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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Links - 9th April 2020 (2) (Trans Mania)

‘Many unanswered questions’: Swedish church removes LGBT-themed altarpiece… but NOT for the reason you may think - "After two weeks of deliberation, a church in Sweden decided that a newly-acquired LGBT-friendly painting was too problematic to serve as its altarpiece. Its depiction of Adam and Eve as two same-sex couples was not the issue.  The St. Paul’s Church in the southern city of Malmo accepted the painting as its altarpiece on the first day of Advent two weeks ago. The artwork by Swedish photographer and artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin was meant to symbolize inclusivity. It predictably generated a lot of buzz, attracting both praise and controversy online... The pastor, however, had an issue with the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve to try the forbidden fruit. In the painting, it was depicted as a transgender person. “The serpent traditionally symbolizes evil, and turning it into a transgender person can mean that a transgender person is evil or is the devil,” Svensson explained.  “The Church of Sweden certainly cannot stand by that.” Furthermore, the painting contains apples, a Biblical symbol of knowledge, the pastor added. This invites a question about the kind of knowledge the painting portrays, along with “so many different interpretations” that make the imagery problematic, Svensson said."

After dancer strips at Seattle conference on homelessness, agency director suspended - "Performer Beyoncé Black St. James danced topless in a sheer bodysuit, gave lap dances and kissed attendees... Zylstra was paid about $123,000 a year, according to a county spokesperson.  The performance was in the same room as a catered lunch at All Home’s annual conference, this year at South Seattle College with the theme of “Decolonizing our Collective Work.” The only note on the agenda was “Lunch with Cultural Presentation”... In a short video, St. James, a Spokane-based entertainer who identifies as a trans woman on her Facebook page, can be seen doing high kicks in a revealing bodysuit and with silver pasties. “No one expected it,” the staffer said. “So I think some people felt uncomfortable.” The first person St. James kissed seemed surprised, according to the staffer, but the ones following seemed more enthusiastic."

The Oracle of Delphi is a cryptid - "Three women with penises
The Louvre, Paris Fr"
"oh i’m sorry were you saying something about me being an “artifact of the modern patriarchal medical-industrial complex” cause I was too busy looking at this photo of a 2000 year old classical greek marble statue of three transgender women just sorta chilling and being gorgeous."
"lmao @appropriately-inappropriate some freak photoshopped it
making it ever so clear that 1. we’re dealing with fetishists and 2. no one on tumblr bothers to fact check anything, especially if it suits their agenda"
"It’s hella stupid that only one of the figures would have pubic hair and im fucking cackling, yeah, they really just photoshopped David’s dick onto one of the three graces"

Maya Forstater loses employment tribunal after backlash over trans tweets - "A researcher who lost her job after tweeting that men cannot change their biological sex has lost an employment tribunal after her opinions were ruled “absolutist”.The Central London Employment Tribunal upheld the firing of tax expert Maya Forstater, 45, over a series of tweets questioning government plans to allow people to self-identify as another gender.Ms Forstater was a visiting fellow at the Centre for Global Development (CGD), which is a think-tank based in London and Washington that campaigns against poverty.She was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter for saying “men cannot change into women”. Her legal dispute against her former employer was seen as a test on whether a “gender-critical” view – that there are only two biological sexes – was a protected philosophical belief under the 2010 Equality Act. Judge James Tayler decided that Ms Forstater’s view was “incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others”... Judge Tayler said the tax expert was not entitled to ignore the legal rights of transgender people and the “enormous pain that can be caused by misgendering a person”. He concluded: “If a person has transitioned from male to female and has a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), that person is legally a woman. That is not something Ms Forstater is entitled to ignore. Ms Forstater’s position is that even if a trans woman has a GRC, she cannot honestly describe herself as a woman. That belief is not worthy of respect in a democratic society."
"In times of universal deceit, to tell the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell (attr)

Segments of Random Thoughts - Posts - "Dress however you please.Call yourself whatever you like.Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.Live your best life in peace and security.But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?#IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill"
"JK Rowling dared say that biological sex is real and is now being cancelled by the very woke outrage mob she helped create.  The world's tiniest violin plays.  #TERF #IStandWithMaya"
"Maya Forstater, a researcher who lost her job after tweeting that men cannot change their biological sex, has lost an employment tribunal after her opinions were ruled “absolutist”. She was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter."
Science is transphobic. But of course only "right wingers" deny science

ripx4nutmeg on Twitter - "Without any sense of irony, TRAs are calling for JK Rowling's books to be burned because they believe she is a Nazi"

Appalling Apostolic Memes for Liberty-Minded Teens - "Man, this just keeps getting better and better.  The left screeches about Trump being a Nazi and trying to burn books and such, but then they go and do it to their own possessions.
imagine having to burn the only book you have ever read  must be tough being a liberal today"
On a 2017 JK Rowling book burning exchange - but equally applicable today

In Unexpected Plot Twist, Far Left Now The Ones Burning Harry Potter Books | The Babylon Bee - "Unfortunately, many on the left could not figure out how to get a fire going. There are books on the subject, but they've only ever read Harry Potter."

Star Wars Mark Hamill apologises for liking JK Rowling's 'TERF' tweet'
Science and freedom of speech are 'transphobic'. How radically must society be transformed to appease a tiny minority?

OLIVIA ☭ HILL on Twitter - "Psst. Rowling wasn't some amazing writer who uniquely helped you through a hard time in your youth.
She was pushed in your face as the only viable entertainment option by a bigoted culture. You weren't blessed to read her. You were robbed of the chance to read diverse voices.
You didn't read her books because of merit. You read her books because of a powerful marketing machine. Be mad that it fed you a cis het white antisemitic TERF and told you that was progress and representation."
The perils of being an 'ally' - you get thrown to the wolves as the slightest perceived infraction by people who despise you for even existing
Comment: “She has all our money at this point, so I’m going to stand here and scream in the middle of cyberspace because I can’t cancel a billionaire who already ended the series.”

Sophia (Narwhal) Narwitz on Twitter - "Tranny here. And yeah, Rowling & the researcher are correct. Hormones dont change my biology. I will forever have male chromosomes, & more. I am biologically male. If I wasnt then I wouldnt need to transition. Is the fringe left/woke community really becoming this anti-science 🤦🏻‍♀️"

In just a few words, JK Rowling has changed the transgender debate | The Spectator Australia - "One of the (many) frustrations of writing a lot about sex and gender is knowing that there are a lot of people who are concerned about these issues but who do not, for various reasons, say so... Many are fearful of the backlash, the accusations of transphobia that could follow. Some of these women are prominent and famous and rich and powerful. The fact that such people keep quiet gives you some idea of the power of fear here... the broader effect of the Forstater case is that issues of sex and gender, the implications of transgenderism for society and individuals, are now going to be talked about by more people."

I write LGBTQ-inclusive books for children. JK Rowling's tweet breaks my heart | The Independent
The Independent: ""No one tells us what to write, so we'll never tell you what to think."
Also The Independent: This article

Germany′s Cabinet approves ban on gay, transgender ′conversion therapy′ - "The German Cabinet approved a bill to ban the advertising or offering of "conversion therapy" to transgender and gay people. The proposed legislation was expanded to include 16- to 18-year-olds... Under the bill, parents or caregivers would also be punished for making a 16- to 18-year-old undergo the therapy, which often uses conditioning techniques considered psychologically abusive by medical professionals. Bärbel Bas, the chair of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) parliamentary faction, pushed for the bill to go further.   "I wish to see a comprehensive ban for the so-called conversion therapy for adults, however, this would be difficult to implement legally""
Trans mania is about to explode in Germany. So all the lawsuits in 10-20 years time will have foreign Anglo precedents to draw upon
Looks like the SPD doesn't think adults should be able to make their own decisions

Trans Contestant Sues Miss USA Over 'Natural Born Woman' Rule - "Anita Green of Clackamas, Oregon, holds the title of 2019 Miss Earth Elite Oregon, and competed in the 2018 Miss Montana contest but failed to compete in last year’s Miss United States of America pageant due to her application being rejected.Her lawsuit, which was filed last Tuesday, says she was denied her the full and equal advantages and privileges of the defendant’s services in violation of Oregon’s public accommodations law and is therefore discriminatory... Green has had a trailblazing pageant career, being the first transgender contestant in the Miss Montana USA pageant and only the third openly transgender contestant to compete in a Miss Universe pageant competition.  Transgender competitors in female beauty pageants are becoming more of a regular feature. Miss Spain’s winner, Angela Ponce, became Miss Universe’s first ever transgender entry in its 66-year history."
Married women need to sue about the rule banning them from taking part

Emilia Dimitrova - "Lol @ "Slippery slope"
2005: We just want tolerance! ️‍
2010: We just want to get married! ️‍
2015: Bake the cake, bigot! ️‍
2018: Suck the lady's dick, transphobe! ️‍
2019: Convicted pedophiles twerk for toddlers in the library under police protection. ️‍"
Keywords: Suck the dick, bigot

When You Say “I Would Never Date A Trans Person,” It’s Transphobic. Here’s Why.
Lesbians who would never date men are sexist

Former Nike contractor sues company for not using the right pronouns - The Post Millennial - "A computer engineer and employee of Nike’s has filed an official civil rights lawsuit against the company for what the disgruntled employee says is gender identity-based discrimination... Lyles would eventually take medical leave due to the amount of stress Lyles experienced working with those who misgendered her, and following the end of her contract with Nike, filed her lawsuit, claiming that Nike failed to protect Lyles’s civil rights, disabling her from being able to obtain a full-time job at the company... “Lyles was a mediocre [contractor] with a limited skill set”... An independent investigation by BOLI investigators, though, found that Nike employees working with Lyles’ stating that Lyles’ account of the events support Lyles’ story, noting that Nike was not fully prepared to integrate a non-binary transmasculine worker.  Two managers told BOLI that no one was “aware of [Lyles’] preferred pronouns.”"
I guess this proves the company never really gave her realy problems, since she didn't have anything real to sue them for

Transgender woman accused of 'hate speech' after wearing t-shirt stating she is still biologically male - "Debbie Hayton, a physics teacher in the Midlands, lives as a transgender women after changing her gender from male to female in 2012. But unlike many people in the trans-community, she does not believe her sex can be changed and is vocal about the fact that she will always biologically remain a man. She is now potentially facing expulsion from the LGBT committee of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) for wearing a top adorned with the slogan: “Trans women are men. Get over it!”... 12 members of the LGBT committee wrote to Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the TUC, a federation of unions representing 5.5m working Britons, saying that by wearing the T-shirt Ms Hayton had “gone beyond discourse, and the expression of alternative viewpoints, and is now propagating hate speech against the trans community”. The case against Ms Hayton comes after fellow transgender woman Kristina Jayne Harrison told an employment tribunal in November that attempts to “legally coerce society” into treating males as females in all circumstances is “inevitably doomed to fail”... “The process of having surgery or hormone treatment cannot ultimately transform your sex. Every cell in my body has male chromosomes. I have a prostate. These things cannot be completely deconstructed. It is not possible to be biologically female. But that does not mean I can’t live a fulfilling life being treated as a woman.”  Nicola Williams, founder of Fair Play for Women, said: “Accusations of transphobia are thrown at women so often for so little that the word has lost all meaning. When even trans people can get called transphobes, I hope people now understand how ludicrous and far-fetched these attacks have always been. The trans movement has been hijacked by gender extremists.”"
Trans mania means silencing trans people who don't hew to the party line - even when they talk about themselves
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