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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Links - 18th April 2020 (1)

Foreign doctors are revealed to be behind 60% of all sex assaults on patients - "Foreign-trained doctors commit six in ten cases of sexual misconduct with patients, even though they make up only a third of NHS medics... The alarming statistics have emerged just as the NHS has introduced targets to reduce the numbers of black and ethnic minority staff – almost two-thirds of whom trained abroad – being hauled before disciplinary hearings.Britain’s 95,000 doctors from black and minority ethnic backgrounds (BME) are more than twice as likely to be referred to the GMC as their white colleagues. There is a similar pattern with other staff such as nurses. NHS chief people officer Prerana Issar, who recently joined from the United Nations, wrote: ‘It is not acceptable that if you come from some backgrounds, you are more likely to enter the formal disciplinary process, stay in it longer and have more career-limiting outcomes. We must change this and quickly.’"
Of course, if men are found to be more likely to be disciplined than women, this won't be deemed a problem

Gingerswappingresponse - Posts - "How women act in bikinis vs lingerie. So weird lol."

Poppy Corby-Tuech interview - The Harlots actress you need to know about - ""One in five women in 1763 worked in the sex industry and that's something that historically has been cast aside. The politics and the cultural ramifications of that statistic are huge; they shaped Georgian society economically, morally and architecturally. The currency of sex was important because it gave women, often the poor and disadvantaged, a chance to gain a social status and an income independently from a man.""

Funding for women’s group under review after call for ban on man-woman relationships - "The Quebec government says it will re-evaluate the $120,000 annual public funding it gives to the province’s biggest women’s federation after its president suggested that heterosexual relationships should be banned... she said heterosexual relationships were violent, mostly based on religion and possibly should be banned... The women’s group president has attracted attention in the past for other provocative musings. She suggested last June the state should make vasectomies obligatory for men as soon as they reach 18 years old... The recent positions of the federation under Bouchard have reflected divisions in the province’s women’s movement. Bouchard has taken the group in a more radical direction, and alienated certain feminists who have publicly declared the organization no longer spoke for them."
This is what a feminist looks like

saira rao on Twitter - "Reminder that private messages of support is another form of white supremacy. Make it public or keep it to yourself."
"There’s no way she is not a parody account. She’s out-parodying Titania McGrath"
Naturally, there're still supportive replies

A fifth of Brits under 30 has NEVER had a full English breakfast – and probably never will - "The survey of 2,000 Brits aged 18 to 30 found that black pudding was the main turn-off for 27 per of them, followed by bacon for 24 per cent.The same proportion believe fry-ups are too greasy while 20 per cent associate the meal with heart attacks.Forty-two per cent said it reminded them of men wearing vests in transport cafes.A full English conjures up images of Brits abroad for 30 per cent, with 29 per cent cringing when they see holidaymakers tucking into a cooked breakfast.Seventy-one per cent prefer healthier smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, smashed avocado on toast or oatmeal pancakes...
BRIT kids’ diets are getting healthier, with their favourite snacks now apples (52 per cent), grapes (50 per cent) and strawberries (48 per cent), Kellogg’s research suggests."

Pool of Arches – Ramla, Israel - "The Pool of Arches (also called the Pool of St. Helena and the Pool of Goats) was originally built as an underground reservoir in 789 to supply water to the residents of Ramla. According to Christian tradition, St. Helena ordered its construction. And its other name, Pool of Goats, is also fitting, as the four-legged beasts used the cistern in the past."

Shengwu Li - "I have an announcement to make regarding the Singapore state’s prosecution against me. As you may remember, in 2017, during the events widely known as ‘Oxleygate’, my uncle Lee Hsien Loong was accused by his siblings of abusing state power to bully them and to subvert his own father’s dying wish. Shortly after, the Singapore Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) started prosecuting me for allegedly “scandalising the judiciary” in a private Facebook post. This prosecution has continued for years, and during that time the AGC has submitted thousands of pages of legal documents over one paragraph on social media. Recently, the AGC applied to strike out parts of my own defense affidavit, with the result that they will not be considered at the trial. Moreover, they demanded that these parts be sealed in the court record, so that the public cannot know what the removed parts contain. This is not an isolated incident, but part of a broader pattern of unusual conduct by the AGC. For instance, when arguing jurisdiction in the court of appeals, the AGC argued that a new piece of legislation should be retroactively applied against me. The court saw it as unfair for the new legislation to apply retrospectively. In light of these events, I have decided that I will not continue to participate in the proceedings against me. I will not dignify the AGC’s conduct by my participation. I will continue to be active on Facebook, and will continue to regard my friends-only Facebook posts as private. However, I have removed my cousin Li Hongyi from my Facebook friends list."

Shengwu Li - "The AGC has made a new press release that contains more allegations against me. These are, as usual, false and spurious.The AGC demands that I give them the identities of my Facebook friends. My position is this: Who my friends are is none of their business. My friends have a moral right to privacy."

Left Claims Women Are Essential To Business But Optional To Families - "Democratic Sen. Jamie Pedersen, sponsor of both the 2018 and 2020 versions of SB 6037, stated in a 2018 Senate hearing that referencing mothers and fathers in parenthood laws was “unconstitutional.” The SB 6037 circa 2018 not only rendered parenthood sex-neutral, it legalized commercial surrogacy and endorsed the dangerous precedent of parenthood based on “intent” — a.k.a., awarding children to whichever adults have the money to acquire them.The justification for such a radical makeover? The national legalization of gay marriage, proving once again that redefining marriage redefines parenthood... SB 6037 of 2020 insists the female perspective is critical to corporations. SB 6037 of 2018 insists the female perspective is optional for children... Many early childhood educators lament the disproportionate female-to-male teacher ratio, about nine-to-one, in elementary schools, arguing that children, especially those reared by single mothers, would greatly benefit from male teachers as role models. According to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, “[H]alf of the countries of the world today use some type of electoral quota for their parliament.” And hell will be paid if there are no female nominees for Best Director at the Oscars. So it seems sex matters to the left in the institutions of justice, education, business, government, and entertainment"

Increasingly Secular Nation Replaces Outdated Religious Ideas With End Times Prophecies, Moral Judgments | The Babylon Bee - "Lady Gaga pronounced Mike Pence's Christianity as lacking morality, a claim immediately praised by the same people who agree that morality is relative and that you can't judge people based on who they are or what they do."

Śmigus-Dyngus: Poland's National Water Fight Day - "on Easter Monday, boys in the countryside would be allowed to drench girls with water and smack them with branches of pussy willow. Although it sounds terrible, it was usually meant as a way to show their affection (and likely resulted in some marriages later on)... Today, as a the hybrid Śmigus-Dyngus, this relatively harmless set of rituals has turned into a full-blown national water fight. It no longer only involves just young boys and girls. It can involve anyone. That’s right – you may be just an innocent passer-by, but you, too, could be soaked from head to toe. Śmigus-Dyngus has become a free-for-all: water guns, water bottles, water balloons from above – you never know where the water is going to come from! In some cases, even fire trucks have been known to join in the festivities."

110 km/h coming to 3 Ontario highways starting September - "Right now, the 400-series highways, including Hwy. 401, 402, 403 and 417, as well as the Queen Elizabeth Way, have posted limits of 100 km/h. Other provincial highways range between 80 and 90 km/h.Speed limits haven't been reviewed in the province since the 1970s. They used to be about 110 km/h but were lowered in 1975 because of the oil crisis.Yurek points out six other provinces in Canada that have posted speed limits of 110 km/h on certain highways... other experts argue that 110 km/h is already the speed most cars travel on 400-series highways, especially in the Greater Toronto Area"

Opinion: Want to end congestion? Put a price on our roads - "The irony of building more roads is that much of the time most of our roads are underused – we all try to use them at the same time and they get jammed up. Road pricing distributes our use of those same roads, thereby shifting more movement to times when roads are currently underutilized, or to more efficient modes, such as walking, cycling and transit.London famously became a leader in urban road pricing nearly two decades ago, when it began charging drivers to enter the city core between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays. The results transformed the city: Congestion was reduced by 30 per cent, crashes decreased by 28 per cent, emissions went down by 12 per cent and more than $4-billion was raised in the first 10 years, much of it reinvested into public-transit expansion. Singapore and Stockholm have seen similarly impressive results from their own congestion-pricing schemes... Road pricing is rarely popular prior to its implementation. It takes political will and guts to get it done, to convince a skeptical public that they will be better off paying for something they currently perceive to be free. In Stockholm, a doubting public quickly grew to support road pricing once they saw and experienced the benefits in their city, including a 20-per-cent drop in people driving into the core during peak periods and significantly reduced commute times... Of the trips accounting for the reduction in traffic in London’s congestion zone, 50 per cent to 60 per cent was attributed to people choosing to take public transit, 20 per cent to 30 per cent to people choosing to avoid the zone, 15 per cent to 25 per cent to people choosing to switch to car-share and the remainder to people choosing other forms of transportation... how does all of this translate into the Canadian context? In many areas across the country disincentives to driving, such as tolls or taxes, are hard to imagine since many drivers are starved for reasonable alternatives; in Canadian cities, drivers are often relatively price inelastic not because driving is their first choice, but because it is their only choice... governmental budgeting is a closed-loop system: A few hundred million dollars spent on widening a road that will be full in a few years is a few hundred million dollars that won’t be spent on transit expansion that could induce people to get out of their cars. The opportunity cost of wasting vast sums of money on a project that won’t do anything to solve congestion is the underinvestment in solutions that are proven to alleviate it. In places where it has been implemented, revenue from road pricing has been reinvested into better public-transit options, even in cities such as London and Stockholm, which already have much more extensive transit infrastructure than most Canadian cities do"

The meat-free mob, ill informed masses - "It takes less water to grow a cow than to grow an almond tree.It takes less water to produce a cow than a kilo of chocolate.It takes less water to produce a cow than a vineyard of grapes. 85% of the land used for grazing cattle cannot be used to grow crops... While we are on the subject of appropriate land use, is it ok to have 2 million acres of land used just for parking spaces in the US?Is it ok to have millions of acres dedicated to growing grapes for wine, cocoa for chocolate or sugar cane for example? Humans can survive perfectly well without wine, chocolate or processed sugar, so if land use is based on need and we apparently don’t need to eat meat, we sure as shit don’t need wine, cocoa, sugar, palm oil, and the thousands of other things that have zero nutritional value. Cows eat forage.Forage is grass, hay, silage, or some form of plant matter fresher, ensiled or dried.Forage constitutes nearly 90% of virtually all cattle diets…for some cattle its 100%.The other 10-13% of feed is made up of human inedible grains, byproducts, stale human food (sweets, cake, bread, etc) and a minuscule percentage of direct grown feed. No ones gives a monkey’s fart about the vast acreage dedicated to golf courses, football fields, graveyards or Disneyland and its ilk, but grow a few grains and pulse crops as feed for cattle and the ill informed masses lose their shit."

Teenager Who Looked Like A 'Grandmother' Given 'New Face' - "Xiao Feng, 15, from Liaoning's Heishan County, China, suffers from Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome, one of the symptoms of which is premature aging."
Sadly the article doesn't say if she'll need another operation in a few years
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