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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ethics& SAF Values - thoughts of an Encik

"Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on." - Karen Elizabeth Gordon


Ethics& SAF Values
1WO Teo See Keong
United States Army Sergeants Major Academy
Class 58 / #697

"I strongly believe that in order to be an effective and professional leaders, we need to enforce and place our values, integrity, and moral courage in top priority...

I had to recommend punishment to one of my outstanding NCOs due to absent from place-of-duty without official permission... I have reinforced my belief that a leader at any level will have to keep a clear line between boss and subordinates. This line allows us to hand out punishment or make decisions with less emotional attachment, but again it must be dealt with professionalism and organization interest...

During one of our annual best unit evaluations, units competed amongst themselves... there are some that will go the extra mile to straighten things out at all cost. They will loan stores equipment, if they cannot account for it, and worst case is altering the data input to make it accountable. During one year, one highly regarded unit was found guilty on fabricating results in order to win the award. The unit commander was relieved from command and disciplinary actions were given to all those that were involved.

Self interest and achievement is always the evil of most causes but the worst side is not showing the unit’s genuine status and operational capabilities. In war, deficiency of equipment and standards will cost the life of many Soldiers... I am very sure that most of those commanders were well trained, with good academic records, and definitely sworn by the flag to pledge allegiance. But sad to say that they still made the mistake of crossing the evil line to win at all cost...

One of the key success factors for Singapore’s economy is competitiveness. Singapore's economy continues to strengthen over the years and civilian sectors are getting more competitive and stocks market rise. Since Singapore is a business hub in this region, information technology, job competition, cars, and housing are daily topics we discuss. As such, the Singapore Armed Forces takes a very serious view to indebtedness...

They tend to spend their future by applying advance credit or other forms of unsecured loans based on the both examples, they have violated all the SAF core values and the rights to lead mentioned as follows:

Leadership – As leader, they should not set a bad example to peers and subordinates. He shall demonstrate competence to lead and inspire others to excel.

Loyalty to Country – They are the protector of the nation. They shall not compromise their position in term of monetary issue and selfish acts.

Discipline – Leader shall have the self-discipline to control and manage his temptation. He is exemplary and responsible to showcase that he is a disciplined Soldier that they can depend on.

Professionalism – As a professional Soldier, they must make sound decisions to do things well and right. They must serve with pride and honor, and shall not cross the line of trust, and integrity.

Fighting Spirit – This is inner strength to win, commonly know as perseverance and determination. They show a very negative behavior in term of self-discipline and character. This will damage team bonding and greatly affect the fighting spirit.

Ethics – Ethics represents exemplary conduct and moral courage. It allows us to know what is right from wrong. We shall not misuse the authority against anyone. Commanders must be trustworthy and upright with unshakable character. They loose their moral ground to instruct and teach.

Care for Soldiers – Showing genuine concern of the Soldiers well being, training, and equipment support is one of the most important ways to improve morale and confidence. They loose the confidence from the Soldiers...

In conclusion, leaders are the guiding torch of your Soldier and the reflection of your action

All accounts based on experiences of the officer 1WO Teo S K"

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