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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Links - 13th February 2020 (1) (Trans Mania)

Minority of children with gender issues diagnosed with gender dysphoria, psychiatrist says - "MANY children and adolescents are identifying as transgender because they are confused about sexuality or think it will make them “different”.Psychiatrist Dr Stephen Stathis, who runs a gender clinic, said he had seen girls who had been sexually abused and wanted to identify as transgender. “The girls say, ‘If only I had been a male I wouldn’t have been abused’’’... only a minority would be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.Dr Stathis said by the time they reached puberty, most of those identify as their birth gender... He said he had seen a lot of adolescents “trying out being transgender” to stand out.“One said to me, ‘Dr Steve ... I want to be transgender, it’s the new black’,” he said.The psychiatrist has also seen transgender children so desperate to start puberty blockers then progress to irreversible hormone treatment they harm themselves.“I’ve seen genital mutilation, some who try to cut off their penis,’’ he said.‘‘The thought of touching their genitals is so abhorrent they don’t wash them and get infections.’’"

Jared Monroe on Twitter - "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN
IMO feminism has to be intersectional & trans-inclusive.  Who‘s with me?"

Human rights application launched against Windsor body waxing business by transgender woman - "the complainant alleges he advised that Mad Wax does not provide waxing services to men and that his ‘waxer’ is a Muslim woman who is not comfortable waxing male parts. Carruthers also indicated no other staffwere available to perform the request."

Need some advice (current FTM) : detrans - "I had quite a lot of other things going on in my life during freshman year too that probably muddied the waters for me (most notably my mother’s death), but either way I decided that I wanted to take on a new identity and start a happier life as a man. It was a good idea in theory and I still support myself in making myself into a better version of myself, but I’m getting to a place where I’m no longer sure of whether or not transitioning was a good idea.My self-confidence is terribly reliant on what others think of me and, for the last few months in particular, I have felt so ugly. I used to feel so beautiful and confident in my appearance, but now I just feel like a freak and a monster. I thought my scars would liberate me, but they just feel like... I lost something. My dating life has completely collapsed and I miss it. I miss feeling loved. It’s such a weird feeling to be only partially a man and only partially a woman too. Everybody only seems to want one or the other, but I only realized post-top surgery that I cannot truly be a man no matter how hard I try. I cannot change the way I was raised or how I act or what’s in my pants. I support other transmen in my life, of course, but for me... I just feel like I’ve lost more than I’ve gained."

Girls must bow to trans rights in new rules for schools | News | The Times - "New guidelines on transgender pupils for primary and secondary schools in England and Wales have been criticised for “ignoring the rights of girls”... It seeks to protect not only those who meet the legal definition of gender reassignment but children “who are simply exploring their gender identity”. It applies to pupils of all ages, with or without medical intervention.In sensitive areas of day-to-day life, where pupils have traditionally been separated by sex, schools will either be required or advised to open up to those identifying as the same gender.So pupils who choose to identify as another gender should be allowed to use the changing rooms of that gender. Girls who are uncomfortable with the presence of a transgender girl are advised to use a private changing room. Trans girls should have personal, social and health education lessons, which include sex education, with girls. It would be “unlawful indirect discrimination because of gender reassignment” to place a trans girl with boys if the school divides the sexes for these classes... She highlighted the case of sex education classes for girls, which must now be opened up to trans girls. “What use is it to that pupil to learn about periods or breast development? No one is asking the girls whether they would feel happy with a trans pupil in that group"... Teachers are expected to help erase any record of a trans pupil’s sex at birth, reissuing certificates in the new name. They should also “investigate concerns about repeated or deliberate use of a previous name or pronoun”. Teachers are warned they would break the law if they failed to call transgender pupils by their new names and pronouns. The EHRC says pupils “do not have to follow a legal process to start using a new name at school”. Under-16s only need a court order or parental consent to change their name... The watchdog’s decision to affirm a child’s self-identification worries Marcus Evans, who resigned this year as a governor of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, the only NHS gender identity service for children."

California adds Iowa to 'travel ban' over refusal to fund gender transitions - "California announced last week that it has added Iowa to the list of states on its ever-expanding "travel ban" list because of that state's new prohibition against funding gender-transition surgeries under Medicaid. The announcement by state Attorney General Xavier Becerra means that as of Oct. 4, California will no longer offer taxpayer-funded trips to Iowa for any public employee or student at a state-run university.Becerra's authority came from a 2016 California law signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown that bars state-funded travel to other states that undercut LGBT rights. The blacklist already included Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma and Mississippi."

Patricia Arquette Uses Her Ex-Trans Brother to Push Transgenderism - "actress Patricia Arquette used her Emmy acceptance speech to advocate for transgender identity and acceptance, specifically mentioning her brother, Robert (also called Alexis) Arquette. Her brother identified as a transgender woman for years, but before he died, he appears to have rejected the transgender label and presented himself as a man once again on and off. Patricia Arquette ignored this fact, referring to Alexis as her "sister" and insisting that she will not stop mourning until transgender identity is fully normalized and "trans people are not persecuted."... Alexis Arquette began presenting himself as a man again in 2013. Arquette previously identified as transgender and performed as a drag queen. Yet he told Sham Ibrahim, a fellow drag performer, that "'gender is bullsh*t.' That 'putting on a dress doesn't biologically change anything. Nor does a sex-change.'" It seems Alexis Arquette did not change his name, but he did reject transgender identity.Ironically, even Ibrahim continued to refer to Alexis Arquette using the pronoun "she." Arquette also told Ibrahim that "sex-reassignment is physically impossible. All you can do is adopt these superficial characteristics but the biology will never change."... Transgender activists insist that if a biological man identifies as a woman, people must use female pronouns to refer to him, regardless of biology. But what happens when that biological man again identifies as a man? From this situation, it seems the transgender activists consider the transgender identity to be the "true" identity, even if someone grows to reject it and even though it conflicts with the person's biological sex. While Patricia Arquette still referred to her brother as her "sister," their brother Richmond acknowledged Alexis's apparent de-transition."

'My girl became the youngest trans toddler… at just three years of age' - "last year, at the age of seven, her wish came true when her name was officially changed by deed poll – to Luna.She started wearing a skirt to school and got a new passport too as one of Britain’s youngest transgender children... YouTube videos of parents of trans kids talking about their situation – plus resources downloaded from Mermaids, the trans-support charity – helped her realise Luna could find happiness... this month NHS psychologists said children are allowed to live as the opposite sex too soon. They say letting kids as young as six “socially transition” could do long-term harm by forcing them to choose too early.Two top doctors also advised caution.Social psychologist Dr David Canter said: “No one should be assigned the label transgender before puberty. If the child is unhappy then the reasons should be explored without assigning labels.”Consultant psychiatrist and TV doc Raj Persaud added: “A careful medical assessment is needed to understand what is going on. Only then can decisions be reached.”... Jeneen admits “grieving” as Facebook ‘time hop’ photos would pop up of Luna as a baby – “making me feel like I’d lost my old child”... “When I see and hear how Luna has accepted her authentic self, how happy, intelligent and hilariously funny she is, it makes me very proud. Kids need to be themselves to flourish, not what someone else wants them to be.”"
"I didn't lose a son, I gained a daughter"

Radical, Far-Right Library Just Has Books, No Drag Queens | The Babylon Bee - "A local public library is being called a "cesspool of radical, far-right hate" after it was revealed that the library just has books and no drag queens whatsoever. "There are no drag queens in sight, not even in the children's section!" said one protester as they started picketing the building Tuesday afternoon, trying to prevent children from going inside and getting brainwashed by information, facts, and logic. "What kind of nation are we living in when a library just has books!?"Progressive protesters came up with a solution: burning the books to prevent the rise of this dangerous brand of fascism. "If we burn all the books, then there will be a lot more room for drag queen performances," said Xyle Parson while waving a sign that said, "Love Wins and If You Don't Like It You Can Die in a Fire." "Then, fascism and far-right totalitarianism will finally be defeated."The library has apologized and will be installing a stripper pole in the kids' area in order to make it right."

Girls skipping school because they are 'so afraid of gender neutral toilets' - "The pupils are avoiding the cubicles because they fear that they will be ridiculed by boys for having their period.But as a result they are risking picking up an infection because they refuse to urinate all day, while others have stopped drinking liquids at school, according to doctors.And there are fears the problem could worsen as more schools create unisex loos to be more inclusive of children who identify as transgender, parents say... The parents of students at Deanesfield Primary School in South Ruislip, West London, have launched a petition asking for unisex toilets to be banned.One mother, who has daughters aged four and eight at the school, said: “The cubicles were open at the bottom and top so older pupils can easily climb up the toilets and peer over.”Doctors and politicians have urged schools to stop the move in order to protect girls. GP Tessa Katz said girls holding in their urine could cause urinary bladder infectionsShe said: “The psychological effects of girls not feeling safe enough to use mixed-sex toilets is also concerning.”... Stephanie Davies-Arai, from the parent campaign group Transgender Trend, said schools were being misinformed by activists that they could be breaking equality laws if they did not make toilets unisex."
Presumably since they're TERFs they deserve to be punched

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex - "Charlie Evans, 28, was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before detransitioning. The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision... "I'm in communication with 19 and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn't, and their dysphoria hasn't been relieved, they don't feel better for it," she says."They don't know what their options are now. Charlie says she has been contacted by "hundreds" of people seeking help - 30 people alone in her area of Newcastle."I think some of the common characteristics are that they tend to be around their mid-20s, they're mostly female and mostly same-sex attracted, and often autistic as well." She recalls being approached by a young girl with a beard who hugged her after giving a public talk, who explained she was a destransitioned woman too."She said she felt shunned by the LGBT community for being a traitor. So I felt I had to do something."Charlie is now launching a charity called The Detransition Advocacy Network... Ruby explains she has also had an eating disorder but she does not feel that issue was explored in the therapy sessions she had when she went to gender identity services... "For everyone who has gender dysphoria, whether they are trans or not, I want there to be more options for us because I think there is a system of saying, 'okay here's your hormones, here's your surgery, off you go'. I don't think that's helpful for anyone."The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust offers gender identity services for children under 18, with some patients as young as three or four years old."

Changing your sex changes your brain: influences of testosterone and estrogen on adult human brain structure in - "Compared with controls, anti-androgen + estrogen treatment decreased brain volumes of male-to-female subjects towards female proportions, while androgen treatment in female-to-male subjects increased total brain and hypothalamus volumes towards male proportions."
So much for the claim that transsexuals' brains are like those of the other gender, so this proves it's innate and thus trans mania is justified (even ignoring the fact that homosexuals have brains resembling the other gender)

Sex Change Hormonal Treatments Alter Brain Chemistry - "Hormonal treatments administered as part of the procedures for sex reassignment have well-known and well-documented effects on the secondary sexual characteristics of the adult body, shifting a recipient’s physical appearance to that of the opposite sex.New research published in the current issue of Biological Psychiatry indicates that these hormonal treatments also alter brain chemistry."

I'm so sick of trans women invading lesbian spaces : TrueOffMyChest - "They've taken over lesbian spaces. They're trying to force women to date them. If you're a lesbian that doesn't want to date a transwoman woman then you're instantly called a TERF. All the subreddits that use to be for lesbians are increasingly filled with trans memes. There's constant posts about how dick isn't bad and that lesbians need to be more open to it. "Girl dick" is soft. I'm a lesbian and I don't want any dick. But if you say anything about not liking dick or about how much you love vagina then you get banned from the subreddit because all the moderators are now transwomen.
Edit: This does happen. See r/actuallesbians for proof. Girls are banned all the time from it from something as simple as not liking penis."
Standing up against trans mania and the trans agenda gets you banned

A ‘transphobic’ crime wave has hit Oxford | Coffee House - "Police are investigating numerous serious offences over more than six months... 'Officers are investigating a large number of offensive stickers that have been placed across Oxford city centre containing transphobic comments'... Sounds serious, eh? Makes you wonder what sort of hateful, poisonous messages were on those stickers. It must be something pretty horrible, to prompt a police force to make an appeal like this, right? Maybe those stickers were inciting violence? Or perhaps they were encouraging people to otherwise break the law?Oddly, Thames Valley Police didn’t explain in that dramatic statement exactly what sort of vile and hateful messages are on those “offensive” stickers. Even more oddly, when I asked the force what those stickers say, a press officer told me “the content and appearance of the stickers is not suitable for sharing.” Quite how the poor people of Oxford are supposed to respond to this I don’t know: their police force have told them that a rash of offensive, apparently illegal stickers has appeared in the city and asked for information about who might be responsible. Yet the police won’t actually say what those stickers say or what they look like. So how are civic-minded Oxonians supposed to know precisely which wicked words and harmful ideas they should be reporting to the constabulary? Fortunately, the Oxford Mail did a bit of reporting and appear to have established the horrifying truth... “Woman: noun. Adult human female” And: “Women don’t have penises”
Look at that Thames Valley statement again. It states clearly that “public offences” have been committed because the words on the stickers are “offensive”. Let us celebrate the fact that a police force is devoting resources to tracking down the awful people who have apparently broken the law by stating that “woman” means “adult human female” and that “women don’t have penises”."
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