Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Links - 11th February 2020 (1) (Greta Thunberg)
The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes! English Subs - YouTube - "When Severn Cullis-Suzuki stepped on stage at the plenary session of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, she knew this was her one opportunity to speak to the world’s most influential decision-makers."
Some people claim Greta will make a difference when all the previous hysteria hasn't because she's a kid. This girl was 12 at the time. And coming from more than 2 decades ago, it's interesting to see how while the playbook evolves, in many ways the more things change the more things stay the same
Comment: "Weaponizing children to deliver a narrative at the UN. v1.992.
A) The ozone layer was fixed.
B) Somebody did give the poor people in South America everything they wanted. That economy collapsed because it was unsustanable. Venezuala.
C) You are now old enough to have had your own children. Did your doomsday prediction come true? Will you now retract it?"
Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - "Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an ordinary pair of parent-managers who want to save the planet. Query their motives, and you risk being accused of “climate denial”, or of bullying a vulnerable child with Asperger’s. But the Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics, and a think-tank founded by a wealthy ex-minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government with links to the country’s energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the Western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy... Rentzhog admitted to meeting Greta’s mother Malena Ernman “3-4 months before everything started”—in early May 2018, when he and Malena had shared a stage at a conference called the Climate Parliament. Nor did Rentzhog stumble on Greta’s protest by accident. He now admits to having been informed “the week before” by “a mailing list from a climate activist” named Bo Thorén, leader of the Fossil Free Dalsland group.Independent journalist Rebecca Weidmo Uvell has obtained an earlier email from Bo Thorén’s search for fresh green faces. In February 2018, Thorén invited a group of environmental activists, academics and politicians to plan “how we can involve and get help from young people to increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable society”. In May, after Greta won second prize in an environmental op-ed writing competition run by the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Thorén approached all the competition winners with a plan for a “school strike”, modelled on the student walk-outs after the shootings at Parkland, Florida. “But no one was interested,” Greta’s mother claims, “so Greta decided to do it for herself.” Fortunately, Greta’s decision coincided with the publication of Scenes from the Heart, Svante and Malena’s memoir of how saving the planet had saved their family. Unfortunately, Malena omitted to tell her publisher that Ingmar Rentzhog had commandeered Greta’s stunt... Trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don’t Have Time in late 2017 to “hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change” by leveraging “the power of social media”... When Greta met Rentzhog, he was the salaried chairman of a private think-tank owned by an ex-Social Democrat minister with a background in the energy sector. His board was stacked with powerful sectoral interests, including career Social Democrats, major union leaders, and lobbyists with links to Brussels. And his board’s vice-chair was a member of one of Sweden’s most powerful green energy investment groups... Greta’s father Svante, who now devotes himself to managing her career, declined my interview requests and refused to reply to a detailed list of written questions about Ingmar Rentzhog and Global Challenge. Instead, Svante issued an evasive three-paragraph statement through an intermediary... When I asked Rentzhog if he had introduced Greta and her parents to other Global Challenge board members, he replied, “I don’t know, maybe I did, but if Svante says no, maybe it was not connected.” Svante refuses to answer my questions about whether he and Greta have met members of the Global Challenge board. But Global Challenge board member Anders Wijkman remembers. Wijkman leads the anti-growth Club of Rome. Its alarmist 1972 report, A Limit to Growth?, has become a cornerstone of the “climate emergency” campaign. In December 2018, We Have No Time and Global Challenge launched the Club of Rome’s latest vision of apocalypse, the Climate Emergency Plan... The Climate Emergency Plan’s talking points are Greta’s talking points. “Around the year 2030, in ten years, 250 days, and ten hours,” the Scandinavian Cassandra told British parliamentarians, “we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilisation as we know it.” The only way to save ourselves is to follow the Climate Emergency Plan, and instantly green the global energy business through massive government investment and emergency legislation... They announced that their association with Rentzhog was over—a curious statement, considering that Svante claims they had never associated with him in the first place... Whatever Greta or her parents know or think, her eco-mob increases the likelihood of legislation and investment that will make colossal profits for people like Global Challenge, We Don’t Have Time and Sustainable Energy Angels. For Sweden’s energy titans, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff. Green energy lobbyists use populist scare tactics and a children’s crusade to bypass elected representatives, but their goal is technocracy not democracy, profit not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used to ease the transition to green corporatism."
Being financed and supported by corporate interests is only a bad thing if you're on the "wrong" side
Also published as: Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior | News Review | The Sunday Times
Are We Really Running Out of Time to Stop Climate Change? - "Scientists never said the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't stop climate change. Even researchers known for ringing the alarm bells on climate change are far more likely to speak in terms of decimal places and nonlinear effects than to talk about the end of civilization as we know.Prominent activists rarely bring up doomsday, either. Messages from the Global Climate Strike organizers and the U.S.-based Sunrise Movement focus on long-term climate shifts, not an impending, sudden disaster. Still, the 12-year deadline looms large in the culture."It has achieved an absoluteness in its role in societal dialogue that's not in line with scientific fact," said Katharine Mach, a climate scientist at the University of Miami and one of several lead authors of the IPCC report."The world will not end if we pass 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels""
Greta better take her own advice and listen to the scientists and stop pushing climate change hysteria
Lewis Spears on Twitter - "If the right want to beat Greta Thunberg, they have to fight fire with fire. It's time for a 15 year old climate change denier with down syndrome"
Ashley StClair 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "The people saying to leave Greta Thunberg alone are the same people who bullied the mini AOC girl off of the internet."
Comments: "14 year old Soph's funny/intelligent take on Greta. She has been banned from paypal, and youtube. Find her Freespeech TV."
Justin Murphy on Twitter - "Not even being provocative but if you think Greta Thunberg has the maturity to guide global policy-making then you cannot object to Jeffrey Epstein paying 16-year-olds for sex."
Replies: "people treat age in a manner that suits their needs.
Want liberal voters? Lower voting age to 16.
Guns are bad, so raise age for purchase to 21?
Trust a 16 yr old on climate change, but don't question them because they are a child."
"can you simultaneously think that a 16-year-old is capable of making wise decisions concerning complex scientific matters of global import and NOT capable of making decisions concerning her own body?"
Greta Thunberg without a script to read from - YouTube
"After a truly brilliant message to world leaders at the UN, Greta was absolutely lost for words answering a question during a news conference.
Her reply was truly astounding "
/out/ - Outdoors » Thread #1585509 - "Greta Thunberg - ”The problem of plastic pollution in the... *surrounded by plastic while in the train*"
Psychologist says he's worried about the mental wellbeing of climate change activist Greta Thunberg - "one of Australia's most-high profile psychologists has accused the girl of being an 'entitled political pawn' in need of treatment. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg compared Greta's position in the spotlight to the fame of a child TV star who could 'burn out' after being thrust into the spotlight... Dr Carr-Gregg said he was wary of Greta's Asperger's and history of mental health in his analysis of the teenager, who he believes has a 'sense of entitlement'.'I am worried that we use a kid like this, who arguably should be getting treatment because she's said she's had anorexia, said she's got Asperger's and said she's battled depression,' he said.'As a parent, if this was my child, I'm not sure I'd be putting them on the world stage.'Dr Carr-Gregg said he was worried about Greta's future, her current psychological health and how it would impact other young people.'It sends a message to other teenagers that they can speak to adults in this very, very dismissive way',' he said. 'She seems to be caught up in a doomsday scenario where she's massively exaggerating the threats posed by climate change and that has a flow-on effect because it causes all this existential anxiety in our children, hence the climate strikes,' he said.He said kids should be in school but are instead rallying because 'they've been convinced the end of the world is nigh'... Dr Carr-Gregg mentioned the 'Twitter war' between Greta and Donald Trump where the president appeared to mock the teenager.'She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!,' Mr Trump tweeted following Greta's impassioned speech.The climate activist swiftly responded by changing her Twitter bio to 'A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.'... Dr Carr-Gregg said he didn't think children should be used as 'political props'. 'My criticism isn't so much of her, but her parents and the climate change activists who use her shamelessly and I think that the Left can be somewhat hypocritical at times,' he said.Dr Carr-Gregg said the rest of world needs to put pressure on China and India - the largest emitters... The psychologist said that because Greta is a 16-year-old female 'no one is allowed to debate' her views.'We all just have to lie down and accept it'... Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also come out swinging against Greta's stance on global warming, saying 'we've got to let kids be kids.'He said children need to be protected from 'needless anxiety' and reminded the younger generation that they live in a 'wonderful country and pristine environment.' "
She literally says she has multiple mental conditions/illnesses/disorders, yet many people, when this is brought up, claim that talking about them is a personal attack. And/or conflate criticism with attack, or criticism of her handlers/enablers/manipulators with criticism of her
Children should be used as political props when it's your politics they're promoting
Stop the Exploitation of Greta Thunberg - "The global media covers Greta with gushing accolades. She has appeared on the covers of Time, British Vogue, and – oddly enough – men’s magazine GQ. She has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Celebrities line up to meet her. She has already published two books.Speaking as a mother, I have a different perspective. I’m following Greta’s journey and I am appalled to see a minor being exploited to advance a political agenda. I would never permit one of my own children to be used in this way.History teaches us that early fame often leads to disastrous outcomes. Corey Feldman, Michael Jackson, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears. The list of child celebrities whose lives fell apart once they reached adulthood is endless.Greta already faced significant challenges before she rose to global fame. She talks openly about the fact that she’s been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She also has Selective Mutism, a condition defined by Britain’s National Health Service as “a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they don’t see very often.”... Since Greta is only 16, no one can ask her tough questions – like how to square her goals with representative democracy. Anyone who criticizes her is vulnerable to the charge of bullying a child.Greta is being used to promote a political agenda by people who don’t care about her long-term welfare. What will happen to her when the novelty wears off? She won’t be a cute little teenager for much longer. How can she go back to living a quiet life when she’s gotten used to being greeted by cheering crowds wherever she goes?And where are Greta’s parents in all of this? They seem to be her enablers. Her father accompanied her on her boat journey across the Atlantic. He is an actor and her mother is an opera singer. Perhaps they are vicariously living out their own dreams of global fame via their daughter."
HowToTravelLikeABasicBitch (@hownottotravellikeabasicbitch) • Instagram photos and videos - "•I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GRETA• Currently there’s a 16 year-old girl who skipped school for climate change named Greta from Sweden getting international attention for standing up for the environment. I am here to explain to you 3 reasons why it’s wrong. Check HIGHLIGHT:GRETA for more detail and clarity.
1. GRETA EXPERIENCES NO DIRECT DANGER DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. Greta does not live any effects of climate change or environmental hazard and therefore has no idea what she’s speaking about. Meanwhile Brown & Black activists are DYING for the planet all across the world and have been speaking from their direct lived experiences at the cost of their lives.
2. By placing Greta as the mouthpiece of a movement it’s WHITE WASHING, SILENCING, AND ERASING BROWN & BLACK CHILDREN and their movements as a DIRECT RESPONSE to their lived situations AND sets a precedent that “leaders” in their field must be White in order for issues to matter and for solutions to be created, regardless of how ill-informed and disconnected they are.
3. THERE ARE ALREADY INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF SWEDEN FIGHTING FOR THIS. They’re called the Sámit. IF there was to be any environmental representation, it would be them considering they have to fight their own government for resource preservation.
I have no issue with Greta herself. I do have an issue with the space she occupies. By continuing to uplift her in international media, this is inadvertently saying that what Brown & Black People have been voicing and dying for, for years, doesn’t fucking matter, just like our lives."
Supporting Greta Thunberg is evidence of 'white supremacy', activists claim - "Support for Greta Thunberg is evidence of "white supremacy", "white privilege" and "white power", activists claim."
Inasmuch as climate change hysteria is a white obsession, they are right
Greta Thunberg, after pointed UN speech, faces attacks from the right - "The day before Thunberg's UN speech, Mr D'Souza likened her image to ones used in Nazi propaganda, posting a photo on Twitter of Thunberg, wearing her signature long braids, next to an illustration of a young woman with a similar hairstyle standing in front of a swastika flag. "Children - notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks - were often used in Nazi propaganda""
Of course, the ACLU using a photo of a white baby holding an American flag = promotion of white supremacy
Pointing out that Greta Thunberg looks strikingly similar to images in Nazi propaganda = you are racist
Experts Agree Restructuring World Economy Best Way to Treat Child’s Anxiety - "Today, 16-year-old Sweedish activist Greta Thunberg spoke at the U.N. Climate Summit, scolding world leaders for their inaction and accusing them of “Stealing the dreams of [her] childhood.” After the speech, experts agreed that the best way to treat this child’s anxiety would be to completely restructure of the world economy."
Stefan Molyneux on Twitter - "Oh lord above. Which countries are Greta Thunberg targeting for climate sins? Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey. Not the two countries responsible for the most CO2 emissions. Not India. Not China. It’s all so ridiculous and political."
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "The Left: How dare you attack a 16 year old girl? She’s a child you monsters!
Also the Left:
Reza Aslan: Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's? *Covington's Nicholas Sandmann"
Bonus points - both are white, so the left can't play the race card (so they can still play the gender one)
CJ Pearson on Twitter - "I’ve been attacked, lied about, and spat on by the Left and the media more times than I can count. The only kids the Left won’t attack are the ones that agree with the nonsensical rhetoric they spew."
Gad Saad on Twitter - "Progressive Noble Logic: If you scrutinize a position espoused by a 16-year-old activist who has received worldwide attention, you're a monster because you're "attacking" an innocent child. Also: 3-year-old children are old enough to unequivocally state their gender identity."
It's Disgusting What the Climate Panic Brigade Is Doing to Greta Thunberg | VodkaPundit - "The lecture goes on in a similar vein, with poor Thunberg looking more and more disturbed as she continues. The Swedish teenager is not some science prodigy who graduated young from some Ivy League school with an advanced agree in physics or anything like that. Rather, the daughter (and granddaughter) of famous actors and opera singers suffers from Asperger's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism. I'm no medical professional, but these things might have been brought on when (according to public sources), starting at the age of eight, Thunberg was subjected to such a barrage of climate panic that she eventually became depressed and lethargic, and also developed an eating disorder... While Trump might seem callous here to some, to me he looks like a man unwilling to join in on this international display of child abuse.Finally, I'd add that when someone castigates their own audience, and the audience applauds, then the castigation is not meant. It's nothing but a theatrical affectation for TV cameras -- a hoax perpetrated by the speaker and the audience, together. I doubt someone Thunberg's age knows the ins and outs of speechmaking to understand that, but whoever handles her does. Certainly the people there at the UN got exactly the TV clip they wanted, even at the "price" of pretending to be publicly shamed.Shame on those exploiting this young woman instead of helping her through her troubles."
The cult of Greta Thunberg - "Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member... It actually makes sense that Ms Thunberg – a wildly celebrated 16-year-old Swede who founded the climate-strike movement for schoolkids – should sound cultish. Because climate-change alarmism is becoming ever stranger, borderline religious, obsessed with doomsday prophecies. Consider Extinction Rebellion, the latest manifestation of the upper-middle classes’ contempt for industrialisation and progress. It is at times indistinguishable from old fundamentalist movements that warned mankind of the coming End of Days... It struck me that this was a march against people. Most radical protest and direct action is aimed at officialdom or government or people with power. This macabre schlep through London was aimed squarely at ordinary people. Banners and placards made no disguise of the marchers’ contempt for how the masses live. We were told that ‘Meat = heat’ (that is, if you carry on eating meat, you fat bastards, the planet will get even hotter) and that driving and flying are destroying Mother Earth. Of course, it’s okay for them to fly – Emma Thompson jetted first-class from LA to London to lecture us plebs about all our eco-destructive holidaymaking. It’s only a problem when we do it; it’s only bad when we take advantage of the miracle of mass food production and the expansion of flight to make our lives fuller and more pleasurable. They detest that. They detest mass society and its inhabitants: the masses. In keeping with all millenarian movements, the extinction-obsessed green cult reserves its priestly fury for ordinary people. Even when it is putting pressure on the government, it is really asking it to punish us. It wants tighter controls on car-driving, restrictions on flying, green taxes on meat. That these things would severely hit the pockets of ordinary people – but not the deep pockets of Emma Thompson and the double-barrelled eco-snobs who run Extinction Rebellion – is immaterial to the angry bourgeoisie. So convinced are they of their own goodness, and of our wickedness, that they think it is utterly acceptable for officialdom to make our lives harder in order to strongarm us into being more ‘green’... What they have done to Ms Thunberg is unforgivable. They have pumped her – and millions of other children – with the politics of fear. They have convinced the next generation that the planet is on the cusp of doom. They have injected dread into the youth. ‘I want you to panic’, said Ms Thunberg at Davos, and the billionaires and celebs and marauding NGOs that were in attendance all lapped it up. Because adult society loves nothing more than having its own fear and confusions obediently parroted back to it by teenagers. They celebrate Thunberg because she tells them how horrible they are: it is an entirely S&M relationship, speaking to the deep self-loathing of the 21st-century elites."
Opinion | The Problem With Greta Thunberg’s Climate Activism - The New York Times - "Climate activists in Western Europe had already been radicalizing for some time when record heat engulfed the Continent last month. The high reached 109 degrees in Paris two Thursdays ago. Yet many environmentalists have come to believe that extreme weather alone will never spur Europeans to give up fossil fuels. Nor will talking about it. Provocations and disruption are needed... Europeans act like Americans, holding tight to their driving and consuming habits.Climate activists have therefore changed their emphasis. No more eliciting pieties by explaining what happens when carbon dioxide rises past 400 parts per million. Better to use the specter of imminent self-extinction to rally the public behind actions like banning cars from city centers and halting new oil exploration.This new focus may have the virtue of conveying urgency. But it is going to bring the climate protesters into conflict with democracy, whether they realize it or not... Ms. Thunberg believes people should act, not argue... Her politics rests on two things. First is simplification. “The climate crisis already has been solved,” she said at a TED Talk in Stockholm this year. “We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change.” Second is sowing panic, as she explained at the World Economic Forum in Davos last winter... Kids her age have not seen much of life. Her worldview might be unrealistic, her priorities out of balance. But in our time, and in her cause, that seems to be a plus. People have had enough of balance and perspective. They want single-minded devotion to the task at hand. This Ms. Thunberg provides. That climate change be understood as an “emergency” is her first objective. Increasingly, authorities share it. The week of the heat wave, according to The Economist, the Met Office, the British meteorological agency, was trying to speed up its “attribution studies” so that it can link incidents of extreme weather to global warming before the public’s attention drifts. This is a political, not a meteorological, goal. There are also calls to politicize language: In May, The Guardian announced it would use the term “climate crisis” rather than “climate change” in its articles, and “global heating” rather than “global warming.” Alliances between institutional authorities and activists like Ms. Thunberg often backfire. With questions of global warming, the problems of credibility are already large, even without fresh incitements to politicization. Sometime after the age of 16, most people learn that not even the members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are above self-interest and human error. It is also hard to say what a real, non-utopian low-carbon politics would look like, once the public got involved in legislating and regulating. Contrary to the assumptions of many of Ms. Thunberg’s admirers, it might resemble contemporary populist agendas more than the world imagined by the United Nations’ modelers and the governance experts of Davos. Protectionism could be in: If you establish a system of carbon pricing, countries that don’t practice it are “dumping,” and their imports must be excluded. Immigration could be out: It is difficult to see how any kind of long-term mass immigration is consistent with a desire to lower Europe’s carbon output. And that is before we even broach the question of what kind of civilization we want, and at what level of technological complexity. On a planet of eight billion people, it is not just destination weddings that require considerable expenditure of energy. So does food. So does clean drinking water. So does communication. Increasingly, climate agitators want action, not distraction. That often requires demonizing anyone who stands in the way. In July the climate editor of the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad complained that Paris’s declaration of a “climate state of emergency” on July 9 had not been accompanied by a ban on automobile traffic in Paris or by a dimming of the lights on the Eiffel Tower. In Germany the word “Flugscham” is one of the last year’s more interesting coinages. It means not fear of flying but shame of flying, and of the pollution it brings about. The German economist Niko Paech urges shaming people for booking cruises and driving S.U.V.s, too. Behind the new boldness of climate activists is the assumption that ordinary Europeans’ good intentions are sincere and their inaction is hypocritical. It could be the other way around. Whatever the case, Europeans’ slowness to act on the climate cannot simply be dismissed as “denial.” Those who read the United Nations reports and tut-tut but fail to take to the streets might be less resolute — but they might simply disagree, or have other priorities. Democracy often calls for waiting and seeing. Patience may be democracy’s cardinal virtue. Climate change is a serious issue. But to say, “We can’t wait,” is to invite a problem just as grave."
Greta Thunberg will sail to US on boat with no toilet to avoid flying
Presumably ocean pollution from throwing your waste into the sea is better than carbon emissions. And everyone is free (and rich) enough to spend 2 weeks on a boat instead of a few hours on a plane
Crew of Five Are Flying To New York To Bring Greta’s Boat Back! - "Climate activist Greta Thunberg causes more greenhouse gas emissions from her sailing trip from the United Kingdom to the United States than if she had flown. About five employees would sail the yacht back to Europe... The sailing trip triggers at least six climate-damaging air travel across the Atlantic. If Thunberg had flown with her father, only two would have been necessary to come to New York...
This proves that Thunberg’s decision to sail by racing yacht had nothing whatsoever to do with saving emissions, and was no more than a silly publicity stunt."
Lucas Lynch - When it comes down to it, very few people actually... - "When it comes down to it, very few people actually believe in 'expertise' as meaningful. They'll appeal to it when it aligns with ideas they already believe in, and ignore it when they don't. Don't believe me? Just remember that all those people you know bemoaning an unqualified reality TV star as president that wanted a top-rated daytime talkshow host to take his place, cheer for a bartender in Congress, and are extolling the climate-science advice of an autistic 16 year old child."
Lucas Lynch - "And just like that, everyone who said Richard Dawkins should stick to commenting on things within his realm of expertise started taking climate science advice from an autistic 16 year-old Swedish girl...One who, except for her ignorant anti-nuclear stance, I basically agree with, by the way. But please spare me your real and true concern for 'expertise'..."
Thread by @ShellenbergerMD - "If you want people to think your goal isn't climate but rather making (& keeping) nations poor, then attacking France & Brazil, which get 86% & 79% of their power from zero-carbon sources, is a great strategy...
Attacking nuclear as "extremely dangerous" reinforces the sense that what you want isn't lower emissions but "de-growth"
Why? Because nuclear
- is how France & your country, Sweden, get 86% & 90% of their power from zero-carbon sources
- is THE SAFEST way to make electricity
French President @EmmanuelMacron is right: Your "Very radical positions [are] likely to antagonize our societies"
Indeed, they already have
But then, perhaps that was the goal all along?
Around the world, those seeking to shut down nuclear plants & replace them with nat gas & a few "renewables" are @Greenpeace @billmckibben @NaomiAKlein et al. while those people defending nuclear are the climate scientists for whom you claim to speak... If you are going to condemn fossil fuels as "evil" then you should contemplate why it is that oil and gas companies are spending millions to promote the unreliable renewables that you, too, are promoting...
If you're going to moralize against species extinction along with your allies @ExtinctionR then consider how wind turbines are killing endangered species around the world & may be contributing to the insect die-off in Germany and elsewhere"
Meme - "15yr olds joining ISIS are too young to know what they're doing.
15yr olds on climate change are experts.
Welcome to clown world."
Meme - "One of these kids complained that her childhood was stolen."
The Red-Headed Libertarian™️ on Twitter - "Greta Thunberg snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize by committee run by Norway, one of the world's biggest oil and natural gas exporters"
"@Newsweek Between 1940-1944, Irene Sendler smuggled 2500 children out of the Warsaw ghetto. When she was found out, she was tortured & beaten for several days. Her limbs broken Irene was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 2007 They gave it to Al Gore for his slideshow That’s a snub."
Greta Thunberg's refusal to fly on airplanes leaves her stranded on wrong side of the globe - "Climate change activist Greta Thunberg is asking for help after her refusal to fly on airplanes has left her stranded on the wrong side of the globe. The Swedish teenager's plea came on Friday after the United Nations announced the COP25 environmental summit would be hosted in Madrid, Spain. The summit was slated to take place in Chile, but the South American country withdrew hosting responsibilities this week amid national civil unrest."
The perils of being a luddite
Greta Thunberg Calls on Facebook to Censor Her Critics - "The celebrated Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has threatened to quit Facebook if the social media platform refuses to silence her critics... Ms. Thunberg is finding criticism enervating, suggesting that those who oppose her crusade are “interfering with democracy” and should be censored by Facebook. The climate icon urged her fans to “challenge” Facebook to silence her antagonists, insisting that “if enough of us demand change — then change will come.”"
Her getting off Facebook would be great! But this is probably like all the American liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump were elected
Climate activist Greta Thunberg demands Facebook users urge platform take responsibility for content - "London's Natural History Museum said that it had named a minute species of beetle after her.The 'Nelloptodes gretae' is less than 1 millimeter long and lacks eyes and wings"
The beetle is blind, so...
Sorry, Greta Thunberg, but you’re (mostly) wrong - "Despite the tearful claims of stolen childhoods, suffering and death, Greta’s generation has grown up in the most prosperous time in human history. Global hunger is at an all-time low. Fewer live in poverty than ever before. Life expectancy is up. Disease is generally down.And all of this has occurred in the face of rising global temperatures, because this is what Greta gets right: Global warming is real, and human activity is likely to blame... Yet despite this, humans have thrived due to a multitude of advancements. In the United States, for example, increased use of air conditioning has reduced heat-related mortality despite higher temperatures. Globally, malaria, which was once forecast to become more widespread in a changing climate, has been on the steady decline as a result of highly successful control efforts.In other words, fewer people are dying and suffering than ever before. Greta describes a bleak future on the brink of ecological collapse, and although she highlights a plethora of important environmental problems, much of what she describes is only loosely tied to climate change and not entirely supported by science. While she is correct that extinctions are occurring at an alarming rate and some ecosystems are struggling, these are primarily a result of local land-use modification in developing nations rather than a result of global climatic change. Likewise, she suggests that warming will be worse than predicted due to “tipping points, most feedback loops, and additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution,” but this is only half-true.Most scientists believe warming will progress in a rather linear fashion with progressively worsening effects; the idea that Earth as we know it will be very different if we don’t act in eight or 10 years is arbitrary. Fortunately, Earth has relatively few “tipping points” and positive “feedback loops,” although there are some notable exceptions. As for “toxic air pollution,” this has likely slowed global warming by blocking the sun. And in an ironic twist, Greta is concerned global warming will progress more rapidly once highly polluted countries clean up their act... Any solution to combat climate change should seek to reduce the impact on day-to-day life while striving to maintain the unprecedented global rise in wealth. Anything else would be potentially catastrophic and could reverse decades of dramatic gains combating poverty. Fortunately, even though Greta maintains that “solutions are nowhere in sight,” there is reason for optimism. For instance, modern nuclear energy is safe, produces almost no carbon, and unlike wind or solar, can run reliably and continuously. We should be constructing new nuclear plants, not dismantling them.Further in the future, emerging technologies that capture carbon from the atmosphere and even convert it into fuel show great promise. Unlike Greta’s bleak outlook, these solutions would require relatively few changes to our current lifestyles, yet would effectively and seamlessly reduce carbon emissions. Most Americans simply aren’t willing to give up their cell phones and cars, nor should they. A common refrain from Thunberg is that we should “listen to the science.” I wholeheartedly agree. The science suggests that despite some major environmental challenges, humans across the planet are better off than ever before, and the future is not unremittingly bleak. We should strive to keep it that way while combating climate change and preserving our environment in a controlled, yet effective manner.
Kalkstein is a climate scientist at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point."
Of course climate change hystericists only want to listen to the scientists who will support their agenda (or more to the point, those who can claim support it)
Greta Thunberg 'ignored' by world leaders at climate summit, admits protests have achieved 'nothing' - "Thunberg, as she typically does, also reverted to climate change alarmism on Friday, claiming the actions of humanity will result in an unsustainable future if environmental actions continue to go unchecked... Thunberg arrived in Europe this week after embarking on a three-week transatlantic journey, which made headlines because the trip did not save carbon emissions as expected. Thunberg travels via boat, train, and car because she refuses to fly.
Greta Thunberg's plan to save carbon emissions backfires over travel on luxury yacht - "Nikki Henderson, a 26-year-old yacht skipper, flew to the U.S. from Britain to sail Thunberg's ship — the La Vagabonde, a 48-foot catamaran — the 3,500 mile journey from the U.S. to Portugal... Adding insult to injury, the vessel Thunberg used for her journey is not climate friendly because it has two diesel engines and is made from products that use petroleum for production. Craig Rucker — president of Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, a free-market environmental organization — said Thunberg's travel logistics are "rife with irony." "The irony of protesting capitalism and oil on board a carbon-fiber (petrochemical) yacht owned by European royals who made billions operating Monaco as a tax haven was rich""
Psychology Today article blasted conservative commentator for calling Greta Thunberg 'mentally ill' — yet initially admitted she has been diagnosed with 'mental illnesses' - "Thunberg was described as having been diagnosed with "several mental illnesses". But on Thursday, the words "mental illnesses" were gone from the paragraph in question. Vanished. Gone. Kaput. And without explanation. Not one editor's note. Not even an indication the article had been updated. TheBlaze on Thursday messaged a Psychology Today editor and asked for an explanation regarding why the words "mental illnesses" disappeared from the paragraph describing Thunberg, but the editor didn't immediately respond. One could understand why Psychology Today characterizing Thunberg as having been diagnosed with "several mental illnesses" might be problematic given the piece later rips Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire for calling Thunberg a "mentally ill Swedish child"... a New York Times profile of Thunberg said in "early adolescence she battled severe depression, so much so that she stopped eating for a while and stopped growing."And in an April Facebook post, Thunberg celebrated Autism Awareness Day, said she's "proud to be on the spectrum!" and acknowledges she's had her "fair share of depressions, alienation, anxiety and disorders.""
How Greta Thunberg's rise could backfire on environmentalists - " the free market is already doing these things based on the same capitalist incentives Greta and so many other activists are blaming for environmental disaster. Natural gas is cheaper and produces 50% fewer emissions than coal, nuclear power has been modernized and made much safer in recent decades while producing no emissions. For-profit entities like a company called Carbon Engineering are working on machines that literally suck carbon emissions out of the atmosphere.Each of these innovations has enjoyed some level of government support here and there, but raw capitalistic profit motives are the primary driver. Warren and those like her are failing to see that millions more Americans who use their consumer spending powers to reduce their carbon footprint will send corporate America chasing after those dollars in a much faster and more effective way than government fiat... Based on all the politically partisan slogans and signs we saw at the climate protests over the past few days, are we sure the top motivation is the environment and not politics? If the activists protesting right now could get the most serious climate change threats eliminated, but without politically defeating President Trump and Republicans and/or putting the big oil companies out of business in the process, would they still be interested in the cause?... This new focus on making environmentalism an angrier protest movement threatens to make the effort to protect the planet just another wedge issue that politicians often use to motivate their base of voters. Similar wedge issues like abortion and gun control have long shifted become tribal controversies with little chance of progress and compromise."
Greta Thunberg busted for misleading public about her train voyage - The Post Millennial - "Poor Greta Thunberg. The 16-year-old Swedish climate activist renowned for skipping school and accusing world leaders of “doing nothing,” allegedly had to travel in a little less comfort than what she is used to on her way home from the UN Climate Conference in Madrid and tweeted about it:“Traveling on overcrowded trains through Germany. And I’m finally on my way home!” Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s state railway company, however, had this to say:
“Dear #Greta, thank you for supporting our railway in the fight against climate change! We are happy that you travelled with us in the ICE 174. And that with 100 percent eco electricity. It would have been even better if you had also mentioned how friendly and competent the team looked after you in your seat in First Class.”... This seems to suggest that Thunberg is willing to bend the truth to suit her agenda... This stunt has been tried before. Three years ago, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the UK Labour Party who lost the election to Boris Johnson and the Conservatives last week, claimed that the train he was travelling on was overcrowded and was shown sitting on the floor of the carriage, making a political point about alleged under-funding and mismanagement of the British railways, arguing they needed to be re-nationalized. Yet later he was found to have passed through an almost empty carriage, where he could have chosen a comfortable seat with a view and a table if he had so wished, before he made the video on the floor of the corridor instead. Like Corbyn, Thunberg seems to thrive on pointing out faults in our society, and her mission is to show that we need to “change the system.” And like so many angry, young protesters before her, “everything” is wrong... Being economical with the truth, no matter what your intentions are, tends to come back and bite you. If she wants to keep sympathy for her cause strong, perhaps her team of PR consultants should make sure she doesn’t exaggerate her plight. After all, most 16-year-olds can only dream of travelling the world on state-of-the-art yachts and in first-class train carriages while skipping school for months at a time."
Sitting on the floor for a photo when you're in First Class - so brave, so stunning. No wonder so many adult men feel "threatened" by her
Hilariously, I saw lots of people slamming Deutsche Bahn, but few calling out Greta's spreading of fake news
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' - "Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy."
Threats of violence are good when they come from the right people
Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela - "the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities."
Well, now that she's come out and admitted it's not (just) about the environment... Of course many of her supporters will continue to pretend that it is
Greta Thunberg says Canadian oil and gas violates children's rights - The Post Millennial - "Greta Thunberg has joined up with 15 more young climate activists. They have claimed that Canada and Norway are violating the rights of children throughout the world with their oil and gas production.The activist’s claim that the higher output of fossil-fuel production violates the countries obligations in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child."
I guess not using fossil fuels and having kids die due to an undeveloped economy doesn't violate children's rights
Lucas Lynch - "When someone says they simply can't fathom so many people hating a teenage child, and you give them this look... *Covington's Nicholas Sandmann*"
Bruce Sawyer - "Climate change realist Naomi Seibt: "Greta is stuck in a bubble""
"You can't criticize the message of a teenager, so the only option is to send another teenager. The future of all debate will be fought with child proxies. You must fight children with children."
"We've finally done it. 2020 will be the year of the child proxy soldier. We're now living in the Metal Gear Solid universe."
Meme - "Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swdish environmental activist who shares her anger, frustration and anxiety about the climate with the world. She is neither a scientist nor an economist. She offers no practical solutions to the economic devastation her ideas would cause. Admirable passion. Wrong thesis. Media star.
Google Search: 176 million results
Boyan Slat is a 23-year-old inventor who designed the world‘s first ocean plastic cleanup system at age 16. He now leads a group developing advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic. His solution involves no economic destruction. Admirable passion. Right thesis. Media: not interested.
Google Search: 270,000 results"
Of course, liberals will claim some white male boomer created this
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Today guest edits: Greta Thunberg - "‘When you talk to these people, negotiators, they say that the COP 26 is our last chance, which of course, it is not, there's no last chance, we can always prevent it from getting worse’...
If all of the globe, we went to zero emissions, let's be clear, let's unpack the word net. This is a new term that's being put in whereby that means that wealthy parts of the world mostly will carry on emitting from some sectors they call difficult, like aviation, for example. And they will rely on the future generations, for Greta’s generation to suck the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This is the hidden story behind this word net
Looks like she's realised she's propagating fake news with her 2030 deadline
Zero net emissions actually means what you put into the air is offset by what you take away. This zealous obsession with zero emissions - even though zero net emissions has the same effect - belies the religious fanaticism of climate change hysteria, which is really about moral purity
Greta Thunberg's Dad Appears to Be Writing Her Facebook Posts - "A Facebook glitch on Thursday evening revealed that Greta Thunberg’s Facebook page is run by accounts belonging to her father and a climate activist in India... People on message boards like 4chan took advantage, sharing screenshots of posts on Greta Thunberg’s page by her dad, actor Svante Thunberg, and Adarsh Prathap, an Indian delegate at the U.N. climate change organization. None of the posts appeared to have been composed by the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist herself... While public figures regularly employ social media managers to communicate in their voice, Thunberg claimed she really was behind all her posts. She said she just prefers to use her dad’s account... Hailed as a planetary savior by many activists and journalists, Thunberg has recently been forced to issue a number of clarifications to her fans on social media.Last month, she defended a photo she tweeted of herself posing on the floor of what she said was an “overcrowded” trained after the railway revealed that she had actually traveled first class. According to Thunberg, she had sat on the floor until a seat opened up.Days earlier, Thunberg apologized for saying during a speech in Italy that world leaders should be “put against the wall.” In English the phrase is associated with execution by firing squad. But Thunberg said she only meant to say they must be held accountable."
Strange, Svante claimed that he wasn't into climate activism (and so could not have been responsible for manipulating Greta). Dear me...
An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg - "You have declared yourself a leader and said that your generation will start a revolution. You have comported yourself as a credentialed adult and climate change activist who has fearlessly addressed politicians and world leaders. You have dropped out of school and declared that there isn’t any reason to attend, or any reason for you to study since there will be no future for you to inherit. You have, rather than attend your classes, been leading Friday Climate Strikes for all students in your generation across the globe. Your attendance at oil pipelines has been striking. There, you unequivocally declare that all oil needs to remain in the ground where it belongs.I shall, therefore, against the backdrop of your activism, address you as an adult rather than as a child... You proclaim that we need to live within the planetary boundaries, to focus on equity and “take a few steps back” for the sake of all living species. You resent the hierarchical distinctions between human and animals and entertain no qualitative distinction between a monkey, a malaria-infested mosquito and a snarling hyena. You mouth slogans such as: “We have set in motion an irreversible chain reaction beyond control,” and you advocate for universal veganism on the Ellen DeGeneres show. You do not buy new clothes, and you don’t want the rest of us to either. You want us all to stop flying in jet planes without giving us an alternative as to how we would re-transform our financial and trading systems—to say nothing of our personal enjoyment of the world—without regression to a primeval era. Few can afford to cross the Atlantic in a $6M zero carbon yacht financed by rich people who made their wealth by the very means you condemn as loathsome... we did not rob you of your childhood or of your dreams. You are the legatee of a magnificent technological civilization which my generation and the one before it and several others preceding it all the way to the Industrial Revolution and the Renaissance, bequeathed to you. That growth-driven, capitalist technological civilization has created the conditions for you to harangue us over our betrayal. It is a civilization that eradicated diseases such as small pox from the word, and that lifted millions out of abject poverty in a universe you think is dying and decaying. It assured you a life expectancy that exceeded that of your ancestors. Most likely by focusing on economic growth which you demonize, and scientific advancement, that civilization will further enhance a robust quality of life and health for your descendants.Here is a hard truth to ponder, Greta: if the great producers of this world whom you excoriate were to withdraw their productivity, wealth and talents—in short—their minds from the world today, your generation would simply perish... your generation is unable to work up to forty hours per week without being chronically depressed and anxious. Its members cannot even decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, or both, or neither, or a “they.” They cannot eat meat without crying. I might add that your generation needs “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” as pre-conditions for learning in school. Its members have a pathological need to be coddled and protected from the challenging realities of life. Your generation is the biggest demander and consumer of carbon spewing technological gadgets and devices. An hour without any of them and too many of you succumb to paralyzing lethargy. Your generation is the least curious and most insular set of individuals one has ever encountered. Your hubris extends so far that you think you have nothing to learn from your elders.Yes, we have betrayed you: by capitulating the world of leadership to bored, attention-deficit children who spout bromides, platitudes and slogans that a rudderless and morally relativistic culture accepts because a significant number of its denizens have become intellectually bankrupt and morally lazy.The logical endpoint of your ecological vision would see us living in primeval conditions eking out an existence in jungle swamps in which we would regard poisonous snakes and man-eating tigers as our moral equals. We would have to adapt ourselves to nature rather than adapt nature to meet our needs, like all members of civilized civilizations do. Your vision would see us foraging for mushrooms and plants without knowing which were inimical to our digestive systems. Under your system we would swelter from heat, die from rampant plagues and starvation because there will be no air-conditioning units, no sophisticated plumbing and irrigations and sewer systems, no anti-bacterial soap made from animal matter, no pesticides and chemicals to sanitize our food and drinking supplies: just one primordial swamp of human putrefaction.If civilization is left in the hands of your ecofascist supporters we will be living in grass huts, drinking animal feces infested water, and shrinking in fear from polar bears instead of killing them for food when they attack us... Your apocalyptic predictions have been made for millennia, and, we’re still here. We will still be here long after you’ve grown up and we have forgiven you for skipping classes, thereby lowering the intelligence quotient of an entire generation."
On the one hand, greenies tell us that we must listen to Greta because she is mature and has an important message. On the other, they tell us we cannot criticise or critically engage her because she is a child and those who do so are cowardly bullies, insecure neckbeards, craven men who bully children etc
Are We Really Running Out of Time to Stop Climate Change? - "society is going to have to start hitting some important deadlines fast. There's a big one coming 12 years after the IPCC report. Blowing through it won't immediately plunge society into a "Mad Max"-style dystopia, as some have suggested... Some scientists are nervous that overemphasizing the 2030 deadline might mislead the public about the nuances of climate change... Scientists never said the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't stop climate change. Even researchers known for ringing the alarm bells on climate change are far more likely to speak in terms of decimal places and nonlinear effects than to talk about the end of civilization as we know... "It has achieved an absoluteness in its role in societal dialogue that's not in line with scientific fact," said Katharine Mach, a climate scientist at the University of Miami and one of several lead authors of the IPCC report."The world will not end if we pass 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels""
Looks like she needs to take her own advice and listen to the scientists. Ironically the article advocates telling a noble lie. Luckily, people are gullible so this may (unfortunately) work
Some people claim Greta will make a difference when all the previous hysteria hasn't because she's a kid. This girl was 12 at the time. And coming from more than 2 decades ago, it's interesting to see how while the playbook evolves, in many ways the more things change the more things stay the same
Comment: "Weaponizing children to deliver a narrative at the UN. v1.992.
A) The ozone layer was fixed.
B) Somebody did give the poor people in South America everything they wanted. That economy collapsed because it was unsustanable. Venezuala.
C) You are now old enough to have had your own children. Did your doomsday prediction come true? Will you now retract it?"
Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - "Greta Thunberg is just an ordinary 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl whose fiery visions have convinced the parliaments of Britain and Ireland to declare a “climate emergency”. Greta’s parents, actor Svante Thunberg and opera singer Malena Ernman, are just an ordinary pair of parent-managers who want to save the planet. Query their motives, and you risk being accused of “climate denial”, or of bullying a vulnerable child with Asperger’s. But the Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics, and a think-tank founded by a wealthy ex-minister in Sweden’s Social Democratic government with links to the country’s energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the Western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy... Rentzhog admitted to meeting Greta’s mother Malena Ernman “3-4 months before everything started”—in early May 2018, when he and Malena had shared a stage at a conference called the Climate Parliament. Nor did Rentzhog stumble on Greta’s protest by accident. He now admits to having been informed “the week before” by “a mailing list from a climate activist” named Bo Thorén, leader of the Fossil Free Dalsland group.Independent journalist Rebecca Weidmo Uvell has obtained an earlier email from Bo Thorén’s search for fresh green faces. In February 2018, Thorén invited a group of environmental activists, academics and politicians to plan “how we can involve and get help from young people to increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable society”. In May, after Greta won second prize in an environmental op-ed writing competition run by the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Thorén approached all the competition winners with a plan for a “school strike”, modelled on the student walk-outs after the shootings at Parkland, Florida. “But no one was interested,” Greta’s mother claims, “so Greta decided to do it for herself.” Fortunately, Greta’s decision coincided with the publication of Scenes from the Heart, Svante and Malena’s memoir of how saving the planet had saved their family. Unfortunately, Malena omitted to tell her publisher that Ingmar Rentzhog had commandeered Greta’s stunt... Trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don’t Have Time in late 2017 to “hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change” by leveraging “the power of social media”... When Greta met Rentzhog, he was the salaried chairman of a private think-tank owned by an ex-Social Democrat minister with a background in the energy sector. His board was stacked with powerful sectoral interests, including career Social Democrats, major union leaders, and lobbyists with links to Brussels. And his board’s vice-chair was a member of one of Sweden’s most powerful green energy investment groups... Greta’s father Svante, who now devotes himself to managing her career, declined my interview requests and refused to reply to a detailed list of written questions about Ingmar Rentzhog and Global Challenge. Instead, Svante issued an evasive three-paragraph statement through an intermediary... When I asked Rentzhog if he had introduced Greta and her parents to other Global Challenge board members, he replied, “I don’t know, maybe I did, but if Svante says no, maybe it was not connected.” Svante refuses to answer my questions about whether he and Greta have met members of the Global Challenge board. But Global Challenge board member Anders Wijkman remembers. Wijkman leads the anti-growth Club of Rome. Its alarmist 1972 report, A Limit to Growth?, has become a cornerstone of the “climate emergency” campaign. In December 2018, We Have No Time and Global Challenge launched the Club of Rome’s latest vision of apocalypse, the Climate Emergency Plan... The Climate Emergency Plan’s talking points are Greta’s talking points. “Around the year 2030, in ten years, 250 days, and ten hours,” the Scandinavian Cassandra told British parliamentarians, “we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilisation as we know it.” The only way to save ourselves is to follow the Climate Emergency Plan, and instantly green the global energy business through massive government investment and emergency legislation... They announced that their association with Rentzhog was over—a curious statement, considering that Svante claims they had never associated with him in the first place... Whatever Greta or her parents know or think, her eco-mob increases the likelihood of legislation and investment that will make colossal profits for people like Global Challenge, We Don’t Have Time and Sustainable Energy Angels. For Sweden’s energy titans, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff. Green energy lobbyists use populist scare tactics and a children’s crusade to bypass elected representatives, but their goal is technocracy not democracy, profit not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used to ease the transition to green corporatism."
Being financed and supported by corporate interests is only a bad thing if you're on the "wrong" side
Also published as: Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior | News Review | The Sunday Times
Are We Really Running Out of Time to Stop Climate Change? - "Scientists never said the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't stop climate change. Even researchers known for ringing the alarm bells on climate change are far more likely to speak in terms of decimal places and nonlinear effects than to talk about the end of civilization as we know.Prominent activists rarely bring up doomsday, either. Messages from the Global Climate Strike organizers and the U.S.-based Sunrise Movement focus on long-term climate shifts, not an impending, sudden disaster. Still, the 12-year deadline looms large in the culture."It has achieved an absoluteness in its role in societal dialogue that's not in line with scientific fact," said Katharine Mach, a climate scientist at the University of Miami and one of several lead authors of the IPCC report."The world will not end if we pass 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels""
Greta better take her own advice and listen to the scientists and stop pushing climate change hysteria
Lewis Spears on Twitter - "If the right want to beat Greta Thunberg, they have to fight fire with fire. It's time for a 15 year old climate change denier with down syndrome"
Ashley StClair 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "The people saying to leave Greta Thunberg alone are the same people who bullied the mini AOC girl off of the internet."
Comments: "14 year old Soph's funny/intelligent take on Greta. She has been banned from paypal, and youtube. Find her Freespeech TV."
Justin Murphy on Twitter - "Not even being provocative but if you think Greta Thunberg has the maturity to guide global policy-making then you cannot object to Jeffrey Epstein paying 16-year-olds for sex."
Replies: "people treat age in a manner that suits their needs.
Want liberal voters? Lower voting age to 16.
Guns are bad, so raise age for purchase to 21?
Trust a 16 yr old on climate change, but don't question them because they are a child."
"can you simultaneously think that a 16-year-old is capable of making wise decisions concerning complex scientific matters of global import and NOT capable of making decisions concerning her own body?"
Greta Thunberg without a script to read from - YouTube
"After a truly brilliant message to world leaders at the UN, Greta was absolutely lost for words answering a question during a news conference.
Her reply was truly astounding "
/out/ - Outdoors » Thread #1585509 - "Greta Thunberg - ”The problem of plastic pollution in the... *surrounded by plastic while in the train*"
Psychologist says he's worried about the mental wellbeing of climate change activist Greta Thunberg - "one of Australia's most-high profile psychologists has accused the girl of being an 'entitled political pawn' in need of treatment. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg compared Greta's position in the spotlight to the fame of a child TV star who could 'burn out' after being thrust into the spotlight... Dr Carr-Gregg said he was wary of Greta's Asperger's and history of mental health in his analysis of the teenager, who he believes has a 'sense of entitlement'.'I am worried that we use a kid like this, who arguably should be getting treatment because she's said she's had anorexia, said she's got Asperger's and said she's battled depression,' he said.'As a parent, if this was my child, I'm not sure I'd be putting them on the world stage.'Dr Carr-Gregg said he was worried about Greta's future, her current psychological health and how it would impact other young people.'It sends a message to other teenagers that they can speak to adults in this very, very dismissive way',' he said. 'She seems to be caught up in a doomsday scenario where she's massively exaggerating the threats posed by climate change and that has a flow-on effect because it causes all this existential anxiety in our children, hence the climate strikes,' he said.He said kids should be in school but are instead rallying because 'they've been convinced the end of the world is nigh'... Dr Carr-Gregg mentioned the 'Twitter war' between Greta and Donald Trump where the president appeared to mock the teenager.'She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!,' Mr Trump tweeted following Greta's impassioned speech.The climate activist swiftly responded by changing her Twitter bio to 'A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.'... Dr Carr-Gregg said he didn't think children should be used as 'political props'. 'My criticism isn't so much of her, but her parents and the climate change activists who use her shamelessly and I think that the Left can be somewhat hypocritical at times,' he said.Dr Carr-Gregg said the rest of world needs to put pressure on China and India - the largest emitters... The psychologist said that because Greta is a 16-year-old female 'no one is allowed to debate' her views.'We all just have to lie down and accept it'... Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also come out swinging against Greta's stance on global warming, saying 'we've got to let kids be kids.'He said children need to be protected from 'needless anxiety' and reminded the younger generation that they live in a 'wonderful country and pristine environment.' "
She literally says she has multiple mental conditions/illnesses/disorders, yet many people, when this is brought up, claim that talking about them is a personal attack. And/or conflate criticism with attack, or criticism of her handlers/enablers/manipulators with criticism of her
Children should be used as political props when it's your politics they're promoting
Stop the Exploitation of Greta Thunberg - "The global media covers Greta with gushing accolades. She has appeared on the covers of Time, British Vogue, and – oddly enough – men’s magazine GQ. She has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Celebrities line up to meet her. She has already published two books.Speaking as a mother, I have a different perspective. I’m following Greta’s journey and I am appalled to see a minor being exploited to advance a political agenda. I would never permit one of my own children to be used in this way.History teaches us that early fame often leads to disastrous outcomes. Corey Feldman, Michael Jackson, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears. The list of child celebrities whose lives fell apart once they reached adulthood is endless.Greta already faced significant challenges before she rose to global fame. She talks openly about the fact that she’s been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She also has Selective Mutism, a condition defined by Britain’s National Health Service as “a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they don’t see very often.”... Since Greta is only 16, no one can ask her tough questions – like how to square her goals with representative democracy. Anyone who criticizes her is vulnerable to the charge of bullying a child.Greta is being used to promote a political agenda by people who don’t care about her long-term welfare. What will happen to her when the novelty wears off? She won’t be a cute little teenager for much longer. How can she go back to living a quiet life when she’s gotten used to being greeted by cheering crowds wherever she goes?And where are Greta’s parents in all of this? They seem to be her enablers. Her father accompanied her on her boat journey across the Atlantic. He is an actor and her mother is an opera singer. Perhaps they are vicariously living out their own dreams of global fame via their daughter."
HowToTravelLikeABasicBitch (@hownottotravellikeabasicbitch) • Instagram photos and videos - "•I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GRETA• Currently there’s a 16 year-old girl who skipped school for climate change named Greta from Sweden getting international attention for standing up for the environment. I am here to explain to you 3 reasons why it’s wrong. Check HIGHLIGHT:GRETA for more detail and clarity.
1. GRETA EXPERIENCES NO DIRECT DANGER DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. Greta does not live any effects of climate change or environmental hazard and therefore has no idea what she’s speaking about. Meanwhile Brown & Black activists are DYING for the planet all across the world and have been speaking from their direct lived experiences at the cost of their lives.
2. By placing Greta as the mouthpiece of a movement it’s WHITE WASHING, SILENCING, AND ERASING BROWN & BLACK CHILDREN and their movements as a DIRECT RESPONSE to their lived situations AND sets a precedent that “leaders” in their field must be White in order for issues to matter and for solutions to be created, regardless of how ill-informed and disconnected they are.
3. THERE ARE ALREADY INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF SWEDEN FIGHTING FOR THIS. They’re called the Sámit. IF there was to be any environmental representation, it would be them considering they have to fight their own government for resource preservation.
I have no issue with Greta herself. I do have an issue with the space she occupies. By continuing to uplift her in international media, this is inadvertently saying that what Brown & Black People have been voicing and dying for, for years, doesn’t fucking matter, just like our lives."
Supporting Greta Thunberg is evidence of 'white supremacy', activists claim - "Support for Greta Thunberg is evidence of "white supremacy", "white privilege" and "white power", activists claim."
Inasmuch as climate change hysteria is a white obsession, they are right
Greta Thunberg, after pointed UN speech, faces attacks from the right - "The day before Thunberg's UN speech, Mr D'Souza likened her image to ones used in Nazi propaganda, posting a photo on Twitter of Thunberg, wearing her signature long braids, next to an illustration of a young woman with a similar hairstyle standing in front of a swastika flag. "Children - notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks - were often used in Nazi propaganda""
Of course, the ACLU using a photo of a white baby holding an American flag = promotion of white supremacy
Pointing out that Greta Thunberg looks strikingly similar to images in Nazi propaganda = you are racist
Experts Agree Restructuring World Economy Best Way to Treat Child’s Anxiety - "Today, 16-year-old Sweedish activist Greta Thunberg spoke at the U.N. Climate Summit, scolding world leaders for their inaction and accusing them of “Stealing the dreams of [her] childhood.” After the speech, experts agreed that the best way to treat this child’s anxiety would be to completely restructure of the world economy."
Stefan Molyneux on Twitter - "Oh lord above. Which countries are Greta Thunberg targeting for climate sins? Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey. Not the two countries responsible for the most CO2 emissions. Not India. Not China. It’s all so ridiculous and political."
Matt Walsh on Twitter - "The Left: How dare you attack a 16 year old girl? She’s a child you monsters!
Also the Left:
Reza Aslan: Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's? *Covington's Nicholas Sandmann"
Bonus points - both are white, so the left can't play the race card (so they can still play the gender one)
CJ Pearson on Twitter - "I’ve been attacked, lied about, and spat on by the Left and the media more times than I can count. The only kids the Left won’t attack are the ones that agree with the nonsensical rhetoric they spew."
Gad Saad on Twitter - "Progressive Noble Logic: If you scrutinize a position espoused by a 16-year-old activist who has received worldwide attention, you're a monster because you're "attacking" an innocent child. Also: 3-year-old children are old enough to unequivocally state their gender identity."
It's Disgusting What the Climate Panic Brigade Is Doing to Greta Thunberg | VodkaPundit - "The lecture goes on in a similar vein, with poor Thunberg looking more and more disturbed as she continues. The Swedish teenager is not some science prodigy who graduated young from some Ivy League school with an advanced agree in physics or anything like that. Rather, the daughter (and granddaughter) of famous actors and opera singers suffers from Asperger's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism. I'm no medical professional, but these things might have been brought on when (according to public sources), starting at the age of eight, Thunberg was subjected to such a barrage of climate panic that she eventually became depressed and lethargic, and also developed an eating disorder... While Trump might seem callous here to some, to me he looks like a man unwilling to join in on this international display of child abuse.Finally, I'd add that when someone castigates their own audience, and the audience applauds, then the castigation is not meant. It's nothing but a theatrical affectation for TV cameras -- a hoax perpetrated by the speaker and the audience, together. I doubt someone Thunberg's age knows the ins and outs of speechmaking to understand that, but whoever handles her does. Certainly the people there at the UN got exactly the TV clip they wanted, even at the "price" of pretending to be publicly shamed.Shame on those exploiting this young woman instead of helping her through her troubles."
The cult of Greta Thunberg - "Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member... It actually makes sense that Ms Thunberg – a wildly celebrated 16-year-old Swede who founded the climate-strike movement for schoolkids – should sound cultish. Because climate-change alarmism is becoming ever stranger, borderline religious, obsessed with doomsday prophecies. Consider Extinction Rebellion, the latest manifestation of the upper-middle classes’ contempt for industrialisation and progress. It is at times indistinguishable from old fundamentalist movements that warned mankind of the coming End of Days... It struck me that this was a march against people. Most radical protest and direct action is aimed at officialdom or government or people with power. This macabre schlep through London was aimed squarely at ordinary people. Banners and placards made no disguise of the marchers’ contempt for how the masses live. We were told that ‘Meat = heat’ (that is, if you carry on eating meat, you fat bastards, the planet will get even hotter) and that driving and flying are destroying Mother Earth. Of course, it’s okay for them to fly – Emma Thompson jetted first-class from LA to London to lecture us plebs about all our eco-destructive holidaymaking. It’s only a problem when we do it; it’s only bad when we take advantage of the miracle of mass food production and the expansion of flight to make our lives fuller and more pleasurable. They detest that. They detest mass society and its inhabitants: the masses. In keeping with all millenarian movements, the extinction-obsessed green cult reserves its priestly fury for ordinary people. Even when it is putting pressure on the government, it is really asking it to punish us. It wants tighter controls on car-driving, restrictions on flying, green taxes on meat. That these things would severely hit the pockets of ordinary people – but not the deep pockets of Emma Thompson and the double-barrelled eco-snobs who run Extinction Rebellion – is immaterial to the angry bourgeoisie. So convinced are they of their own goodness, and of our wickedness, that they think it is utterly acceptable for officialdom to make our lives harder in order to strongarm us into being more ‘green’... What they have done to Ms Thunberg is unforgivable. They have pumped her – and millions of other children – with the politics of fear. They have convinced the next generation that the planet is on the cusp of doom. They have injected dread into the youth. ‘I want you to panic’, said Ms Thunberg at Davos, and the billionaires and celebs and marauding NGOs that were in attendance all lapped it up. Because adult society loves nothing more than having its own fear and confusions obediently parroted back to it by teenagers. They celebrate Thunberg because she tells them how horrible they are: it is an entirely S&M relationship, speaking to the deep self-loathing of the 21st-century elites."
Opinion | The Problem With Greta Thunberg’s Climate Activism - The New York Times - "Climate activists in Western Europe had already been radicalizing for some time when record heat engulfed the Continent last month. The high reached 109 degrees in Paris two Thursdays ago. Yet many environmentalists have come to believe that extreme weather alone will never spur Europeans to give up fossil fuels. Nor will talking about it. Provocations and disruption are needed... Europeans act like Americans, holding tight to their driving and consuming habits.Climate activists have therefore changed their emphasis. No more eliciting pieties by explaining what happens when carbon dioxide rises past 400 parts per million. Better to use the specter of imminent self-extinction to rally the public behind actions like banning cars from city centers and halting new oil exploration.This new focus may have the virtue of conveying urgency. But it is going to bring the climate protesters into conflict with democracy, whether they realize it or not... Ms. Thunberg believes people should act, not argue... Her politics rests on two things. First is simplification. “The climate crisis already has been solved,” she said at a TED Talk in Stockholm this year. “We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change.” Second is sowing panic, as she explained at the World Economic Forum in Davos last winter... Kids her age have not seen much of life. Her worldview might be unrealistic, her priorities out of balance. But in our time, and in her cause, that seems to be a plus. People have had enough of balance and perspective. They want single-minded devotion to the task at hand. This Ms. Thunberg provides. That climate change be understood as an “emergency” is her first objective. Increasingly, authorities share it. The week of the heat wave, according to The Economist, the Met Office, the British meteorological agency, was trying to speed up its “attribution studies” so that it can link incidents of extreme weather to global warming before the public’s attention drifts. This is a political, not a meteorological, goal. There are also calls to politicize language: In May, The Guardian announced it would use the term “climate crisis” rather than “climate change” in its articles, and “global heating” rather than “global warming.” Alliances between institutional authorities and activists like Ms. Thunberg often backfire. With questions of global warming, the problems of credibility are already large, even without fresh incitements to politicization. Sometime after the age of 16, most people learn that not even the members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are above self-interest and human error. It is also hard to say what a real, non-utopian low-carbon politics would look like, once the public got involved in legislating and regulating. Contrary to the assumptions of many of Ms. Thunberg’s admirers, it might resemble contemporary populist agendas more than the world imagined by the United Nations’ modelers and the governance experts of Davos. Protectionism could be in: If you establish a system of carbon pricing, countries that don’t practice it are “dumping,” and their imports must be excluded. Immigration could be out: It is difficult to see how any kind of long-term mass immigration is consistent with a desire to lower Europe’s carbon output. And that is before we even broach the question of what kind of civilization we want, and at what level of technological complexity. On a planet of eight billion people, it is not just destination weddings that require considerable expenditure of energy. So does food. So does clean drinking water. So does communication. Increasingly, climate agitators want action, not distraction. That often requires demonizing anyone who stands in the way. In July the climate editor of the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad complained that Paris’s declaration of a “climate state of emergency” on July 9 had not been accompanied by a ban on automobile traffic in Paris or by a dimming of the lights on the Eiffel Tower. In Germany the word “Flugscham” is one of the last year’s more interesting coinages. It means not fear of flying but shame of flying, and of the pollution it brings about. The German economist Niko Paech urges shaming people for booking cruises and driving S.U.V.s, too. Behind the new boldness of climate activists is the assumption that ordinary Europeans’ good intentions are sincere and their inaction is hypocritical. It could be the other way around. Whatever the case, Europeans’ slowness to act on the climate cannot simply be dismissed as “denial.” Those who read the United Nations reports and tut-tut but fail to take to the streets might be less resolute — but they might simply disagree, or have other priorities. Democracy often calls for waiting and seeing. Patience may be democracy’s cardinal virtue. Climate change is a serious issue. But to say, “We can’t wait,” is to invite a problem just as grave."
Greta Thunberg will sail to US on boat with no toilet to avoid flying
Presumably ocean pollution from throwing your waste into the sea is better than carbon emissions. And everyone is free (and rich) enough to spend 2 weeks on a boat instead of a few hours on a plane
Crew of Five Are Flying To New York To Bring Greta’s Boat Back! - "Climate activist Greta Thunberg causes more greenhouse gas emissions from her sailing trip from the United Kingdom to the United States than if she had flown. About five employees would sail the yacht back to Europe... The sailing trip triggers at least six climate-damaging air travel across the Atlantic. If Thunberg had flown with her father, only two would have been necessary to come to New York...
This proves that Thunberg’s decision to sail by racing yacht had nothing whatsoever to do with saving emissions, and was no more than a silly publicity stunt."
Lucas Lynch - When it comes down to it, very few people actually... - "When it comes down to it, very few people actually believe in 'expertise' as meaningful. They'll appeal to it when it aligns with ideas they already believe in, and ignore it when they don't. Don't believe me? Just remember that all those people you know bemoaning an unqualified reality TV star as president that wanted a top-rated daytime talkshow host to take his place, cheer for a bartender in Congress, and are extolling the climate-science advice of an autistic 16 year old child."
Lucas Lynch - "And just like that, everyone who said Richard Dawkins should stick to commenting on things within his realm of expertise started taking climate science advice from an autistic 16 year-old Swedish girl...One who, except for her ignorant anti-nuclear stance, I basically agree with, by the way. But please spare me your real and true concern for 'expertise'..."
Thread by @ShellenbergerMD - "If you want people to think your goal isn't climate but rather making (& keeping) nations poor, then attacking France & Brazil, which get 86% & 79% of their power from zero-carbon sources, is a great strategy...
Attacking nuclear as "extremely dangerous" reinforces the sense that what you want isn't lower emissions but "de-growth"
Why? Because nuclear
- is how France & your country, Sweden, get 86% & 90% of their power from zero-carbon sources
- is THE SAFEST way to make electricity
French President @EmmanuelMacron is right: Your "Very radical positions [are] likely to antagonize our societies"
Indeed, they already have
But then, perhaps that was the goal all along?
Around the world, those seeking to shut down nuclear plants & replace them with nat gas & a few "renewables" are @Greenpeace @billmckibben @NaomiAKlein et al. while those people defending nuclear are the climate scientists for whom you claim to speak... If you are going to condemn fossil fuels as "evil" then you should contemplate why it is that oil and gas companies are spending millions to promote the unreliable renewables that you, too, are promoting...
If you're going to moralize against species extinction along with your allies @ExtinctionR then consider how wind turbines are killing endangered species around the world & may be contributing to the insect die-off in Germany and elsewhere"
Meme - "15yr olds joining ISIS are too young to know what they're doing.
15yr olds on climate change are experts.
Welcome to clown world."
Meme - "One of these kids complained that her childhood was stolen."
The Red-Headed Libertarian™️ on Twitter - "Greta Thunberg snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize by committee run by Norway, one of the world's biggest oil and natural gas exporters"
"@Newsweek Between 1940-1944, Irene Sendler smuggled 2500 children out of the Warsaw ghetto. When she was found out, she was tortured & beaten for several days. Her limbs broken Irene was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 2007 They gave it to Al Gore for his slideshow That’s a snub."
Greta Thunberg's refusal to fly on airplanes leaves her stranded on wrong side of the globe - "Climate change activist Greta Thunberg is asking for help after her refusal to fly on airplanes has left her stranded on the wrong side of the globe. The Swedish teenager's plea came on Friday after the United Nations announced the COP25 environmental summit would be hosted in Madrid, Spain. The summit was slated to take place in Chile, but the South American country withdrew hosting responsibilities this week amid national civil unrest."
The perils of being a luddite
Greta Thunberg Calls on Facebook to Censor Her Critics - "The celebrated Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has threatened to quit Facebook if the social media platform refuses to silence her critics... Ms. Thunberg is finding criticism enervating, suggesting that those who oppose her crusade are “interfering with democracy” and should be censored by Facebook. The climate icon urged her fans to “challenge” Facebook to silence her antagonists, insisting that “if enough of us demand change — then change will come.”"
Her getting off Facebook would be great! But this is probably like all the American liberals who threatened to move to Canada if Trump were elected
Climate activist Greta Thunberg demands Facebook users urge platform take responsibility for content - "London's Natural History Museum said that it had named a minute species of beetle after her.The 'Nelloptodes gretae' is less than 1 millimeter long and lacks eyes and wings"
The beetle is blind, so...
Sorry, Greta Thunberg, but you’re (mostly) wrong - "Despite the tearful claims of stolen childhoods, suffering and death, Greta’s generation has grown up in the most prosperous time in human history. Global hunger is at an all-time low. Fewer live in poverty than ever before. Life expectancy is up. Disease is generally down.And all of this has occurred in the face of rising global temperatures, because this is what Greta gets right: Global warming is real, and human activity is likely to blame... Yet despite this, humans have thrived due to a multitude of advancements. In the United States, for example, increased use of air conditioning has reduced heat-related mortality despite higher temperatures. Globally, malaria, which was once forecast to become more widespread in a changing climate, has been on the steady decline as a result of highly successful control efforts.In other words, fewer people are dying and suffering than ever before. Greta describes a bleak future on the brink of ecological collapse, and although she highlights a plethora of important environmental problems, much of what she describes is only loosely tied to climate change and not entirely supported by science. While she is correct that extinctions are occurring at an alarming rate and some ecosystems are struggling, these are primarily a result of local land-use modification in developing nations rather than a result of global climatic change. Likewise, she suggests that warming will be worse than predicted due to “tipping points, most feedback loops, and additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution,” but this is only half-true.Most scientists believe warming will progress in a rather linear fashion with progressively worsening effects; the idea that Earth as we know it will be very different if we don’t act in eight or 10 years is arbitrary. Fortunately, Earth has relatively few “tipping points” and positive “feedback loops,” although there are some notable exceptions. As for “toxic air pollution,” this has likely slowed global warming by blocking the sun. And in an ironic twist, Greta is concerned global warming will progress more rapidly once highly polluted countries clean up their act... Any solution to combat climate change should seek to reduce the impact on day-to-day life while striving to maintain the unprecedented global rise in wealth. Anything else would be potentially catastrophic and could reverse decades of dramatic gains combating poverty. Fortunately, even though Greta maintains that “solutions are nowhere in sight,” there is reason for optimism. For instance, modern nuclear energy is safe, produces almost no carbon, and unlike wind or solar, can run reliably and continuously. We should be constructing new nuclear plants, not dismantling them.Further in the future, emerging technologies that capture carbon from the atmosphere and even convert it into fuel show great promise. Unlike Greta’s bleak outlook, these solutions would require relatively few changes to our current lifestyles, yet would effectively and seamlessly reduce carbon emissions. Most Americans simply aren’t willing to give up their cell phones and cars, nor should they. A common refrain from Thunberg is that we should “listen to the science.” I wholeheartedly agree. The science suggests that despite some major environmental challenges, humans across the planet are better off than ever before, and the future is not unremittingly bleak. We should strive to keep it that way while combating climate change and preserving our environment in a controlled, yet effective manner.
Kalkstein is a climate scientist at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point."
Of course climate change hystericists only want to listen to the scientists who will support their agenda (or more to the point, those who can claim support it)
Greta Thunberg 'ignored' by world leaders at climate summit, admits protests have achieved 'nothing' - "Thunberg, as she typically does, also reverted to climate change alarmism on Friday, claiming the actions of humanity will result in an unsustainable future if environmental actions continue to go unchecked... Thunberg arrived in Europe this week after embarking on a three-week transatlantic journey, which made headlines because the trip did not save carbon emissions as expected. Thunberg travels via boat, train, and car because she refuses to fly.
Greta Thunberg's plan to save carbon emissions backfires over travel on luxury yacht - "Nikki Henderson, a 26-year-old yacht skipper, flew to the U.S. from Britain to sail Thunberg's ship — the La Vagabonde, a 48-foot catamaran — the 3,500 mile journey from the U.S. to Portugal... Adding insult to injury, the vessel Thunberg used for her journey is not climate friendly because it has two diesel engines and is made from products that use petroleum for production. Craig Rucker — president of Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, a free-market environmental organization — said Thunberg's travel logistics are "rife with irony." "The irony of protesting capitalism and oil on board a carbon-fiber (petrochemical) yacht owned by European royals who made billions operating Monaco as a tax haven was rich""
Psychology Today article blasted conservative commentator for calling Greta Thunberg 'mentally ill' — yet initially admitted she has been diagnosed with 'mental illnesses' - "Thunberg was described as having been diagnosed with "several mental illnesses". But on Thursday, the words "mental illnesses" were gone from the paragraph in question. Vanished. Gone. Kaput. And without explanation. Not one editor's note. Not even an indication the article had been updated. TheBlaze on Thursday messaged a Psychology Today editor and asked for an explanation regarding why the words "mental illnesses" disappeared from the paragraph describing Thunberg, but the editor didn't immediately respond. One could understand why Psychology Today characterizing Thunberg as having been diagnosed with "several mental illnesses" might be problematic given the piece later rips Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire for calling Thunberg a "mentally ill Swedish child"... a New York Times profile of Thunberg said in "early adolescence she battled severe depression, so much so that she stopped eating for a while and stopped growing."And in an April Facebook post, Thunberg celebrated Autism Awareness Day, said she's "proud to be on the spectrum!" and acknowledges she's had her "fair share of depressions, alienation, anxiety and disorders.""
How Greta Thunberg's rise could backfire on environmentalists - " the free market is already doing these things based on the same capitalist incentives Greta and so many other activists are blaming for environmental disaster. Natural gas is cheaper and produces 50% fewer emissions than coal, nuclear power has been modernized and made much safer in recent decades while producing no emissions. For-profit entities like a company called Carbon Engineering are working on machines that literally suck carbon emissions out of the atmosphere.Each of these innovations has enjoyed some level of government support here and there, but raw capitalistic profit motives are the primary driver. Warren and those like her are failing to see that millions more Americans who use their consumer spending powers to reduce their carbon footprint will send corporate America chasing after those dollars in a much faster and more effective way than government fiat... Based on all the politically partisan slogans and signs we saw at the climate protests over the past few days, are we sure the top motivation is the environment and not politics? If the activists protesting right now could get the most serious climate change threats eliminated, but without politically defeating President Trump and Republicans and/or putting the big oil companies out of business in the process, would they still be interested in the cause?... This new focus on making environmentalism an angrier protest movement threatens to make the effort to protect the planet just another wedge issue that politicians often use to motivate their base of voters. Similar wedge issues like abortion and gun control have long shifted become tribal controversies with little chance of progress and compromise."
Greta Thunberg busted for misleading public about her train voyage - The Post Millennial - "Poor Greta Thunberg. The 16-year-old Swedish climate activist renowned for skipping school and accusing world leaders of “doing nothing,” allegedly had to travel in a little less comfort than what she is used to on her way home from the UN Climate Conference in Madrid and tweeted about it:“Traveling on overcrowded trains through Germany. And I’m finally on my way home!” Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s state railway company, however, had this to say:
“Dear #Greta, thank you for supporting our railway in the fight against climate change! We are happy that you travelled with us in the ICE 174. And that with 100 percent eco electricity. It would have been even better if you had also mentioned how friendly and competent the team looked after you in your seat in First Class.”... This seems to suggest that Thunberg is willing to bend the truth to suit her agenda... This stunt has been tried before. Three years ago, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the UK Labour Party who lost the election to Boris Johnson and the Conservatives last week, claimed that the train he was travelling on was overcrowded and was shown sitting on the floor of the carriage, making a political point about alleged under-funding and mismanagement of the British railways, arguing they needed to be re-nationalized. Yet later he was found to have passed through an almost empty carriage, where he could have chosen a comfortable seat with a view and a table if he had so wished, before he made the video on the floor of the corridor instead. Like Corbyn, Thunberg seems to thrive on pointing out faults in our society, and her mission is to show that we need to “change the system.” And like so many angry, young protesters before her, “everything” is wrong... Being economical with the truth, no matter what your intentions are, tends to come back and bite you. If she wants to keep sympathy for her cause strong, perhaps her team of PR consultants should make sure she doesn’t exaggerate her plight. After all, most 16-year-olds can only dream of travelling the world on state-of-the-art yachts and in first-class train carriages while skipping school for months at a time."
Sitting on the floor for a photo when you're in First Class - so brave, so stunning. No wonder so many adult men feel "threatened" by her
Hilariously, I saw lots of people slamming Deutsche Bahn, but few calling out Greta's spreading of fake news
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' - "Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy."
Threats of violence are good when they come from the right people
Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela - "the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities."
Well, now that she's come out and admitted it's not (just) about the environment... Of course many of her supporters will continue to pretend that it is
Greta Thunberg says Canadian oil and gas violates children's rights - The Post Millennial - "Greta Thunberg has joined up with 15 more young climate activists. They have claimed that Canada and Norway are violating the rights of children throughout the world with their oil and gas production.The activist’s claim that the higher output of fossil-fuel production violates the countries obligations in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child."
I guess not using fossil fuels and having kids die due to an undeveloped economy doesn't violate children's rights
Lucas Lynch - "When someone says they simply can't fathom so many people hating a teenage child, and you give them this look... *Covington's Nicholas Sandmann*"
Bruce Sawyer - "Climate change realist Naomi Seibt: "Greta is stuck in a bubble""
"You can't criticize the message of a teenager, so the only option is to send another teenager. The future of all debate will be fought with child proxies. You must fight children with children."
"We've finally done it. 2020 will be the year of the child proxy soldier. We're now living in the Metal Gear Solid universe."
Meme - "Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swdish environmental activist who shares her anger, frustration and anxiety about the climate with the world. She is neither a scientist nor an economist. She offers no practical solutions to the economic devastation her ideas would cause. Admirable passion. Wrong thesis. Media star.
Google Search: 176 million results
Boyan Slat is a 23-year-old inventor who designed the world‘s first ocean plastic cleanup system at age 16. He now leads a group developing advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic. His solution involves no economic destruction. Admirable passion. Right thesis. Media: not interested.
Google Search: 270,000 results"
Of course, liberals will claim some white male boomer created this
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Today guest edits: Greta Thunberg - "‘When you talk to these people, negotiators, they say that the COP 26 is our last chance, which of course, it is not, there's no last chance, we can always prevent it from getting worse’...
If all of the globe, we went to zero emissions, let's be clear, let's unpack the word net. This is a new term that's being put in whereby that means that wealthy parts of the world mostly will carry on emitting from some sectors they call difficult, like aviation, for example. And they will rely on the future generations, for Greta’s generation to suck the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This is the hidden story behind this word net
Looks like she's realised she's propagating fake news with her 2030 deadline
Zero net emissions actually means what you put into the air is offset by what you take away. This zealous obsession with zero emissions - even though zero net emissions has the same effect - belies the religious fanaticism of climate change hysteria, which is really about moral purity
Greta Thunberg's Dad Appears to Be Writing Her Facebook Posts - "A Facebook glitch on Thursday evening revealed that Greta Thunberg’s Facebook page is run by accounts belonging to her father and a climate activist in India... People on message boards like 4chan took advantage, sharing screenshots of posts on Greta Thunberg’s page by her dad, actor Svante Thunberg, and Adarsh Prathap, an Indian delegate at the U.N. climate change organization. None of the posts appeared to have been composed by the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist herself... While public figures regularly employ social media managers to communicate in their voice, Thunberg claimed she really was behind all her posts. She said she just prefers to use her dad’s account... Hailed as a planetary savior by many activists and journalists, Thunberg has recently been forced to issue a number of clarifications to her fans on social media.Last month, she defended a photo she tweeted of herself posing on the floor of what she said was an “overcrowded” trained after the railway revealed that she had actually traveled first class. According to Thunberg, she had sat on the floor until a seat opened up.Days earlier, Thunberg apologized for saying during a speech in Italy that world leaders should be “put against the wall.” In English the phrase is associated with execution by firing squad. But Thunberg said she only meant to say they must be held accountable."
Strange, Svante claimed that he wasn't into climate activism (and so could not have been responsible for manipulating Greta). Dear me...
An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg - "You have declared yourself a leader and said that your generation will start a revolution. You have comported yourself as a credentialed adult and climate change activist who has fearlessly addressed politicians and world leaders. You have dropped out of school and declared that there isn’t any reason to attend, or any reason for you to study since there will be no future for you to inherit. You have, rather than attend your classes, been leading Friday Climate Strikes for all students in your generation across the globe. Your attendance at oil pipelines has been striking. There, you unequivocally declare that all oil needs to remain in the ground where it belongs.I shall, therefore, against the backdrop of your activism, address you as an adult rather than as a child... You proclaim that we need to live within the planetary boundaries, to focus on equity and “take a few steps back” for the sake of all living species. You resent the hierarchical distinctions between human and animals and entertain no qualitative distinction between a monkey, a malaria-infested mosquito and a snarling hyena. You mouth slogans such as: “We have set in motion an irreversible chain reaction beyond control,” and you advocate for universal veganism on the Ellen DeGeneres show. You do not buy new clothes, and you don’t want the rest of us to either. You want us all to stop flying in jet planes without giving us an alternative as to how we would re-transform our financial and trading systems—to say nothing of our personal enjoyment of the world—without regression to a primeval era. Few can afford to cross the Atlantic in a $6M zero carbon yacht financed by rich people who made their wealth by the very means you condemn as loathsome... we did not rob you of your childhood or of your dreams. You are the legatee of a magnificent technological civilization which my generation and the one before it and several others preceding it all the way to the Industrial Revolution and the Renaissance, bequeathed to you. That growth-driven, capitalist technological civilization has created the conditions for you to harangue us over our betrayal. It is a civilization that eradicated diseases such as small pox from the word, and that lifted millions out of abject poverty in a universe you think is dying and decaying. It assured you a life expectancy that exceeded that of your ancestors. Most likely by focusing on economic growth which you demonize, and scientific advancement, that civilization will further enhance a robust quality of life and health for your descendants.Here is a hard truth to ponder, Greta: if the great producers of this world whom you excoriate were to withdraw their productivity, wealth and talents—in short—their minds from the world today, your generation would simply perish... your generation is unable to work up to forty hours per week without being chronically depressed and anxious. Its members cannot even decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, or both, or neither, or a “they.” They cannot eat meat without crying. I might add that your generation needs “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” as pre-conditions for learning in school. Its members have a pathological need to be coddled and protected from the challenging realities of life. Your generation is the biggest demander and consumer of carbon spewing technological gadgets and devices. An hour without any of them and too many of you succumb to paralyzing lethargy. Your generation is the least curious and most insular set of individuals one has ever encountered. Your hubris extends so far that you think you have nothing to learn from your elders.Yes, we have betrayed you: by capitulating the world of leadership to bored, attention-deficit children who spout bromides, platitudes and slogans that a rudderless and morally relativistic culture accepts because a significant number of its denizens have become intellectually bankrupt and morally lazy.The logical endpoint of your ecological vision would see us living in primeval conditions eking out an existence in jungle swamps in which we would regard poisonous snakes and man-eating tigers as our moral equals. We would have to adapt ourselves to nature rather than adapt nature to meet our needs, like all members of civilized civilizations do. Your vision would see us foraging for mushrooms and plants without knowing which were inimical to our digestive systems. Under your system we would swelter from heat, die from rampant plagues and starvation because there will be no air-conditioning units, no sophisticated plumbing and irrigations and sewer systems, no anti-bacterial soap made from animal matter, no pesticides and chemicals to sanitize our food and drinking supplies: just one primordial swamp of human putrefaction.If civilization is left in the hands of your ecofascist supporters we will be living in grass huts, drinking animal feces infested water, and shrinking in fear from polar bears instead of killing them for food when they attack us... Your apocalyptic predictions have been made for millennia, and, we’re still here. We will still be here long after you’ve grown up and we have forgiven you for skipping classes, thereby lowering the intelligence quotient of an entire generation."
On the one hand, greenies tell us that we must listen to Greta because she is mature and has an important message. On the other, they tell us we cannot criticise or critically engage her because she is a child and those who do so are cowardly bullies, insecure neckbeards, craven men who bully children etc
Are We Really Running Out of Time to Stop Climate Change? - "society is going to have to start hitting some important deadlines fast. There's a big one coming 12 years after the IPCC report. Blowing through it won't immediately plunge society into a "Mad Max"-style dystopia, as some have suggested... Some scientists are nervous that overemphasizing the 2030 deadline might mislead the public about the nuances of climate change... Scientists never said the world was going to end in 12 years if we don't stop climate change. Even researchers known for ringing the alarm bells on climate change are far more likely to speak in terms of decimal places and nonlinear effects than to talk about the end of civilization as we know... "It has achieved an absoluteness in its role in societal dialogue that's not in line with scientific fact," said Katharine Mach, a climate scientist at the University of Miami and one of several lead authors of the IPCC report."The world will not end if we pass 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels""
Looks like she needs to take her own advice and listen to the scientists. Ironically the article advocates telling a noble lie. Luckily, people are gullible so this may (unfortunately) work
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