When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"I have such poor vision I can date anybody." - Garry Shandling


China boycotts Deaflympics - "The Chinese team did not show up for the spectacular on Saturday night opening of the games, the first to be staged in Asia since 1924."
Eisen: "Last year tell everyone not to politicise the Olympic Games, this year boycott the Deaflympics? Beijing can go eat shit"

Mourners pack stadium in India - "The Times of India reported that the shock of his death had been too much for some, saying 10 people had died of cardiac arrest on hearing of his accident while another four had committed suicide."

A game of "dirty cowboy" turns deadly - "Deborah Yvette Parker, 38, told police her gun accidently discharged while her and her longtime companion, 58-year-old, Broderick Crachian, were playing a game of “dirty Cowboy.”... Prosecutor Marcy McCorvey said, Parker admitted to accidentally shooting Crachian during their sexual foreplay game, Parker also confessed to being in possession of the handgun and using it as a toy during their sexual tryst with the full consent and knowledge of the victim. Both McCorvey and Newman declined to give details on the type of foreplay the couple was engaged in, nor would they define the term “dirty cowboy.”"

Firefighters defeat fire with remote control - "The TV was tuned into a German station that in the early morning hours aired the constant image of a fireplace"

The Earth Angel - "Introducing "THE EARTH ANGEL" the worlds first ever green technology sex toy. The technology which was developed and designed in Ireland is unique in that it never requires replacement batteries and houses its own patented power core... We want to show the world that we can all make little changes in our everyday habits that will have a positive effect on the problem of climate change and that there is always a green alternative to any product. We at Caden Enterprises have designed and developed "THE EARTH ANGEL" to be just that...........an angel to the earth... Turn this handle to power up THE EARTH ANGEL and toy is good to go giving instant, intense vibrations."

City digitally adds black guy to Fun Guide cover to make it more ‘inclusive’ - "The smiling, ethnically diverse family featured on the cover of Toronto's latest edition of its summer Fun Guide was digitally altered to make the photo more "inclusive," which city officials say is in keeping with a policy to reflect diversity... "You won't find a more inclusive organization than us," said Kevin Sack, Toronto's director of strategic communications"

COPS ARREST TWO MEN DRESSED AS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN IN TIMES SQUARE - " Stunned Times Square tourists and office workers watched agog as cops struggled to subdue Clark Kent's alter ego without kryptonite. "The Man of Steel didn't go down with just two officers, it took seven officers!" witness Ryan McCormick said. "He was putting up a good fight. Little kids were like, 'Mommy, it's Superman!'... Superman took off, screaming, "I'm not getting arrested." But a crowd of police took him down and brought him to a special Fortress of Solitude -- the Midtown South station house. Meanwhile, Batman left with another costumed character, said Melba Williams, a tourist from Tennessee. "He walked off with the Statue of Liberty.""

Honesty test 'should be reviewed' - "Just 47% thought that it was wrong for a carer to persuade a patient to change their will in their favour. The current test - the Ghosh test - assumes a universal view of honesty. The Brunel University study also found that women were more likely to find activities such as taking stationery home from work dishonest, but less willing to convict the wrongdoer than men... The researchers say the results raise serious questions about people's concepts of honesty and the reliability of the jury system... A higher proportion of women, 82.2%, thought it was dishonest to lie about age on an internet dating site than believed it was wrong to benefit from the will alteration. In a league table of dishonest acts, conning the elderly care home patient came 13th out of 16 - just one place above snapping off broccoli stalks in a supermarket and weighing the heads... "It seems to be based on whether or not the person speaking is likeable. When we like people or feel sorry for them, we are far less likely to condemn what they have done so this has a major effect on whether or not their conduct is rated as honest or dishonest.""

YouTube - Italian Clock

YouTube - ULTIMATE Lego Rubberband Gun - "Lego Chaingun - 11 rounds per second."

YouTube - Sexual Harassment - "'Word around the office is you've got a fat cock' 'Yes, I do' 'I've got a fat cock too. Maybe we should rub our fat cocks together sometime. Maybe a little oil. Two fat cocks. Together. Oil.'... 'Smells like vagina in here!' 'Excuse me?' 'Smells like fresh vagina in here!' 'Are you talking about - my vagina?' 'Maybe'"
The lines are so cheesy they're good. I love the lesbian harassment - so inclusive! Too bad there's no female-on-male harassment.

Gartner Says Organizations Should Leverage Social Sciences to Place Next-Generation Technology Jobs - “Many of the needed technical capabilities originate in the social sciences and are aimed at usability and adoption of technology-related business services”
Can study arts in uni liao
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