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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Links - 10th June 2020 (1) (George Floyd Unrest)

Scott Adams on Twitter - "New Video appears to show Ahmaud Arbery inside the construction property on multiple occasions at night... he was in all likelihood not jogging miles from his home on multiple occasions at night"
"The messed up thing about being a white man in America is that I can explore people's property at night as much as I want and I can try to wrestle guns out of people's hands without fear of harm. I'd hate to live in a country where I have worry about being shot for that."

Family identifies Federal Protective Service Officer Patrick Underwood who was shot, killed in connection with George Floyd protest in Oakland - "The family and friends of the Federal Protective Service officer who was shot and killed at the Federal Building in Oakland Friday night have confirmed his identity to ABC7 I-Team's Dan Noyes. The victim is 53-year-old Patrick Underwood of Pinole, Calif... "My brother, Dave Patrick Underwood, a federal officer, was murdered 5/29/20 in Oakland California, while on duty during the riots. This Violence Must Stop."... Interim Oakland PD Chief Susan Manheimer said this was most likely a targeted attack."It's likely there was a targeting of uniformed officers to the extent with which they were involved with our demonstration we're really not sure," she said.The DHS calls the shooting an act of domestic terrorism by an assassin."
Damn white supremacy, killing even more black people! Or was it white supremacy to object to the riots?

Rioters Loot Jewish Stores, Vandalize Synagogue in L.A.: 'Free Palestine'; 'F*** Israel' - "Rioters ostensibly participating in Black Lives Matter protests against the killing last week of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis tore through a heavily Jewish neighborhood of Los Angeles Saturday night, ransacking stores and vandalizing a synagogue. "Fuck Israel” and “Free Palestine” were among the messages scrawled on the outside of Congregation Beth Israel on Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles."
Damn gentrification; according to the progressive stack Jews have no right to complain unless it's white supremacists who were responsible

Sargon of Akkad - Posts - "There are a lot of left-wing public figures who are feeling personally attacked by Trump rightfully declaring Antifa a terrorist organisation. Really makes you think.

Andrew Sullivan on Twitter - "On this day in 1944: More than 150,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy."
"Biggest antifa rally in history."
"This is not a crazy fringe anarchist. This is NPR. I’ve donated to them. Not any more." "

Nurse Patriot on Twitter - "BREAKING: @Twitter just suspended @Antifa_US for a tweet directing #Antifa rioters to break into suburban homes giving them “what they deserve”."
"ALERT. Tonight's the night, COmrades. Tonight we say "Fuck The City" and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods... and we take what's ours #BlacklivesMaters"
Comments: "
But wait... I keep hearing the Antifa isn't an organization... But how can one entity be directing others and not be organized?"
"It's a Jedi mind trick "These are not the terrorists you are looking for""
".@jack doesn't like Sec. 230 hanging over his head like a noose"
"Twitter trying to cover their tracks after letting terrorists operate on here for years."
"Now what about the Twitter accounts of H'wood celebs offering to subsidize the looters and arsonists?"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "Some people are suggesting that the looting and theft stem in part from people feeling frustrated by the lockdown. I hear you, oh Noble Protestors. My family and I are fed up with being in lockdown. So later today, we are planning on pillaging the neighbouring town.
One of the first things that we did when we escaped execution in Lebanon and moved to Canada is to start a posse of arson, burglary, and home invasions. We were justified in doing so because bruh anti-Semitism."
Comment: "Don't forget to grab some designer shoes on the way out of town."

Gad Saad - Posts - "36,000+ terror attacks in nearly 70 countries since 9/11 alone in the name of the Noble Faith: #NotAll you bigots.‬
‪A-hole cop murders innocent black man horrifically: We must dismantle whiteness for it is responsible for white systemic racism."

Ashley Rae Groypenberg on Twitter - "I'm sure someone has a running list (@WokeCapital?), but in case you're keeping up, institutionalized white supremacy is so inherent in America that:
All endorse violent riots and looting across the country "over" the death of one black man."
Comments: "If you are loudly signaling about BLM or expressing solidarity with the rioters,, you are not "speaking truth to power." You are repeating the talking points of multi billion dollar banks and consumer product companies who profit by playing to your feeling of righteous indignation at the Designated Bogeyman du jour.Expressions of sympathy for small business owners are only allowed for Black/Latino owners. White business owners who were ruined would be mocked and ridiculed if they show their grief in public.I don't ever want to hear whining about "food deserts" in the inner city again.In-group signaling. Congrats, you're on Team Global Corporate Woke."
"Divide and conquer. As long as we’re fighting each other, nobody will look at who’s pulling the strings behind the curtain."

Zahid Akhtar - "We stand against racism.We stand side by side with our black community.We stand with our black players of the past, present and future.We celebrate diversity.We belong together."
"Arsenal distance themselves from Mesut Özil comments on Uighurs’ plight
• Midfielder highlighted persecution of Muslims in China
• Club says it ‘does not involve itself in politics’ in statement"
"This is the same football club that distanced themselves when Mesut Özil spoke out against the oppression of #Uyghur Muslims.It's all about standing against racism and oppression until it affects your revenue streams!Fake Solidarity!"
The fact that so many corporations are virtue signalling about this when they don't dare to stand up to China shows that there is nothing dangerous or rebellious in supporting this cause, and in fact the cause IS the establishment
So much for not involving itself in politics

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "It is unconscionable that @StarWarshas not yet tweeted the words #BlackLivesMatter⁠.The #StarWars trilogies show how a democracy becomes a police state with stormtroopers, how fascism oppresses opponents, and how fascism stans rise again after its defeat.Step up, Lucasfilm."
Naturally, they responded

Blizzard's BLM Protest Support Called Out After Hong Kong Controversy - "A Reddit post on the popular r/gaming subreddit juxtaposed the two events in a simple meme, calling the company's purported support for the Black Lives Matter protests "hypocrisy at it's [sic] finest" and garnering well over 100,000 upvotes from like-minded critics. Many are having an easier time recalling Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick hand-waving Blitzchung's ban away by claiming that the entire gaming industry had no place in politics, a statement he's probably come to regret."

EKL on Twitter - "Jamie Dimon kneeling in front of a giant bank vault on @CNBC is beyond parody"

President Trump Calls Mpls. Protesters ‘Thugs’; Doubles Down On ‘When The Looting Starts, The Shooting Starts’ Message - "President Donald Trump on Friday threatened to take action to bring the city of Minneapolis “under control,” calling violent protesters outraged by the death of a black man in police custody “thugs” and saying that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Trump tweeted after protesters torched a Minneapolis police station, capping three days of violence... [Trump] has been uncharacteristically vocal this time, saying earlier Thursday that he felt “very, very badly” about Floyd’s death and calling video capturing his struggle “a very shocking sight.”... he has repeatedly expressed dismay at footage of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, the 25-year-old black man fatally shot in February in Georgia while jogging."

Obama stands by the term 'thugs,' White House says - "President Obama doesn't regret using the term "thug" in describing the violent rioters in Baltimore... "Whether it's arson or, you know, the looting of a liquor store ... those were thuggish acts," Earnest said.In discussing the riots Tuesday, Obama assailed the "criminals and thugs who tore up the place," and described them as a distraction from the real issues of police brutality.Some critics ascribe racial connotations to the word "thug" -- Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake walked back the term earlier this week... "When you're looting up a convenience store or you're throwing a cinder block at a police officer, you're engaging in thuggish behavior and that's why the President used that word.""
Presumably Obama is a dog whistling white supremacist because he's half white

Selena Adera on Twitter - "After failing to appropriate the Black People's Party, entitled white kids appropriated our fight yesterday, and made it dirty. Then they left us to deal with the police violence they stoked. Listen to the Black Woman desperately begging them to stop.
Across the country, white privileged kids were caught on camera starting violent riot behavior in the midst of organized Black protests.When we tried to stop them, their buds falsely accused us of assault, stoking further police violence against us.
Everywhere you look, white entitled privilege was cosplaying as violent resistance, then as always, leaving us to deal with the resulting violence and deaths.Because our Black Lives never mattered to them.
We often speak of the Horseshoe Theory.Up to now, it's been more about extreme ideological purity that moves so much Left that it tenderly embraces the Right.But what if those extremes always had a deal to destroy us. to have us vilified, then killed.
White Privilege that won't spend months in jail because they can't afford bail.White Entitlement that will white-flight to safe gentrified spaces after destroying our struggling communities.And for decades to come, they will tell the tale of how they fought for Civil Rights."

Well, Akshully - Posts - "CNN: *Burnt cars in George Floyd riots* "Mostly peaceful protest"
CNN: *Armed white people on stairs of government building protesting lockdown* "Domestic terrorist""

CNN Center in Atlanta damaged during protests - "Protesters were seen vandalizing CNN's logo outside its offices, breaking the building's glass and entering the center. Protesters were also heard chanting anti-media rhetoric."

'The Other America' - "Let me say as I’ve always said and I will always continue to say that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I’m still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve. That in a real sense it is impractical for the Negro to even think of mounting a violent revolution in the United States. So I will continue to condemn riots and continue to say to my brothers and sisters that this is not the way. And continue to affirm that there is another way... I submit that if we can spend $35 billion a year to fight an ill-considered war in Vietnam and $20 billion to put a man on the moon, our nation can spend billions of dollars to put God’s children on their own two feet right here on earth... it is a fact now that Negroes and whites are tied together, and we need each other. The Negro needs the white man to save him from his fear. The white man needs the Negro to save him from his guilt. We are tied together in so many ways: Our language, our music, our cultural patterns, our material prosperity and even our food are an amalgam of Black and white.And so there can be no separate Black path to power and fulfillment that does not intersect white groups. There can be no separate white path to power and fulfillment short of social disaster. It does not recognize the need of sharing that power with Black aspirations for freedom and justice."
Of course, those supporting the riots only know how to quote Martin Luther King Jr on "a riot is the language of the unheard", ignoring the prior bit
Given that since 1965 the war on poverty has cost $23 trillion, hopefully MLK would have accepted that this was enough and that a new approach was needed
Naturally, today MLK would be denounced as a bootlicker Uncle Tom

Misquoting MLK to Legitimize Violence - "The media have dishonestly plucked the highlighted fragment from this 175-word answer to create the false impression that Dr. King somehow viewed violence as a legitimate weapon in the fight for justice. In reality, there is no honest way to arrive at this conclusion when those eight words are read in their proper context. Yet USA Today is by no means alone in its misuse of this fragment. CNN uses the same eight words for the title of a Fareed Zakaria segment that begins with a deceptively edited clip from King’s 1967 speech, “The Other America,” in which he discusses riots much as he did on CBS. In order to launch the segment with the magic words, however, CNN edited out most of the speech... Among those offended by this mendacious exploitation of King’s words to validate violence is his niece, Alveda King. She writes, “I am saddened yet undaunted that a quote from my Uncle Martin is being taken out of context.… Some people are calling this an endorsement of violence, but nothing could be further from the truth.”She continues, “Martin Luther King preached love, not hate; peace, not violence; universal brotherhood, not racism.” This MLK isn’t easy to square with the figure now being portrayed by the media, but the Fourth Estate can’t be bothered with facts right now. It’s an election year. They have to stoke as much racial tension as possible."

The Meme Policeman - "Hampton Institute: "You can't commodify every single aspect of living and then not understand looting as a legitimate form of protest. Looting is the ultimate strike against a system that deems mass-produced objects to be far more precious than life itself. It is humanity wading to be recognized."
"It’s really hard to find the worst take in this sea of nonsense, but calling looting a legitimate form of protest and “humanity demanding to be recognized” has to rank right up there. And shared by a page with 6.5 million followers no less. What this tweet is saying is that we can’t commodify living (i.e. trading money for goods and services) without expecting people to steal. And when they do steal, that is not only legitimate, but an expression of humanity and a way of valuing lives over objects. This is pure nihilism cloaked in platitudes."

Looters who hit L.A. stores explain what they did: 'Get my portion!' - "“We’re doing it because we can”... Some of the looting appears to be organized, with groups driving around hitting multiple stores. For others, it was an outgrowth over the deep anger and frustration about the way blacks and others are mistreated, and they cited a host of other issues: President Trump, the privilege exposed in the college admissions scandal, and widening inequality. “If Donald Trump is saying shoot us tonight, that is not giving us no leeway," said a teenager holding the stolen Skechers backpack Monday in Van Nuys. "That’s just making things worse. If that’s giving permission for the police to shoot children, innocent teenagers, things like that, that’s not right.”... “Part of it is simply an assertion of power. Riots nearly always have a carnival aspect because people who for nearly all their lives have felt under the thumb of other groups suddenly have a sense of power," said Stephen Reicher, who studies crowd psychology at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland... "Get my portion! Get my portion!" one man shouted as looters hammered and kicked an ATM at Ye Olde King's Head Gift Shoppe... The family of activists had put a "Justice For George Floyd" sign in the window of the store before it was ransacked.“I’m just very angry at the fact that we are a minority-owned business and we stand so much with the movement," Perez said. “It destroyed my trust in the world for that day."... Joe Green, owner of Broadway Wine and Spirits in Santa Monica, said he was lucky that his family-owned store experienced only one broken window. Green fended off looters, aided by his customers and neighbors. When he called the police, he said he was told that no one was coming. “I think there needs to be stiffer penalties. You have to pay for your actions," said Green, noting that businesses have already been struggling because of the pandemic."Peaceful protesting is great. But rioting and looting and vandalizing? No. Burning businesses down? That’s not the answer.”... the young man — dressed in a hoodie, with a black mask wrapped around the lower half of his face — spoke of long-simmering frustrations, of white people plundering the black community and appropriating their success.“We’re tired of being killed," he said. "We’re tired of laws being passed while they put drugs and guns in our community. They pass laws to lock us up."Asked if he was among the demonstrators peacefully protesting earlier in the day, he dismissed the idea.“Protesting peacefully? We did that in the '60s. That didn’t get us nowhere.”"
Apparently looters are innocent. Apparently looting is a form of protest - how convenient. Nothing says you reject the system like stealing a new iPhone

Matt Gonzales on Twitter - "This is not a riot. It is a rebellion. A riot is what white folks do in Boston after the Celtics win the championship. A rebellion is when oppressed people resist state sanctioned violence."
I see people claim that no one is supporting the riots and looting...
"Matt Gonzales is an educator, an advocate, and a policy analyst. He is founder, and director of the Integration and Innovation Initiative (i3) at NYU Metro Center, a project designed to support policy development and design, implementation, and advocacy for school integration" so this is not a random nobody or "Russian bot" either

Slate on Twitter - "Non-violence is an important tool for protests, but so is violence."
Reply: "Hey @TwitterSupport does this not glorify violence? In a literal sense?"
Naturally the tweet is still up after more than 72 hours. Glorifying violence is alright on Twitter if you're on the left

Twitter Suspends Malkin Amid Leftist Violence Despite Trump's Big Tech Order - "Twitter has suspended Michelle Malkin for a tweet that argued that “violent criminal looters” should be shot, and is demanding she remove it... Twitter decided that Malkin’s comments violate their rules against “abuse and harassment,” and have demanded that she delete the tweet... This is despite the fact that Malkin’s tweet echoed official statements from US police departments. Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, warned looters on Monday that given he encourages the residents of his county to own guns, “if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.”Twitter has also refused to remove tweets and crack down on accounts from leftists that clearly advocate for illegal violent acts. The site is being used to co-ordinate looting, with rioters also planning Kristallnacht-style attacks on white businesses, and communist accounts pointing people towards rubber bullet factories to take down. The suspension of Malkin would also likely contravene President Trump’s recent executive order, that bans Big Tech companies from censoring people from their platform for political reasons. Speaking exclusively to National File, Malkin was defiant, saying that she would not delete her tweet, as “there is nothing abusive or harassing about defending law and order”...
'Twitter has rigged the social media playing field for years. This is systemic, coordinated gaslighting by Silicon Valley and cultural Marxists. I’m not an inciter of violence. I’m a defender of peace. Every day, Twitter allows Antifa to doxx and harass journalists and Trump supporters. Every day, Twitter allows BLM agitators to incite escalating violence against cops. I hope that those still remaining on the platform will re-double their efforts to expose the double standards and speak up against anarchy.'"

Former ESPN NBA reporter criticized for hypocritical tweets about George Floyd protests - "Veteran NBA reporter Chris Palmer was called out on Twitter for a pair of tweets he sent within the span of a few days.Palmer was offering his thoughts on the protests across the United States in the wake of George Floyd's death. On Thursday night, Palmer quote-tweeted a photo of a burning building with the caption, "Burn that s— down. Burn it all down." But shortly after midnight on Sunday, Palmer had a change of tone once protesters showed up closer to where he lived...'They just attacked our sister community down the street. It’s a gated community and they tried to climb the gates. They had to beat them back. Then destroyed a Starbucks and are now in front of my building. Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood. Go back to where you live.'"
Strange, I thought it was racist to call black people animals

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "burn it down. fuck property. fuck cops."
So you’re cool if I burn your property?
"this is a weak & unhelpful take"

George Floyd — Riot Justifications Are Self-Destructive - "left-wing intellectuals have tended either to explain away the crimes of violent protestors or to justify them as righteous and inevitable... Northwestern University professor Steven Thrasher argued in Slate magazine that “the destruction of a police precinct is not only a tactically reasonable response to the crisis of policing, it is a quintessentially American response, and a predictable one . . . property destruction for social change is as American as the Boston Tea Party and the Stonewall Riots.” Nikole Hannah-Jones, a New York Times journalist who recently received a Pulitzer Prize for her work on the 1619 Project, tweeted out a more subtle endorsement of the riots: “I hurt for the destruction like everyone else. But the fact of history is non-violent protest has not been successful for [black] Americans.” Perhaps Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has mustered the moral will to condemn the violence and destruction of the radical left? Quite the contrary — the furthest Biden has gone is to state that burning down communities is “needless” and unnecessary... conservatives are prone to believe that life is inviolable from the moment of conception, and that abortion therefore constitutes a form of murder. Others insist that the U.S. Constitution is immutable and must be protected at all costs. Radicalized members of the Right have, in rare instances, already acted on these beliefs in extreme fashion: the 2014 Las Vegas Shootings, the Oklahoma City bombing, and various attacks on Planned Parenthood clinics all come to mind. Significantly, all of these events involved fringe right-wing individuals and groups acting independently — without a mainstream justification for their actions. But how many more Robert Lewis Dears and Timothy McVeighs might we see, were the Left’s stance on violent protest to become widely adopted on the Right?... you turn on the news and hear pundits justifying lawlessness because it is born of injustice. You read about celebrities exhorting the public to “burn everything down” on the grounds that society is already immoral and broken. Is it so implausible that you might start to wonder: “Why not me? I believe that the unborn are being unjustly murdered and that the government has taken no steps to address this systemic problem. Is it not justified for me — nay, morally incumbent upon me — to take matters into my own hands? Some rioter just burned down an AutoZone. Another decimated a police precinct. Why shouldn’t I burn down a Planned Parenthood clinic, given that this institution, in my view, is the direct cause of so much wickedness?”... The riot apologist, however, has only two possible responses: to abandon his embrace of lawlessness lest the radical right-winger become encouraged, or to contend that only his own principles justify extreme measures. One might reasonably ask: “Why only your own principles?” The apologist might answer: “Because they are obviously the superior ones.” Of course, such a reply only resonates with those who antecedently agree with the apologist, and the radical right-winger is left with no less reason to carry out his violent plan. Thus, we start to see the danger of the Left’s justification of violent protest — not only to society as a whole, but even to the institutions dearest to the Left’s heart. “Justice excuses violence” is, in short, a self-destructive maxim."

Denver Armenian Genocide Memorial Defaced : pics
The language of the unheard indeed

Who Kills African Americans? - "race activists and leftist anti-Americans see profit from dividing Americans and sparking race hatred. They draw false lessons about “structural racism” and the need to pull down American civil and political institutions. Their constructive advice, heard in the last days in riots in Minneapolis and elsewhere: “It all needs to be burnt down” and “Kill whites.”Some race activists, such as those of Black Live Matter, argue that African Africans are suffering from a genocide enacted by white police and other racist whites. “Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.”But BLM’s analysis of the troubles of black communities is highly distorted, not least by what they systematically ignore, which is that most murdered blacks are murdered by other blacks... One might get the impression from the energetic campaigns of Black Lives Matter that African Americans are murdered by white racists, especially police. But, according to the FBI, in 2013, of the 2,491 “Black or African American” murdered, 189 were murdered by “whites,” 20 by “other,” 37 by “unknown,” and 2,245 by “Black or African American.” In other words, in 2013, 90.12% of African Americans murdered were murdered by other African Americans... 48% of all murders are committed by African Americans, more than three times what would be expected from African-Americans’ 13% of the population. So African Americans are involved in the most serious crime, either as victims or perpetrators, at a rate that far exceeds other American communities. This cannot be considered a direct effect of anti-African American racism.African Americans, like all Americans, have choices and make decisions. They are not automatons mechanically reacting to an adverse environment. African Americans have agency, select their goals, and act to achieve them. Most African-Americans do not choose to engage in crime; most choose to become productive citizens.But too many African Americans do choose to engage in crime, and too many African-Americans have been their victims. How has Black Lives Matter addressed this sad fact? What campaigns are they carrying out to correct this catastrophic loss of their fellow citizens? Why is Black Lives Matter shouting “racism” rather than looking at the difficulties in their community? It is the African-American community that needs emergency aid. How will increasing race bating and fueling the fire of race hatred contribute to healing the black community? Some spokesmen of Black Lives Matter have recommended the decrease of police presence in African American communities, or even the disbanding of police entirely. The official BLM “Campaign Zero” demands that there be a reduction of “all police violence in the US to zero,” a stop to policing of minor crimes, restrictions on weapons available to police, and much more. We have already seen an experiment in this measure in recent years, when Black Lives Matter and local politicians reined in police in Baltimore and Chicago. What was the result? Murder in 2015 was up in Baltimore to a historic high of 55 per hundred thousand; whereas in blood soaked Chicago, murders were up 72%, and shootings were up 88% in the first months of 2016... What has Black Lives Matter done to address the murder of law enforcement officers by African-Americans? Some might say, thinking of the five police slain by a sniper in Dallas, that rather than ameliorating such murders, Black Lives Matter has encouraged them. There are other serious problems afflicting black communities that BLM does not address. For example, family structure and culture that disadvantages black children. Fully two-thirds (66%) of African American children grow up in single parent families... Black Lives Matter apparently does feel that it has the situation so well in hand in America, that it can embark on international relations. Taking a stand with the Palestinians, who, along with Palestinian Americans, refer to African-Americans as abid, “black slave,” BLM has condemned Israel as a colonialist, apartheid, genocidal state.These counter-factual delusions not only serve to chase away BLM’s Jewish supporters, but demonstrate BLM’s penchant for looking everywhere but at the African-American community’s own problems. It is apparently easier for BLM to chant “racism” than to help African-Americans toward safer and more constructive lives.The problem is far from limited to small race organizations such as BLM. A much greater influence is the adoption in the universities and colleges of America, Canada, and elsewhere in the West, of a Marxist class-conflict model of society, in which members of economic classes, genders, races, sexualities, ethnicities, religions, and degrees of ableness are ranged in conflict against one another in a fight for power, control, and resources. America, Canada, and the West are portrayed as inherently unjust and requiring destruction before the rebuilding into a socialist utopia run by females, people of color, and transsexuals. As in most Utopian visions, neither facts nor reality are regarded as interesting; only the revolution sets the heart aflutter."

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "*Number of unarmed blacks killed by police vs Number of police officers killed by blacks - the latter is higher than the latter for 2018 and 2019*"
Also more people have been killed in the riots than unarmed black men shot by the police in 2019 according to the Washington Post. Black lives only matter when you can blame white people
I saw liberals blandly claiming that most of these deaths were due to the police, and naturally they ignored my request for citations, only claiming there were lots of examples online, and were silent when I quoted Wikipedia on only 2 of the 14+ (or so) deaths at the time being due to the police

The Ghost of George Washington - Posts - "An asian cop stands by as a white cop murders a black man
A white female cop murders a black man
A black cop murders a white woman
A latino cop murders a black man
A white cop murders a white man
If you still think this is a race issue then you haven't been paying attention"

Mohamed Noor sentenced to 12-and-a-half years' jail for murder of Justine Damond Ruszczyk - "Former US police officer Mohamed Noor has been sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in jail for fatally shooting Australian woman Justine Damond Ruszczyk through the side of his police car... Outside court, a large group of Somali Americans protested the verdict, calling it an aberration of justice and an attack on Muslim immigrants. The protest dispersed quickly and peacefully... The court heard that officers at the scene shielded Noor from scrutiny.Sergeant Shannon Barnette, the officer in charge of the scene, sent the car Noor fired from off to be washed before it had been completely examined.She also turned off her body worn camera at the scene and told another officer that Ms Damond Ruszczyk was "probably a drunk or a drunk addict".There is no hard proof of what was said between the two, but Sergeant Barnette told the court Noor's welfare, rather than the victim, was foremost in her mind."He asked me several times 'Sarge is she going to be OK?' I told him, I'm not going to worry about that right now: I'm going to worry about you," she told the court.Prosecutors repeatedly complained about police efforts to obstruct their inquiry."
Strange how there were no riots here, and that holding him accountable was 'Islamophobic'
White supremacy means the police protect a brown police officer who shoots a white woman

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest. He screamed “you’re going to kill me.” And they did. As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. Little coverage. You’ve never heard his name because he’s white.
Here’s Daniel Shaver. Shot dead while on his knees begging them not to kill him. This is what they claimed happened to Michael Brown. That was a lie. This isn’t. It’s on video...
Many more cases like this, often on video. No protests over any of it. These “protesters” couldn’t give less of a shit about police violence. That’s why they always ignore all victims who are white. What they care about is an ideologically-driven racial narrative."
White privilege!
I was told that "wouldn't it be normal that I respond with violence, anger, frustration, yelling, screaming, a breaking of the societal code and a few windows?" Presumably since white people don't riot when white people are killed by the police, this is another example of the subtle bigotry of low expectations

Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal - "1. Many departments don’t provide adequate training in nonviolent solutions.
Home/Courts/Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal
1. Many departments don’t provide adequate training in nonviolent solutions.
2. Standards for what constitutes brutality vary widely.
3. Consequences for misconduct are minimal.
4. Settlements are shifted to taxpayers.
5. Minorities are unfairly targeted.
“Simply put,” says University of Florida law professor Katheryn K. Russell, “the public face of a police brutality victim is a young man who is Black or Latino.” In this case, research suggests perception matches reality. To give a particularly striking example, one Florida city’s “stop and frisk” policy has been explicitly aimed at all black men. Since 2008, this has led to 99,980 stops which did not produce an arrest in a city with a population of just 110,000. One man alone was stopped 258 times at his job in four years, and arrested for trespassing while working on 62 occasions. Failure to address this issue communicates to police that minorities are a safe target for abuse.
6. Police are increasingly militarized.
7. Police themselves say misconduct is remarkably widespread."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Usually the primary factor is the politicians. Eric Garner died after a swarm of NYC police tried to arrest him for selling loose cigarettes. This was part of the city’s efforts to protect their extremely high tobacco taxes. This shouldn’t have been an enforcement priority and the enforcement should have been a ticket, not an arrest... One other misconception that should be addressed is the uneven stopping of people by race... the National Crime Victimization survey, which interviews crime victims, finds that the racial makeup of perpetrators roughly matches that of those arrested"

The Truth Behind Racial Disparties in Fatal Police Shootings - "“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot,” Cesario said. “If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings... “Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings,” Cesario said.“Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.”... The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare... One thing that was surprising to the researchers, Cesario said, were the number of mental health cases that resulted in fatal officer shootings.“It was truly striking and we didn’t recognize just how many there were,” he said. “This shows how underappreciated mental health is in the national discussion of fatal officer shootings.”Nearly 50% of all fatal shootings involving white civilians were because of mental health; it also accounted for nearly 20% of black civilians and 30% of Hispanics. These included two types of mental health cases: the first was “suicide by cop,” in which civilians intentionally antagonize the police because they want an officer to kill themselves; the second was a result of mental disorders, such as when a civilian is suffering from schizophrenia and poses a threat to officers."

No One Should Confuse Minneapolis Riots With Protests. - "Once again—as in Baltimore, following the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, and long before then, in Watts, Newark, and Detroit—the actions of rioters in an American city are being described as protests, or, by PBS, no less, as an “uprising.” Even Minneapolis’s hapless mayor, Jacob Frey—under siege as his city burns—graces the violence with understanding. “There is a lot of pain and anger in our city,” said Frey, adding that “this is what happens” when long-standing issues of race and poverty go unaddressed. It’s “not just because of five minutes of horror,” Frey noted in a press conference, referring to the images of George Floyd gasping for air beneath a police officer’s knee, “but 400 years.” Frey rightly called for the arrest of the officer, Derek Chauvin, and Chauvin has now been arrested. But Frey was wrong to ascribe anything close to justifiable motives to those who have torched a police precinct building and a youth center and looted stores serving their own community. It’s as if we have learned nothing over two generations about what happens when public officials give license to the lawless, letting marauders proceed under cover of high-mindedness. We expect as much from inflammatory activists like Al Sharpton but deserve better from elected officials charged with protecting property, lives, and livelihoods. It’s time, again, to cite the work of political scientist Edward Banfield, whose seminal book about urban life, The Unheavenly City, includes a chapter, both relevant and prescient, entitled, “Rioting Mainly for Fun and Profit.” In the wake of the 1960s’ riots—43 people died in the deadliest, in Detroit in 1967—Banfield asserted that it is “naïve to think that efforts to end racial injustice and to eliminate poverty, slums, and unemployment will have an appreciable effect upon the amount of rioting that will be done in the next decade or so.” This before the full rollout of the Great Society—and, long afterward, the riots in Los Angeles, Baltimore, and now Minneapolis, where a $30 million affordable-housing project was just destroyed. Banfield’s lesson was plain: Young men, not stopped swiftly and sternly by police, will be emboldened to loot and set buildings afire, simple for the anarchic thrill of doing so. The failure to distinguish between protest with purpose and lawlessness would fan the flames."

Antifa’s white privilege | Spectator USA - "There is no right to burn down your neighborhood, but it’s always an option. Freedom means choice, and real freedom must include the choice of self-destruction — but not destroying someone else’s neighborhood. Especially not when the neighborhood is mostly black and poor. That is what the privileged whites of antifa are doing by instigating disorder and destruction in Minneapolis’s 3rd precinct and elsewhere. Cost-free kicks at black people’s expense: the height of white privilege... The laws that antifa learn to despise in their four-year colleges guarantee their racial privilege. If you’re black and angry enough to burn down banks and stores in your black neighborhood, tomorrow you’ll have to live in the ruins. If you’re white and you burn down banks and stores in someone else’s neighborhood, tomorrow you’ll be back in white world: fixing bikes or brewing espresso, waiting for The Man to cancel your student loans, living in a historic urban neighborhood whose historic black population you and your white friends have gentrified out of sight. This isn’t the first time masked gangs of property-holding whites have stormed into black neighborhoods and smashed the place up to show they are above the law. They used to do it to preserve their racial privilege, to exclude blacks from exercising their rights of participation. Now they do it in the name of the racially underprivileged. Either way, they never asked for an invitation... This is why wokeness, the intellectual boot camp for antifa recruitment, is stronger on private campuses than state ones. It is why the New York Times mixes advice on luxury consumption with lectures on the correct racial attitudes: both are forms of self-assertion"

Meme - "My small shop I just opened was looted and destroyed. I don't have the money to recoup my losses. my savings are gone now, please my kids are starving"
"I lost my job because the store I worked was looted and destroyed. no one else is hiring, please my kids are starving"
"LMAO stop being selfish, stuff can be replaced, lives cannot. we need justice, and that means burning your store because reasons"

Mom-and-pop stores hit hard in downtown L.A. looting - Los Angeles Times - "she said she was frustrated that the damage in downtown would disproportionately hurt the working class and people of color.Numerous businesses were damaged by the unrest, which lasted hours in the heart of the historic core and along the Broadway corridor.Protests against the killing of Floyd and police brutality have raged across the country in recent days, turning violent in various cities. In downtown L.A., the situation deteriorated into vandalism and looting... Most stores that were vandalized or looted are mom-and-pop stores, “immigrant-owned, run by black and brown folks”... The chain stores that were damaged, including Walgreens and Fallas Paredes, provide jobs, sell affordable goods and serve as lifelines for poor and homeless residents in downtown... “It’s not that I don’t understand the struggle or the anger,” she said. “I’m freaking furious. But who would want to hurt and steal from black- and brown-owned businesses?”... The last time he saw this kind of damage was in 1992"

Black business owner weeps after looters destroy sports bar he invested life savings into: "We worked so hard to get here" - "The man's name is KB Balla and he is a firefighter on the Brooklyn Center Fire Department. His sports bar was brand new; its grand opening had been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and he was just getting ready to open its doors.He has set up a GoFundMe to rebuild his sports bar and it has immediately taken off"

Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down - "“I’m hearing people say F*** the business they have insurance WELL WE DON’T AND THIS IS ALL OUT OF POCKET,” Twyana Balla wrote. “Let someone come run in your home and loot for the cause then let’s see you be ok with it!”"
All the people who say property damage is not a problem because of insurance have no idea about things such as deductibles and how premiums soar when claims do too. Then again, they'll just blame higher premiums on racism and "redlining"

Milwaukee Boost Mobile owner furious at looting, George Floyd death - "Katherine Mahmoud is furious about George Floyd's death — but she's also angry at those who destroyed her family's Milwaukee cellphone shop as protests escalated early Saturday morning."If you really care deeply in your heart ... (protest) in silence, go to the courts"... It's infuriating, she said, especially as her store has "nothing to do" with what protesters were rallying against."I look just like them," she said, repeatedly asking, "Why?""
I saw someone proclaim that "I can accept the anger that drives people to destroy shops and properties. Criticizing them for their actions is a dismissal of the extreme distress they are going through". I guess that black woman whose store got destroyed was dismissing "extreme distress"

Shop owners reveal the financial and emotional struggles of being looted - "After this week’s looting and ransacking in Manhattan and The Bronx, Lucy Hosley went viral. The 69-year-old co-owner of the Valentine Deli was seen on a video posted to YouTube, imploring: “They tell me ‘Black Lives Matter.’ They’re lying . . . I’m black, look what you did to my store.”...
For several hours, I watched looters go into my store and break the cameras, bash the glass cases, destroy the wiring, even knock out the ceiling tiles. Every store around me got trashed, and I did not hear one rant for justice or for George Floyd. Not in The Bronx, not that night. That night, they targeted minorities. They were opportunists who just wanted to steal.By looting my store, you’re sending a message that I don’t deserve what I have. But I’m a minority, too. My family and I have worked our whole lives for this."
I guess these minority store owners are racist for not understanding the anger the "protesters" felt and that they had a need to loot to obtain justice

Hub City Riot Ninjas - "Twenty-somethings who are poor and working class lack the money to buy fancy black ninja outfits and the leisure to spend time plotting in advance of demonstrations. This is nothing new; as a veteran ’60s leftist told me, “Your Mom and Dad had to have a lot of money, for you to take part in the Summer of Love.”... Dressing up as revolutionaries like children on Halloween, the sociopathic heirs of the overclass, already living in neighborhoods from which the working class was forced out by economic privation, take part in the vandalization, looting, and burning of local businesses, many of them owned by immigrants or members of minority groups. If they get arrested, the fortunate among them can count on being bailed out after phone calls to their indulgent liberal or moderate conservative parents, who live in expensive, nearly all-white urban and suburban neighborhoods and denounce racism and fascism on their Facebook pages.It will take years for the American hub cities damaged by the riots, along with the pandemic and the lockdown, to recover, if they ever recover. The black poor and working class first had their urban industrial jobs taken away from them by corporate executives in the white overclass who offshored them to Mexico or China. Then they were replaced in their former urban neighborhoods by the hipster children of the white overclass. Now even their grievances like protests against horrific police brutality are stolen from them by their supposed allies in the white overclass and turned into an occasion for virtue-signaling or vandalism by the elite.Many of today’s big city riot ninjas will look back in the future with pride on their nights of prancing around in black leotards and spraypainting “BLM” and “Fuck Trump” on downtown buildings. A decade from now, the most successful will have well-paying jobs, many of them in the politically progressive sectors like the universities and NGOs. The unlucky ones may still be working at Starbucks—perhaps at the very stores whose plate glass windows they once spray-painted or smashed."

Chicago Pastor: This Week's Violence Has Set Our Black Community Back Decades - "Martin Luther King famously noted that violence “destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue.” This week’s violent looting has produced a deafening monologue... We are still surveying the damage on our streets. All of the CVS and Walgreens buildings were looted. The result is that we no longer have a pharmacy in our neighborhood. Church members are shuttling members of our community out to the suburbs to get their prescriptions and basic goods.The grocery stores were also looted, leaving us without options to purchase local food.The question lingers on many of our minds: Will these stores and pharmacies—so essential for daily living here—ever come back? It’s challenging enough in normal times to lure stores and businesses to rough neighborhoods; it’s going to be far more difficult to entice business owners to set up shop in our beleaguered communities now. Liberal politicians in Illinois and across the country have fanned the flames of anger over the past several years. Their policies and worldview emphasize government as the solution to all problems, except, paradoxically, when we need police... Lost in the liberal messaging is the reality that the foundation of our society is the rule of law. The tragic killing of George Floyd reminds us that we need better training and screening for police officers. But the vast majority of the law enforcement agents in our nation advance racial equality, and help black Americans participate in the American dream.No one, after all, wants to live in an un-policed and lawless neighborhood. Thriving neighborhoods are able to attract businesses and families precisely because of the rule of law and the police officers upholding it. Lawless neighborhoods, by contrast, are a turn-off for parents and business owners. Violence is rampant in Chicago, and it has nothing to do with isolated incidents of police brutality... Democrats, however, cling to wrongheaded rhetoric that does nothing to stop the destruction of our homes. It is no coincidence that the most violent looting and destruction took place this past week in cities heavily controlled by Democrats."
Of course, insurance companies are racist for "redlining", e.g. charging higher premiums to insure property in neighbourhoods more likely to see rioting

FreeZerohedge on Twitter - "Protesters saying "f**k the police", now saying "call the police" after man shouts "go home" with chainsaw."

J on Twitter - "The fascinating thing about liberals is if you watch them long enough, they eventually contradict themselves"
"Cops are evil and racist"
"You don't need a gun because you have the police"

George Floyd Protests: Black Protesters Call Out White People Who Instigated Violence - "In a video that has been shared online widely, Anderson, who is black, is seen confronting a white man with a cloth covering on his face after the man spray-paints "ACAB" — "all cops are bastards" — on public property.Anderson said he was doing a news interview when he saw the man vandalizing, so he turned around and tried to stop him."I said, 'We asked allies to step back so that we can make sure that you're following what we're asking you to do,'" he recalled. "And he was like, 'I'm not your ally, you guys want to protect the status quo. I don't need to be here for you all.'"... "It wasn't black and brown folks that were antagonizing police. It was white people throwing stuff at them," he said. "And then when they kept throwing bags of urine, cans, and water bottles, that's when the police snapped and they started tear-gassing innocent bystanders.""

Albuquerque Cops Use Tear Gas, Helicopter Against Protesters - "protesters surrounded a female sergeant’s patrol car and broke the vehicle’s windows before she escaped. Some protesters also tried to drag motorists out of their cars and then attacked other police vehicles with baseball bats, Medina said.Eventually, Medina said police abandoned the scene where four suspects were arrested because of a growing crowd. He said police used a helicopter and tear gas as they retreated"
Of course, the liberal narrative is that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and this is evidence of police oppression, racism, brutality and support for white supremacy

Angela Stanton King 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. I keep telling y’all these white liberals are not our friends. #Democrats #GeorgeFloyd #minneapolis"

Laura Ingraham on Twitter - "After this week, it’s foolish to pretend that the Left believes in coronavirus lockdowns. The moment that Lefties and their media supporters saw people out for a cause they believed in, their alleged concerns about the virus disappeared."

Mayor de Blasio's Double Standard: Police Social Distancing, Abandon 'Begging' NYPD - "New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been pleading with residents to practice social distancing for months amid the novel coronavirus pandemic and has even gone so far as to encourage them to turn in their neighbors or anyone for that matter who violates the rules. When there was a Jewish funeral for a well-respected rabbi in Brooklyn, De Blasio blasted the group of mourners and threatened them with arrest. “I have instructed the NYPD to proceed with immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period,” he said in a tweet posted on May, 28... When riots broke out this week across New York City, as thousands of people gathered in the streets in response to the tragic death of the unarmed black man, George Floyd, by a Minneapolis police officer, De Blasio didn’t have much to say. In fact, there was an obvious lack of face masks and social distancing seemed non-existent in the crowds that marched down the city streets.De Blasio, however, turned his nose to that and encouraged it even as the frustrated crowds grew violent and destructive... “Under the leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeing the NYPD yesterday kick mothers and children out of a Williamsburg Park while simultaneously allowing New York City to burn at the hands of rioters shows the Mayor’s true feelings about his Jewish constituents. We are calling on the Mayor to stop his double standards when it comes to the Jewish community and to treat everyone equally,” Liora Rez, Director of StopAntisemitism.org, told this reporter Tuesday.When the Mayor’s daughter, Chiara, 25, was arrested late Saturday for her role in the protests, he defended her. According to the New York Post, she was allegedly blocking traffic and refused to move. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo blasted de Blasio during his press conference Tuesday for refusing the support of the National Guard by insisting that the police could handle it on their own... “It’s gonna be another bad night. We had a sergeant last night run over with a car, we had firebombings to our vehicles, we had Molotov cocktails thrown into our vehicle. This has gone on with our hands tied. We are being told to stand down. And the public needs to know this. The people who live in this city are being abandoned and we’re not able to help them. The NYPD is very capable of addressing this. Why is it that everyone is saying that we have everything, that we should be able to do this and we’re not doing a good job, because we’re being held back. The Mayor needs to lead and he’s not. And we’re going to get people killed.”... “He is preventing the NYPD from taking the actions that have prevented riots in the past. Surely, you remember the Gigante report which helped me prevent riots under circumstances of long protests with many attempts to turn them violent.”"
Virtue signalling is more politically important than preventing the spread of Covid-19. In fact, the more covid-19 cases there are, the more they can blame Trump so it's a win-win
Jews are above blacks in the progressive stack, so alleging anti-Semitism won't work here

Phil Magness - "Some of the very same people who were openly espousing the use of police force to stop lockdown violators only a few weeks ago are now suddenly outraged that police are similarly using forceful and violent means against the street protesters in cities across the country.Astoundingly, these same people appear not to see any connection between (a) the current protests and (b) the last 3 months of lockdowns or (c) the mass unemployment and misery caused by those lockdowns.Nor do they evince any awareness of the obvious common denominator, which is that societal empowerment of police to act in violent ways with impunity will result in more than a few of them abusing that impunity to inflict violence."
There was looting and riots years before the lockdowns though
It's telling that peaceful protests against lockdowns are bad but looting of consumer goods unlinked to police brutality is good

Melissa Chen - "Police joining the protests in Camden and Newark, and protesters in Brooklyn defending stores to prevent looters and vandals from entering.
This is how it’s done "
Comments: "Police in uniform should not be protesting for or against anything... All police departments that I know of prohibit police officers from protesting in uniform regardless of the cause or whether they are on duty. There is good reason for this. To allow police officers to protest in uniform undermines the notion of the police being neutral. If you accept the idea that society should be governed by the rule of law, then the personal opinions of police officers should not matter. People’s conduct should be governed by that which the law dictates rather than the personal preferences of law enforcement officers.You are probably correct that in this instance, the police deescalated tensions by joining in the protests. But once you allow police to protest in uniform, it is hard to draw a line of when police officer protest in union and when not."
"Military personnel can’t attend such events in uniform either.The police absolutely should make known when they think other police officers engage in illegal actions. It helps keep the system accountable. But there are a variety of ways to do that."

George Floyd death: Minnesota governor decries violent protests - "Violent protests over the death of an unarmed African-American man in the hands of police officers in Minnesota "are no longer in any way" about his killing, the state's governor has said... In Minnesota, "our great cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are under assault," Governor Walz said. "The situation in Minneapolis is now about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great city."He said violence on Friday night had made "a mockery of pretending this is about George Floyd's death, or inequities or historical traumas to our communities of colour".He and other officials have suggested that many violent protesters came from outside the state to cause trouble, but did not give details... Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms issued an impassioned plea, saying: "This is not a protest. This is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. You are disgracing our city. You are disgracing the life of George Floyd."In New York's Brooklyn district, protesters clashed with police, throwing projectiles, starting fires and destroying police vehicles. A number of officers were injured and many arrests made.The mayor of Portland, Oregon, has declared a state of emergency amid looting, fires and an attack on a police precinct. An immediate curfew until 06:00 local time (13:00 GMT) was imposed and it will restart at 20:00."

Riots Destroy $30M Affordable Housing Project - "The six-story, 190-unit affordable housing project had been slated to open in the spring of 2021. A city of Minneapolis worksheet on the project listed the total development cost at approximately $37 million, including contingency and reserve funds; land and construction costs were about $30 million. The apartment project has been known as Midtown Corner."
Take that, racism!
I saw someone else claim that being against riots is "prioritizing objects over people". I guess people don't need affordable housing - especially not poor black people

Melissa Chen - "Coleman Cruz Hughes:“If you oppose the riots, you don’t care about George Floyd” is the liberal version of “if you oppose the Iraq War, you don’t care about 9/11”.The tragedy and the proper response to the tragedy are DIFFERENT issues.In MN, it appears the majority of arrests have been people from other states. This is a feature of almost ALL riots, including Ferguson in 2014. Anarchists and trouble-makers come in, destroy the city, and then leave the residents to deal with the fallout.Riots exacerbate the very economic circumstances that create them. If you see a row of abandoned buildings in a major city, very often it’s because of a riot that happened five, ten, or even fifty years ago. The economic consequences are long-lasting.Many business, some black-owned, have still not returned to Ferguson to this day. No one has purchased the property. The buildings are just abandoned.Children grow up with a sense of hopelessness and despair because the life has been sucked out of the neighborhood.I would be willing to public bet that, if polled, over 50% of black residents of MN and ATL would NOT support the riots. This has often been true of riots in the past."

Woman charged with attempted murder of 4 NYPD cops during protests - "A woman was charged with the attempted murder of NYPD cops after allegedly hurling a Molotov cocktail into a marked, occupied police van in Brooklyn, authorities said.The device did not ignite, and all of the officers got out of the van safely, police said.Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, NY, tossed the incendiary device through a rear window of the van at the corner of Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue around 10:40 p.m., police said.Shader then allegedly bit an officer on the leg as she was taken into custody... Shader’s sister, Darian, 21, was also taken into custody after she  allegedly tried to interfere with the arrest... The women should not be allowed to “hide” under the label of protester, insisted PBA President Patrick Lynch.“They are terrorists who tried to murder NYC police officers,” he said. “Every leader in this city should be speaking up to condemn these  attacks and working with us to prevent more violence. Sadly, they are either silent or working against us.”"

Todd Sklar on Twitter - "My Grandpa Max survived the Holocaust and came to Minneapolis as an immigrant with literally nothing. $0. He worked 3 jobs, 1 of which was at his neighborhood liquor store. After many years of saving, he eventually bought that liquor store. Tonight that liquor store is on fire..."
More voices of the unheard!

Proud to be from East San Jose - "East San Jose protesters were attacking people in their cars in traffic, broke a guy bald window and busted his mouth chipping his tooth. They also stopped traffic in the middle of the freeway.
Take a look."

Riot Police, National Guard 'Completely Abandon' Perimeter in Minneapolis, Chased Away by Protesters - "Most reporters on the ground tonight are saying there is no police presence in the area as the city burns and rioters continue to destroy private and public property. There are also unconfirmed reports of gunfire in the area."

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖑𝖊 𝕾𝖆𝖒'𝖘 𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓 - "Minneapolis you were given the world’s stage and had the world’s ear. EVERYONE was behind you and supported the protest and fight for justice.
• The public spoke out against those officers.
• Police officers all over the country spoke out against those officers.
• Elected Officials spoke out against those officers.
• ALL races and ethnicities spoke out against those officers.
• President Trump spoke out against those officers.
And you wasted it.... you wasted the perfect platform and opportunity to unite everyone together and coordinate a movement that would’ve gone down in the history books as a tipping point for reform. Everyone around the world was on your side and listening...
But you ruined it.🤦🏽‍♂️"

Cilicia Hevani Wilcox - "If you were killed by a cop, which store would you want looted in your memory"

‘Ridiculous lawlessness’: Journalist Cassandra Fairbanks says her home ATTACKED by rioting mob as 9-year-old daughter hid inside - "Rioters have targeted the home of right-wing journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, who says they fired shots and pounded on windows, terrifying her and her child. The unwanted visitors came after Fairbanks received death threats online.In a Twitter thread, Fairbanks recounted how her Washington DC residence was singled out by assailants who “fired gunshots and fireworks” at her house. As the group pounded on her windows, Fairbanks ordered her daughter to lay on the floor and lock her door. The popular alt-media figure said that she had a loaded gun at her side and had been prepared to use it... Describing the mysterious assailants as “rioting, terrorist scum,” she noted that she had received an uptick in online threats in the last three days, and that her address had been posted online – apparently in retaliation against her coverage of the protests that have rocked the country... “Once the cancel mob realized they can’t take my job they came for my home. I can’t properly express how insane what happened to me and my daughter was. I would never do this to someone. Ever. Not even the worst commie loser,” she wrote.Writing for the Gateway Pundit, Fairbanks has published numerous stories about rioting, looting and other criminal acts that have taken place across the country following the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd during a police arrest"

George Floyd death: Pallets of bricks found unattended among protests spark theories of foul play - "Pallets of bricks have been randomly discovered in areas of civil unrest in the US, sparking theories the makeshift weapons were deliberately planted by extremist groups to encourage further violence amid the protests... US officials have confirmed they are investigating the possibility of the protests being infiltrated by extremist groups, encouraging the chaos. The NYPD's deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, John Miller, told local media the department has a "high degree of confidence" that "anarchist groups planned violent interactions and vandalism".  "Complex networks of scouts were in place to direct breakaway groups to commit vandalism with rocks and accelerants"...  US officials have noted a surge in social media accounts with less than 200 followers within the last month, a classic signal of a disinformation effort"

George Floyd death: NYPD cars filmed ramming into protesters as US riots continue to escalate - "Footage filmed from another angle shows one police car sitting stationary behind a barrier as protesters hurl items, including trash and a traffic cone, at the vehicle. A second car pulls up slowly beside it, before continuing to push through the crowd, sending people scrambling"
Apparently self defence is police brutality. Presumably if the police don't let rioters stone them to death and try to defend themselves, this is outrageous

Edward C. Yong ن on Twitter - "@zunamondin twitter seems to think that expressing a sentiment that looters and desecrators should be shot is racist. what to do."
We know liberals are more racist after all

Biden Staff Donates to Group Paying Bail for Minneapolis Rioters - "At least 13 Biden campaign staffers wrote on Twitter on Friday and Saturday that they have donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which says it supports the protesters.The group opposes cash bail and says it “pays criminal bail and immigration bond for those who cannot afford to as we seek to end discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing”... “The situation in Minneapolis is no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd,”Walz said Sunday. “It is about attacking civil society, instilling fear and disrupting our great cities.”... the Trump campaign called it “disturbing” that the Biden campaign “would financially support the mayhem that is hurting innocent people and destroying what good people spent their lives building.”“It’s also troubling that Biden himself has failed to condemn the rioting in his public remarks”"
Of course, liberal logic will be that the people arrested weren't rioters - as if they know or can guarantee that.
Of course, if one person connected to Trump donates to a cause that uses some of its funds for something not quite kosher, this will be taken as evidence that Trump supports that cause

Bernard Kerik rips Cuomo's inaction as riots raged: 'New York City is burning ... where are you?' - "Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday to step up and take control of the rioting and looting in New York City instead of shifting the blame to New York City's "incompetent" Mayor Bill de Blasio... "Why weren’t you involved from the beginning? What are you doing other than talking?" Kerik went on. "This isn’t a competition for criticism. We already know that de Blasio is incompetent, in my opinion. We know he is a super left-wing radical. We know he sympathizes with a number of these protesters..." Kerik was reacting to Cuomo's statement earlier Tuesday in which he called de Blasio's handling of the crisis a "disgrace" and noted that he has the power to "displace" the mayor -- although he says hedoesn't want to at this point.As New York faces another night of upheaval despite an 8 p.m. curfew, Kerik told Carlson that he supports legitimate protests, but added that "the second peaceful protesting becomes violent, the second, the protest is over."... Shifting his focus to the mainstream media's coverage of racially charged incidents involving the police, Kerik defended law enforcement, and blamed left-leaning media outlets for misrepresenting the frequency of such occurrences."I will give you a set of numbers that the mainstream media refuses to listen to or look at," Kerik told Carlson, rattling off figures compiled by The Washington Post. "Police officers were involved in fatal shootings 1,004 times," explained Kerik. "Forty-one of those were unarmed people. The police shot unarmed people. If you listen to the rhetoric, 'every one of those people were black.' You know what? That is a lie. That is completely false. It is not true. "Nineteen white people, unarmed, were shot and killed by the police last year. Nine were black. You know what? Everybody is talking about the blacks that were unarmed and killed by the police, 'that number is systemic. It is outrageous! It is insane! 'There were 89 cops killed in this country in the line of duty last year," Kerik concluded. "Nobody is talking about them.""

mirax on Twitter - "no one in this goddamn country can read a fucking room"
"So the room is a one in the US? A twitter bubble? We are anti-colonial edgelords but our local history is subservient to US race politics? Wanna start an NGO documenting local police abuse? I am in with a $1000 contribution. Let's go."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "George Floyd’s funeral is expected to have hundreds or thousands of attendees, including high profile politicians like Biden. Meanwhile people have not been allowed to go to their own family members funerals because attendance was capped due to COVID.
So if you had to stay home while your grandmother was buried, take heart. At least funerals are still safe if they happen to be convenient political spectacles for Democrats!"

nermin on Twitter - "You know the rest of the world has an inferiority complex when they're copying everything Americans do while hating them."

Rockstar Games Will Temporarily Shut Down GTA Online And Red Dead Online In Support Of Black Lives Matter - "
Comment: "I mean, seriously, this is a company that made billions releasing games about being a city criminal and blowing shit up, stealing cars, setting things on fire and killing policemen. And they're now like... oh... we're so woke and progressive."
Actually, given that they support BLM...

Emil O W Kirkegaard on Twitter - "r/starterpacks: Rule 5: No Politics?
r/starterpacks: "Starting at this moment, we are suspending most rules for posts in favor of the protests. Posts against the protest or in favor of the police will be removed and the posters will receive a thirty day ban."
Who watches the watchmen?
Naturally, they are also against "transphobic" comments or posts

Meme - "For all the peaceful protestors upset about being lumped in with the rioters, looters and lawbreakers.... It's kinda like all the great police officers getting lumped in with the few bad ones, isn't it?"
Strangely, those who claim ACAB (all cops are bastards) denounce "stereotypes" normally

New data shows Chicago police use more force against black citizens, whites resist more. - "A new cache of data released by the Chicago Police Department, however, shows that the claim that black people are more likely to face police violence because of noncompliance is itself a dreadful myth. According to the new numbers, Chicago police officers used more force against black citizens, on average, than any other race—even though black citizens tended to exercise less resistance than whites. Under the same circumstances and faced with the same level of danger, cops tended to resolve the situation without firing their weapons much more often for white citizens than black citizens. This analysis was based on Chicago PD’s own descriptions of the incidents in question."
This is the only analysis of data on resisting arrest I could find, but it was done by a journalist rather than a bona fide researcher

The Yaboiposting - Posts - "new white followers: please unfollow me if you are not willing to provide resources (financial or otherwise) for the material needs of black people in our continued fight for liberation. this includes the inevitable seizure of your families estate and any other remaining assets"
"This includes direct payments to black people as well. Too many think they can give to an organization and that's it. No. Pay the Black people around you in your personal life even when they aren't fighting white supremacy directly."
Equality is not what some people are looking for, but dominance

Fully Semi-Automatic Assault Smirk - Posts - “The issue is exactly the same for animals and black lives. We need to treat animals like blacks and blacks like animals. #BlackLivesMattter“
"When you're so woke you become more racist than your boomer grandma."
The tweet seems to have been deleted. Black people are above animals in the progressive stack. Too bad for vegans

Black People Are Charged at a Higher Rate Than Whites. What if Prosecutors Didn’t Know Their Race? - The New York Times - "a 2017 study commissioned by the district attorney’s office and performed by two independent criminologists determined that African-American suspects in San Francisco are less likely to have their cases dropped or dismissed than white suspects, and receive longer prison and jail sentences than others. The study concluded, however, that those results were likely not the result of bias, but of other factors, including that African-American defendants were more likely to have previous arrests, convictions and open cases."

First Responder Benefit Association - Posts - "I remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family members was always, “Fuck the Police, I aint no snitch, I’m gonna take care of this myself. This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on black, and then my realization became clearer... I was a target in the very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and “wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my family. I was so confused, so torn, I couldn’t understand why my own black people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy? I dove deep into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer...
Complaint: More black people get arrested than white boys.
Fact: Black People commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide, Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.
Complaint: Blacks are the only ones getting killed by police, or they are killed more.
Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race.
Fact: Black people kill more other blacks than Police do, and there are only protest and outrage when a cop kills a black man. University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012. Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.
Complaint: Well we already doing a good job of killing ourselves, we don’t need the Police to do it. Besides they should know better.
The more I listened, the more I realized. The more I researched, the more I realized. I would ask questions, and would only get emotional responses & inferences based on no facts at all. The more killing I saw, the more tragedy, the more savagery, the more violence, the more loss of life of a black man at the hands of another black man….the more I realized... they refuse to believe that most cops acknowledge that there are Bad cops... most cops dread the thought of having to shoot someone, and never see the turmoil and mental anguish that a cop goes through after having to kill someone to save his own life. Instead they believe that we are all blood thirsty killers, because the media says so, even though the numbers prove otherwise... some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism. Hate for cops, because of the false narrative that more black people are targeted and killed. Racism against white people, for a tragedy that began 100’s of years ago, when most of the white people today weren’t even born yet. I realized that some in the African-American community’s idea of “Justice” is the prosecution of ANY and EVERY cop or white man that kills or is believed to have killed a black man, no matter what the circumstances are. I realized the African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues, and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. I realized that a lot of people in the African American lead with hate, instead of love. Division instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting, instead of Peace. I realized that they have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against.I realized that the very reasons I became a cop, are the very reasons my own people hate me, and now in this toxic hateful racially charged political climate, I am now more likely to die,… and it is still hard for me to understand…. to this day.Officer Stalien"
Minority voices only matter when they support the liberal narrative

Timothy Koh - "I have been seeing a lot of posts from Singaporeans not in the US, writing things critiquing Black Lives Matter, purporting to offer ’alternative views’ and ‘fresh perspective’ or whatever, in the form of statuses or ‘think pieces’.Please, just stop. Firstly, you do not live here"
Of course, if you don't live in the US it's great to support Black Lives Matter. Just like if you don't have a uterus it's great to support abortion

brasstracks on Twitter - "If you’re a white artist who’s recorded with me in the past and you haven’t spoken up on what’s going on right now, I’m leaking your untuned dry vocal stems by the end of the weekend, good luck
This may seem funny but for real, seven years of sessions around the world under my belt and 4 hard drive backups. make your voice heard or I will in another way :)"
Anti-white racism is good. Liberals claim that other people's protests don't affect you, but this is a clear example of an attempt to compel speech and force people to do things that they wouldn't otherwise have done

Majority of Americans Support Calling in Military to Assist Police During Nationwide Unrest, Polling Shows - "New polling shows that a majority of Americans, including nearly half of Democrats, support calling in the military to assist local police in handling the nationwide unrest that has accompanied peaceful demonstrations commemorating George Floyd"
I actually see people comparing this to Tiananmen. Amazing. A blanket condemnation of all state application of force against its citizens means that letting society collapse is a preferable outcome

Lucas Lynch - "When Democrats support or apologize for looting - or are perceived as doing so - it only helps Trump. Astonished to hear this? It's probably because you have either never left the coasts, or still think twitter is reality."

U.S. Park Police Say 'No Tear Gas Was Used' to Clear White House Protesters - "By now you’ve heard a number of reports claiming that tear gas was used against “peaceful protesters” to clear the area around the White House so that President Trump could “get his photo op” at the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church, which had been burned in the riots the night before. Trump had just told the country he would restore the rule of law, which the left and the media think is just a dog-whistle for fascism, and set out to turn his symbolic act of walking through Lafayette Park to the church and holding up a Bible into a Trump-is-literally-Hitler moment. In fact, a doctored photo of Hitler holding a Bible the same way Trump did had gone viral even though it was completely fabricated.After protesters were moved from the area, the narrative quickly spread that “peaceful” protesters were tear-gassed in order to get them to move... The police aren’t even wearing gas masks. All major media outlets nevertheless reported that tear gas was used, without provocation, against peaceful protesters...
United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan said the following in a statement:
'    The United States Park Police (USPP) is committed to the peaceful expression of First Amendment rights. However, this past weekend’s demonstrations at Lafayette Park and across the National Mall included activities that were not part of a peaceful protest, which resulted in injuries to USPP officers in the line of duty, the destruction of public property and the defacing of memorials and monuments. During four days of demonstrations, 51 members of the USPP were injured; of those, 11 were transported to the hospital and released and three were admitted.Multiple agencies assisted the USPP in responding to and quelling the acts of destruction and violence over the course of the weekend in order to protect citizens and property.On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park.  At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.'
According to the USPP, there were acts of violence by the protesters, which means they weren’t peaceful. Peaceful protests don’t result in the destruction of property, vandalism, or USPP officers being injured... using traditional tear gas, a powerful chemical irritant, in an area that the president of the United States would soon be walking through doesn’t make a lot of sense now, does it?"

Steve Gilchrist - "So some conservative Portland practical joker dressed up in Portland Chic (black helmet, black face mask with red Anarchist logo, black jacket and black skinny jeans with black boots), brought a backpack full of Keep America Great bumper stickers, and waited for rioters to arrive on the outskirts of the hot zones. Stuck Trump stickers over the rioters’ Bernie and AntiFa stickers and left the rest up to Charles Darwin.
Rioters returned to cars smashed with bats and clubs, tires flat, and the stickers whacked with the same clubs.
That guy is next level evil."

Ibram X. Kendi on Twitter - "“Thug” is a racist word in this context. Another way of calling demonstrators the N-word. “Riot” is a racist word in this context. Smears demonstrators as wild and ignores the protest nature of their violence. “The violence is senseless” is a racist phrase. #BlackLivesMatter"

Amiri King on Twitter - "The fact that businesses are putting up signs that say ‘minority owned business’ in an effort to protect their investment should be sufficient indication that this is about pure disdain for white people and NOT about a shitty cop from Minneapolis." "

"Just to clear up confusion he was 34 and had already shot someone. They asked him to drop the gun and he didnt. Case closed."
"He pointed a lethal weapon at individuals after being told drop it multiple times. He shot 2 other people apparently before this. You want cops to just casually walk up a guy with a gun who shot 2 people earlier?"
"you’re white. i don’t give a fuck with what you have to say."
"This must be code for "I'm wrong and too ignorant to admit it"

The Incapacity of Hope - The Atlantic - "the former president, with his unshakable faith in America and Americans, sounded like a messenger from a more innocent age"
Identity politics has moved on since Obama
The vacuity of hope is proven

Powerful: Protesters Spell Out 'Love' With Burning Homes And Businesses | The Babylon Bee - "The protesters were also planning to burn the word "SOCIAL JUSTICE" into predominantly black parts of town but have sadly run out of buildings to burn"

Hundreds of White People get on the Ground and Renounce their White Privilege Death of George Floyed - YouTube
This is amazing and makes the parallels to religion even more obvious

Thread by @letsbeKHAlear - "Some of you might know me from my work at Refinery29, where I largely wrote about Black beauty. A lot of you don’t know the story behind those stories. (Thread) #blackatR29...
I didn’t know that this brand — one that champions women — was rife with mean girls.If you’ve never been tokenized, it’s like this: as a kid, I was allowed to play in our front yard, but only within the confines of our gate. Other kids wanted to play, but I couldn’t go past the gate, even though I so desperately wanted to. This is how I felt at R29. Fenced in.
I loved my beat, but I wanted to take advantage of the “diverse storytelling” that the brand prides itself on. When I’d ask for more responsibility, or when I’d try to attend events and take brand meetings to learn more about beauty, I was all but discouraged from doing so.My growth was stunted with redundant roundups and faux outraged hot takes that I was encouraged to write...
On a colleague’s 1st day of work, an editor shared a draft of the new writer’s first story w members of another team, poking fun at her writing skills. The writer is a WOC. The editors are white. I can only imagine what was said about my work when my back was turned.It’s funny. The same editors who are hashtagging #BlackLivesMatter this week never showed much interest in systematic racism before (one editor said she wanted to dress up as a “protesting NFL player” for Halloween, solely as an excuse to try a new eyeliner).The same editors who want to #amplifymelanatedvoices wanted to restrict mine."
Since we know from elsewhere that liberals are the most racist, this fits in with the virtue signalling

N. K. Jemisin on Twitter - "I want to explain why we published the piece today by Senator Tom Cotton."
"People like him are monsters. People like you feed the monster human sacrifices, in hopes the monsters will leave you alone."
Strange how it's the "anti-fascists" who want to censor other people, beat them up, hate people because of their skin colour etc

Anna Francesca - "Do you see it now? Do you get it now if you didn't before? *Covid-19 lockdown protests vs George Floyd riots*"
Comments: "Yeah, I got it. One group of idiots show up at a state house with guns, but no violence. One group of idiots destroy businesses, attack people, burn buildings. I GOT IT! And so did the president and the rest of the law abiding people of this country. But thanks."
"There is no conflict in what Donald Trump said than and now.When he said make peace with the protesters he meant those who are protesting peacefully for justice.But there are people who are using Floyd's death as an excuse to loot and cause mayhem.Do you want the Country to descend into carnage?It is only a step away.These looters who are really thugs do not honor the death of Floyd or even care that he is dead.It is an opportunity they were waiting for to perpetrate crime all in the pretentiousness name of justice.To these individuals who are really thugs who make innocent everyday people like you and me afraid and insecure,the POTUS is saying shoot them.You loot,the law shoots to protect small business owners whose shops have been plundered and whose lives have been ruined.What is wrong with what Trump said?.Do you feel safe going out with the insanity going all around?.The law will provide Justice to Floyd.But don't expect justice to happen overnight.Investigations will be carried out and the guilty punished eventually.People in grief do not resort to stealing and looting when grief visits.They will grief and seek justice lawfully, not resort to looting and theft as a price for injustice"
"We should be thanking Trump. Thugs are the ones looting and stealing over the time of grief for a lost loved one. That's massive disrespect on the highest regard possible not just to George Floyd, but to the BLM movement. I can't imagine the frustration of wanting a peaceful protest and having these random criminals trash the place and loot stores. They have no respect for George or the movement. RIP George. Never forgotten."

Kevin 🏻 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "All black owned businesses in rioting cities please put BLACK OWNED across your doors and windows
And protestors please stand outside and protect them if need be. Burn their shit not our shit."
"Because criminal activity is okay as long as it's white owned businesses?"
"that’s how it works *Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes* i’m glad you understand !"

NOT Olowokandi on Twitter - "Minneapolis:
Democrat governor.
Democrat Secretary of State.
Democrat State Auditor.
Democrat Sr US Senator
Democrat Jr US Senator
Democrat Reps 5 / Republicans 3
Democrat Mayor.
Democrat AG.
Democrat Police Chief.
2016 General Elections - Voted Democrat.
Since grievance mongers want to go on mining their resource forever, voting blue is the ideal solution for them

These Riots Are Nothing Like the Boston Tea Party - "One particular item I’ve noted is a comparison of the present protesters and looters with the men who engaged in what later became known as the Boston Tea Party of 1773. But such a comparison shows a profound lack of knowledge of American history.The Boston Tea Party was not some random act of politically inspired violence. It was a premeditated action that directly targeted offending parties who were carrying out a specific injustice against the American colonists... over the course of three hours, 45 tons of tea were dumped into Boston harbor. Aside from the tea, the only other property damaged was a padlock.Unlike the riots in Minneapolis and elsewhere, the Sons of Liberty’s tea dumpers engaged in a limited action, only destroying property belonging to an offending party in the East India Company, and depriving their offending government of unjustly imposed taxes. The Americans also lacked any political representation in Parliament by which they might otherwise redress their grievances and engage peacefully within an existing political framework to right the wrongs committed against them... The East India Company was not some private business like the ones being torched across America today. Instead, it was formed by a royal charter issued by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600 and, for a large part of its later history, this massive company fielded three armies and a navy all of its own, functioning as the colonial arm of the British government throughout Asia... Samuel Adams and the rest did not go on to torch neighborhood businesses after they dumped tea in the harbor. In fact, it is reported that the Tea Party’s participants even swept the ships’ decks clean before they departed.But in Minnesota, a Native American Youth Center was set aflame, the lifelong dream of an Ecuadorian immigrant went up in a puff of smoke as his restaurant was consumed, and a Latina owned building burned down, putting an end to the Spanish-language La Raza radio station housed within. African Paradise restaurant was not only a minority-owned business, it also fed people for free once a week, but now it may not reopen after damage sustained from the riots. In order for a George Floyd-related protest or action to be even remotely comparable to the Boston Tea Party, it would have to be a premeditated, targeted attack on the institutions or persons engaged in the oppression being resisted. The riots we currently see are spontaneous, indiscriminate acts of destruction which directly harm the very people that the protesters are trying to help."

VIDEOS: Store Owners Beaten Up By Looters for Protecting Businesses

Retired 77-year-old police captain killed by looters in shooting broadcast on Facebook Live - "A retired police captain was shot and killed by looters who posted the killing on Facebook Live.David Dorn, 77, was shot in the torso at about 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday by looters at a St. Louis pawnshop and died on the sidewalk in front of the shop"
Black police officers' lives don't matter

Clever Churchgoers Avoid Arrest By Disguising Themselves As Rioters | The Babylon Bee - "Religious people in Southern California have found a bold, creative solution for in-person meetings in spite of the continuing lockdown. This past weekend, several area churches attended church services disguised as righteously indignant rioters"

Apple Warns Looters With Stolen iPhones: You Are Being Tracked - "It has long been known that Apple operates some form of proximity software that disables a device when it is taken illegally from a store. Until now, though, little had been seen of that technology in action. Well, thanks to social media, we can now see the message that greets a looter powering up their new device: “This device has been disabled and is being tracked,” it says. “Local authorities will be alerted.”"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at ‘em with a knife or something, shoot ‘em in the leg instead of in the heart"
"Joe Biden had this to say yesterday and it’s dangerous misinformation. If someone is coming at you with a knife they are not ‘unarmed’. Knives kill four times as many people than ‘assault weapons’. Within 21 feet a person with a knife can kill a person faster than a victim can unholster a gun and fire.The ‘shoot them in the leg’ myth has to die. If someone is charging you with a knife, you likely have only a second or two to fire on a moving target. Moving limbs are very hard to intentionally hit under even ideal circumstances. Police shooting studies find that police, who are trained to aim for the torso, only hit the suspect 30%-40% of the time.Being shot in the leg can be fatal as well. If the femoral artery is hit, a person can bleed to death in under four minutes.If someone is charging you with a knife, aim for the torso and keep shooting until the threat is stopped. Knives are dangerous weapons. Never underestimate the damage they can do."

Lucas Lynch - "Now I understand why activists were pumping out conspiracy theories about Israel supposedly having a connection to the murder of George Floyd.The owners of the shop where the counterfeit bill was called in were Palestinian. (The person who made the call was African American).Linda Sarsour is taking tremendous heat for defending this family, being called “anti-black“.I actually feel bad for the family, I’m sure they never wanted any of this to happen. But the fact that coming up with false connections to Israel in response with her strategy to deflect the criticism is disgusting.American police departments do get training from Israel on counterterrorism. It has absolutely nothing to do with basic arrest procedures."

Eliot Engel 'Wouldn't Care' About The Riots 'If I Didn't Have A Primary' - "New York Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel was caught on a hot mic Tuesday admitting that he wouldn’t be speaking at a press conference related to the riots in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death if he wasn’t facing a primary opponent later this month... New York City suffered its seventh straight night of violent protests Monday as rioters and looters ran lawless around the city destroying businesses and terrorizing communities."

Adam Carolla on Twitter - "CNN last week, "How are we going to stop these sunbathers on California beaches?!!!" CNN this week, "Masses in the streets walking arm in arm. Good for them.""

Editor of progressive newspaper celebrated protestors—then they stormed and trashed her office - "Leigh Tauss, an editor for the progressive news outlet Indy Week in North Carolina, was stunned to find that the protesters-turned-rioters did not look favorably upon her business when they swept the area."

Are we allowed to call them riots? - "In one sense, there is nothing unusual about the protest and violence in the US right now. There are many examples of minority communities taking to the streets following an act of police violence. However, there is something very different, and frightening, about the current cycle of unrest. What is truly disturbing is that America has clearly become a society that struggles to find a language with which to describe and discuss the problems it is facing. The collapse of language in the US is not accidental. For some time now, there has been a Culture War about what can and cannot be said. Increasingly, words are used with the express goal of avoiding reality, of refusing to grapple with what is going on. So Tim Walz, the Democratic governor of Minnesota, sought to deflect attention from the unstable situation in his state by blaming it on domestic terrorists. President Trump followed suit, characterising the riots as a form of ‘domestic terrorism’. Over the past decade, all sides in the Culture War have adopted this unhelpful tactic of labelling violent acts as terrorism. As the criminologist Simon Cottee has noted, a misogynistic murderer is currently being prosecuted as a terrorist. ‘It is the first time that terrorism charges have been brought in a case connected to the so-called “incel” ideology’... Calling rioters domestic terrorists is bad enough. What’s even worse is the use of a vocabulary of evasion to try to sanitise the current upheaval and deny that it is violent and in some cases deeply disturbing... Some go even further than Melvin and insist that using the word ‘violence’ in relation to urban unrest is itself an act of racial injustice, or at least an acceptance of racial injustice... to deny that there has been violence is to be dishonest and to avoid facing up to the destructive reality that is unfolding in front of our eyes. It not only seeks to censor language – it is also an attempt to alter how people see the world.This project of changing the traditional meaning of words like rioting and violence is systematically pursued by so-called academic experts. Robin Kelley, a professor of history at UCLA, questions the use of the term violence when it is ‘defined as attacks against property rather than against people’. Numerous commentators have redefined rioting to the point where it is portrayed as just a normal feature of American life... Now that experts seem to agree that burning down buildings and destroying people’s property is as American as apple pie, a disturbing number of people have gone on record to excuse and even to celebrate what would traditionally have been seen as very destructive acts of violence... Denuding violence of its classical meaning, and almost defining it out of existence, is driven by a conviction that anyone who uses the v-word right now is siding with police brutality and racial oppression. As one writer declared: ‘Putting the focus on stealing objects from a store (during a pandemic, no less!) rather than on the injustice behind the looting, the horrific loss of life and racial violence that black folks live with every day, is sending the message that property matters more than people. It just demonstrates the way that white supremacy sees more value in a TV set than in the life of a black man.’... This normalisation of violence, and the broader policing of language around the riots, is closely linked to the cultural project of delegitimising the views of white people on the current upheaval. Numerous commentators use the term ‘white fragility’ to flag up the moral inferiority of white people who hold supposedly wrong views on the current protesting and rioting. Whiteness has been pathologised; it has become a secular equivalent of original sin that demands constant contrition and penance... The people who promote the idea of ‘white fragility’ are not really demanding that white people make an effort to understand racial oppression – they are demanding an acknowledgement of guilt and a form of penance...  ‘If you won’t accept me calling you a racist, then all I’ll say is this: you’re certainly thinking like one’... The collapse of public language is paralleled by a refusal to get to the bottom of the current crisis. Blaming whiteness for the problems of the world might sometimes look like a genuine act of racial contrition, but all it really does is reduce the issues facing America to a simplistic racial common denominator: whiteness. Instead of serving as a tool of liberation, the Culture War against whiteness actually allows sections of the cultural elite to consolidate their moral and political authority. Historically, the ruling classes have tried to deflect attention from the problems in their society by blaming unrest and violence on ‘outside agitators’. Such externalisation allowed them to evade responsibility for problems in their communities. A similar approach has been adopted during these riots"
Strange how to leftists, "structural violence" need not involve any physical harm to anyone or anything, but property destruction can't be called violence
Apparently it is infinitely worse for 1 (black) person to die than for a million businesses to be destroyed, leaving millions (many black) in penury

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "VIOLENCE:
• Microaggressions
• Offensive jokes
• Misgendering
• Opinions I disagree with
• Looting
• Arson
• Rioting
• Punching conservatives
I hope that’s clear."
"According to American leftists, being a man/woman is a social construct but being obese is due to guh-netics"

Tyler Perry Urges America to Stop Violent Protests: "Looting is Not the Answer" - "The multihyphenate talent wrote on Facebook, "I'm not in Atlanta, but if I were I would have been standing with our Mayor! But there was nothing I could say better than what Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said last night! Please, please stop this violence!!" He then emphasized, "Looting is NOT THE ANSWER!!!!"... Perry included a video link to Bottoms speaking to the press, noting that she is a mother to four black children, one of whom is eighteen years old. "When I saw the murder of George Floyd, I hurt like a mother would hurt," said Bottoms. "And yesterday when I heard there were rumors about violent protests in Atlanta, I did what a mother would do, I called my son and I said 'where are you? I said, I cannot protect you, and black boys shouldn't be out today." The Atlanta Mayor went on to say that the protests are not in the spirit of Atlanta or Martin Luther King, Jr. "This is chaos," she said. "A protest has purpose. When Dr. King was assassinated, we didn't do this to our city." Bottoms then urged those participating in demonstrations to "go home" and consider other ways to encourage change in this country."
Since Asians are claimed to have 'whiteness', it's only a matter of time before successful black people who don't follow the narrative are also accused of having 'whiteness' - this is just the 'respectable' academic version of 'acting white' (i.e. doing your homework and speaking proper English)

Police: Rioters Set Fire to Home with Child Inside, Then Block Firefighters - "The chief of the Richmond, Virginia, police department said Sunday that rioters set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside while blocking access for firefighters to get through to save the child.“One incident that is particularly poignant, that truly illustrates the seriousness of the issues we’re facing,” Chief Will Smith told reporters. “Protesters intentionally set fire to an occupied building on [West] Broad Street. This is not the only occupied building that has been set fire to in the last two days.”"

Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "Riots are the voice of the oppressed"
"Burn your house down in solidarity with rioters"

Black protester pleads with white women to stop tagging “BLM” on a Starbucks - "As the riots across the United States continue, members of far-left organizations such as Antifa continue to pop up as perpetrators of acts of violence and vandalism- and many of them are white."

BUSTED: Antifa Member Pays Black Man to Destroy Property, Wreak Havoc - "it was reported that the white Antifa member commanding the two black men was a “field organizer.”... This footage comes merely hours before US President Donald Trump was to declare Antifa a terrorist organization."

Suspected 'Antifa' Protester Turned in By Parents, Accused of Inciting Riots - "Brian Jordan Bartels, 20, of Shaler, Pennsylvania, remained at large on Monday after a search warrant held in conjunction with the FBI was served at his home the day before.Bartels, reportedly a suspected member of the far-left agitation group Antifa, faces charges of institutional vandalism, rioting, and reckless endangerment of another person"

VIDEO: Project Veritas Exposes Antifa Teaching Eye Gouging, 'It Takes Very Little Pressure' - "A recent undercover exposé into Rose City Antifa by a Project Veritas shows the militant far-left group advocating violent tactics such as eye gouging to inflict damage on their enemies."

New Undercover Video Blows Lid Off Antifa Domestic Terrorists - "The first video dropped, in a series that will be released in O’Keefe’s usual slow-drip style, shows antifa organizers admitting that they go to events to cause damage and violence to Trump supporters. “It’s not boxing, it’s not kickboxing, it’s like destroying your enemy.”This would explain why we see images of antifa stomping and kicking the heads of people they’ve already knocked out. It’s never a fair fight and they never get held to account... Antifa is well-trained and acts in coordination to start violent riots. A protester at a Black Lives Matter rally took this incredible video of antifa destroying a police car and setting it on fire in under a minute and then disappearing into the crowd to let the protesters take the heat. That’s not easy to do without a lot of practice. These are expert provocateurs, not amateurs. The anonymous infiltrator hired by Project Veritas says he was recruited into Rose City Antifa and put through secretive steps to become a member. The group is so paranoid about being recorded they make members and recruits put their phones in a bathroom when they meet. They had no idea the undercover reporter had a hidden camera on him the whole time.Footage shows Nicolas Cifuni instructing recruits on how to get away with violence. “Don’t be that f*cking guy with the G**damn spike brass knuckles getting photos taken of you,” he said. “We need to f*cking hide that sh*t.” The investigation also exposed foreign ties.Caroline Victorin is the founder of Rose City Antifa and is married to an antifa leader, Johan Victorin, from Sweden. The undercover reporter says there’s coordination between European factions and U.S. groups. One of the trainers tells recruits “the whole goal of this, right, is to get out there and do dangerous things as safely as possible.”"

Twitter removes account of white nationalist group posing as antifa online
Liberal logic - there was one fake account, therefore antifa isn't a problem and the mountain of evidence that they are is all a false flag

Convicted Pedophile and 'Antifa' Activist Is an Associated Press Photojournalist - "If a photojournalist was accused of sympathizing with the alt-right, AFP and AP would catch that in a background check or immediately release a public statement condemning them if they were informed afterwards.But a sex offender who preyed on kids and is personally involved in extreme-left activism he is supposed to be reporting on? Hard to believe, but this is not a deal breaker for employment in news gathering at prestigious wire services tasked with framing stories copied by most major publications, including conservative ones... 40-year-old Cory Vernon Clark (born Yehudah Kalman) has his work featured prominently on a number of mainstream media outlets. He is a contributing photojournalist to the Associated Press, AFP, Sipa Press and has almost 1700 pro-Antifa propaganda images on media service Getty, credited under the name Cory Clark. Clark specializes in photographic propaganda glorifying left-wing extremists, and for the last several years has been a fixture at anarchist and communist events in Eastern Pennsylvania and Washington DC. He is one of a handful of journalists anarchist groups like Philly Antifa and Smash Racism DC allow to film them because they know he is on their side. He was also instrumental in "doxing" people at previous National Policy Institute events going back to 2013. His high quality photographs were provided to Daryle Lamont Jenkins with the intention of identifying young men attending the conference and later harassing them... Clark's company, Lawless Media LLC, is run jointly with his wife Dani Finger. On their website they explain that the business' mission is to use their cameras to aid in the construction of leftist political narratives, rather than report news objectively"

Antifa’s American insurgency | Spectator USA - "Antifa, the extreme anarchist-communist movement, has rioting down to an art. The first broken window is the blood in the water for looters to move in. When the looting is done, those carrying flammable chemicals start fires to finish the job. Footage recorded in Minneapolis and other cities show militants dressed in black bloc— the antifa uniform — wielding weapons like hammers or sticks to smash windows. You see their graffiti daubed on smashed up buildings: FTP means ‘Fuck the Police’; ACAB stands for ‘All Cops Are Bastards’; 1312 is the numerical code for ACAB. Last night, rioters reached the gates of the White House, possibly the most secure location on Earth. There, they chipped away at the barriers piece-by-piece while law enforcement struggled to respond. One Secret Service officer reportedly had a brick thrown at his head. Footage recorded at the scene showed him blood-soaked. Police were eventually able to repel masked rioters by using pepper spray and tear gas. That worked, for now.The militants uprising across the country want a revolution and they don’t care who or what has to be destroyed in the process. If their comrades die, they are elevated as martyrs in propaganda. Death is celebrated... The US is getting a small preview of the anarchy antifa has been agitating, training and preparing for. Ending law enforcement is a pre-condition for antifa and BLM’s success in monopolizing violence. Those who are harmed first are the weak and vulnerable, the people who cannot protect themselves. Small business owners in Minnesota pleaded for mercy, even putting up signs and messages in support of the rioters, but to no avail. The destruction of businesses we’re witnessing across the US is not mere opportunism by looters. It plays a critical role in antifa and BLM ideology. Their stated goal is to abolish capitalism. To do that, they have to make economic recovery impossible. Antifa sees a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to exploit an economically weakened America during the coronavirus pandemic... Antifa are taking actions considered extreme even among their own ranks. On Thursday night in Portland, rioters surrounded a vehicle filled with passengers and shot at it, hitting one person inside. The driver was able to escape but the injured passenger had to go to hospital for treatment. In Oakland, two federal police officers guarding a government building were shot in an ambush drive-by. One was killed and the other has critical injuries. The following day in Seattle, masked antifa militants stole a rifle from a police vehicle before setting it ablaze."

Johnny (Joey) Jones on Twitter - "A cop friend just texted me that the “Latin Kings” sent a message to the cops in his town that they would “take care” of the rioters and to not come around. Are we in an episode of SOA??"
Freddy Got Magic on Twitter - "Get off the streets in Logan Square, Black people are being attacked by Latino gangs. Literally chasing and beating people saying “you don’t belong here”. They’re blaming us for the chaos and hurting innocent folk. Get home safe y’all."

Pastor Mathis on Twitter - FBI: "At the FBI, we know that diversity makes us stronger. During #PrideMonth
, the FBI celebrates the contributions that our #LGBT colleagues have made to our country and our mission."
"Washington, DC was on FIRE last night. You are the the top Federal Law enforcement agency in the United States and THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE TWEETING ABOUT TODAY???????"
"@FBI [DC is burning]
FBI: We're here to help the queer"

Man in BLACKFACE protests as he’s dragged through angry crowd by cops after his arrest at anti-racism event in Toronto
Blackface is only okay if you're Justin Trudeau, and peaceful protest is only okay for liberal causes

Chilling Image Of Masked Soldiers Blocking Lincoln Memorial Draws Outcry Online - "Over the weekend, after some peaceful gatherings turned to violent clashes with police, some landmarks and buildings in Washington were vandalized, and fires were lit near the White House."
Of course, if they hadn't protected the memorial and it'd gotten vandalised this would've been taken as evidence that Trump was horrible and racist

Lucas Lynch - "That some protestors think defacing statues of Abraham Lincoln is a good idea just shows you how radicalized some (not all) of them are, and how much they are acting in bad faith.It would be on the same level as defacing monuments to Martin Luther King.Few leaders did more and sacrificed more to bring an end to human bondage than Lincoln. Pissing on the memory and he and the hundreds of thousands who gave their lives in America to end slavery is an insult to the project of an ethical anti-racist society"
I guess there weren't enough "chilling images"

Peter Turchin A Quantitative Prediction for Political Violence in the 2020s - "In 2010 I made the prediction that the United States will experience a period of heightened social and political instability during the 2020s.
From 2017

Dhananjay Dhawan on Twitter - "People on social media jumping from being pandemic experts to economic experts to civil right experts in the matter of two week."

Arvind Jay - "“If my spouse comes to me in obvious pain and asks “Do you love me?”, an answer of “I love everyone” would be truthful, but also hurtful and cruel in the moment. If a co-worker comes to me upset and says “My father just died,” a response of “Everyone’s parents die,” would be truthful, but hurtful and cruel in the moment. So when a friend speaks up in a time of obvious pain and hurt and says “Black lives matter,” a response of “All lives matter,” is truthful. But it’s hurtful and cruel in the moment." - Doug Williford"
I told my mother I was hungry. She said there're starving kids in Africa so I should shut up and be grateful I had dinner.
If a woman accuses a man of molesting her and he denies it, she will get agitated. From her point of view it is hurtful and cruel that he denies it. And if she had accused other people of molesting and raping her in the past....
Yet, "it's ok to be white" is a hate crime

Thread by @FreeThinkerAng - "The root problem in the black community is fatherlessness and lack of male leadership and good role models.
You think black lives matter? You want to help the black community? Alright. Throw feminism in the trash and let’s uplift our men and help them see they have purpose
Stop kneeling and bootlicking. We don’t need victim status or a pity party.
Men are more than a child support check
Men are more than a means of transportation
Men are more than a free meal
Men are more than their jobs"

Thread by @mtracey - "Numerous people in various media fields have told me this is the most oppressive political environment they have ever experienced. If they say anything that even deviates ever-so-marginally from consensus opinion, their livelihoods will be destroyed. And they are probably right
And it's not just the media, by the way. Also other professional fields that ostensibly have nothing to do with politics. People are totally stifled. It's astounding
Because this is fundamentally a religious movement, there is a strong drive to cast out heretics -- or at the very least, force all sinners to publicly repent. That's what is happening"

Mark Hemingway on Twitter - "Today, The New York Times ran an op-ed telling people to withhold affection from their relatives unless they protest or give money to anti-racism organizations. Where does this end? I want racial equality, but I utterly disdain any person or institution endorsing such tactics."
"Mao asked his Red Guards to snitch on their parents if they hold anti-revolutionary views."

Shaun Bailey - Posts - "My granddad came from Jamaica to fight for this country. That was his choice.Whoever did this also made a choice. The wrong choice.The Cenotaph represents those who fought and died for our freedoms, including your freedom to protest.Have some respect."
A black politician criticising a Black Lives Matter supporter for vandalising the Cenotaph in a different country from the latest trigger incident... must be a white supremacist!

Rioters deface monument honoring all-black regiment of Union Civil War soldiers - "Exactly 123 years to the day that it was dedicated, the Shaw Memorial, a monument honoring the first all-volunteer black regiment of the Union Army in the Civil War, was defaced by rioters demanding justice for African-Americans. On May 31, 1897, the monument was erected on Boston Commons to honor the 54th Massachusetts Regiment of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, who bravely attacked Confederate forces at Fort Wagner... The backside of the monument honoring Carney and the 270 men who lost their lives in the battle is now covered with profane graffiti reading "ACAB" (All Cops Are B*stards), "F*** 12" (police), "BLM," "No Justice, No Peace," and "Police are Pigs.""
The PROOF Blog - Posts - "Someone said “too bad they don’t teach history.”Sadly, I believe they’d be attacked by the mob even if they knew they were black warriors. After-all they “fought for a country that hated them.”- KG"

Critical Spectator - Home - "Here's a brief summary covering things you may not know about the most recent martyr of left-wing "progressives" in the US. And you probably don't know them because they don't really make the headlines - you have to dig those bits and pieces out and bring them to the fore to see the full picture... the entire drama was spun as another example of "white supremacy" - but the headlines are mum about the fact that two of the four arrested policemen were non-white.It was, of course, pretty clear regarding officer Tou Thao, who is visibly of Asian origin, possibly Laotian. But what you may not have heard is that another officer, J Alexander Kueng, while bearing an Asian surname, was actually listed as ethnically black and was raised by his single mother in a predominantly black-neighborhood in the north of the city.So much for "white supremacy". Now, let's talk about George. He was actually an ex-convict who served five years in Texas for an aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon in 2007 - he broke into a house and pointing a gun at the woman inside proceed to search it for money and drugs. Drugs are a recurring theme in his life too - and he was charged and served sentences in 2005, 2004 and 2002, in addition to another 10 months for theft with a weapon back in 1998... On the fateful 25th of May he was arrested after a clerk in a store he bought cigarettes in called the police after discovering the $20 bill was counterfeit. Whether Floyd knew the note was fake is uncertain - 20 bucks isn't a large sum of money after all and he could have gotten it anywhere.However, during the arrest one of the officers did ask him - while taking him out of the driver's seat of the car he was in, whether he was "on something" - probably sensing that he actually might be. After a brief struggle Floyd was taken out and handcuffed. Later, when he was already pinned down, Thao remarked to onlookers: "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."Subsequent autopsy has, indeed, revealed not only traces of THC (marijuana), methamphetamine, morphine but, most importantly, fentanyl.Fentanyl is a highly addictive opioid drug that produces a high similar to heroin - and is currently quite popular in the US. According to the autopsy, its concentration in Floyd's body was in the lethal range - what even Michael Baden, former New York City medical examiner, who was among two doctors who conducted a private autopsy for the Floyd family, admitted:"He has enough that could be a cause of death if he had never had immunity or tolerance to the drug"... "I can't breathe"The phrase that is now circling the world, was actually first uttered by Floyd a bit earlier - when he was still on his two feet. When led to the police car he apparently got paranoid and claimed he suffers from claustrophobia, and said he had trouble breathing. Which he may have, as he was also discovered, post mortem, to have suffered from a severe heart disease, with several arteries in his heart clogged by more than 75%, and one over 90%.He didn't want to get into the car and the officers struggled to get him inside for about a minute - before he was pulled out through the opposite door and forced on the ground, under Chauvin's knee, while being restrained by Thao and Lane.So, quite unlike what the media is trying to tell you the policemen involved in the arrest - including two newbies, who were in their first week in service (imagine their bad luck...) - were not dealing with a "gentle giant" who has found redemption for his earlier sins, but an erratic, tall, burly black man under significant influence of highly potent drugs, who resisted getting into the police car and struggled with the officers before being pinned down on the tarmac... Only delusional American left-wingers could make a hero out of a serial convict, high on drugs, resisting police - while real heroes, those African-Americans who chose to serve their communities, their country, who made something out of themselves, who risk their lives in the line of duty every single day, are left forgotten - or even worse, vilified as members of the police.But that's how they score political points - by drumming up conflicts, by polarizing society, by peddling unfounded conspiracy theories, by fanning flames of outrage and encouraging public lynchings.Small wonder then, that the highest levels of crime are found in the cities governed by Democrats. They thrive on it - on conflict, death and racial divisions - which have claimed the lives of the good public servants you see below - and each year take dozens more."

We Are Individuals, Not Victims - "filmmaker Michael Moore fired out a tweet with a simple proposal that summarizes the woke worldview that has taken root among the elites of the Anglo-American world:Moore suggested that the police headquarters in Minneapolis should be demolished as a show of contrition to “black America.” The police department should then be rebuilt with “decent kind ppl aka ppl of color.” In days past, this would have been considered an odd statement among the political left. The left’s civil rights tradition was based on equal treatment and evaluating people based on their character rather than their skin color... Instead of burning buildings as an act of contrition, as Moore called for, shouldn’t it be the police involved apologizing to George Floyd’s loved ones, first and foremost, and then to the entire Minneapolis community for betraying their trust by abusing their role as public servants?I also wonder what exactly makes nonwhite people inherently “decent” or “kind.” Like anyone else, we are capable of both good and bad, of both peace and violence. Even when it comes to police violence you cannot reliably predict someone’s behavior just by their skin color. A 2018 study from Rutgers University found that nonwhite police officers are no less likely to use lethal force against minorities.Additionally, while acts of police brutality are horrible, the killing of unarmed suspects is actually very rare, and not exclusive to one racial group. In 2019, 41 unarmed people were shot and killed by police; nine of them were African American... Unfortunately, the process of individuating has come under furious assault in recent years. More and more, elites in media and politics are encouraging us to think about ourselves as archetypes of groups rather than as individuals. Stereotyping about white people in particular is now not only accepted, but encouraged and seen as a political good... some on the left talk about members of ethnic minority groups as if we are simply virtuous victims, cast adrift on a plank in an ocean of white supremacy over which we have no control. Basically everything in our lives is determined by the Leviathan of structural racism, a term that is both increasingly vague and ever more expansively used to explain every feature of the social conditions of America. To those who adopt this worldview, it may come as a surprise, then, that some of the worst racial disparities in marijuana arrests, for instance, can be found in locales where elected officials and those in power are overwhelmingly African American Democrats, like Atlanta, where 90% of arrests for marijuana offenses in 2016 were of African Americans.It’s hard to chalk this up only to racial profiling... It’s hardly a surprise that African American mayors like Atlanta’s Keisha Lance Bottoms and Birmingham’s Randall Woodfin were among the most unequivocal in condemning the looting and rioting committed by a small minority who exploited the chaos created by the George Floyd protests for their own ends. This is not because race has any essential characteristic—it obviously doesn’t. But in the modern Democratic Party, liberal whites are increasingly encouraged to coddle ethnic minorities and deprive them of the humanity that comes with taking responsibility for our own actions. So it’s also not a surprise that Seattle’s Jenny Durkan, for instance, made pains to emphasize the number of “white men” engaging in violence in her city. In normal times, it would be wildly inappropriate to single out a racial group as especially violent.But in the time of woke politics, white men are basically the only group that is granted the blessing of both power and responsibility for using it. If you want to stop violence, you have to, as the leadership in Minnesota attempted, blame it on “white supremacists.”... The disproportionate focus on outside “white supremacists” from both politicians and media figures is just another way of awarding white men agency—they are the ones who caused all the things we don’t like to happen—and denying it to ethnic minorities who remain perpetual victims. I would be lying if I said I’ve never faced bigotry or discrimination as a result of being a Pakistani American Muslim. But it never really occurred to me to think about the entire United States as antagonistic to my existence. Now I’m starting to wonder if the coddling promoted by some of its elites will prevent liberals from seeing me as a fully human person... when I learned that British police were wary of investigating Pakistani child grooming gangs in the United Kingdom because they were fearful of angering the British Pakistani community and being labeled racist, I saw that as another form of dehumanization—this time from the left.The left always tells us not to blame the victim. But victims by definition do not have social or political power. I want to have power, and you cannot have power unless it is paired with responsibility."
Stereotypes are only bad when they hurt the liberal project, i.e. they are negative about "minorities" and positive about the "powerful"
Victim culture is disempowering because it negates "minority" agency

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price - Posts - "Standing in solidarity for the death of George Floyd is about recognising the truth. Let’s stick to facts and not peddle myths.Don’t pretend to care about Black Lives if you’re prepared to ignore the overwhelming majority of victims killed by black perpetrators."
I got called a white supremacist for presenting facts
A common liberal refrain is that you can care about multiple things at the same time. But if you claimed you cared about law and order and called the police on a black man jaywalking, but ignored a white man who committed murder, it would be a good bet that you didn't really care about law and order

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price - Posts - "It’s no wonder when you stand up to protestors in your own home town, who try to use the death of your own blood for their own agenda, and you ask them to back down, not cause further racial division or trouble, you get this kind of response from those who claim Black Lives Matter.No respect shown for someone who has lost a family member.Just a reminder of who likes to hijack movements such as Black Lives Matter to push a victim narrative in our country.Don’t be fooled they don’t care for all Black Lives."

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price - Posts - "Another nephew of mine murdered. The alleged perpetrators were Aboriginal. This violence is far more prevalent than deaths in custody but Black Lives Matters protestors aren’t interested in these deaths."

Rita Panahi on Twitter - "A myriad of blue checks and news outlets are lying and claiming that Trump was saying that George Floyd would have been happy looking down on the job numbers."
"‘Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.’ Major news outlets & blue ticks are at it again. Thread. "

Dr Boyce Watkins on Twitter - "Bottom line: Black teachers should be teaching black children Black people should be supporting black businesses Black officers should be policing black communities Period."
Segregation is good when black people propose it

Leonydus Johnson on Twitter - "For every 10,000 black people arrested for violent crime, 3 are killed For every 10,000 white people arrested for violent crime, 4 are killed I'm going to keep tweeting this until someone can explain to me how this is possible if there is truly pervasive racial bias in policing"
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