Saturday, February 08, 2020
Links - 8th February 2020 (2) (Jeffrey Epstein)
God Emperor Trump - Posts - "Google autocomplete results: jeffrey epstein
jeffrey epstein news
jeffrey epstein net worth
jeffrey epstein net worth 2018
jeffrey epstein friends
jeffrey epstein house
jeffrey epstein politics
jeffrey epstein flight logs
jeffrey epstein net worth 2019
jeffrey epstein 2019
Duckduckgo autocomplete results: jeffrey epstein arrested
jeffrey epstein
jeffrey epstein and donald trump
jeffrey epstein's Island of little girls
jeffrey epstein bill clinton rumors
jeffrey epstein net worth
jeffrey epstein wife
jeffrey epstein girls"
"Who are they protecting?"
Wikipedia Editors Battle to Hide Bill Clinton’s Link to Jeffrey Epstein - "Clinton flew on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ private jet at least 26 times and this was reported by multiple media outlets in 2016.However, any reference to this on Epstein’s Wikipedia page disappeared for a time yesterday before being added back in.The current Wikipedia page for Epstein does mention his link to Clinton but devotes more words to the billionaire’s ties to Donald Trump, which were less direct... it fails to mention that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago as soon as he discovered Epstein had hit on a young girl.The page also fails to mention the assertion of lawyer Bradley Edwards, who represented one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and said President Trump was the “only” high powered person to help him with his investigation.This entire farce once again underscores how Wikipedia is no longer an impartial repository of knowledge but yet another partisan tool which is being manipulated to obscure and dictate reality."
‘Reputation managers’ get to work scrubbing Clinton-Epstein connection from Wikipedia - "The fact that Clinton had flown on the jet 26 times, despite being well-sourced and not in dispute, was “not relevant to [Epstein’s] personal life,” editor ‘Joeblacko’ complained, calling it “a smear toward bill Clinton.”... Google was accused of undertaking its own information warfare on Clinton’s behalf, tweaking its inscrutable algorithm to return photos of Epstein with President Donald Trump when users searched “Jeffrey Epstein Bill Clinton.”... Google’s search-tweaking shenanigans are legendary and were confirmed in a video released by Project Veritas last month, which claimed Google’s “Machine Learning Fairness” algorithm was responsible. The algorithm is reportedly designed to replace results that are “factually accurate” but “unjust or prejudicial” – like an image search for CEOs that returns primarily men – with Google’s ideal reality."
FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died: source - "Two cameras that malfunctioned outside the jail cell where financier Jeffrey Epstein died as he awaited trial on sex-trafficking charges have been sent to an FBI crime lab for examination... Epstein’s lawyers Reid Weingarten and Martin Weinberg told U.S. District Judge Richard Berman in Manhattan on Tuesday they had doubts about the New York City chief medical examiner’s conclusion that their client killed himself.The two cameras were within view of the Manhattan jail cell where he was found dead on Aug. 10. A source earlier told Reuters two jail guards failed to follow a procedure overnight to make separate checks on all prisoners every 30 minutes."
One thing interesting about this case was seeing that some people hate "pedos" more than they hate elites - there was a contingent that cheered his death, even though that severely complicates investigations about the elites the same people presumably hate too - but not as much as they hate "pedos"
Jeffrey Epstein told guards that someone tried to KILL HIM weeks before he hanged himself - "According to the documents, Giuffre claimed she also had sex with Epstein's friend Prince Andrew on multiple occasions, including once in London when she was 17 years of age"
Epstein Had Multiple Broken Bones In Neck, Common In Homicide By Strangulation, Experts Say - "The revelation about the broken bones that were found in Epstein's neck followed the revelation on Tuesday night that the two guards who were supposed to be monitoring him fell asleep for three hours and allegedly falsified prison records to cover up their actions... varying studies those who have committed suicide have found that 6-25% of them break the hyoid bone, which is one of the broken bones found in Epstein's neck. Epstein's suicide came after the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) unsealed more than 2,000 documents in the case on Friday, including affidavits and depositions of key witnesses in a lawsuit against Epstein and socialite Ghislane Maxwell.Included in the released documents were multiple high-profile people who are accused of engaging in sex with a woman who claims that she was forced to work for Epstein.Among those accused by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, 33, are "prominent Democratic politicians — former Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet official Bill Richardson""
WaPo's Carol Leonnig: ‘People Close to Epstein Fear He Was Murdered’
Jeffrey Epstein's last words before his jailhouse death - "Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.The convicted pedophile also told his lawyers that the neck injuries he suffered in an earlier incident at the Metropolitan Correctional Center were inflicted by his hulking, ex-cop cellmate, which led the lawyers to request that he be taken off a suicide watch... "What he really wanted to do was get bail so he could cooperate""
Prison experts are stunned and angry that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off suicide watch - ""For them to pull him off suicide watch is shocking,” Cameron Lindsay, a former warden who worked at three federal facilities, told NBC News. “For someone this high-profile, with these allegations and this many victims, who has had a suicide attempt in the last few weeks, you can take absolutely no chances.”... Bob Hood, a former federal Bureau of Prisons chief of internal affairs and former warden at the ADX Florence "supermax" prison in Colorado, said he also was perplexed by the decision to remove the suicide safeguards.“Under the circumstances, I would have a staff member sitting there or have a camera on him 24/7 while he was in my custody, purely to cover my butt,” Hood said. “I know that sounds tacky, but this is not your average inmate.”"
Jeffrey Epstein’s Bodyguard, Igor Zinoviev, on His Old Boss - "Q: One thing you told me, for instance — okay, one thing you told me is he got a heads up when the authorities were going to come to his house the night before.
A: Listen, what you say is between you and me —
Q: You told me he would get phone calls the night before and eight o’clock the police are going to come. He would get a heads up from local police.
A: [Silence.]
Q: You told me that, Igor. Want me to read the quote?
A: Well, you can read whatever you want right now. Don’t just — you can put yourself in big trouble.
Q: You said: “He always do something wrong. There was some nights in question. There was at home arrest and police, before they come to the house, they call him and tell him they coming in at eight o’clock in the morning. It’s all corruption you know. It’s all bullshit.”
A: Listen, don’t put yourself in trouble. Seriously...
Q: I’m telling you to give you a chance to remember because we talked about this stuff. I know it’s hard. I don’t know what you mean about “put myself in trouble.”
A: Let that go. Seriously. Let that go.
Q: Why is it so important? Are you worried about the local cops?
A: Listen, you’re really smart and I’m not going to offer that over the phone right now, okay? You’re really smart. You have no idea. Please!
Q: What do you mean by that?
A: I can’t explain you. I can’t explain you over the phone any of this...
Q: I totally understand that you think he could have had help committing suicide.
A: First of all, I have to go right now. I have another client.
Q: Still training people?
A: Yes. But just be careful. I’m not kidding...
Q: Have you been talking to anyone in the government, the FBI? Have they come to you?
A: [Long pause] Um. Great talking to you. Seriously. We talk later."
Jeffrey Epstein Had Painting of Bill Clinton in a Blue Dress - "The painting — which features Clinton lounging in red heels over a chair in the Oval Office — was “hanging up there prominently as soon as you walked in in a room to the right,” the source said. “Everybody who saw it laughed and smirked.”"
What Censorship? Twitter Removes #ClintonBodyCount with 84,000 Mentions from Trending List After Epstein Death - Replaces with Trump, Barr Hashtags - "Trump Body Count… That makes no sense — was still up despite having less than a third number of mentions as the Clinton hashtag."
Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, Dr. Michael Baden reveals - "He noted that the 66-year-old Epstein had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple... “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case""
Jeffrey Epstein: ABC stopped report 'amid Palace threats' - "Leaked footage shows a US TV anchor complaining that editors "quashed" a story about paedophile Jeffrey Epstein due to pressure from the Royal Family.ABC's Amy Robach is seen in the clip griping that her interview with an alleged victim of Epstein and Prince Andrew never made it to air."The Palace found out and threatened us a million different ways""
Jeffrey Epstein, Amy Robach & Project Veritas -- ABC’s Excuse for Failing to Report Makes No Sense - "We certainly know that ABC didn’t need “everything” — or much of anything, for that matter – when it was running scores of pieces online and on television, highlighting every risible accusation against then–Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I’m not even talking about the prime accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, whose allegations still haven’t been corroborated, but rather about someone such as Julie Swetnick, who was all over the ABC News at the height of the confirmation battle. Swetnick accused Kavanaugh not only of sexual assault but also of being present at parties where women were being drugged and “gang raped.” She wasn’t even remotely credible... Paired with NBC News’ burying of the Harvey Weinstein story, we now have evidence of two major media institutions protecting serial abusers"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "1 ABC spikes story on Epstein
2 ABC goes apeshit when video leaks of reporter griping about it
3 ABC hunts down suspected video leaker, now at CBS
4 CBS fires "leaker"
5 she wasn't the leaker
6 media, everywhere: *crickets*"
Can't Dump the Trump on Twitter - "Hey feminists! An brave woman just got fired because she tried to protect girls from sexual abuse by a real-life patriarchy! Get marching, protect her! If you fail, you serve the patriarchy. CBS News fires staffer who had access to leaked Amy Robach"
ABC News airs Kentucky gun range video as Syria bombing footage - "ABC News apologized Monday after airing a video that it originally purported to be a depiction of a Turkish attack in northern Syria against Kurdish civilians after some raised concerns about its similarity to a 2017 video of a Kentucky military gun show"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "That Epstein killed himself isn’t news. He was one of several prisoners who commit divide every week in our nations jails and prisons. In Rikers, a man committed suicide with cameras running and guards watching. Like Epstein’s detention facility, Rikers has a long history of being a poorly-run facility."
Barr Says Epstein's Suicide Resulted From 'Perfect Storm of Screw-Ups' - "Attorney General William Barr said in an interview published Friday that the death of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, in a secure federal prison resulted from “a perfect storm of screw-ups,” rather than any nefarious act.Barr’s statement refuted suggestions from members of Epstein’s family that he may have been murdered. His remarks came the same week that two prison guards were criminally charged, accused in an indictment of failing to check on Epstein every half-hour as they were required to and then lying about it on prison logs.“I can understand people who immediately — whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario, because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups”... Barr said that he, too, was initially suspicious. How could someone who had been on suicide watch kill himself in one of the most secure jails in the U.S.? In the interview, he said that his concerns were sparked by the number of irregularities at the jail, the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where Epstein was being held awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges. But investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general have put to rest those suspicions, proving Epstein’s death was a suicide, Barr said. He said that he personally reviewed security camera footage showing that no one entered the area where Epstein was housed on the night he died... Typically people at risk of suicide are not housed alone... Federal prosecutors accused the guards of shopping online, browsing the internet and sleeping while they should have been conducting regular checks of Epstein’s cell... The report cited multiple problems in the federal prison system, including faulty security camera systems, poor inmate monitoring and insufficient staffing. Suicide rates nearly doubled between the 2016 fiscal year and the 2018 fiscal year"
Surveillance footage outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during suicide attempt is missing - "Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold, during a hearing in White Plains District Court, admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione. Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad... Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s attempted suicide on July 23, Barket said... The video footage was relevant to Tartaglione’s defense because it is potentially evidence of the ex-cop’s good character. In the event Tartaglione is found guilty and reaches the death penalty phase, the Epstein incident could possibly be evidence showing why he doesn’t deserve to die."
A series of unfortunate events, apparently
Jeffrey Epstein suicide bid jail video was deleted - "Surveillance video footage from outside the jail cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first reported suicide attempt in July has been inadvertently deleted, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.Prosecutors, in a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said the video was deleted as the result of a jailhouse computer error about the location of Epstein’s cellmate at the time Epstein tried to kill himself.A lawyer for Epstein’s former cellmate said that it was “deeply troubling” to learn that the footage no longer exists... Barket, complained in December that he had been told the video was missing. Barket wanted the video as possible evidence in the event that Tartaglione is convicted and faces a possible death sentence. Video of him saving Epstein could help an argument that he should be spared execution.A day after Barket complained about the missing video, prosecutors from the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said that the footage had been found by MCC staff.But in their court filing Thursday, prosecutors said that in reviewing the video last week, they realized that the footage, while being from the correct date and time period, “captured a different tier than the one where” Epstein and Tartaglione’s cell was located.The video that was preserved showed “a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione” — which the MCC computer system had mistakenly listed as being occupied by Tartaglione, prosecutors wrote.The filing says that when Barket first request the video in July, a lawyer for MCC “looked up [Tartaglione’s] cell number in the MCC computer system and thereafter requested that MCC staff preserve video from outside of that cell for the requested time period.”... Prosecutors also said that although there was a “backup system in place that housed all video for the Special Housing Unit” where Epstein was being held, “including the video requested by” Barket, the FBI has found that the “requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors.” In a statement to CNBC on Thursday, Barket said, “The various and inconsistent accounts of what happened to that video are deeply troubling”"
jeffrey epstein news
jeffrey epstein net worth
jeffrey epstein net worth 2018
jeffrey epstein friends
jeffrey epstein house
jeffrey epstein politics
jeffrey epstein flight logs
jeffrey epstein net worth 2019
jeffrey epstein 2019
Duckduckgo autocomplete results: jeffrey epstein arrested
jeffrey epstein
jeffrey epstein and donald trump
jeffrey epstein's Island of little girls
jeffrey epstein bill clinton rumors
jeffrey epstein net worth
jeffrey epstein wife
jeffrey epstein girls"
"Who are they protecting?"
Wikipedia Editors Battle to Hide Bill Clinton’s Link to Jeffrey Epstein - "Clinton flew on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ private jet at least 26 times and this was reported by multiple media outlets in 2016.However, any reference to this on Epstein’s Wikipedia page disappeared for a time yesterday before being added back in.The current Wikipedia page for Epstein does mention his link to Clinton but devotes more words to the billionaire’s ties to Donald Trump, which were less direct... it fails to mention that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago as soon as he discovered Epstein had hit on a young girl.The page also fails to mention the assertion of lawyer Bradley Edwards, who represented one of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and said President Trump was the “only” high powered person to help him with his investigation.This entire farce once again underscores how Wikipedia is no longer an impartial repository of knowledge but yet another partisan tool which is being manipulated to obscure and dictate reality."
‘Reputation managers’ get to work scrubbing Clinton-Epstein connection from Wikipedia - "The fact that Clinton had flown on the jet 26 times, despite being well-sourced and not in dispute, was “not relevant to [Epstein’s] personal life,” editor ‘Joeblacko’ complained, calling it “a smear toward bill Clinton.”... Google was accused of undertaking its own information warfare on Clinton’s behalf, tweaking its inscrutable algorithm to return photos of Epstein with President Donald Trump when users searched “Jeffrey Epstein Bill Clinton.”... Google’s search-tweaking shenanigans are legendary and were confirmed in a video released by Project Veritas last month, which claimed Google’s “Machine Learning Fairness” algorithm was responsible. The algorithm is reportedly designed to replace results that are “factually accurate” but “unjust or prejudicial” – like an image search for CEOs that returns primarily men – with Google’s ideal reality."
FBI studies two broken cameras outside cell where Epstein died: source - "Two cameras that malfunctioned outside the jail cell where financier Jeffrey Epstein died as he awaited trial on sex-trafficking charges have been sent to an FBI crime lab for examination... Epstein’s lawyers Reid Weingarten and Martin Weinberg told U.S. District Judge Richard Berman in Manhattan on Tuesday they had doubts about the New York City chief medical examiner’s conclusion that their client killed himself.The two cameras were within view of the Manhattan jail cell where he was found dead on Aug. 10. A source earlier told Reuters two jail guards failed to follow a procedure overnight to make separate checks on all prisoners every 30 minutes."
One thing interesting about this case was seeing that some people hate "pedos" more than they hate elites - there was a contingent that cheered his death, even though that severely complicates investigations about the elites the same people presumably hate too - but not as much as they hate "pedos"
Jeffrey Epstein told guards that someone tried to KILL HIM weeks before he hanged himself - "According to the documents, Giuffre claimed she also had sex with Epstein's friend Prince Andrew on multiple occasions, including once in London when she was 17 years of age"
Epstein Had Multiple Broken Bones In Neck, Common In Homicide By Strangulation, Experts Say - "The revelation about the broken bones that were found in Epstein's neck followed the revelation on Tuesday night that the two guards who were supposed to be monitoring him fell asleep for three hours and allegedly falsified prison records to cover up their actions... varying studies those who have committed suicide have found that 6-25% of them break the hyoid bone, which is one of the broken bones found in Epstein's neck. Epstein's suicide came after the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) unsealed more than 2,000 documents in the case on Friday, including affidavits and depositions of key witnesses in a lawsuit against Epstein and socialite Ghislane Maxwell.Included in the released documents were multiple high-profile people who are accused of engaging in sex with a woman who claims that she was forced to work for Epstein.Among those accused by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, 33, are "prominent Democratic politicians — former Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet official Bill Richardson""
WaPo's Carol Leonnig: ‘People Close to Epstein Fear He Was Murdered’
Jeffrey Epstein's last words before his jailhouse death - "Jeffrey Epstein was confident he could fight the child sex trafficking charges against him and was in “great spirits” just hours before his jailhouse death on Saturday morning — even telling one of his lawyers, “I’ll see you Sunday,” The Post has learned.The convicted pedophile also told his lawyers that the neck injuries he suffered in an earlier incident at the Metropolitan Correctional Center were inflicted by his hulking, ex-cop cellmate, which led the lawyers to request that he be taken off a suicide watch... "What he really wanted to do was get bail so he could cooperate""
Prison experts are stunned and angry that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off suicide watch - ""For them to pull him off suicide watch is shocking,” Cameron Lindsay, a former warden who worked at three federal facilities, told NBC News. “For someone this high-profile, with these allegations and this many victims, who has had a suicide attempt in the last few weeks, you can take absolutely no chances.”... Bob Hood, a former federal Bureau of Prisons chief of internal affairs and former warden at the ADX Florence "supermax" prison in Colorado, said he also was perplexed by the decision to remove the suicide safeguards.“Under the circumstances, I would have a staff member sitting there or have a camera on him 24/7 while he was in my custody, purely to cover my butt,” Hood said. “I know that sounds tacky, but this is not your average inmate.”"
Jeffrey Epstein’s Bodyguard, Igor Zinoviev, on His Old Boss - "Q: One thing you told me, for instance — okay, one thing you told me is he got a heads up when the authorities were going to come to his house the night before.
A: Listen, what you say is between you and me —
Q: You told me he would get phone calls the night before and eight o’clock the police are going to come. He would get a heads up from local police.
A: [Silence.]
Q: You told me that, Igor. Want me to read the quote?
A: Well, you can read whatever you want right now. Don’t just — you can put yourself in big trouble.
Q: You said: “He always do something wrong. There was some nights in question. There was at home arrest and police, before they come to the house, they call him and tell him they coming in at eight o’clock in the morning. It’s all corruption you know. It’s all bullshit.”
A: Listen, don’t put yourself in trouble. Seriously...
Q: I’m telling you to give you a chance to remember because we talked about this stuff. I know it’s hard. I don’t know what you mean about “put myself in trouble.”
A: Let that go. Seriously. Let that go.
Q: Why is it so important? Are you worried about the local cops?
A: Listen, you’re really smart and I’m not going to offer that over the phone right now, okay? You’re really smart. You have no idea. Please!
Q: What do you mean by that?
A: I can’t explain you. I can’t explain you over the phone any of this...
Q: I totally understand that you think he could have had help committing suicide.
A: First of all, I have to go right now. I have another client.
Q: Still training people?
A: Yes. But just be careful. I’m not kidding...
Q: Have you been talking to anyone in the government, the FBI? Have they come to you?
A: [Long pause] Um. Great talking to you. Seriously. We talk later."
Jeffrey Epstein Had Painting of Bill Clinton in a Blue Dress - "The painting — which features Clinton lounging in red heels over a chair in the Oval Office — was “hanging up there prominently as soon as you walked in in a room to the right,” the source said. “Everybody who saw it laughed and smirked.”"
What Censorship? Twitter Removes #ClintonBodyCount with 84,000 Mentions from Trending List After Epstein Death - Replaces with Trump, Barr Hashtags - "Trump Body Count… That makes no sense — was still up despite having less than a third number of mentions as the Clinton hashtag."
Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, Dr. Michael Baden reveals - "He noted that the 66-year-old Epstein had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple... “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case""
Jeffrey Epstein: ABC stopped report 'amid Palace threats' - "Leaked footage shows a US TV anchor complaining that editors "quashed" a story about paedophile Jeffrey Epstein due to pressure from the Royal Family.ABC's Amy Robach is seen in the clip griping that her interview with an alleged victim of Epstein and Prince Andrew never made it to air."The Palace found out and threatened us a million different ways""
Jeffrey Epstein, Amy Robach & Project Veritas -- ABC’s Excuse for Failing to Report Makes No Sense - "We certainly know that ABC didn’t need “everything” — or much of anything, for that matter – when it was running scores of pieces online and on television, highlighting every risible accusation against then–Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I’m not even talking about the prime accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, whose allegations still haven’t been corroborated, but rather about someone such as Julie Swetnick, who was all over the ABC News at the height of the confirmation battle. Swetnick accused Kavanaugh not only of sexual assault but also of being present at parties where women were being drugged and “gang raped.” She wasn’t even remotely credible... Paired with NBC News’ burying of the Harvey Weinstein story, we now have evidence of two major media institutions protecting serial abusers"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "1 ABC spikes story on Epstein
2 ABC goes apeshit when video leaks of reporter griping about it
3 ABC hunts down suspected video leaker, now at CBS
4 CBS fires "leaker"
5 she wasn't the leaker
6 media, everywhere: *crickets*"
Can't Dump the Trump on Twitter - "Hey feminists! An brave woman just got fired because she tried to protect girls from sexual abuse by a real-life patriarchy! Get marching, protect her! If you fail, you serve the patriarchy. CBS News fires staffer who had access to leaked Amy Robach"
ABC News airs Kentucky gun range video as Syria bombing footage - "ABC News apologized Monday after airing a video that it originally purported to be a depiction of a Turkish attack in northern Syria against Kurdish civilians after some raised concerns about its similarity to a 2017 video of a Kentucky military gun show"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "That Epstein killed himself isn’t news. He was one of several prisoners who commit divide every week in our nations jails and prisons. In Rikers, a man committed suicide with cameras running and guards watching. Like Epstein’s detention facility, Rikers has a long history of being a poorly-run facility."
Barr Says Epstein's Suicide Resulted From 'Perfect Storm of Screw-Ups' - "Attorney General William Barr said in an interview published Friday that the death of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, in a secure federal prison resulted from “a perfect storm of screw-ups,” rather than any nefarious act.Barr’s statement refuted suggestions from members of Epstein’s family that he may have been murdered. His remarks came the same week that two prison guards were criminally charged, accused in an indictment of failing to check on Epstein every half-hour as they were required to and then lying about it on prison logs.“I can understand people who immediately — whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario, because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups”... Barr said that he, too, was initially suspicious. How could someone who had been on suicide watch kill himself in one of the most secure jails in the U.S.? In the interview, he said that his concerns were sparked by the number of irregularities at the jail, the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where Epstein was being held awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges. But investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general have put to rest those suspicions, proving Epstein’s death was a suicide, Barr said. He said that he personally reviewed security camera footage showing that no one entered the area where Epstein was housed on the night he died... Typically people at risk of suicide are not housed alone... Federal prosecutors accused the guards of shopping online, browsing the internet and sleeping while they should have been conducting regular checks of Epstein’s cell... The report cited multiple problems in the federal prison system, including faulty security camera systems, poor inmate monitoring and insufficient staffing. Suicide rates nearly doubled between the 2016 fiscal year and the 2018 fiscal year"
Surveillance footage outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during suicide attempt is missing - "Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold, during a hearing in White Plains District Court, admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione. Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad... Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s attempted suicide on July 23, Barket said... The video footage was relevant to Tartaglione’s defense because it is potentially evidence of the ex-cop’s good character. In the event Tartaglione is found guilty and reaches the death penalty phase, the Epstein incident could possibly be evidence showing why he doesn’t deserve to die."
A series of unfortunate events, apparently
Jeffrey Epstein suicide bid jail video was deleted - "Surveillance video footage from outside the jail cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first reported suicide attempt in July has been inadvertently deleted, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.Prosecutors, in a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said the video was deleted as the result of a jailhouse computer error about the location of Epstein’s cellmate at the time Epstein tried to kill himself.A lawyer for Epstein’s former cellmate said that it was “deeply troubling” to learn that the footage no longer exists... Barket, complained in December that he had been told the video was missing. Barket wanted the video as possible evidence in the event that Tartaglione is convicted and faces a possible death sentence. Video of him saving Epstein could help an argument that he should be spared execution.A day after Barket complained about the missing video, prosecutors from the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said that the footage had been found by MCC staff.But in their court filing Thursday, prosecutors said that in reviewing the video last week, they realized that the footage, while being from the correct date and time period, “captured a different tier than the one where” Epstein and Tartaglione’s cell was located.The video that was preserved showed “a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione” — which the MCC computer system had mistakenly listed as being occupied by Tartaglione, prosecutors wrote.The filing says that when Barket first request the video in July, a lawyer for MCC “looked up [Tartaglione’s] cell number in the MCC computer system and thereafter requested that MCC staff preserve video from outside of that cell for the requested time period.”... Prosecutors also said that although there was a “backup system in place that housed all video for the Special Housing Unit” where Epstein was being held, “including the video requested by” Barket, the FBI has found that the “requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors.” In a statement to CNBC on Thursday, Barket said, “The various and inconsistent accounts of what happened to that video are deeply troubling”"
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