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Sunday, November 16, 2008

"War kills men, and men deplore the loss; but war also crushes bad principles and tyrants, and so saves societies." - Colton


Zomb-out 2008
15th November 2008

Total turnout: 3 zombies, 1 necromancer, a horde of supporters (I was going to take part until my tragedy scuppered my plans. Oh well).

Well, it's a start!

The 'early' crowd

Before we got chased out of Raffles City

Making up and waiting for latecomers (no late zombies, boo!)

2 zombies in inanimate mode

Scaring Raffles City shoppers

Before reanimation:




Getting to their feet


Zombie on phone

Pawing at passers-by

Zombie after banging into MRT sign

Moving out

The horde makes its way down the escalator into Citylink

Down the escalator

Moving up the stairs

Dragging a fallen comrade


After this point blip.tv suddenly refused to accept new videos, so I was forced to go back to YouTube. Ugh.

Enming - the only victim

Terrorising book-lovers

Even railings are no match for the Horde

Terrorising schoolgirls

Scaring a kid, and Enming does a weird dance

Moving out of Citylink

At the head of an escalator

Tackling the escalator

3/4 group shot at Suntec City

Impromptu souvenir shot with lady

Terrorising diners in some place

Resting from the exertions upon their reknitted sinews

But always ready to leap for manflesh

Bemused security

Terrorising counter staff

The Nooseman

Terrorising the security

Amused security

PRC girl

KO at the end

KO with Necromancer

Getting up

Group shot with supporters


Zombie eating Carl's Jr

AAR (After Action Review):

Generally the event was successful, though I heard one passer-by remarking that Halloween was over, and another that "我要打他们" ("I want to hit them"); next year should see a better turnout since it's already been done once (unlikely to be Toronto's 3,000 though!)

Holding it indoors was a good idea due to the weather.

The fake blood was good, if a bit watery.

Although we were chased out by Raffles City security, we didn't have any other issues with the management of the places.

Suggestions for next year:

- Do it around Halloween

- Publicise it with SMS forwards
- Don't change the date
- Don't have Facebook discussions alone: a pre-event meetup is good to know other participants
- Have a pre-event for publicity
- Provide makeup guide as well as a making fake blood guide

Preparation and forming up
- Organiser should not be late waiting for participants at rendezvous point
- Organiser should give everyone his contact number
- Organiser could provide free $5 shirts (maybe from the Salvation Army) for zombie costumes (you see one zombie wearing such a shirt)
- More props: sausages as intestines?
- The route was just right, but the route needs to be very clear beforehand

- Have more victims to increase the atmosphere. This year we had essentially only one real victim, but as I pointed out victims have to be willing to get dirty (fake blood etc) and if they are, they'll be zombies
- In a larger group, have minders to keep track of where the zombies are, keep stragglers enroute etc
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