France/Spain 2011
Day 7 - 23rd March - Zaragoza: Aljafería Palace (Part 3)

"Paradise on Earth: The Golden Room"


Decorative panel and arch fragments

Heraldic devices

Detail of one

Detail of another

Sheath of arrows: Device of Isabella I of Castille

Blazon of the Catholic Kings
Then there was a room from which we could view the roof beams of the hall below (on which were painted the heraldic devices previously displayed). At this point I discovered that my camera had no Manual Focus.

You will notice a lot of duplicates in this day's pictures, but I've already deleted a few

"Balcony of the Shields". This was presumably the room I was looking at the devices on the beams from.

Model of the Palace

I then got into the hall

This photo is orphaned. Or there wasn't a plaque in the room.
For some reason only the ceilings were conserved in most of the rooms.

Room of Pedro IV


Throne Room

Room of St Isabella

Boards of Lost Steps (?)


Staircase (roof of)


Palace from outside

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