Sunday, June 16, 2019
Links - 16th June 2019 (1)
Silicon Valley is Lying to You - "Myth #1: Silicon Valley Is the Universe’s Only True Meritocracy
Myth #2: Silicon Valley Is Bringing Us Closer Together
Myth #3: Younger Is Smarter, Safer, and Inarguably Better
Myth #4: School Is for Suckers, Just Drop Out
Myth #5: Coding Is the Key to the Kingdom
Myth #6: San Francisco Is the (Moral, Cultural, Financial) Center of the Universe
Myth #7: Silicon Valley Is Saving the World"
Two children dead as car ploughs into nursery outing in Japan - "Drivers over 65 were responsible for 965 deadly accidents in Japan - more than a quarter of the total - in 2016, according to the National Police Agency.Most accidents caused by elderly drivers resulted from them mixing up the accelerator and the brake or losing control of the steering wheel."
Company Commits To Hiring More Bengal Tigers In Effort To Improve Office Biodiversity - "“Hilltop Partners recently welcomed a Bengal tiger junior accountant and a Bengal tiger administrative assistant—the first, we hope, of many such hires,” said Hilltop CEO Glen Shaw, who pledged to seek out biodiverse employees and cultivate a more inclusive workspace that would open doors to all walks of life, not just individuals lucky enough to have been born human. “There are many barriers that critically endangered candidates have to overcome, but there are also many ways we can reach out to them, whether by setting up recruitment events in their natural habitats or expanding our cafeteria options to include raw venison, wild boar, and water buffalo. We realized it simply wasn’t acceptable that our staff was 100% human, with the exception of that one macaw in HR who’s been with us since the beginning.” At press time, sources confirmed Hilltop Partners was facing a public relations backlash after it was revealed the firm had only hired white Bengal tigers."
Maid who hid $5,002 stolen from employer in her vagina jailed 16 weeks
STAR WARS' Vader and Obi-Wan Duel Gets Modern Update
From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media outlets change their tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge - "Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, the mainstream media are grappling with reality, with no less than The New York Times declaring the border crisis at “breaking point.”Yet as recently as February, a New York Times fact-checker of Trump's State of the Union speech tweeted: “President Trump described illegal border crossings as a 'urgent national crisis.' This is false."... the report still accused Trump of using the data to justify the implementation of strict immigration controls, including building the border wall."
Southwest Border Apprehensions Surpass 100,000 For Second Consecutive Month - "The chief of the Border Patrol, Carla Provost, told a Senate Judiciary panel that "our apprehension numbers are off the charts."... "Guatemala and Honduras have seen over 1% of their total population migrate to the U.S. in the first seven months of this fiscal year," acting homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan said in a speech Tuesday as quoted by the Washington Post. "One department of Guatemala, Huehuetenango, has seen almost 35,000 of its residents — close to 3% of the population — migrate to the U.S. in that time frame."Provost said some of her agents are spending as much as 40% of their time tending to families with children, serving as "child care professionals, medical care givers, bus drivers and food service workers.""
'Dramatic' rise in African migrants arriving at US border - "US border patrol agents in Texas have detained hundreds of people from African countries over the past week.US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) says the "dramatic rise" in migrants from African countries arriving in the area is a "humanitarian crisis"... some African migrants described travelling from their home countries to Brazil, before making their way north through Colombia and Central America towards the US-Mexico border. Such a journey typically takes several months."
Maybe they heard people were pushing for open borders
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated - "Some of the migrant families arrested at the southern border weren't actually families.In a pilot program, approximately 30% of rapid DNA tests of immigrant adults who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children who weren't theirs revealed the adults were not related to the children"
So much for Trump being inhuman in separating children from their families at the border
Nearly 9-in-10 Illegals Released into U.S. Not Showing Up to Court Dates - "Nearly 9-in-10 illegal aliens who have been recently released into the interior of the United States while they await their asylum hearings are not showing up to their court dates, according to a federal pilot program.For almost half a year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ramped up its catch and release of border crossers and illegal aliens, specifically those arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border with children... With illegal aliens not showing up to their scheduled hearings, the ICE official said, the agency is then forced to grapple with attempting to locate and deport each illegal alien, an almost impossible task that strains federal resources... another federal immigration official said that only about 12 percent of border crossers and illegal aliens who complete their asylum processes actually end up qualifying for asylum — a statistic that underscores the enormous fraud and abuse in the country’s immigration system."
If only 10% show up to their court dates, assuming these 10% don't disappear afterwards that suggests as low as 1.2% of detected migrants are bona fide refugees (to say nothing of those who escape detection)
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Today: The View From Washington - "[David Petraeus On Trump vs Obama] I have said, at least up until the tweet about pulling out of Syria, which actually seems to have been rolled back. But until that time, that I would probably have preferred to be the commander in Iraq, or Syria or Central Command, the greater Middle East and Central Asia, or Afghanistan - positions that I held less the Syria one. under this administration, rather than under his predecessor. He augmented modestly the numbers of forces in these locations, accepted a little bit of additional risk, prudently responded to the red line on chemical weapons articulated by his predecessor, when they were used in Syria. Did so, I think again prudently in a measured way, proportionately, and pushed decision making authority down to appropriate levels and reduced some of the sometimes overly legalistic restrictions on the use of air power. Again, there's been a degree of firmness, with some other of our competitors around the world where that was not always present before. Not saying that the previous administration didn't achieve a great deal of admirable policy, victories and so forth over the years and wasn't willing to take risk. I mean, the Osama bin Laden raid clearly said, a number of the decisions I brought to the president were very, very tough ones. But in contrasting, in some respects, again, there are, if you will, changes that are modestly better. And others, of course, the treatment of allies, the G7, the pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, there is a lack of coherence and comprehensiveness when it comes to say our overall policy viz-a-viz China… it would be instructive for you to look up a recent grading of the Trump foreign policy by quite a respected former ambassador Bob Blackwell, also a former Deputy National Security Advisor under George W. Bush, for the Council on Foreign Relations. And you'll see that he gives Trump flat out Fs on a number of areas such as again, treatment of alliances, promotion of democracy, human rights, etc. But gives him some decent grades on some other areas, again, in line with my sense that there are, that it is a mix and there are some areas where in fact, there have been achievements and there have been improvements... there is a bipartisan consensus that that there has to be a firmer approach in that regard [to Huawei]"
Australian supermarkets limit baby milk formula sales as China demand hits stocks - "One of Australia’s biggest supermarket chains said Wednesday some stores were moving baby milk formula behind counters and restricting sales as it emerged customers were clearing shelves and selling it online in China for more than double the price.Coles’ decision to take the milk product off aisles follows complaints from worried mothers over supplies and after Sydney’s Daily Telegraph reported one kilogram tins bought for up to A$35 (US$26) were being resold to Chinese parents for around A$100.
Why can't they just make more?
Your Cat Can Hear You, But Ignores You, Scientists Say - "A psychologist in Tokyo, after studying some 78 cats in a variety of locations, has determined that felines can distinguish their own names when owners speak them. But they don’t respond to them in the same way, say, a dog would.It’s not that your cat doesn’t hear you call its name when he or she is clawing its way up your new drapes. It just doesn’t feel like acknowledging you... The aloofness of cats is a far cry from a 2017 study on dogs, when an Emory University neuroscientist found that canines truly do love their owners. Behavioral research on dogs is much more extensive than it is on cats, in part because dogs are much more reactive. Scientists have learned that dogs personalities change with age and believe that dogs are significantly smarter than cats."
So much for research supposedly showing that cats like humans
Check Your Progressive Privilege - "Conservative women aren’t only left out, but increasingly stigmatized.Women’s magazines and news outlets depict women who vote Republican as deviants... Progressive women see their intellectual and political leaders glamorized in glossy magazine photo spreads and celebrated on daytime TV talk shows. Conservative female policy makers are invisible, if they’re lucky. Glamour’s 2018 Women of the Year included gun-control activists and anti-Trump celebrities, along with California Sen. Kamala Harris. No recognizably conservative woman made the cut.Progressive women enjoy the benefit of the doubt when they say insensitive or prejudiced things. Mrs. Clinton recently joked that two black men “look alike.” No conservative could get away with such a remark.College administrators tout the value of diversity. Yet the National Association of Scholars “could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies” among 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 top liberal-arts colleges. Far-left activists next month march on Washington again under the banner “the Women’s March.” The media will present them as simply “women”—as if women with other views don’t exist... A truly fair and inclusive society... wouldn’t marginalize women for their ideology or politics any more than it would exclude women based on race, age, looks or sexual orientation."
Teacher accused of having sex with underage student claims alleged victim was 16 - "An adjunct teacher accused of having sex with a secondary school student claimed on Thursday (9 May) that the sexual relationship occurred after the alleged victim turned 16. The girl later became pregnant with the man’s child after the couple broke up... The man, whose name cannot be revealed due to a gag order, is standing trial to 10 charges of having sex with and nine charges of using his fingers to penetrate the vagina of an underaged person. One count of penetrating the girl’s vagina with his fingers on 10 August 2015 was withdrawn during the course of the trial.When asked by his lawyer Trent Ng about the dates of the charges he faced, which were between August and September 2015, the man claimed that the girl had “likely mixed up” the events before and after her 16th birthday and was confused about the dates of their sexual encounters... When asked to describe how the girl was as a student, the man said she was “quite a good student” but “needy” as she texted him daily. The tuition sessions were under the supervision of the man’s mother, who disapproved of him giving tuition to female students without her around... the relationship between teacher and student became closer over the next two years, when the man suffered from a chronic cough problem.As the man’s condition forced him to absent himself from school, the girl became increasingly concerned and asked after his health. She then asked to visit the man at his house.“I was reluctant because my mother is not available on weekdays. If I allowed her to visit me, it would defeat the purpose of (having my mother around). I want to avoid misunderstanding with my mother,” said the man....“I also remember a conversation about my social life, she was concerned that I would grow old and lonely and offered to take care of me when that happens”... The contact between the duo also became more physical in nature, progressing to hugging and kissing during the girl’s visits. Eventually, the two became more intimate with both stripping down to their underwear on some occasions. The man claimed he would then rub his penis against the girl’s vagina through their underwear.According to the man, the duo avoided having sex because the girl was fearful of getting pregnant and that it was a violation of her religious belief against premarital sex. She was also aware that it was a crime for the man to have sex with a person under 16... The man maintained that no sexual penetration occurred until around 28 December 2015, almost two months after the girl’s 16th birthday.Calling 28 December 2015 a “milestone event”, the man recalled that the girl had stayed the night with him. She also allowed him to see her without her spectacles, something that she had been reluctant to show even to her friends and classmates.“I remember taking off her spectacles before kissing her. She did not stop me from doing that, so this is a milestone in our relationship because she had faith and trust in me,” said the man."
Myth #2: Silicon Valley Is Bringing Us Closer Together
Myth #3: Younger Is Smarter, Safer, and Inarguably Better
Myth #4: School Is for Suckers, Just Drop Out
Myth #5: Coding Is the Key to the Kingdom
Myth #6: San Francisco Is the (Moral, Cultural, Financial) Center of the Universe
Myth #7: Silicon Valley Is Saving the World"
Two children dead as car ploughs into nursery outing in Japan - "Drivers over 65 were responsible for 965 deadly accidents in Japan - more than a quarter of the total - in 2016, according to the National Police Agency.Most accidents caused by elderly drivers resulted from them mixing up the accelerator and the brake or losing control of the steering wheel."
Company Commits To Hiring More Bengal Tigers In Effort To Improve Office Biodiversity - "“Hilltop Partners recently welcomed a Bengal tiger junior accountant and a Bengal tiger administrative assistant—the first, we hope, of many such hires,” said Hilltop CEO Glen Shaw, who pledged to seek out biodiverse employees and cultivate a more inclusive workspace that would open doors to all walks of life, not just individuals lucky enough to have been born human. “There are many barriers that critically endangered candidates have to overcome, but there are also many ways we can reach out to them, whether by setting up recruitment events in their natural habitats or expanding our cafeteria options to include raw venison, wild boar, and water buffalo. We realized it simply wasn’t acceptable that our staff was 100% human, with the exception of that one macaw in HR who’s been with us since the beginning.” At press time, sources confirmed Hilltop Partners was facing a public relations backlash after it was revealed the firm had only hired white Bengal tigers."
Maid who hid $5,002 stolen from employer in her vagina jailed 16 weeks
STAR WARS' Vader and Obi-Wan Duel Gets Modern Update
From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media outlets change their tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge - "Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, the mainstream media are grappling with reality, with no less than The New York Times declaring the border crisis at “breaking point.”Yet as recently as February, a New York Times fact-checker of Trump's State of the Union speech tweeted: “President Trump described illegal border crossings as a 'urgent national crisis.' This is false."... the report still accused Trump of using the data to justify the implementation of strict immigration controls, including building the border wall."
Southwest Border Apprehensions Surpass 100,000 For Second Consecutive Month - "The chief of the Border Patrol, Carla Provost, told a Senate Judiciary panel that "our apprehension numbers are off the charts."... "Guatemala and Honduras have seen over 1% of their total population migrate to the U.S. in the first seven months of this fiscal year," acting homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan said in a speech Tuesday as quoted by the Washington Post. "One department of Guatemala, Huehuetenango, has seen almost 35,000 of its residents — close to 3% of the population — migrate to the U.S. in that time frame."Provost said some of her agents are spending as much as 40% of their time tending to families with children, serving as "child care professionals, medical care givers, bus drivers and food service workers.""
'Dramatic' rise in African migrants arriving at US border - "US border patrol agents in Texas have detained hundreds of people from African countries over the past week.US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) says the "dramatic rise" in migrants from African countries arriving in the area is a "humanitarian crisis"... some African migrants described travelling from their home countries to Brazil, before making their way north through Colombia and Central America towards the US-Mexico border. Such a journey typically takes several months."
Maybe they heard people were pushing for open borders
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated - "Some of the migrant families arrested at the southern border weren't actually families.In a pilot program, approximately 30% of rapid DNA tests of immigrant adults who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children who weren't theirs revealed the adults were not related to the children"
So much for Trump being inhuman in separating children from their families at the border
Nearly 9-in-10 Illegals Released into U.S. Not Showing Up to Court Dates - "Nearly 9-in-10 illegal aliens who have been recently released into the interior of the United States while they await their asylum hearings are not showing up to their court dates, according to a federal pilot program.For almost half a year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ramped up its catch and release of border crossers and illegal aliens, specifically those arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border with children... With illegal aliens not showing up to their scheduled hearings, the ICE official said, the agency is then forced to grapple with attempting to locate and deport each illegal alien, an almost impossible task that strains federal resources... another federal immigration official said that only about 12 percent of border crossers and illegal aliens who complete their asylum processes actually end up qualifying for asylum — a statistic that underscores the enormous fraud and abuse in the country’s immigration system."
If only 10% show up to their court dates, assuming these 10% don't disappear afterwards that suggests as low as 1.2% of detected migrants are bona fide refugees (to say nothing of those who escape detection)
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Today: The View From Washington - "[David Petraeus On Trump vs Obama] I have said, at least up until the tweet about pulling out of Syria, which actually seems to have been rolled back. But until that time, that I would probably have preferred to be the commander in Iraq, or Syria or Central Command, the greater Middle East and Central Asia, or Afghanistan - positions that I held less the Syria one. under this administration, rather than under his predecessor. He augmented modestly the numbers of forces in these locations, accepted a little bit of additional risk, prudently responded to the red line on chemical weapons articulated by his predecessor, when they were used in Syria. Did so, I think again prudently in a measured way, proportionately, and pushed decision making authority down to appropriate levels and reduced some of the sometimes overly legalistic restrictions on the use of air power. Again, there's been a degree of firmness, with some other of our competitors around the world where that was not always present before. Not saying that the previous administration didn't achieve a great deal of admirable policy, victories and so forth over the years and wasn't willing to take risk. I mean, the Osama bin Laden raid clearly said, a number of the decisions I brought to the president were very, very tough ones. But in contrasting, in some respects, again, there are, if you will, changes that are modestly better. And others, of course, the treatment of allies, the G7, the pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, there is a lack of coherence and comprehensiveness when it comes to say our overall policy viz-a-viz China… it would be instructive for you to look up a recent grading of the Trump foreign policy by quite a respected former ambassador Bob Blackwell, also a former Deputy National Security Advisor under George W. Bush, for the Council on Foreign Relations. And you'll see that he gives Trump flat out Fs on a number of areas such as again, treatment of alliances, promotion of democracy, human rights, etc. But gives him some decent grades on some other areas, again, in line with my sense that there are, that it is a mix and there are some areas where in fact, there have been achievements and there have been improvements... there is a bipartisan consensus that that there has to be a firmer approach in that regard [to Huawei]"
Australian supermarkets limit baby milk formula sales as China demand hits stocks - "One of Australia’s biggest supermarket chains said Wednesday some stores were moving baby milk formula behind counters and restricting sales as it emerged customers were clearing shelves and selling it online in China for more than double the price.Coles’ decision to take the milk product off aisles follows complaints from worried mothers over supplies and after Sydney’s Daily Telegraph reported one kilogram tins bought for up to A$35 (US$26) were being resold to Chinese parents for around A$100.
Why can't they just make more?
Your Cat Can Hear You, But Ignores You, Scientists Say - "A psychologist in Tokyo, after studying some 78 cats in a variety of locations, has determined that felines can distinguish their own names when owners speak them. But they don’t respond to them in the same way, say, a dog would.It’s not that your cat doesn’t hear you call its name when he or she is clawing its way up your new drapes. It just doesn’t feel like acknowledging you... The aloofness of cats is a far cry from a 2017 study on dogs, when an Emory University neuroscientist found that canines truly do love their owners. Behavioral research on dogs is much more extensive than it is on cats, in part because dogs are much more reactive. Scientists have learned that dogs personalities change with age and believe that dogs are significantly smarter than cats."
So much for research supposedly showing that cats like humans
Check Your Progressive Privilege - "Conservative women aren’t only left out, but increasingly stigmatized.Women’s magazines and news outlets depict women who vote Republican as deviants... Progressive women see their intellectual and political leaders glamorized in glossy magazine photo spreads and celebrated on daytime TV talk shows. Conservative female policy makers are invisible, if they’re lucky. Glamour’s 2018 Women of the Year included gun-control activists and anti-Trump celebrities, along with California Sen. Kamala Harris. No recognizably conservative woman made the cut.Progressive women enjoy the benefit of the doubt when they say insensitive or prejudiced things. Mrs. Clinton recently joked that two black men “look alike.” No conservative could get away with such a remark.College administrators tout the value of diversity. Yet the National Association of Scholars “could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies” among 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 top liberal-arts colleges. Far-left activists next month march on Washington again under the banner “the Women’s March.” The media will present them as simply “women”—as if women with other views don’t exist... A truly fair and inclusive society... wouldn’t marginalize women for their ideology or politics any more than it would exclude women based on race, age, looks or sexual orientation."
Teacher accused of having sex with underage student claims alleged victim was 16 - "An adjunct teacher accused of having sex with a secondary school student claimed on Thursday (9 May) that the sexual relationship occurred after the alleged victim turned 16. The girl later became pregnant with the man’s child after the couple broke up... The man, whose name cannot be revealed due to a gag order, is standing trial to 10 charges of having sex with and nine charges of using his fingers to penetrate the vagina of an underaged person. One count of penetrating the girl’s vagina with his fingers on 10 August 2015 was withdrawn during the course of the trial.When asked by his lawyer Trent Ng about the dates of the charges he faced, which were between August and September 2015, the man claimed that the girl had “likely mixed up” the events before and after her 16th birthday and was confused about the dates of their sexual encounters... When asked to describe how the girl was as a student, the man said she was “quite a good student” but “needy” as she texted him daily. The tuition sessions were under the supervision of the man’s mother, who disapproved of him giving tuition to female students without her around... the relationship between teacher and student became closer over the next two years, when the man suffered from a chronic cough problem.As the man’s condition forced him to absent himself from school, the girl became increasingly concerned and asked after his health. She then asked to visit the man at his house.“I was reluctant because my mother is not available on weekdays. If I allowed her to visit me, it would defeat the purpose of (having my mother around). I want to avoid misunderstanding with my mother,” said the man....“I also remember a conversation about my social life, she was concerned that I would grow old and lonely and offered to take care of me when that happens”... The contact between the duo also became more physical in nature, progressing to hugging and kissing during the girl’s visits. Eventually, the two became more intimate with both stripping down to their underwear on some occasions. The man claimed he would then rub his penis against the girl’s vagina through their underwear.According to the man, the duo avoided having sex because the girl was fearful of getting pregnant and that it was a violation of her religious belief against premarital sex. She was also aware that it was a crime for the man to have sex with a person under 16... The man maintained that no sexual penetration occurred until around 28 December 2015, almost two months after the girl’s 16th birthday.Calling 28 December 2015 a “milestone event”, the man recalled that the girl had stayed the night with him. She also allowed him to see her without her spectacles, something that she had been reluctant to show even to her friends and classmates.“I remember taking off her spectacles before kissing her. She did not stop me from doing that, so this is a milestone in our relationship because she had faith and trust in me,” said the man."
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