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Friday, June 12, 2020

Ernie in a Kermit Costume

"Ernie thought killing and skinning Kermit would have fulfilled something within him, but even after wearing the still-bloody pelt as a suit, he just didn't feel the same rush he used to from depravity. Not even the sight of Bert in drag seemed to cheer him up."

I'd seen this image on multiple occasions floating around in a pool of Sesame Street memes (of which this was the funniest), but was unable to find the source.

Today, I have made a breakthrough:

Der Froschkönig mit Ernie und Bert - Sesamstraße - NDR - ARD - YouTube

"Dies ist die Geschichte von der bezaubernden Prinzessin (Bert), die ihren goldenen Ball im Brunnen verliert und die noch nie in ihrem Leben "Bitte" gesagt hat"

The image comes from Ernie & Bert Märchensongs ("Ernie & Bert Fairy Tale Songs"), a Sesamstrasse (German Sesame Street) mini-series.

This episode seems to be about a princess who kisses a frog (and is then turned into one too).

In the process of researching this, I found out that the Muppet Wiki has a whole category called Kermit the Frog Impersonators.

More of this shit can be found at:

Funny Sesame Street memes
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