Saturday, April 04, 2020
Links - 4th April 2020 (1)
B.C. First Nation ordered to pay $30,000 after "white bastard" comment - The Post Millennial - "British ColumbiaB.C. First Nation ordered to pay $30,000 after “white bastard” comment. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that a B.C First Nation to pay $30,000 after its chief referred to a woman councillor a “white bastard.”According to a new report by Blacklock’s, the Nee Tahi Buhn Indian Band of Burns Lake, B.C. must pay the fine after Chief Raymond Morris wrote “I resign. F*cking white bastards run it” in an email."
Evil Potato - Posts - "I actually had this idea for a fanfic. That the whole HP books were just delusions of Harry."
"when its just an illusion to harry bcoz both of his mother and father died and hes always imagine things bcoz hes alone bullying by his 2nd family and lock in the dark small room"
"And they all suffer a shared delusion. People sometimes see them walking head first or crashing a shopping cart into the wall in the derelict part of the old train station. Local police call them "Wizards" colloquially. "
"I love that Hagrid is a pimp."
Harry Potter as a dream of a Harry high on some substance
James Miller on Twitter - "My game theory class uses examples from dating. If I don't include examples with lesbians, students complain in course evaluations. But students seem uncomfortable when I (middle age straight man) discuss lesbian dating with them. Almost all my students females between 18-21."
"Only include dating between thruples of 9 dimensionally gendered fictional lizard people who shift their desires according to some family of stochastic flows. Students will be relieved to see you get off on fucking them in the face with abstract complexity and not real stuff."
"Just explain that some of the biological men in the sample identify as women. Viola, a diverse group is built for the church girls of the woke. Now maybe they can learn."
"You could be really meta, and model this problem itself as a game theoretic problem as an example in your class..."
Garbage Human re-follow - Posts - "Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years"
"Homophobic hate crimes in London have increased by more than 122 per cent in less than a decade"
Man who coerced 13-year-old girl he met on live streaming app into sex gets 4 years, 11 months’ jail - "By persistently badgering a 13-year-old girl to “bend to his will” and give in to his sexual demands, Gil Dominic Barbosa Rojas eventually coerced the minor into having sex with him at a secluded car park."
Ex Muslim Atheist - "Except for Saudi Arabia, none of our countries used to speak arabic. Lebanese weren't arabs. Egyptians, Algerians, Moroccans, Syrians. We each had our culture, our language, our identity, that was wiped away because of Islam."
"Cultures, languages, heritage, even way of lives have all been erased and replaced by a foreign one some had no choice but to follow else face certain death due to violent imperialism at the time. It still continues to this day and regresses every place that it influence."
Police: Man's truck stolen while he was robbing store across the street - "The vehicle's owner told officers someone had stolen his red 1992 Chevrolet pickup. The owner had left his keys behind on the seat, and a thief drove off with the truck.But after surveillance video was reviewed, police discovered that the reason the pickup owner had left his truck was because he was off stealing items from a business across the street.The pickup owner was then booked in the Benton County jail on a warrant and a new burglary charge.His pickup is still missing."
This playboy tortoise had so much sex he saved his entire species. Now he's going home - "A womanizing tortoise whose rampant sex life may have single-handedly saved his entire species from extinction has retired from his playboy lifestyle, returning to the wild with his mission accomplished.Diego's unstoppable libido was credited as a major reason for the survival of his fellow giant tortoises on Espanola, part of the Galapagos Islands, after being shipped over from San Diego zoo as part of a breeding program.When he started his campaign of promiscuity, there were just two males and 12 females of his species alive on the island.But the desirable shell-dweller had so much sex he helped boost the population to over 2,000. The Galapagos National Parks service believe the 100-year-old tortoise is the patriarch of around 40% of that population."
BBC World Service - The World This Week, Impeachment: endgame begins - "‘Researchers on Espanola had discovered in the early 60s that there were just 14 giant tortoises left in existence. All the remaining animals on the island were brought into an emergency captive breeding program. But there was a problem. All but two were female. So, after an urgent call to the zoo, Diego was shipped back to the Galapagos. His mission, reproduce and save the species from extinction. That program has now been such a success that today there are around 1,800 giant tortoises on Espanola. So well done Diego. As CNN reported this week, his rampant sex life may have single handedly saved his species. Well, not quite. These reports raised a question in with me. What about the other male tortoise? Among the 14 Espanola survivors, there was the less casually named E-5. He fathered 60% of the giant tortoise population compared to a mere 40% for Diego. So why does Diego get all the attention? Well, according to one Galapgos biologist I spoke to he's something of a public performer, the tortoise equivalent of the pesky guy at the bar. The species is generally quite shy, but Diego has personality. He's bold, and he's inquisitive. And he actually sounds quite annoying. He relentlessly harasses and mounts potential mates and, how to put this delicately, he likes to perform out in the open. He's also very vocal'"
Steven Haddock's answer to Why does KFC chicken taste better in Canada versus in the US? - Quora - "Harland Sanders, the epitome of the southern gentleman, the very emblem of the state of Kentucky…..Spent the golden years of his life in Canada running the KFC franchise operation there.Very early on, he sold the U.S. rights to another company. He agreed to stay on as a consultant and traveled extensively in the United States, but he was very critical about how the franchisors there ran the company. He found that the quality of franchisees was often very low. He complained publicly about it once proclaiming “this is the worst fried chicken I’ve ever seen”.However, he retained the rights to the Canadian operation"
Catholic Brexiteer 🇬🇧 on Twitter - "I want to know why on practicality every British TV advert we have a Mixed race family ? What is all this propaganda about ITV Channel 4 Channel 5. This is pure anti whiteism against the British population and insults intelligence. This is NOT a racist tweet just a question?"
"It’s not even subtle, as you say just about every advert now features a mixed race family, even television, historical dramas now recasting traditional characters as mix race or even a different race altogether to the traditional white character it always has been."
"Have you noticed how many adverts have same sex individuals kissing one and other also? Absolutely no issue with this, but do we really need it pushed at us so directly? Mums and dads do still kiss...believe it or not."
"My mates little daughter actually asked if she had to marry a black man when she gets older.. well thats what she sees on tv. Ahhh...the power of tv"
"This doesn’t even reflect our society, the vast majority is white, heterosexual, British...."
Segments of Random Thoughts - Posts - "This is a fair and valid question. Why are so many TV ads showing mixed race families when I see so few mixed race families and couples? They aren't doing this in Africa or India or China. So why in the UK and US?"
So much for having a responsibility to portray reality
KFC's BBQ Bacon Stacker Ad (Free Speech Version) - YouTube - "KFC Australia chickened out and banned commentary on their entire channel, partially due to an overwhelmingly negative reception to this ad."
The ad seems to have been removed. But it makes no sense and has no link to KFC
KFC Australia Ad Openly Promotes Cuckoldry - "out of the 46,432 people who viewed the ad (as of the writing of this article) only 190 of them gave it a thumbs up.In other words, 32% of everyone who viewed the trailer gave it a thumbs down.That’s a fairly significant ratio for the YouTube metrics between views and ratings.KFC also didn’t want to see any kind of dissension against their agenda, so they disabled comments to prevent people from speaking out against their propaganda."
It didn't strike me as cuckoldry at first but I can see how that's one interpretation
Richard Houck, "The War Against Whites in Advertising" - "I wondered if the purpose of “diverse” advertising was to sell more products, or really to indoctrinate, to condition, and signal how “progressive” they are... I thought about the probability that two of the three advertisement couples I saw in the mall that afternoon were there by mere coincidence. Between men and women, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and “other,” there are 25 possible combinations of couples. Twenty of which are interracial... If the “diversity” in advertising was truly about appealing to the greatest number of customers or potential customers, showing white women with black men at such a high level, seems to be a very odd strategy. To focus so much on one combination, while ignoring so many others – there simply must be some other goal beyond selling merchandise... Pew Research 2012 conducted a large study of interracial marriage that provides a considerable amount of data. Since 1980, the total percent of interracial marriages has risen from 3.2% to 8.4%. Of new marriages, the rate rose from 6.7% to 15.1%. In 2010 the most common intermarriage was white/Hispanic, at 43.3%, other mixed at 30.4%, white/Asian at 14.4% and white/black, the least common, at 11.9%. Not all interracial relationships, of course, are marriages, but we can use the marriage data to reasonably extrapolate the information to the wider society and relationships... A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line. A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence"
The author claims all races other than whites have higher STD rates, but he ignores Asians
*interracial kiss*
Testosterone and Civilization - Posts - "Women have to deal with cramps, but what do men have to deal with?"
Protest Therapist on Twitter - "Too many aspiring white allies think racial justice is about diversity, "inclusion", and multiculturalism. No, no, no, sweetie. This is about overthrowing power that benefits you disproportionately, often exclusively. Are you ready to sacrifice access, entitlement, innocence?"
Since he admits social justice is not really about social justice...
Occupy Democrats Logic - Posts - "This week I have nine (9) trainings-presentations for school assistant principals and school principals. My trainings-presentations include a request that most books used in schools be burned. Stop using white history, white mathematics, and white science as the foundation."
Addendum: Unsurprisingly, this post got zucced. Mirror: James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook
Evil Potato - Posts - "I actually had this idea for a fanfic. That the whole HP books were just delusions of Harry."
"when its just an illusion to harry bcoz both of his mother and father died and hes always imagine things bcoz hes alone bullying by his 2nd family and lock in the dark small room"
"And they all suffer a shared delusion. People sometimes see them walking head first or crashing a shopping cart into the wall in the derelict part of the old train station. Local police call them "Wizards" colloquially. "
"I love that Hagrid is a pimp."
Harry Potter as a dream of a Harry high on some substance
James Miller on Twitter - "My game theory class uses examples from dating. If I don't include examples with lesbians, students complain in course evaluations. But students seem uncomfortable when I (middle age straight man) discuss lesbian dating with them. Almost all my students females between 18-21."
"Only include dating between thruples of 9 dimensionally gendered fictional lizard people who shift their desires according to some family of stochastic flows. Students will be relieved to see you get off on fucking them in the face with abstract complexity and not real stuff."
"Just explain that some of the biological men in the sample identify as women. Viola, a diverse group is built for the church girls of the woke. Now maybe they can learn."
"You could be really meta, and model this problem itself as a game theoretic problem as an example in your class..."
Garbage Human re-follow - Posts - "Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years"
"Homophobic hate crimes in London have increased by more than 122 per cent in less than a decade"
Man who coerced 13-year-old girl he met on live streaming app into sex gets 4 years, 11 months’ jail - "By persistently badgering a 13-year-old girl to “bend to his will” and give in to his sexual demands, Gil Dominic Barbosa Rojas eventually coerced the minor into having sex with him at a secluded car park."
Ex Muslim Atheist - "Except for Saudi Arabia, none of our countries used to speak arabic. Lebanese weren't arabs. Egyptians, Algerians, Moroccans, Syrians. We each had our culture, our language, our identity, that was wiped away because of Islam."
"Cultures, languages, heritage, even way of lives have all been erased and replaced by a foreign one some had no choice but to follow else face certain death due to violent imperialism at the time. It still continues to this day and regresses every place that it influence."
Police: Man's truck stolen while he was robbing store across the street - "The vehicle's owner told officers someone had stolen his red 1992 Chevrolet pickup. The owner had left his keys behind on the seat, and a thief drove off with the truck.But after surveillance video was reviewed, police discovered that the reason the pickup owner had left his truck was because he was off stealing items from a business across the street.The pickup owner was then booked in the Benton County jail on a warrant and a new burglary charge.His pickup is still missing."
This playboy tortoise had so much sex he saved his entire species. Now he's going home - "A womanizing tortoise whose rampant sex life may have single-handedly saved his entire species from extinction has retired from his playboy lifestyle, returning to the wild with his mission accomplished.Diego's unstoppable libido was credited as a major reason for the survival of his fellow giant tortoises on Espanola, part of the Galapagos Islands, after being shipped over from San Diego zoo as part of a breeding program.When he started his campaign of promiscuity, there were just two males and 12 females of his species alive on the island.But the desirable shell-dweller had so much sex he helped boost the population to over 2,000. The Galapagos National Parks service believe the 100-year-old tortoise is the patriarch of around 40% of that population."
BBC World Service - The World This Week, Impeachment: endgame begins - "‘Researchers on Espanola had discovered in the early 60s that there were just 14 giant tortoises left in existence. All the remaining animals on the island were brought into an emergency captive breeding program. But there was a problem. All but two were female. So, after an urgent call to the zoo, Diego was shipped back to the Galapagos. His mission, reproduce and save the species from extinction. That program has now been such a success that today there are around 1,800 giant tortoises on Espanola. So well done Diego. As CNN reported this week, his rampant sex life may have single handedly saved his species. Well, not quite. These reports raised a question in with me. What about the other male tortoise? Among the 14 Espanola survivors, there was the less casually named E-5. He fathered 60% of the giant tortoise population compared to a mere 40% for Diego. So why does Diego get all the attention? Well, according to one Galapgos biologist I spoke to he's something of a public performer, the tortoise equivalent of the pesky guy at the bar. The species is generally quite shy, but Diego has personality. He's bold, and he's inquisitive. And he actually sounds quite annoying. He relentlessly harasses and mounts potential mates and, how to put this delicately, he likes to perform out in the open. He's also very vocal'"
Steven Haddock's answer to Why does KFC chicken taste better in Canada versus in the US? - Quora - "Harland Sanders, the epitome of the southern gentleman, the very emblem of the state of Kentucky…..Spent the golden years of his life in Canada running the KFC franchise operation there.Very early on, he sold the U.S. rights to another company. He agreed to stay on as a consultant and traveled extensively in the United States, but he was very critical about how the franchisors there ran the company. He found that the quality of franchisees was often very low. He complained publicly about it once proclaiming “this is the worst fried chicken I’ve ever seen”.However, he retained the rights to the Canadian operation"
Catholic Brexiteer 🇬🇧 on Twitter - "I want to know why on practicality every British TV advert we have a Mixed race family ? What is all this propaganda about ITV Channel 4 Channel 5. This is pure anti whiteism against the British population and insults intelligence. This is NOT a racist tweet just a question?"
"It’s not even subtle, as you say just about every advert now features a mixed race family, even television, historical dramas now recasting traditional characters as mix race or even a different race altogether to the traditional white character it always has been."
"Have you noticed how many adverts have same sex individuals kissing one and other also? Absolutely no issue with this, but do we really need it pushed at us so directly? Mums and dads do still kiss...believe it or not."
"My mates little daughter actually asked if she had to marry a black man when she gets older.. well thats what she sees on tv. Ahhh...the power of tv"
"This doesn’t even reflect our society, the vast majority is white, heterosexual, British...."
Segments of Random Thoughts - Posts - "This is a fair and valid question. Why are so many TV ads showing mixed race families when I see so few mixed race families and couples? They aren't doing this in Africa or India or China. So why in the UK and US?"
So much for having a responsibility to portray reality
KFC's BBQ Bacon Stacker Ad (Free Speech Version) - YouTube - "KFC Australia chickened out and banned commentary on their entire channel, partially due to an overwhelmingly negative reception to this ad."
The ad seems to have been removed. But it makes no sense and has no link to KFC
KFC Australia Ad Openly Promotes Cuckoldry - "out of the 46,432 people who viewed the ad (as of the writing of this article) only 190 of them gave it a thumbs up.In other words, 32% of everyone who viewed the trailer gave it a thumbs down.That’s a fairly significant ratio for the YouTube metrics between views and ratings.KFC also didn’t want to see any kind of dissension against their agenda, so they disabled comments to prevent people from speaking out against their propaganda."
It didn't strike me as cuckoldry at first but I can see how that's one interpretation
Richard Houck, "The War Against Whites in Advertising" - "I wondered if the purpose of “diverse” advertising was to sell more products, or really to indoctrinate, to condition, and signal how “progressive” they are... I thought about the probability that two of the three advertisement couples I saw in the mall that afternoon were there by mere coincidence. Between men and women, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and “other,” there are 25 possible combinations of couples. Twenty of which are interracial... If the “diversity” in advertising was truly about appealing to the greatest number of customers or potential customers, showing white women with black men at such a high level, seems to be a very odd strategy. To focus so much on one combination, while ignoring so many others – there simply must be some other goal beyond selling merchandise... Pew Research 2012 conducted a large study of interracial marriage that provides a considerable amount of data. Since 1980, the total percent of interracial marriages has risen from 3.2% to 8.4%. Of new marriages, the rate rose from 6.7% to 15.1%. In 2010 the most common intermarriage was white/Hispanic, at 43.3%, other mixed at 30.4%, white/Asian at 14.4% and white/black, the least common, at 11.9%. Not all interracial relationships, of course, are marriages, but we can use the marriage data to reasonably extrapolate the information to the wider society and relationships... A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line. A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence"
The author claims all races other than whites have higher STD rates, but he ignores Asians
*interracial kiss*
Testosterone and Civilization - Posts - "Women have to deal with cramps, but what do men have to deal with?"
Protest Therapist on Twitter - "Too many aspiring white allies think racial justice is about diversity, "inclusion", and multiculturalism. No, no, no, sweetie. This is about overthrowing power that benefits you disproportionately, often exclusively. Are you ready to sacrifice access, entitlement, innocence?"
Since he admits social justice is not really about social justice...
Occupy Democrats Logic - Posts - "This week I have nine (9) trainings-presentations for school assistant principals and school principals. My trainings-presentations include a request that most books used in schools be burned. Stop using white history, white mathematics, and white science as the foundation."
Addendum: Unsurprisingly, this post got zucced. Mirror: James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook
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