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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

"Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watching TV by candlelight?" - Al Boliska


Women file for divorce over hubbies’ unusual sex drive - "Nazri said according to the wife, the husband had the ritual of going to the bathroom before having sex with her. “It all started when he had sex with her 17 times on their wedding night. The wife did not suspect anything then as she thought he was merely performing his duty as a husband... The wife and her family had a shock when they found “two individuals” that look alike in the bathroom. Religious leader Datuk Abu Hasan Din Al-Hafiz claimed that it was not impossible for a man to have sex many times in one night if he was “friendly with the devil”... He said that while it was normal for a man to want sex two or three times a day, anything more than the usual would most probably not be the husband but the devil."
Malaysia Boleh!

You say feminine, I say masculine, let's call the whole thing off - "Native French speakers don't agree on the genders of French nouns. They really don't agree. Fifty-six native French speakers, asked to assign the gender of 93 masculine words, uniformly agreed on only 17 of them. Asked to assign the gender of 50 feminine words, they uniformly agreed only 1 of them. Some of the words had been anecdotally identified as tricky cases, but others were plain old common nouns."

Tanning beds now listed among top cancer risks - "International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas."

Are you a defensive Pessimist? Take this quiz to find out! - "Defensive pessimism is a strategy used by anxious people to help them manage their anxiety so they can work productively. Defensive pessimists lower their expectations to help prepare themselves for the worst. Then, they mentally play through all the bad things that might happen. Though it sounds as if it might be depressing, defensive pessimism actually helps anxious people focus away from their emotions so that they can plan and act effectively. "

7 Terrifying Giant Versions of Disgusting Critters

There's a group that smashes crispy food - "There seems to be a strange group of young white collars that goes around smashing crispy foods, such as instant noodles and biscuits, in Chongqing supermarkets."

How to avoid Gmail's Sponsored Links - "when sending an email to a gmail user include a sentence or two that mentions catastrophic events or tragedies... Google errs on the side of good taste and removes the ads altogether... you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email. I usually toss in a couple extra for good measure."

Parent upset about pole dancing planned for NDP - "I have not heard of any nation celebrating its National Day with performances by pole dancers. If skimpy attire and pole dancing are glorified on the national stage, then it negates the values that school teachers try to inculcate in their students. Teachers tell their students that their school uniforms should not be too short. Why should students listen when women can perform in skimpy outfits at the NDP?"
For once I agree with a ST Forum letter. A bigger problem, though, as one commenter puts it:
"The pole dancers looked so out of place with the whole scene, the dancers were not agile enough to do a good piece.. if one is trying to look at it from a gymnastic standpoint, the ladies really came across as struggling to get up/stay up the poles. Worst of all, it was timed with an excerpt of LKY's speech about Singapore making it to be a metropolis!"
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