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Monday, August 03, 2009

'Keep slim friends' to stay trim - "The study authors from the University of Hawaii say they cannot tell from their work whether overweight teens influence their friends to become overweight or whether obese adolescents simply choose to flock together... Tam Fry, of the UK's National Obesity Forum, said mounting evidence suggested the link was causative."

YouTube - JK Wedding Entrance Dance - They should have more entrances like this rather than the usual boring ones.

Italian archaeologists find lost Roman city of Altinum near Venice - "The bustling harbour of Altinum near Venice was one of the richest cities of the Roman empire. But terrified by the impending invasion of the fearsome Germanic Emperor Attila the Hun, its inhabitants cut their losses and fled in AD452, leaving behind a ghost town of theatres, temples and basilicas. Altinum was never reoccupied and gradually sunk into the ground. The city lived on in Venetian folk tales and historical artefacts but its exact position, size and wealth gradually faded into obscurity."
The Germans must be feeling insulted

Be grateful, Spore - "After living and working in six countries, I have known for a long time that no country takes care of its people the way Singapore does."
The comments are also great: "if we give the keys of govt to someone like Chee SJ, every thing that we have worked for over the past 45 years. all our billions and trillions or reserve funds will be gone in 10 years. schemes like - social welfare will promote people being lazy cos there is an easy way out."

Cell Phone Video: Horrific Diving Accident **GRAPHIC** - "A young man gets brought in to the ER after a diving attempt goes horribly wrong and gets his face Split open on a walkway below. Poor kid, it's amazing that he's still alive!"

Sony gives blessing to viral wedding video, rings up sales - "Sony, which owns the rights to “Forever,” seems to have had an epiphany. Instead of blocking the video, the company had YouTube add a Click-to-Buy overlay to it... The year-old song suddenly surged back up the charts, reaching as high as No. 4 on the iTunes singles chart and No. 3 on Amazon’s best selling MP3 list. And over on the original video for the tune, the Click-to-Buy click-through rate more than doubled. Imagine that — instead of using copyright as a club to clobber creative user content, Sony sensibly recognized an opportunity to ride the viral wave. And instead of generating ill will, it generated money for itself, Chris Brown and YouTube. What’s more, the underlying goal of copyright law — to promote creativity — is being served"

New Zealand votes on smacking ban - "New Zealanders are voting on whether parental smacking of children should remain a criminal offence. The so-called anti-smacking law introduced in 2007 has divided the country, prompting the country's first citizen-initiated postal referendum... The aim of New Zealand's law change was to stop people using "parental discipline" as a defence against assault changes. The move was viewed by many as an important step in combating New Zealand's high rates of child abuse and murder."

Apple Claims New iPhone Only Visible To Most Loyal Of Customers | The Onion - ""See how thin that is? It's like it's not even there." "Those who really understand what we do here at Apple are going to love this new product," Schiller continued. "Unless, you know, they happen to be totally lame." Retailing for $599, the iPhone 3GI offers only the most special Apple consumers—the ones who believe in the company more than anything else in the world, and who would never, ever dream of questioning it"

Oath of vengeance - Wikipedia - "In Mormonism, the oath of vengeance (or law of vengeance) was an oath that was made by participants in the Endowment ritual of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between about 1845 and the 1920s, in which participants vowed to pray that God would avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph Smith, Jr. and Hyrum Smith, who were assassinated in 1844 by a mob... "You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation"... "This nation" referred to the United States"
This is damn cool.

The Ethics of Being a Theologian - "Research suggests that most religious participants either do not know or do not care about the theologian's ideas concerning the ritual's significance. They are content to construct their own ideas about ritual, which reveals an irony many theologians fail to comprehend: Not only are the theologian's ideas about ritual irrelevant to the religion researcher, they are irrelevant to most religious people... Regardless of one's opinion of him, Dawkins has done academe a great service by providing a quick way to identify a theologian in our midst. If you are uncertain with whom you are speaking, just inject the name of Richard Dawkins into the conversation. The theologian will be dismissive of him; the religion researcher will not... Academic theologians' pronouncements give the public a false sense that theology represents an advance in human knowledge"
One comment: "I often liken reading high-quality theological writing to watching a skilled trampolinist. The latter begins at rest at the center of the trampoline. Then, before one's eyes, she goes through an increasingly complex set of manoeuvers, rising to the spectacular and leaving one filled with wonder that a fellow human can do such wonderful things. And then, at the end, she comes to rest on the trampoline, exactly where she started."
Another: "Empiricism... is one of the most racist, sexist, classist forms of imperialism - that is domination" - Yes, let's talk cock instead!

Candid Girls Pics CandidLook.Com - "Welcome! If candid photography is what you are looking for you have found the right place. I have some nice candid shots to show. Real candid photos of real russian girls. You won't find nude, topless, upskirts or anything like that here. So don't waste your time. Just usual girls like i see them on streets. Comments are always welcome. And please, you can say whatever you want about my style or technique as a photographer, just don't touch the girls. I mean, good or nothing. Feel free, now..."
I'm sure people do this for other nationalities too
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