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Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to make China look alright: false equivalences

A: Congratulations US! We have surpassed China in our total number of cases! Are you sick of winning yet? 😂 Coronavirus Update (Live): 664,590 Cases and 30,890 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

Me: China is faking their numbers though

A: Both sides have lower numbers than their reality. I am living in Washington state, one of the epicenters in the US and it is still hard to get a test kit even if you show mild symptoms.

So you can be infected and contagious but yet not show up in official figures.

Me: Not the same as actively faking

A: No you don't have to actively fake. You can't get a test kit in Washington state even with a mild fever.

Me: You don't think there's a difference between being unable to test people and making up data?

A: Do you think 1 side is any more honest than the other? Seriously? There is really a white vs black in your political view of the world? If so, then you have probably been brainwashed to believe that one side is always better than the other. 😂

Me: Nope. I look at facts

China’s Coronavirus Figures Don’t Add Up. ‘This Never Happens With Real Data.’ - Barron's

"A statistical analysis of China’s coronavirus casualty data shows a near-perfect prediction model that data analysts say isn’t likely to naturally occur, casting doubt over the reliability of the numbers being reported to the World Health Organization."

Please tell China that they have been brainwashed too

Here’s why it matters that China is admitting that its statistics are ‘unreliable’ - The Washington Post

"The Chinese government itself has just publicly acknowledged that its statistics aren’t always reliable. And it has done so not just in English but in Chinese."

Some Recovered Coronavirus Patients In Wuhan Are Testing Positive Again : Goats and Soda : NPR

"Under its newest COVID-19 prevention guidelines, China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who re-test positive after being released from medical care. China also does not include asymptomatic cases in case counts."

A: That doesn't imply US numbers are therefore accurate either. Coronavirus: Doctors At Hospitals Say COVID-19 Death Numbers Aren’t Consistent

Reasons to trust China's coronavirus numbers and reports - Business Insider

How Many Americans Really Have the Coronavirus? - The Atlantic

Me: "You don't think there's a difference between being unable to test people and making up data?"

A: I think BOTH sides are as liable to make up data. Why would you think Chinese people are less trustworthy than Americans? Because the western media told you so? 😂

Me: I have posted the explanations. I can explain things to you. I can't understand them for you.

A: I have also posted my explanations that countered yours.

No wonder Singaporeans have a reputation, among Malaysians and Indonesians, even among Vietnamese Americans, as being overly obsequious to white people. 🤣

Me (to someone else since A: is an idiot): wuhan's medical system collapsed
They did lock down drastically. Outside Hubei damage was limited

A: There are just too many propaganda in western media right now against China.

I trust people who are actually in China to report what they see around them and discovered that there were really western propaganda that seeks to foment hatred against China through lies and disinformation.

What Was Lockdown Like In China? Daniel Dumbrill - YouTube

Again, the trusting old Singaporean! If it appears in CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News, it must be accurate! After all, they have no incentive to lie to us, right? 😂

Me: From people who were in wuhan

‘They’re chasing me’: the journalist who wouldn’t stay quiet on Covid-19 | World news | The Guardian

"Li Zehua, 25, a citizen journalist in Wuhan, is being chased. Wearing a facemask underneath a baseball cap, he quickly records a video while driving. “I’m on the road and someone, I don’t know, state security, has started chasing me,” he says breathlessly. “I’m driving very fast. Help me.”
Later, Li posts a live stream of himself in an apartment, waiting for those same agents to knock on his door, probably to detain him"

Coronavirus: journalist missing in Wuhan as anger towards Chinese authorities grows | World news | The Guardian

"In a video posted on 30 January, Chen described visiting hospitals full of sick patients, most of them on oxygen tanks and many of them laying in the corridor. The video includes footage of a woman with her arm wrapped around a recently deceased man in a wheelchair as she tries to call someone to take him away.

“I am afraid. In front of me is disease. Behind me is China’s legal and administrative power. But as long as I am alive I will speak about what I have seen and what I have heard. I am not afraid of dying. Why should I be afraid of you, Communist Party?”"

A: The Guardian is a UK based news outlet that is always against China! 😂

Me: If xi jinping says the capital of China is Beijing and the Guardian quotes him saying that, that means Beijing isn't the capital

Coronavirus: stranded in Wuhan, the people who just want to go home | South China Morning Post

Ah damn it. The South China morning Post has been corrupted by the cia. Time to purge the staff and send them to re-education camps

A: The Iraqi WMDs are irrefutable? 😂

Irrefutable - The Washington Post

As usual, anything that makes China look good is reliable and true, and anything that makes China look bad is unreliable, fake news and a Western conspiracy to put China down.

Given the number of Singaporean Chinese who are China shills, I have concerns if China ever attacks Singapore - there will be a ready fifth column.
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