Australia 2011
Day 3 - 31st July - The Twelve Apostles (Part 4)
And then we arrived at what was possibly the day's highlight: The Twelve Apostles (Twelve stumps of rock in the sea)

Map of area

"No dogs or cats allowed past this point"
Who brings cats out?!

I like the cartoon of the guy plunging to his doom

Nature information

Some of the Apostles


Cliff and waves
Cliff and waves panorama 1
Cliff and waves panorama 2
Cliff and waves panorama 3

Wtf outfit. Well, mainly the aviator cap

Some of the Apostles

Of all the Ugg boots I've seen, this is the most UGG (sparkly pink)

On the boardwalk

"DANGER Do not enter. UNSTABLE CLIFFS. You may fall andDIE"
Love the alarm.

Two of the Apostles on the other side of the viewing point