Sunday, June 16, 2019
Links - 16th June 2019 (3)
Women -- but not men -- seek to actively punish sexualized women, study finds - "both men and women are prejudiced towards sexualized women. But only women are willing to endure a cost to themselves to punish a woman who appears to be promiscuous... the vast majority were from the United Kingdom — a country with a relatively high level of gender equality... The researchers believe that men seek to avoid being duped into investing in a child that isn’t their own, while women seek to keep the cost of sex high or wish to sabotage potential sexual rivals.“More broadly, our results find that sexual suppression cannot be described as being either male- or female-driven, and that more nuanced models are needed to understand society’s propensity to suppress female sexuality”"
This is only a surprise if you're a feminist - Women Hate Sluts, Prostitutes and Porn for the same reasons, after all
Women — not men — are more likely to punish sexualized women - ""Sex is coveted by men," Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt, who's conducted research similar to the new study, told the New York Times. "Accordingly, women limit access as a way of maintaining advantage in the negotiation of this resource. Women who make sex too readily available compromise the power-holding position of the group, which is why many women are particularly intolerant of women who are, or seem to be, promiscuous."... The researchers noted that this is "consistent with our view that sexually-accessible women are perceived as more likely to cheat on mates or poach the mates of others."... men don't really have good reasons to suffer the costs of punishing sexually accessible women with whom they're not romantically involved. However, women do because they have an interest in maintaining the value of sex within the group."
Women reject sexually promiscuous peers when making female friends - "College-aged women judge promiscuous female peers -- defined by bedding 20 sexual partners by their early 20s -- more negatively than more chaste women and view them as unsuitable for friendship... Notably, participants' preference for less sexually active women as friends remained even when they personally reported liberal attitudes about casual sex or a high number of lifetime lovers"
Ahh... hypocrisy!
Oil worker confronts Trudeau on his ‘gender impact’ comment — but he dodges question - "During Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s town hall in Regina on Thursday, an oil worker stood up and asked him to clarify comments he made about the “gender impact” of construction workers in rural communities.“During my time working in the oil field as a young female, I have come across some of the kindest and most respectful male coworkers … in the rural towns I have temporarily relocated to”... Trudeau skirted the question and gave a somewhat unrelated response.“Construction workers build this country every single day,” Trudeau said, adding that his government was investing “historical amounts in infrastructure.” He then thanks the woman for her question and was booed by some people in the crowd. Trudeau’s comments in question were made in December during a G20 meeting on gender equality in Argentina, in which the prime minister discussed the importance of looking through a gender lens when dealing with large construction projects... Several studies show there is a link between large-scale infrastructure projects and violence against woman."
Canada’s Cultish Politics Turn Problems Into Crises – Foreign Policy - "the Canadian prime minister has taken a homegrown Libyan bribery case and turned it into a full-blown crisis of confidence in his leadership. Since then, Trudeau’s fumbling has gotten only more bumbling... Research consistently shows that it is very uncommon for parties to stay united as often as they do in Canada.In the United Kingdom, half the votes in any given Parliament involve MPs breaking ranks with their caucus mates—and not just on the endless stream of Brexit-related proposals... you would be hard-pressed to point to a major democracy where individual legislators have as little power and exercise as little autonomy as in Canada... The firing of Wilson-Raybould and Philpott is symbolic of the gross power imbalance where almost all authority falls into the hands of the leader. It is, in large part, because both women represented a possible hit for the Liberals’ poll numbers. But, more than that, they represented a danger for the incredibly thick cohesion of Trudeau’s caucus."
Female lice grow penises, demand 70 hours of sex: study - "Despite seemingly having it all, these gals are hungry: they live in caves where food is extremely scarce. Switching into sexual survival mode, the female lice stalk males to acquire their “seminal gifts,” which are rich with nutrients.Often, sperm cravings come before consent, and the females force themselves on the men in marathon sex sessions, Yoshizawa says.These insatiable women “grasp and stimulate” their men for as long as 70 hours, he says. Male species have, in turn, developed vaginas."
Q: A Single Term That Includes All Sexual Minorities - "Frank Kameny, the last century’s greatest gay-rights activist, filed the first-ever Supreme Court petition challenging discrimination against homosexuals. He led some of the first gay-rights demonstrations. He was the first openly gay congressional candidate. He spearheaded the challenge to the psychiatric establishment’s categorization of homosexuality as a mental illness. He fought tirelessly against sodomy laws. He did a lot more than that. But there is one thing he never did—at least to my own recollection and that of associates of his whom I consulted. He did not use the term LGBTQ, or any of its variations... his friends say he abjured it. “My recollection is LGBT or its derivatives were expressly disliked by Frank,” one of them told me. “He would use gay to cover the full range; or gay and lesbian.” Another said: “Frank was quite indignant about the alphabet soup. When it started in the ’80s with gay and lesbian, he correctly predicted that there would be no end of it.”... The alphabet-soup designation for sexual minorities has become a synecdoche for the excesses of identity politics—excesses that have helped empower the likes of Donald Trump. It’s time to retire the term and find a replacement. I propose a single letter: Q... its intended message is admirable. But it carries an unintended message as well: an embrace of the identity politics and group separatism that have soured millions of Americans on progressivism and egalitarianism. Once activists started listing identities and groups, they realized that anyone not specifically included might feel specifically excluded. Their solution has been to keep expanding the list. But no matter how many letters are added, one group is still pointedly excluded: the cisgender heterosexuals who make up the vast majority of the U.S. population... Imagine if the religious-liberty movement instead styled itself the CJMHBSBA+ (Catholic-Jewish-Muslim-Hindu-Buddhist-Sikh-Baha’i-Animist-plus) movement. The symbolism ceases to be about equality for all Americans and becomes instead about naming particularistic claimants. And the very act of asking ordinary Americans to drag themselves through a list of initials is redolent of special rights, not equal rights.For me, the ugliness and unwieldiness of LGBTQ add insult to injury... Even as it seeks to explicitly include groups, the concatenation of initials implicitly blots out individuals.
Why 'inclusivity' doesn't work and is a slippery slope
Why Can't Public Transit Be Free? - "About 500 subway riders in Stockholm have an ingenious scheme to avoid paying fares. The group calls itself (rough translation: "dodge the fare now"), and they’ve banded together because getting caught free-riding comes with a steep $120 penalty. Here's how it works: Each member pays about $12 in monthly dues—which beats paying for a $35 weekly pass—and the resulting pool of cash more than covers any fines members incur. As an informal insurance group, has proven both successful and financially solvent... they argue that public transportation should be free, just like education, parks, and libraries (and health care, in some parts of Europe).... While [free public transport] succeeded in increasing ridership, the new riders they brought in were people who were already walking or biking to work. For that reason, they were seen as failures... the lack of fares attracted hordes of young people, who brought with them a culture of vandalism, graffiti, and bad behavior—which all necessitated costly maintenance. The lure of "free," the report implied, attracted the "wrong" crowd—the "right" crowd, of course, being wealthier people with cars, who aren't very sensitive to price changes. The NCTR report concluded that eliminating fares “might be successful for small transit systems in fairly homogenous communities, it is nearly certain that fare-free implementation would not be appropriate for larger transit systems.”... In January 2013, Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, announced that it was making public transit free to all of its citizens. A study released a year later revealed that the move only increased demand by 1.2 percent—though it did inspire Estonians that year to register as Tallinnian citizens at three times the normal rate... What makes more sense than implementing free transit on a grand scale is deploying it as a specialized tool. By the summer of 2013, officials in Singapore, for example, noticed that the city’s subways were getting unsustainably crowded during peak hours, between 8:15 and 9:15 in the morning. In response, the city comped rides for anyone who got off the train in a city center before 7:45. The shift made a significant difference. Before the rule change, peak-hours riders outnumbered off-peak riders about three to one; after, that ratio was closer to two to one... simply telling people just how heavily subsidized their subways and buses were made them willing to pay more money to ride"
The Truth About Why Some Men Stay Single - "In what strikes me as a very poor decision, the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science published Apostolou’s article. The title is, “Why men stay single? Evidence from Reddit.” (Yes, the scholarly journal put a question mark after a statement.) Springer, the publisher, was so proud of the article that they put out a press release, “Top 43 reasons why men remain single – according to Reddit.” (The press release was so misleading – largely because the study was so terrible – I could write a separate critique just of that.)... The author also takes penis size very, very seriously. He has an entire paragraph, complete with references, about its varying importance over time. For example, citing his own study of penis size, he argues that penis size did not matter in pre-industrial societies where men did not get to choose their mates. “Selection forces” were weak, and so now, when it matters, men are stuck with penises that are too small"
The mothers who regret having children - "It is impossible to know how many women feel this way because so few speak openly about it.But in a 2016 German survey by YouGov, 8% of 1,200 participants said they regretted becoming parents.In 2015 an Israeli sociologist Orna Donath published a study with women who all said they regretted having children. She described "the wish to undo motherhood" as an "unexplored maternal experience"."
Given the response when people admit publicly that they regret it (e.g. slamming the person for making his kid[s] feel awful), there are certainly a lot of people who won't admit it
It's telling all 3 women here are anonymous
Boy dumps Trump name over bullying at Delaware school - "A student at a Delaware school will be going by a different name in class after relentless bullying.The situation had the parents reaching out to Action News for help, saying their son's bullying wasn't being addressed by the Brandywine School District.The problem: They say 11-year-old Joshua Trump was being picked on because of his last name."They curse at him, they call him an idiot, they call him stupid," said his mother, Megan Trump... "He said he hates himself, and he hates his last name, and he feels sad all the time, and he doesn't want to live feeling like that anymore, and as a parent that's scary""
This is only a surprise if you're a feminist - Women Hate Sluts, Prostitutes and Porn for the same reasons, after all
Women — not men — are more likely to punish sexualized women - ""Sex is coveted by men," Dr. Tracy Vaillancourt, who's conducted research similar to the new study, told the New York Times. "Accordingly, women limit access as a way of maintaining advantage in the negotiation of this resource. Women who make sex too readily available compromise the power-holding position of the group, which is why many women are particularly intolerant of women who are, or seem to be, promiscuous."... The researchers noted that this is "consistent with our view that sexually-accessible women are perceived as more likely to cheat on mates or poach the mates of others."... men don't really have good reasons to suffer the costs of punishing sexually accessible women with whom they're not romantically involved. However, women do because they have an interest in maintaining the value of sex within the group."
Women reject sexually promiscuous peers when making female friends - "College-aged women judge promiscuous female peers -- defined by bedding 20 sexual partners by their early 20s -- more negatively than more chaste women and view them as unsuitable for friendship... Notably, participants' preference for less sexually active women as friends remained even when they personally reported liberal attitudes about casual sex or a high number of lifetime lovers"
Ahh... hypocrisy!
Oil worker confronts Trudeau on his ‘gender impact’ comment — but he dodges question - "During Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s town hall in Regina on Thursday, an oil worker stood up and asked him to clarify comments he made about the “gender impact” of construction workers in rural communities.“During my time working in the oil field as a young female, I have come across some of the kindest and most respectful male coworkers … in the rural towns I have temporarily relocated to”... Trudeau skirted the question and gave a somewhat unrelated response.“Construction workers build this country every single day,” Trudeau said, adding that his government was investing “historical amounts in infrastructure.” He then thanks the woman for her question and was booed by some people in the crowd. Trudeau’s comments in question were made in December during a G20 meeting on gender equality in Argentina, in which the prime minister discussed the importance of looking through a gender lens when dealing with large construction projects... Several studies show there is a link between large-scale infrastructure projects and violence against woman."
Canada’s Cultish Politics Turn Problems Into Crises – Foreign Policy - "the Canadian prime minister has taken a homegrown Libyan bribery case and turned it into a full-blown crisis of confidence in his leadership. Since then, Trudeau’s fumbling has gotten only more bumbling... Research consistently shows that it is very uncommon for parties to stay united as often as they do in Canada.In the United Kingdom, half the votes in any given Parliament involve MPs breaking ranks with their caucus mates—and not just on the endless stream of Brexit-related proposals... you would be hard-pressed to point to a major democracy where individual legislators have as little power and exercise as little autonomy as in Canada... The firing of Wilson-Raybould and Philpott is symbolic of the gross power imbalance where almost all authority falls into the hands of the leader. It is, in large part, because both women represented a possible hit for the Liberals’ poll numbers. But, more than that, they represented a danger for the incredibly thick cohesion of Trudeau’s caucus."
Female lice grow penises, demand 70 hours of sex: study - "Despite seemingly having it all, these gals are hungry: they live in caves where food is extremely scarce. Switching into sexual survival mode, the female lice stalk males to acquire their “seminal gifts,” which are rich with nutrients.Often, sperm cravings come before consent, and the females force themselves on the men in marathon sex sessions, Yoshizawa says.These insatiable women “grasp and stimulate” their men for as long as 70 hours, he says. Male species have, in turn, developed vaginas."
Q: A Single Term That Includes All Sexual Minorities - "Frank Kameny, the last century’s greatest gay-rights activist, filed the first-ever Supreme Court petition challenging discrimination against homosexuals. He led some of the first gay-rights demonstrations. He was the first openly gay congressional candidate. He spearheaded the challenge to the psychiatric establishment’s categorization of homosexuality as a mental illness. He fought tirelessly against sodomy laws. He did a lot more than that. But there is one thing he never did—at least to my own recollection and that of associates of his whom I consulted. He did not use the term LGBTQ, or any of its variations... his friends say he abjured it. “My recollection is LGBT or its derivatives were expressly disliked by Frank,” one of them told me. “He would use gay to cover the full range; or gay and lesbian.” Another said: “Frank was quite indignant about the alphabet soup. When it started in the ’80s with gay and lesbian, he correctly predicted that there would be no end of it.”... The alphabet-soup designation for sexual minorities has become a synecdoche for the excesses of identity politics—excesses that have helped empower the likes of Donald Trump. It’s time to retire the term and find a replacement. I propose a single letter: Q... its intended message is admirable. But it carries an unintended message as well: an embrace of the identity politics and group separatism that have soured millions of Americans on progressivism and egalitarianism. Once activists started listing identities and groups, they realized that anyone not specifically included might feel specifically excluded. Their solution has been to keep expanding the list. But no matter how many letters are added, one group is still pointedly excluded: the cisgender heterosexuals who make up the vast majority of the U.S. population... Imagine if the religious-liberty movement instead styled itself the CJMHBSBA+ (Catholic-Jewish-Muslim-Hindu-Buddhist-Sikh-Baha’i-Animist-plus) movement. The symbolism ceases to be about equality for all Americans and becomes instead about naming particularistic claimants. And the very act of asking ordinary Americans to drag themselves through a list of initials is redolent of special rights, not equal rights.For me, the ugliness and unwieldiness of LGBTQ add insult to injury... Even as it seeks to explicitly include groups, the concatenation of initials implicitly blots out individuals.
Why 'inclusivity' doesn't work and is a slippery slope
Why Can't Public Transit Be Free? - "About 500 subway riders in Stockholm have an ingenious scheme to avoid paying fares. The group calls itself (rough translation: "dodge the fare now"), and they’ve banded together because getting caught free-riding comes with a steep $120 penalty. Here's how it works: Each member pays about $12 in monthly dues—which beats paying for a $35 weekly pass—and the resulting pool of cash more than covers any fines members incur. As an informal insurance group, has proven both successful and financially solvent... they argue that public transportation should be free, just like education, parks, and libraries (and health care, in some parts of Europe).... While [free public transport] succeeded in increasing ridership, the new riders they brought in were people who were already walking or biking to work. For that reason, they were seen as failures... the lack of fares attracted hordes of young people, who brought with them a culture of vandalism, graffiti, and bad behavior—which all necessitated costly maintenance. The lure of "free," the report implied, attracted the "wrong" crowd—the "right" crowd, of course, being wealthier people with cars, who aren't very sensitive to price changes. The NCTR report concluded that eliminating fares “might be successful for small transit systems in fairly homogenous communities, it is nearly certain that fare-free implementation would not be appropriate for larger transit systems.”... In January 2013, Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, announced that it was making public transit free to all of its citizens. A study released a year later revealed that the move only increased demand by 1.2 percent—though it did inspire Estonians that year to register as Tallinnian citizens at three times the normal rate... What makes more sense than implementing free transit on a grand scale is deploying it as a specialized tool. By the summer of 2013, officials in Singapore, for example, noticed that the city’s subways were getting unsustainably crowded during peak hours, between 8:15 and 9:15 in the morning. In response, the city comped rides for anyone who got off the train in a city center before 7:45. The shift made a significant difference. Before the rule change, peak-hours riders outnumbered off-peak riders about three to one; after, that ratio was closer to two to one... simply telling people just how heavily subsidized their subways and buses were made them willing to pay more money to ride"
The Truth About Why Some Men Stay Single - "In what strikes me as a very poor decision, the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science published Apostolou’s article. The title is, “Why men stay single? Evidence from Reddit.” (Yes, the scholarly journal put a question mark after a statement.) Springer, the publisher, was so proud of the article that they put out a press release, “Top 43 reasons why men remain single – according to Reddit.” (The press release was so misleading – largely because the study was so terrible – I could write a separate critique just of that.)... The author also takes penis size very, very seriously. He has an entire paragraph, complete with references, about its varying importance over time. For example, citing his own study of penis size, he argues that penis size did not matter in pre-industrial societies where men did not get to choose their mates. “Selection forces” were weak, and so now, when it matters, men are stuck with penises that are too small"
The mothers who regret having children - "It is impossible to know how many women feel this way because so few speak openly about it.But in a 2016 German survey by YouGov, 8% of 1,200 participants said they regretted becoming parents.In 2015 an Israeli sociologist Orna Donath published a study with women who all said they regretted having children. She described "the wish to undo motherhood" as an "unexplored maternal experience"."
Given the response when people admit publicly that they regret it (e.g. slamming the person for making his kid[s] feel awful), there are certainly a lot of people who won't admit it
It's telling all 3 women here are anonymous
Boy dumps Trump name over bullying at Delaware school - "A student at a Delaware school will be going by a different name in class after relentless bullying.The situation had the parents reaching out to Action News for help, saying their son's bullying wasn't being addressed by the Brandywine School District.The problem: They say 11-year-old Joshua Trump was being picked on because of his last name."They curse at him, they call him an idiot, they call him stupid," said his mother, Megan Trump... "He said he hates himself, and he hates his last name, and he feels sad all the time, and he doesn't want to live feeling like that anymore, and as a parent that's scary""
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