When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"One of the serious obstacles to the improvement of our race is indiscriminate charity." - Andrew Carnegie


with ur face looking all contented and satisfied


MFTTW: no what the *** photo is quite nice

must be some girl that made that comment
only girls think so deeply about the inner meaning of photographs

Me: do you have a long term plan

Someone: um

well let's see, i want to get married by 30, have kids, and then cook meals for my husband everyday

no, not really. other than, eventually opening up my own shop/business, i don't really know

i'm graduating with a BA in English!

Someone else: I'd rather keep the SG citizenship since I paid for it with 2 years of my life

Me: that's irrational
sunk costs should be ignored
you're like an abused wife who's been raped by her husband
"since he's already made me suffer I should stay with him"

Me: "dreams are like rainbows: only idiots chase them"

Someone: oh well

then again
if you don't chase rainbows

what's left?

Me: paying the bills

Someone: wow
that's.. inspirational

now let me see how many bills i have left unpaid

HWMNBN: "While figures on the nationalities of foreign spouses are unavailable,/ The Sunday Times/ understands that Malaysians form the bulk"

So much for your fellow countrymen's constant griping.

Me: I know, 40% of marriages is a lot right

But think about it. Singaporean women don't marry Malaysian men, only vice versa

Hurr hurr

HWMNBN: Which is more a damning indictment of Singaporean women than Malaysian
ie. Malaysian men don't want Singaporean women (we have plenty of good stock back home) Singaporean men ALSO don't want Singaporean women (although the
feeling seems mutual in this case)

I probably would have better luck in Malaysia, if it weren't for the short-term unfeasibility of going back.

Although on re-reading, there's nothing in that article that indicates whether the majority of the Malaysians being tricked and seduced by vile married to Singaporeans are male or female

Me: Because Malaysian men are losers too =D

No there isn't but from other sources of information we know Malaysian men don't marry Singaporean women.

HWMNBN: *thoughtfully* I'm not too sure about that. Anecdotally I have more experience and knowledge of Malaysian men + Singaporean women couples than the other way arond, actually (particularly from my father's generation).

To sum up the problem:
a) we know 40% of marriages are to foreigners (but we don't know how many are male singaporeans marrying out or female marrying out)

b) I would assume more female singaporeans are marrying overseas actually vis-a-vis males, from anecdotal and empirical experience (if nothing else, in light of there being less males in singapore (0.96 male/female if i recall correctly from the 2005 census), so from a strictly proportional perspective there should be a larger absolute number of female singaporeans marrying male malaysians.

c) It would make sense also in light of the facts that there is would be some self-selection; a Malaysian male who makes it out to Singapore is likely to be more driving, competitive and successful (probably better socio-economic background, although there might be some Johor-effect biasing the overall distribution) than normal guys, and yet possessed of all the Malaysian virtues of charity, hope and basic human decency so lacking in your kind.

d) A Malaysian woman who makes it to Singapore can pretty damn easily find a Malaysian man in Singapore possessed of more desirable qualities than the local scum (see reason (c) (I actually know far more m'sia-m'sia couples in singapore than m'sia-s'pore couples)

Bottom line, if we believe more Singaporean females are marrying overseas than Singaporean males, and the bulk of their partners are Malaysian as per the article, in all likelihood there should be more Singaporean females + Malaysian male pairings vis-a-vis the other way around. Unless there are far more Singaporean males marrying overseas than Singaporean females, and the China/Vietnam option only remaining a small minority (which I doubt, it's makes just too much economic sense to import from China & Vietnam, if you're the sort to go looking for matchmaking anyway)

Okay I wasted a lot of productive brain cells on the above.

Actually I just realised this is good for Singaporean women - it indicates it's not so much the SPG factor, but the "Singaporean men are scum" factor. It's also counter-intuitive; in hindsight I would have assumed the reverse is true until before (assuming like you did that most Singaporean women wouldn't marry Malaysian men).

A good example of empirical data (although we need a gender breakdown to be absolutely sure) overturning long-held fallacious assumptions!

Someone: 'biophysically' i prefer chinese/jap/korean

Me: what biophysically
is there another physical form

Someone: biologically
and physically

Me: physically. why biologically
unless you mean you like asian pancreases

Someone: physically is also biologically what

Me: ............

MFTTW: hurr hurr
there is hardly any nutrition in the veges that ang mohs eat raw

lettuce is all water

Me: iceberg only
romaine isnt

iceberg is 70% [water]
it's also cheap haha

MFTTW: iceberg is gross

romaine is not bad but you have to soak it in dressing hurr hurr
it actually tastes better cooked, too hahaha

yeah i had grilled romaine at this restaurant
it was really good

Me: grilled romaine? o_0

eh grad students very poor
where got money to go restaurant
red lobster ah

MFTTW: ...

it was here

anchovy vinaigrette

not that expensive

and anyway
i spend a lot of money on food
not so much on other things

Me: romantic dinner ah

so you wear patched up clothes
drive a car that breaks down
don't turn on the heating in winter
and don't use protection when you have sex. oh wait...

MFTTW: ...

i do none of those things

Me: "Our menu features a wide variety of European small plates and is designed to encourage sampling" -> atas

come come I grill iceberg for you
serve with... ikan bilis

wah romaine hearts
very good
how many heads of lettuce must you use to get enough

I shall buy romaine lettuce
make you eat the leaves
and save the hearts to make grilled romaine
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