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Monday, September 30, 2019

Links - 30th September 2019 (1)

The Slaughter in Pittsburgh - "Because we are obliged by the sickness of our political culture to analyze every despicable event in a manner designed to confirm our priors, we have already, mere hours after the barbarity, sunk into a nauseating discussion about how much blame to assign to the president for this unspeakable act. The obvious answer is: None. Donald Trump should be assigned no such blame, even if the shooter were the president of the Donald Trump Fan Club, because he pulled no trigger and committed no crime. Period. To do that, to assign blame, is to whitewash the crime itself and the criminal’s responsibility for it. He becomes a cultural robot, seized by an evil collective unconscious that drove him to his crimes.Based on the early evidence, the shooter was not only consumed with a hatred of Jews but possessed a kind of sneering contempt for Trump on the grounds that Trump was basically a Jewish agent or a Jew-lover himself. Trump can only be blamed for the murderous Jew-killing actions of someone who thought of him that way by people who are so consumed by hatred of him that there is nothing they won’t blame him for."

The Real Connection Between Video Games and Mass Shootings
It’s Gamergate.

When you're digging the bottom of the barrel to push your agenda
Comment: "I notice that the other mass shooter this weekend--the antifa sympathizer, is being ignored."

Dayton gunman Connor Betts had an obsession with violence and mass shootings, police say - "a Twitter account that appears to belong to Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters. The most recent tweet on the @iamthespookster account was on August 3, the day of the shooting, when he retweeted a post saying, "Millenials have a message for the Joe Biden generation: hurry up and die."The user's Twitter bio reads: "he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / I'm going to hell and I'm not coming back." One tweet used the hashtag #HailSatan... In the hours before the Dayton shooting, the Twitter account "liked" several tweets about a shooting in El Paso that left 22 dead, including one supporting gun control and others that called the El Paso shooting suspect a "terrorist," and a "white supremacist."The account retweeted messages supporting Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, as well as posts against ICE agents, including one that said, "these people are monsters," and multiple posts condemning police, and supporting Antifa protesters, who often use violent tactics."
"Remember, if someone does a bad thing and also supports you, you are complicit in the doing of that bad thing too!"
"They never write that shooters appeared to be right-wing lol"

Fear Free-Speech Curbs More Than Exposure to Racist Manifestos - "In addition to understanding the twisted motivations of mass killers, a reason that it’s important to allow ordinary citizens to access their writings is that the media can’t always be counted to provide a full interpretation or context of their motivations. How many Americans know that the El Paso killer also made it clear that he hates automation and corporations, and blames them for a stagnant economy even while he blames Hispanics for environmental degradation? His solution harkens back to the most fanatical views of zero-population-growth advocates: “If we can get rid of enough people,” he wrote, “then our way of life can become more sustainable.” Ambitious left-wing projects such as universal health care and Universal Basic Income “would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed.”... The Christchurch killer clearly hated minorities, but his racism was rooted in environmentalist concerns... Mein Kampf, Hitler’s infamous manifesto, is freely available in most countries. Even German authorities recently legalized its publication, saying that people needed to understand the nature of evil and how it expressed itself. Restricting access to the rantings of mass killers only makes their writings a form of “forbidden fruit” — all the more sought after because they are censored."

Ohio Shooter Was a Radical Leftist Who Supported Elizabeth Warren - "[He] described him self as a “socialist,” praised Antifa and expressed support for Elizabeth Warren... Before it was suspended last night, Connor Betts’ Twitter feed made it clear that he was a left-wing fringe extremist. Amongst other things, Betts;
– Described himself as a “leftist”
– Tweeted “I want socialism”.
– Tweeted “Warren I’d happily vote for”.
– Retweeted Bernie Sanders numerous times.
– Retweeted Antifa accounts numerous times.
– Tweeted “kill every fascist”.
– Tweeted “burn the world to the ground to start the new one”.
– Repeatedly tweeted “hail Satan”.
– Expressed praise and sympathy for the Antifa terrorist who attempted to firebomb an ICE facility, calling him a “martyr”.
– Used Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “concentration camp” rhetoric.
– Tweeted “vote blue for gods sake”.
– Wore a patch that said “Against All Gods”.
– Expressed support for the “punch a Nazi” meme.
– Retweeted Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt.
– Advocated for gun control.
Does any of this mean Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders are to blame for the actions of one sick individual. No. But that same courtesy has to be extended to President Trump.America saw two tragic mass shootings this weekend. One by a right-wing extremist and one by a left-wing extremist.However, only the motive of the right-wing extremist is being discussed by the media.Only one side of the political spectrum immediately exploited the bloodshed to push their agenda, and that wasn’t President Trump or his supporters."

An0maly on Twitter - "I didn't understand how much media & celebrities were lying about the El Paso shooter until today. He disliked Republicans for being too pro immigrant, said the environment was being ruined, bought into a Yang-style automation apocalypse theory & said Trump wasn't a factor. Wow.
The El Paso shooter's style of eco-fascism & racist environmentalism is no where to be found on the mainstream right wing. Meanwhile the Dayton shooter's ideology can be found on every single celebrity Instagram & is swallowing up the Democratic Party."
Comments: "And now you know why they're telling people to not read the manifesto - so they can lie about it's contents."
"The El Paso shooter said he was radicalized b4 Trump. He is 21. That means he was about 18/19 when Trump became @POTUS. Common sense tells us he was radicalized in his teen years.Can anyone help me remember who was President when the shooter was between 13 and 19 years old?"

Clay Trainor on Twitter - "You know what’s funny is that there are hundreds of millions of “disenfranchised, disaffected” women and not a single fucking one of them is shooting up a Wal Mart."
"@emrazz 26 of the 27 worst mass killers in US history were raised without a father. Women aren't doing the shooting, but they are raising the shooters"

LGBTQ Refugees Find Discrimination in South Africa - "When apartheid ended a quarter century ago, South Africa’s new rulers rushed to adopt inclusive legislation, passing laws enshrining gender equality and freedom of expression. The country now has some of the most progressive LGBTQ laws in the world, including full constitutional protections against discrimination. This legal environment is unmatched on a continent where colonial-era laws against gay sex are still commonplace, and where offenders in some nations face the death penalty. Cape Town advertises itself as Africa’s gay capital, with dedicated nightclubs, film festivals, and pride events.As a result, many LGBTQ people from across the continent make their way here... But like countless others in his position, he soon came to see a wide gulf between this legal promise and the lived reality. The rights promised on paper in South Africa remain out of reach for many who need them most, particularly those fleeing homophobia elsewhere. For them, a quite different South Africa awaits: morally conservative, hostile to outsiders, and often profoundly violent"
Of course liberals in Singapore will just keep obsessing about 377A

Armed assailant threatens to behead Jewish man in London - "a 34-year-old man accosted an Orthodox Jewish man in his 40s who was walking down the street to his place of work.The suspect shouted anti-Semitic epithets at the Jewish man, including calling him a “f***ing Jew”.When the suspect drew a knife, the Jewish man began to run, with the suspect chasing behind him, shouting “I’m going to kill you, I’m going to chop your head off.”... another anti-Semitic incident was reported in London, this time outside of an Orthodox Jewish school in the Hackney district.Police say a man approached a group of young boys and their mothers outside of a school affiliated with the Satmar Hasidic movement, shouting “I will kill all you Jews.”"
All just anti-Zionism

McDonald's India admits to discriminating against non-Muslims, buys only Halal meat for its restaurants - "The Halal-Jhatka debate had come to the fore during the Zomato controversy. The food aggregator was accused of hypocrisy for claiming ‘food has no religion’ but going out of their way to satisfy their Muslim customers’ demand for Halal food. It was finally forced to take cognizance of the Halal-Jhatka debate and conceded after immense public pressure that they will add a Jhatka tag on their app if customers demand it."

Thread by @AntnHz: "My grandmother passed away. Her funerals were today, but here I'd like to talk about the most important thing I couldn't spend too much time […]" #DnD #DiceCameraAction - "My grandmother passed away. Her funerals were today, but here I'd like to talk about the most important thing I couldn't spend too much time on in her eulogy: her love for Dungeons & Dragons"

Discover and Read the Best of Twitter Threads - "Transform Twitter Threads into a Readable Page!"

I wouldn't take my lottery winning ex-husband back - "Eileen Murray told The Post on Thursday she has no plans to get back together with her ex, Mega Millions Jackpot winner Mike Weirsky — and won’t be calling him anytime soon.“He’s not appealing to me all of a sudden because he has this money,” said Murray, 53.During their 15-year marriage, which ended in divorce in October, Murray worked as a cost analyst for a utilities company, but her 54-year-old husband was unemployed. She’s still paying him spousal support, she said.Still, she has no plans to go after him for any of the $162.5 million lump sum he’ll be collecting.“I’m not going after anything. I have morals. I know what I’ve worked for and it’s everything that I have.”"

The Screen - Posts - "one of the simplest ways to break out of an echo chamber is to follow some peeps you disagree w. my timeline is more interesting these days."
"what an interesting way to say that you love associating with nazis."
"Laci Green was a popular Feminist PC SJW internet personality in 2014. She went "Red-Pilled" by 2017 and the result was predictable.That news is old and minor - in the world of adults. The image below signifies is the broader culture of the Modern Left, Anglo Liberals, and US Democrats. Things like this are precisely why people are "walking away", to use the parlance of our times... They did it Germaine Greer, Laci Green, Dave Rubin and many others. They WILL do it to you too."
In other words, if you disagree with a liberal you're a Nazi

Here’s what S Rajaratnam had to say about religious hysteria, censorship, and religious harmony - "In 1988, the film The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by Martin Scorsese and based on a 1953 Nikos Kazantzakis novel of the same name, was banned from being screened in Singapore...
'The banning of a memorable book which the vast majority of Singaporeans have ignored for some 30 years without serious damage to their health and mind is unlikely to bring Singapore crashing down.The worst that can happen, from the censor’s point of view, is that, should the ban be ever lifted, there would be a stampede to borrow or buy the book.The best that can then happen is that, in diligently searching through the novel for the dirty bits that do not exist, many Singaporeans would have, for the first time in their lives, read from cover to cover a masterpiece of modern literature... “racial and religious cohesiveness” can best be ensured in Singapore by enforcing as a matter of law, what on the basis of Mr Koo’s own analysis is the triump of the hysterical over the sane – Christian and non-Christian.I would have thought the best way of ensuring racial and religious harmony would be by compelling the hysterical minority to “empathise” with the sane majority.This is what Western Christian and even non-Christian countries with also a multiplicity of religions and races have had the courage to do in the face of the baying of the hysterical over this book.And as far as I know, no religious wars have erupted as a result of the courageous stand. On the contrary, placating religious hysteria is the surest way of encouraging religious intolerance and, therefore, of religious civil wars. Yet a non-Christian and Asian Singapore applies the opposite remedy... That is why when on the day of my retirement from official politics I was asked by the reporters what my future concerns for Singapore were, I unhesitatingly said: “The danger of racial and religious conflicts”. The reason why Singapore has so far been an exception to what is becoming a world-wide rule is that this Government had the courage always to be on the side of sanity against the intolerance of the hysterical... I was recently on a holiday in an Asean country. I was visited by a niece of mine on her way to a girl guide campfire sing-song. I remarked that during my boy scout days I enjoyed such campfires.“Not any more uncle”, she said, with a wry smile.“Why not?”“Nowadays we have sing-songs but without campfires”, she said wistfully.“Why?”“Because”, she said, “some minor religious sect considers singing around a campfire fire-worshipping and therefore offensive.”'...
Rajaratnam had written earlier to ST on Nov 5 1988, commenting that the book by Kazantzakis should not have been banned.His statement held even more weight as Rajaratnam himself was Singapore’s first Minister for Culture.He noted that the book had been “leading a happy though lonely existence in our libraries for some 30 years without scaring the life out of our moviegoers or our ever watchful censors”.He said that the only reason it got banned was because of a sudden panic raised by the people in the West, and that hysteria got transferred to Singapore.In his own words, “Singaporeans having neither seen the film nor read the book have reciprocated by staging a panic – a remarkable instance of instantaneous long distance transfer of hysteria from West to East”."
Interestingly, Rajaratnam recognised that a moral panic about race and/or religion would worsen racial/religious tensions rather than alleviate them. Apparently how race and religion were less delicate problems in late 1980s Singapore, before the PAP had seized upon them to justify their mandate of heaven
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