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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Links - 25th September 2019 (3)

Humans of Sunnybank - "Hi, my name is Zhang Lai-Fan. I am professional baby formula buyer from Mainland China. Every day I camping outside supermarket to wait for open time. I set goal to buy 20 tin each day, only take me 2 hour to empty the shelf. No staff ever stop me because all Asian look the same, they don't know I keep come back buy more. If Aussie mother try to argue me, I tell them my son is Bruce Lee. Don't mess me, or I call him to kung fu you. Now my Social Credit Score over 9000. :D"

Child psychologist Lisa Damour says kids need rules more than affection from their parents - "Children need both affection and structure in order to develop into secure, happy adults.But if parents can only provide one, it should be structure, said Lisa Damour, a psychologist who specializes in adolescent girls, and the author of Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood.“They can get warmth from their teachers, from their friends’ parents, but they can only get structure from parents”... Children who are raised in a stern, business-like way may be less happy as adults, but they’ll have the tools they need to function. Children raised without discipline or rules can be stunted and ill-equipped for adulthood... Adolescents actually want structure from their parents, despite their protestations to the contrary. Permissiveness and inconsistency from parents can be unsettling and provoke anxiety"

yamnooseka on Twitter - "I think a lot of people assume they're hated for their gender/sexuality/race when they're actually just unlikeable cunts"

FATAH: The push to boot candidates accused of Islamophobia raises questions - "the Green Party fired their candidate in the Quebec riding of Lévis-Lotbinière after he was labelled an ‘Islamophobe’ because he dared to criticize a mosque leader... If there was any consolation, Saint-Hilaire is not the first and certainly not the last Canadian politician falling victim to lobbying that started with the infamous M-103 moved in 2018 by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid and one that I had predicted could lead to stifling any criticism of Islamist theocracy in Canada."

Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "Pro-slavery southern secessionists circa 1860: "America was founded on slavery, the constitution is a pro-slavery document."
Democrats, 2019: "America was founded on slavery, the constitution is a pro-slavery document.""

Seeing Is Believing: Fake News May Lead To False Memories, Voter Study Finds - "Those who scored lower on the cognitive test were just as likely as high scorers to recall false memories, but low scorers were more likely to remember false details that agreed with their beliefs. This suggests, according to the study’s authors, that more intelligent individuals may be more likely to question their own beliefs and preferred news sources."

Why are fewer Frenchwomen sunbathing topless? | Spectator USA - "In 1984, a survey found that 43 percent of Frenchwomen bathed topless on the beach. But a similar poll last month revealed that figure had fallen to 19 percent. Of 1,000 women interviewed, 59 percent of under-25s said they covered their breasts in order not to arouse men, while 51 percent said they were scared of being physically or sexually abused if they went topless. Other reasons stated were a fear of skin cancer, and a lack of self-confidence about their bodies. This isn’t the first time the French have pondered this issue. Five years ago, the women’s section of Le Figaro ran a piece entitled ‘Is Topless Sunbathing still a feminist Act?’. Sociologist and author Jean-Claude Kaufmann said that topless sunbathing was so common in the 70s and 80s it became banal, a summertime ritual with a hierarchy of beauty and youth. Women felt compelled to strip off, and if they didn’t, well, they were prudish... In its 2014 article, Le Figaro highlighted social media as a contributory factor in modesty winning out over nudity; 40 years ago a woman could bathe topless on a beach and not worry that within a few hours she might find herself going viral on the internet. There’s another sinister development in France in recent years that explains why women are not only reluctant to go topless but frightened at the thought. It’s what Jacqueline Costa-Lascoux, a director for a governmental research organization, described in 2015 as ‘a police of mores who are principally targeting young women on the issue of modesty’.The social police in question are Islamists, and while they target principally Muslim women, reports of sunbathers being harassed and even physically assaulted generate a fear among women in general... For decades, Frenchwomen have suffered stoically, only revealing their true feelings in surveys, like the one published in Liberation 10 years ago that found 88 percent of them considered themselves prudish, 37 percent were disturbed by the sight of a topless sunbather and 29 percent insisted on making love in the dark."

Species and Sex Differences in Risk Tolerance - "Both male and female rats were sensitive to the increase in risk over time, and chose the risky option less frequently as the probability of shock increased. However, female rats were more risk averse than male rats: they chose the large risky reward significantly less often and were significantly slower to do so.This sex difference was not influenced by estrous cycle, nor could it be accounted for by differences in physical shock perception or satiation between sexes. Furthermore, lower doses (relative to body weight) of amphetamine were required to reduce risk-taking behavior in female versus male rats.Because amphetamine is thought to influence dopamine signaling, which is necessary for avoiding averse outcomes, these results suggest that sex differences in risk-taking could be due to sex differences in dopamine neurotransmission"
The power of patriarchy!

Sex differences in risk-taking and associative learning in rats - "when the environment was novel, males spent more time out of cover than females. Males also hid less when exposed to the test arena containing predator odour. By contrast, females explored more than males when the predator odour was removed (associatively learned risk). These results suggest that males are more risk-prone but behave more in line with previous experiences, while females are more risk-averse and more responsive to changes in their current environment"

Male risk-taking is related to number of mates in a polygynous bird - "Evolutionary theory predicts that when intrasexual competition is intense, risky behaviors can evolve if they enhance reproductive success. Here we tested the idea that polygynous males exhibit predictable variation in risk-taking during intense competition for mates. We conducted an observational study of a village weaverbird (Ploceus cucullatus) breeding colony, and video recorded synchronous fleeing events, a common predator avoidance behavior. Males adjusted their flight from the colony according to the amplitude (loudness) and Wiener entropy (harshness) of conspecific alarm calls during a perceived threat. Males also varied in how often they fled the colony. Specifically, in line with predictions based on the value of a male’s territory, males with more nesting females were less likely to flee, and returned sooner if they did flee, compared to males with fewer nesting females. Males with a nest under construction also returned to their nests sooner than males without constructions in progress, consistent with predictions based on nest sabotage by conspecifics. These results suggest that male weavers perform a cost-benefit analysis in real time in order to decide how to respond to a perceived threat, with self-protection trading off with the security of one’s territory and mates."

Why animals also seek teenage kicks - "Doting otter parents do their best to keep juveniles from venturing into the triangle of death, and mature males and females are smart enough to stay away. In fact, females never show up in the area at all. The only otters foolish enough to attempt an incursion into the triangle are adolescent males – it turns out that human teenagers aren't the only animals that make bad decisions during the awkward transition between childhood and maturity... What made these male elephants so dangerously aggressive and so unusually sexually active? When the young were growing up in South Africa's Kruger National Park in the 1980s, the mature males and females of their social groups were the victims of culling programmes. The juvenile males, none of them older than ten years, were relocated to Pilanesberg National Park some six hundred kilometres away, where they matured in the absence of any adults. The orphan males never spent their awkward teenage years being mentored by older, more experienced males. An assessment of this and other "stressed communities" which had all been subject to elephant culling showed that male-male aggression accounted for almost ninety out of every hundred male deaths, compared with only 6% in unstressed communities."

The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviour - "Sex differences in risk seeking behaviour, emergency hospital admissions, and mortality are well documented. However, little is known about sex differences in idiotic risk taking behaviour. This paper reviews the data on winners of the Darwin Award over a 20 year period (1995-2014). Winners of the Darwin Award must eliminate themselves from the gene pool in such an idiotic manner that their action ensures one less idiot will survive. This paper reports a marked sex difference in Darwin Award winners: males are significantly more likely to receive the award than females (P<0.0001). We discuss some of the reasons for this difference."

Domino's Pizza app must be accessible to blind people - "Domino's Pizza has been told its website and app must be made fully accessible to blind people, after losing a legal case in the US.It follows a complaint from a blind customer who said he first struggled to change toppings and then was unable to complete a pizza's purchase using the company's iPhone app."
Maybe they'll just pull the app, then everyone will be worse off

SMRT Feedback by The Vigilanteh - Posts - "Father earns $2K a month, mother earns $1.2K a month. Son has a gpa of 1.82 out of 4.00. Son CMI locally so he wants to get his degree in a Canadian Uni. Court rules that dad has to pay 60% of the overseas course fees, and mom pay the balance despite dad saying the son can study locally to improve his marks first before reapplying to uni... This is an absurd ruling and a precedent that is prone to abuse for future children who want to sue their parents just so they can study overseas."

fake geek gamer girl on Twitter - "Whenever a woman gets attacked or abused by a man people tell me that’s why I need feminism.
The problem is;
When a crime happens feminists don’t see a criminal, they see a man.
When the criminal is a woman they see an exception.
I can’t support that mentality."

Morgan Chambers 🇺🇸🇧🇿 on Twitter - "According to my community,
If I speak proper English, I’m acting “white”
If I dress with class, I’m acting “white”
If I educate myself, I’m acting “white”
My question to people who say this is,”Why do you associate being black with being a failure?”"

Majority of Canadians favour limiting immigration levels: Poll - "Scheer says it’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s fault that public support for immigration is waning. He pointed to the influx of over 43,000 asylum seekers that have crossed into Canada “illegally” since 2017 using a forest path in Quebec and avoiding official border checkpoints where they’d have been turned back to the U.S. asylum system.“There is absolutely nothing fair or compassionate about real victims of persecution having to fight the government to be reunited with their families, or forcing the oppressed to wait longer for Canada’s help while others jump the queue, exploit loopholes and cross the border illegally from places like upstate New York"

Canada's millionaire migrants earn less than refugees, so why bother with wealth migration? - "After their first year in Canada it averaged about C$18,000. After five years, it was about C$21,000; after 15 years in Canada, it had only risen to C$25,000. Compare that to the Canadian average of C$41,000 for the 2008 tax year, from which the data is extracted... Skilled worker immigrantsaveraged C$34,000 after one year in Canada, and after 15 years were averaging more than C$60,000. Live-in caregiversaveraged C$25,000 after one year, and C$34,000 after 15 years. Even refugees, who averaged about C$17,500 in earnings after year one, were earning an average of C$30,000 after 15 years.Yes, that’s right. Refugees end up reporting higher wages to the Canadian taxman than millionaire migrants ever do. And two-thirds of all refugees declare income, bang on the Canadian average. The same tax data provides evidence of another inconvenient truth about millionaire migrants: They don’t seem terribly devoted to living in Canada once they have obtained citizenship.Three years after immigrating (the period of residency required to secure citizenship) around 47 per cent of IIP principal applicants reported earnings to Canada. But after another two years, their income-reporting rate had fallen steeply, to the aforementioned 39 per cent... why would someone who has enjoyed great economic success in one place (say, China), reject that in favour of trying their luck in a new country, unless compelled to do so? And once a passport is secured, there is nothing that prevents any Canadian, native-born or immigrant, from going wherever they wish to seek out further success."
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