronouns?” We have struggled for years to win respect and acceptance as women — why should we have to spell it out... The trouble with being able to choose your own pronouns is that it can be abused. If men aren’t identified as men, then they can no longer be held accountable for patriarchy and misogyny. And whether we like it or not, men are the ones to blame for the oppression of women. Women, on the other hand, are unable, however much some of us may wish, to identify our way out of being oppressed by the male sex class. We cannot escape atrocities such as FGM, forced marriage, rape, or domestic abuse simply by giving ourselves new pronouns... Jeremy Corbyn, the man who took money from a regime that executes men for being gay can present himself as super-woke by telling us he, ahem, identifies as male. But let us also remember that this is the same man who made the ludicrous suggestion that a solution to sexual attacks on the underground was to assign women-only carriages. Does he not see the flaw in his logic? If such a thing existed, all a male-bodied sexual predator would need to do to gain access would be to wear a pronoun badge declaring that his pronouns were ‘she/her’."
Gays and lesbians are abandoning the LGBTQIAA+ movement - "Millennial lesbian vlogger Arielle Scarcella caused a stir last Friday when she announced that she no longer feels a part of the contemporary LGBTQIAA+ movement, the latest evolution of the gay rights movement that stands for ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Allies and others.’... Scarcella, who vlogs about women, sexuality and culture and has over 600,000 YouTube followers, denounced the ridiculously “woke” rainbow coalition movement as “a safe haven for the mentally unstable”, stating that she has been “more cancelled, tortured, tormented, harassed” by what is supposedly her own community than by any other group.She is not the first gay, bi or lesbian person to jump ship, though she is probably the most prominent. The LGB Alliance, launched in 2019 by UK activists including one Stonewall founding member, sought to regroup a political movement for gay, lesbian and bisexual political interests away from other sexuality- and gender-related identities that have attached themselves to the rainbow flag.The growing desertion of the movement formerly known as LGBT by actual lesbian, gay and bisexual people reflects a core issue raised by its current trajectory, namely the political paralysis that results from an attempt to practice inclusivity in the absence of limits. Forming a group in order to campaign for that group’s political interests necessarily means defining what that group is, which in turn means defining what it is not. That is, political agency requires a degree of self-definition that is necessarily exclusionary. But as other groups are added, willy-nilly, in the interests of inclusivity, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the nature of their common political interests. Lesbian, gay and bisexual people campaigned for decriminalisation and social acceptance of same-sex romantic and sexual relationships. Their political calls were premised on a pre-existing belief in the intrinsic value of all humans... What, from a political point of view, can lesbian women unite in solidarity with asexuals to campaign for, apart from a general feel-good assertion that ‘we are all valid’?In effect, by abolishing limits on who is included, this is what the LGBTQIAA+ movement necessarily becomes: a political campaign for individual validation. Indeed, Stonewall’s slogan is ‘Acceptance without exception’. But validation has little meaningful substance as a political programme; in effect it takes away political agency. For if ‘validation’ is the core political demand, those pursuing this kind of identity-based programme ultimately hand power to the authority they claim to challenge, granting the state the ability to confer or withhold personhood itself. So it is unsurprising that the people drawn to a movement dedicated to demanding an all-powerful state grant them the personhood they are no longer sure they possess are perhaps not the most stable individuals"
As Common Sense Returns to the Gender Debate, Radicals Set Upon Their Own Allies - "The trolls that targeted Knox were avowed trans activists, just like their target. Amanda Jetté Knox, author of Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family, was excommunicated for being insufficiently supportive of trans people.There is a predictable pattern in many extreme movements that’s sometimes described as a “purity spiral,” whereby yesterday’s radicals are denounced by onetime fellow travelers as reactionaries... a relentlessly trans-supportive doctor and avowed “cis-phobe” named Adrian Harrop was set upon by his one-time allies when he admitted the perfectly obvious fact that, as a gay man, he is attracted to biological males (a common-sense statement that put him at odds with the fashionable dogma, which no one’s brain actually obeys, requiring us to be sexually attracted to others on the basis of their stated gender and not biological sex)... Every one of the aforementioned Twitter combatants, including Knox and Benaway, are fully orthodox members of the trans activist community... The entire argument was about whether one particular trans ally had become too famous at the expense of more worthy and authentic competitors... Over time, the old (by which I mean, say, 2010) ideal of equality between trans and non-trans has given way to a more quasi-mystical philosophy that exalts gender identity as a spiritual force marking us from birth with a sort of ersatz divine grace. By this conception, trans and non-binary individuals are elevated into a priestly class tasked with channeling and interpreting their inner mysticism for the benefit of the cis masses. (Something very similar has played out in the field of Indigenous reconciliation, with “settlers” therein cast as muggles.)... denouncing the persistent heteronormativity of Queer spaces is what Benaway does for a living. It’s how she puts food on the table. And so you can see why, for entirely practical reasons, she might be horrified by the idea that some cis mom from Ottawa would presume to write a book about being nice to trans people that ordinary people would actually understand and buy, and which contains nary a single chapter on the persistent heteronormativity of Queer spaces"
The purity spiral is another example of the "myth" of the slippery slope
16-year-old boy shares his story about being forced to be trans by mother - "“I was a star, or least I felt like it. The teachers absolutely adored me and used me as an example all the time. I got special treatment. I could never do any wrong. The other boys in my class didn’t bully me or anything. I guess I really enjoyed the attention so I started to embrace it and play it up a bit.” According to Lucas his mother was enjoying the attention just as much as he was. She’d be invited to special events to talk about ‘raising trans kids’ and things like that... Lucas claims that from the age of 11 to 14 his mother would take him to parties and other social events where there would intoxicated adults.“She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic.” Lucas was pressured to take the stage and dance erotically in front of a lot of man. “I didn’t know what to do, so I just copied the other dancers and also did what I saw on RuPaul’s Drag Race,” said Lucas.At the end of the night Lucas’s mother was approached by a man who propositioned her. He gave her a card and said that he’d “absolutely love to get to know Lucas a bit better.”... His crush would bring some spare clothes to school so he wouldn’t have to wear a dress. His teachers would pull him aside and lecture him on conforming to gender norms and say that what he was doing was ‘toxic’. “I was shamed by my English teacher. She said I was setting a bad example for other LGBTQ kids”... “The special treatment was gone but at least I felt like myself again. My English teacher would call me Lucy and I would correct her by saying ‘it’s Lucas, miss.’ She yelled at me in front of the entire classand accused me of misgendering her and something called mansplaining.”"
Elton John calls gender-neutral Sam Smith 'he' and all hell breaks loose: 'It's not f**king optional' - "Grammy-winning singer Smith had come out as non-binary back in September 2019, announcing that they have changed their pronouns to gender-neutral ones: they/them/their... While some fans are ready to give John the benefit of the doubt, others have taken a far more aggressive stance, or as pop culture loves to call it: cancel him."
When you ride a tiger...
What a Chinese Idiom Tells Us About Gender Identity Ideology - "There is a Chinese idiom known as “calling a deer a horse” which means to deliberately misrepresent reality for the purposes of manipulation. It makes an apt analogy for gender identity ideology, in particular for the phrase “trans women are women” and for how that phrase is meant, by many, to be taken nowadays. The story goes that, during the reign of Emperor Qin Er Shi (221 to 206 BC), there was a politician named Zhao Gao who was attempting to stage a coup. To figure out who in the court would go along with his plans, he brought a deer before the Emperor and said it was a horse. The Emperor laughed and said Zhao Gao was mistaken — it was clearly a deer. So Zhao Gao asked the other members of the court what they thought. Those who were on Zhao Gao’s side or who were fearful of him agreed that it was a horse, while others said it was a deer. With one simple test, Zhao Gao immediately knew who did and did not support him. Whether or not you accept the statement that “trans women are women” is now being used as a similar kind of test... If you aren’t willing to say that a male can be a female, if you raise any objections at all, no matter how carefully and sensitively worded, you’ve identified yourself as the enemy. You are now fair game for bullying and harassment, you can be called a Nazi and a white supremacist with impunity, you can be prevented from gathering in public places, and you can be shouted at in the streets."
Virtue signalling and preference falsification!
Facebook Community Standards Allow The Promotion Of Violence Against Women, Shocker. - "It’s perfectly OK, according to Facebook Community Standards, to post about punching women. Punching women in the throat seems to be particularly popular.There is a catch, of course. You can’t just post about punching any woman, or all woman. You do have to make sure your posts only involve encouraging violence about women who have wrong opinions about gender ideology... On Facebook, you can post about punching (or “throatpunching”) women to your heart’s content.You just have to make sure to call these women “TERFs” first. “TERF” was an acronym for “trans exclusive radical feminist” — but you don’t have to be “trans exclusive” or a “radical feminist” to be a “TERF”. All you need is a slightly different opinion to the person calling you a TERF.Do you think that there should be a discussion on when biological males who identify as women should be able too access women’s sports and prisons? You are a TERF.Do you think that trans women deserve love and respect but that they aren’t in all cases actual women? You are a TERF.Do you think everyone should be able to dress and express themselves however they want, but that no-one else should be forced to think or pretend that they have actually changed sex? You are a TERF.Are you a trans person like Debbie Hayton, frustrated at intolerant, hyperbolic trans activism? You are a no better than a Nazi collaborator. And it’s OK to hate and promote violence against TERFs. Facebook’s Community Standards say so.But wait, you say: Facebook doesn’t allow the promotion of violence against women per se — it’s just women with wrong opinions.These women have it coming to them. As ever, they just won’t listen."
Satiria - Posts - "Stop Domestic Violence. Unless you call the woman a “TERF". Then you can promote violence against her, according to Facebook Community Guidelines. #FreePoster #TERFlove"
"This has a good example: a Communist Facebook page showing a meme of a transwoman stabbing a "TERF" who's held in place by a leftist
The Honey Badger Radio official Facebook group - "Okay, let me get this straight: Aerith in the FF7 remake...
-Is sarcastic
-Cracks dad jokes
-Constantly thinks about food
-Wears a choker
Ya'll... I legit think Aerith is trans."
"This is why people dislike you.
The only similarity she has to a trans is how early she dies."
Don't you dare ask my pronouns - "Corbyn hadn’t want to miss an opportunity to virtue signal — on International Pronoun Day, no less. He has impeccable trans-inclusive politics, even supporting the inclusion of men who identify as women on all-female shortlists. Corbyn’s self-appointed advisor on all things trans, Owen Jones, has made it clear to the Labour leader that in order to be on the “right side of history” one must put male-bodied trans women before actual women... Most of my friends and colleagues block the extremely trans-woke Pink News site from their social media feeds because of the toxic levels of misogyny on its pages. But Corbyn’s words did make it through to the mainstream... this obsession with pronouns is extremely worrying. Especially now the police have joined in. The same week that government statistics were released showing rape convictions down to a shocking 1.4% of those reported, Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke of Cheshire Police found the time to make a video to mark IPD, telling us that for many people, “Being misgendered can have a huge impact on somebody and their personal wellbeing.” So can being raped, but let’s get our priorities right, shall we? For all those lesbians who are constantly told we “look like men” because we refuse to wear make-up, high heels and corsets, and dress for the benefit of men, it is offensive and deeply anti-lesbian to now get asked “what are your pronouns?” We have struggled for years to win respect and acceptance as women — why should we have to spell it out... The trouble with being able to choose your own pronouns is that it can be abused. If men aren’t identified as men, then they can no longer be held accountable for patriarchy and misogyny. And whether we like it or not, men are the ones to blame for the oppression of women. Women, on the other hand, are unable, however much some of us may wish, to identify our way out of being oppressed by the male sex class. We cannot escape atrocities such as FGM, forced marriage, rape, or domestic abuse simply by giving ourselves new pronouns... Jeremy Corbyn, the man who took money from a regime that executes men for being gay can present himself as super-woke by telling us he, ahem, identifies as male. But let us also remember that this is the same man who made the ludicrous suggestion that a solution to sexual attacks on the underground was to assign women-only carriages. Does he not see the flaw in his logic? If such a thing existed, all a male-bodied sexual predator would need to do to gain access would be to wear a pronoun badge declaring that his pronouns were ‘she/her’."
Gays and lesbians are abandoning the LGBTQIAA+ movement - "Millennial lesbian vlogger Arielle Scarcella caused a stir last Friday when she announced that she no longer feels a part of the contemporary LGBTQIAA+ movement, the latest evolution of the gay rights movement that stands for ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Allies and others.’... Scarcella, who vlogs about women, sexuality and culture and has over 600,000 YouTube followers, denounced the ridiculously “woke” rainbow coalition movement as “a safe haven for the mentally unstable”, stating that she has been “more cancelled, tortured, tormented, harassed” by what is supposedly her own community than by any other group.She is not the first gay, bi or lesbian person to jump ship, though she is probably the most prominent. The LGB Alliance, launched in 2019 by UK activists including one Stonewall founding member, sought to regroup a political movement for gay, lesbian and bisexual political interests away from other sexuality- and gender-related identities that have attached themselves to the rainbow flag.The growing desertion of the movement formerly known as LGBT by actual lesbian, gay and bisexual people reflects a core issue raised by its current trajectory, namely the political paralysis that results from an attempt to practice inclusivity in the absence of limits. Forming a group in order to campaign for that group’s political interests necessarily means defining what that group is, which in turn means defining what it is not. That is, political agency requires a degree of self-definition that is necessarily exclusionary. But as other groups are added, willy-nilly, in the interests of inclusivity, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the nature of their common political interests. Lesbian, gay and bisexual people campaigned for decriminalisation and social acceptance of same-sex romantic and sexual relationships. Their political calls were premised on a pre-existing belief in the intrinsic value of all humans... What, from a political point of view, can lesbian women unite in solidarity with asexuals to campaign for, apart from a general feel-good assertion that ‘we are all valid’?In effect, by abolishing limits on who is included, this is what the LGBTQIAA+ movement necessarily becomes: a political campaign for individual validation. Indeed, Stonewall’s slogan is ‘Acceptance without exception’. But validation has little meaningful substance as a political programme; in effect it takes away political agency. For if ‘validation’ is the core political demand, those pursuing this kind of identity-based programme ultimately hand power to the authority they claim to challenge, granting the state the ability to confer or withhold personhood itself. So it is unsurprising that the people drawn to a movement dedicated to demanding an all-powerful state grant them the personhood they are no longer sure they possess are perhaps not the most stable individuals"
As Common Sense Returns to the Gender Debate, Radicals Set Upon Their Own Allies - "The trolls that targeted Knox were avowed trans activists, just like their target. Amanda Jetté Knox, author of Love Lives Here: A Story of Thriving in a Transgender Family, was excommunicated for being insufficiently supportive of trans people.There is a predictable pattern in many extreme movements that’s sometimes described as a “purity spiral,” whereby yesterday’s radicals are denounced by onetime fellow travelers as reactionaries... a relentlessly trans-supportive doctor and avowed “cis-phobe” named Adrian Harrop was set upon by his one-time allies when he admitted the perfectly obvious fact that, as a gay man, he is attracted to biological males (a common-sense statement that put him at odds with the fashionable dogma, which no one’s brain actually obeys, requiring us to be sexually attracted to others on the basis of their stated gender and not biological sex)... Every one of the aforementioned Twitter combatants, including Knox and Benaway, are fully orthodox members of the trans activist community... The entire argument was about whether one particular trans ally had become too famous at the expense of more worthy and authentic competitors... Over time, the old (by which I mean, say, 2010) ideal of equality between trans and non-trans has given way to a more quasi-mystical philosophy that exalts gender identity as a spiritual force marking us from birth with a sort of ersatz divine grace. By this conception, trans and non-binary individuals are elevated into a priestly class tasked with channeling and interpreting their inner mysticism for the benefit of the cis masses. (Something very similar has played out in the field of Indigenous reconciliation, with “settlers” therein cast as muggles.)... denouncing the persistent heteronormativity of Queer spaces is what Benaway does for a living. It’s how she puts food on the table. And so you can see why, for entirely practical reasons, she might be horrified by the idea that some cis mom from Ottawa would presume to write a book about being nice to trans people that ordinary people would actually understand and buy, and which contains nary a single chapter on the persistent heteronormativity of Queer spaces"
The purity spiral is another example of the "myth" of the slippery slope
16-year-old boy shares his story about being forced to be trans by mother - "“I was a star, or least I felt like it. The teachers absolutely adored me and used me as an example all the time. I got special treatment. I could never do any wrong. The other boys in my class didn’t bully me or anything. I guess I really enjoyed the attention so I started to embrace it and play it up a bit.” According to Lucas his mother was enjoying the attention just as much as he was. She’d be invited to special events to talk about ‘raising trans kids’ and things like that... Lucas claims that from the age of 11 to 14 his mother would take him to parties and other social events where there would intoxicated adults.“She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic.” Lucas was pressured to take the stage and dance erotically in front of a lot of man. “I didn’t know what to do, so I just copied the other dancers and also did what I saw on RuPaul’s Drag Race,” said Lucas.At the end of the night Lucas’s mother was approached by a man who propositioned her. He gave her a card and said that he’d “absolutely love to get to know Lucas a bit better.”... His crush would bring some spare clothes to school so he wouldn’t have to wear a dress. His teachers would pull him aside and lecture him on conforming to gender norms and say that what he was doing was ‘toxic’. “I was shamed by my English teacher. She said I was setting a bad example for other LGBTQ kids”... “The special treatment was gone but at least I felt like myself again. My English teacher would call me Lucy and I would correct her by saying ‘it’s Lucas, miss.’ She yelled at me in front of the entire classand accused me of misgendering her and something called mansplaining.”"
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